Spider Man: Miles Morales PS5 Gameplay Walkthrough, Part 1!

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what's up everybody typicalgamer with your daily youtube live streams and more and today for you i am super excited to bring you the brand new spider-man game spider-man miles morales now this is gonna be on the ps5 as you can see i got a ps5 controller here this is gonna be the first ps5 game that i play and i'm super super excited i'm i'm so lucky to have got the ps5 uh on launch day because playstation actually sent it to me so big shout out to playstation they sent in this giant case and it actually says my name on it i don't know if you can read it but it says my name on it right there typicalgamer uh never in my life i think i would get something like this so a big shout out to them and i'm super stoked that because of that i can bring you games like spider-man and all that i am super excited as you know i played the uh spider-man ps4 did a complete walkthrough got platinum on that game and uh i think that we're going to be doing the same here for this game here apparently the graphics are insane the story is insane and we're going to be playing through it all so if you want to see the complete walkthrough do yourself a favor do me a favor hit that like button real quick and make sure you subscribe with the bell because i will be grinding this game out also i want to mention today's the day we dropped brand new merch there's so much new merch over on typical.store go give it a look and go get yourself something nice before it gets sold out all right typical.store we got tons of new t-shirts hoodies water bottles glasses all of that typical dot store go check it out all right so let's go ahead and if you guys haven't seen the ps5 yet uh let me just go through kind of a little bit of it it looks really really sweet and i i'm out of breath from all that um it's really really sweet and i absolutely love the controller controller is really cool uh again nice little close-up viewer there and um yeah when you go over the games it like plays a little preview of it but there's so many other games too assassin's creed valhalla um uh call of duty black war uh sorry call of duty black ops cold war uh goldfall uh demon souls all of that i got all these games too i believe so if you guys want to see me play any of those let me know in the comments but let's go ahead and get this started with marvel spiderman miles morales and i love this little beat this little intro beat when you go over them but let's go ahead and hit play let's get this started i'm excited i'm super stoked grab a drink grab yourself some popcorn and let's go baby let's go let me make sure everything's oh okay okay is this the new ps5 intro oh no okay wait no it's just a playstation playstation studios intro insomniac games hey dude this beat this beat is sick i have big big expectations for this game and apparently it takes off from like where the other one ended so would you like to watch a recap of the events leading up to this moment you know what it could be nice to have a refresher right so let's go ahead and dude it's so weird because like it says yes with the the green like x icon and like the no thanks with the circle that's red but like on the playstation 5 controller they're all just whited out but uh luckily you know i remember so let's go ahead and you want to enable subtitles yes until about a year ago my life was pretty normal i lived in the greatest place ever brooklyn represented had two cool parents and loved all things science and superheroes everything changed though when my dad was killed in the city hall bombing i i couldn't believe he was gone but peter parker and his aunt may they were there for me and so was spider-man who i later found out was pete then when the devil's breath crisis started things got intense seemed like all of spidey's villains were on the loose i managed to do my part to help him out and after all that believe it or not a spider bit me and i started to change i didn't want to worry my mom so i went to pete and now we're officially spider bros that was the ending up and i'm actually getting pretty good with this whole web swinging thing i'm still learning to juggle this responsibility with everything else in my life school friends a new home i moved to harlem a few weeks back but i'll tell you i can't wait to see what the future holds there we go all right oh look at him i lo i love this intro screen dude i just want to point out the graphics looked absolutely insane absolutely insane spider-man miles morales let's get this next-gen stuff started man x to start there you go and uh let's do oh okay i'm gonna do the friendly neighborhood is the easiest then friendly then amazing spectacular let's do amazing let's do that and then let's see is there i think we're good wait hold up is there like a music option i might have to try to turn off the music option somehow just because uh they probably do a bit of copyright music i don't even know if this song played in the back is copyright it probably is honestly but come on come on any accessibility no okay um we'll just hit start and then we'll change it once we get a game i think we'll do that i mean bro the beat's kinda sick though right dude the controller is vibrating with the subway and like when the door dude that's kind of sick i'm stuck at campaign hq can you pick up groceries for dinner i'll text the list sure thing ma thank you thumbs up emoji he hit him with the thumbs up emoji oh okay now this is for sure i got it that one i just gotta mute for a second because i 100 sure that is uh copyright so wait is there a way to oh wait wait wait oh audio yes okay i'm sorry i gotta turn off the music volume uh hopefully in the near future we'll have a lot more games that allow you to turn off copyright music right off the start but until then uh we're gonna have to turn that off okay i'm excited wait this is 60 frames per second oh bro we're playing on 60 frames yes apply and restart okay we're gonna play on 60 frames oh can you guys see the difference i'm playing on 60 frames baby [Music] 60 frames baby like we haven't seen this before now when he puts on the headphones we shouldn't hear anything i love that he just looks insane now every time i see new york in the winter time i always think of home alone i really want to go to new york in the winter time i really really