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it's going on everybody welcome to another live stream and video if you're watching us after the fact hope you're all having an amazing day let's get straight into the news there's no news well there is kind of news for night released a new wait actually I just lost my train of thought wow that's uh that's embarrassing they released a new LTM today as well as a new item hence the giant boom box thumbnail I know I spend so much time making that not really I just tell it off Twitter but we're gonna pretend like that didn't happen I'm seeing a lot of highs in the chat what's going on everybody let's hop into our first game of steady storm let's just get right into it solo today no Kenny no little brother as of right now everybody seems to be sleeping at almost noon Central Standard Time can you guys please come in in the chat hashtag lazy for my little brother even Garrett like everybody decided to just go to bed and it's like bruh bruh what are you doing sleeping this is grind time okay this is grind time how dare you go to sleep on me you know what say it just got to feel kind of sad got a load the guys you know what is up Caroline she just says love your vids I love you too thank you so much the boom box is lit says Jade well I actually haven't played a game with it yet or gotten to use it so I'm kind of looking forward to using it wrong channel no this is not on the right channel I'm actually I'm screaming for tonight on Preston place I know can you believe it hold on I'm jamming out right now who's playing this music keep playing it I need to wake up a little bit I'm still a little bit of tired can we stream tonight you says I on I mean sure you know I'd be like preferably not if you want to just stream snipe me just to kill me but if you want to like you know be cute then yes but it's my first game of the day please don't judge me I know I'm gonna suck but just pretend like I'm really good it's actually really cool I just went to the gas station to get a 5-hour energy and then I was getting in my car after buying the 5-hour energy because you know it's December I've been not sleeping enough and staying up way too late working on videos for you guys and live streams and essentially what happens as a car leaves and then the car comes back and then they knock on my door and it was a kid and his mom and it was the cutest thing ever and so we took photos it was really cool but like they were just like I'm sorry I know this is weird for me knocking on your door randomly but can we take a photo it I was like heck yeah you can't it was actually really cool why am i leaving this gun right here so yesterday all we played it was the Wild West LTM so I'm not even gonna lie to you guys I kind of missed the LTM already I don't really want to use real guns why do I feel like I hear a guy oh my god I hear two people there's another man's he scared me sorry good pitch okay you know what fine don't come after me then why don't you alright you know goodness gracious you only gave me half a heart attack bro good thing I have this common tax shotgun that will really do a lot of damage to people if you know what I'm saying oh goodness gracious Oh somebody's reloading his shotgun do you guys hear that I hear this man reloading a shotgun oh no guys we are going to die okay we're not gonna die today well we are gonna die eventually but not right this second all right like I said it's a warm-up game you can tell I'm literally clicking the wrong hotkeys god Bless America I just got so terrified sorry sorry I know your ears are probably bleeding right now from that but I just got scared you know that the first game of the day is always the warm-up game that nobody cares for you know you're gonna die you know you're gonna place like top 80 so I'm glad we got that first terrible game out of the day okay all right it's okay everybody it's okay we all expected it to happen I'm just glad it happened I just I'm kind of sad that it scared the garbage outta me oh my gosh I just I literally look over the left hand on my screen and I'm seeing so many super chats guys how the heck am I supposed to keep up with you amazing people I just can't I just can't breacher boy gaming yo bro they do so much with a super chat he says thanks for making my morning great thank you for making my morning great and joining the livestream Pokemon master says can you friend me right now I'm not friending anybody I'm just because whenever I play in creative mode matches and stuff like that I did have an issue where I added a lot of viewers and then people would join me and like we'd be playing a hide-and-seek and they would like kill us while we're playing hide and seek and it was kind of funny but then it wasn't because it ruined the video if you know I'm saying yo Diane again super chatted like $250 yesterday just comes in casually not even 10 minutes into the livestream and then super chats $100 Diane you're a legend I think that might be maybe I don't know but you're a legend Diane I don't know who you are but now you got me here hiccup alright you see what you did to me you super Chad all this money and now I'm hiccuping a big shout out to Ethan done being the first super shatter of the day Papa frags I finally have enough money to donate well save your money guys I really do appreciate the super chats but I hope you guys know just you guys watching the livestream and chatting with me is more than enough like I just enjoy getting a chat to you guys and you know like I don't know converse with you beautiful and amazing people the nice thing is about live-streaming solo is I actually get to like read the chat a little bit more kind of hard to do both at the same time and you're playing for night and you want up well and read the chat simultaneously but it is a possible thing to do so that's all I'm gonna say but it's a lot more possible than when they're like playing with somebody it's kind of hard to read the chat and like talk over them it's a little rude if you know what I'm saying yo Claire with a $5 super chat love you Peter I'll keep up the awesome vids Claire keep up the viewership much love and I totally ruin my drop and we're not gonna talk about that as long as nobody lands modern house we're gonna be good we're gonna be good look at this oh yes God is being good to me today guys had you did you read your Bibles today I didn't read my Bible today oh boy oh boy I've been a naughty Christian alright here we go I'm gonna make it up to the big man upstairs though we're gonna get all these dubs oh these Gibbs knows grunts hey I don't want that get that out of here I'm still doing this challenge by the way guys what do you have to break chairs it's pretty much one of the most ridiculous challenges ever I kind of like it though it's satisfying to break chairs and get a challenge completed Oh hold on let me hit gingy Oh hold on he's being chased he's stating this man would not stand still for my dad got it dude look this is what we call the second warm-up game of the stream okay so it's not as bad as the first warm-up game of the stream but it's still bad I mean I'm missing point like I should have hit this guy okay this is bad yep you know what I'm glad that guy just got exploded because I only miss every single shot let's just pretend like none of that happened okay let's just pick up our dynamite oh no oh no oh no the Russians the Russians are coming oh my gosh hold on oh my gosh she's so laggy there's no way I'm gonna be able to hit him in the plane right there oh no there's another way oh gosh okay this is gonna get messy real fast guys this is gonna get real messy real fast oh no I'm hearing another plane come back okay hopefully they're fighting each other I don't know what's going on with these planes gentlemen but I am getting kind of terrified okay guys I can't even keep up with the super chance I look away for five seconds to play the game and there's like a million new super chance you guys were just literally going to crazy right now oh we just got a new a new member mr. Scoles life after school with little orange very interesting name a dude thank you so much for joining the livestream by becoming a member you're a legend and this guy just bounced at once if I can hit this come on man come out come out Preston Preston you hit these you know what warm hands cold hands will be warm soon okay just just warming up guys just warm it up you know it takes a little bit takes a little bit you gotta hit your stride all right it's just gonna take a little bit of time I don't even know if there's anybody in here still to be honest with you there's probably not so that means like oh my no no no bad plane Oh see there you go so what you guys I was warming up a little bit all right I was warming up all right guys so far away he's gonna be really hard to have my Eagle say okay there we go that was a decent shot yo Jonathan Maxie welcome new member of the livestream welcome good sir thank you for joining us I hope you're having a great day full of gravy why gravy because everybody likes gravy Oh everybody likes grapplers - hold on hold on you guys thanks about to get real intense here real fast I'm going in I'm going in Preston's going in where's yet yeah Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada bump bump bump go why are you running why would you run from me you knew what was gonna happen buddy alright so see guys I'm playing really bad right now okay I mean I'm glad I have two kills but to be honest with you guys I don't think I deserve any of them I just don't you know Jamie spin that you for the $20 super chat says you hopefully I said that on the right tone of voice but yes I love you too Jamie sorry guys I have to reply to a couple of quick messages hopefully nobody shoots me alright okay hold on hold on I'm I'm in discord muted and then alright okay sorry about that guys you know what you have to apply as the messages put your live streaming and it's kind of awkward cuz you're like well I don't reply these messages then the people are going to leave you know I'm saying can I get a year for that kill please thank you very much thank you very much appreciate it guys alright so we right now have two kills in PP Pleasant does anybody know what steady storm is oh I'm so dumb nobody comment on what I just said I now know what steady storms is I'm so done I think this was an LT M they released a while back I can't remember but I remember they did that one time and then I'm just now remembering what the game mode is so the storm just slowly moves in as you could tell like instead of just like kind of coming in and waves or sections it just slowly creeps in more and more and that is how the storm works I feel like I should have had so many more kills in Pleasant Park if I wasn't playing light trash you know but we're not gonna we're not gonna talk about how trashy I am alright everybody here knows I'm pretty trashy at video games and that's fine as long as you know it it's fine man I mean I've got two kills like what is this what I feel like I'm watching I don't tell Brandon but I feel like I'm watching Brianna play right now with that baton playing oh sad yo mr. t appreciate this $7.00 Canadian super chatty Pressman subbed you since your first money wars love it's with a pack thanks for bringing enjoy to my day keep it up much love mr. t love the name cuz your name is mr. t with a Yoshi icon which I find to be actually super hilarious oh hold on guys hold on hold the phone hold the phone hold the phone hold the phone hold the phone what's this guy doing okay hold on hold on hold on hold on oh come on you gotta be kidding me is that a full plate oh wow what what was this man doing guys I'm gonna be completely honest with you I really have to use the bathroom I really have to use a bathroom okay and it's really difficult because I don't want to use the bathroom because I kind of think there might be a very small chance to win this game but I also need to use the bathroom what do I do stream I need you guys to tell me I see people in the stream saying hold of alt f4 guys I'm 24 years old I've been on the Internet longer than probably anybody here I know what holding alt f4 does but nice try where's my plane oh no wait okay they're just all throw miles got so terrified it was like weird that plane go this is my plane oh it's a half-dead plane all right I guess I guess better than I don't know I was gonna say better than half alive but I really six to one half a dozen if you know I'm saying guys okay well we're looking pretty good right now oh oh hold on this guy just stopped worst decision of your life bud sir you're going down drifty you're going down wait what did you guys just see that I just drifted he didn't take any damage drifter going down drift yeah I just ran the drift over oh it's so satisfiying man all right oh hey Hey boobies no no plane don't move plane plane stop what you're doing who be shooting at me Oh Juan I think I can see him oh just new phone who dis hello hello look at this guy I'm confused now okay so I've got the thermal scope there's a man's I don't know if I want to keep this thing though as much as I do really like this gun I kind of would rather keep my minis there he is Oh Adam twice oh come here all right where's the zone at by the way how we doing to the zone all right we're gonna have to move kind of soon did my plane go off the map all thank you plane you're a loyal plane where did this man go there was a man here did you guys see where he went did anybody see where this guy went I have no idea oh there he is he's a bot oh he's so dead bruh okay never mind I can't hit a shot so he's alive is he still just chillin did it what is he doing okay so I think he is that hypnotize a chest all right well you know what we don't got time for this guys we don't got time for this as much as I want to mess around with this dude we got to go we got a bounce out here it is because Yoshi has a dad oh and for the bathroom you should finish the game Thank You Shamu phenomenal phenomenal response there go to the bathroom or finish the game then go to the bathroom now that was my plan okay Oh present wait did somebody open this present but not open it we know any mean spawn addenda but not loot it I don't know hold on oh you have somebody definitely loaded the presents I wonder if I can shoot chairs from my plane oh there's somebody in here oh there was is he still in here I don't think so for those you guys didn't know I'm a Jedi Master at flying planes here in fortnight nobody in the ship D shafts very interesting oh hold the phone ladies and gentleman hold the phone I think we see some players oh we see some players oh yeah oh yeah we bout to crash oh no no not right now now like this not like this we got a crash this guy's party come on let's get him oh yeah and there we go boys okay my plane is literally dead I'm bailing alright this guy has no idea I'm assuming hello sir oh that was a very bad shot on my part well still finish him now I know he's in here a little good sir how aren't there how aren't there how are you doing today hello my friend is it wow I did not expect that guy to actually hit that shot you know we got the zone coming in brother you know what I'm just gonna go in heat out of here alright you know what that guy can have fun I think he just died in the storm bro oh I kind of feel like a jerk I'm not gonna lie I'm a jerk up bottom is oh I was actually coming here to the zipline and I realized this is a grave mistake wow what a beautiful zipline that was alright oh no I hear a plane oh dude I wish I had a plane right now I lost mine back in Nam back in Nam I lost my plane we might Oh Mike I just cancelled this what am i doing in my life please do not shoot me right now alright I am a noob I'm a noob with a shark fin please I do not want to get shot I know the storm is coming guys and rays thank you so much to the super chances keep up the good work absolutely my good sir absolutely that poor noob had no idea what was coming for him he's poor little dog opps I'm loving the grappler though guys after playing Wild West all day yesterday not having this very sad and also surprisingly we have not found a boombox which is strange very strange a new finding boombox oh but they do find bladers why