New MUTATIONS Make Me A SUPER STRONG ALIEN! - The Eternal Cylinder

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get some pants for that guy get get two pairs of pants baby he's got two butts i think he might need two pairs of pants take that you weird machine man we got it [Music] how's it going champs this is a sponsored video for the eternal cylinder the full game is finally here i've been so excited to play this one it's available on the epic store if you want to go ahead and grab it there's a link in the video description below it'll take you straight there let's go ahead and jump in so many months ago we played the demo and we finished off chapter one by jumping over the cylinder we are currently over the cylinder this is my little treben family i've got going on here at the moment they all look very sad look at that giant guy he's ginormous i think that guy is called the mathematician he's huge he's about to eat me i think so if this is the first time you're seeing me play the eternal cylinder i'm this little guy i'm a trebem basically i'm the bottom of the food chain but i do have an ability to adapt and evolve the dude is gone hey what's that thing okay maybe i can eat that is that evolution food it's not evolution food so apparently there's over 50 mutations in this game now that's crazy so many different things that we can evolve into to try and like survive uh what is that i see food i eat it that's that's one of the main things you do in this game now i don't know what that is but i'm gonna try and eat it anyway that's it little champ i have engaged balloon mode hot air balloon head let's do this i'm kind of wary about going over the other side of the cylinder because i feel like i'm gonna get crushed oh we've got the icy biome i'm on the cylinder we have successfully mounted the cylinder now we need to get over the other side are you guys ready to jump i don't think that that chubby trouble miz but we're gonna do it anyway it is super cold over this side oh yeah that's what i'm talking about okay champs ready let's suck back some of this furry stuff munch on it and get a cool nice furry coat there we go third skin so the aim of this game is to explore try and solve some of the weird ancient puzzles going on on this planet and try not to get crushed by the giant cylinder up there i'm just going to turn myself into a soccer ball so i can get across the terrain just a little bit quicker oh it's a ghost oh dragon there's a dragon monster oh dude no he grabbed me wow his aim is amazing how do i get out of here i'm gonna wet him i can't wait him he's really got a hold of me he's taking me to his nest oh crap this is bad wait let me go let me go what is this what's this spiky crap we're better eating okay i don't think we can eat that oh no the cylinder is coming i cry oh god there's one of those okay we gotta run from trunk face some of the resources you find you actually have to break before you can eat it okay what's the cylinder doing all the cylinders definitely coming man that thing is fast look out of the way worm now if you guys want me to play more of this game let me know in the comments just say play the game champ and we'll go ahead and we'll play it oh yeah look at that take that cylinder you're not getting me today that's what we say to giant eternal cylinders no not today all right suck that up i think we can eat that i don't know what it does let's go ahead and eat it anyway as is the moral of this game oh extendable eyes my eyes can come off my head whoa remove my eyes i guess it's really good for seeing over hills what is that what is that up there we should probably go investigate let's eat some mushrooms and then investigate mushroom power this time oh i see what's going on he's attached parasites to this guy this poor dude why would he do that though maybe we can spray him with water spray him oh god he's coming hang on we did it i'm helping you out bro i'm helping you yeah we got it we've got the parasite thing can we eat that oh don't make your eyes come off we probably want to keep those eyes on there okay let's switch treben to this guy gwegumi all right there's a parasite on this guy somewhere where's your parasite bro oh he's got a gross one on like he's his knee okay we got it oh don't roll me champ i just helped you out remember oh he's gonna try and roll me anyway is that the thanks i get i do what this guy's got a parasite on him [Music] no no no no no oh you're spitting the gas where's your parasite it's on his foot come on yes got the parasite off his foot okay one more parasite on this guy's leg got him oh yes take that you weird machine man we got him hey champ that's what you get for taking on the trip him oh what is that i had like a tv for a face hey a tram i could actually get all right let's give him this stuff cool i just gave him some weird water seed thingies tongue okay i'm gonna change that name your name is now burger bun yeah burger bun let's go dude uh here we go i might suck back one of these plants because i kind of forget what it does maybe it makes a trumpet noise let's try this yeah trumpet dimetic trunk diamatic trunk okay okay our family's got four trevor minute now let's go ahead and roll make it to the next tower before we get crushed are we good oh we got plenty of time yeah we're not gonna get crushed today it's all good here we go nice activate the tower and we'll keep moving we've got plenty of water got lots of food in our bellies i think it's time to do a bit of exploring um what what is it oh it's one of those things hang on no it just busted down the oh no this is bad this is there's lightning there's lightning i think the uh i think the cylinder is super angry so it's doing that thing where i can't go too far away from the cylinder otherwise i'm gonna get zipped oh no no too far away too far away come back oh hey what are these things yeah one of these little bug guys i figure what this one does let's eat it um i can tag creatures and add them to my compendium oh nice i can learn about creatures yes all right let's eat all the stuff that's called a vooshlop you gotta watch out for the vushlop they try and kidnap you hey hey little champ ocular orthopod super hot ghost man what's he called he's called a fish yeah i'm gonna get one of these things this will warm me up lightning cylinder is stopped thankfully let's go have a look at this weird meteor thing that's in the ground is it it's like something crashed into the ground i can't tell okay so we can get a meteor chunk out of it where am i i don't know what that does though okay let's eat one of these glowy eyeballs