want to go to new york in the winter time i think it would be a lot of fun well my guy was trying to put that couch all by himself that is so cool oh we got a spider-man mural love to see it honestly you do love to see it i got you hey thanks no problem hey uh you think you're gonna add that new spider-man too the kid yeah maybe original's just my guy you know yeah hey tails bodega around here yeah bright yellow sign down the block can't miss thanks beautiful work by the way maybe leave a little room for the new guy just in case hey meet a new guy convoy's leaving early ooh peter parker's texting him let's shake a leg okay but the groceries ah it got time to for no groceries bro oh shoot you throw me right there throw me right in dude oh shoot [Applause] seeing the guys who escaped last year going back to the raft real good the rest oh my goodness as long as the octopus-related philosophy you love to see it dude okay closing in on you be there soon let's keep going let's keep going here did you get the shopping list website baby yeah but uh the bodega was out of coconut milk gonna check a store downtown oh thank you but avoid midtown that prison convoy is making traffic a nightmare oh honestly bet bet see what dinner mom bro i haven't forgot a thing apparently secret identity thing completely stresses me out oh i love it dude this game looks incredible look at it i love his outfit too his outfit is sick okay let's get up here can we go up all the way up on this be cool helping spider-man protect the giant prison convoy you can handle breathe in breathe out be cool oh let's do all run hey that's what we like to see all right dude i'm so excited for this here just down in some rocket fuel uh how are you very very carefully okay go time i love how it's peter parker and miles morales dude this is sick this is a big operation it's gotta be hundreds of felons escaped from the wrath last year now it's time to move them back in police aren't taking any chances especially not with our guest of honor there's two spiders one of those guys who helped doctors in there think so could be vulture could be scorpion could be someone bigger oh hey we got a problem oh as it breaks is that that's how it starts huh payload compromise response team dispatched sit tight helix too peter i'm sorry man i didn't mean to it's okay we got this just need to contain it before uh uh before what brought before that happens who's in there it's rhino spiders oh boy i like how spider-man is just a mountain miles i've got rhino but you have to contain the escapees right zane i bet web strike baby dodge it all right forget a kid thing heroic stuff all right forget a thing bro how about the car don't worry about it let's go uh that one has a gun yeah i need to get this under control what you guys want what you guys want how you guys getting so many guns the fade away bro [Music] ow come over here wow good holy spirit's a little overzealous this year alexi he's riding rhino dude rhino is so opie they haven't heard all the commotion before oh look at the graphics dude rhino zubin how are we doing oh wow he's really going through the park huh oh nice christmas tree no we're going to that's the winner's best we work together are you still riding it up here i got you he keeps throwing signs at me okay pete yeah i got this take it off oh [Applause] [Music] we're in the freaking mall right now oh my gosh save the baby back on rhino oh we're back to ride here we're back to ride rhino all right the last six christmases i was locked behind thirty feet of steel oh jonah james [Music] oh yeah sorry trying to catch they call me spider spider freaking man spiderman we gotta bring him down fast yeah yeah what do we do let us raise temperature oh hold on [Applause] [Music] are you okay no oh no no no i'm okay i've got him headed your way be ready okay yeah might uh need a minute oh boy you just got an rpg are you kidding me don't bring rpgs anywhere [Music] making things worse what are you saying bro get the freaking rpg the freak out of you with your rpg bro more guys up let me just go ahead and hop up here oh hitting a 15 combo earns you the ability to perform a finisher build up a 15 combo by attacking or dodging without getting hit furniture it's getting hairy out here [Music] stop hitting him [Music] i have not missed like a single thing yet smush them smush them all right where's pete at pete spiderman you good pete pete pete's getting kind of messed up pete wake up pee went sweep dude man pete went sweet this spiderman is broken i would like to exchange a new one it's kind of funny actually ah this one will do oh you shouldn't have done that buddy oh you shouldn't have done that buddy you crazy bro being gonna let you die back the hell what what's that what venom punch venom punch can cause venom stun on impact venom stun enemies take bonus damage from basic attacks venom punch costs venom power to perform build venom power by attacking or dodging while your enemies tells you how unexpected mentor is this bro uh we don't like that i'm not gonna let anyone else what you gonna do oh my god okay so there's no point in just punching him normally i'm just keep dodging until i get venom punch back oh chill he really got kicked oh oh chill we on the rightos back yeah baby oh snap all right you are no no no no that's right oh thanks that's nice that's it it's time we finish this right here big punches into the venom punch i'm absolutely annihilating him he's so strong though dude absolutely demolished him you alive peter's like broken peter parker not in good shape ladies and gentlemen oh no oh my gosh wait hold up who are these guys guys wow just wow okay it seems like they're good simon krieger head of r d at rockstar and energy pleasure to meet you you too uh sorry i think our ball landed in your yard no we actually did us a favor we uh just bought the place uh we're planning to tear down for a build but oh nice it looks like you beat us to it i wanted to thank you both of you taking down rhino solo you are going places bud thanks but he's still dangerous nah i will hold him for the police you know i always think these super troopers are overkill until something like this happens nope dirty cause it seems a little bit suspect right to meet you both future's looking bright yellow future's looking bright he's right yeah let's clear out let the police do their job yeah yeah okay i mean he