DaVinci Resolve 19! - 7 NEW Game-Changing Features

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denture resolve 19 is finally here the waight is over so in this video I'm going to talk you through seven super cool features that I'm incredibly excited about but I'm also going to critique black magic design a little bit because there's still some features that I really wish they were going to add in but they didn't this time so I'm going to have a little rant about that towards the end of the video so stick around to check out what those three features are that they didn't add that I really hope they will one day the first one is text based timeline editing so before uh IND divin resolve 18.5 they added the option for you to be able to transcribe a clip so you can see all of the dialogue as a text format which was really really cool initially you know it was good that we could we could transcribe and you could basically highlight certain sections then add them into the timeline but you could never actually edit in the timeline via text and premere added this feature uh maybe a couple months ago and now Da Vinci's finally got it so I'm going to show you how it works so here in the timeline we just have a clip of me talking from a previous YouTube video that I have so before the only thing that you could do is click on the clip in the timeline press this button here and then that would transcribe all of the audio into a text format which is doing right now it should be done hopefully soon so when this is done transcribing it looks similar to what you've probably seen before in D Vinci 18 you've got all the text there are transcribed but there's a few new buttons that make this whole transcription feature oh my God it makes it so good this button is the transcription of everything that is in your timeline so all of your timeline transcribed so if we hit this this you will see that this clip is fully transcribed in my timeline which means that we can do some really cool stuff so what we can do probably the most amazing feature oh my it's going to save so much time is this little button here and what this is going to do when I hit it you can see what happened in the timeline right here what happened is that it got rid of every single gap of me not saying anything so any like M or making mistakes or me just being like Oh what was my line and then I'm looking for 20 seconds reading my notion script to try and remember my n my line it just got rid of that amazing so that is going to save so much time so in this instance it took a clip that was once 19 minutes and 31 seconds and it took it to 16 minutes and 5 Seconds so that's just going to save a bunch of minutes here and there like I guess the longer your clip the more Clips you have in there where you're making mistakes the more mistakes that you make it just is a one button solution to solve that problem cuz otherwise as we were doing before I would have to going into here clicking here cutting going here cutting and then rting and then and I have to do that for every single Gap but this just takes away a lot of the process for me with one button so that's pretty amazing and this is just the start of this transcription amazing features if there's a line in here that we don't like um or we know that we're going to get rid of instead of having to find it via listening back to it we can search for it for example so let's say I don't like when I said uh script all the times I said script I hate it and I want to get rid of them so it's highlighted this instance here that says okay that's the scripted section I don't want that in my edit so what we can do when we highlight this it's going to set the in andout points of that text so here we set the in andout points and the in- andout points move to that line of me saying it in the video but the amazing that we can do is we can right click it and we can press delete and it's gone it's gone that's crazy so that just means that you can very easily go through your timeline delete parts that you want delete parts that you don't want all based on what you're actually saying to the camera what your script was so this is amazing it basically is going to save so much time when I know that I've clearly messed up my line um I can just very quickly delete it via this rather than having to play back and scrub through and trying to find it there's other cool features like this of transcription now allows you to have speaker you can very easily assign a name to each speaker and that just helps with your ability to to go through the actual edit itself but these are the two features within the transcription that I feel are the biggest deals especially this one that gets rid of the M um and it just means that I'll I'm going to use this transcription feature way more often than I than I ever really did in uh Da Vinci 18 the second amazing feature is faster magic masking infusion I pretty much use magic mask in every single one of my YouTube videos and there are sometimes when I feel like it is a bit bit sluggish it is a bit slow it does an amazing job when you actually do the the magic mask track but it can be quite slow sometimes depending on the length of the clip so this new update just speeds up any magic mask that you do in Fusion so let's see an example of this here I have a 10c clip and let's hit magic mask and let's do what we do usually which is just draw around it draw around the sections that we want to cut out we want to cut this want to cut this want to cut this and then once we're happy with how it's looking let's just go ahead and track it and now it's basically not quite real time but it's way faster so just a nice update nice Improvement on Magic masking which probably many of us do all the time I do in every single one of my videos so it just means that we can just actually get to work quicker instead of waiting for the magic MK to be done and looking on our phone and scrolling away hoping that it's going to get done soon so yeah just makes makes the process of editing and doing any sort of V effects a lot nicer and quicker number three is be TR tring with Da Vinci's new AI tracker inell track which is basically an updated tracker that resolve is using for