New Weapons & Armor in Skyrim Anniversary Edition DLC: Ghosts of the Tribunal Walkthrough Gameplay!

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today we are checking out the new ghosts of the tribunal questline in skyrim anniversary edition this is one of the biggest quest lines added with the new creation club content and we're going to be starting out with a full weapon and armor showcase including the masks of the tribunal or the armor sets and all the weapons that this dlc adds in because it is by far the most of any of the other skyrim anniversary edition creation club content but if you want to skip ahead to the gameplay walkthrough you can do so using the timestamps below the ghosts of the tribunal dlc is very nostalgic to anyone who's ever played the elder scrolls free morrowind but let's start by taking a look at everything it includes starting out with the cleaver offs and films burns the targets for 25 points targets on fire take extra damage and it absorbs 25 points of their magicka as well now this is really cool because destruction actually levels your fire enchantments making them do more damage so if you're also absorbing magicka and then flinging fireballs at them it's a really cool sort of spell sword build weapon and obviously it has a very unique appearance big fan of this one next we obviously have the old-school ebony makes now this is really just an ebony mace from morrowind it's nice it looks cool uh it's got a kind of unique appearance and you can obviously enchant it yourself then we have the ebony scimitar which again has a unique appearance i actually really dig the appearance of this weapon especially in the hand it looks awesome and you can actually see the mask of the tribunal engraved on the handle there which are damaged looks so cool then we obviously have hopes fire which is the other unique weapon added by this dlc now this is shock themed targets take 30 points of shock damage and half as much magicka damage the damage is very nice on this weapon um obviously you can't disenchant it or increase the power of the enchantment but for that point in the game it's quite nice even at level one it's gonna do that same amount of damage i believe so if you grab it on a playthrough it's going to be a lot of fun to use and especially when you're holding it it just looks even cooler with this dark black obsidian sort of blade to it then we have light of day which is honestly a weapon i didn't expect to even be here 15 points of sun damage undead targets take triple damage so a very useful weapon specifically against undead because i mean the sun damage is just a ridiculous enchantment you can actually get that same enchantment to apply to your weapons um in the base game so it's not you know unique to this weapon specifically but a really cool weapon to bring with you on the dawnguard dlc and i really do like the appearance of it just you know the engraving and cut out there of the dawn is awesome then we have mega bane i mean this is a beautiful glass sword the traditional glassware from morrowind very nostalgic indeed there's 60 points of magical damage to the enemy two hits from this pretty much stops most most enemies from using magical base attacks however usually if you're hitting an enemy with a two-handed last sword they're going to be dead you know before the magic ability takes effect then we have ruins edge which is another creation club item that already existed but we just kind of crossed paths with it uh it's a nice bow with a random effect applied whenever you hit the enemy then we have skull crusher i love this weapon i mean it's just a giant hammer that just looks like it absolutely pulverizes anything that it hits so what this does is 30 points of stamina damage meaning that you kind of just stop enemies from blocking you it's definitely quite a poor enchantment compared to other weapons though but i do genuinely love the appearance obviously the use is limited though and finally we have true flame obviously this weapon looks insanely cool as well obviously when you have it out of the scabbard the enchantment is very glowy in the red flame what it does is it burns the targets for 30 points of damage and targets on fire take extra damage so that's a nice effect obviously destruction will level up that damage as well if you have that skill invested in the flame perk ability next we have the chitin armor of the eminent squire which is kind of cool just like an off shouldered jitten armor increases light skill by 20 points it's all right and then obviously the boots and chair would carry weights the gauntlets are enchanted with increase to one-handed damage doing 30 more damage which is really good for a light armored set since you're actually going to be hitting sneak attacks for a lot higher then we have these common robes the extravagant robes and alternate extravagant robes as you can see the roads really do suit the masks and armor set very well with all the traditional markings there and the extravagant robes as well also look very nice i mean who doesn't like more robe options next we have the her hand armor which i mean this this armor set is undisputably beautiful it is a heavy armor set though but i just love the mohawk type arm the first time i actually sort of played with this was that the elder scrolls online and just seeing it retextured in skyrim from morrowind ah just looks incredible i wish they had a light armor variant though i must say then we have the indoreal armor which is like the golden version i do much prefer the helmet on this the sort of glossy mohawk with the feather duster looks very cool um but yeah a really nice armor set there a big fan indeed we also have ken rose robes which uh you know just some nice robes that are also added to the game then we have the mask of almalexia which is a incredible looking mask i mean i love the design of this mask and just the color is like gold and blue one of my favorite sort of combinations um and obviously this