recovers fast right i think peter park will be just fine ladies and gentle electricity wow gotta be honest little jealous hey look i got nothing on the og think we should run test tomorrow a little voltage analysis oh man yeah sorry i've been meaning to tell you i'm not gonna be around for the next few weeks wait what there's some kind of p joke i don't get no uh mj's headed overseas for the bugle and requested me as her photographer kind of a working vacation for us ah man there's no way look i don't know if i'm ready to fly solo i screwed up today big time with the helicopter but then you delivered big time you saved my bacon miles yeah hey i did this gig for eight years without backup and you better believe i screwed up lots of times but that is how you learn you got him a gift christmas present but first you gotta take it's a new suit dude it's a new suit dude um okay i promise to do everything in my power to protect this city i promise that's it that's nice that's the real thing totally definitely didn't just make it up see in a few weeks spider-man bro i like how he just gives him the reigns only spider-man that's crazy spider-man he really dropped it on him though right i'm new york's only spider-man please i'll screw this up wait where do you put the gif hold on to your web shooters complete got some fat xp you love to see it oh a nice little level up there axis the skill tree so we're gonna be clicking this giant button right here okay you have leveled up and earned a skill point skill points are awarded when you gain enough experience points complete missions and defeat enemies to gain xp and earn more skill points highlight skill and hold x to unlock the skill all right so there's uh there's the venom skills branch and then there's the combat skills branch and it really just looks like we can only oh we can only unlock this ability so venom smash so press l1 plus square plus x to perform venom smash that will damage and venom stuns surrounding enemies so let's do that easy okay now we can see our missions here our characters which is me my mom peter parker and his dad so there's that uh then we also got a map of all of new york over here looking pretty sweet i wonder if they're ever gonna do like these uh uh they probably won't they're probably just addicted downtown but i lost a lot of you guys saying this hold up i want to check something so if we go over to settings and go over to game what's the game no it's over to visual so graphics more mode so this is performance so this is 60 frames per second mode without graphical features like ray tracing enhanced light and additional graphics so do we want 60 frames or 30 frames and then it's gonna look absolutely insane quality i think we go absolutely insane quality right let's do that let's do that let's do absolutely insane quality and let's see what it looks like so let's go ahead and do that change this will restart let's do it okay perfect oh okay rhino what yeah where you at bro the apartment okay yeah your mom let me in unpack slash dumped my stuff all over your floor and now i'm in the park grabbing some air oh perfect dip over to the amphitheater got something to show you dude is this spider related please tell me you got a piece of rhinos horn or something picks up scene of the fight are straight up nuts uh the pickles piece of rhinos horn definitely better than a horn oh loving the suspense i'm there oh okay we can do air tricks now oh you love the sierra tricks do a little cannonball there what else do we got here oh nice little kick oh nice little spin okay yeah i think the 30 frames is fine um you can definitely notice like if you're used to 60 frames but it looks so good and i'm sure in cut scenes and stuff it'll look even better with ray tracing all that fancy graphical stuff right i will never get used to you doing that hey look check it christmas present from spider-man open it it's gonna be a new suit dude put it on i'll cover you dude tell me it's the like the og miles morales suit what never seen a guy change clothes in central park okay how's it looking oh it's that one whoa that's pretty cool miles morales congratulations and welcome to your very first super suit i like it you've unlocked a new suit suits can be equipped through the suits menu in the suits page come here back here when you lock more suits or if you want to switch out your currency for part two of this amazing gift i like how you added that little this is only half of the present what's the other half i'll let you know when i find it okay i just want to check something real quick so suits did i get a suit for like so oh can we take a peek at the suits already so this is the uh the sports wear suit this is the great responsibility suit homemade suit at level five oh you can't see the pictures i want to see it bro i want to see oh there's some just from the little previews they look really really sick all right let's go i was way too close welcome to just the facts with me your truth-slinging host with the most okay jonah jameson what this pete said it suits the autoplay jamison show that's a masochist my christmas charity spectacular this guy's a massive feature mayhem got to be something better on oh look at those flips chat look at that hello i'm daniel hart and this is the danacast where i spotlight the people making a real difference in our city today's topic i'm doing fancy moves the whole time look at this i wonder if you combo no obviously we're covering the spiderman's incredible cool combo subscribe subscribe love it just let you guys should subscribe appreciate all the support almost 50 000 people tuning in right now oh my gosh you guys are uh insane thank you looks like pete set up a lot of gear make sure to hit that like button too if you want to see more of this game let's go ahead and do this miles get ready for your first holographic training challenge these challenges are spread throughout the city each one focuses on a new move or technique this one focuses on acrobatic improvisation get into position to start get in position to start okay so down first up air combat fighting the enemy on your turns is a great way to gain the advantage old square to perform air attack [Music] all right the swing kick swing kit okay [Applause] take that you little robot are you okay buddy old triangles is harm give me that gun and it's crazy satisfying to knock us out with their own weapons