Gold Prospecting Testing New FlowPan ConBox

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hey guys it's doc and today I'm gonna take you on a trip to North Georgia we're gonna find some gold and I'm gonna show you a new product that we've come out with which is actually a modification to a product so hold on one sec hey guys I'm actually just getting out of my truck I'm over at the shop and we got back yesterday we went up to the mountains to shoot this video I figured what I do first though is is let's go into the shop and let me show you the product and the modifications we've made for this it's actually pretty cool so hold on one sec hey guys so I'm over at the shop and I figured what I do real quick is just run down real quick so everyone understands what I'm talking about so here's the flow pan this is the flow pan there's thousands of them all around the world people absolutely love this flow pan I love my flow pan and I want to tell you why you could process a huge amount of materials extremely quickly in other words you could take a five-gallon bucket of material and you can work it down and I can do it in probably three or four minutes no classifying you put it in rock it back and forth works at an entire bucket of material and you end up with about oh about half a cup of concentrate sitting in your mat that's how it works the nice thing about this is that this is what it looks like in your backpack in your truck in your gear box so it breaks down over six wing nuts and you have a pan that's it that's all it takes to actually put this thing together so that's the flow pattern so let me tell you the problem solution that we ran into here is the hog pen hog pen has been around for years it's been a great seller for us the problem with the hog pen now the hog pen how it works is it has a trapdoor in here it's made of extremely heavy aluminum extremely this is a heavy beast it has capture down here you wash material and what it does is it primarily catches all the heavy so it catches all your black sand and all your roll down the bottom people love the hog paper here's my problem over the past two years we've had price increased price increased price increase and price increase and we've absorbed that in our margins to the point where it's getting to the point that we're just not making money on it as of last month the last price increase because of sheet aluminum sheet aluminum has gone up through the roof so we had to make a decision the decision was as we probably just I don't want to charge any more for this thing I just can't do that I'm not gonna charge any more for it so I think we're gonna drop it but here's what we're gonna do so the past few months we've been looking for a solution to this here's what we came up with it's prequel so the solution is if you already have a hot pan or if you're ordering a hog pen either way it doesn't matter the hog pan has a very small sort of half-inch bottom tray on it and so what we've done is we've come out with we'll call the con box heavy box which is a much thicker box you take this box off you put this box on and now you have a box that's a little bit different and I'll show you how it's different and that actually works more like the hog man at the same time you also take the cross flow technology sides because that allows the water to flow through you take those off and you replace them with solid sides so these the solid size so if you currently have a flow pan and you want to convert it into this capture box you actually order the kit and the kit has the Box the mat and it has the solid signs outside of it now this box the other box no this is welded this box is actually welded there's a lot of fabrication that goes into this there's a metal flange here I'll show you the box is all welded up it's really really well made so you take this you take off this bottom you pop this top on to it you put your screws in and here's you have a flow pan this is important you put your screws in the side when you put your screws in the Sun the Bock has a box has a tendency to rock back and forth without any other screws so what you need to do is push down in the middle take a take a drill drill through the hole gently just drill through that hole it put that wingnut on this side you want to lock the box in before you drill the other side then you turn it around in neutral what we found and I couldn't figure it out at first but if you drill this side and don't put a wing nut in your push down and it's gonna rock and your holes aren't gonna line up hope that makes sense so if you have a flow pan you're gonna hit this box make sure you do that process so you put it on put your side put your end wingnuts on drill a hole put one wing nut in before you drill the other on the hog pan the hog pan we use a great system and the great system sort of keeps the bigger rocks off the bottom but we didn't want to use we didn't want to use a great system some people are saying ah they consider that a classifier so you can't use it in a gold pan so we want to come up with something different we actually came up with a I think of about twelve different ways to do this and what we really came up with was a way to push the big rocks or keep the big rocks off the bottom and allow the actual fines and heavies to settle so a way to lift the rocks versus hold the rocks one of the issues with a float pan is that a lot of times you get a lot of rocks stuck in this grizzle great you got to