is heavy armor um all of these tribunal masks by the way have the same armor rating and all heavy armor which is really unfortunate in my opinion we have the mask of day goth look at that looks really nice as well green and gold sort of color on that then we have the mask of sofa seal again very cool looking mask actually really fits well with the dwemer armor too understandably so then we have the mask of vivec which is actually kind of like a shrouded peculiar undead sort of fleshy mask and i'm sure you guys know why with the law really cool you can actually see inside if you turn it around too and of course we have the ordinator's shield as well um with the tribunal symbol there on it then we have the red around watchman's helmet uh which is it's pretty cool i mean you know it's i kind of like these sort of organic sort of uh armor pieces that look like they've been made from the enemies in the game it's very realistic and it works really well and then we have the robe of the lich which i'm again a really big fan of it mainly because of this central piece with the skull and the thorns going around it looks really cool now the rope itself actually has an enchantment too magica regenerates 150 faster which is in the top sort of section of good roads to have early on in the game now to actually start the ghosts of the tribunal quest line we must read a very specific book located in the island of solfeim which is off the coast of skyrim so now i'm going to show you how to start this quest and how to get there so you've never been to sulphine before all you need to do to get there is to come over here on the map to windhell and you specifically want to go to windhelm docks just the right tier and once you arrive at windhelm docks you're going to want to board a boat just over here we're going to speak to a gentleman he's going to take us there if you're looking for passage to soul style you won't find a finer vessel than the northern maiden so he says hitting the mast with a hammer you've convinced me how much will it cost i'll give you a fair price not many people headed over there these days if you ask me i can't blame them things aren't what they used to be out there a good salesman you've convinced me 250 gold i guess um you've got yourself a ship we'll cast off immediately okay fingers crossed that the mast holds up eh and now here we are entering the island of sulphide beautiful well here we are welcome to raven rock and now we've got to head over to the temple of raven rock which straight up this glorious looking staircase by the way you may have noticed that we've got left a bunch of texture mods and enbs and lots of graphical mods now running make the game look very pretty so if you're interested in those mods i'll link my model list down below in the description you guys to check out but downstairs in the temple is where we will find this hidden book to actually start this quest which is very i mean it's ridiculously well hidden if you're not reading the creation club notes to start the quest here we are heretic dossier blacksmith's confessions kenero was a strange one always skulking about pursuing my wares but never buying i'd ask him if he wanted a sword and he'd say what today so i'd asked him if he'd fancy a set of armor and again he'd say not today every day for a month the same song and dars not today not tomorrow not ever or so i thought one day i open the shop check my wares and i find a mistake in the shipment inside the crate is an odd blue gem lumped in with the usual iron still biggering it was a mistake i was about to send it back when kenro walks in the store i give him the usual greeting and ask him if he wants to buy some wares fully expecting him to say the words not today but to my surprise he doesn't today he wants to buy he doesn't want to sword or a shield he wants the gem as he hands me the coin i get a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach like this is the last time i'll see him so i ask him where he's heading he tells me he's going to the blacksmith i'm not sure if that's a joke seeing as i run the forge here when i ask him which smith he tells me the dwarven one infall befares my face goes white hello say you look like you've seen a ghost and i say to him no you he just smiled and we've begun the questline ghosts of the tribunal if you're enjoying it so far friends please do drop a like on the video really does help support the channel and if you're not subscribed go ahead and subscribe too we're doing a walkthrough of every single creation club mod here on the channel there's been plenty of upheaval in sulphine since the eruption of the red mountain both politically and religiously i've learned of a heretic attempting to use a forge in the dwarven ruin to enchant a dwarven record travel to the forge in falbathars believe that's how you pronounce it i'm not sure all right let's have a look on the map here the dwarven ruin is located to the north of sulphine in the mountain just here so we're going to go ahead and fast travel over as you can see the settlement is now occupied by a right click i'm going to use the bow of shadows which turns us invisible it's one of the new creation club content mods hopefully we'll take out this right-click rider here get rexa or it comes down to us look at him in a little spear a little hunter of the wild and you're dead and the right cling writer is also dead ah this is the one throwing spears at me you little blighter let's go up and teach him a lesson you silly hobbit exactly erexa look at him disgusting creatures you can actually use the rifling spears as throwing weapons though it's pretty awesome and also if we search their little right-wing hut we should get some treasures because they like to collect treasures in here and a random assortment of items but there are some useful things to humans go ahead and enter this dwarven ruin and see what we might find friends another reichling fort it would seem i wonder if we had further in we'll find