would you stop moving randomly what why did you stop moving did you anybody else see that the guy was literally moving besides Sarandon Lea just stop out of the blue that made no sense why did you stop moving you're actually cactus and a half all right we've got tangos up here looks like oh well I just I cannot hit my snipe shots guys I'm gonna be completely honest with you hey don't make you're getting away from me nah gobs oh go ahead don't edit on me bro where's it going wait now I gots what are you doing Oh No I've suck oh really really they give it up fall for that this guy dumb this guy's really dumb isn't he okay well I mean I don't know if I want to call them dumb cuz that's really mean of me to say but I just don't think you might have been the most intelligent of peoples like there's a lot of times you get players in this game and all they want to do is build and sweat sweat and build you know what I mean that was not down for that can I get this girl oh so close to toast boys all right I'm just gonna bop okay that was very unfortunate for that streamer this might be very unfortunate for me as well I've no idea where this guy is oh there he is I gotta get a boy's yeah yeah oh my god wait what why did he not shoot back bro oh my gosh is this is sad like people are dying to me and they shouldn't be dying to me cuz I'm bad at the game you know what I mean okay okay let's uh okay okay I'm going to die to the storm our night yeah I am yep okay mm um oh mom you're watching the stream just now oh oh can you can you please can you can you can you mute it I know no don't watch this part no please oh you don't want to be my mom anymore cuz I died to the storm again yeah I understand I understand love your mom goodbye always happen to me dude joke oh I died of the storm bro jogos not even here here I died in this storm there was like two noobs left and I killed myself in the storm I'm so mad get in here dude get in here you missed it yesterday Cho go they had a great LTM it was the Wild West so fun you're a Wild West well my wish it was really good and then yeah guys I took a phat L right there that was a bad L juggler you should've seen it it was horrendous might have been them I can only imagine it was very embarrassing all right we're gonna ready up Joe go you entertain the stream I need to go urinate out of anger okay I'm going to angry yearnings well hello everybody how you doing hey how you doin so if Preston's streaming and I can say whatever I want where should I go guys I just found out something weird oh I just found something strange that I don't think I'm supposed to have seen and also we queued for a match oh man this is gonna be an interesting one what is going on here that's it maybe if I do this no anyways we'll help y'all having a lovely day I'm gonna be contributing bad gameplay this fine afternoon here in the Pacific lands and if you are in the land of the Pacific guys my hands are freezing Rita where are you screaming it office huh office I'm not we're like what like what the website Oh website youtube.com slash press and plays okay there you go guys there you go well I almost had my first one what show go we're going tilt him by the way something weird what would you find weird oh wait yes I did you guys the Tilted wrote like oh boy I am NOT gonna lie oh yeah boy kind of out of it it's okay not gonna lie to you Jonathan I am playing with Vic start the ESDA note show Co is actually Vic Starr Lachlan mr. wuffles he's the whole pack in one he just changes his voice and appearance my name is Vic Len Canadian 1 2 3 fake one Canadian bro holy [ __ ] Canadian list oh no no no no no no oh God Oh daddy's gonna be good right now I'm leaving the game that's a rage quit first rage quitted the livestream nope oh I almost raged I literally almost left in it dude just why do I weigh in on the sniper oh no oh no I committed you know what man it's just it's just sometimes you have really bad games sometimes you have really good games sometimes you have you know it's just a bad time guys it's just so bad you know what honestly though no go ahead Jeff's already up if you get the chance no I don't wanna god Bless America stream I'm sucking today and I'm pretty sure so I've got this thing guys where I get really cold hands the first hour of my livestream no idea why no idea but my hands are freezing my hands are literally freezing right now and that makes no sense also I know I missed some super chance guys Jamie Smith I think I shouted you out already much love Kay Thompson's Tom thank you afford these super chat bill Phil thank you for the super chat Shamu we must read the Holy Bible love that super chat love your vids love you bro thank you so much virus nuclear dude they get so much for the supers daddy's been watching me since egg Wars you are a legend Pokemon master $50 super chat thank you so much yo Sophie long appreciate the super chat oh my gosh so much love so much love for me and I'm playing like a bot I love you guys can I get some ones in the chat to charge us up someone's a 1f jogo I took a five-hour energy and I think it made my hands cold your hands always get cold when you first start playing I don't know why deers do that too and then mine warm up it's weird but they weren't as cold before all right we're gonna go a little bit more docile happy Hamlet job see the marker all right beautiful why you laughing Mamma Mia Oh bye that joke of you if you think the bus driver you get a pickaxe you have to think of 11 times if you what you think him you press your emote key in the bus Oh whew thank you yeah you gotta thank him so you arigato goes a mouse okay yeah re gelatos tell me I got oh that's what you got to do dude sometimes I just eat a mossy Rock you know dude right now I feel like I'm eating nothing but mossy rocks oh my gosh is a gun and I can't reach it why am i crying I'm not you're crying also Shogo there's a challenge you have to break 80 something chairs so get crackin do you know how much work is put into making a single chair I know no I'm not you have to break him dude was a carpenter man I ain't gonna do that I always forget that I'm Eddie I'm a I bet he made some bomb shelves could you imagine this is the Jesus shelf do it today oh you know I'm so you know redeeming humanity what redeeming humanity and also I built this pretty dank shelf by the way very very useful much more don't worry I have a weapon that I'll miss 100% of time with I hear people in the hamlet by the way but I am breaking so many chairs so it's beautiful bro happily happily Hamlet so many chairs dude all right very much very beautiful all right stream I need you two guys to figure out something I want you to guess how many kills I'm gonna get this game 1 million who the new boom box choke oh I found two of them give it to me there's two of them you can have one of them I get one you get one sharing is caring ok dude what do I do with them I don't know I've never used it here's this thing that we have no idea Oh what oh whoa we must praise it will hold a boombox build no way I got the show go it's still destroyed it's got a big AoE man it's my first time using it what do you think about the boombox well besides the fact that it scared the snot out of me yeah it's fine it's kind of scary it's kind of scary yep I like it though dude oh my gosh oh go come get these minis bro dude are you kidding me you're gonna reject free minis I'm going you know I'll carry them for you I don't trust you I see a chest over there dude we gotta go we gotta get out of here it is that was about that coming out balloons balloons anything yeah they do they're a little hard to use if you never use them before though I hope you've been getting some mats here in there joke oh I doubt you have I didn't think so but you know you ever see the pro vs. noob series well this is it like you're the same team if you've ever been curious this is what this is about to be care didn't do you got this show go I believe oh dude don't worry my challenge pick up 5 items of any rarity Oh that's an easy one I like it here Joe I can pick you up in a plane I got a mad plane I got a good plane dude I'm gonna go here and say it's probably not a safe thing for you to be driving me anymore I'm actually good at plane driving ask the stream okay chat is this true I'm my life is in your hands you better not wait I'm a good flyer frequent flyer with American Airlines I got you do watch here can literally even reverse planes I'm that good ah all right come here I got you hot pickup show go just spammy when you get close to me dump off my wing get thrown my friend let's go I'm a good flyer I can do barrel rolls you're welcome all right show go so we could take it advantage what gun planes where little lights of bullets where see the stream says I'm a really good pilot told you Cho go I read I read was literally no no no thank you look at my characters face whenever you do the thrust it's hilarious oh yeah play for it wait for it and what look at me you can technically jump up right now put my balloons my balloons of glory okay what do you mean dude I'm great you know we took like 0.3% damage of that we're fine I just don't know why we can't find anybody has been it's very sad right now there's nothing going on here it's boring 32 people laughter we haven't seen a single soul where's the storm at well we're in the middle that's probably why we're dead smack in the middle sometimes a good thing east northeast east northeast no it's East where I saw one of them just land on their little glider what's that light underneath us those are portals Shogo rifts well you know it is that what you thought was a pretty good no we need to find these people joke oh we've been flying the entire time they're over there where is over there how are you boy can you mark it on the map dude I'm still waiting for my 5-hour energy to kick in okay somebody says do an awesome trick there you go awesome tricks okay I got y'all just flap side down the whole time I got you dude see I told you I'm a big frequent flyer this is not no planes do no I do not want much I can even go through ICAO down here to you know most people here okay I got you got you you say that all right get him Presley you got to get out oh god choking you didn't get out oh I'm dead Oh God we're dead we're both dead all right dude I had a great game last game and now I'm playing like garbage play like garbage streaming we didn't have enough ones in the chat that was a lot to say the most boring game I've ever played anyways Lilly didn't find a single person so you know anybody in the stream wants the stream yesterday you will know the one skin to play to get ones the noobs can I agree the fish skin this is the skin to get wins guys this is how you get the wins okay I disagree strongly this is how you get the wins can we get some fish fish fish to the chat please ladies and gentlemen I need you means the fish fish fish of the shat thank you do my hands are so freaking cold do I know I'm so really cold outside you know that yeah it's like 30 degrees here in Texas what temperature is it where you guys live because it's kind of cold here right now so I live here in Texas with you I know I was asking stream viewers okay dude spent Turtle gaming Cisco's rubbing off on you see the diamond girl knows what's up she's like the fish is the boss agreed fish is the mouse I just need my hands the warm up guys won't be good to go I'm robbing him on my table I'm getting friction I'm surprised you don't have like three gallons of coffee next to you to keep you warm dude it's it's Sunday redefined is closed okay so Louvre mega boys the alex is cool even donated two bucks hang him a good pilot that was not a pilot error Cho go bother children you could jump out of the plane you don't take damage you like glider you deploy if your plane blows up and you're still in it choke oh you do take 50 damage you jump out like yeah that happens you get brass controllers for spots though here we'll go a little bit more a little bit more chill all right it's gonna be a winner viewers oh that's an interesting let's go pleasant Pleasant will be a nice chill drop Kay it'll be it'd be beautiful would you serve it as pleasant mmm maybe hopefully it's not too Pleasant I hope we manage to find a lot of doodle bangers and we managed to kill them wait why is it killing to you I'll find them but Joe go apparently it's 30 degrees in Connecticut but it's 30 degrees in Texas something is not adding up something is gone somebody is in Israel and says it's 82 degrees Israel the promised land literally the promised land with the promise don't know what you want to have would you want to be in a hot place or a cool place I think you'd want to be in it I'd want to be in a cooler place I'd want to but 82 zomb Andy that's easy ac but we live in Texas 82 is not a bad winter time do they even share the same winter as we do or is it another day I don't know it's a good question for somebody smart do we look like people who know what the world is shaped like no oh no I found a default what's up bro what's up what's up bro how you doing default what's up bro just making her eat oh okay Wow I was only making it rain on him and he betrayed me that's a bad default don't you do that I didn't yell joke oh no I'm good so far see say that you say that I say so far because like we all know was gonna happen about three seconds I'm gonna hole and then easy win dad show go no dude let's be honest we all know I carry you in this game okay okay did you least say the guy that went to pleasant show goes you know where he went to what's that where did the guy know there was a guy who dropped here I don't think it was that guy I think there's another one come here give me know where Brit don't trust here I don't trust the chocobos hug me tightly yes I just destroyed 80 chairs Oh Bobby's breast suppressing oh a shield gracias you shot you okay you've made a wall can you not build in ways that I can't shoot hello I'll get her out do it later where do you go what in the name who d there's two of them I got known that there's a scary girl I'm Way I have no magic nomads no shotgun she had she has survived with 13 HP let me pulled out my pickaxe double smacker Joe go I invited you to the stream and everything damn him don't you blame this on me I was I would have got my first one in the stream second game and then the storm killed me and then I invite choko maybe it was the pea I think I had a bad luck pea guys Joe go you know why were losing cuz you didn't buy the fish kid why you know it's [ __ ] cuz it's because you PETA all your good look and I don't know is that a thing stream can you pee out your good luck I like the guy I like this guy ray he just super chatted with three fish emojis I respect that that's a very nice I do not respect that that's a nice thing to do dude I just don't know if I can trust a man that puts fish in the chat why not dude it 32° in this guy's place that's cold why is it 32 degrees in Illinois and thirty degrees in Texas we are in the south winter is coming very fast hope not it's approaching winter is approaching it's supposed to be ear pressed dude it's like it's just going so flippin shotgun dude all right Preston listen alright the way that this game works is they have to take your gun and click on their heads forehead Joe go I'm gonna beat you and I pick axe I beat you my pick axe all right we're gonna go we're gonna go salty cuz I'm tired of losing every time I lose yeah bad things happy yeah okay yeah let's go to that salty let's let's get her done did you just dropped you I know where I'm going or I don't know dear Lord it's totally not like I watch you drop and then try to fall Eve before the eve of New Year's Eve the eve before the eve so is it the same thing for Christmas does it like an eve before the eve it's like beep squared I figured still kinda like a square you've my joke are you here at this house of me get a shotgun I killed her shotgun in this game like you at my house Preston what they're are naughty naughty people from the house here take this shotgun Jojo chuckle we have nothing to kill them with why are you fighting them they have guns fight them with I don't think so I think he has just a pocketful of Dreams on some you have a gun yeah P has a gun choke are you trying to