all right yeah bless peter parker which two moves all right let's try this out perform air attack yank enemies down okay yank the yank [Music] [Music] oh are you we're a little robot uh venomous man i'm feeling this okay you know it might be it might take a little while for me to get used to all these new skills but it'd be a good thing to like kind of remember all this stuff give me that gun bro [Music] we got to get used to it you got to get used to it got to get used to it i'm just smashing this guy just keep smashing this little robot on the ground all right let's just go easy and that's the bingo blue screen of death tons of high-tech gear we can sell oh crap spider-man take them out uh really just catch some pants okay let's go take this fighter out and grab the tech here i'm gonna make bank selling this stuff up just so you know this is a item with all the new moves bro hit em with all the new moves chat dude i have a 55 combo [Music] that's a straight-up burn practice [Music] he don't mess 87 combo how to fix a training center 87 combo i just hit 87 moves in a row without getting hit goodness gracious colonel panic let's try a bios reset nice that did it spider training has been fixed swinging and combat challenges gotta check these out when i get a chance i bet okay lots of challenges around lots of challenges around very nice very nice very nice which is this one what did i get oh unranked we should try doing that one not a rank but you know what we'll do it later the new thwhip baby the new twit hey dude i think you should check out roxanne plaza on your way home i just walked by and i'm pretty sure someone's breaking it uh yeah i'll look into it hey so i want to hear more about your new spider powers i think it's some kind of bioelectric discharge or supercharged static electricity no we gotta name it about venom power you know because it stings okay that's not bad i'm gonna run plaza first then home remember venom power trust me it's gold i'm just swanking bro i'm just swinging i'm getting fat experience points right now [Applause] okay i leveled up right let me go ahead and put skills real quick okay so we can do increases the rate of bioelectric power generation from attacking dodging raising the amount in the venom bar or pressing l1 x launching nearby enemies into their disarming and vending sending them ooh that's a tough choice i'm gonna go with combat skills for now go with this one because that one seems like it'll help overall hey friends thank you so much for telling people about this podcast we've jumped the charts from 136 to 87 like uh wow wow today i'm doing a quick task wowzers chad and i'm answering bandias first one where are you from danica well i was born in fujo china but we came to new york when i was six next question what kind of mic do you use a sure sm7b i'm just kidding the link's on my phone uh okay hey what's going on here man what's going on here oh what is this nobody looks like they're breaking in bro i just get scanned i'm simon krieger and what you're standing next to is a new form reactor once activated this reactor will supply enough energy to power all of harlem now i'm sure you're thinking simon how is that possible i really suspect this guy is new for nice sounds like watching a corporate minister of this fuel source is enough to supply harlem with clean safe energy for the next 500 years okay well hold up soon we'll be opening reactors throughout manhattan and then worldwide honestly get ready sounds great powered by new form sounds great rock song we're here for you sounds great something's terribly gonna go wrong with it what was that um hello no sign of anybody you took a bunch of stuff maybe they were looking for something like a sir oh that his computer here okay he's he searched new forms [Applause] summerslam one night only apparently who the heck is this dude who are these dudes wait this dude's got some rock'em sock'ems bro their tech is unbelievable but venom yeah genki's right venom's a good name hold him here bam baby haven't seen you guys before nice glow sticks you guys can't return yo relax yourself all right express yourself i'm just beating them up getting my combos up i'm just beating them up i'm getting my combos up i'm just beating them up getting my combos up i'm just beating them up getting my combos up what the freaking frick are you over there how you shot spider-man that's really really not nice no i'm good i think i can't fight you without the real spiderman plus you know i i kind of am the real spiderman oh my gosh [Music] it's not installed yet you're talking about shipments see you later alligators just going to go ahead and bob and weave this [Music] yup just kind of absolutely bopping y'all oh okay ow these bullets are hurting bro me that give me your gun bro give me that freaking gun bro you think you don't punch me get your freak out here [Music] off the wall baby off the freaking wall give me that gun [Music] nope you ain't gonna touch me now i'm at you with the venom punch who's that oh it looks like everybody down 47 combo baby let's go i don't know where to go now oh oh there's just one guy somewhere i see one guy on my little radar here all right where you at wait where'd he go there's one guy over here somewhere oh okay it's over here actually my bad we do the ray tracing in this game is sick i love it that's how you can tell the reflections when you can see yourself in like uh kind of surfaces that would mirror kind of cool wait can i oh nope that's not what i meant to do all right where do i oh maybe i did have to go down there it says there's something down there i'm a little confused now oh my gosh what's up lady how are you doing you're you must sit in my way here all right there you go have a good night have a good time they were talking about new form shipments i need to figure out what they found so i know where they're gonna hit next easy all right oh oh let me just get in there let me just get in there okay there you go all right oh why would you have this up on a wall like this bro the new form rail transfer plan put it on like a tiny computer why is this not a big computer with a big old window over here like that dude can see that dude could see what's going on they didn't even have to break in you were tracking new form shipments but why i thought it was rocks they could take it from here yeah gotta look into this later i bet