some dwarven remedy look at this small fletcher oh get wrecked son well there's another one somewhere there he is here he comes oh my god a right cling warrior about that let's proceed further into this ruin opening these rifling huts as we go look boar tusk and bellows odd collection of items indeed seems like they've done a lot of damage to us towards the ruin as well who knows what they may have awoken in the darkness ah it seems that these traps may have killed them and i can hear some dwemer constructs up ahead proceed with caution friends do not know watts may still reside in the ruins a dweven sofia master be careful backwards if you wait until they attack you usually you can stagger them like so it's wrecked son give me your sapphires and jewels a huge ruin down there proceed onwards platform with a lot of buttons interesting what could this mean i seem to have locked myself in by pressing the first button let's just try the second button nothing happens okay third one oh god that doesn't look safe fourth button oh there's something else over there in the shadows it's gonna get hit by the dwemer trap of his own making goodness me maybe this is for the best next button seems like we're just getting loads and loads of traps every time we press a button how about this one oh my god as lucky i was ducking it's right above my face activate the next two buttons oh who's this seems like we've activated another trap with the press of that button and the last two buttons why not okay i think we're safe friends would be safe there's a chest in here with five gold making me rich we've opened the door onwards which is a great success for sure let's head through into the forge hello there who's this kill the heretic again and kerno flat oh get rekt sir they'll be nowhere oh hello you're angry one aren't you sir attack me i dare you [Music] dude look at this weapon unenchanted weapon that's what it's called are the forged gem and kerno's note the ebony scimitar dude this weapon looked insanely well done look at that oh my god that looks good it's even got the um the mask of the tribunal on the front of it there he ignored me he was having a great time high roll tar highly flammable substance used for enchanting weapons ours we must have to enchant that unique blade he had we've also got heavy armored helmets turno's helmet one hand that's actually 30 more damage temple priest robes and kurnos robes which just have zero armor whoa that weapon in first person is even cooler let's read his notes i live to serve only her always her i found the forge and when its spark is lit her fire will burn the specter once worked the gears of this swollen machine but i no longer require his service the mechanism is simple with the vial of this pyroil tar i'll have all that is required to ignite it tarlets the flame once before and tar will do it again and when i return triumphant fire in hand she will embrace me once more but i have a problem the machine requires four gems to power it and i have produced only one the others it seems are still out there yet i have no doubt that as her chosen he will guide me to them but now i will return to the temple the entrance sits above the mine in raven rock perched off the cliffs of basalt even then if anyone finds the cave only the devout know the way inside the temple i spin the words and the way opens we have the lettering of the password take that note with us in case we need to memorize that so we need to retrieve the other gems i assume i can put one in here already we have one out of the four required gems we can put the tar in the slot and power this forge pretty epic here we are back in the open wilderness now we need to fast travel my friend raven rock just north of the basalt cliffs of raven rock specifically so we're above the basalt cliffs of raven rock just below me here is asheville's cave where we must venture inside ah this is the puzzle i assume if i activate this whoa that was close okay so we need to get the right runes on the paper that we've been provided already that's like c e and then upside down u that's the c shape and that's the free e shape and then there's an upside down u there we go now aha activated the ancient temple oh amazing it seems like some guardians are waiters down there let's work our way down there and see if we can take them out doesn't seem like we're going to be able to sneak attack so i'll conjure my vengeful appearance [Music] one alternator down and now the living are right to fear the dead indeed ordinators are dead they look awesomely armored though they have the old-school ebony mace from morrowind indorial armor heavy armor set as you can see let's put this on alternator shield as well put on my right hand and the helmets even the boots and gauntlets this guy has the same armor set so here we have the alternator armor and ebony mace this almost that looks really nice really nice job remastering it as well love the ebony mace look like a fearsome ordinator warrior now let's venture onwards into this door they're regarding you what's within we're in the temple mysterious place it is indeed it's the ghost dying let me get out my torch here it's rather dark within this temple also a hearthstone deposit quite a few of those in this dungeon i've noticed good to have another source of those because there was never really enough in the main game oh my goodness amazing to get a bow out for this one means we have a lot of enemies and targets here lots of quest objectives who wants to be the first to die or should we is someone there oh god need something all right this time we should definitely be more discreet who's this character over here what we're going to do is we're going to use the slow time shout i think that's the only way we'll stand a chance in this battle here we go i'm standing up get rekts up take out all the people in light armor all the majors no one can contest me all right here is dying people around me the paralyzed one this is good for us oh gotta