New Sig Romeo Zero RDS on a P365XL

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[Music] hey guys welcome back today we're back out the range with the Sig p3 65 XL but on top you'll notice I have the new Romeo 0 red dot sight which is a reflex sight very similar to say an RM R or a delta point with the exception that this one's much smaller and if you look at it on the gun it seems to fit the rather small dimensions of the P 365 XL this site was built specifically for this gun the gun released first and then the sight just recently became available I picked it up from our local gun shop they had it priced at 189 dollars which I can only imagine was full retail they knocked a few bucks off for me so the sight realistically is probably around 160 dollars sight so the price is right and it's built specifically for the XL if you carry an XL for self-defense or if you're just like shooting yours you might want to consider it so what we're gonna do is start shooting at this afternoon this is our first range session with the sight I'm gonna try to get my hands on a second one it's very hard to get get a hold of these right now and will perform some drop tests and other things like that and compare it to more durable sights that we know are durable I should say like the RMR the arm R is probably the industry standard for sights such as this this one it's entire body and housing is completely made of plastics or polymers so it's different it's good and that it's lightweight but the question stands just how durable is a red dot sight where everything is made out of polymer that protects it including the hood here and I believe the lens is some sort of a polymer as well not glass so it keeps it very lightweight but there's questions of durability which will hopefully address in a future video hopefully not this one I'm just gonna shoot the gun today if I break the sight by shooting it then we're gonna have some real problems with durability but I took the sight out put it on the gun I would love to show you how it installs it's actually very simple but I can't do that because of youtube policies I cannot show you how to modify a weapon to make it more deadly so yeah you just have to take my word for that the installation is super simple to do when you put it on your 350 s5 365 XL so let's get started doing some shooting I'll explain some of the features of the red dot sight and how its integrated intended for the P 365 XL something that I think is really cool all right so let's head over to the firing line and do a little bit of shooting so my P 365 XL is set up for Kari I have a TL r6 light on here this is the laser light combo I'm not a fan of lasers on pistols so I don't have it enabled on here I'm just using it for the light because for the P 365 XL when I got it you couldn't get it without the laser I have some talent grips on here and then you as you can see the Romeo 0 fits on here and looks like it belongs on the pistol because it's very small as is the overall gun itself now the one thing I don't like about this gun is the fact that it has this forward swept trigger and I mean once again I'm reminded that I'm wearing some very thin mechanics cold-weather gloves we actually have a link to these over on Amazon in the first description that's pinned down below the video but I wear these ones cold outside but they're very thin ok even with that you can see my finger starts pushing on that trigger when trying to wiggle it in and that's one of the things that don't like about the Glock 19 and one of the reasons I stopped carrying it and I'm reminded of that with the P 365 XL but I'm pretty sure you can take the standard trigger on the P 365 drop it in here and get rid of that forward-swept trigger it would give you more room in your trigger guard for a gloved hand something I may look into doing to this handgun because again I really like this handgun we have well over a thousand rounds this thing and it has worked flawlessly for me today we are using some federal 124 green syntek this is range ammunition this is low LED emissions it's you know not gonna spark it's it's really good range ammunition it's affordable but the guys at federal do supply us with the ammunition for free and they support the channel that way by supplying all that ammunition so we'd like to thank our friends at federal for doing that alright so we have a challenge target that's about 20 yards away and like I said the sight on this thing was dead-on right out of the box so let's do some shooting I have to be careful about how I forced my trick really forced my trigger finger in there in that tail r6 may not be helping at all and let's do a little shooting here I'm mr. challenge target [Music] all right I mean that trigger fits in the glove fits in that trigger so tightly that it's like hanging on my trigger finger all right so spot-on now here's one of the things I really like about this red dot sight it has a rear V notch cut into it and I put it on the gun can't promise this is going to happen with every gun and every red dot sight I had may had to make no adjustments it was shooting a point of aim and the dot on the site works perfectly with the front sight and this rear sight notch that's molded into the polymer body of the zero sight nice touch you lose the tritium because that's not part of the the Romeo you still have that tritium front which in my opinion is the most important but it's nice that has that sight feature built in and with mine everything zeros out perfectly so the sights and the dot are all working in conjunction with each other and that makes me a very happy camper alright so let's grab another magazine here I don't I do I really hate that forward-swept trigger with gloves on that sucks try my sights here hitting the exact same spot with the sights the iron sights I just have barely have enough room for the trigger to reset with that that glove trigger finger I mean again guys it's it's really really tight alright so I know what you're gonna say in the comment section about that comment oh you guys are so predictable but I enjoy your comments so much let's grab another magazine here I think you've already said this but no failures with this gun whatsoever with any of my P 365 s that haven't broken in some way their functionality with just about every ammo type has been spectacular this is one of the 15 round magazines so you see how it just sticks out in the pistol grip just a little bit further let me take that glove off just to shoot this video [Music] hopefully you guys can hear that target down there it rings differently when you hit this intersection has like a little lung and throat and then a tea box and the head if you hit it anywhere where it's white it's a harmonic plate and it rings differently than if you hit the black area it'll give you more of a