both the color page and the fusion page so if you're doing any sort of tracking and then you want to track text to it it's just a new algorithm that apparently is a lot faster more stable and more more of an accurate track so let's have a look at this this lovely cat here and then let's hop into fusion and if we hit tracker and search for that you can see here it just says intell track so in inell track is basically the the new default tracker that you can use you can use this which was point tracker which was the original tracker uh so you can still use the old one if you want to compare but it defaults to the intelli track so let's select it let's select this little boy Cat's Eyes hit the operation mode hit match move then let's do our track and it looks really really good from there let's track back as you can see it just sticks really really well to the eye it's pretty accurate let's actually test the point tracker and do the same thing and see how accurate it is I mean it's a pretty contrasty eye so you would expect it to do a really good job but this is pretty much perfect right up until the cat leans down and his eye disappears which is fair because it can't track if the eye isn't there and it can't see the eye so let's do the point tracker which is the original tracker and then let's do the exact same thing so the thing I'm noticing immediately is that it's way slower way way slower the intelli track was was Blazing fast this is doing 8.36 frames a second that is very slow and wait what is it switched eyes no it switched eyes yeah what the hell it just randomly switched eyes here it's like yep not that I the normal tracker definitely had problems and I experienced quite a bunch of these but the intell track was way more accurate I me we going to do it again just to be sure yeah so much faster look at that average 33 frames a second of tracking that's crazy that's so much so much faster pretty incredible that da Vinci has just made tracking work like more than three times faster so yeah just making the the AI the algorithms faster so that means that when we actually have an idea in our heads of like we want to do motion tracking we want to do a cool thing you can just very quickly do it and you're not waiting around I think that's the beauty of um editing software and just Tech getting better is that it's actually making us just not sit around and get bored and get distracted and taken us out with the flow of being creative and and this intell track seems to be doing that so Bravo black magic a great update intell track is also available in the color page for all of the power windows so again you don't have to use Point trackers anymore you can use something like intell track which clearly is more accurate number four is having organization within your favorites folder now this may seem like a little thing but anything that helps keep your project more organized is a win for me so essentially in the effects panel before you had favorites but your favorites were not organized at all whenever you clicked here and then you started something it would just be a very unorganized list of favorites on your screen however now the favorites folder actually is categorized the same way that the normal toolbox folders are for all of your effects so as you can see here if we click favorite all of the effects that I favorited because I use them regularly and want to access them quickly are all here so my editor collection which I use all the time Link in the description if you want to download them they're amazing my Mr Alex Tex my magic anime some other like user presets that I've made to transition adjustment Clips things like that they're all here organized it's actually encouraging me to favor a lot more now because before it was just a bit of a mess to organized so I didn't want to like favor it 20 different things three different things just in case it became a bit of a mess but now having anything everything really organized as either a full list or having it organized in very specific segments like like only the titles only the generators that I have it really nice and it just makes the user interface feel a lot more clean and makes me want to go breath of fresh air making the UN user interface cleaner than it was before number five is automatic audio ducking so many times when I would edit if I wanted to drop out the sound or and then bring it back in I would always have to key frame always have to do manual key frames to dip it down when someone starts talking then to bring it back up in sections where there's nobody talking to the camera so automatic audio thing does that automatically obviously so essentially what it does is that if you have somebody like this handsome genen over here talking um and you have audio underneath it so what we would have had to do before is key frame this audio so when I'm about to speak which is roughly there uh I would have had to drop it down to an adequate level that made sense so we could actually hear what I'm saying so the audio would be doing its thing okay all right so let's see what's and then I would talk right and then you would actually be able to hear what I'm saying now you don't have to do key frames you don't have to do any key frames anymore it's not necessary all you have to do is click on the track and you'll see this little thing called Ducker you click on it and then you've got to tell it like which source do you want to duck uh with the music and you have a level here so let's put it on like 12ish depending on how much you want it to actually duck down um I think it's in decel levels I'm not sure I need to experiment with this a bit more it's a very new feature so let's put it on 12 uh for now and then let's [Music] play all right so let's see what's going so the biggest CH du down it's hitting 10 DB and then when I'm talking it's going down to like 24 DB super cool right like this is going to be so useful for it actually playing that back it just reminds me of like a radio show or something where they're like welcome to BBC Radio One got dance beats all along and then it's like du automatically it's going to be so useful for for edits where I can just let let the AI let the software automatically