watch out for these spells oh coordinates is very effective defenders themselves drink an elixir of health to boost our health up also a potion of healing and resist magic more healing thank you very much this lady looks like she's from morrowind one of the uh elder scrolls online trailers i remember her name though she's stunning oh hello now you are paralyzed oh careful almost hit me there brother i think so i see you burn i don't think so my friend you are a tanky one though aren't you now these guys aren't paralyzed take them out finisher oh the insults never get old my friend oh we didn't get the stagger then get back you're you're yes wreck son my god wasn't even a critical strike and no damage at all oh finish it and now you oh going through you interesting to the knee will finish you for sure what was going on in this room i wonder the last meeting of the tribunal here we have the her hand armor increase heavy armor skill by 25 points look how awesome this arm set looks i mean damn that looks cool a hand gauntlet a hand helmet block 40 more damage with your shield reach your stamina by 70 points damn that's good and an ebony scimitar very nice indeed and the ebony mace all of which is now mine look at this lady she took arrows through the face cleaver of scent films burn the target of 25 points targets of fire take extra fire damage absorb 25 points of magicka as well though which is really good every single weapon in the creation club seems to have this effect all chitin boots of strength carrying capacity increased by 35 points just embraces of eminent wielding one hand is actually 30 more damage very nice increased light armor skill by 20 points and we're going to read her journal before we go onwards in de basa riot every day he reminds us how we're not worthy to wear his precious ordinator armor even though i'm pretty sure push came to shove i could take him but since i'm not good enough to be her hand just for fun i started calling myself almalexia's toe dirty little toe like that with a lot of ash under the nail anyway i tossed the idea to indobar and knocked back another pint as the veins on his forehead started popping i also offered to anoint syndras as almalexia's navel because why not there's enough body parts on her ladyship for all of us indibar didn't think it was very funny must have been the blood same goes to me after all my ancestors were armagers loyal to vivec and more importantly know how to take a joke can't tell whose size sin dress is on but you can't really get a read on what the mage thinks given he's got a mushroom on his head oh my god this is hilarious i don't know what i expected but pretty funny so indobar has a journal as well let's have a read of this five hands served her once yet those numbers have dwindled and as i gain to stand here alongside hedge wizards spell swords and other vermin on two legs i cannot help but weep for the lady and her station still i will not allow them to access the armory they do not deserve the honor of wearing the sacred guard to do so means they are an extension of the goddess our bodies and soul belongs to her and are fortified by her divine magic so it was for my ancestors and so it is for me as such i will not see my lady's hands covered in filth the matriarch may have granted them a place on the deus but while they stand eye to eye with me they are still beneath us and so they are beneath her i would slay every last one of them but i stay my hand for her sake as long as they are loyal and do the ladies bidding i will allow their hearts to remain beating against their soiled flesh damn son you savage the next body so this was ethela who doesn't have a journal and this was the mage with the mushroom on his head novice robes of destruction red around watchman's helmet oh my god it's so funny like the crab show isn't it mr crab very nice i mean how can you even see out of that it looks very alien i kind of like that though everyone's now bought naked in this temple and it's kind of unnerving to me to be honest quite a humble abode they have though in this glorious temple let's have a look where this lady was trying to run to them before we slaughtered her masks of the tribunal the goddess commands you to recover the artifacts of her fellow god king we have received word that the mask of vivec is being transported from raven rock to an unknown ship at the dock we don't know the destination only that to ensure secrecy multiple couriers are being used to hide the identity of the mask bearer however our contact at the dock says the courier is a member of the guard who patrols the bulwark and he has plans of his own for the mask he's arranged a meeting with a buyer after midnight at an unknown location his greed angus the goddess dispose of them both and return the artifact to her rightful hands in addition the goddess temple is in need of new servants both to restore the temple and to provide a valuable service speak to priest dreweth he will hand you a letter to be delivered to the banished priestess afia veloth in ravenrock she is a friend of the tribunal and will translate it so that it can be passed to common folk when you meet her be sure to also inquire about the whereabouts of our apocalypse durate melita she had been in search of the mask of sothosil succeed and you'll be given access to the goddess armory bale and you will incur her wrath the law is as the goddess commands we have another seal there the same seal we had previously tribunal armory key also in here and she has the extravagant robes of the temple priest and ebony mace we've now obtained three different quests her word against theirs pick up the letter from priest druith uh careless curation ask about the missing cure rate and by beware track down the movements of the guards and i guess we can find these mysterious masks we also have a key to the armory that we got from her so wow okay it looks like an absolutely butchered training area who knows what's going to be down here very old smithery