dead thud if you hit the lungs or the throat or the tea box in the head it will give you a ringing sound that you can easily pick up with electronic ears I don't know if that's translating through my lab mic the recoil on the three 365 XL is so manageable it's just a spectacular gun I think that you don't have any of the striker drag we talked about in previous videos you have extreme reliability reduced recoil impulse because the extra weight and it's not so big that it's you know less less friendly for carry than the regular P 365 I truly think this is the ultimate evolution of the P 365 I like the original gun but when this excel came out it's extremely excited and it has not disappointed me the only problem I've had so far really was just a little bit of rust on the slide but I took care of that fairly quickly but it's cleaning it up and it's gone away [Music] all right so yeah and even with the gloved hand I'm not I mean the controls on this thing are really really good for me the way I hold the gun it stays that the slide stop slide really stays out of the way of my thumbs forward hold and the slide locks open every single time I like how the light works with my index finger so yeah everything about it I really really like and that site looks really really sharp on there what's interesting about the site again it's made out of what sig calls weapons-grade and they've trademarked the name polymer I don't know what that means they've textured it and the texturing on the sides of the zero match that of the P 365 Excel but you can't see that on this handgun because I have talon grips on here they have a spectracoat another trademark lens on the site and they claim that it's ten times more durable than traditional glass lenses used in other optics out there I find that to be an impressive claim I don't know where they come up with the number ten times but I plan on getting a second one of these sites I'm going to keep this one just to shoot it and test your ability that way I'm gonna get another one when we're going to do drop tests comparing this to what I believe is the gold standard the RMR and see if it is truly as durable or more durable than an RM r and I'll tell you right now a type 2 I've never been able to break one so yeah we have that going on now also it claimed they claim that has a 20,000 hour battery life which is good but then later in the documentation it claims a 10 year battery life and then that may be because it has a system in here that detects motion when the site detects no motion it goes to sleep and turns the dot off when it detects motion it turns the dot back on now at night when it's laying in a bed stand safe or something like that it's going to turn itself off until you pick it up should you need it if you're carrying this thing around every day obviously the site's gonna stay on because you're moving about and the site's gonna detect that motion so with all that being said let's do some more shooting with this bad boy now the dot on this is three MOA and that's nice and it has a very defined dot now on the arm R which I like one of the things they don't like about the RMR is the dot tends to bloom very easily this thing you can adjust the brightness settings with eight daytime visible settings and you can do that with a little button that's in sides you have to reach inside the lens and push a little button that's how you gonna turn it off that's how you gonna turn it on and that's how you're going to adjust your brightness settings all right you got reach in there and push the button for two seconds we'll turn it on another two-second hold will turn it off and just tapping it multiple times will cycle between your brightness settings yeah I really really do like the dot on it it is a very nice dot it's very sharp and crisp and well-defined and it picks up very easily now a lot of folks will struggle with the red dot sight like this and that's because they tend to tend to hold the gun either high or low and they're searching for the dot when I tell folks when they're first trying to learn how to use a red dot sight and this helps and aids in doing that because it has a rear sight built into it go for your rear sight the picture that you normally would pick up when you draw your pistol and the dot will just magically appear so you're not hunting around for a dot you just pick up your sight picture and boom there's your dot now if you're considering a handgun like this for concealed carry I like the concept of a red dot sight on hand gonna truly believe that's the future I also have said on social media I think closed systems like the new aimpoint acro is the next evolution of these open sights it's a closed system which makes it more durable and completely impervious to snow rain mud blood dirt sand whatever this is a completely open system you have your emitter back here and it'll ends up here and it's it's emitting the dot from back here through open air onto the lens if I put a pinch of dirt inside of there the dot goes away if I drop this on the ground and dirt gets inside there sand or anything else the dot goes away so that's the reason why I haven't seen sights like this in widespread use in military circles or especially in law enforcement where somebody might carry the weapon exposed in an open duty type holster but if you're carrying this under concealment it's going to be protected from most of that stuff when you draw the weapon and go to use it unless you get into a tussle on the ground it's not really going to become an issue so for concealed carry I do like the concept and I have used sites like this in the past I can't say it's the best I'm really hoping that sites will start to evolve more towards the acro direction than open system like sig has used with the zero I really wish sig would have been a little bit more forward-thinking and brought out a site this small but sealed up like the acro but once again endpoints leading the way and everybody is gonna be several years behind it seems yeah I think you guys will like the site looks like I've already put a little bit of a Nick into it I know you can scratch it again they talk about how durable it is we're gonna do some drop tests when we get the second one you know did Jay say we're looking at this the lenses obviously appears to be glued inside there and I'm really worried if you drop it really hard or you you know rack it off a metal table rack it off a bumper on a car rack it off a tree I want to see how it's going to hold up I'm not going to make any predictions to durability sig makes some pretty big claims about how strong it is as compared to the competitive products so we're gonna see and we're going to do the exact same test to the the RMR and see how they compare love that target music to my ears yeah so far I'm I'm liking how the site works on the