get me killed bro there's a guy in that far house man Joker there's a guy in the far house so be careful going down to the basement that sounds like a problem this Oh purple sir it's not my problem Joe go under Sally be careful or isn't the actual wanking story no it's still pretty depressing yeah what how would that work just don't know of that work Joe go I mean I appreciate the enthusiasm I'm a professional I feel like you need some bandages Yoko also I'm pretty sure those llamas are made of lip or they give me metal I don't really understand how science I don't know they look like they're made of wood too but I think they are made of metal surprisingly enough Oh Ruston there's an individual that's crossing the street I told you I missed every single shot I also have to reload my gun I see him building up right now ok I'm going to go to a different area in the land of make-believe and hope for the best goodbye cruel world he is dead is he actually I killed him you're welcome holiday spreading Christmas cheer bro ok what is this guy no bullets people always jump when I go to shoot at them stop jumping wait this guy knock somebody wait what jogo we have bogeys tango kuba found him with you no I did we are playing against bots we have found the low ranking noobs and I really appreciate it my people sorry Cho go but I needed this after all my losses I think epic was like yeah here's a bunch of noobs presdent have fun would you consider to be a smart tactical decision to bandage up in the very top of a ramp yes I also have a mini for you isn't your bra but they are good money's oh there's like cars here yeah you mean like the Quahog trousers so go take the mini it's not being done drink it take the mini what are you doing take the mini press E control switches your spots okay you good mal you good me L I like this guy think we get into a cat sound I did I did you're sorry dude I kicked a cat this morning my bed for the record I did not say that was Joe that was Joe no guys mini garden you didn't take this morning the minigun I don't need it what's wrong Joe go let's go towards the div how could you pass the plate well I don't know but I wish Wild West was back dude it was such a good game mode from yesterday your game mode I know but this was a better game I've ever seen one Oh guys this game is doomed you expect wins hey great we are here for the maymays maymays the maymays that's pretty much what's about to happen hmm oh he's like little bushes and hedges and stuff they're all like Christmasy hazard dangerous dude people can be hiding in them you guys gotta check oh wait was that you sure yeah check in the bush dude you got to check those bushes you cannot trust them okay if you guys have a different partner for a fortnight lie no storms then you pleb stop wait these doors are open what you lens Joe go what are you doing down there be beloved that's old news fan where did you go we're on this hip plane bro there's a zipline yeah you could take the whole thing it's really nice Joe go here I'll come pick you up you're being too slow don't you dare pick me up I don't want to go on a live while you're deaf next time you just jump out when you're getting shot okay that was your mistake no I'm good I'm good we're coming in confidence yoga you're coming in right here get in or die how hard is it a frenzy brother I did Pressy lies all right sirs we're gonna do how did I miss a point-blank shot jogo I jumped out what are you doing oh I'm reading my chance sorry all right what are you okay really are they there he's on top of me I want that grappler give me a grappler whoa whoa sorry third-party third-party what happens we throw the dynamite bad things I got one of them Oh check on me one guy you know do you think I'm able to help you right now like hello I'm trying to figure how to build hello am i I got that storm coming and we get a bounce it gonna bounce it's negative one in Ontario bro god bless you you couldn't need a blessing right before you free hi Chuck oh we got to bounce like seriously get in the plane forgot to go alright alright I will pilot oh god no no no no no no no it's all right Preston all right no no okay let me get it let me get in all right you're being a maymay go go go just boost press spacebar boost stop well Charcot oh my god oh my god you kill us how in my elbow I ins I'm getting out getting out there's people here there you go there's a guy right in front of me oh I just crash dadgum it down oh I'm screwing my buildings so hard okay I'm fine now I guess I use they're all on me bro oh yeah well you're on your own right now okay you gonna kill them or what Joe go don't break my tower wait I have an idea all right breaking White Tower you literally just killed me I thought that was you in the plane well then somebody's third party to me in a plane and killed me quickly you've been the game buddies most of devices you can eventually kill somebody oh boy dude why did you dodge a buddy to play me he'll be choked oh dude I am telling you man I haven't played this game in ages dude so I thought cuz you were in a plane it was gonna be like I thought that it was you in the plane but there was another guy no there's another team in a plane that came after me while I was building ready my fault though this guy's got a great name up rising potato chips thank you for the donation you've been oppressed for far too long I don't know DJ DJ morose super chatted and says fish for the Winship who's bad luck dadgum you planes dude I thought that was you Cho goods I didn't even decide to build her that wasn't my kind of grappler I could've grappler and save my cell I'm dumb guys it's fine yet nine kills the game nine kills my game it could have been dope game and me Anna like I do look at me I live longer what is my favorite dance Deborah probably the kid the behold it's not even a dance but I love it it's just so funny man it's just behold a new but hey listen man there's no reason for attention to me alright thank the bus driver we're gonna retail rail by the way right here my favorite building of a bunch fine I'll go retail real yeah I'm not happy about it oh I'm not happy about this guy's not happy about this at all the fine we'll do it we shall do it it's my friend for the mayonnaise no we're gonna win this because we're just that hint no we're gonna win for the maymays do I love Kenny more than Briana absolutely not sorry Kenny you know I love these that absolutely actually any meaning there so he could mean yes oh oh oh preston you have a Sabra they're trying to sell you all kinds of good Nikki's a stream cipher we're good don't do it I'm so dead oh no I'm gonna dude I thought he was a stream sniper and he wasn't gonna kill me so I didn't shoot at him when I got a gun big mistake big mistake I gotta stop doing I gotta stop trusting humans well good thing we took a bow all right were you at my son dying well could you not do that no I can't sure I am what of my nature I hate this thing so much to a fine joke Oh fine I'm here come here have a mini I do need a mini but it's mini what do you added over here take it thank you okay gave me one appreciate it oh yeah you know I drank it cuz I know you can't win did you hear anybody of these other houses huh yeah please somebody over there but is there somebody at this house maybe they just ignore these houses completely we can only hope and pray oh yes big shield pots thank you Henry got the goods I buzzed Chris are you slowly turned Japanese what does your mom do you have you seen the new Goblin Slayer oh no just going what happened why am I doing this didn't you you all go Joe go you're welcome hope you like it means a lot to me you know what I mean takes years off my life Preston years you're welcome I mean you didn't eat those years anyways let's be honest yeah those years was gone they were long gone before they even considered years to be honest with you suppressant question yes you think about rejoining the all-star team for fortnight who you me you Kenny the original all-star team was that the original SART team no no advocate it to you remember no yeah well there was a nightmare team as a dream team and then there was no your team's meet you and Kimmy now there's one with there was one with Vic to remember I got people on me okay don't worry how I was just sitting there admiring a launch pad I completely forgot what I was doing all right bro you're really getting to that bro life huh sorry matey so hasn't like a nice little build fight ko dumbbell brother a ealier brother hmm really this guy nothing that's all my little brother says he looted stuff was he looting scootin oh he's lean and skinny little bit of stuff here we go pump shotgun for the boys all right I know there's some Desperados out here oh there's like some purple stuff down here no actually I need his bandages hold on bandy Gnip and bandage it up racing t25 so that was bad day it was going good till choke Oh disco bomb me oh you're fine you're a monster show go I would never do that to you I value and Chappelle far too great Lee you're Preston this is the one thing I do know how to use what shopping carts no no no no no no no no no you're not using those there should be people that are coming for us and I don't know what they went to so I'm a little nervous Joe could get some hats get some mats please brother gathering some mats okay let me swing on your face would why I thought there was people now I am confusion I swear there were people on the hillside the hillside tribal boy is like look at this guy I'm counting I'm coming don't move brother mean person where is he blow you above you wow I missed him once shogi I'm outta backup run choke Oh what are you doing bro see I told you I saw one of their birds so that was a good thing there's a medkit good they also crawled onto my safety just take him that kid in red dude I want your filthy there you go get up get up soldier taking this oh those shotgun shells here and it suppressed assault rifle can I please jump I hear a plane I know I'm going for it so gonna shoot it if you can I am bandaging so I'm not sure what reality you think I'm hoping you and right now but it is a very jumped out he jumped out well they both jumped out great I have ones below me check oh yeah my high ground now bro oh my god I didn't see him over there fudge me do you have stink bombs nobody has grenades you know oh god he just died Thank You Santa do you get the other one Santa I feel terrible nope I did not kill the other one all right way to shield twice got him dude I knew Chuck who I landed on his head Stewart push me off the map like push me off is like know begone Satan all right if you have a med kit you can entrust me not again no whoops that's a gun all right well plane show go shoot it down just shoot at it oh boy I'm excited book Joker just shoot at it with you AR it's easy to break yeah I know no joke oh we need to kill this guy oh my god please Joe go wait so I jumped out somewhat fine what do you do when the bush attacks you next joke oh all right what do we do rip to go all right let's do it I bring Preston back then nope didn't work uh yeah to collect six more ripped ago he had to get the Dragonball show go you did get the dragon balls off only joking why are you pushing up what are you pushing up I was turning into a bush do it do it bush it takes so long God you have gingy now I got baby Jim G choke a look at my back bling here in a sec see if I could find it I'm scared it's baby gingy it's baby gingy hold on this is him no honey you're back here you might have to wait till we get in game let me go to the new ones I just got where's juji ass gingy oh yeah m8 let's get it oh he's like moving around he's angry when you kill people he dabs it's kind of amazing so if you kill people he dabs and yeah it's just dope dude this is a really rude ginger well guys I'm getting slapped very slapped and I just want to say I appreciate you guys watching give it up getting destroyed yeah that's where it my just click on their heads forehead don't click on my head don't touch my head leave my head alone oh no already from my chest as you're turning into it Hawaiian I am turning into a Hawaiian right now no worries brah we got this hey bro give me a break jogo we have to start playing like a team okay our baby ginger is gonna get mad P owed okay so as a team to the block field field to the block what drop was even mean it's this way she'll go the blonde change the Waypoint do I believe you okay so my medal click button is my mouse mat button in my Waypoint button and it's broken so where am I going to the blog look at the map but lilies go up the block okay I'm gonna assume that this is the block over here the first no it's not look at your map show go it says the blah ho okay got it going to V block not made you sir blog no the block bring Joshi will carry you guys I don't appreciate this comment I don't need my little brother to fight my battles guys yes you do oh they changed the block it sucks now what so they have to go here then no they update it based on the community and the one that it was Prior yesterday was a way cooler so I never made this it doesn't suck but it's as good as yesterday's I see em I see em I can get them JK he's got a pistol built from a can you please diet Thank You cloaked shadow okay up for HP Joe go Sam look a little bit gnarly weapon you're good bro just really with it though just loot Lowell I got a chest here ok so if you see a med kit I'm gonna need it oh this guy's i'ma play soon to mean that doesn't sound very good you're dynamite you yep that's me dynamiting everywhere Joe glaze right there yep working on it come down here come down here we can't afford to be in the public eye sooo dangerous fish and one thing do not belong together are you grabbing my ankle oh no I got shot dude I got you get up brother take this of any takers mini telling you dude dude it's all I've all yours flower out slow bro how do we not get a single shotgun I don't know but I have my TNT sad right now where are those shotguns people watching where the shotguns in the new block it's a riff oh I mean somebody ripped it above us okay tickle of fancy portals no I don't think there's braise the Lord among what are you doing break it into my area get out of here if you notice this message you have the best channel thank you fun faith great person great comment I notice it Kenny has raised that he's the best youtuber and I'm like 17th best I got offended to be honest well you know sometimes I got very offended so we'll finish up beat him into submission yeah lots of American kids probably mats there's maths nothing like special from him though I choked waiting the chances are I get killed out here hi guys what do you think about the new blog I don't think I like it nearly as much as yesterday like the new block is not as hype every day no no I think it's like once a week or something I don't know definitely not daily though here's don't like it as much good I don't like it either oh there's a pump shotty a green one but dig it I'll get one I'll get one that's what you say now there's an underground to this area Oh joking that was been for you the gorge take this - take this - alright maybe I like his area a little bit more as people been here before Jagger did you come down here yeah uh-huh I think they're so jesting here though also they my friends dude I got your medkit come here I'm kids a medkit let's go here's someone moving around and it's bothering me you know we really need kind of need a vehicle so I said come to the block see gioco come over here to get see it oh you're healing up you'll see it soon enough I liked I liked the blog yesterday I'm scared okay so yesterday's block guys had like a million chess planes it was very diverse in its architecture very fun I recommend it architecture buff was really good dude okay don't judge me I liked it hi for once you didn't actually make us drop like three miles outside of zone or until two towers I'm kind of impressed hey last round we did it what did we go last for insult say or do we go retail rose a retail yeah I chose I mean it does we technically we're brothers in it okay we were brothers I'm so sorry for your new brain that hurts me why you call my brain a noob Tigers brain wait what it shows my brain he's my brand my brain