and lots of other ruined furniture including a bedroom quite nice beds actually what's this on the floor ah this is the priest let's see what he has on his person propaganda letter eh priestess velofi here is a transcript of the letter we found in the archives your expertise on this matter is required as is your discretion can i actually translate that or do i need to go and take it to someone to translate deliver the propaganda later to a translator okay i guess i could have tried to translate it myself i mean fun extravagant robes my goodness there's so many unique things here i've left so many naked elves a lot of poisons and potions indeed as well old gem fragments potions of invisibility and a lot of different alchemy ingredients too which is exciting we'll be taking this once another journal it is the predecessor's journal the priest's journal in fact the temple is almost complete but there is work to be done so much work and not enough hands where once stood in armory now only dozens remain this would not be the case if the matriarch had delivered justice to the diviner urdu relvel for his belovedness comments about corpus instead she offered him exile which to me is more than a reward than punishment worse yet he was allowed to sway artemis and a few others to join him cannot afford to let sentimentality affect our decisions i need to remind her we are at war and every dumb or loss is a soldier for the enemy hey goodness me really enjoying their role play aren't they all right let's carry on down this other mined cabin okay so this takes us back to the smithing area so we've been through this entrance uh and the one with the book on it now let's go through the entrance to the left here see what we can find oh there's actually a herb garden here so this is kind of like a player home as well oh it's got some ashyams here very nice in the ash they growing how how lovely and the nice daylight and waterfall coming down to feed the crops of course a lot of yams that apparently can't stop and then let's go to the left here behind the priestess book see we can find hello there get rekt son huh sculptor vista [Music] ooh soak the seal shrine blessing of sofa silk increase your magicka by ten points magicka regenerates five percent faster that's good and also increase your magic by another ten points so we get ten percent increase in magic regeneration and twenty points of magicka what does this do blessing of vivec prices are five percent better and sneak is increased by five points that's actually really nice and again it stacks twice oh we don't have almalexia here we just have these two shrines i guess this was for the third shrine who knows maybe the sculptor never finished it doesn't have a journal to explain what happened here though oh there is a journal sculptor's journal the statue was my masterpiece my one true love so the statue is the one in the main cave entrance some say she is too large to grand but i would have made her a thousand feet tall if i could my love is a titan and we are but useless worms groveling at her feet however to sculpt a goddess came with no shortage of anxiety the pressure i felt to chisel every line bone every curve and i do so with exacting position was almost too much to bear but the end result was one i take immense pride in the days the anxious voices in my head are no more instead they speak with a patois of ease and routine i fallen into a simple routine making the shrines with basic carvings in the tribute to the three by alminexia for sofacil and for vivik yet it is a risk that makes a sculpture an artist it is daring that turns the ordinary into sublime i dare to sculpt the goddess once as i chisel away these blocks of stone doing the same iron work i wonder is it too late to be that bold again and then we have another room up here [Music] with some food in it seems to be an office of some kind with another journal on the desk looks of death brand and flutes and also a sleeping area oh what's in here i'm mammoth tusk the ebony dagger okay let's read this journal when i first entered the great chamber i was there again in the high chapel nestled in her glow the great pillars surrounded the stone where the goddess almalexia once stood as if it were washed in the fire of mournhold mournhold had shed its skin to reveal a temple of rock and bone i knew then that this stone was the heart of our goddess and through faith love and sweat we have slowly restored her flesh now that it is almost complete my thoughts turned to my old friend urdu relvel he was the diviner whose scurrying brought us to this holy place without him none of this would be possible yet time and toil changed him to the point i question his devotion wherever he is i hope he has regained his love for her regardless our work is not to end here with her hands to guide us we will rid this world of her distance we will reunite the fires of hope and truth under her banner and theirs and let the light of alum sivia shine on the servants and apostates alike a lot of heretics indeed i like it a red candle i ever seen a red candle so this way must be the armory started the ashen heart why is it so what the hell hello activate mannequin oh it's like bugs reloading didn't help they're now laying down look for any clues in the armory so they've got all the armor sets that we actually previously found which is very cool including the red room watchman's helmet there's also a display case here with ebony symmeters in oh one sec oh it's ebony miss light of day that's unique weapon hidden down the bottom here lights of day 15 points of sun damage undead targets take triple damage it was like a dawn guard weapon essentially really nice design to it go ahead and put that on our hand another ebony mace oh mega bane this is from morrowind okay let's have a look at this yes look at that damn very cool looking blade indeed really love the look of this sword really nice right let's have a look in here there is skull crusher also a unique weapon