Funniest Kid Test Answers (Part 2)

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what's going on boys it's your boy luke davidson back with another episode and in today's video we're gonna be reacting to the funniest kid test dancers part two i did this video a long long time ago and you guys seemed to enjoy it so i was like why not do it again how would you make a marriage work and the kid put tell your wife she looks pretty even if she looks like a dump truck a dump truck okay you should never call your wife anything bad but like if you were calling someone something bad why would they use a dump truck like it sounds like you're talking about their butt or something like instead of using dump truck at least use like if she looks like a piece of crap okay guys that's like that's bad dude never say that to anybody that's disrespectful but like why would they use the word dump truck and you guys are also probably wondering luke why do you have headphones on if you're looking at pictures and not a video and guys for some reason when i make videos with my headphones off if i hear the slightest noise like a creak upstairs it throws me completely off and even if i take my headphones oh my gosh see it's terrible the headphones damper the noise so i can't hear myself talking and as soon as i take them off i hear myself yelling and it throws me off completely so that's why i have headphones on i need to get like earplugs or something but anyway draw a picture of what you will look like in a hundred years in a hundred years i will be blank years old at what they put oh my gosh warren decided to put a tombstone well how does warren know that in a hundred years he won't be alive like let's say he's like five years old now kindergarten 100 years to be 105. like what's the oldest person in the world right now 112 years old see what if warren was the next oldest person in the world you never know guys all right for this one they get a problem and then they have to write the solution so the problem is you fell on the playground and scratched your knee and the kid put the solution is to get up and deal with it i mean they're not wrong but like actually what would the real answer be i mean it's your opinion right so that would be technically a right answer well i would give them the mark i don't know the teacher better give them the mark too what would the actual answer be if not this like start crying get up and find a teacher to give you a band-aid or what this person is tough just get up and deal with it that's a good answer a little kid wrote this letter for his teacher after he was told she was sick dear mrs clark i heard you did not felt good i'm guessing i feel good well when well when that happens here's a trick to learn just go poop what i am not kidding it works with me every morning i feel bad so just remember when you feel bad the first thing you do is poop and they put a picture i don't feel good they rub in their stomach and i got it and they have a light bulb over their head and a picture of the toilet i mean okay in all honesty they're not wrong that does solve the problem sometimes but sometimes guys you know you go to the bathroom it's still like oh my god actually no i don't know a time where i've had a sore stomach i have to go to the bathroom it's always better unless you can't go to the bathroom that is then it won't get better and maybe that's why the teachers at home we never know that's a little too personal all right so they had to name the quadrilateral hello aha the quadrilateral i'm graduated and i swear i've never heard that word in my life i'm guessing it means like how many angles so here's a square you would put square but they put bob they literally named it instead of like naming what shape it is but again like they didn't specifically say name the shape well i don't know what does quadrilateral mean the definition of quadrilateral is a four-sided polygon having four edges and four corners i guess i do all have four corners and four edges so yeah it doesn't say like what shape is it it says name it so they put bob sam edison kate and harry that's five marks to me parent signature mom come on at least put your mom's name okay but this was like one of the most annoying things in school how to get your parents to sign something and then you forget but to be honest i was pretty good at this as soon as i get that paper i bring it home put it on the table one of my parents sign it i bring it back to school hand it in but lots of my friends lots of kids i know i mean they're not kids anymore but that's people i know months go by and this thing is just crumpled up in their backpack they never get anyone to sign it name six animals which live specifically in the arctic okay wait before we see the answer what's six animals a polar bear a penguin a seal what the heck oh a walrus maybe two more what the heck how many animals live there oh did i say polar bear i think i said polar bear already what kind of birds live there who birds live there i mean penguins kind of as a bird but like i don't know i can only think of four what do they put two polar bears and four horses oh i get it i get it they technically name two things i said name six animals two plus four is six quick math so they technically put six but unlike the other one where it said name the shapes this one said name six animals so two polar bears and four seals isn't six animals well i mean it is six animals heck give them the point how many days they're in a week seven that's correct how many months in a year 12 that's correct is this number even or odd 68 and they put even and then it says how do you know because i'm smart because they're smart oh man well i mean it is even so technically they are smart but at the same time wait what did the teacher say because the number in the ones place is even but