and brand is dead oh no if I died this game doesn't mean you'll break that no president and brand dead oh man you know who we need to carry us who Bree oh no that might be a disaster even fight like weirdly enough I think we'd have a pretty even fight between me panicking and her just like she panics harder than you do things like she actually like wants to kill you me I'm just kinda like can we just talk this out dudes I tried doing that once and she killed me who plane what she's the plane down Joe go what plane well I see it Mike if I didn't get you a good shot on it yeah you better believe I've been minigun so this very reason oh they're turning on me Chuck I need help I need backup oh they jump they jump yep he jumped he's building I love not having a shotgun Wow oh they're sniping and stuff they are doing things Wow huh leave my shield alone check oh we're pushing let's go go oh my god I'm so dead boom box what do you mean oh my god I have a disease so you do it bro we're only dropping in hot spots now cuz the fact that I can't get a shotgun means I can't kill anything so you're getting carried by shotguns Preston is that what I'm hearing I am getting carried by shoguns diseases are raining upon me all right well you know what blue sheep if you get another general I have a surprise for you I'm sorry I'm sorry blue sheep I'm sorry no beer be angry peen can I get some sucker birds in the chat thank you Preston's chat I did see that one message to ask what level I am for the season I am a whopping level five pretty impressive I know I hope everyone is enjoying if you're watching on Preston's YouTube don't forget to subscribe hit the little notification bell all that stuff Preston style sellout and plug in here all that good stuff and also thank you for my viewers for all the lovely things you've been doing trying to find the thing where it tells me what happened Texas inky donated 10 subs today yeah it sure did favorite donating to cold emotion cold star Brittany 310 cloud King Astoria ready benedek and then just simply twitch and press and stole beating his name uh yes just like the good old days when Preston peed and we all were trying to get into a game [Music] let's go guys bail appeals going Y fatal fields - it's fine I know it's like I clapped I know I know yesterday was a lot better demonstration of skill please don't judge me jogo said you are fat I don't feel bad you're a bad youtuber Thank You Wesley oh there's a person there's two people south of us alright let's go oh they're going to like that weird lake training place you going in I'm going in here wherever this place may be yeah I'll go I'll go lower if you want to leave that okay probably die in here - honestly what do these balloons do exactly I keep on finding balloons and I just feel like they're trolling me you'll have to use them to learn and to be honest what what do they functionally do like what is the point of them both we have people rushing up on us like they're above us sure go yo Mikey light up he's one shot thank you tiered look at my gingy I took you a long time ago sighs oh God look at Ginny look at her man look at him he's like yo where you at bro oh he's coming Joe they're coming yeah Merry Christmas you filthy animal nice one Joe go I'm really glad I missed every shot at him too Preston looks better than jelly I hope so man I hope I like better than a piece of jelly oh you guys coming to us trips coming to our house right now choko choko now he's never gonna come up I know think uh I don't want him to come in here do you ever been here now hold on pull some big jokes on them oh well concern is slowly increasing they're coming upstairs now oh that's me oh that scared the snot out of me I got one check on me yeah hello Flo he's back wait just kidding he just ran to death all right Joe here don't supposed to kill him yet oh dude you have mounted Turk up it careful yeah where's this man go things above me okay let me confirm the existence of uniforms okay please get a pyramid that's a negative ghostrider there we go I knew you somewhere I'm so sad they can't pick him up okay you put her down I was like no I want him to go up this day no no I already did down damn I downed him he crawled up like as he was down he just crawled into the spiked crab that's my goodbye hey I check out time for some corn this lives up to its name fatal fields indeed holy smackeroonies the very fatal place apples so choked oh they updated balloons and they're kind of Opie now if you use them really well but what do they do they make you float yeah you could take no fall damage with them you can kind of fly with them and you can aim down the side and you don't lose any like yeah well yourselves if I just let this go I don't know from South wherever South is yeah so for buy this out I'm gonna die yep joke oh please I don't like these balloons these balloons are evil oh boy get up bro what are you doing listening to the chat of sorry guys just trying to help choke oh not die it's a full-time job boys I don't see the people that shot at you though this current placement matter or is it just like Hill 360th what just turret placement have a 360 or is it like yeah 360 don't put it down now well it's too late we're not even in the zone we gotta leave yeah that's fine oh I'm a professional why are you Smith I'm leaving there's bandages over here viola in his broken house I'm looking at you want to scoop him up oh yeah do a couple extra one saloons I don't know where those guys south are they were shooting at you though there in South else tonight 20 Vincey of dude maybe they're just a figment of my imagination I mean I haven't seen him so I'm starting to think oh my gosh boombox yeah I can feel it I can already just feel them looking at me through their scope just be like somebody took some riffs that goes over here and this is kind of out of the zone though let's get in boys oh there's oh there's a big shield pot here you should probably take that Yoko you needs it though you need a joke oh actually know what I'll grab it for you I'll grab it for you you got it you sure yeah no I got it I'll give it to you you might need to take northeast northeast coming I'm coming I just jumped and glided and stuff where I give you direct what do you mean you say noisy's we don't see any they know these you're lying to me I think it's the alam in the distance to actually is that a llama yeah right in front me northeast collecting materials right now I see him I mean the guy in the plane he's are trying to get back in he's trying to get back in his plane don't see the plane well there's two of them I got it boom box suckas enjoy that okay wait what Mike I'm stop shooting there we go Joe go easy kills Preston take your take this big pot and I'm gonna take the minis how about that alright you sure yeah dude look at these boom boxes going off man have to go boom boom boom boom but I do boom boom look at our plane it's jamming dude are playing it oh this to the head - purple scars Joe go take one you held a minigun from me oh it's mine dudes fine my minigun a brother I don't know if I can trust you Joe go let's get in go get in the zones here okay I'm leaving you behind ahead I'll have a p90 now what happened they dropped him dude I got a tango tango tango see this red guy in this hill at West ready it you gotta see him here in a sec yes I do blossom by your inch about to batch about what are you doing Joe got me out got him Hojo go you need that chug chug Oh sham is - dadgumit he's coming up always always a trihard beautiful dad oh we're getting soft from another directions right now he yeah there's one north wall it's a plain man down the guy in the plane oh my god I just took so much damage yeah I just got absolutely right oh they're on me I think they're about a Kappa me well they're right below you oh my god dude you're literally killing your hair smalls get in G bus that was crazy we just killed like 3 or 4 teams man that was dope yeah I know it's pretty hard thankfully I stepped up got my A game drink that chug chug Joe go please okay I'm taking the chug chug then go ahead they get here self healthy get yourself decent why are you walking me off like this bro I'm holding myself off man that was crazy there's so many people bro nice little door here the door is so let's go what are you doing with it oh boy oh the minigun is returned to me mmm okay the sign Oh take it over a shotgun oh is a purple pump here would you like the better full pump no I got a legendary okay okay what do these guys have snowball on sure take that I had to end his plane show goes down it's coming in let's go can I drink though no I got to go yeah you can't again just be careful JB sir getting shot in the plane press control cuz you're gonna want to like you know not being the same spot verse yeah at least a little bit yeah man it trying to keep us low to the ground though oh we got people people out the divot so get ready we're gonna jump out as soon as we get over the div like all right now there he is a pound of that was incredibly out of that oh my god he's on me jogo he sucks yeah did you get the turret no hey yeah there's a lot of them to be honest there's a thermal scope thing here too so I've got a lot of jump pads we ever need to bounce hey no pun intended oh it's a health pack here to you I don't mind if I do so we are in the zone my brother we are in phone keep trying you have one more chance no pressure thanks blue sheep Willie high breasted sorry I'm late you're a great youtuber oh thank you for tuning into the stream even if it's late and there's another guy he said I spent my full allowance on this super chat gotta get a shout-out I love your channel thank you dude you're a legend racing T I love you bro are you for the super chat again tell me dude dude dude what are we doing right now I'm gonna go do productive things like yo blue sheep just donated $50 is less than 8 million before 2019 we got this impressed and do more Dermer more murder-mystery streams i they get you to murder mystery and for tonight I'm Preston plays it'd be fun something new I did on the TV narf rags channel guys and it was the most fun I've ever had choked are you woulda loved it do I even want to know he was so mad I was like John Garrett and Kenny and we could have had a fifth man it would have been even more fun with a fifth man Joe go let's go come to me we're gonna try to get the high ground of this mountain your high ground it's my job over here 200 wait what how did you Joker if you want to loop that Shasta protects you pretty cool huh zip I could go upwards yeah you get to go both ways hmm I might take this big shield for now that's why I really like a world on the edge by the way Joe go literally cancels me out you jag ok listen man there's some times you got to make some battle decisions goodbye where did you go we got people dropping in you see him negative gills they're not coming for us they're heading east above the div ok got it oh I do see some parachute he's going on yep they'll they also have our jump pad by the way has ever done anybody coming from behind us though I do is see the individuals in question I am a little bit concerned because they seem to know what they're doing and on top of the divot yeah good play this one looks carefully what's carefully mean I do have plenty more jump pads though oh I see there's one guy on the right there's one guy in the left mm-hmm there's still a lot of teams left so I don't know where they are they could be coming behind us I don't know has born scared well I saw a shaking tree almost peed my pants fine well plane coming towards the show go could be an easy collaborative I just like dinked it and then it's so hard to hit the plane people man oh I tap alone with the shield first night they got the high ground now yoga yeah diagram now I am very very scared I feel like this is incredibly unsafe of course it is oh that's just fine now okay well yeah that's fine I had shot one of them of going in old their zip lining to them close could be dangerous I'm coming back they're coming down they're coming down well one just Worf did he just look all the fall damage he's like yeah I'll take it bloom please I choke I'll be gooed we good Thank You chief we got the zone coming in now I got two more jump pads kind of want to get these guys as lewd though up here we have more jump pads please do not snipe me while I grab these jump heads are they still up there now we kill them all whoa whoa eating me in there bro who alleged a rocket launcher don't mind if I do oh there was a chest up here this whole time joka oh there's a big shield but I'm thinking that three players remain well time to kill each other I mean what mm-hmm well I mean like you know five in total you know what I mean dude Dan and then yo did I shout out sheep for the $50 super chat bro use legend I did I'm sorry I need to consider you but we might not get going here soon well go all right shoot man get out of here Marmon down trying to get vision on the area right maybe yeah I see one team llama Cho go there 56 how the heck did you get over there jump add tension hit one for a hundred 1000 yeah okay go up there peek it bake it you all be get you over that chai you and there's one straggler he's not gonna pee get you pee good I dare you guys I was literally annihilate your heads so I thought plebs oh he's picking me Oh scary hit one once again we're going in jump head style boys if I could just show Co I screwed up bad me too I'm on a tree fudge I'm about to get walled in and killed I'm by executed why did I miss every shot so do i and mine's bigger wait what hello grabbing myself how did you die what ha Preston I just realized something you know why I'm eating really confuse really easily right now cuz you're just a confused person that as well as the fact that I forgot to turn on my map again after we play that hide-and-seek now I dig okay you know honestly I don't even give you flak I've done that before too I think yesterday I screamed the entire day without having my kill feed on it's pretty funny this last guy hiding in a Supply Drop or something could even do that anymore don't you think you can how do I enable it again where is it under what yeah it's in hide can't miss it there it goes make sure you adjust the colorblind settings that doesn't help me I don't have an excuse i just i'm spatted looking he's bad using my eyeballs did you scream oh my guys that you're not okay you should never without a spider from your jugular so many levels I'm in a tree I'm a rocket man in a tree I might blow myself up but it'll be worth it for Rohan dude I have worked really hard to earn this win so you better not fail there you're right doesn't see me I don't think he sees me Joe go get him get him good 16 kill game let's go felt good on my toes uh Jamin with my bros uh we got no clothes yo we toes finally a win it only took an hour and 20 minutes but that's besides the point you know all the time kappa that was good finally got a win now i could pay back all the people who super chatted oh you live in Texas I live at Texas wordy homies my blood so many friend requests how do I stop it I love your videos i've been watching since pokemon bed horse did i ever do a pokemon bed horse I don't think I ever did but thank you smiley dog gaming I've been watching it for a while you're my favorite youtuber ever smiley dog thank you so much meme review supreme wow or party with a $50 donation Wow even in death you keep up the Kari you're such a good friend that's a good one guys it's a good one okay get some medals on the chat some medal emojis man I deserve that whoo you deserve it let's go Jay peg where we go hi mister afroman lazy links let's do it we'll see where the planes taking goes okay go to the block only on the block it's a new place that's fun yeah yeah yeah how do you think the bus driver let's go you press your email button if you think I'm 11 times mind Z I don't know what yours is bro I missed your first donation to time broadway i'm very sorry let me scroll up oh can we see Bree do the orange justice pole bro maybe she is a good dancer she took dancing for a long time and singing so she could do it not me though she's a theater homie hi guys let's go male let's eat male just kidding am on keto are you on keto again yeah