Gold Cyclone - Gold Super Concentrator

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hey guys it's doc from the gold hog and we've actually started selling and we're going to start chipping out the gold cyclones now but this is the final video and final product update because we've done some revisions to it and I'm going to show that to him now initially we were saying you could run it in three different modes which is the standard the pro and the commercial mode but really after our final testings on this commercial mode it is the only way that we're shipping it out it's just so efficient run so cleanly that we're going to be shipping it out so don't get confused I've gotten I've got other videos up there which I'm going to leave up there that show the cyclone running it with two rings and one ring but I'm going to show you today a couple of adjustments that we've made on the unit so you know how its shipping out okay so here's the unit and here's the main change I want to show you and it's only going to have one ring in it and this is what I call the commercial mode because you end up having this full tube to allow this separation process that I'm going to show you today to go on so the product so you know we'll only ship with one ring and it is placed right about here and I just want to show that this is the commercial mode this is the way they're all going to ship out and you run it this way all the time now I'm going to show you one other change we've made okay so here's the other change we've made and that is on the tailings tube or the screen indicator tube we were going to glue this mat in but what we did is we lengthened it so that it had a little bit of bite so now what you can do is you can just pull this mat out clean it and actually put it back in very easily once you put it back in just tuck it in and it's ready to go now might there be a piece of gold that gets under here yes but it doesn't matter this is really not for catching gold this is just your indicator - and again this goes this way so you're going to have a little bit of a space in here what you want then you're going to have your mat so I just look at it put it in the unit put my other piece on top and again depending on the size the amount of concentrates that you're running I just use a coffee can you can let it drop directly into a five-gallon bucket or even put two gallon bucket inside here if you want you'll play with it and do it on your own but today I'm actually just back here in the corner behind my house over here because it's pretty windy out here and there might be a little bit of rain but I'm going to show you I'm actually going to run concentrates we did the Viper Pro Flair run and we have we did two long runs we ran about eight tons of material we have about a gallon and a quarter gallon and a half of concentrates all I did is screen it down to quarter of an inch and I'm going to run it through this and show you the run but all I'm going to do is when I start this unit I'm just going to let the unit basically fluo ties the material I'm going to barely keep it spinning at the bottom and I'm going to create a standard fluid bed is what I'm going to do so all I'm going to do is I'm going to turn my lower unit on I'm going to turn my funnel on and my funnel is just barely running that's all it is just barely running now if you do start with one quarter inch material I will tell you that you need to feed a little bit slower once in a while this funnel too might get clogged up and you might have to lift it up or tap it and make it go down but put a whole bunch in there quarter-inch will pocket nothing else will clog it but if you do run quarter-inch material you just have to speed it just a little bit slower maybe even a little bit more water to help it flush down the first thing you do is you put a couple tablespoons in then after I do that I'm just going to watch this bottom two down here and I just want to see that that's actually that's actually kind of spinning but I want to see the material going down so I don't have the flow too high now it's also important to remember that the more that you add more material obviously this this tube is going to slow down so you need to give a little more juice and a little more juice as you keep adding material all the material is going down it looks good I look down at the bottom and I can see that that bottom part portion is still flew with us sometimes you'll see this funnel sort of pause and the material slowly go down but one thing I didn't want to show you is I've added a two or three cups now I wanted to show you what it looks like and you can see that for you able to find material up here for an outdoor and the larger material is down here what we're dealing with here is we're actually dealing with terminal velocity and that's something I'm not going to go into that a whole bunch but its terminal velocity and it's not just based on specific density that's a big mistake people make they think it's specific density when in fact it really is terminal velocity the gold is having to fight through a force that's why it's not just specific entity even though I've got fine gold in here it may get kicked out at some point when I start to increase this force or this float I've gone ahead and I fed up it's about a gallon and a half of Conn's through there just rock on screen2 quarter of an inch I want to show you the two it's a good lesson to learn you can see the smallest particles up here as you go down on the particles get larger and larger and larger remember it's not just this isn't just specific gravity there's hydraulic equivalence there's terminal velocity involved with this as well too so now I'm going to turn this up start the action over once I get it spinning I'm going to bring it up I'm going to give it a I'm going to give it a little bit of juice once I give it the juice I'm just going to sit there and just walk let it process for about five to ten seconds just keep it on at some point you'll start to see a clear gap in here there's your clear gap starting and all I'm doing is give it a little tweak a little tweak a little tweak let me shut off my upper water that's one thing I keep forgetting to do I keep forgetting to shut off my funnel water the nice thing about running a quarter-inch material is that all these things are round rock some man latex can offer a life that's the part where I'm going to stop it I play so I'm taking a gallon and a half of concentrates and now you can see what I have left and that's all I have to deal with that's pretty nice okay so today I'm going to show you the intelligent way to clean this normally I dump it into a pan and but it's easier you just dump it into a tub so I'm going to show you that I can't do it with one hand so all I'm going to do is I'm going to take my funnel off I'm going to remove my elbow up under here I'm going to put a pan because I will have gold come out right here there will be gold inside this tailings - or the screen indicator that'll tell me what size I need to go to next on this screen now to clean this unit out you want to make sure you tip it back because there's gold sitting right in here right inside right on that edge there's