clean it out this one you don't get that problem so let me show you okay so here's the actual con box this con box of course it has welded sides and then it has a flap here if you look at this flap it angles down and there's a space on the gear and then there are holes here and of course holes all around it what we figured out was is if we take a piece of yukon mat and if we put yukon mat the yukon mat has fingers so you can see these sort of ridges and that keeps the big rocks off the bottom now what we do is we stop this mat right in line with this little lip and you can see that there's actually a drop so it's sort of we call it sort of the gold trap that's inside there there's about three quarters of an inch that's empty with no matting back here there's also when you look at there's also a gap around the edges there's a gap around the edges and you'll see in the video that if we take the mat out or if we just clean the box we see a lot of gold but we also see a ton of gold that gets caught up under here and even what's cool is is some of the gold works under the mat now what happens is is you put two wingnuts in here so there are wing nuts that actually hold the mat in place this is what it actually looks like as a finished product let me explain real quick this is a funny note and I talked about this we're out in the field but we're putting in if you you may have to put yourself I just stick a piece of Gorilla Tape here let me explain why if you don't have this your screws are gonna fall out when you take your mat out we could put a we could put a crimp we could glue it we could actually put a crimp inside here to hold it but at some point you may wanna if these threads ever get damaged you may want to replace that screw easily I just honestly it's just easier just to throw a piece of Gorilla Tape on there and old it's waterproof won't come off if you want to change that and put whatever you want to put you go right ahead and change it but well that's the way we're gonna ship them out is with that little piece of tape on the bottom so understand don't take that tape off leave that tape on as if you're in a creek and you pull your mat out your screws gonna drop right out there's nothing there to hold it so this is what the box is and you're gonna see in the video that when we work this what ends up happening is the gold and this is a huge area I mean this is a massive area all your goal just drops right into this within seconds and then you just tilt the pan and you work it and you work it and it all it all stays in here and the excess material flows out now the main point to that the main point of this system is the flow pan will take off if you do a full bucket the flow pan will take you down to about half a cup of concentrates if you use the flow pan with the con box you can fill it up wash everything off just have the heavies and then wash that off into a bucket you can collect all the heavies and all the heavies all day and you'll walk out of there with a half a bucket of like super concentrates or we also did the test where what we did was we ran an entire bucket without cleaning it out we did that test too and so we took a five-gallon bucket down to about one cup or two cups of concentrates so that's the reduction rate if you do a full bucket so you can do it either way you can wash this out every single time you work it or you can work a full bucket and just wash it out at the end of the full bucket and you'll see that the video coming up so let me move some of this junk out of here for a minute what's interesting and what I really liked about this trip that you're gonna notice and I didn't even really catch it so I got home and you'll see it on the on the video is that everyone has their own unique way of working this and like I said it's a brand new product for so over time everyone will come up with some unique some different techniques but basically you put your material in you wash it back and forth and then you just rinse it like this now we did find some people are finding what they could do is after they got down to a certain point they would turn the pan this way and just work it like a regular gold pan just sort of shake it shake it in the water and shake it in the water and work it down even finer they were that was a technique that they were playing with was good that really worked well the other one is sometimes I work at working sometimes I'll actually come back and drain it out of a corner draining out the corner so you play with it but the primary purpose of this pan is to replace a hot pan and allow people to catch all the black sand and all the gold so you walk out of there with a bucket of concentrate so that you can either process with a multi sluice or run through a stream sluice or take them all up in the garage now what we did in this video is we actually took concentrates out of a bucket we set up a multi sluice and we stripped it through a multi sluice using only 100 to 300 mesh bulb you're gonna see that I put that the video and then we did a one we did one section where we did nothing but super fine gold then we did a section they took this nasty nasty clay stuff and we see that in all sizes of gold so I have 200 mesh gold all the way up to the big millions basically just to go out there and do all of our field testing get these people some of these people never use one touch one of these in their life two of the guys actually have a flow pan so they were able to use this