that's four days feel great yeah I have no gun yeah I have no way of helping you grow balls I don't know where to drop in the block like I just don't know where maybe this is the way I don't know where to drop anywhere so your ass I got a shotgun we're good bro there's like an entire underground in here bro it's like an underground city man all I hear is things be destroyed but that's me I've got a shotgun for you Joe go if you need I have a daughter you know there was a guy that was right next to you what happened I don't know Judah maybe this is a really cool bag what is go to present he's a legendary Joe go well what what I think the loots blonde on top of the present out of the map hi Jeff come here young squire come down to me take these Preston get your oh wait Oh get your butt down here I hear somebody well that's fine but get your booty I must kill him where is he did he try to be sneaky in this house oh that's gonna be not where I want that to be all right you find him yep no maybe you're just asking to come out you'll just come out come out please oh my girl I grow weak and tired what do you have for me choked up I have a Slurpee juice in a mini oh he's coming out okay stop baiting me with that I'm coming now there's two of them okay but I think they're under the map what is they even possible I hear him dancing yep done the map Joe go oh there's a heavy shotgun here legendary I'll get it dude they're definitely down there Joe go boys just throw down a boom box and sled a play for a while I'm going in joke I see him okay he moved again I'm not in the right spot have you done for the boombox I don't know those open get him donates your eye this is crazy I don't even know where I am right now oh my god I just man fought this guy I should be dead where am I dude I don't even know this is crazy this is actually nuts guys holy cow bro well I survived that was insane choke oh there's like an underground area where when you crouch you can't even see anything this is nuts dude this block is actually a lot better than I thought joke I take it back oh what's that brother Oh God choke ally why does he use that let's go oh so I rush to go to any rule weapons typically so you don't have any weapons what that's fine don't worry about what have you been doing this whole time Joe goes Shh no words I'll get you a weapon follow me I said follow me I am following you dude I just had a man fight I wish you could have seen the underground fight it was just real as Mexican standoff lights twice a row this is about as good as my building gets by the way stream if you're ever wondering let's get out of your boys dummies can know what you're doing yeah Dubois what up oh you got like Tony Hawk pro skater stuff hey dude I was born for this bread ready to giddyup so go my string you're like not even on the ATV right now it's hilarious you're in front of the ATV like 20 feet what it's fine it's fine it's fine you look great though you look great dude I'm so glad we found living Zenyatta in this game anytime anyone kills me they're like wow these portable things that work yeah but what was this individual doing like I'm a medic I'm bear down I was farming I can't be careful check out the sound of this car is that a person that's a bush it's a Boosh impressive I said this is not how vehicles work and I just didn't joke oh he'll never find me well that's definitely not him into trees I'm in the trees I think I'm gonna take fall damage it's okay though oh gee there's a fight here I know Oh a lot of ball damage ouch oh you snap those lerp dues time I know oh there's balloons here by the way Oh Joe go come up here we'll go get the planes you weren't kidding you really like planes dude I love planes man can I say the pilot that's the pilot a hard guys big Potter heart oh speaking of planes coming for us Joe go yep I hear come on bloomer oh it's so dead another plane Oh God just happened oh he's like dive-bombing over there yeah actually whatever plane no yeah Oh what do you have nothing dude wait sugar to eating a gun or anything like an 8k no I'm good sure I will I'm gonna get this plane down to you don't worry dude never I'm ready up I'm ready up zip lines roads fine it's fine really fine we got zip blends for reason Joe go don't scuff our only blame Oh perfect see we got two planes let's go let's go into the zone oh wait what oh you can't hold them never mind Oh false false llama to go we have a faulty I'm as drunk work the way I think it would this is really weird he used I told you was like judging me at all time whenever you like whenever you actually like step on the gas it just acts like a sign your color joke oh the zone Oh front of us in front of us in front of you you mean you're like on the other side of the map I'm coming how far they have fire pretty close was like a dogfight anything going on oh the plane has guns yeah dude laughs like bro Oh where's the I did not know this oh I did you talk about dog by dog vibe get him get him get him yeah each shot is like 30 damage show goes so oh they jumped out he gonna get a new plane but did he go inside oh wow I got one actually hitting me though guy on me I mean are you to be born me nope I'm still in my plane well that's not what I wanted I just glitched oh that could've been bad so I need to get your plane yeah I'm out of my okay Joe go why are you doing this to me dude it's fine I'm so dead I got one almost dead jogo need you I got one there's one left you could do it Oh God are you live oh my god chugga Hill hurry are you right oh my god a little his hair oh please Oh Joe go I'm gonna be honest I had no faith I was holding them off dude there was like three teams so I killed two teams and this third team came out of nowhere of course yeah you have a chug chug you can you earned it you earned it soldier is there any mats here please for the love of great oh yeah now you Joe go I'm proud of you Joe go I'm actually really proud of you oh here's here uh have two minis guys can we get some hyper Joko saving me you don't even need them the needs when we're talking about it's crazy don't mind me you need some heels Oh Joe go it's fine I can salvage some heels remove a big sniper Joe go uh but I saw something down here you might want p 9d do you want the p90 gave me to have it you can have it I have a minigun with a lot of bullets that's all right here oh my boredom fortress for you my friend dude that was scary choke I thought it was over man you saved the heck Anatomy come to me Joe go kill me my life come here me oh you should I'm signaling you where do we go for this supply drop of dew line there's a chest waiting for me I know let's shoot the supply you want to see the supply drop though yeah pretty real quick verb oh there's another chest in here I'm see if it's in this supply drop could be all kinds of goodies stream how Cantonese really careful Oh Gold aka oh it's hard I'll choose it God gave it to me nacho go let's go oh god this is quad crackers like leave me alone who a bully I choked her get ready to eject at a moment's notice yes sir we're to say hello I need you to be my spotter Cho go okay you must spot there's snow the attack and he protection there are trees I know we need people anything they can look like people Cho go not us meeny-meeny-meeny looks suspicious down there okay no it's a price oh I see some building down over here though we see a whole other activity at the moment do you know sugar that they buried the old city over here yeah it's cool isn't it hmm Oh Oh Preet oh I'm pretty sure I know where one is if you go north west I'm pretty sure there's one there don't leave a little Valley you wanna stop and get this or quicker now sure I don't even know what you're talking about but oh we got to zone coming you never mind mmm wait is how suspicious it's out here in the middle of nowhere press end zone I know [Music] just saying choke Oh things are looking suspicious two people died I guess wait to what I don't know dude I even see the kill feed where I don't know problem getting sport Oh Oh found him Brian fry the show go oh he just ripped a goat they ripped a goat okay Joe go what the heck they're so coming down Joe go so you don't wander in there skeet shoot skeet shoot I think they're trying to land on my plane in the shotgun me I'm not gonna let that happen he's going to another rip to go oh my god they took another riff to go Joe go they're trying to land on my plane oh my god they got so close so Joker they land on my plane it's bad they get shotgun me instantly he hit him to G in the middle very good all that guys Lois is that one of the Joker be careful you can lend on you we still have no idea where they went I'm gonna shot out and getting shot at I don't know oh he's on the mountainside he just jump down okay god he's down he's down I just killed myself okay are you safe or no yeah I'm saying I think I think his buddy's coming to build up highs buddies too far away Oh sniper it's called Preston what in the world Isis really glitchy please no move give any meds Joe go I do not have any men oh boy yeah the minis will be fine that'll be good enough you don't need him cuz you don't lose your HP or your shields oh yeah that's right Julie there's a rocket launcher over here if you want it well if I can get in I'm sliding everywhere so the guy is right below us I don't be still there but he was below us compacted some gene hmm you might have moved on oh oh my god all I know Oh woof Oh he's skating he's skating bro yeah he's probably pretty DS okay I'm gonna make of it I see you see me to the left show go be careful I was gonna keep on breaking his walls I just don't get oh my god oh my god 118 meter headshot while he was running show go that wasn't fudging beautiful oh you just don't notice teammates coming you see mates coming to resum we got to go we got to go okay come to me I got a JP show go he's ramping yeah sure is I'll boombox boombox I don't know how to use this gun [ __ ] one another one turret all the way for us I know I know we're good Chuck who was that your boom box oh I might die here you don't understand Joe go turrets ROP and they've infinite ammo this is so bizarre will not lose the towel Hey Wow two wins in our room let's get these dubs boys oh yeah you're welcome present dude holy moly we had some sorry guys had a real love the super chats love you guys I was just really into this game do I have no idea what solid shots man like some really solid shots yeah yeah you're good at this game oh that's another win guys let's get some eyes in the Japanese that I got though gozaimasu students alright I warmed up you know now I know how this game works left click to shoot oh man dude that was a good game alright woo success PPI be sexy with my presses chance thing I think joke was carrying a baby oh my eyes my eyes are somehow able to find all these little statements you know me I'm basically wreckit-ralph us I'm just your friendly neighborhood support oh that's unfortunate Prescott shot in the face I'm lucky where we going oh why are we not going to a place called Paradise Palms I can go visit already there in Florida well no impressing he's probably peeing like a racehorse so probably to get like pleasant Park or something wait a minute let's go boys can we get triple wins wait can we go to a tomato temple yeah if you want I don't recognize tomato temple this it's a really far drop for tomato dimple though oh it's fine that was good guys that was good and you were about to rage quit you were about what no I was not I wouldn't to carry that moment you were like final nail this chair go guys hey Landi shots what about wait there was a few you know what juggle you pull up your big boy bridges and you killed it I killed I killed the bridges the bridges the batter no britches what do they call it you know your pants yeah yeah our solid game though do not land in the middle the temple bad idea come to me all right there's two people there okay why unless you want to die all right your boys got a deagle your boys got a big shield pot in some medium ammo glad to see we got good loot are you okay yeah I'm fine warning shot dear Preet oh yeah you come down to me Oh pump shot gonna meet Lou come in here buddy all righty there brother there you go you see what the shields should go yeah I just dropped it for you all right let's go guys Robert Smith thanks for the super Chad yeah legend all right Weezy let's go solid jump Joe go careful good marketers this is the precipice Isis ammo crate given me so much harassment oh I hear chest so like what is this joker there by us there above us there dynamiting us careful this high Joe go oh yeah yep yep anyone pumps me of course of course he had full shields I had a guy point-blank with a shotgun for 30 damage come on game come on and then the dude kills me on her did the guys they did for death and then he does 150 damage with his shotgun can we talk about the logic feels super bad man hey all right feels heck and bad man feels heckum pardon my language back with this game fine my language about what Diane its opponent Greenock told d me our friends hey don't forget check of the presses files merge over at Preston style link in biography what link in the biography Oh Tex I know this is late but thank you for the 100 bit cheers this is like super chat superb it's superb it's super super byte that made me really sad because the guy had 24 HP cause I hit with a shotgun and twice with my a are blowing my dog's owner could have done you know normal damage like 70 you know guys that'd be great Chad go easy on pressing all right he's not as good in the game as I am here from whiskey super super bits ooh Zuba Zuba Zuba bit thanks tiger tomato gets super Jegan no okay fine well there goes our triple ones in a row guys we had two back-to-back wins and then we got 14 I did you told me to wait so I waited and then he died I was super sad we got four knighted now just for tonight what is a fortnight isn't a fortnight like well that's no I thought it was uh just makes me saying by the way wide that's a challenge fly through with the plane my hands still never warmed up by the ways still local bands do it's weird cause like my hands will actually get like sweaty but they'll still be cold it's probably annoying I don't like cold hands ah found you a turret choke oh I found meter - I feel like we keep landing in the peasant spot oh here present oh okay ah Bob let's show go turret you are not shooting my enemy what is going on one's one shot that guy's one shot up there a Russian oh oh behind us behind us Preston we don't behind us dude these shotguns like I don't get one and then people can do a hundred damage across the map I think it's just we're not going to mate Oh temple anymore it's a disease Stephanie thank you for the super chat we're the same age Stephanie Stephanie I'm 24 are you sure the same age are you sure twitch Kremers in thank you for the superjet friend thank you for the super chat I was your 12 subscriber prove it but if you're that's dope seriously if you were my jewel subscriber you are a legend you're a legend do you think it was your second subscriber I'm Preston plays you you might have been I think you were bite i dag up are watching dude I'm the second hundred bit cheer GTX doesn't rep looks like a second-place toga I'm just sick and tired of getting one pumped it may get me very sad oh dude that one new one punch man is coming out so I know I'm excited I love everybody Jetson where is Breanna I don't know I don't keep track of my wifey sorry guys I probably should know one bit cheer for total tax and things for the 300 bit cheer whiskey and for another hundred the cheer Tex we're just gonna get summary of this all right let's go guys here we go all right tomato temple right sure sure okay Preston didn't drop doing sorry I was replying to Kenny there's apparently a new creative update today ooh I'm going to land all the tomato head I know you don't think that's a good idea I'm only on the tomato head and I'm gonna hope for the best bond done automatic turret no no you have the man the turret oh there's another guy that's here okay never mind yep I'm an open-air lad all right oh my gosh did not mean to take that zipline please let me get this shot please hi Joe go when he met how many guns well I have both that's the lion