we're here for you i'll look into that group in the new form shipments tomorrow oh five percent damage to a venomous stun enemies [Music] bro i can just do tricks all day with this oh did i i think i hit all four i think i hit all four of the tricks in the air okay let's go do skills so we got uh one more skill what's this one here uh hold triangle to perform a venom yank attack after sending an enemy flying from melee or venom come i that's that's no questions to ask bro that's all that's on site bro that's on site honestly wait what is this what is this she's got a little frog kid he's got a little frog kid what's going on nice little roof here what's that oh that's my backpack it's too cold to change out here that's just my baby dog that's just my baby.og that's just my baby dog i love new york city christmas vibes it hits different i'm telling you guys put on a nice little shirt i ain't spiderman oh look at those adidas i'm good we got him adidas hey what's this picture my dad picture my mom middle school graduation hey we've seen these two in a while let's let's let's let's flip it congrats miles and finn you're gonna kick high schools you know what rick all right bet that was cool i like the little dude everything looks so real this can't be staying a couple of weeks gonna be a lot of late nights working on spider gear oh oh what's this flip it okay okay okay bro what's up with frogs in this game there's another there's a frog on my wait hold up is that the first spider-man comic bro that's like a million dollars i don't know if this kid would have it maybe though i mean maybe spider-man would give it to spider-man yet still feels like a buella's apartment not awesome so they just moved they just moved is what's happening what's this ticket pete took me to see this he totally cried at the end what's that that reminds me of uh money heist bro just the word of more stevie which i know it means love but or ammo means a little bit of more is like my love okay anyway what's in the closet bro set the last of a boil of stuff and ship it to her in puerto rico puerto rico he's working on oh spinonagon dude needs to finish so i can play it speed nonagan all right let's go say hi to my mom bro okay dude dude what was that all good little i just saw another frog real quick all good it's all right man hi nijo i invited a guest tonight can you get the apartment ready oh um i see his rhino coming in he's like huh huh really he's like mom why'd you buy rhino on christmas eve well tomorrow's rally isn't going to plant itself thanks for getting the apartment ready niko hello bat wait hold up hold up get the apartment ready just hold up hold up did i see another frog bro it's another frog bro what's up with frogs in this game chill wait whose room is this housekeeper he's not done unpacking either i don't know that wallpaper just screams abuela i don't know if we should go into your mom's room huh must have gotten mixed up in the move one of them it's not a name you want oh that's a cool that's a really cool suit though i haven't looked through these since before city hall what is this dad's favorite album every sunday while he made coffee hey i'm gonna take it oh oh what do i do with it oh who is the spiderman dad who is the spiderman family new man that's me i'm the new spider-man the other spider-man left the city bleached borax borax with bleach what's the pick tj the greatest record ever hey let's put on this track [Music] this is perfect hey wait no no no we can't no no we can't listen to that that's copyright for sure your dad taught me to love it bro the food i've never seen food look this good in a game oh my i can taste it what's this um bro the food looks so good are you kidding me dude i've never seen food look so realistic what the heck bro why is there so many frogs on this fridge look now i have puerto rico flags what's up with the frogs dude look at that shrimp all right your mom i'm done you know i don't want him coming around here i just thought never mind well the uncle did it later okay nadja i'm back okay okay bat bat bat um yo mom i need to talk again i'm done you need me to do lighting the tree would be perfect lighting the trio okay sorry nadja i'm back all right okay we just gotta pretend like we can't hear the music okay because i i think the music is copyright let me light this christmas tree though oh is it christmas day i don't know if it's good love this tree dude the vibes oh someone raised the doorbell yes miles could you get that yes let me answer the door all right oh oh finn hey fixed your doorbell what's pop so good to see you it's been like months that's just yeah it really has what's up friends better guest of honor come on in you two dinner's almost ready finn i'm so glad you could make it thanks for inviting me miss morales we missed you well this one especially no no my bad hi vin this is jake my friend from brooklyn visions academy genki this is finn my best friend my other best friend best friend oh yeah you guys won the middle school science fair you made a uh energy converter jinx now you gotta date me what that's weird this building is such a mess i'll check the circuit breaker gracia so yeah let me check that circuit breaker i promise i didn't break it when i fixed your doorbell open this up bro let me just do a little hacking breaker doesn't have power looks like the whole block's out let me check if i can see anything from the fire escape yeah oh i will mom i like that poster it just says hip hop definitely can't get to the transformer from here unless you're super sticky bro it's a little risky bro i'm be honest you should put on a mask or something when you do that search for clues do you see any other buildings people on the roof can't go up there yeah got the whole block [Music] she's like what is that pounding on the walls outside oh what is this he can take down rhino but can it save christmas dinner come on it worked hey english lights are bright we like christmas we like christmas dinner we like christmas we like christmas dinner all right return to the apartment let's go keep them distracted help i don't know how i got here please can you feed me i'm outside please please help me i can see you guys enjoy yourself please please let me inside please kanki i'm a freak all right let's get inside oh come on genki is miles still outside actually uh what about a photo right now yeah you know