Slaty bedrock, the natural gold trap

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[Music] today right today I'm going to return back yet to the women doll River let and this time we're going to go upstream and have a look at an area of bedrock that's on an inside bend that I've identified using satellite imagery I'll just turn this around and show you is what I'm what I'm looking at so this is where I pulled up last time this is Howard's bridge when I walk downstream and that was the crevasse that I cleaned out where I got some good gold today what I want to do is I want to walk upstream to this location right here now just along there is an area of bedrock you can see the actual layers of rock running across the stream so I'm thinking that that would probably be a good area to go and do some crevice work and have a look for some gold now the other thing that I noticed while I was using the satellite imagery to look at this area is when you go a little bit further upstream you come to this really sharp hairpin and when you start to look carefully this area here looks like it's been mined the the ground has all been disturbed up here at the top there's a series of little holes in the ground now I'd almost say that's old diggers holes where they've been digging down testing this is the material to see if it had gold and then you look here and all this area has been terrorists so I'm not sure what's going on there whether there's been a hard rock mine but they've actually got got me annum busted in to that rock and they've terraced that area so I may end up walking up there and having a look and seeing what I can find so all right we're going to do cut me our sword pass a couple of household chores first then we'll drop jumper the vehicle and we'll drive out we'll go for walk swing find some gold and see if we can identify what these is out that we're feeling on the satellite imagery let's go here we are yet on the women doll River lit yeah I'm just starting to walk upstream and I've just crossed over on the other side and there's a bit of bedrock in an area that gets a lot of flood material during a flood so I just want to show you something or a couple of things got a nice be heaped up area of gravel and then we've got this area of bedrock jutting up out of the gravel now the first thing I notice is this big vein of quartz through the bedrock quite wide then as a walked over bit closer have a look at some of these crevices I reckon that one there's probably worth adi make up one of these smaller ones so you've got that real defined line of quartz and then you've got this sedimentary stone so it's like a silk stone Shaylee type of thing you can see while the layers in it you can see the different minerals layers so you know it's a sedimentary stone and that's what I was saying with the previous video this area when when all this sedimentary stone broke and cracked and fractured that's when all this quartz pushed up through the the rock and solidified into the cracks so out here quite a few of those veins now not every quartz vein will have gold in it it just depends on the mineralized ground that those hot gases and fluids were coming up whether or not they've actually got gold in them or not anyway I'm gonna just have a quick scratch in that crevice but what I really want to do is get all the way up to where I seen those looks like old mine workings go out there and have a look and then on the way back there will do a bit of crevice work so I'll just have a quick scratch in this one so what we get [Music] remove those hard pack rocks for me out of there got right down to the very bottom and just using that brush just scraped it all back to there tucked in the pin and out in the first pane that's what coming out of thee so hopefully we get further up here to this area of bedrock that I've seen with the satellite imagery we're going to find a lot more crevices like this hopefully with a lot more gold it's all all fun today's more about the exploring I really want to know what's up here where they've done all this work so I'll sniff that up and we'll keep walking we might even just have a quick look at this bedrock area and then we'll keep going up have a look at the mine area and as I said we'll have a have a bit of a pain in the crevice on the way back so sniff that up pack up and we'll go up and have a look [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] paper all the way up and come to the first spot or the first area on the bend where I said you could see where they've actually done work and you can see there behind me straightaway you know they've been working for those alluvial or looking for that alluvial gold poles a slowly rock and water worn rock throwing up and humped up in the areas all up in there so they'll probably chasing that old better the the stream and I can see on the other side they're a bit hard to see in the video the light's going to muck it up there's a road coming around the corner of the hill they're just on the other side of that hills where all that terrorist work is say I'll take a shortcut because I won't walk right up around the bend and I'll walk up over the that little bit of a hill and I should be looking straight at all that terraced area whoo that's a bit of a walk did a couple of little pins along the way an area I thought was going to be really good produced absolutely nothing but a lot of black seen all right let's walk over the hill and see what's over there [Music] so here's our crest at the top of the the ridge there one look at it and I knew straight away that that's probably an old slate quarry I don't know that when you look at all the the rock that's actually coming down from the terrace area it's all slate so nice you know I'm percent sure that's what we're looking at there is a slight quarry so that's solve that mystery well the other little thing we're gonna or we are going to go for a walk now is have a look at all those little potholes that right on the bend where okie Creek runs into the women doll because I'd nearly say they were test holes where the old fellas were chasing that alluvial gold so we'll walk along the ridgeline get the arm will cross the creek the or the stream again and we'll have a look on the other side here we are on this little bend the junction of two two streams women down the okie Creek there's this little poke holes in the ground here they're all around and in amongst it all just pile of Slade he stayed I reckon this was an old hut whether it was a miners Hut who knows it was definitely something going on here because when you start looking around there's bits of cast iron and that way on the surface of the ground that's good a decorative bit on it there that was more than likely yeah and our wood stove that looks like the great so it could have been an old miners hut what could have just been a a little farmhouse you wouldn't know and I can he lots are you saying where's your metal detector not with me you wouldn't know probably a lot of rubbish there you could get coins you wouldn't know what you'd find anyway we're gonna start walking back downstream I'm gonna start working some of these crevasses and little gravel bars and things like that and see if we can't start finding a bit of gold and possibly well last