New Portable FlowPan the Gold Pan with Flow

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hey guys it's doc from gold hog and I'm gonna show you today our new portable gold pan which is called the flow pan so hold on hey guys it's doc and today I'm going to show you the new product we have for 2018 which is our portable gold pant you can call it a porta pan or you can call it a flow pan you can call it whatever you want but we call it the flow pan but the whole premise of this pan is that I wanted to create a portable gold pan I'm gonna go over some of the features of it and how it works but it's chilly out here it's I got up early this morning at about 5:30 this morning loaded up my truck and shot up to the mountains of Georgia to shoot this little video because we don't have any video of the flow pan working so I'm gonna be a little bit chilly I got on the waders got on my warm gloves and I'm gonna shoot a little video for you and demonstrate how it works and just a few little tips all right so to better understand the flow pan before I actually get to it let me tell you a couple things real quick number one this has been three years in the making I've been bugging the shop for three years about coming out with some kind of portable gold pan something that I could put in my pack or put under my seat but was big enough that would allow me to work a lot of material we actually went down the road of a rubber pan that we could actually roll up and it just didn't work out one of my main rules when creating gold mining equipment it has to pass my golden rule and my golden rule is is we do not make toys let me say it again we do not make toys I don't make equipment that you sit with a little scoop and scoop into we make mining equipment so you take a shovel unclassified dump it into it and work it and work it fast and be efficient so my number one rule for every product we sell is we don't make toys if it works like a toy if it feels like a toy we don't sell the next rule for this thing that I had to pass is it had to be portable it had to break down really small that I could put it into a backpack that I could stick it into my glove box basically or stick it under my seat and leave it there and not worry about it and when I wanted a gold pan or something to work a lot of material it would work a lot of material and I'll show you that here in a second number three we've been working for about a year and a half on a technology called the cross flow technology and the cross flow technology sorta says well let's kill could we combine possibly sort of the cross flow in exchange of a sluice into a gold pan so what we did is is we open up the sides on this and this is one of were one of our patents applies is it's a cross flow technology inside of a gold pan so it's kind of a hybrid even though it's a gold pan that uses that cross flow technology now you can get solid sides we're gonna offer optional solid sides to this to so you can get it with a cross flow or you can get it with you can get you can order an extra set of sides on it that actually have solid sides on it so you can work it either way so let me show you what it looks like broken down so this is pretty cool this is the unit broken down weighs about this weighs about three pounds so this is the unit actually broken down this is what it looks like I can stick it the backpack I can stick it under my seat I don't have to worry about you're saying yourself well what is that what does that turn into well what it turns into is kind of a beast of a product it turns into the flow pan let me grab it through the use of only six wing nuts nothing else six wing nuts it turns into this a monster gold pan with cross flow technology let me explain how this works so basically you have one two three four five pieces that all bolt together with six wing nuts no my pan is the last prototype version and the bolts are on this side the pans that we're sending out will have bolts on ends as a reason for it I'll explain it later but that's it it's real sturdy there's almost no flex in this pan that's what amazes us is is because of the way that we designed it the overlapping and the structure of it this thing does not flex it's made of 12-gauge heavy aluminum that's the same aluminum we use on our super hogs so it's 12 gauge aluminum extremely durable lifetime warranty on it but it also comes with a piece of matting on the side of it this mat just pulls right out we're gonna ship it out with Talon that which is real aggressive inside of it but if you look at the sides the sides have actual areas that allow water to come in through this pan and help you actually exchange out some of the material look gold settles real real quickly Gold settles because of its weights 19 times heavier than water within seconds once you start to stratify something gold is on the bottom of your pan within seconds the problem is is how do I get all that other junk out of the pan and typically what you have to do with a regular pan with a regular gold pan you can only put a small amount of dirt in here once you get the gold to the bottom if you try and move those larger rocks out it's gonna drag out the other gold so you have to go in there with your hand or you have to classify material with this pan you don't have to classify the sides are about two and a half inches so any rock smaller than two and a half inches will float will be able to push out of the side of it but the problem with this is is as you start to push out those bigger rocks and bigger material you have the chance for the smaller pieces of gold to actually blow out of there so once you get the gold to settle into here it gets trapped in the mat and it's down inside that mat and you can really aggressively blow out all out of the material not worry about it so let me answer a couple questions never kind of come up and I'm gonna deal more with this later on how often do you have to clean it out my goal was to be able to work okay well if I have a five-gallon bucket most people will fill up a five-gallon bucket about two-thirds