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it's finally back solar smash just got a brand new update let's check it out what is going on tfg squad my name is brandon and welcome back to solar smash i know it's been a while since i played this game but the game just got updated let's see what we're dealing with so the first thing i'm gonna do i'm gonna go to planet smash and i'm just gonna check to see if there's any new weapons nothing looks new that looks new is that like a monster or an alien spaceship i actually can't tell exactly what that is are there any new monsters doesn't look like it any new oh man okay they did a complete overhaul of the game this is absolutely amazing so these are all the same ones let's go to alpha centauri these look the same let's go over here those are the same and the secret planets there's a new secret planet okay so the first thing i want to check out is the brand new weapon so i think it was down here and down here i have no idea what this is also if you guys want to see more solar smash on the channel smack that like button for me and subscribe to the channel right now let's give it a shot i'm gonna aim for i don't know i'm gonna go for idaho i don't think i've ever blown up idaho before so anyone that lives in idaho i'm sorry for blowing you up three two one go let's put this in slow motion because i want to get a good look at it oh what is this okay it's definitely some sort of a spaceship it looks like a cross between a spaceship and a machine gun which is probably not a good sign for idaho or just the rest of planet earth in general all right let's speed things back up any day now ship what are you leaving what is this a commuter ship oh no it's not oh my gosh it's still firing it is literally still firing at oh my gosh the entire united states is gone not just idaho it's it's literally still firing okay we get the idea spaceship everyone's dead you can stop shooting now oh my gosh look at that let me zoom in really quickly we just removed the united states off the face of the earth the united states no longer exists you just have mexico and you have canada actually it looks like maine survived if anybody lives in the state of mate what is going why did it come back i think i accidentally pressed it again oh my gosh okay well let's speed things up and yeah they blew up maine now oh wait no main's still there you know what maine you're the only part of the united states that still exists i'm gonna blow up this entire planet because why not but really quickly i just want to see how strong this spaceship is so i'm gonna spawn in two maybe four of these shields okay that seems pretty good now i'm gonna spawn the giant spaceship let's zoom out a little bit is it strong enough to penetrate through these shields that's the question not yet okay these shields are really strong look at this this is absolutely incredible okay i'm gonna speed things up a little bit and i don't even think it destroyed any of them one two three four no all of the shields are still there the one is like pretty red so it was about to blow up you know what fine let's spawn another this is so much more wait what if i spawn multiple at the same time oh no oh no oh this was a mistake this was a problem oh that was a bad idea they're blowing each other up they're literally shooting each other because they're all in each other's way oh my gosh okay i just killed 619 million people okay that was fun but we have more important things to do so let's just go to the planetary destroying laser man three two one and uh come on sir blow up the planet there we go oh i got an achievement by the way my username on google play is stone juggernaut i i didn't pick that myself i think it was randomly assigned to me now it's time to unlock the brand new secret planet there's only one problem no no there's only two problems the first problem is i don't know what the secret planet is and the second problem is i don't know how to unlock the secret planet so there's there's really not much to work with can i get a hint excuse me solar smash would you mind giving me a hint what the secret plan it is i'm literally just talking to my door like no one's gonna respond to that so the first thing i'm gonna do to try to unlock the new planet i'm gonna spawn in millions of this new weapon i'm thinking maybe the new weapon will unlock the new planet the donut world basically with the lasers we had to make the world look like a donut then we refreshed and we unlocked it same with the cube world same with flat earth snowman i think we had to freeze the entire planet and i don't remember how we unlocked ghost world let me know in the comments how did we unlock ghost world but i know like we had to do something to the planet and then reset it so here we go i'm going gonna spawn in nine million of these spaceships are they yeah yeah they're coming in oh they're coming in all right okay oh we are literally surrounded by these things can i blow up the entire planet with these spaceships what are we gonna call these guys come up with a name in the comments section for these spaceships i'm going to call them the supermassive planet earth destroyer hahaha that's the name of the weapon that oh my gosh this is this is phenomenal this is absolutely phenomenal okay i've already killed four billion people which is a very bad thing but in this game it's kind of funny hey i missed india i'm coming for you india i