du for me save me time no more key framing no more messing around with that super cool feature that I'm excited to be using in future edits number six is the trim edit tool so this is a tool that came directly from the cut page but I don't really use the cut page that much but I'm if it makes my editing better in the normal edit page I'm happy so essentially uh what it does is it just makes you being able to align cut points a little bit more efficient and better and more accurate so before if you wanted to uh mess around with these two clips here for example which is lady on the beach looking stunning and then this cat here before you would just click in between and then you would slip back and forth to find exactly when you when you wanted to cut in and you had uh a frame guide here so you could see like okay this is I'm adding six extra frames of the cat here or I'm adding eight frames less of the C and you can you know you see the was on the screen to line it up well now if you double click this you see a extra window pop up here where you can see the timeline of what you have and the two clips that you're trying to slip between and you can more accurately align it because you have the frames of both here so for instance if I grab this that's basically the same as what I was doing before but you more clearly see the frames and actually I find that when I'm moving my mouse it's a little bit more slow so it's a bit more accurate to count how many frames in you want and then if you don't want to do that you can grab the bottom one here so you can slip just the bottom one left and right and ripple it in same thing for the top one you can just do that if you want it less to make a gap for whatever reason if you want to make like a gap of a certain amount of frames so it's quite a nice feature it just makes trimming a bit more simple straightforward especially if you want to be a lot more accurate with where your cut in and cut out points are going to be and finally number seven is the Text Plus tool has a bunch of enhancements that I'm really excited about especially when it comes to people who make plugins because one of the things that I was asking for for a long time is being able to have control over like individual characters and individual words when you're animating and you can really do that before I was speaking to Jake Whip and he said that when he was making his plug-in collection he found it really difficult to be able to give it a lot of customizability because the text plus node was lacking in some stuff but now text plus has gotten way more feature which there's more you can do with it and that makes me very happy so let's do Text Plus and we have it here and then let's drag it in so what we can do we click this tab and then we do Fusion overlay you actually now have a cursor on the text plus node so you can type directly on the viewer itself so let's do hello YouTube and then this is where things can get even crazier we can right click press template and then allow manual positioning and now you can do crazy stuff like this where you could individually you know control texts and then um I guess I'm not sure if you can do this in the edit page someone will correct me if I'm wrong but it theoretically means that you could key frame every single letter individually you'll definitely be able to do this in the fusion page that's for sure but yeah it's pretty cool that they've made text plus a lot more feature Rich which for me means that predominantly a lot of the templates that are I already us are going to get updates things like Jake Whip's editor collection is going to get an update most likely where we're going to be able to have way more control over a text animation so we can make stuff look way more cinematic way more professional as much as I'm happy and grateful black magic you've done all these updates amazing I love a lot of them there are still a bunch of stuff that I really wish they were going to add and I'm going to say it now because I think the more I I rant about it the more they might actually happen the first one is a bit controversial um which is is having a play head that can stick to the mouse cursor Final Cup pro has this and when I was using it for about a year and then switched to D Vinci resolve I missed it dearly it makes editing so much faster to be able to have your cursor just move and the playhead sticks to it it just makes it way easier for you to find points to cut them to select them to look at the way for to cut gaps it just makes everything way more fun because in a way currently all of us are editing like this anyway but instead of we're we're moving our mouse cursor within this uh box here to grab the playhead and then we're moving it around you know we're being like we want that if we have audio here we're we're scrubbing through we're clicking on it you know we're clicking here we're clicking that we're getting rid of that we're getting rid of that like we're constantly moving this play head around so why can't there just be a setting here where you can allow the playhead to stick to the mouse cursor it just means that we get rid of an extra click of having to constantly like drag up here and we can very easily be like move our Mouse go here go here go here I I honestly don't know why they don't include this as a feature yeah like as long as they can as long as we can turn it off that is all I care about because if you don't like it and you're really against this which some of you are going to be then just have a toggle to take it off and then you don't have to use it if you don't want to but for people like you know Final Cut people who've realized that it's such an amazing workflow Improvement especially on laptops when you're using a trackpad it's so much more efficient to have it so the playhead moves around with the cursor makes editing way faster cutting way faster and it makes just selecting Clips in the timeline faster so please please add it it's it I really hope they do because it's something that I'm missing dearly from final C and then whenever time that I hop into final C on the rare occasions I'm like oh it's such a good feature Apple you invented something that is amazing and should