or three-quarters of the way with pay you can work one of those buckets with this pan unclassified I would say in about ten minutes it's roughly there depending on how hard you want to work so you can work a bucket about every 10 minutes with this pan and what I like to do is after each bucket is pull my mat out just dip it in the pan and then put it right back in that's probably the best way to do it it's designed for creekbed material a lot of people want to know well is designed for sands note pans don't work well with sand it's designed for regular creek bank material which is what I'll be using today and doing some demonstrations on it so you can see so anyways enough talk let me go ahead and we'll fill this baby up with some dirt and work it and we'll see how so that's about the amount of material I like to put in this which is about one huge shovel full of material you don't want to make it too heavy because it'll it'll sort of weigh on your back a little bit so the way that you work this painting is you take this pin and you face down the creek so the river is flowing through my legs right now and what I'm going to do is you're gonna see me I'm going to spin it shake it spin it shake it for about five seconds I'm gonna turn into the flow of the creek this way and what I'm going to do is I'm going to do this motion now what that's going to do is most of my material when I go like this is going to come off the other end if I have any large rocks I'll have to pick those out like three-inch rocks off to pick them out but that's the whole premise of this pants bust my butt here so face down Creek spin it shake it spin it shake it stratify gold is down the bottom turn into the flow of the creek go like this flow is coming this way stop and go stop and go stop and go you're not trying to take it all the way down you're just trying to get it so that the heavies are at the bottom of the mat so let me show you how it goes [Music] five seconds so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to turn into the flow which I don't have a lot of flow here will turn into the flow of the Creek now and let the creek Club take a turn there we go so it's about five seconds this way about five seconds this way that's what I'm left with so you can see how quickly that washes out the material let me do another pan for so again you can see how much dirt I've gotten here to about a big shovel full go in the water turn my back now remember I'm not in a high flow area this is a very soft area and it still works we'll come in drop it down turn sideways a little emotion here like that now my big rocks don't have any big rocks they need to come out and that's what I'm left with still a nice clean net so that's sort of the whole premise of the gold pan now you do have to remember which way the rock needs to go because you have talent man in here so this is the upper end so somehow I probably need to put a mark up here to say hey the water flow needs to go this way to create those vortexes inside the bottom of the pan but man this thing is fast I mean it's really fast it is so cool so what I'm gonna do is demonstration there really isn't a lot of gold right here in this area this is where people are running machine and so it's there's a lot of tailings so I'm gonna fill it up and what I'm gonna do is I brought some vials with me inside these vials as five pieces of gold in each vial I'm gonna put the gold on top and leave it on top now what I want to do is is I'm gonna work it just like I just did turn it and work it take the mat out and see how many pieces I catch so let me start that too [Applause] I'll zoom in here in a second so you can see it alright so this is just a fun little test basically I've got five little Pickers in here and I'm gonna take this pan Oh which is pretty full of dirt you can see it that's two or three shovel for what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this and I'm gonna put it right on top so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take this gold I'm gonna put this gold right on top there should be five then I'm going to take this to the creek just like it is work it let's see what happens and I'll put that mat in the pan and that water is cold so I'm putting my gloves on take it out here [Applause] all right so you can see again that whole process was about 10 seconds of panning my pan is empty except for heavies in my mat I'm gonna pull my mat put it in winning pin so I'm pulling out my mat and putting it into this pan and then whatever is in the bottom because we leave some spaces I'm gonna put in the pan as well too so let's panic see what we got this process will take longer than that whole process there there we go got five little five little nuggets sitting right in there one two three four or five so what does that tell you that tells you that gold sings very very quickly five seconds stratifying five seconds letting it flow out and all my gold is stuck in the mat I basically cleaned out that entire pan except for the mat five pieces let's do another one let me get another vial of five here's another vial of five and we'll put it right on the top [Applause] they saw four but on this pot it's five pieces again it's important to remember that the area I'm working doesn't have a whole lot of flow to it this is pretty dead section so that was one of my main concerns people a question that people are gonna ask is do I have to have a bunch of flow no you can see how still this water is here and the pin is working wonderfully even without any flow so five pieces of gold on top I might even be able to see them there they're sitting right on top [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right a big chunk of pie right over there so that was it so you can see how clean it is five seconds this way five six this way I hate to repeat myself but I'm going to and I want to flick this mad at a pan and clean it out clean any excess material here just washes right out and then let's pan this out there we go again you can see it 1 2 3 4 5 5 pieces in there again these are