NEW ULTRA NOISE REDUCTION vs Neat Video | DaVinci Resolve 19

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hey guys I'm Danny your friendly neighborhood coloris and with the release of the Venture resolve 19 we get introduced to a new feature in the motion effects palette which is called the ultra noise reduction seems a bit excessive to me to call it Ultra noise reduction I'm not sure if they're copying Apple silicon M2 Ultra in the naming but from the name itself you would think that Ultra noise reduction will remove all the the noise in the clip like totally but the results that I get backs to differ so with the function of the ultra noise reduction kind of similar like neat video I thought that it would be logical to compare it with neat video which is a plug-in for noise reduction in the wi resolve so let's get to the test so as you can see here I have this clip which is shot on Blackmagic raw B raw and I apply a lot and also some primary adjustments so that I can brighten up and enhance the noise if I turn this note off you can see that it's shot pretty dark so when I turn up the brightness you can see all the noise that is present in this clip so there's a lot of RGB and chromatic noise in this clip you can see here so this is going to be a very good clip to test out the capabilities of ultra noise reduction versus neat video so I'm going to turn off NE video for now just for safety to disable this note so so in my ultra noise reduction Noe I'm going to go down to motion effects and the ultra noise reduction is located in your spatial noise reduction so in the mode I'm going to select Ultra NR and for noise profile you get the option to analyze the clip to see what kind of spots that you want to use to get the noise information so you just have to click on analyze and this Square will appear over here so you can adjust the square to locate where you want to where you want to resolve to detect the noise reduction and depending on where you move this Square it will detect different information as you can see the Luma and chroma uh noise reduction levels which is 18.7% right now is going to change if I move this square around so you can get an idea of how much of noise they are removing so with just one click on the analyze I can get a very precise reduction of noise so if I play back this video it's going to use the same uh level of noise reduction throughout the whole clip so first thing that you notice is that it's playing back very slow so right now it's playing back at five seven frames 8 frames seven frames so it's super super slow but Blackmagic design has said that this will be using the newer engine of the wici resolve or apple silicon to speed up this noise reduction effect but I'm guessing that this because this is still a public beta version so it doesn't fully utilize the neural engine so it's playing back pretty slow so take this with a grain of salt hopefully it will be a lot faster once it's on the version 19 So speaking about this Square over here if you move the square around at a different point of the clip then it will reanalyze the noise profile over here and then it will stick to that profile although you keep playing on the clip so it won't take the live view of what is seeing unless you move that uh this point around yeah so that's kind of how it works so you don't have to worry that this point that you're selecting will need to always be in a place where it's uh suitable to detect noise so in case that if your Square goes out of bounds over here like it's touching the wide area over here you don't have to be too worried about that just keep it in the area which is good to disag which usually is pure black or pure white but you don't really have to do anything if you can just click analyze here and it will pick a optimal point for you so this is the result for Ultra noise reduction so what about NE video is it better or worse so let's get into that for neat video I'm going to disable my ultra noise reduction you can see that the noise is back and going into my need video is basically the same thing so I'm going to turn on this note going to my effects prepare noise profile and auto profile so it will select a point for me and apply noise reduction so basically it's the same steps in terms of the workflow when it comes to ultra noise reduction and need video now comes the million dooll question is it better so let's play it back and right off the bat you can see that the playback is at 20 frames instead of the seven frames that we got from the ultra noise reduction just now so in this public beta version NE video is still ahead in terms of playback speed all right and for the noise reduction effect I'm noticing that neat video has a cleaner noise reduction without a lot of loss in texture and details so if you notice this steering wheel which has the leather texture over here in my neat video I can still see very sharp textures but if I move on to my outra noise reduction you can see that the texture here is MH so on my right here is neit video and on my left is ultra noise reduction so if I wipe over the texture you can see that Ultra noise reduction reduces the texture in the details you can see that very clear neat video ultr noise reduction neat video ultr noise reduction so this is a very it's quite quite big loss in texture if you ask me so I'm kind of on the fence on what to say about this Ultra noise reduction while it's still in the public beta version right now because in terms of playback speed it's slower and in terms of detail retention it's also worse so NE video still holds up as a very good tool to reduce noise reduction and Ne video also comes with a lot of other features like film restoration or chromatic restoration you can also see the details of how much details is being preserved with neat video so yeah NE video One Ultra noise reduction zero let's see if that changes in the future and if you think I'm doing anything wrong with ultra noise reduction do drop a comment down below and I'm very curious to know what you think and if you are wondering why I put noise reduction at the end of the note tree instead of in front do check out this video which I explain my workflow on why I've decided to put noise reduction at the back of the note tree so if you want to learn more about color grading in the Wii resolve I also just launched my online course so do check that out if you're interested so thank you guys for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Danny Gan
Views: 8,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: danny gan, colorist, color grading, davinci resolve tutorial, color grade commercial, commercial colour grade, davinci resolve, commercial color grading, how to color grade, davinci resolve color grading, color correction tutorial, color grade davinci resolve 18, film look, film color grade davinci resolve, film colour grading, ultra noise reduction, ultra nr, noise reduction, davinci resolve 19
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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