and say and compare it to the flow pan versus this everybody loved it it's a great product so I think I covered just about everything now just so you know we hope to have pre-orders starting here maybe next week the first shipments of these things we're looking or ballparking we're thinking the first week or second week in September is when we'll probably actually start the shipping don't walk me down that way you can go to the website you can go to and read up on it or you can go to flow pan comm either website you can read up on it and find more information about the pre-orders and one we're launching and all that kind of stuff so anyways I'll shut up let's go out to the field let's see what we do hey guys so we just got here get ready to set up and do some video shooting I'll just show you this here's a perfect example where you could use the flow pan you want to do a quick test I want you look this is beautiful actually alright look at that pile of dirt and look at all those piles I don't think it's see them I'm gonna walk down and show you all those piles so which pile should you work and just to give you a little perspective of how big these piles are that's a big pile of dirt so I got a big pile of dirt here we've got all these piles down here so we got all these piles here so you pull up somewhere and you don't know what to work look at that so which pile of dirt is gonna be the good pile maybe one looks a little more brown one has different looking rocks in it well this is where a flow pan would come in where am I gonna this is the prospecting part of mining so before you mud you actually want to pasta so I want to test this pile take a five gallon bucket test that pile of that pile that pile I want to take a five gallon bucket out of all these might go over the creek I can work down each bucket for five minutes see what my results are look at the best pile and say that's the one I want to work it's the initial results it's telling me that this pile is better than the next one that's where a flow pan will come in great hey guys so let me let me show you what we're doing real quick to start with we're gonna take I've got some raw pay dirt from last time where we've got that really really fine gold it's like 100 to 200 mesh gold and we're gonna work that with some of the the new flow pans with a conversion con box on them then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take the concentrates that they get so I've just set the multi sluice up in a research situation here and we're gonna take those cones we're just gonna strip them I really don't I just want to strip them down just real quick and a lot of people have asked what's this battery I use I'll post this up somewhere but this is a little Duracell 12 - 14 F - it's like a little cart battery wheelchair battery then I found that I can probably get a good hour maybe 2 hours of actual runtime out of that battery but it's so much nicer than carrying that thing around which I did bring just in case all right so to start off with I'm gonna kind of walk you through step by step what I'm doing here initially this is a raw excavated pay ton of silt tons of clay it's just nasty stuff right it's it's horrible and I've seeded in each bucket probably has about a gram of super super fine gold like 100 to 200 mesh type going that's about the material I want everyone to start with a I got got learners up here we got him and that's so that's my muscle and the brains of the operation so we got the muscle and the brains so I'm just gonna have them put about this much in the box and I'm gonna show you how I work that and then I'll come back and get some more okay so I've got my dirt in here I know this is my dumped side why because I put my black tab where that little flap is so I'm just how long to do is I'm just going to learn Justin in the water now there's no risk of anything falling out of this out of this then all I'm going to do this this does so just let it stop and now I'm just gonna let the water sort sitting right in here are all my heavies and black sands now you can see I could go back I'm gonna put some more in and continue to work without having to empty this in fact I probably need an empty bucket to clean this out and maybe even just send it over here and then Oh someone put a little bit more in and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna work it again and then I'll take it out I'll just I'll just hand Pam this one put it down the key is a super hard agitation get everything to stratify right down to the bottom and now I'm left with basically cause now if I want to work it down I can [Applause] what I'm doing is I'm waiting to see some blacks in and as soon as I see blacks and I'm going to kind of stop then start to see I'm starting to see purples and blacks and so I'm gonna stop so your no matter really how much depending on how much blacks and you have an area that's how much your con so I'm just gonna rinse this out real quick and show you how I do that all right so when I rinse it out my tab is here my flange is here so all I'm going to do is I'm gonna put this like this and I'm gonna get the material to come down in here now this is raw peso it's just an absolutely but I'm gonna throw the water up under here wash this down the mats wash down to here this gold comes down to here and washes out [Applause] so now I know if you can see it but up under here is pretty clean and that's pretty clean everything is pretty clean I don't