Creating Fake Sunlight with Power Windows in DaVinci Resolve

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[Music] this is something right let's is something all right here's the thing in last week's video I had a problem to be honest I wish I had another 60D with me cuz then I would also light up the background here maybe hit this light with some sunlight and this wall as well just to make it look even more uh realistic that the sun is actually shining into the window the window to the window however if you saw the final result in that video there was actually sunlight in the window despite it being an overcast gray day in gothamberg and I was one light short so I was thinking that today I would show you how I achieved this by using power windows and Vinci resolve here we go come on here we go okay so this is a lot easier than it might seem so I think this should be a pretty uh short and concise video just to start out I'll show you how this finished clip looks uh under the color tab in Dain resolve so this is my tiny little node tree that you can see here I hope you're not sick of this video clip already I promise I do I do have more Clips this isn't the only thing I've done I promise now first off before I jump in and show you exactly how I did this let me just tell you why I think it works really well for this particular shot the thing is I already lit this scene with 16d with that sort of sunlight feel that I wanted for this shot so there is already real light in the scene the light that we see hitting the background here that is from my 60D that I had on location same thing here on her hand on her shoulder on her legs on the side of her head and face that is all real light on location not sunlight but mimicking the sunlight that I wanted this was good for a couple of reasons first when I wanted to fake this stuff I have a really clear reference over here and now places of what the sunlight should look like when hitting the wall so it was really easy for me to mimic the right uh color tone for the light and the uh the strength the brightness of the light as well since we have that light on location this this part makes sense this part makes sense it looks like the light should hit here cuz cuz we also see the light hitting her on the shoulder on her legs and on the background that is why we get away with this shot keep that in mind if you want to triy this out yourself nothing beats the real deal on location this is a plan B like a helping hand to elevate your footage but having said that let's let's have a look at how I added some fake Sun into this video clip so back to the color tab this little stack of nodes right here is all of the different power windows that I have in this scene so if we just turn them off one by one we have some uh extra color right there you see that turning on and off I have some extra light on a model's face a bit of uh vignetting uh some extra shadow that you can see is behind our model up here in the corner a little bit down here just to make those parts a little bit darker and make our model pop a little bit more we have our sunlight that is now uh gone just turn off the sun then there's a window turning down uh the light over here on the bed cuz I thought it was a little bit too bright I think it popped a little bit too much that's now where we're supposed to be looking in this scene and as you can see with all these things turned off it's just it's just not the same you can see much clearer that it's not a nice day outside so my fake light on location looks more fake the light I added on location elevates the fake sunlight that I added in post and the fake sunlight that I added in post elevates my light on location so let's just turn all these on again I'm just going to turn on the sunlight last and if I turn on the power windows right here uh let's see let's see you can see that there's quite a lot going on it looks like a big mess and any way it sort of is luckily this shot is static it's on tripod so I didn't have to motion track any windows at all if this was a scene that was moving that would be a lot trickier however what I did do was to use the magic mask to track our model because as you can see in this clip she moves in front of this light in front of my power windows and I obviously do not want that light to be on top of her it should be behind her let's moove this one and we'll create a new one so I can walk you through exactly how I did this or more or less at least I'm not going to do all these little crazy windows again but I'll do one you'll get one tell them Peter apparently everybody gets one I think that should be enough for you to get the idea of what we're doing uh so option P creates another a little window here and I'm going going to start with choosing a um try this one the rectangle I'm just going to add this right here so let's say you wanted the sunlight to be on this entire wall maybe something like uh this there's a little bit too much feather on this just maybe I think feather on the top and bottom makes more sense here's there's a pretty like hard Edge so I obviously want the light to mimic the light in the scene right now now there are a bunch of different ways you can change the exposure for this I'm just going to jump over to the offset and raise this up until I feel like it's as close as possible to this background right here CU that is the sunlight that we're trying to mimic turn this off for a bit so I can see just like that think that is quite all right I'm just going to stay in the offset and adjust the tone of this as well and try to match again try to match what I see right here let's say something like that maybe maybe it feels a little bit too dark now so I'm just going to keep bringing that up a little bit I think something like that looks pretty nice but as you can see now we have this line going across our model which sort of ruins the effect doesn't it so to fix that I'm going to jump over to the magic mask window and I'm going to select our model I'm going to invert this mask and you can already see what this did to our footage now track this backwards track it forwards Sor right I'm going to change this to better just so we get a cleaner Edge on our model uh track this again sorry all right let's have a little look how about that that was that was pretty easy I always now obviously I did the same thing for uh the lamp shade over here and for the lamp down here you know just trying to imagine how the sunlight would hit if it was actually shining through that window and to be honest it was um it's quite a fun process and I'm pretty happy with the results so yeah I'm glad that this uh sunlight through the window thing was pretty easy fix and ended up looking quite nice I did make a genuine mistake filming this clip though that uh that really annoys me maybe that's a video for for another time maybe uh maybe next week maybe yeah thank you very much for watching I'll uh I'll see you soon bye-bye did we get it did we get that there's no one there
Channel: Chris Johnsson
Views: 6,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aputure, aputure 60d, aputure 60x, aputure lighting, cinematic lighting, cinematography, davinci power windows, davinci resolve, davinci resolve how to use power windows, davinci resolve magic mask, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci track power windows, director of photography, filmmaking, getty images video, light quality, lighting setup for this scene, lighting tips, power windows in davinci resolve, sell videos online, shaping light, sony fx6, sony fx6 footage, tutorial
Id: Eh-HewyZKkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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