from morrowind skull crusher does 30 points down the damage very nice indeed a huge hammer and mage bane or not mega bane mage bane does 60 points of magicka damage mega bane oh dear oh we have another gem in here as well and we have the priest often misses note now oh one sec this mannequin has the mask of almalexia on it the mask of almalexia does has 21 armor let's put that on this is the one we saw in the trailer and it looks insanely beautiful i mean look at the the colors on that it's like gold and blue kind of like corroded with these horns looks incredibly cool and then the back plate is also protecting the back of your head slightly i guess 50 none of them are enchanted though okay so there's also a note here which was next to it the matriarch does not speak of what remains locked behind the gate he says our way is to serve the goddess and the tribunal but erden was right the artifact speaks to us i feel its heartbeat rattling in my head like a loose rock rattle rattle rattle a curious song not a heart of blood but stone yet the gate remains for all intents and purposes impenetrable i see no levers or chains no secret buttons under the display cases there is nothing here save for a few broken pillars and mannequins in fact i grew so wary of their stares i covered their faces with masks it was not until that moment that the solution came to me what if the mannequins themselves are the key three faces and three masks of a tribunal but which mask goes on which face when memory fails i go to the sculptor's room and pray at the shrines so that i can match the blessing to the symbol i feel now i can only solve the puzzle but without the masks it is useless erden hates it when i worry he tells me to be patient at the mast or not our masters will show us the way i have no choice but to believe use the mannequins to solve the armory room puzzle very cool idea for a puzzle in fact and i believe this could be where the last gem is located behind this last great so i believe the tribunal masters must be put on the different mannequins but they refer to the different symbols in the sculptor's room and we just took that note so we need to grab the final mask and then we can come back and solve this puzzle ah so it turns out the statue of almalexia just beneath it is applying to almalexia so now we can have a look at what active effects we have that this increases our heavy armor skill by 10 points and one-handed weapons do 10 more damage i think that probably adds up to 20 because it obviously stacks twice and we get 20 points of heavy armor let's head outside and have a look for the rest of the tribunal masks we have a few leads to follow in this regard so we're back in raven rock now and we're just going to find this translator apparently is residing in raven rock mine i believe i know who it is actually it kind of makes sense he can translate this stuff hello there i was told you can translate these letters of course uh wait two hours for letter okay i'll just stand here and wait and pass out the letters if you've finished translating them thank you here this is for you now let's um not talk about this anymore okay all right let's have a read of these letters before we actually go ahead and give them away propaganda letters you have lost the temple but you are not lost the right place exists in the wrong time know that's when the great egg bar dao cracked open from his rotting yolks spilled into the distant priests and heretics full of lies and falsehoods that gave shape to otholoth and his reclamation but in reality the bible spewed by the lie rock cannot fool a minister of truth for long the tribunal will rise once more and the grand inquisitor will judge all from the beginning the entry to our temple is the ending of worlds i also understand that the temple curate has gone missing it would seem so i'll just give me another note curate mellitus plea you or whoever is reading this i need your help well it's a stupid thing to write of course you're reading this and you wouldn't be staring at a piece of paper and not read it would you not unless you're illiterate or mad not angry bad but i clip my toenails with a fork mat you get what i mean point is i think i've found it the mask of sofa seal in kagerensel a dwarven labyrinth with a surprisingly high vowel count it is high up on the velophi mountains and you are a velofi too funny how that works out there is just one problem i caught myself in some contraption and now i'm not sure where i am i've decided to make camp here and i have some mercs i hired to find help he can't write or read or put together a coherent thought but that's why i'm giving him this letter really i should have just taken the mask and left the orb you'd think i'd know better than to fool or a trap that's obvious but the orb was glowing and cute and but kind of lonely side note if you come across to rescue me do not touch the all ah calgrenzo is one of the most unique dungeons in skyrim so that's really cool be careful out there and grenzel is in the very south borders of skyrim so we have to go back to skyrim to do this quest and get that mask but before we do that we need to give out these other letters so we need to go back to raven rock temple to do this which is just on the left and then we need to inquire at the docks about this mask that's apparently being sold there let's head to the temple first excuse me but the temple is for followers of our faith alone outsiders aren't welcome here very nice i'm going in anyway though our spirits may be low and dangerous yes sir heretics have been passing around these letters thank you here this is for you all right 1 500 girls are giving you heretic letters telling you about it that's pretty nice per word against theirs indeed now we need to track the red orange guards movements after midnight so let's go ahead and wait here until nightfall alright so we're at the raven rock docks it seems like the guard is currently on top of the wall actually oh you can see i'm