I don't have mass but I do have why do I keep getting six years above me he's one shot on me gottam both oh good here for you no come here Oh how do I give you yeah Oh arey gelato my friend Oh pop those guys get out of here finally survives tomato of the temple chugger there's a medikit over here for you don't mind if I don't come shake it I'm not gonna lie this tomato is like gonna haunt my dreams I don't like I love the tomatoes I don't know dude it's tomato temple dude yeah I don't know I feel about tomato worshipping it's not the best fruit door ship to be honest you're gonna cheer when you make a pizza and you're just like what are you doing like you eat the pizza I guess this is my body you eat turns oh very little thing I'm farming the tomatoes right now God and it's definitely not a tomato yeah made like a cursed or something you never know dude there's tomato it certainly didn't get in good luck to the people that you killed so I mean they were just bad they were not your people you you clearly have been gone for they were my people Joe go and I let them go so let it go reference Bible reverence led by Babel go uh-huh don't worry I'm gonna just choose a believe it let it go okay for the holidays there might be a rest on my joke oh yeah um do you see any rifts anywhere if we could take a rift we will be very good we'll be well off a friend I should look at the sky for rifts yeah yes I do not see any yes I regret to inform you I did not see any are we hanging to the block is that yeah yeah head to the blog I mean technically the blocks in the zone so we could find some people here - oh I thought you just to click mad damage okay I heard somebody jump oh they're building right into the for the block waiting for an West North East why do I see it they must be really far out of the block or something nope they're like oh they're coming out of the side boy those president Joko one day one day preston will just stay focused that's all I want Oh under here Oh God that one pressed pip Dipple this one's my baby so I president I'm gonna cuddle this guy to death you and I want a ponytail with you until you die which my ponytail prevailed all right come in have a coffee well I got really scared right there let's go boys let's go just see me man I shot that guy out of the air with a suppressed pistol that was beautiful it's beautiful dude okay we need to get you some heels though that's all right wait what the heck it's not a thing I don't understand how anything works man whoa you want it uh yeah yeah good verbal okay down here two of you want it whatever well that's really good just 36 damage and it's like 72 to the head lots of damage lots of deeps that was a good fight guys that was a good fight have fun with that feel like now that I can like so choke oh I was inept at building yesterday and then I just played for five hours in stream and now I can actually do things and it feels really nice and we have a guy leave a guy gone for me we still have a guy yeah I missed I'm heading to him right now oh this scope is that is disconcerting no it's really good running oh whoa he's actually not a bad shot okay I took off all the shields here he got so he took off all mine too I also tagged him for 37 so I underestimated him Joe go see my website talking again he has shields again oh he just marked me it's pretty good yeah I didn't think that he would be calm enough to do that I'm not gonna lie that was mm all right for this show go I'm gonna die probably but it's worth beautimous oh whoops oh god I got a long distance the cover boys Gavin Joe going in 25 seconds welcome to the junior wide heading to heaven mm-hmm I got you bros afine I don't know how I feel about you using a plunger that way is she just able to juggle apples I need apples chokes my apples I have some I have some important meeting apples that's so important used for dude whoa what I'm no longer an iPhone no way mm-hmm what'd you get got a pixel three XL oh is it hi big deal I like it I mean it's I mean I was on an iPhone so pretty much anything would be better but finally made the upgrade did you give you a one mama mm-hmm her phone is better than my phone what do you mean no yeah well not the one you have now now so we got a head to his own Cruz's own yo storm leave a link to the $15.00 uber jack you're a legend oh I actually did hit that guy in for a bit with the thermal that thing's a really steady gun shoots really slow though it's good though cuz it shoots slow but it deals a lot of damage but it's just enough to line up the next shot I feel like yeah yeah I thought was pretty good actually apples to apples it's a joke oh oh I want you to get full No yeah you just go ahead a four oh wait you already full nevermind o jogo follow me we need to get a plane we're gonna balance there's only 16 people left so many people died that's fortnight of course what do you mean let my people go let my people snow mm-hmm right a zipline and different matches dude these challenges are so sad I bet you people are watching this I know fort neither like my god these men played this long how does he not have this challenge it's like have you played this game before take up a weapon congratulations go Joe go we're gonna get some meds Oh bro yeah yeah yeah we are dangerous in the Med Department dude I don't like these little like air bursting like graphics I always feel like we're getting shot up like 18 people I also don't like that you drive up side Kenny hates it too oh this is new Oh Joe God sorry I'm coming for you I'm looping back around me well good-bye cruel way really yeah he's comin enemy right now three two one why well his last name was apparently Lannister so I know carbon here it's even her pranks go in for the kill gets one knockdown I'm looking for the other one he's looking left he's looking right people man why did they kill my joke about oh dear God coming in good time God proved his skill has come he's looking up in the air an aerial assault of time of doom two people parachuting down he's looking around he's actually a disease like it's me or this deagle in Jordan so dumb so dumb I sir just built up instead of plundering so much regret joke Oh aren't you switching spots remember I was you could jump out though yeah I know but the problem was like I like to tap that one I just like happy healthy always so they always go for the guy in the plane waiting cuz you're easier shot so you have to be careful like you these are getting shot at yeah but just like jump probably really soon are you going that may be so sad dude Nani Nani Nani bro womp womp mmm-hmm I hope you guys are appreciating my shoutcasting of whenever I'm dead still my part you know doing my part Oh even the Hershey bar yeah the reason I got the pixel three excels actually cuz I got like a super ridiculous deal I think I saved like a total of a thousand three hundred bucks or something like that a little did you get a deal like that cuz we switched to Verizon this mall so mad deal yeah that's great delica yeah they buy one get one so like just meet me at my mom we say nah not bad yeah Elizabeth thank you so much for the superjet Oh Stephanie you're my age what and you're in the military well thank you for your service Preston what go to lazy wings I drop Tilden a drop tilted sorry buddy James novices tell your sister I love her I don't I feel about this James it's a little nervous you know I mean couple of brothers I'm pretty sure of Webb state was something say build that and add a dick this roof if I can well I'm gonna get murdered immediately no is a game-ending you Cho go I also Adam dude I saw her actually almost did have him he's 20 health on top oh dear god no way up here jug oh I don't know wherever I was there's that one yeah same midfield maestro I know it was cautioned Panda a thing wait was it appear some that you killed the guy you killed his name was caution Panda no I killed somebody maestro harm no killed someone you caution pianist dream can you back me up here oh hey so person is doing the derp thing again where is this guy oh we got some dynamite right there a lantern on your come on that was scared you hey where's this Brenda oh there are two different people killed one another guy yeah the guy I killed died instantly yeah he eliminated one you got another one that's up I just feel that so hard and I filled my building tactics - oh I'm so dead well just sometimes no matter what you try you can't do anything especially get an RPG dude that GLaDOS is disgusting you can't do hoping he's got an RPG bro it's too much it's too much gosh makes me sad now you haven't won a game in like three games today I got angry pee again Preston has no eyeballs good angry pee those fish eyes you already back into the thick of it we go depressants afk what hello Shalom I always come back I like the perfect time it's crazy all right what lazy legs I want to see it no we're dropping where to dwarven yeah roger-dodger make slaughter them I'm getting hungry choke oh I haven't eaten today wait no I lied i yesterday nice hearty breakfast today i made for breakfast yeah that sounds good are your parents still in town yeah we're here until tomorrow delete tomorrow evening so we're going to go to th mark get some Korean Goods then other things you're leaving on New Year's it's gonna sad yeah Shogo duccini tangos at the dwarf but I also missed the jump like a mile I didn't realize it was like up a hill yes they're way up gioco hip the heck bro don't worry about it man it's fine oh dear Lord those are nothing here it used to be a hot drop man dude it's dead here there's nothing here those I skipped on some balloons the way symbaloo yeah it's kind of a dead place now man be honest so many mattes oh god stop it for you Brito I got a gift for you yeah what is it the spirit of Christmas I'm gonna give you this gift this is over jogo spirit of Christmas you why am i slipping sliding what is happening to me hello Joe go Merry Christmas Oh arigato here you take this one Secret Santa animal here's Secret Santa what a Secret Santa well there's a blue pump over here Joe go in this building better than the green one if you want it I like the green one it's better color Julie blue she's like going to blue dings has never played four nights huh eze mom every play for night no she should come to me okay what yep where are we going where are you at come custon you also need to switch your a twitter thing on your YouTube channel by the way why what is it it goes to t pin our flag still not to oh yeah let's go my friend don't worry I'm just gonna buy even together the gingerbread man scream no but I that gingerbread man is unnerving dude it's hilarious he likes dreams really loud isn't this tilta that we're about to go into jump Preston don't whines you made good time Preston I see a porta fort branstad oh I see somebody bulldog miss oh he's just dropped down Annie dead he really died right underneath me like oh yeah this guy on the building next to do I got one that's off a t-shirt bro I gotta stop missing these shots goodness yo Joker get this AR you want to carry that porta four that'd be dope any shields we killed so many people and there's no jeans what's meme at the rift to go bro there's a trap right here holy moly nope bringing the hat before it kills us ya have to go sorry what I say for de for it yeah yeah you don't admit did I though strangely enough you did so don't even lie Oh Joe go you need to use these boogie bombs it's for a challenge here you get the gingerbread man get the gingerbread man Joe go hmm well we're not taking this plane pretty much dead it wasn't worth joe go we're gonna kill this guy as loot I'll drop down there I think for Blake a it's kind of dead scenes in your joke oh well I am gonna head this away yeah this or that away huh I wonder if they looted it all do you think they actually looted Lawler you like tilted it always is one of the first ones to get looted but you never know yeah that's empty it's all it's all looted and scooted closed oh thank you drew - my brother likes your vids keep up the good work yes sir drew yes siree Bob well there's a bolt action here blue bolts action all right I got a legendary uh heavy heat shrinkable keep Bob here pressing come here look you don't just throw it anywhere you just throw it anywhere okay later blue bomb yeah but I saw it oh we can take the zipline cells you'll be good zipline forever what are you doing Chuck I'm going up this building new second I sense a good thing so my shot sniper he's shooting at people on the mountain okay you hear that joke oh yeah I think itself sounds like this so I see where they're shooting at oh my god zipline 280 meters snipe on the zipline bro please report this btv gnar frags we're cheating that was actually so sick oh and their name is streamer 281 oh that was such a beautiful scope dude holy Frick dude let's get a plane Joe go and go get them boom box what a nose go guys what a flippin noscope but it wasn't a noscope but you know what I mean his bandage is more important than boomboxes yeah pins if you need them I'd say go we gotta go kill those kids come on get in well that just sounds like a pretty no context Joe go please thank you I took us so we're gonna do you might want to jump off and I'm gonna try to ram them and knock them off they're still here they might have gone down I don't know right in front of us yep they're stolen ready - ready - ready all I missed him by smidge Oh Joey you jumped yeah I think I'll be drunk was that not the plan now let's can see you there bro don't worry I'm gonna come back this guy that's crawling around with me come here we'll have a worm battle yeah I'm gonna inch towards you in your evening oh you gotta be kidding me bro the trap went off no way oh that makes you sad sorry joke dude it's you know why we'd lot you know why we died right there guys because we couldn't get a fudging shield to save our lives we looted so many places so many places and no shields dude ah oh man so mad so mad dude well you have to be men this is only game I can't believe that guys trapped killed me it went off so much faster than mine dude I swear was like instant maybes yugioh I totally bad man hurt his friend though I don't even care he's like I could down I could tell he fought with honor that's why I killed his friend you seemed honorable I'm gonna kill you I can't wait till have my screaming PC setups I don't have to have like a little amount of lag when I play it I swear that trap wasn't even close to me man should have put out a boom box be honest is might fall I could not connect any of my scar shots so like I down that I should have done both of them while you were you know fighting them cuz I did clear shots and then but I just got bloomed blue like a bloomin onion hi Josh I go we're going to a flower peak polar peak polar peak is there like a Santa Claus Oh is there a polar bear with coca-cola no it's just baller big brother okay brother yeah okay brother man can he do that for a while he was remember you know Kenny's weird he's like a dead squirrel get he's weird he's a freak okay got him like a dead squirrel oh boy Kenny when you watch this vlog later with questions just remember it was pressing less of that I'm not entirely sure what he means come on darn it I don't want to hear nothing out of chat I want to hear nuttin I don't want even think of nothing well there's two people on me think 99% sure these guys have shotguns well I have a happy heart or something and I don't know alright I'm running to you right now come through the front door meet Murr careful they're above me jogo okay well I am below you so if you would like to convene let me know I think I see one if you come down to me I have a mini for you okay right behind me YAG no I make no I see em I see him we can't take him out in these guys yeah go go yeah did you kill both of them yes I did you Beast brought out to throw down the boom box too bro about the play some funky jeans on my cage like joke oh yes yeah I thought you were gonna die dude I just scared you just place out a spike trap yeah no it was not me oh no it was not me Preston go get your ears checked they don't work that's it jam time well oh my god I just took so much fall to him ins I've never been down here before it's very nice there's someone here Chuck are you good