like little Pickers they're flat so they're hard to fall that's what I wanted to show those I wanted to show I wanted to show just how quickly gold Falls if you understand panning if you understand mining math Gold will fall down within seconds to the very bottom of almost anything so all you have to do is have some something in place to hold it at the bottom while you blow it out ie a sluice but every every test pan I do that come from there's a bunch of fine gold in here too let me get my camera and show that but every test pan I do same same result put five pieces of gold on top five pieces of gold back but I want to show you I just saw a whole bunch of fine gold in here which is unusual so I don't want you to look at the biggies and smooth those out of the way what I want you to look at look at that and you see that fine gold in there I'm talking like 100 mesh gold sitting in there that's pretty cool already dark hole so that's uh that's good son now I've got some the next test I'm gonna do is I'm gonna run a whole five-gallon bucket through this thing I'm gonna seat it with a lot of gold but I'm going to use this nasty nasty nasty clay material up here which I ate this is excavated from clay layers up here it's just full of its 80% clay lots of black sand so I'm gonna grab a bucket of that stuff which I don't want to do I'm gonna seed a bunch of gold into it I'm gonna work it down a five gallon bucket it'll probably take me about five minutes maybe seven minutes and then I'll show you what the mat looks like at the end of that so hold on hey guys so here's what I'm doing I am I took up went up to the pile and I seen it in some of our concentrates it's probably a few grams of gold so when I put in a scoop in the bucket of this nasty clay stuff I put in a handful or two of our concentrates another shovel full so all through the bucket the gold is mixed into this and I'm moving over to an area in the creek that's got a little more flow to it so I was in the still area I'm gonna move into a little bit more flow area and I'm gonna show you I guess I'm gonna leave the camera rolling and I'm gonna show you myself working a five-gallon bucket which is almost 3/4 of the way full showing you looking completely unclassified material very very heavy plays in the creek working with this pan so hold on all right so I'm all set up now one recommendation that I'd noticed is if you put your pan to the creeks will walk away from it put a rock inside of it because it is aluminum and you'll be doing the 75 yard dash after your flow pan if you don't put a rock inside of it turn it so that it's flowing in the creek you just stick a rock inside of it so let me go ahead and work this again a five-gallon bucket I'm just a little roll [Music] [Music] [Music] wake up from daydream feeling tonight [Music] levitate your body [Music] come on come on [Music] [Music] get down from house drivers feeling [Music] wear it like a crown - Suzanne fades and dies [Music] make sure [Music] this is really cool that was a full 5-gallon bucket again I seen it in a bunch of gold from our concentrates some big going to little going but this is really cool to look at let me show you so this is what I'm left with let me tilt it so the sun's not a bit here's my flow pan that's after a five gallon bucket and then I want you to look at that I put some big pieces in there look at that look how clean that is but there's a bunch of little gold in there I know that there's some 100 mesh one here too but I wanted to just you know show big nuggets I want to show all different sizes of gold and you can see that that math is just gripping it and gripping it dude this is gonna be too cool let's put that into a pan and check it okay just a little Facebook live so I wanted to show everyone that pan gold of that Matt that's just incredible with that's incredible how clean how clean that Matt god I'm still shocked now clean that Matt got and that gold just sitting in there but let me show you what I'm talking about the gold that I sees it in here I knew there were several grams in here but you can see I wanted to use all size of saw I've got nuggets pickers small gold and there's some fine gold up in here too that's pretty cool so all that coal was seated into a five-gallon bucket and it stayed in the mat through the whole 5-gallon bucket that's pretty important there hey guys just perspective wise let me show you what I'm doing just you get better feel there's a full gold pan so there's a full gold pan let me put this into the flow pan you'll see you can get a better perspective and that'll show you how much material it'll hold so that's a full gold pan inside there right now so I'm gonna check it out free to work down [Music] [Music] [Music] wake up from a daydream feeling tonight [Music] love it set your body [Music] get down from that house drive this feeling sighs wear it like a crown too soon sham fades and dies [Music] like God [Music] [Music] [Music] I hear play [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so anyways guys that's the new flow pan on our website again we're starting to take pre-orders we hope to have it start shipping January 1st 2018 or sooner than that there should be an option if you want to do the solid sides on it it does come with a pre-made piece of matting it comes with everything you need it comes with the mat comes with all the sides comes with all the wing nuts comes with all the stickers it comes with all that ships out I think flat rate shipping anywhere in the US I think is $16.80 we it depends where you are how we ship it whether it's USPS or UPS that all step price also applies to Alaska and then we'll have some international pricing on it too so really cool guys I'm so excited about this product it is just really cool really fast it works well it's not a toy dock
Channel: Gold Hog
Views: 86,603
Rating: 4.7150998 out of 5
Keywords: flowpan, flow pan gold pan, goldhog flowpan, portable gold pan
Id: 3QflrVorsGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2017
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