be in every single editing software so I hope one day they had it we'll see and in divin 19 they've actually made eight weeks to the way the The playhead Works cuz there is an option here that allows you to have a fixed playhead so essentially when you play something the playhead stays in the middle of the timeline and the timeline Scrolls around the playhead rather than the opposite way so you know this is okay like this is stepping in the right direction and it's kind of cool because if you stop it you can hover your mouse uh cursor here and then you know you can drag a bit like this but it's not it's not the same as having a play play head stick to the cursor so it's nice maybe some people love this and and and wanted this but it's not the same thing as having the play move to the cursor so please black magic please add it it would be oh it's it's the number one feature that I that I'm missing and wish to Vinci had feature that I'm missing number two is probably way less controversial and I think all a lot of people would actually agree that this should be a thing which is to have um some sort of search console that you can automatically bring up VI a keyboard shortcut search whatever effect that you want and then press enter and it adds it onto the clip uh above the timeline this already exists in Fusion you can press uh shift space bar type in Magic mask and then it automatically adds that node Why Can't This also exist in the edit page and maybe even in the color page like it would just be so useful to um instead of having to click effects and then drag the effect on or you know double click the effect if you already have a clip enabled why can't we just have a keyboard shortcut that we can hit and then we can put uh Text Plus enter and then text plus is already added on it's crazy because Premier Pro has a version of this it's a it's a third party plugin that does exactly this where you can type in whatever effect you want and then it adds it in the timeline and Final Cut also has a version of this that is a third party plugin where you type in what you want and then it adds that effect onto the timeline so I don't know why nobody's built this before maybe um Da Vinci people watching this who are a lot more intelligent than me with the fusion and the back end and scripting it is a there's a reason why it's never been made before but I I just think it would be incredible and I'm sure Da Vinci and and black magic could actually make it if they really wanted to and it would just make editing so much quicker you've got an idea for an effect you want to add it on a clip you want to add something maybe you could even have it so you can type in to search for a clip name or something and then you know that you have like a b-roll footage of a cat walking you type in cat walking and then it adds it straight on rather than having to drag your mouse up here to to to find it so I think that would be an amazing feature it would just speed up editing a lot more it would shave off a few seconds every single time you want to do something please add it in Black Magic it would be amazing and finally number three would be to have the ability to group audio tracks in the edit page and fair like there is a way to do this but I also wish that there was a way to do this in the edit page cuz there's so many times where I'm working on a bigger video project and I have like three or four stacks of sound effects and sometimes I don't need to look at them so I just want to collapse them all down into a very thin timeline and the only way to do that is to like individually select them all and drag them to squash them but I just wish there was a grouping system where I could way more heavily collapse that row of audio and then I could name it and put s sound effects and then that is just the sound effects tracks but they're actually all collected into one track this thing is Common Place in music production so Ableton for example has a lot of grouping features with tracks if you didn't have any grouping it would be so annoying to navigate the software also you'd be able to do cool stuff like add a specific effect on a whole group track and then it would affect every single Le track within that group or if you want to just mix you could you know add 10 minus 10 DB just to that track and it would affect every single clip audio clip within that track I don't see why they wouldn't add this to the edit page eventually because it already exists in falite so I really hope it makes its way over to the edit page it just means that we have way more control over our tracks we can hide them more easily again this is a final cut feature Final Cut does this with rols and it's just really useful to be able to solo tracks and then only see like your dial L while also knowing that the sound effect still exists there but it is taking up a minimal amount of space in the UI please resolve this is another one that I that I hope we get sometime in the near future so those are my seven favorite features of denture resolve 19 there's actually way more features that got added in this update that I've left links in the description for of other YouTubers who've talked about them uh so you can go and check them out if you want to get the full the full overview of every little thing that got introduced into this new update if you want to speed up your workflow with denture res definitely check out the plug-in packs that I have in the description from Mr Alex Tech and Jake whip they're amazing I use them on every single video that I make essentially if you want to get way more speedy and efficient with denture resolve you should check out this video right here where I talk through the plugins that I use on every single YouTube edit that just make editing way faster way more enjoyable hit that subscribe button if you haven't done so already because if you do I'm going to give you a sneaky peek into Da Vinci resolve 20 in 2 years time thanks so much for watching and I'll see see you in the next video
Channel: Adam Grasso
Views: 10,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 19
Id: 0yxcdaWg7fY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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