more is the only got a Peled but yeah get rid of some lead nails all that kind of stuff alright time for me to start looking where I'm going before a fall over let's get out here and find somewhere to work some gold that's that real slakey stuff that has all the stone wedged in between each layer so as you just seen what was there I've just got the screwdriver and just pried it out there it is sitting there I just panicked got quite a few colors so just put my hand right in the bottom and just scooped it up now it's all this real gray clay it's all a slate that's decomposing yeah I'm hoping I'm gonna be able to show you this I've just set the pen in the water start breaking the clay up then you can see bits of gold just sitting in the clay it's really hard to pick up but yeah it took my finger there's other bits over there so I'm gonna have to break that clay up really carefully and make sure that I get all the gold that's stuck in it out without washing it out so you can see when I just lifted these last few off I've left quite a bit of material stuck to these slightly bits of rock I'm probably ever gonna rework those as well to get that gold off it I'll work this material and I'll just show you what comes out of here so how I work that real thick play gray clay matter was I just submerse the pen in the water had it completely covered and then put both hands there and needed but clay and the rock together what that's doing is you're actually getting you your hands and you're squashing the rock and the clay and using the rockets in there to grind and help and break that clay up so just kept on kneading it with both hands kneading it move it until the water started to run clear over the top drag the rock off and then started the pan and out now I'll show you what I just scooped the out of the air I'll pull this lady out what I scooped the up from the bottom this is what coming up that's not too bad for one pain I think that's pretty good for one piece so I don't know whether to try and take this next bit of Rockaway or the weather to just dig in this crevice maybe I should do both I'll finish cleaning that out where I've just scooped all this clay stuff it up to see what comes out the next one and then I'll decide whether I'm going to break that up or keep going back down find some more areas of bedrock and just do some crevice work not a bad penny girl [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] I got Philly engrossed just getting in there and prying bits of stuff here bits a slight getting in and prying prying out all those rocks at the woods in there and I just totally forgot to be up picking the phone up next you're doing any footage but that's one little squat there he's seen the gold that I got on the way up that first crevice I can just remember that was in the bottle now I'm gonna show you what's coming out of just this spot just this one little area so say this obviously is a good Creek for gold you've just got to find the right spot that's not bad for just sitting in one spot I'm not moving around very far so all of that bar that first few bits I got the end of that first crevice has come out of that area of slaty bedrock well some dark clouds rolling in I'll pack up I'll go down I might work a few more crevices on the way it's four o'clock now I've still got a fair walk to get back to the vehicle so I might just do a few more crevices and when I get back to the vehicle I'll tip it out again it's probably going to look about the same unless like you don't know another really good crevice but good little creek for gold obviously so I'll be definitely coming back yet and I know that that spot there behind me I'm walking away from gold bits in the bottom because I've only been using my hands to scoop it out and as the water cleared I was getting the sniffer bottle and just sniping up the gold that I could see sitting on the bottom so I know that if I bring you yeah be pump back up just pump that out I'm gonna get more gold again all right let's go for a walk down we'll see if we do a couple more crevasses if not I'll get back to the truck you'll have a look at the gold or get a better head for home I'd say on my way back but I've stopped at this area of bedrock that we looked at on the way up we're gonna see plenty of policin spots - they have a dig in the rocks yeah I know there's one black that's watching yes Victor I'm talking about you I know you love clever see I think you need to bring yourself a little bit further than sunny corner next time you come for a drive I picked one little boil hole sitting way up high in the bedrock that little fellow there with a little small tool sitting over you I had to work very hard to get the rocks out of that little ball hole it was packed in there super hard super tight and I didn't think I was actually going to get one out thought I'd have to resort using that cold chisel and hammer keep in mind this is sitting up virtually on the highest point of the bedrock try and do this one here without dropping it cool so that's just the out of one little Boyle hole and the so many Boyle holes here that had just got rocked and hacked in so this this area of bedrock you could spend days working on this norik and you get some really nice gold out of it so there you go Victor I know you love your crevice II it's not very far from the bridge where I am here so I reckon you should tell me out here probably can't be in there at the little reserve and just spend a couple of days here crevasse II working these boils and I think you're gonna do really well all right I might just work a couple more of these head for the vehicle more tip the bottle layout we'll have one more look we're back at the vehicle right I went sour doubled water I had from that slaty area but I definitely added quite a few more colors on the way back well empty the sniffer bottle out we'll have a look [Music] [Music] so that's not too bad for a few hours of lazy painting and quite a few people out there to be happy if they got that with a day of high baking but so it's just a matter of picking your spots and pick the right spot you'll actually get quite a bit of gold or trying it the light off it quite a few colors there that's lady who was you know nearly every pan had at least 15 16 colors in it and I'll say some of those pins would add 40-plus flakes of gold that's not a bad day alright that's another day done anybody that likes their fishing even though they're not a spectacular fish to catch there are hundreds of European carpi every as I was walking along they're all scattering up the the creeks they've been feeding in the shallows eating all the the muck off the top anyway women Dahl River late that's two times of being out here and the second time was definitely better than the first time anyway guys hope use a for and lots of yellow we're of years are get it out here and get into it and until the next video have a good one and I'll say is all wider [Music]
Channel: Adventure Gold
Views: 466,719
Rating: 4.7596984 out of 5
Keywords: Adventure Gold, Andrew Smith, Gold, Gold Panning, Winburndale Rivulet
Id: kDs8kLttLdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 2sec (1682 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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