GIANT SHARK EATS THE EARTH - Tasty Blue Ending | Pungence

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whoa dude this is amazing do we read the Earth's crust as we go faster we might be this whole broad without getting hit once guys welcome back to tasty blue guys today is a big day I think we're playing the last level guys I don't know how big we're gonna get I think we're gonna get very very big guys I'm super excited I love this game and part of me is a little sad that it's gonna be over today I think it's gonna be over we'll see my guys before we get anywhere I wanted to say thank you so much to everyone with the like button last video Casey it was over 4,000 likes so thank you guys so much I'm thinking for today's video since it's the finale what if we hit 10,000 likes I know it's crazy I know it's a lot of likes but guys I know you can do it and it's probably gonna require some you've never hit the like button before to do it let's see we in it 10,000 likes for the finale okay dude let's do this also you know I like to ask you guys questions before these videos so put in the comments what's today's question gonna be oh here's what we should do okay so we gotta name the shark we got a name then an old shark we don't have a name for him I don't think maybe I already asked this before but if we don't this name is nano shark okay so Whale Mountain we're gonna do 40 seconds or laughs or less guys also it's very late oh wait a minute I can't eat these guys no okay I can eat the helicopters cuz this is really interesting wait a minute how do I know I couldn't eat those helicopters no guys this is dude it says stuff can I go backwards I can't go backwards we just gotta get the right trajectory dude this is very challenging okay maybe I can go straight down on some of these okay we get now the copters now yes now we need these whales No yeah that's what we got to do oh man guys I think we missed some opportunities we got to go for 40 seconds red 38 seconds well we missed them we missed them one more strike and go to start we got a to start guys we were well I'm in second away once I get point 54 this sounds really close okay this is the last level here we go whoa tail of a shark one start is 20 minutes two stars is 16 minutes three star is 13 minutes guys you no longer go for that three star so it's 13 minutes 54 seconds tail the shark guys we're gonna start really small probably microscopic yeah we're microscopic I gotta ate too small stuff guys and we're gonna go we're gonna go as fast as possible I need this thing without hitting that guy guys we're gonna go as fast as possible through this whole thing I don't know if those big cells can hurt me let's keep our distance just in case just in case I know that crazy guy can hurt me okay Joseph here we go now we're even some bigger stuff this is good yeah shark he's happy I just named him Sharky good guys his name is Tulpa crabs oh you know I'm still letting you guys name him I just called Sharky you know that's his nickname you guys gave them all an official name okay now we're getting somewhere so we gotta get 13 minutes 54 seconds so it doesn't have to be exactly 13 minutes - yes I think we're off to a good start so we're what 81 micrometers my reporting software is kind of blocking the number so we're 104 micrometers and guys I have a feeling by the end of this we're gonna get very big okay I can't eat this thing yet as we gotta go faster we need to go faster and to go faster we got to eat the biggest stuff we can this is gonna be good okay I got a feel to eat that guy now right please tell me I can eat that crazy guy yes yes now we're getting somewhere okay just yes now we're gonna be eat a bunch of these crazy eyes no or dogged sharks shark is very happy our nano shark is very happy he's seeing is tasty and we gotta watch out this probably to me those pink guys we're gonna watch those big guys so this is zooplankton oh right we got those other guys first so this is zooplankton and then I think the big guy that said that was blanket or something - I don't know guys let's keep going crazy on these guys this is good guys like I said I'm a little sad I'm a little sad that this is gonna be the last episode but hopefully I don't know hopefully there's more in this game maybe we should play it on a horror boat after I don't know guys would you want to say this multiple times hey I'm eating everything in sight it's like all that's left is the bad guys I just keep going keep going hmm okay what do we have well one minute 58 seconds so we got plenty of time we got plenty of time just keep it going keep going oh we got 11 minutes left 11 minutes left get that three star hey do you think run away Nick run our way to get in that three star as soon as we can eat this guy we got to do it judge right now I need more of them they're all over the place when I'm trying to avoid them now when I need them they're nowhere to be found come on yeah crazy Thanks probably other plankton yes zooplankton it's all zooplankton just keep eating those guys where they call that problem yes um there we go follow the arrows follow the arrows baby okay oh yeah the pink guys that's what we got to watch out for eat guys are probably gonna hurt us this is it's like a recap of what we've done so far okay we got more paint guys up here that's not good I'm getting there though I'm getting there just watch out we haven't got to hit once yeah guys I don't know if you know is that when we have a guy hey you at once do what if we take this flawless what if I did this whole broad without getting hit once - we just got a little bigger can I can I eat them no I can't even yet but are speaking out a little bigger and we can move a little faster guys two deaths another one of my goals one of the goals is to get a 3-star the other goal is do this whole thing without getting hit one student we all know that's not gonna happen as soon as I get to the things that shoot missiles and bullets and stuff yeah that's hard to avoid that stuff but maybe we can not get hit before them too dare eat all my food silly in all my vote