SmallRig x Potato Jet Tribex Hydraulic Carbon Fiber Tripod – First Look

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small rig and potato jet make a tripod together called tricks you're watching cinity supported by B&H and CVP hi guys cinity here at NB 2024 I'm here with Jean AKA potato jet at small R how are you doing fantastic u i mean there's a million people behind the camera waiting to talk to you so I'm going to you know make it fast um so you have your own product now what is what is this yeah so this is a tripod that uh it's kind of what a tripod that I've always dreamed of but we've spent the last while just making it and really it's just a tripod designed to be very fast and efficient because we're always losing the light and you always have a director in your ear going why are you so slow get that shot quickly and Britney Spears is over there in the corner like complaining like even though she was the one that was late so that's why we're behind schedule in the first place but anyways I digress we just set it up I want to know details about that okay it's not a true story actually I wish I knew Britney SCS but I actually don't I I'm total liar but so very cool so how do you oh interesting so that it's a quick release on top yeah so I'll bring it up to show the camera but yeah I mean that's uh that's the that's the SE that's the good stuff right there that is uh the xclutch system so you know you can fold down into a grip but whenever you want to adjust height you pop it out and basically you grip it and it releases all legs and all stages so makes uh the the setup process a little bit easier and faster it is a kind of different kind of flow Tech yeah yeah like yeah exactly like it's uh I do love the flotex I've used that professionally for years and uh it's a awesome tripod but uh now we really wanted to focus on something that I'm like I'm finding myself using a lot of smaller cameras these days you know now it's like the fx3 and fx6 and maybe the fx9 or C70 black magic like we we're seeing so many great cameras come out for like smaller sizes so I really wanted to have something that's compact enough to just throw in a suitcase so we made sure the dimensions will fit in a standard suitcase so you don't have to travel with an extra you know case just for the tripod uh I yeah the quick release is brilliant because usually when you have these telescopic legs I mean it's a lot of screwing a lot of like individual kind of thing pulling out and takes you ages so this is super fast yeah and also another thing is uh another things is usually you set up the legs and then you have to balance the head but when we when we were trying that with different prototypes in terms of how should we balance the head I always found that it's actually always faster to just grab the clutch and then adjust the Tilt so if you set it up if you have a clutch which you don't normally don't have so exactly so after doing that for a while we kind of realized actually the fastest way to get this thing up and going is actually just to combine it so that the xclutch will actually set up the height of the tripod but also you just keep an eye on the Bubble Level and when you release it you're not just set up for your height but also for the level and that's just what I'm all about about is just trying to make as few steps as possible from getting from your waist level shot to your eye level to the next shot like and also um also the uh also each leg is independently controlled so uh it's actually great for uneven terrain we actually named it after an Alpine IEX so it's triex get it huh clever Al actually the names we really wanted were taking and trademark but you know we'll we'll not mention that part but no we're uh the Alpine Ibex is really cool cuz they're Mountain animals that are really agile if you're interested in just going down some rabbit hole next time you're taking a poop and you have your phone watch that it's actually really they're really amazing what they can do actually we put some b-roll of the animals too over that yeah they're really impressive animals but you know they have hooves that can like clam like basically hook onto like any little sliver of a wall but essentially um this is this is this is it's cool to be able to show it here on you know like more of a studio environment but it really shines when you take it out into the field and you actually see in this photo you know we have uneven terrain but the it having uneven terrain or setting it up in tighter spaces it doesn't actually make any difference with the system because you squeeze it and all the legs go where they need to go awesome and the what about the head the head so we our goal for the head was to create a head that is as compact as possible because we really want it to be lightweight and travel friendly but still fluid that has definitely been a challenge to take a lot of what we wanted in here like a counterbalance like for me I really want a counterbalance in here because I want to be able to unlock this and not worry about the camera tipping over right so that as well as giving it the the friction and tension it needs and we basically wanted to compress it down so it's uh passport friendly it's what I like to call it very nice so how much is that set and is it available already so we're kind of on the final stages right now we're just doing minor tweaks and making a few adjustments and once that's ready then we'll be able to really lock in pricing it definitely is a professional product so it's not going to be super cheap but we are trying to figure out how to build it so it doesn't really lose its quality and still has good performance and affordable to everybody how low can it go and how high uh so max site I can show you right now um I actually don't really know the specs it's on a brochure which is oh I should lock that just roughly to see yeah yeah so max height is right here if you feel comfortable sending that Center column all the way up uh and then bottom you could actually remove the center column right here by loosening this screw and then these legs go you know straight out and you could drop it down all the way down yeah so yeah definitely um uh but in terms of doing it fast we can just bring it down to this level here and if you need it lower that's when you need to either widen out these legs a little bit like that or take off the head and really just slam it against the ground awesome great product I I love the clutch I mean yeah that's super fast I think actually we have to call it the xclutch for trademark reason yeah tra naming the tripod is half the battle actually you can you think of something we had a good somebody else has registered it already something that was never released right exactly uh but also um yeah this is this is this is a cool thing that small Rick does this is a cool thing that small RI does where you can switch between a standard man froto style plate and uh RS3 RS4 gimbal so basically it's designed to be able to switch I hate that I can't put the RS on a standard mon FR you always have to swap the plate yeah which is super frustrating but you could switch it here so you could go straight from your gimbal straight onto here and you don't have to worry about slipping off even if you forget to tighten this or whatever so perfect thank you so much it's a really cool product very smart yeah thanks everybody for watching stay tuned to cinity for lots more videos from NAB 2024 and don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel you probably already subscribed to his one so subscribe to ours [Music]
Channel: CineD
Views: 35,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CineD, cined, NAB 2024, SmallRig, Potato Jet, Gene Nagata, SmallRig x Potato Jet Tribex, SmallRig x Potato Jet Tribex Hydraulic Carbon Fiber Tripod, X-Clutch, video tripod, carbon fiber tripod
Id: e6L1Zmb_AMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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