precious moments you gotta capture him shouldn't we wait for miles no he hates photos bro is this a horror movie right there ready great photo great photo oh hey miles uh who's ready to eat you guys [Music] oh this looks like a lovely dinner honestly lovely there's supposed to be music playing that's why they're all like that's why they're all doing that because it's supposed to be music but i don't want no copyright you know but i guess it's like one of those moments like ding i'll sing jingle bells jingle bells jingle bells wrong jingle bells rock they rock jingle bells rockin and jingle bells rockin jingle bells they rock jingle bells they rock jingle bells they freaking rock tell us everything you've been up to you still in robotics club i had to quit but i've been studying biotech on my own she's like adequate says the guy who has to wear an ascot to school hey only on tuesdays does your brother rick still work for roxanne i don't know how anyone could work there after seeing your last campaign ad you went for simon krieger's jugular that reminds me genki you have a certain flair for social media oh could you spread the word about tomorrow's rally yeah oh yes you want a mill oh it'll be trending by minute hey can i hire this guy from sometimes it feels like simon krieger's my real opponent roxanne has so much influence here but they don't answer to anyone except their shareholders harlem needs someone to fight for the community that's mom's campaign speech voice in case you couldn't tell uh do you want to proofread these before i post them yes do not hit send too many emojis too many freaking emojis kid you're cut all right hey so you like doing you like doing dishes you seem i don't know distracted you want to talk about it not tonight it's christmas oh it is so it is christmas night i mean it's fine ugh you hate it no that's your i hate it but i'm too nice to say it boys no no i'm spider-man i can go to brooklyn right now i'm always having to ask for directions you need to find a good restaurant a barber shop somewhere you can shoot hoops you'll settle in yes what if we hang out tomorrow just the two of us you're not too busy it's a winter break i can put up homework for at least another week okay okay i'll text you show me your shot kid i mean show yourself you know a friend date shut up still as smooth as the last time why did you say that stupid yeah get splashed why'd you why'd you put that little excerpt at the end miles what you awake no so i stayed up last night and designed an app for your new suit thing's got a crazy custom os nothing i've ever seen before but i ran it through a disassembler so i could reverse engineer the plug-in architecture and he's just sweep dude just fell asleep again didn't you that's me that's me in the morning that's actually me in the morning miles i'm up i'm up it's almost done compiling oh yes i'm gonna hack in hacking the mainframe as well thank you ready to try out my app yeah man let's do this one second i'm hacking in oh let's test drive this baby i'm hacking smear i'm hacking no no equals empty square signed in to use that first person how are you lots of practice bet swipe left to access the let me show you wow welcome to friendly neighborhood 1.0 it lets new yorkers directly request your help and report crimes in progress nice ui oh look someone just made a request bro i'm would a spiderman actually use this bro there'd be like 80 million requests bro like yo can you pick up my postmates bro my uber eats is taking too long can you check him out see if he's not getting shot up um my toilet's clogged can you use your spider abilities to take out this you know what i'm saying harlem trades out of service all right that's a little more important guy named aaron davis wait what that's my uncle does he know you're spider-man no gotta be a coincidence the first request came from his uncle aaron davis very suspicious right near the rocks on center um very what is going on oh that's his uncle uh hey there you needed some help i'm spider-man by the way oh i know aaron davis i think somebody's messing with the sensors i'm getting bad data from the main relay up top of grand central on my way wait wait yeah where's the other spider-man oh he's on vacation but don't worry i got this shouldn't you call like an engineer maybe or something i don't know he definitely didn't recognize me oh he's calling through that this is spider-man hey forgot to mention there was a break-in last night right next door at roxanne's plaza a group called the underground caught him hanging around my stomach [Applause] you know anything else about them they think of themselves as a young mafia they've been around a while but now they've got a new boss tinkerer tinker the tinkerer what a lame name so uh i'm the tinkerer i tinkle like for help didn't really have a way to get in touch to this app thing but i saw you on the news last night taking down rhino i figured you were the right person to call cool have you uh been working at the subway long nah took the job last year well anyway i was trying to make some changes decided this job was a good place to start training initiative by using the friendly neighborhood spider-man app i'll do that good luck with the senses avengers tower baby we on avengers tower baby [Music] oh that's not where i want to go i want to go up yay are we on the high i don't think it's the highest building well we got a nice view you know what i really like about this game dude look at all the planes wait i swear i saw a couple like there's one plane there there's one plane there oh look at all the planes that's so realistic if you go to new york there's so many freaking planes dude one two three four oh my gosh bro i just hit him with it i just hit him with the amazing combo that's how you get xp bro you just gotta always be spinning i know it's not a lot of xp when you really think about it but like i'm sure it adds up right i'm sure it adds up okay as i make it over to here guys if you want to see more of this spider-man walkthrough make sure you hit that like button all right we're almost at 50 000 viewers what let's go chat you guys are nuts uh also make sure you subscribe with the bell i live stream every single day and for those of you who weren't at the beginning of the live stream i uh we we actually dropped brand new merch at typical.store including this shirt we got tons of new shirts tons