gold sitting there on that edge so I've got a tub down here I'll show you how I clean it and now my units clean it's all ready to run and that's what I have left I'll put it to a pan and show it to you okay so when I run a quarter of an inch I leave a little bit more material in here because these rocks are so easy to pan off they're really round so they'll just you can just settle your goal down and these round rocks just roll right off and so what I've done is I've just taken that real quickly 10 seconds pand it off I'm just going to tap it on my hand and you'll see the gold on the right-hand side it's a nice good-looking color there but you can see the gold in there good-looking colors but here's the important part it's not just big gold I've got all my goal I got one big piece that probably wouldn't have fit through an eighth inch screen now I wouldn't want to have missed that nugget right there if I'd screen to eighth of an inch but I've also got a bunch of fine gold set in here too okay so here's my tailings tube indicator and all I'm going to do is I want to pull the rubber mat out rinse off the rubber mat same thing I'm just going to pan this real quick and of course you should always paying into a safety pin do as I say not as I do now this will tell me what my next screen size I need to go to and that's pretty good there see if you can see that I'm going to take this over in the shade okay so here is my tailings tube indicator and what this is telling me is that I can skip the 1/8 screen normally I have to go 1/4 1/8 this is telling me I can go straight to a 20 mesh that there's nothing that won't fit through a 20 mesh that's in here spread it out a little bit for you but you can see that I mean there's 150 200 mesh gold in here the nice thing is is I can also now I can steal this little piece of gold this amount of gold too so I have less cool to worry about so I ran 1/4 inch it took me four or five minutes to do the entire run about I've got weight wise I've got 95% of my gold out of those cons in five minutes about 20 seconds of panning I've got 95% of the weight of my gold out we're starting at a quarter of an inch look at my screen size indicator it tells me 20 min so I skip a screen size now I go straight to my 20 another 4 or 5 minutes I'm going to have almost all that gold out now I'm just down to find stuff I may only have to go next to a hundred mesh so I've only had to go to maybe three different mesh sizes I've got 98 99 percent of my gold out in about 15 20 minutes now eight yards of material hundreds and hundreds four or five hundred buckets that we ran the other day brought it down the mats captured and the sluice I had about a gallon and a half of concentrates normally when I would have come home and gone to either the work center or gone to here I would have had 2 3 4 hour process getting all that gold out now 20-30 minutes and I've got 98 99 percent of my gold up beyond down to easy 100 mesh gold real simple method real fast great product ok so after that checking my tailings tube I've gone to 20 mesh screen and this is all plus 20 here and then all my minus 20 which I'm going to run this in here next ok so I'm just going to show you how to reset this I've already run a quarter inch I looked at my tailings too not much in it and what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to take this mat put it back inside my tailings to put it right to the edge here just seat it down and I wrote little top on here and now I'm going to fire up the unit let me get my funnel going first funnel back on bottle goes back on fire up my funnel again just a little bit of water going through that fall turn on the main unit now here's an important point a finer you go with this the less starting water you want to have and you want to put a test in just make sure that material is falling down and all I want to do is just make sure that I'm in a fluid bed State now if I look down here I see this looks a little bit slow down here I'm just going to give it a little juice and make it fluid and once again I'll just put it to recycle again that was about two or three minutes of feeding now I'm going to put it through the cycle picking about another minute or two and I'm done with twenty mill your fins you start to see that clear lines show up so I can see all kinds of gold inside the Sutra oh I'm about gonna stop there I might go a little bit higher and we'll stop the Baron see I can tell here I'm just forget to shut me they can always tell here too you can see the fuel amount a few columns I've only got all these three or four tablespoons just a quick panel beyond - now again when you take this tailings tube off have a pan under here because there's going to be gold sitting right there when it comes up so I'm going to first thing I'm going to do is I look at my screen indicator or tailings - I'm going to pan that up and see what the next screen size is I need to go - okay as wind is killing me here but this is my tailings - of indicator so what that tells me is is you know I see two pieces that tell me I might have to go 250 mesh so the next one would be 50 mesh next screen so I've gone from 1/4 - 20 mesh to 50 minutes okay and so that's what that's what I'm left with on my 20 mesh inside from inside the tube and I shut it down to where I have about oh four or five tablespoons the reason being is is that all these particles they're all round and they just roll right off when I pan just pan it they'll see them it takes 20 seconds to pan that layer off well I wanted to give you some sort of but that's what was actually caught on my tube so I've got some pieces in here that our plus 50 and minus 20 but you can see that how much gold was actually pulled out by that first rung I really don't have a whole lot of gold left beautiful part about the system is you don't have to classify all of your - all your one quarters 1/8 20s 30s 50s 100's one 50s you can do that but doing it this way just saves you a little bit of time you can just run through this material just put it all through at one quarter put it all through at one eight foot it all through at twenty mesh run it through three or four minutes boom boom boom you'll have the majority of your gold out what I do is when I'm in the active season we don't typically we don't spend a whole lot of time on a few specs that's maybe left in that blacks and we actually put that aside we have what we call our trash cons and our trash cons we just leave to the side and there in the winter time we'll take that we'll run it to the gold cube concentrate it down then run it through again but I'm pulling 98% of my gold out maybe even more based on weight probably within 15 to 20 minutes whenever we have runs here so that's that makes life a whole bunch easy anyway guys we're now shipping the unit as I showed it today hope you enjoyed the video hope you use it hope you like it thanks you
Channel: Gold Hog
Views: 141,814
Rating: 4.656148 out of 5
Keywords: gold cyclone, goldcyclone, gold super concentrator, cleaning gold concentrates, goldhog gold cyclone, Concentrator
Id: JWq4vf7HSeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 16 2014
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