have to worry about it the goal it's not going anywhere really if it's in here so let me take this and put it into a pan at hand pan alright so here's the amount of concentrates I got out of that so all I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna hand pan it real quick now what I'm gonna do is just tap it over you know what I didn't bring today jet dry and that's what I've got right there all little tiny fine gold so let me grab the camera and show you again the purpose here is to start with as always I always like to start off with fine gold so that people can see it and that's what I'm left with so let's get to work and let's do some panning let the games begin [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so I made a quick point and Jeff actually said hey you know what you made a very good point and there is an observation when you have dry material leave a little water in your pan because why because the material just basically compacted down into the riffles what it was dry when it was dry even after wetting it really agitating it it remained dry down on that roof and when I like to rinse it out so I've been putting a little bit of water into my pan we up and then put my material in you notice it almost liquefies immediately immediately when you can stratify it a lot quicker and easier there you go so if you have if you're working this dry nasty clay stuff or anything that's super dry any dry material let me show you what he's got here so he's actually got you know like an inch of water you can actually leave it up to the box so it'll hold now these boxes are the first boxes ever welded on this thing for this possess'd for this actual purpose because we're trying to cold concentrates so why don't you put it on the ground so the now the material is actually instead of being dry and being crusted up against the mass of the bottle the pan the material actually melts and that's a great place for it to start so the same thing if you were dumping a shovel in here it actually is the same way just go ahead and just dump it in from the bucket and you can see how it just sort of melts so now that's actually nothing and the girls behind me saw a spider in the water so we're freaking out all right so this is experimentation and play day and we're actually learning as we go here and learning some tricks so Jeremy is learning something and teaching us as we go so let's talk about what you what you're doing well as I was classifying it down I noticed it's similar to regular pan when you're if you don't want much concentration this just jiggling work they're gonna work juggling work and then you can let the rocks come off of it and I know my goal is gonna be heavier underneath that plow that's right and you can actually start at a flatter angle so start it a little bit flatter angle and then do that slower and increase the angle as you go I just there you go increase it increase it jiggle it and jiggle it there you go and then the rocks will the rocks will if you have big rocks you can force them out of there but don't forget your goal is is not to work this down like a flow pan your goal is to work this down to the point where you're capturing all your heavy so it's a different mindset he'd work the flow pan and it's definitely a different feel to it to this box this is this is a capture box and you're like because you've worked the flow pan you're like man I want to get all this stuff out of here and it's like no this is a little different this is actually capturing a lot more material to the point where at the end of the day you got half a bucket of concentrate that we're gonna take and we're gonna work in a multi sluice or a stream sluice or I'm gonna take them home and pan them in my garage whatever you want to do so three people out here it's very slowly working the hog pan being interrupted using small amounts excuse me I call it a hog pan I gotta call it something else the modified flow pan the modified flow pan two buckets of dirt I mean it's just a few minutes just is pretty quick just to work about again we got the concentrates I'll probably run the concentrates through the multi sluice just for the heck of it we'll let each person probably run their own cons so they can get used to it and then I'm gonna have them go out the creek and work some creek bed material with a little bit larger goals all right so Glenda's the only one in the world that hasn't seen a flow panel so I'm gonna show her the original flow pan which is probably mine one of my favorite prospecting totals period hands down and the reason why is it's fast I get instant results and it's you don't do anything it's just really really fast so you take a floatplane handful of dirt same thing this goes up creeps that tab but to start with emerge it this way so I was in that okay now you're going to turn this way and just agitate agitate just shake it just like this and all this other stuff all this other stuff is going to basically this flow look at we can almost find one personally that's why I like the flow pan because at the end of the five gallon bucket guess what my pans gonna look like that at the end of twenty five gallon buckets my pans gonna look like that I'm gonna end up with a map full of cops here turn and I would be in the pasture flow burn they just shake it that flow comes through here this is our cosplay technology but for watching keeps out why your attitude one pan takes you about 30 seconds a bucket takes you up