it's my food and you're gonna be my food pretty soon as right it looks so good there maybe yes there we go give that souffle - wow that was a three-in-one that was that was good okay what else we got after this I forgot what's after these guys okay yeah what's after these all right it's those things it does like dude this is good though this is good we're getting bigger we're in the millimeters now we were at micrometers Report now in the millimeters guys do you want to know something embarrassing yeah this is what happened last time my 4mm my forearm is getting tired it were only four minutes into it I know I missed that one only four minutes into it I think there's another one that comes from another angle I don't know 24 minutes in and we got nine minutes left - my form is gonna be so dead after this maybe I should move my whole arm like I'm just moving my wrist guys Oh any tips on how to use my mouth better without hurting my forearm here we go here we go this game is a workout okay I can't eat yeah it's can eat them here we go now we gonna bake we're in the centimeters now whoa jump over things watch out for those things okay these are krill I think those are ah maybe I don't know guys please forget me forget it names of some of this stuff yeah I need tips I'm like whoa any tips on how to use my mouse better this Gator you guys don't have to give me tips if you got it yeah I think I've just moved my rest I think that's my problem watch out for those guys I think we're doing pretty well between you and me we're only in centimeters we're in this centimeters I should be in the meters at this point hate this here we go now we're in bigger I still know I can't eat that guy yet and I'm trying to think of like ways for us to be fast or maybe like doing long streaks like this no like maybe - changing direction a lot of time no cuz we got have there's only our first time getting hit though and my controllers plugged in control or five rates and it's on a desk it's not gonna fall off that good just keep going don't don't touch that guy do these chasing me Jason you were just like getcha and eat a lotta yeah good eat a lotta yeah okay we're at six minutes guys we're almost halfway there to the three-star dude I really don't know what we got to be doing to be going faster people told me this last level is like 20 minutes so oh yes now we're talking yeah we got to eat the big stuff as fast as possible they're just yeah they're coming in here and keep coming this jump you know before they even come to screen and get now before they become this great people saying it's normally 20 minutes sometimes play-along it normally takes people there's probably ways to be faster what are gonna do almost forgot I can't hit the left mouse button for those fish whoa and the Penguins I don't know we got hit again that's only two times though we're going I made twice okay things pretty good yeah and once freaked out you can hit the left mouse button to go faster to we're gonna be able to eat these fish pretty soon we're gonna be able to eat the fish very soon dude it's like trying to cross the road or something or the nano shark rock shirt cross the road if you know the answer please let me know dude I still can't eat any of these fish yet that's not good pretty soon I got that fish in this face there we go now we're talking now we're eating some fish this is good okay des mesh and they're pretty soon we're gonna be language just eat this fish and that one and this one now we can eat the bigger place here we go now we're getting all the fish that's really good there we go and then pretty soon it's gonna be penguins and I think we need birds now oh my goodness guys what we have red seven minutes 22 seconds as far as three stars are concerned his first three stars are concern whoa dude that was close we got a 2 in 1 yes get another 201 No oh man that was close there's a tool wand no because we're so close yes now we can eat the Penguins here we go I tried cut him off at the pass before and that didn't really work out so right I dude actually I kind of learned I was able to learn some tactics from the last time I did this because I think of one of these levels the Penguins are coming from the top left and the bottom right I think that's coming too Oh give me that there we go dude that was big these barrels boy see polar bears guys do I see polar bears I think I see polar bears that's not good no guys what we gotta hit three times is it two or three times I don't know wait till eight these barrels then the polar bears Oh see any chance what oh that's a narwhal it's definitely a narwhal yes I can't eat the barrels yet Oh guys ready eight minutes 24 seconds eight minutes 24 seconds not that good there does it no okay I just jumped over that penguin yes now we need the barrels polar bears get ready you ready dude I can't eat the polar bears yet and I appeal to you guys I said no I didn't realize that we're bigger and smaller polar bears got a 4 x 4 x ain't too bad I can't eat the big ones yeah soon I need more barrels anymore fails it's up okay there's a small polar bear yes yes now reading the big ones now we need a big what's gonna eat yes I can eat the walruses and on our walls everything I always feel bad that was a really cute really cute scream okay dude wait walruses polar bears so red six meters now that's pretty big we went from micrometers six full meters seven meters now we're getting really big really fast give me that and give me that juice so or add icebergs number thirty first watch out for that whale dude there was some clothes dodging I'm so close dodging excuse me we also gonna be eating you very very soon yeah so I think I need to just bottom feet a little bit I'm bottle feeding yes d squid up there oh yes here we go oh that was really good can eat an iceberg at No hey guys you know what you gotta remind me you gotta remind me not to knock icebergs out of the swing cuz I did that and it was very bad very bad for me baby bad boys eat helicopters I got a door one and A two and one with the helicopter yes this game is so much fun dude I might