of new hoodies and um water bottles hats this has been our biggest drop ever on typical dot store or merch site so if you guys want to check it out get yourself something nice head on over to typical.store let's keep going i'm not going i'm not leaving guys i'm still playing what are you guys saying stop i'm not leaving stop stop i'm not leaving i'm playing still i'm just i'm just plugging let me plug bro let me plug [Music] all right there are way too many wires on this one it's got to be messing with the signal r3 to scan cables where do these cables go oh where do these cables go is it in here oh oh wrong ability yourself get your butt over here come on come on a little bit closer there you go buddy smash smash shut up stay up on that wall give me that box too give me that box too hmm this is crazy tech i hate to do this but [Music] oh senses are back online took care of the guy messing with it i used my phantom strike toys behind sniped it you don't want to box those purple when you open it's going to be messed up what is that my guy's a tattoo artist bet i can use this to make those hollow drones p designed or maybe do some pet tattoos gadget menu oh hollow drone gadget to craft okay unlock new gadgets and gadget upgrades with activity tokens and tech parts oh oh deploys a drone that uses a hard light hologram to fight by your side oh that's cool pretty unique rf i wonder if i can track it huh looks like there's a bunch more of these around this city oh we can get all new technology i like that i do like that do it do we rank up a little bit oh wait hold up venom stunned enemies take 50 more damage from basic attacks don't mind me as i level up the things most op imma keep going cause i will be me um okay let's bring up the gadget wheel hollow drone yes sir give me that gun bro we gotta stop running into each other [Applause] give me that oh give me that oh that dodge was godlike oh am i beating you yeah i'm beating you what the heck oh my god give me this give me that gun bro he's stupid are you dumb stupid or dumb huh i just beat you up hit you in the bum this is yours get over here little freaking big old hands little oh my god bro i think spider-man just killed this man oh my i thought you were supposed to kill people trains on the tracks hold up photo mode let's just oh my i don't know v bro ah oh it's lights out bro it's lights oh my oh oh his legs broken that's not supposed to go that way ah oh look at his waist oh my gosh okay anyway i'm thinking it's kind of messed up does roxanna never use the subway this form roxon uh the subway system was designed to carry people not freight this line got some updates when roxanne plaza went in so they could be using it under the table hmm i'll follow up on it so uh you mentioned your brother you got other family i haven't seen them in a while i had to make sure especially my nephew we used to mix beats together well maybe now you can see him again then your family hope so kid yeah i should go i like okay aaron bro bro i gotta say i don't know about you guys but into the spider verse maybe one of my favorite movies of all time it was just so good i watched it on an airplane too to be completely honest with you i watched it on airplane and it was just so good did you guys like that movie i love that movie i thought it was a great movie so good can you do more pokemon pack openings i will be doing another one next saturday it was great right it was a great movie oh my gosh there's more goons here maybe i can stop them quietly let's get those guys to get in and out quick this stuff takes time man what was that yeah what was that noise buddy safe oh spiderman i i think you should be a little more careful bro oh my gosh i don't know this is a big headache don't look at me good time to try out pete's visor tech pete's visor tech nice i'm checking all these dudes look i got this guy i got this guy this guy all through the dude there dude there okay let me see who else is here i mean oh dude there do there do there okay from the top make it drop hold up can i wait why can't i why can't i take him down everybody hurry it up hold up okay i'm gonna try to take down other people first i just want to make sure that i know how to do this give me a second i thought it would show a perch take them oh it doesn't oh okay bet okay i thought it would pop up the prompt every time you think this whole whoa that's not the guy i meant to take oh i guess it was never mind are you safe i can't even grab that guy oh that guy's danger danger high voltage wait who who's looking at you they oh okay somebody's looking at him i'm gonna try to do this one all stealthy don't worry these guys said they knew what they were doing connor how's it look connor hey someone check on all i'm saying is bro i think spider-man may have killed that person come out here and fight i don't want to say it i'll be the one that has to say it but i think spider-man may have killed that person because there was a lot of there was a lot of weight there was a lot of weight on that on that area and um i don't think a human would survive that under uh regular conditions so just going to throw that out there spider-man's world oh shoot ah okay well i guess i'm coming out so you better get this party started i'm coming out now baby i'm here coming up so you better get this party started i'm beating everybody up now yup yes sir [Applause] yes sir night night bro night night sleep tight now to get the trains back on the tracks controls are probably in the office now to get the trains back on the tracks let's go in the office tinkerer lung said that's their leader tinker call him the tinkler big sweep man they read the controls [Music] spin the turntable pull trains with webs should work bat oh shoot no bet okay okay this is easy this is easy i'm put the trains back on track bro literally you know wait can i pull this train now okay so it goes into the tunnel it's going in the tunnel ain't it i don't know bro to me it looks like it's going to the top how about if i just put what if i pull that little part there oh me it's this tunnel oh i hit the wrong button whoops all right it's okay it's a learning experience there you go are you gonna go in the tunnel that works almost there do i need to pull it do i need to push it i need to get in front of it [Music] wrong way around all right that's how you do it okay i figured it out bro i figured out