nope probably not this run I'm healing yeah I'm dead oh boy I don't know why I did that but that was not a smart way to play that joke oh you're so far from me I don't even think about whatever and I would have caught up to you my boom box blew up everything bro how low are they I had all them so many times that was my bad I should have came instead of healing I just I didn't know the situation no dude I was just like oh I'll stop using the minigun love you finish stop since before 1 mil make sure the long-term support homie I love the common is very screen thought flow to your min hard all I want is a choke oh the advertiser thing to go down oh man did you see my 12 days you have preston comment on your christmas video i did not see that in the advertise but you also tweeted to me i want to see it oh man oh man Stan Stan was an old man Chuck was a beast oh thanks can't confirm I'm just kidding good just kidding Joker you joke I love you yeah all right bum-bum-bum-bum-bum your fire you're cold aren't you it's cuz my voice is so dead from doing a long stream yesterday and then today so I have to like get animated with my hands and face I can't anime of my voice cuz it's dead come back boys I drink so much throat Coty NAT no work where we going my Christmas was good timber Smurf love your name by the way call the ball wasn't rehren EFA's yep we're within pleasant is the real question anyway you can find a place that nobody's landing on Tahoe to be honest so Joe going oh you're going here - oh sorry other people nope I'm not going there - then forget that nevermind the Jays are mine yeah I think they all just did what I did oh there's like a million people here juggle I can provide backup yeah I've heard this before it my more this way no but actually this time I'm coming in with a plane their vehicles combined we might kill one person okay run people over is that thing yeah it doesn't do a lot of damage though oh well I just hit them and nothing happened and I just died that was pretty cool not at all intentional but pretty cool nonetheless you cookie okay Joe go probably what you hate to see you ladies and gentlemen you hate to see that 57 damage feels bad son of a gun bro I know I don't get so many guns what in the world and dead stop reloading in the middle of the street sorry I didn't realize I have no mats it's a bad time to be here if I stalk they're fighting this is so weird watching a fish fly in the air jump oh my god I'm gonna die roof shingles and the Preston's life and and here we have the TV and our frags looking for an opportunity to drop some extra individuals he has a victim right from an opossum balloons jumps in the air looking for taillights Down Goes the team dad goes the weasel there's been so many people and pee pee holy flip at least now yes TV our pranks going in for the kill dropping in from the heavens looking for an aerial attack shotguns it connects and knock out Webster oh my god no no no they're coming for me guys please wear your masks yeah gathering more materials looking for a way to stay alive and keep the streak going gathering as many different tools in the trade to be the lethal man he needs to be digging deep looking around Bubble Boy going around the corner he's gonna look for it he's gonna go ahead and give a shot in he's gonna casually reload his right gun and he's and some shots and now the guy slow down he goes knocked out is bunny looking at him from the street going help help me dad oh my god he gets wet shotgun situations Preston takes a ball damage looking around the shotgun praying the pump is a one pump man let's go go in for the stairs climbing up looking for any kind of opportunity to truck magnet spread what this [ __ ] he's there kill Holly Molly do you think the streak oh that guy was a really good builder too like I had no chance Bob the Builder was killed by Preston that his name please can we get some hype in the Commons with that man as Breanna sends me a picture of some herbal supplements from Whole Foods called dunk white I don't know what it is this friend diet in here jogo I appreciate your shoutcasting but dude it's hard to play with the shoutcaster I'm gonna be honest with you chief now he's walking across the street cutting down a tree tree didn't stand a chance yeah it's on a peak he gets everything hey what is this is this a present oh my god it's a boombox is it a person and it's a boom that's is it a present it got looks like a present for one side you know oh dude the anxiety level has been pretty high here pleasant land Pleasant Park he says it's gonna be fine he says well we did do a very hard drop so you know [Music] hold on tracking rabbits it's a really bad idea going into Tilted with 75 HP for the viewers oh wow that's unlucky that was that guy was the wrong place the wrong time hate to see it yeah hate this imagine being the guy that gets rekt just absolutely murdered what is that hey Preston oh my god god that's actually a disease bro I didn't even need to die - I'm just bad I'm bad oh that's a minigun you can't fault it just missed everything missed everything so mad dude I got bully wonder Santa Claus boy you weren't bullied you're just you know got friendly touches from your friendly neighborhood minion I got boy yeah we're not bullied thank you zan yes doughnuts says I'm so hot thank you I appreciate that about to take another five out of energy all right Preston it's all right I'm gonna focus this time all right I'm gonna put on my game face all right I've heard this before all right here we go all right game faces all be honest and I let you die that time all right newbie let me go to the park let you die inherently did I know I can't remember I can't remember [Music] so are we dropping buddy uh salty man you are just a glutton for punishment aren't you let's go bro I don't even work on your hairs loving my gingerbread man dude he's like man they should call me handsome I appreciate it thank you Joe go with the voice is not handsome but I'm keeping the handsome this running oh my gosh I do not like your parachute thing dude is a spider so disconcerting yeah it's a giant spider comes ripping out of your body love it I think there's a person on top of me question marks president on top of me too can't you go we're too thick waters right now yeah I am not in a healthy position well that's awkward why killed one Oh as a present okay I got mini street whenever we need him oh it knocked out another nice jiggle stay live that's impressive it's Auto meters away good job jams are down to present okay I through I kind of poked a she love the guys that are ramped for the East Island drinking this I do not have enough ammunition for this place now the way bed let's go rush them easy kills do you say that let's go did you know these guys it is broken I'll show go huh no these these two like ran away out on what happened them I jump at it I didn't knock one guy out over there though I don't know what happened with them oh there's guys running across to those dead body stuff it also guy in the house let me check out I have five weeks left I'm not entirely sure like a dude I'm glad you'll and those eyes that's a little worrisome not gonna lie where's those guys by the show go I don't know over there somewhere all I know let's go kill him there he hidden the house ah hmm do you know what they are over there there's a good take some these minis Oh Joe keys in the house and we kill those guys he's coming down the ramp daddy's such a sweat oh I miss I missed oh no we're just dropping right now and drop Wow no one's dropping on you right now I know he's gonna kill me dude I almost got him I almost got him I know Matt yeah it's 31 HP I played that so well too dang it yeah that was pretty good oh dear we restate a lie for a long time we should have died ages ago those are always fun knowledge even if you die it's still fun to like stay alive and keep trying you know yeah see how you can change before you go down I mean it was close dude it's close it's like the holy war dude maybe if I use an AR didn't we get an a yard to go it didn't even get a day [Music] it was very sad did you know chickens nuggets are made of chickens yes I did gamer dude but thank you for this I appreciate blade you are my favorite youtuber I love you blade red origin I love you blade I love you gamer Harvey I love you warfighter I love you Nathan dursa I love you Elijah I'm sorry I didn't know that I love them okay Bri he's doing that thing every cheating on you with chat do I reach it yes I do most to dock scissors death run I'll make choke I'll play that with me later wait what don't worry about it's an impossible barcode of course made by screamer Ringo retail Joe Joe or salty pick retail bum-bum-bum pom pom pom prank brother or wife you get $10,000 what I'm reading comments hey Pete no you can't streams knife was already having difficulties as it is honestly it's probably the same level of me dying if he screams at me the precedent probably manager hey all right I'm feeling it comments shotgun boys Oh Justin should we be scared kind of why it's good way Evans anybody see him see one building south east Bob his shields off Yogi's on me okay whoa I did some lag their pod got him why he's got a friend though him i Dynamite's glitched that's not good trying to bait his friend where is this friend I don't know thank you flayed the facility Shogun who draw out from yeast was that Oh East High friend always but underneath us yeah see he's ladies ladies what Wow baby look at them flicks oh look at them flicks break your mini and then come here I worked out what drink that max yield dango chocobo he eats ki I do you want to go get a brain is that what I don't hear anybody Joe go we can go get a plane a few desires no I took this herd all right Roy thank you for the super chat warfighter thank you for this super chat but we are going to get a plain Jane right now come on everybody knows planes give you mana do we have - yes yes we do if yours has are we there yet almost there yet Oh on fire bullets yeah let's go I have a thirst for blood it can only be clinched do you see them yeah it's in your eye imagined there towards the middle now Junior what do you where are they didn't you I think I found them oh yes no idea what's coming he's bandaging up just so he could die - dynamite yay oh he's one shot now well that's not what I meant to do oh just so you can kill yourself what a sad boy like really really largely yeah they buffed it I'll take as many why not grab it it's good something else he's good the flawless is that FAMAS I know I feel like I shouldn't fly but said cuz the minigun and I I just hurt me before man no yeah not always always just some types just most of the time you know there's nothing you guys are taking riffs like crazy I took how we're gonna the wrong way we gotta get in the zone she just open a door what are you doing over there Doron boy oh it's always like weird like oh let's question mark was that what I just thought oh yeah here they come here they come yep I'm just gonna keep on going well how the insults hit one twice 442 I hit none of them 4-0 whoa if it's night bar yeah nice joke oh we could totally take the zip lines on him and Duke on him I like that optimism you have there that's Duke on him I think the way that reality works is a little bit different we think is yours no I mean we're scams are worse we could take it oh I see him yeah do you really we can't do got him from here follow me so I think did the diner Joe go yep he just got to kill the diner magnets to work this wait Joe go come you must kill him oh oh there's mushrooms in here what Joe go all right I'm confused I lost track of walls doing what Isis build so wonky here none even dad is pretty much had my entire life taken away turn her the zip line bro oh we just sit pointing oh I mean it's like that yep from the other hill somebody's oh god choking so myself there's a Blaine there are people there there's people to the left yeah I know there are many bad things breasted I know what having a dad Jagga oh my god yes there's so much damage nope I didn't do it it feels bad man how did that do 76 damage with a shotgun so go try to protect you this is ridiculous bro cage okay we got time don't move okay so you should be able to do this Redman to revive me Jemma those zones come in do you have to run as soon as we get you up let's go people on that show go well that's all fine I just want to survive let go joke about know we did a good thing here today bro that was actual chaos and the most fun sense Oh Jay guy the medkit for you okay that's nice okay I'll kill the two guys out of the zone 2 y 8 all right zat's was a good time my friend see those are the fights I make for nights so fun ready when you're done would you take the zip line up ok I'm done I'm going to take a zip line up where is the zip line follow me I didn't do it is apply is it boy that's not too far it's the gray here as I see before it was it's kind of Oh what is this who was a stinky dog yeah Eddie's job but I had to come come either Joker I'm hit the ring uhh water slows me a lot I did not realize I see people at the opposite zip line well I just got shot at probably there's a log over here Joe guy popped it okay if we get a plane we can get the llama in time we have to get the llama width to get the bid to go fast sanic fast yes come with me Joe come with me if you want to live bro it's it's desperate times calls for desperate measures oh go okay take this Scylla slip juice slurp it up slip it up take this wood in the surf juicer let's go okay let's go the blame dude we're gonna die forgot the plane was here go go go I remember evasive maneuvers so go Oh hundred percent does guy one in the zip line show go first Sam wait no I don't know about these evasive breasted we're good bro we're all trying to spot people we spot with me here we go here we go oh there they are there they are in that little oh he's going for his down teammate what a sad story oh my I press my wrong hockey booth yes good job yes my Joker there's a plane oh we gotta get what we gotta go we're gonna go oh god there's a plane coming for us though I know I know but we got to go and get in our plane otherwise we're gonna die let's go oh he jumped out he what's the flight are you kidding me choke on main fighting somebody's one shot all over the place cuckoo he's got a roof to go we're good alright when you get up we're gonna pop this referee cone you got to bounce okay Roger that come on let's go get it good dive dive dive right for the safe zone just keep diving oh no choking you might not make it I don't think it's gonna happen buddy oh my gosh I think I popped my shoe too late oh you're catching up to it though oh it's gonna be close for you choke Oh what you're flying uh yeah I know I thought I was doing a good I did a bad good-bye cruel I'm literally okay there's a person literally here there's also people above us too jogo how did you in a rock dude you're in the air yeah I thought I was like just clear you know I might do something really crazy stuff might crawl my way to I lived as few men dare to dream Cantus found the biggest box I've ever found in my entire life for links well it's been a very eventful drop you could say I really need to kill this person yeah there's two of them up there thing Oh jump feather I know it's so we really just whip out like a blueprint you just start going what can I build today I think this would be a great place to start putting up a ball isn't little Asians being annoying I was close those clothes oh I know Mads Dubrow you got some dynamite though hmm rift no you kidding me oh you just oh really oh I peeked they're double peaky nobody seekers you could say that you piqued their interest ooh I hate these guys as an F why thank you still up there - yeah I think he is huh ooh that was assaulted ultimate TNT I can't tell those are the people I just shot it wasn't thing so I think I think they were the ones I moved they're still in there oh really why's that was close you're a little to the right I know aim higher just bill wall just shoot him on the head forehead press 9 to new dream nice how you get killed it was the most depressing thing I've actually been playing pretty well too she said what's a tune in at the wrong he's playing with me