want to play it again on our boat just read nice Birds three night portrayed helicopters let's get a join 100 guys I think the screens getting a bigger so I'll be able to get the iceberg back hopefully yes there it is there's that iceberg eat this iceberg and I broke I can't eat that plain yep any planes yep they're very big planes iceberg and iceberg and iceberg I gotcha okay well we have 41 meters okay pretty soon we're gonna be in the kilometers yeah what is it a thousand meters in a kilometer see we do have a ways to go he goes icebergs that's good pace Berg's I think is gonna be our fastest way to level up yes yes equals icebergs and a ship or how we can eat the airplane no you eat the airplane come on back airplane please airplane okay no airplanes we're gonna have to wait for them to come back beat these whales and then open airplane yes no it's good we're at 82 meters that's a jumbo jet I need this close now we're talking I'll getting that one no no it's not these guys these guys back guys this is Wow this is where we ended last time well at least we can still eat the jumbo jets watch out for these guys oh man okay I did not realize we gotta eat a lot of jumbo jets I did not realize these guys will be back that's not good good give me that jumbo jet dog controller is vibrating Oh No yes that's close do can eat this iceberg I can't you guys know where we at with 11 minutes 45 seconds to have a feeling after we take these guys out we're gonna be able to level up pretty fast get this thing I think I can eat that are you iceberg over there I can eat this iceberg no I jumped right into all it's okay there's an iceberg over here we can get oh dude I could eat that thing it's gone dude this is very very challenging No threatt those things tweet those things the oil rigs I think it was calling them aircraft carriers last time guys I'm sorry they're not aircraft carriers soy oil breaks there we go no this is stop this is very tough I see an iceberg I can eat dude wait till I eat those oil rigs please lay those oil rigs and then these guys are gonna be mine they're so aggressive why don't you guys leave me alone or something I wish there's some along the bottom I could eat okay yes that was a two in one that was good we need more two in one kind of situations to win 158 meters I'm one tenth of the way to being a kilometer Jost no he can eat the oil rigs or oil tanker what I call brakes dude I just knocked out that iceberg kids hi guys that dolphin give me that full fish away from me with 254 meters yes okay and I did knock away and iceberg that's a little unfortunate I think this range is gonna keep getting bigger bigger they read 1308 we have about 50 seconds we have about 50 seconds to finish this guy's how you get the three star like I know I'm not doing the best ever oh dude but I think we're doing okay okay I can't even get this up whoa are you serious guys this is very satisfying oh my goodness you I think we're getting close to the ad whoa dude this is amazing okay I'm loving this this is very satisfying very satisfying we're in the center of the earth too worried the Earth's crust oh my goodness guys oh oh this great renourish crust dude this is oh my goodness oh my goodness guys okay okay I think we got to eat the Earth's core I just exploded the earth breeding the earth a third score is that the mold we were actually close to that three star I think it'll charge it does a tRNA commode nano shark ate too much it stopped beating when we flipped a fail-safe switch why didn't the failsafe work what you through this wire see that was amazing oh my goodness wait didn't tell me what I got did I get the two star at least oh man the music just stepped up a little bit okay thanks for playing try playing the bonus levels or try beating the game on a more challenging difficulty level well it's on us okay are you serious there's bonus levels when his level is unlocked access them from the level select screen what okay we got the two star guys we were seriously less than 10 seconds away from getting the three star you gotta be kidding me we were really really close dude okay well we got to see what we ate this lot of stuff 907 to the red earth score dude that's crazy okay bonus level guys or two or more that is so cool I don't know how long this level is or if we get more okay so let's do this next time I don't know man I don't know if it's gonna be like super short if it is maybe we'll do that again and try to get the three-star who in this guy's I'm so happy there's more to to but guys if you haven't seen it already I just are playing rapped on the channel if you haven't heard of it it's a super fun survival game you're like out in the middle of the ocean you got a raft you're trying to survive there's like a crazy shark attack and yeah and all see I said you missed my most recent amazing frog video guys I do some in the toilet and it's seriously blew me away guys by far it's my favorite thing I've ever thrown the magic toilet but guys I really hope you enjoyed today's video if you did as always feel free to hit that thumbs up button and subscribe you haven't already I'll see you guys in the next tasty blue boy 1000 dad it's so cool great why sure I can't see me in here Kenny oh my goodness this thing is old Pig because we're gonna give really big it looks like a flapping wings or something there he is - lets go for it let's go for it oh my goodness
Channel: Pungence
Views: 13,515,171
Rating: 4.8619804 out of 5
Keywords: tasty blue, tasty blue ending, shark, pungence, tasty blue shark, tasty blue nano shark, tasty blue game, tasty blue gameplay, fish, tasty blue 1, tasty blue walkthrough, tasty blue let's play, tasty blue fish, feed and grow fish, Amazing Frog, eat everything, tasty planet, tasty, family friendly, no swearing, no cursing, giant shark, fun, games, sharks, Funny PC Game, gameplay, game, tasty planet sequel, funny moments, walkthrough, steam version, funny game, let's play, funny
Id: lLssilJIjEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Fri May 25 2018
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