just walking over there all right so we're on the ramparts of raven rock and i can see this guard and we need to track heading towards us let's walk past and pretend we're not following him definitely he definitely looked at us and we'll just follow along and see where he goes what's he's up to this late at night where are you going mr guard guess we'll find out soon enough won't we leaving the city are we who has left the city behind him but where is he going this late in the night and it seems like he's walking to this abandoned house old atheist farm just south from raven rock what is he doing out here though oh a secret trap door let me pickpocket him for the key oh no he's gone downstairs and it's open and now what is he doing oh it's nazim i know it's not nothing mysterious is happening what was that i am invisible with the birth shadows but apparently they've sensed my presence oh god we're in a confined place this is not good get out of here it's going to be a challenging one let's use a slow time dude we've taken out he's a very tanky boy there full heavy armor trying to sell the mask sacred mask of the tribunal how dare you quick paralysis an arrow right through the throat you won't know what hits you it was battle brother truly get both of you oh atti is from seleki and red around guards note he also has the full arm set of the guards what does the nose say for 20 years all i've been is a loyal guard and i do what i'm supposed to do pay my taxes and pray to the gods but they return me no favors i pray for riches and i get guard duty i pray for a good woman and i get more god duty now i'm supposed to deliver this expensive looking mast to a temple well it's time i made my own luck i'm selling the thing to this imperial i met at the netch i'll just tell the priest the bloody master got swallowed by agua but good luck finding it now 20 years now i've never spoken a lie now i have no choice but to believe me i actually feel kind of sorry for this guy you know this guy is the buyer dirty imperial oh my it'll be so it's actually nazi it's not to see it'd be so funny if it was museum could you imagine oh he's got one of the ford's gems and the mask of vivec look at this damn that's terrifying so this counts as heavy armor as well the only gives 21 armor it's nice as a helmet it looks really cool [Music] as anything else down here or value just a secret meeting spot really nothing else so let's head back upstairs to sulphur so now we need to fast travel back to skyrim to go to grenzel and find this other mask now we're back in skyrim grenzo is located on the east mountain range just here right in the velofi mountains that's fast travel over there here we are outside the walls of cagrenzo an ancient grammar dungeon one of my one of those interesting dungeons in the game to be honest [Music] essentially how you do it is you go inside and there's a trap you can activate that we got warned about in the letter before we activate this trap you can see all these bodies here people who previously were encased you can see the lining around the edge where they would have been trapped dead bandits this isn't the lady we need to find those it looks like we're going to have to touch the strange orb and seal our face it seems to be scanning us to see if it will let us in very entrancing indeed [Music] now it's sunk into the floor oh god oh my god it's so awesome what a fantastic dungeon idea you can dive you hit the rocks by the way this is stand right in the middle whoa still rocks falling from the roof there we swim underwater here we can see the other band is floating along with the currents you can see where we fell from up there but if we come to this huge waterfall just on the right here it does seem to be a way out for us which very good indeed they do take care of the falmouth that if clearly taking up residence in this ancient tomb falling apart oh indiana jones oh oh god a knight prowler die now if we carry on working our way through we'll eventually find a way to stoney creek cave there's a cave much further down in the blocky mountains it seems like we may have actually met the person who was making camp here you escaped kagrenzel so let's give her a nice welcome party as we know she is evil oh my god this guy has let's use the slow time show he's actually got the bow of madness or something else there's a unique bow dude all right here we go let's take out these banners before they kill us but lots of bad the banded chief as well and this wizard at the back get wrecked son beats me look at them they don't even know where i am leaving way too fast for them there we go now he's paralyzed we'll finish him off he wrecks up nice kill cam there bad at chief had lots of a lot of cheese i'm gonna eat all of this cheese um and then he has the ruins edge bow randomly applies one of the effects to the target frost demoralize frenzy drain magicka or paralyze ruins edge is a pretty unique weapon it looks amazing it's part of the creation club content however it's not new it was previously added and it's actually got an eye that looks at you when you aim which is pretty cool it even blinks and everything and whenever you shoot it it applies a random effect to you so if we let him hit us we may have got like uh the chance to paralyze him oh and she has the mask of sofa seal let's take that up let's have a look at this mask then damn that looks terrifying a hell of a beard it's like very tooting car moon isn't it with the egyptian he had so much chi why does he have so much oh it's because ruins edge uh it's probably a gift from shea gorath and that's why he has all the cheese now we need to travel back to sulphite okay so now we have all the masks we can solve the puzzle of the mannequins it's all the fact that the mannequins are on the floor and plugging out right now so we know that the order of these should be almalexia so the seal and then vivec so we have the three masks and we start out with sofa seal on this one and then we put almalexia