handgun very very interesting and I'm not gonna make any judgments about that polymer until we do more destructive type testing to find out just how it's gonna hold up but it certainly doesn't add any weight to the handgun whatsoever not noticeable anyway and it certainly it doesn't impede function in any way this part of the video is the very last segment we filmed today I'm gonna go ahead and let you guys see the original outro or the original ending of the video immediately after this segment so my initial impressions obviously of the site were very very positive and something happened after we had stopped filming for the afternoon we shoot this thing called b-roll and that's non-talking bits of video that we'll roll in to add you know texture to the video if you will and so we were done filming the gun was empty as it is now had a 12-round magazine in it and I said hey J shoot some b-roll and I just threw the gun over on the ground like that and so he could then go over and adjust it and film it and I was gonna clean up some of the mess that we had made this afternoon so after we were done shooting all that b-roll we had a few extra rounds left over and I thought well let's go ahead and shoot and finish off this ammunition and when I shot you can see I'm shooting from this distance which is about 20 25 yards my group on that man-sized target had moved significantly to the right now the head of that target was us trying to reseal the site after it had gone wildly to the right and it was shooting considerably low so I rewrote it and then did some accuracy tests and then I really decided what the heck let's get really abusive and I was slamming the gun onto what's relatively soft ground so hard in one instance it actually locked the slide to the rear on an empty magazine and then we went back and if you take a look at the challenge target with the tee box in the head so you have the central nervous system there in the lungs and the tee box I basically got the site resi road even after really throwing the thing on the ground quite hard and so that's where we're gonna leave things and now I'm gonna show you guys the original outro to the video but I wanted to give you that update because we did see a wild shift in the point of impact from just simply throwing the gun on the ground I did tighten the screws down on the site and you don't want to over tighten them because you literally can crush those that that polymer housing you can over tighten those screws just snug them up make sure they were tight that wasn't the issue and then Reesie rode it and seems like it's holding zero now okay so let's show you the original outro to this video so far today we've put just a little over four hundred rounds through the handgun we've only used one type of ammunition but I think I've already well established that the P through 65 series of the handguns will feed anything you put into them so I'm not so much worried about that the site though that's what I'm worried about how is the site performing so far today flawlessly I'm actually quite impressed with it I did some testing where I take a look through the site with the Sun in front of me off to my side either side and see if I get any type of garbage in the in the view of the the red dot sight and many times even with the RMR the emitter and the circuit boards and stuff like that will project onto the lens when you got Sun coming directly into it and it'll give you a kind of a garbage sight which can be distracting or even confusing with some red dot sights with the Romeo 0 the worst I got was a little tiny - that just moved back and forth and that was pretty much with the Sun straight over my head and me shooting this way with the Sun like that and it wasn't distracting at all the dot was there easily picked up and I liked it so yeah that's pretty impressive now with the polymer body do I like that no I don't I wish it was made out of aluminum but I'm going to give it a chance polymer doesn't necessarily mean bad and yeah so we're gonna see how she holds up we're gonna be kind of brutal to one of these sites I want to get a second one and as I said early in the video we're gonna see how it handles running a slide off various things trees and you know bumpers off the Jeep and whatever else we could find and we're gonna drop test it and see if it truly holds to SIG's claims of being super durable with their weapons grade polymer I hope it does because it certainly fits the part the price is right everything seems to be great in the you know nice crisp dot all that good stuff one thing I did notice about the site when it's putting it on the gun it says assembled in the USA and I did some research into that and in essence that's deceptive marketing what that means is the site was most likely made somewhere overseas I'm gonna guess China but it's pure speculation and then when they get the parts into the United States they can put them together and claim assembled in the USA but they don't tell you where the parts are actually made also according to some of my friends in the optics business they can claim that all they have to do is basically put even the battery in but the battery is not in the site when you get it but something as simple as just putting the battery in it can they can claim that it was assembled in the United States it doesn't mean you have to assemble 100% of the parts so those of you guys that are worried that you know Chinese optics are bad which I don't believe is true primary arms as a sight I use quite a bit and they're made in China I like them quite a bit so some of you that might be worried about being made in China that might be the case with the site we don't know because sig is just put assembled in the USA on the site which is hiding something so for me not that big of a deal I like my iPhones they work great and they're made in China all right guys 2020 has arrived twelve years of you guys watching the channel thank you we passed 1 million subscribers on Christmas Eve was a magnificent Christmas present from you guys to us thank you very much if you would like to support us so we can continue to bring you unbiased as humanly possible information like in this video there's several ways you can do 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Channel: Military Arms Channel
Views: 196,328
Rating: 4.9003162 out of 5
Keywords: how to, iraqveteran8888, outdoor, entertainment, hickok45, demolition ranch, firearm, review, handgun, rifle, pistol, target shooting, gun review, movie, forgotten weapons, sig, romeo, sig romeo zero, zero, red dot sight, rds, zero rds, sig zero rds, sig romeo zero rds, p365xl, p365, p365xl romeo zero, federal ammo, sig sauer, red dot, concealed carry
Id: zilUpRCOgG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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