this person says because i'm smart and even though they got the answer right they technically aren't smart because they're like oh man i don't know the answer so i'm just gonna say because i'm smart they're kind of lying since they didn't know the answer that makes them not smart so that minus marks for lying do not lie guys lessons from luke which is the best estimate for the length of a football oh my gosh man you're not allowed to add words to the answers but i mean yes the length of a football is one football what is the actual answer i don't think i would even know what if it actually is one foot what's one foot like this that actually might be right it says online 0.9 feet so technically one foot so this person actually got it right if i am late for class i will and then they have to put an answer they put burst into class and comment on mr thomas's mustache mr thomas will blush and say thanks if i was mr thomas i'd probably laugh and give them a point because they could say i will say sorry and mr thomas will punish me no i don't know why he'd punish them but i mean showing up to class late is punishable but but it's technically like what will you do and this is what this person will do so they should get the mark the difference between 180 and 158 is 22. is it right guys okay this is how i do i don't even know if this is the right way but so you see 158 and there's a 22. so you take the 2 and you add it to the 8 and that would be 160. and then 20 more is 180. so that is the answer 22. and then it says explain how you found your answer in problem 4. and they put math which is true because this is math they use math to find the answer so they should get the point but what actually what would you put how did you get the answer like i would write well i mean i would think you would put this i took 180 and i took off 158 from it and then i got 22. like that's how you found the answer but i guess you're supposed to do like oh yeah i put 180 on the top i put 158 on the bottom i did this i moved it over here to middle and i got 22. write an example of a risk and they put this no they actually got the point that is so good i mean i'm sure this is obvious and it's going to sound like i'm explaining the obvious but instead of putting like a risk is to spend all your money on a house they put this like writing down this is a risk that they'll get it wrong but since it is a risk they got it right that's genius the man pet the dog okay so they put pet but there's like a blank and you're supposed to put bit or hit okay okay i gotta get it so like you're supposed to put like is the word fit or is the word hit and then obviously the word would be hit because the man fit the dog doesn't make sense but the man hit the dog makes sense and they put you should not hit dog this kid knows what's up i would if i was the teacher i would have gave them the mark because like why would you put this man hit the dog like that's just wrong it's wrong to hit a dog i would have gave this kid extra points they could put some crayons in a box she recorded the outcomes of 10 pulls all right so she put them in a box and she pulled them out ten times i guess and she wrote down the incomes of like what color she got the first pull she got green and she got orange on green or her under orange which color does the data show was pulled less often well obviously green explain how you know that your answer is correct my brain is always right this kid is so funny man the first time when the kids said because i am smart that that one was kind of funny but this one my brain is always right now the kid's just getting a little too cocky okay but like how do you explain your answer is correct i would put because in the graph it shows green twice and orange eight times look i guess this person did not know the answer so they put top secret so the teacher couldn't see and oh no spilled coffee on the answer and the teacher put dot dot that's pretty creative i actually had a friend what did he put i forget what he put he put something funny though like he didn't know the answer so instead of trying again guys i don't know why he would do this but like always try even if you don't get the right answer if you like put down show your work you could at least get like half the points which i don't know makes no sense to me but like hey i'm not complaining you get half the points even though you don't know how to do it for trying but my friend i don't know what he put he put something funny you do the opposites the opposite of death is live the opposite of hopeless is hopeful tolerance is intolerance and careful is careless but guys what's the opposite of pro i'm gonna give you guys a couple seconds to think about it the right answer would be khan i'm guessing but this person put noob now this is a real gamer i know if you guys know like these terminologies here of like pros and noobs like if you're a gamer you would know that like oh man this guy's such a noob like he sucks this game whereas you'd be calling yourself like oh yeah man i'm such a pro compared to this noob you know i know i'm a pro gamer guys i'm not a noob gamer and if you guys are gamers too you should check out my gaming channel link will be at the top of the description down below but anyway that's gonna be for today's video if you guys enjoyed it make sure and hit that like button subscribe if you're not already and i'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Luke Davidson
Views: 6,671,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reacting, reaction, funny, funniest kid test answers, funniest, kid, test, answers, quiz, funniest test answers, school, reaction video, luke davidson, luke davidson tiktok, hilarious test answers
Id: C6NKMWskKuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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