a lot four five really alright so today we're just gonna use the multi sluice has a stripping unit you can see how fast our water is running here and all we're gonna do is and the reason why I have that running that way is we're just going to classify it a quarter of an inch and just run it through just for the heck of it all right well I don't think we're not even gonna classify it we're just gonna run it through as it is any big rocks we're just gonna take the big rocks kick them out Pizza feed keep the feed pretty slow let it process down there's a lot of fun in here again this is this is the modify this is the modified way I run my multi sluice in the field for testing I used my stripper mat I don't even really worry about classifying again I'm just looking for some instant results I know I'm gonna have some gold down here I don't care all I really care about is okay what does it look like from that instead of having a pan down 1/2 or 3/4 of a bucket now I can just run it through here real quick and I'll probably have on a first run probably about 80% 90% of my gold I mean somewhere 90% of my goal is gonna be in here anyways by weights at least just on this stupid quick round setup this is the stripping round this is not a capture run so we're gonna go from we're gonna go from you know half a gallon the concentrates down to a few tablespoons of the pan real quick just let it run for a while I'm just gonna let it work down for a minute and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna shut her off still its it and then I'm gently gonna unhook this what you want once you unhook that let's put this over here and then this is what I'm going to be looking for right there so this is where you get to see we just get some of the water out of here this is what we call concreting the mats we tilt it we get all the water out of it and now my goal can't float away and my goal can't actually run away so now I get down to the point where I see that so I'm seeing this in the men's on a multi sluice under the box for the first let's say eight inches on a stripping run it's almost nothing but gold that's all you're gonna see is gold in here as you come down you're gonna see a little more gold and a few pieces of more material you'll see more material maybe a little bit but less and less gold as you go down but again this is the washer mat this is the stripping action so let me see if I can get so again top of the box you'll have gold up and here you always have gold up in here you have almost pure gold up in here as you come down as soon as you want that turbulence as soon as the turbulence start to settle you'll get more finer gold and a little gold plus a little black sand so there's a little black sand where there's none up here then as you go down watch what happens look at the rocks so now I'm starting to get some of those rocks in here and I'm starting to get more black sand and as I go down further and further as this starts to smooth out and settle down I'm gonna have more cons but the entire mat I'm gonna put it in a pan and show you what we went from so let's say we went from a five-gallon bucket down to a a few cups of material from the hog pan from the new con pan it down to about a tablespoon of material in here okay so this is what I'm left with it's about maybe two tablespoons tablespoon and a half of material and flying blocks and from that run so let me just paint it real quick this was excavated painting nasty clay stuff we put it into the flow pan with a con box on it he worked it down how much did you have a cut a few cups a quart of material yeah let's say you pump three cups yeah and then this is what he's got to show you two pieces away so this is actually a real pretty picture right here because let me tell you why we've got LED right here we've got small gold that's like 50 mesh gold down here and then up here we have gold that's probably in the 100 to 300 mesh range so let's see if we can get that on camera sometimes sometimes it's hard to focus but look at the lid look at that goal and then look at that gold up there that is just cool pretty cool huh it is absolutely so this is a good this is a good product for the person I mean you get a lot of people in Canada you get a lot of people in different areas I said I've I've got nothing but 100 and 200 mesh gold and I'm afraid that the flow pan is gonna blow it up okay we'll get the flow pan get to get the pan attachment capture all your heavies all your concentrates bring those home with you so instead of maybe you want to go run 20 buckets you come maybe what maybe with half a bucket of concentrates maybe bring half a bucket concentrates now you're cautious the work you know a lot easier yeah pretty simple so that's that's the premise of this pan I'm gonna take some pictures of that because that's pretty okay so let me tell you what we're doing now now we're gonna do something a little bit different we're gonna grab some of this excavated pay and I'm gonna sprinkle every shovel pull they put in I'm gonna sprinkle a little bit of these super cons that I have with all difference got fines got mediums got large gold in it I might have them work the entire bucket in just one pan so they're gonna work down a whole bucket full of material without cleaning it out then they're gonna take that pan and we're gonna pan it out just to see the results on it so that's what we're doing that hey guys so what they're doing now is we're taking that that's seated