know i have a lot of fans from india oh well not anymore i don't have oh okay okay i think we blew it up already okay yep nobody's left from india okay i wanna make sure i've killed every single person on the planet with this spaceship and then i'm gonna reset the planet and see if we unlock the secret world 20 minutes later you know it's a lot harder to blow up the entire planet than you would think actually i i would think it's probably pretty hard to blow up the entire planet there's 12 million people what's that over there is that spain i think i missed spain okay 1 million there are 1 million people left on planet earth how are they alive oh there we go all right i finally got him i was gonna say this is a giant magma ball that's on fire okay hey i killed everybody stop shooting geez all right now i'm gonna reset the planet and hopefully unlock the new world i didn't unlock the new world all right you know what i gotta look this up okay so i found out the new world is a giant pumpkin or a jack-o-lantern i don't know either way it's like a giant pumpkin and maybe there's like a face carving in it i guess they're celebrating halloween how do i turn planet earth into a pumpkin all right let's take out the lasers guys you might have to help me out in the comments because i have no idea how the heck to do this but i'm going to try my best no i don't want to go to the monsters let's go to the laser i'm going to go up to i don't know a three and a half and i'm gonna make it orange because pumpkins are orange at least they were last time i checked i mean that has got to be the world's worst pumpkin there is no way in god's green earth if i reset the planet i will unlock the pumpkin but i'm going to try anyway nope yeah not even close to the pumpkin not even close to the pumpkin what are you looking at australia i'm trying my hardest okay okay once again i had to look it up one of you guys told me in the comment section you need to blow up planet earth and when it turns bright orange like right before it's about to blow up then you reset the planet maybe that will work i have no idea all right here we go planetary destroying laser man wait for it to get bright orange not yet it's getting there it's getting there it's getting there it's getting there it's getting there go reset the planet go that literally did not work okay i'm trying it again because you guys seem to think that was the right answer go nothing how is that what how am i supposed to unlock this darn pumpkin man really quickly before we go back to unlocking the darn pumpkin planet you guys actually told me there is a new planet and i just went right past it pluto oh they added pluto i don't think pluto was in solar smash before right oh okay we're definitely gonna come back and make a part two because i am going to blow up pluto i'm gonna be the first person to set pluto on fire and see what happens maybe i'll even try to create life on pluto that would be interesting but we have a mission on our hands and that is turning this planet that we love and live on into a giant pumpkin okay someone else said wait until the planets or the uh the the stupid thing zooms away is zoomed away but so as i reset it no don't blow up don't plop now it blew up it literally blew up let's try that again here we go again so basically i need to wait until the entire planet earns bright orange and then you guys said wait until the thing zooms away and now reset it bam oh we got it achievement unlocked achievement unlocked we turned it into a pumpkin wait wait so let's go to the secret planets now and yes it's the trick-or-treat update oh and it looks like if i start like hitting it with the laser it actually looks like the inside of a pumpkin no way oh this is incredible oh this is love that first pumpkin i don't know if that's actually a thing i absolutely love this i think it's kind of funny that nobody lives on planet pumpkin probably because i had to blow up planet earth to get there this is incredible i'm going to create my own little tfg jack-o-lantern that's actually kind of horrifying oh no i put a hole i gave the pumpkin a butt i i didn't want to give the pumpkin a butt okay someone said if you turn it up to five you actually can turn it into like a legitimate jack-o-lantern let me try this one more time right here why isn't it why isn't it getting bright you guys told me that like the inside would actually get like bright that's it's not happening what if i turn the power down maybe that'll be better let me know in the comments how to light the inside of the pumpkin but my gosh that's got to be the most terrifying jack-o-lantern i've ever seen in my life don't forget to hit that subscribe button and check out my other youtube channel it's called tfg vlogs and i will see all of you in the next video [Music]
Channel: The Frustrated Gamer
Views: 643,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solar smash, solar smash pumpkin, solar smash pumpkin world, new solar smash update, new solar smash secret planet, new solar smash, solar smash secret planet, solar smash trick or treat, the frustrated gamer solar smash, the frustrated gamer solar smash new update, pumpkin world, pumpkin solar smash, solar smash secrets, space simulator, space simulator game, solar smash update, the frustrated gamer, solar smash halloween
Id: xr3MwOXX1dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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