oh god oh god go away go away i'm gonna eat this i don't know what it is it looks like an eyeball [Music] oh no the dude just took me i'm being kidnapped by the dragon man hey there's a pyramid over there i'm still alive so i can uh i thought i could breathe fire i can't oh no i can again i can definitely breathe fire that's amazing gargadend it's like a venus flytrap plant or something i wonder if i can burn them oh yeah come on dudes oh what he just spat on me hey spitting's disgusting oh dude he just died oh that sucks oh tunnel yes ow there's a trip him in here are you all right chip are you going okay okay i'm gonna change this guy's name to brick okay you are now called brick let's go yep just like a just like a house brick that's that's you i just noticed there's a chest thing up here i'm gonna go ahead and grab this what do we got uh i think they're just resources guy jumps on a stone let's wait and see what he does with it okay it's super hot now now what do we do let's grab this uh can you can we melt the ice with it let's have a look does it melt it doesn't melt let's try and shoot it up there oh no okay how do we get into the big pyramid we need to find out some stuff whoa what is this place this place looks creepy alrighty guy gumu you're up champ uh eat some weird stuff oh mixed mutation allows the treven to combine specific ingredients to create offensive projectiles yes oh that's good i'm all about the offensive projectiles okay i'm gonna launch one of these projectiles of that guy yes take that plant man oh we killed him nice yes one projectile and he died worth it a new thing i don't know what that is i'm gonna eat it hopefully i don't lose my awesome blue brain oh what sucker feet allows the trevin to attach his feet to a surface that's what i'm talking about everybody gets burger feet let's go you get burgers on your feet there we go let's stand on this thing activate my suction feet and see if we can go upside down i think we might be able to uh i don't know why though oh i could probably drop onto that thing right all right and drop yes and then i can do this cool all righty brick you're up champ go stand over here for a minute uh we did we just unlock a map alrighty we've got a roll gonna make it to the next tower and i'm actually producing explosives on the way which is really good oh no are you serious uh oh what's gonna happen what's gonna happen if you notice that his body looks like he's got someone climbing out of it he's hunting something dude okay i'm just gonna watch what he does he's throwing his beer oh crap where'd it go it jammed into the ground that i wanted to go over there get some pants for that guy get get two pairs of pants baby he's got two butts i think he might need two pairs of pants okay so he just threw his spear landed over there i'm gonna go over there in a minute first i'm gonna grab this egg i need to expand my family oh there it is okay i've got an egg i need to hatch it somehow i look like an egg carrying an egg oh there's an incubator over there awesome nice what do you want dude what are you after mushrooms this going old mate oh oh the light the light sees me roll roll there's a shrine oh stop burning me this is going i'm gonna hide in here leave me alone leave me alone ow ow i just got eaten oh now i'm down in the canyon thing oh great why are they all down here get out of there that's really dumb spot to be okay i've got a filter trunk i'm gonna go down here i should be able to hang out in the clouds now what is that all my trebums are dying because they're not following me oh shadows get in the shadows i don't know how i'm gonna take that thing out oh that was close okay quick get in here that was like a tribune ghost hey champ oh my god there's a mutation tree so i can learn permanent mutations that can't be taken away by that evil light stuff three of those very tough things and an egg will give you permanent mutation that's good okay track it well that's cool dude thanks for the help i'm gonna upgrade my stamina while i'm here yeah nice so if you guys don't know that yellow light stuff makes my mutations disappear until i'm just this regular old basic trebu okay i've got three of those tufts i now just need to get that anki furt egg which is under the sky i'm gonna steal your egg bro okay i'm just gonna steal it don't worry i got it all right let's get out he's i'm on his foot money's foot okay i'm getting out of here i'm getting out of here bro you stay there i'm just gonna take your egg don't worry about it don't worry about it okay now let's break it done now we'll eat this thing we did it so how do we mutate then oh mix items okay let's mix them oh yes mutate permanent mutation what are you gonna do about a champ you can't get rid of it can't get rid of it i'm gonna eat this weird thing that i found and become a super fat wheel thing i am now just like the cylinder yes and roll okay that did nothing oh that's a button push all the buttons excellent oh man i lost my cool blue mutation that allowed me to create explosives ah hey maybe i can get one from that blue guy oh geez that was close yeah look at that that one's blue normally they're like green there's an alien there i'm gonna get him to try and take out this guy you two fight come on stomp him stomp this guy well that was close did he get him are you gonna drown he's in the water oh they're they battling i hope they're battling come on stump this dude okay here he comes here he comes awesome i think he died yes we did it okay quick grab the blue thing i'm in the water no yes i got it quick eat it eat it nice i've got my mixer body back again living my best life so maybe i can shoot this guy with one of these explosives yes got him in the head that was so good we took it oh god hitting my own travel all right guys so there's so much more to explore we could keep going for hours and hours finding all the cool stuff i think it's amazing that you can finally lock in the mutations and not lose them that's gonna be incredibly cool but thank you very much for watching this video and i'll catch you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 229,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, The Eternal Cylinder, Eternal Cylinder, Eternal Cylinder Beta, Eternal Cylinder Epic, new games 2021, epic store games, epic store beta, open world game 2021, survival games 2021, trebhum, trebhum evolution, trebhum mutation, eternal cylinder secret, eternal cylinder resource, eternal cylinder mutations
Id: B8HTAWkw0bA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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