in the middle just here and then vivec on the third one to the right there we go oh so you can see these masks are actually on the mannequins but they're like in the floor it doesn't look great but now we can open this final chest erden's revels note and hopes fire target takes 30 points of shock damage i mean this blade almost looks alien doesn't it wow okay so let's grab that and there's a few spells in here dragon's plate insulated gauntlets what let's read this note and find out it's also a strong box here i was told that without the mask the gate would not open but the priests underestimate my master's will it was dagoth bjor who opened the gates and beckoned me forward and when i wear his face i speak his truths and from his words i spawn the cure that will spread across the world my temple brother arthamus was the first to receive its blessing his one melakoli face has been carved into the most delightful shape and his mouth stitched into complete smile he must be quite pleased with the changes that i have made as i have heard no complaints i feel now that he is truly happy you may have already met him slain him with her hand perhaps you have met all of my master's little pets as they descended on the temple i know this would happen but there must come a time when the tribunal's champion will challenge my master as the neverending once did the tribunal has free heads and you wear them all and so by opening the way you are worthy of dying by my master's hands come to the graveyard by tell mithrid my master's creatures will dine on you there my god grab back the masks here now we can exit hello there ash zombies what are these i haven't even got a face look at this damn look at that that's actually terrifying oh god there's more outside as well all right we should really change to an actual weapon let's use the light of day erect up doesn't do sun damage though so it's pretty useful for getting rid of ash zombies so the new quest tells us that we need to kill the priest of daego europe which is over here near tell mithril graveyard so here we are at tel mithril the ancient mushrooms now just over here where the graveyard is oh my goodness yep there's a lot of ash zombies down there okay we can probably take them out from above with my bow i really want to try out hopes fire though i mean 30 points of shock damage from this alien-like blade is pretty cool use the bow of shadows here my friends right on the priestess get wrecked oh she got paralyzed as well absolutely destroyed her there another one for you my friends retrieve the mask of dagoff europe take out the rest of these zombies first pull they come out of the graveyard and kill us all whoa are they firing fireballs at me now who's that frog oh god oh there's an ash zombie here as well the ashball are much more fearsome so we should definitely take him out first your wreck son must save this bullnetch come at me ash zombie oh my god he's not messing around does he finish him all right now we've killed the ash zombies nice little ballnet cheer blessing ah erden oh my goodness final gem for us to go to the forge and imbue the weapons oh no this is degoth's mask look at that go ahead and put that on and rube of the lich magicka regenerates 150 percent faster so this is now what we look like pretty damn cool there's also sarcophagus that can be oh god bit weird oh oh my god so i can activate this oh wow staff of calm nothing in this one there was a skeleton in this one though eight golden okay let's fast travel my friends back to alberts where we can go back to the forge and ignite the fires inside we go all right here we are at the entrance to the forge let us now base the final gems into the puzzle and the final gem whoa now the forge is burning look at this fresh hot steels and lava pour from its mouth so it says apply the pie royal tar to the uncharted weapon and use the forge to enchant it and restore true flame to its former glory all right so the unenchanted weapons just here very beautiful weapon indeed let's go ahead and equip it then we can use the tar highly flammable substance used for enchanting weapons and we can apply it to the weapon place the unenchanted sword in the slot oh use the forge to enchant true flame oh true flame added let's go ahead and get out true flame and hops fire oh amazing look at this here we are with true flame and hose fire and they just look absolutely awesome i mean damn really cool quest line as well to enchant these weapons we look badass like a red and blue lightsaber and with that we have finished the second greatest size quest in the elder scrolls skyrim anniversary edition you guys want to check out the other one which lets you go back to oblivion and see the mythic dawn cult trying to recreate an oblivion gate i will link that episode down below in the description but thanks for watching this one let me know what you guys think i think the rewards on this one are pretty damn awesome and i'm excited to use them it's a pretty the masterwork enchanted but i guess i can enchant them myself and i'd also be nice if one of them was light up let me know what you guys think of the weapon collection do you think they should have added any other specific weapons on morrowind or do they do a good job
Channel: ESO
Views: 471,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, Skyrim anniversary edition, skyrim anniversary edition gameplay, skyrim annivery edition review, skyrim annivery edition creation club content, new, eso, skyrim gameplay, skyrim walkthrough, Bethesda, skyrim mods, skyrim new dlc, ghosts of the tribunal, the ghosts of the tribunal, walkthrough, guide, location, best weapons, new armor, new weapon, locations, skyrim creation club, skyrim anniversary edition, armor, weapons, ghosts of the tribunal guide, dragon priest mask locations
Id: uOaiyqPpMeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 43sec (3703 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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