counting I mean really what do you expect Wow that's what's agree with me getting sorry what I meant to say hell is you hey be online why are you in this game I'd be all over it bro this has been rough yeah I got a jump bad Kate come good job gonna the present wick that was close I felt that one IRL come on you got to be kidding me yeah shot from every which way now this like hurts my brain to watch you build all that's why trap yeah let's fight her glider freaks me out - guys wait what are the gallows near you what where'd he go yeah wait good rose in there guy you like right next to you I'm so loaded we're in front of you Majnu dude chug chug two minis better than nothing yeah beggars can't be choosers oh you gotta go I know that means they got to come to me though well they're chasing you bro you guys must be fighting each other not just me you know that teammate our booty dude oh no it's my kill me this is breaking my brain no I just showed my builder ah dude you met oh you're just gonna freakin confuse them they're like wow what just happened here are you in trouble yet really no I'm not left yeah you work yeah let's not behind though it was behind Oh nice talk thank you Sam I above me what damage what was this HP at bro 26 ah he just found all you needed was a hard game guys a sweat was a real that game can it you're coming in for a game yeah I'm gonna play one more though such a good game guys I'm so quiet I'm sorry no go ahead and put on more pressin infinite I'm just finishing up this thumbnail no no no it was play one more yeah as I said no let's play one app into some another here messages I don't know right all right all right bro I don't know why the first thing missed the first five had HP and shields there guys different story odd fish gang surround a fish oh I'm gonna go use the bathroom boys they're not gonna make up like chugga hey thing with 46 month threesome geo appreciate the fam well Kenny's made a thumbnail presence probably peeing again sounds about right go figure it out I meet in about 10 minutes Kenny what you think retail lazy links Pleasant part of this alright we're going to Pleasant them actually lazy's pretty far perfect timing boys yo Trevor much love with a super chat I'm his favorite youtuber in the whole world sorry Kenny no jug why don't you two dip with the heck go tilted I'm in about 1280 by 720 window mode deal - Dara's brother ain't got bit by something not booty inches alright see - boom boxes down here Oh God whoa whoa whoa well knocked one I didn't even hear him breaking up cuz he didn't break down because there's a hole there okay well that was fun chugger you got a kill you havin fun Kenny Oh Oh whatever I took extra damage from Kappa dan you're getting Oh No slick bad boys look at bad Oh Chico don't miss I made it I'm 107 joking kidding me choke a bow on a shield warrior dude one more come on boys let's get this dub I would gift I wish I could gift skins again I'm gonna say if Kenny was an enemy dude super chat much love sorry guys I'm getting so tired of my voice has been dying all day so I'm sorry about reading as my comment apologies it's like my voice is like I don't know if you can hear but it's like kind of going in and out and it's not very good so I apologize thank you guys for bearing with me what Kenny you are oh boy till I got in the dance for our college bar Craig that you freeze your brother breach it preaches [Music] we've hit the point where Preston is now beatboxing I am so worried I can't even be boxers my throat Jessie [ __ ] no I can't I can't I could just make sounds my mouth there we go and boys make it to the candy shop let's go music salty okay digging this music yo I rate the gingerbread man with a fish oh yeah and I also write the the shark fin with the fish oh yeah oh yeah a channel sucks oh no guys a lot about the animal looks like now it's crazy okay behind you for Tony one joke us a life tactical retreat crawl crawl crawl crawl warrior king yeah I mean help get a safe joke Oh Oh God it's right here this person's in the building protect this guy's love no rip oh I am so dead yep I'm dead oh my god no literally press T to revive bro this game is so broke I swear jogo I had shot him through the window to save you like but I didn't save you we're Kenny god bless america well he's kidding it's time to make a thumbnail now stop talking I've been getting a lot of people to ask me to cosplay and you don't want to see that guys I read it that's why as a woman cosplay as a cactus you already did cosplay as a man who respects women mr. B's hey mister pewds well my friends are dead you know things would have been a lot different if I didn't have a deagle the whole time yeah we'd all be dead though Wow the deagle is a high skill weapon you just have to learn how to aim with it dude mm-hmm monka escape kona a monk a Cape Codder Cheston here nope man that's actually incredible watching how the enemy of that gingerbread man that's nuts I know look at that means like all my shoulder now yeah I boys don't get revenge for you guys so good you see what I see do you see what I see I see a lob I can't even get a thumbnail probably Lama yo stop for a second we real quick wait hold on hold on can you change your skin real quick to Anoop skin thank you hopefully doesn't see me in here your fish you perfectly fit in blend in with the water so guy wants right oh they had a fish in the water did you imagine a minute fish can fly flying fish designing this fly-fishing also does that I certainly gotta have an actual shotgun so you know maybe I'll take a take a hot second out of here your plane is trying to leave you good bye plane thank you the tragic story guys I never get one well no one came to loot Lake what goodness gracious welcome 6 GX to the members squad you're a great man it's letting you know that member 60s you probably know that though I love you dude I'd rather like have a common tag shotgun Lita miss Maximus what is the point of life oh yeah common tax Wow took a damage from flipping the plane home too oh yes right there you know what is that quieter more importantly does it grill right there oh yeah well I have some very interesting items slot items right now but you know I'm not really built to do damage to our heads Fred what does that frog Joe got even though that's above us which means what just click on their heads forehead yeah wait hold the phone no you don't know you don't know you don't do these so close to landing in my plane did you see that joke oh yeah yeah why are you guys shooting at me there's other people you plebs okay hate you guys that wall never stood a chance silly wall oh I'm dead stop [Music] Preston worries about noise chooses a companion pet that screams when I rejoined come on please that trap well I'm dead [Laughter] like I couldn't get a shotgun couldn't get a shotgun you know it feels good bad feels good geez I had literally a thermal scope I think that was my only source of damage Nighy deep people the beginning dude I had a deagle and a thermal scope that's it rough time would ski Bravo is becoming a member you legend Oh whiskey don't support this nonsense my suffering goodness gracious I am bad at fortnight says Bella me too I need to the milkshake and a cheeseburger juggle also had cheeseburgers a day one from five guys okay nope I have had two eggs today and some lettuce I'm hungry I'm hungry unlucky mate unlucky right sure bro my dad a fixer pole wave you know I'm saying boys I even sponsored sponsored yet Reid what what is you guys - Joshua cut a subordinator code Denny wait what you hated zip code and become worth bomber new member bro beyond a member chain right now DJ $15 super jet let's go wait brew me is that true wait what drop i pinged it did just did what get closer we're going the red thing we're going to ride the plains together my brothers full Russian never live in ego oh you guys went over there sorry I was though I respected getting Oh y'all flag don't worry alone a little the lake yeah I'm going to loot the lake absolutely mm-hm whoa whoa just real land on me Oh God oh I hit a mid-air joke have come back I need backup it's a pickaxe battle we're having a duel no don't you pick that gun up I took up Eric wait come on up like a jump yeah well you know what I'm gonna learn you how this works and choke over here - I owe you control the I found a llama urn all right there you go you what the llama huh Oh God hey Sarge I got battle omits I left you wait what are the llama go the llama went to your mama he said let me in so guys just jump right over you yeah did it go back pick me up guys I'm getting uh targeted Go Go I'm supposed to pick up over here am i misunderstanding here pick me over here with that plane please there's enemies let's go see that's how you get in Jogja let me drive let me drive get hit it know you're here get it I see him Chuck oh there there 3:26 yeah yeah let's fly over them are they bringing his own joke Oh what vomiting what oh I'm not even violating highlighting what yeah he's tagged please don't let me die he's army guys oh my God he's might finish me guys he's a little bit right in front of me he's bandaging he's bandaging he's bandaging right there Chuck good finish me rude boy boy was i reception ten yards move the chains curvaceous the money donated this guy's over boots cube no I cannot I'm sorry tried once I dropped you a medical kit I picked up the medical kit it's like fish ever since I started playing a joke oh I'd never get a shotgun huh here let's chuck them right here preston tactical shotgun the green I didn't pick up anything over here did you imagine where's uh oh there's the plane yeah chugga the whole time I thought you were flying the plane can fly by itself even if you get out of the pilot's seat okay switch seats all right there you go he's coming in get closer yes one comment up I want the world to know eh ah my legs my fans hi boys we have a cool 9 6 8 1 3 2 all right burger on the right 6 o'clock 17 o'clock no canvas board yet okay dude traveling nuts oh boy it's on we're about to find oh he got it here and then there's a lawn that we can reward ourselves but always down wait can enjoy it up no ocean is buddy north oh right on truck oh wait on you so go joke a run we're coming in to back you up but we're far away how did I miss that you take the blame you take the plane no it's right here there's a guy north as well though yeah and we got a guy's we're about to fly in two out of three llamas in one game it's a lucky game why why can't I just live in peace you didn't jug up y'all over there the north by that building yeah yeah but there's a llama over here Oh jump out jump out he's below us I see him I see him need one shot one time got a nice hey say hello of my little friend good job Kenny thank you sir all right where's that lawman I saw it denna Kenny reporting for duty wait did you guys find the llama guys we can tease you get a lot of mats I think the president already looted it oh man it's okay I'm not crying you're crying whoa not again check out this movie that's a couple oh all right chuckling you change are you I just did a barrel roll everybody loves a fish stick everybody loves up fish stick it's our left is a plane oh let's crash do you jump Alec nothing he did but he jumps he comes you say right now i boys Hilton oh no come on Raylan off oh there's another guy right here - I'm gonna make it fall oh he got in guys we have a guy in red brick as well behind us up kill one get him going in no lo ok something happen to my game what do you mean brother present right here yeah I'm gonna default yeah you went inside over here on me oh there's a guy that's like running away well that didn't work where I hoped got the default get a guy new kitty another one yep do you get him yet no I went down oh he's on me got him well mine wait there was another guy redbrick unless I was in that game over here Mike oh I ran one over and I've killed Wow I killed 40 where there okay I have so many assists thank you I'm all gold loadout let's go do you what a game for the cause boys for the cause guys those are Plains we need to plane hey I'm driving keeps kicking me bro yeah ghost ghost ride the whip where my boys at I'm taking this fresh boy new wing well this planes Buzzy's anyway make any fly below us we're gonna jump out wait what we're doing what now alright Kenny we're coming out with John job Joe go job can you just say there I got you I got you boys Tom Cruise okay Kenny let's go down here where we going boys whoa I really thought I'm gonna get sick hi Kyle disappoint we're two enemies that no other left 143 oh my god headshot 245 meters on a plane oh my god I knew that was gonna happen I had one he's one shot get he's one shot joke over government same here okay save Joe go save Jerico where is he Oh where'd you save joke oh dude item 225 meter headshot on a plane okay mixed feelings about this boy sorry that was such a hype shot flip it flip it somebody record that happen did you just see all of our building I think the plane go strided back here what the heck like okay all the people here press them blow coming head shot him where's yet going in for me as low he's inside the town-ho ziplining down yeah yeah he's in this little barn with the would not is it oh wait there's one more Kenny yeah I just like a rocket or something we go oh oh he's one shot nobody one shot why did I miss my shots get got another kill there let it ride baby dadgummit kid ehm down and I taking my kills bro dude look at the loot Asians over your holy Foggia oh that shot was I've guys what a good shot one take these bandages along do yo jogo do you want somebody's my drop to farm oh man that's getting guys to get out loud Tony dude plane to the best Edition bro oh god that was such a satisfying headshot Kenny guy right there in front of us 300 you ninjago oh I got one wait wasn't there a guy behind us I don't think those guys gaze one shot one shot eyes I want the world to know let it snow let it snow boys I think we found the God Squad like Kenny's been playing with us bro we're popping boys yeah I had pretty good games like we had two back-to-back wins but I say can't even trio tonight thing you mean the other guy the young chocobo young saga beau you guys are gonna chill okay I'm sure he'll pop it oh [ __ ] blinds I've been all gold he did he did brother is it blinds my brothers what Oh what's up Rick all right well hello mom oh yeah I'm amazed that I'm gonna do it oh oh I just made him fold everything to do damage push push it push it no no not on my watch captain I'm taking this go I'm here to take the keel where they already go Preston bro hey Nico oh snap Oh get up joggers in there is in there nah I didn't realize I thought I was like a building then realize this is rock underneath go take the last kill GG boys GG boys see you guys in my months keep it up all right guys Kenny what is your plan shoka what's your plan play for tonight do not die okay why are you gonna keep streaming Joe go sure Oh Kenny are even streaming yeah I started that last game oh good first game dude okay well yeah go head off then for now okay well sugar Kenny admits that we've been streaming for almost four hours already I know dude I woke up so late today well guys go check out which that DV / TV tower Kenworth if you want to keep watching oh my god dude Kenny stream night but they're gonna leave guys I'm sorry I gotta go builds up videos I don't think is for tomorrow and it's Sunday and it's already 3 p.m. and I have no voice so yes thank you for watching therefore the zubur chats have a great day everybody outfits mama baby what no I'll message you okay love you guys thank you for watching have a good one peace out everybody
Channel: Preston
Views: 5,507,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraf, mine craft, minecraft video, minecraft youtuber, noswearing, preston, preston custom minecraft, preston minecraft, preston minecraft mod, child friendly, preston mod, kid friendly, kid appropriate, *NEW* FORTNITE STEADY STORM & BOOMBOX GAMEPLAY! (LIVE), tbnrfrags, fortnite, fortnite live, live fortnite, live, fortnite live stream
Id: vJpQIKbJ4rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 8sec (12668 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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