How to BLUR the BACKGROUND in Davinci Resolve 19 Studio | Defocus Background Tutorial

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in this tutorial you'll learn how to blur the background of your videos using the new defocus background feature in D venci resol many people don't use this function correctly stick around until the end of the video and you'll discover what they're doing wrong once we're on the timeline with our video the first step is to go to the color module in D venci resolve next we'll open the effects menu located in the upper right corner we'll look for the defocus background effect we select the effect and drag it on to an empty node to apply it just like that we see that the background is not yet blurred don't worry this is totally normal first we need to select the person then the blur will be applied to the background to select the person we go to the magic mask menu click on this icon here with the plus selector icon activated the next step is to select the part of the video we want to keep in focus in this case we will select the person we place the cursor over the viewer click left and while holding down we select the entire person with this blue line it's time to paint the more precise our selection the better as this will allow DCI resolve to clearly identify the area where we want to create the mask perfect once we've finished painting with this blue line I recommend activating the toggle mask overlay mode this allows us to verify if we've correctly selected the person as it will highlight the entire selection in red I also recommend switching the quality mode to better this will significantly improve the mask making the selection much more precise great now that we have the mask highlighted in red the next step is to carefully review the selection to ensure there are no errors in this area here we can see that it's selected a small part of the background and also this small gap between the arm and the person we need to remove these two parts of the selection to do this we will activate the minus selector icon and proceed to remove these incorrect Parts click left and select the parts we want to remove with this red line all set we have complet completed the selection of the person and now have a perfect mask however we've only created the mask on a single frame of the video that means if we change the frame we can see that the mask disappears it's necessary to perform motion tracking so that the mask remains throughout the entire video performing the motion tracking is very easy just click on this icon with two arrows and Magic mask will automatically track The Mask once finished we don't need to do anything else in the magic mask menu so we can deactivate the toggle mask overlay option so that the person doesn't appear highlighted in red you might not have noticed but the moment we made the mask of the person the background blur effect was applied if I toggle the defocus background effect on and off you can clearly see how it blurs the background within the effects tab we can increase or decrease the amount of blur I don't recommend maxing it out as it becomes overly exaggerated but a value between 0.4 and 0.8 usually looks good you also have the option to decrease the saturation of the Blurred area in the colorize option you can give a color tone to the Blurred background you can choose the color to your liking well these three options are very straightforward now comes the really interesting part have you heard of anamorphic lenses anamorphic lenses give us that cinematic look that so many Desire with horizontal light flares and that characteristic blur the only problem is that with the defocus background effect we can also achieve a blur that mimics the appearance of anamorphic lenses doing this is very simple we need to head to Advanced options here we can change the type of blur choose between l lens blur or gajan blur I recommend leaving it as is on lens blur to emulate this anamorphic blur style we have an option called anamorphism if we increase the anamorphism value it will apply horizontal Distortion to the blur anamorphic lenses typically have vertical Distortion see how the light ovals elongate vertically to mimic this sort of blur here's what I do we decrease the an morphism value to the minimum to 0.2 and now we increase the blur level even more and there we have our free anamorphic lens well for $300 which is the cost of Da Vinci resolve Studio remember at the beginning of the video I mentioned that many people use the defocus background effect incorrectly now I'll show you exactly what I meant to give you a better look let's use this other video example in this video I've already applied the defocus background effect and at first glance it might seem fine the woman appears in focus and the background is blurred but the background blur is poorly done we had the woman in the center and she appeared focused fine but right next to her at the same distance there's this wall with shelves and books these shelves are right next to her they're not in the background so they should also appear in Focus the same goes for for this column on the left and the table which are at the same distance as the woman they should also appear in Focus however by applying the defocus background effect all we achieve is having the person in focus and everything else out of focus that's not how depth the field works that's why I've decided to include this other example in the tutorial to learn how to use the effect correctly in these types of situations we've already selected the person using the magic mask function now we need to select the column and the table on the left and also the wall on the right can we select three elements simultaneously with magic mask let's find out to add the column and the table we will click on the viewer with the plus symbol selector exactly as we did in the previous example we carefully select the entire area with this blue line perfect it seems that it has selected correctly for now so let's activate the toggle mask overlay function to highlight our entire selection in red great now we just need to select the wall on the right done we have it it looks like it has selected some parts of the background as if they were part of the wall to remove these incorrect areas we click on the selector with the minus symbol and then select the area we want to delete all right it's the moment of truth let's see if magic mask can track three three different areas at the same time we click on the icon with two arrows to start the tracking it seems that magic mask is tracking the three areas very decently the only flaw I see is this area of the background here but fixing it is very easy to eliminate this part of the background that was incorrectly selected after the motion tracking first we need to find the frame in the video where magic mask begins to select that erroneous area okay it looks like in this Frame here it begins to select the part of the background we delete this area with the selector with the minus symbol and then we do the motion tracking again this time only to the right until the end of the video we click on the icon of the arrow pointing to the right well it seems that now the selection is much more precise but it still keeps selecting part of that area of the background if you want the results to be perfect we could try to adjust it one last time we find the frame where the error begins we select the affected area and we do the motion tracking again and done now yes we have a Flawless section of the three areas we turn off the option to highlight in red and as we can see we now have the background blur effect correctly applied nothing like the blurry mess we had before this can really be called defocus background if you're interested in learning more about new features and DCI resolve let me introduce you to another new function is it really worth it let's find out
Channel: Sergio Mota | Academy
Views: 14,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how blur background, how to blur background, how to blur background in davinci resolve, how to blur background in davinci resolve 19, davinci resolve 19, davinci resolve studio 19, davinci resolve 19 effect, defocus background davinci resolve, how to defocus background, how to blur in davinci resolve, davinci resolve 19 tutorial, davinci resolve blur background, davinci resolve blur, bokeh effect davinci, bokeh effect davinci resolve, sergio mota, how to blur a video
Id: RbSirhSxqk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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