nasty clay material and they're gonna work it so we're just gonna watch a worker for a while now they're gonna work an entire bucket into one pan without cleaning it okay so I asked them if they saw anything unusual we're sort of stop and let me know what you go yeah on it right there nice little piece of gold right there but this is what I want to show that this Yukon mat has like fingers in it that's a flat piece of oil right there and I just saw all works and gets caught in these breweries right here here's another piece right there yep Tony what there all right so once again I have made their lives miserable and made them work this nasty nasty excavated page so what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna stop Glenda first and I'm gonna clean her pan put it into a gold pan and just paint it out I know for a fact there's gonna be a bunch of oil stuck in there and I'm gonna stop here in town Tapp it's gonna all come over to this side pretty cool so what we've got we've got all sizes of gold in here we got these nice big Pickers all the way down to superfine stuff let me get the camera and I'll show you the variety we got here so anyways here we go but again you can see the super finds you got 100 and 200 minutes cool up here and then you got Pickers here again no classifying took uh just raw pay put it in the pan work it down work it down we did not clean the pan out at all this time remember that we worked the entire bucket down to the one tray no I have not pulled the mat might be interesting I'm gonna pull the mat and let's see what else is in that trap so let's see what else Gold is actually got caught in that trap so what do you think okay so let me explain what we did all we did was just rinse out the pan and that's what we came out with we didn't take the mat out we didn't clean the gold trap then we clean the mat in the gold trap and that's what we came out with so just wash on the pan out stuck in there that wouldn't come out after the wash out that's pretty cool now that that's fun when you see that kind of gold in there and it was easy you have you ever used one of these before no never even seen the flow pan before he was like well I'm gonna show her that flow pan video she's never even seen the flow pan video so this is our first day out here with the flow pan with the new con con box on it and it's the best thing since sliced white brain it really is bam bam bam Em's the first one in the world to own a flow pan with a con pan box on it she's the first one in the world Jeremy we took Jeremy's and we washed out we washed out the box first and left the man and put it in a pan the next thing we did was we took the mat out we cleaned out the little gold trap area so here's here's what came out of the wash on the on the pan the main wash then when we pull them back in that little trap area that's what we got well that's pretty cool there again big old small gold all kinds what you think awesome pretty cool isn't it and what do we learn about him not leave your mats around him because he'll walk through your mat could get all the Pickers out of them here's what I found underneath my mat this was underneath his underneath the mat so that's what's underneath his mat right there in the matter underneath it that's pretty cool we're just gonna start stacking these pans I do what yes we did no this is straight out of the dirt pile we didn't add anything this look at that gold it's pretty isn't it that's for them it is the ones that worked it they get to keep it you should have seen her yeah it catches man I'll show you a picture I'll show you a picture of it's nothing but like 100 and 300 mesh gold that's all that's in it but this is this works differently even in the flow pan this is this is a new attachment this is a new attachment that catches more of the black sand so if you want to actually like catch a whole bunch of the heavy sand blocks and take them back to the camp event pan it out at night it's a little bit different so it's hard to explain wait for the video and bambam and I will be on camera talking about the new flow pan we gonna be talking my new film she gonna be on TV okay she gonna be on TV God he's such a redneck that duck oh my gosh I gotta go when the when the student becomes the teacher hey guys so great day today a lot of fun a lot of gold just remember the flow pan by itself is probably my favorite piece of equipment it's what most people buy if you want to order the flow pan with a contractor you can go to the website eventually when we put it up you can order the flow pan with a contract or if you already have a flow pan you'll be able to order the separate solid sides and box like I said once it's up we're gonna start taking pre-orders here pretty soon we hope first or second week of September we'll be able to start shipping out just be patient with us again its brand new we weren't gonna come out with it to 2019 but we pushed it up just because we can't really sell the hog bin anymore it's too expensive for me hope this helped guys talk to you later
Channel: Gold Hog
Views: 32,081
Rating: 4.8701301 out of 5
Keywords: flowpan, flowpan conbox, flowpan con box, flowpan mod, goldhog pan, hogpan, gold prospecting, prospecting for gold, testing for gold, best gold pan, fast gold pan
Id: QJ4lIp8XftI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 10sec (2350 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2018
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