that's why i'm spider-man that's why i'm spider-man that's good now for the others now for the others oh some new form shipments then kills the subways wait which oh yeah okay it's this one oh this is nice this isn't that dude a nice little train nice little little train technique yes okay one more wait wait what do you mean one more oh bro i'm so smart can we get a 200 iq in chat please no don't worry it's right it's right that's right it's wrong it's wrong let's get a two iq in chat please two iq in chat small brain small brain tgg oh what the flip i should reach out to him as miles dad never talked about what happened between them two iq two iq two iq two iq two iq we've got trains on the tracks now they need power we've got trains on the track shorty what you track that's 200 iq again baby 200 iq again the controls here too i'm sorry what is this thing generator oh that looks like a bomb bro my boy's punching all of these electronics just saying probably my webs are conductive look at the generator okay looking at the generator [Music] baby let's go hey mr davis did anything change when you're in battle's just lit up like christmas good job kids glad to help if anything else comes up just post a note in the app wait a second i got a little something here oh it's not much but for for me it's the least i can do for me you just saved my job cool cool i'll head back now i like that bro i like his uncle hey miles just landed in europe how's day one of solo spider-manic pretty good i stumbled on the conspiracy of our neighborhood classic you have a plan sort of making it up as i go the mark of a true spider-man mark sure man oh and thanks for the gift it is awesome you earned it oh mj needs me gotta go fight mgm do the turtle spin with the turtle shell oh wait what is this you have so many requests like uh oh this one's from teos that guy fools oh i should definitely check that out now that the whole city's counting on me oh it's probably up right what happened oh check it out as soon as you're done with your uncle he still doesn't know you're what is this i've had a couple of near misses but i kept my cover oh i'll check the atmosphere later what was that what was that on the ground don't need this with the underground i just went through a freaking wall bro all i'm saying is i went through a freaking wall bro suit mods no but i can do more gadgets maybe oh unlock the level seven come on bro what what was that even putting in the gadgets i just i just did a massive exploit guys i'm a hacker i'm a hacker chat i'm a hacker it's so easy to get these little things that i just want to get them all but like for the interest of me doing the walkthrough you know i'm not going to do that but if i so happen to stumble across any of them i'll go ahead and get them you know can i see the controller there you go it's pretty sweet right and i showed it earlier i'm gonna show it again real quick let me show you guys uh the way playstation sent me it was in this giant box all right look at that and it says on it typicalgamer like bro i'm gonna keep this forever this is it absolutely love it oh i'm also showing you the merch by the way people. go get your new fire merch glasses hats new stuff water bottles you already know what it is i love the winter vibes in this game oh dude that's a way for you to cheese the xp look look at that bro i figured it out chad i figured a way to choose the xp easy xp baby easy xp baby all right let's keep working and we gotta go over to our uncle is it heavy dude he's super heavy when i'm finished helping hunk ooh finn's like hey still wanna hang out oh hey mr davis i'm almost there you gotta hurry spiderman underground's here what's on the tracks bombs for real guess they didn't like you fixing things i'll get there as soon as i can hang tight and don't go outside putting bombs on the track got a couple ideas on how to use this got some tech parts got some text parts i got some tech bars i got some parts easy i'm guys should i platinum this game or should i should i get full full achievements on it i might have to i might do like the tech stuff like off stream to be honest wow they're really they're really going at it huh relax [Music] to get hit on 100 combo not if i can help it [Music] oh shoot hold on there's more on the upper tracks oh shoot i'll get them what do you think you're doing bro come on over here what the heck was he here he thought he was gonna do that to me come on get on out of here they're dead they're i'm sorry they're dead easy bro i like when they're all like on higher ground because i could just do that across the intersection another one oh they're just putting bottoms everywhere huh they don't care they really they really just said they don't care [Music] kill right [Music] joint country roads don't freak out here bro liquor just doesn't die bro help me police oh wow that actually worked that's kind of sick what is that stop trying to climb the fence like that weirdo that's such a cool way to take people out [Music] hey bro they don't even delay the train bro they don't even delay the train they don't give a truck out here bro underground did a number on my suit they don't give a flying truck dude here's the only resource you collected useful is you gain a craft new mod by selecting and holding it uh generates small amount of health per hit on venom stun enemies generates attacks after a pair perfect dodge do 50 more damage for 50 seconds decrease damage from melee attacks see that a easy easy peasy all right um no we didn't get a new suit yet not yet yo i think i might i might rock this suit y'all think what do you guys think i want to get your opinion should we rock the the sportswear suit or the great responsibility suit does that change the mods on it i don't think it does sweet okay you okay mr davis i like this one brother sports suit looks cool thanks to you oh hey here you go one year unlimited subway pass thanks did i get the name right how did you um okay gotta go hold up miles i kind of suspected when i saw the news yesterday watching your moves on those escape cons guys left and right could have sworn i was back at the park playing pickup with you and your dad dude a lot quicker now don't worry i won't tell your mom promise promise look at you if your dad could see you now he'd probably freak out he'd definitely freak out so you taking over for the other spider-man nah like i said he's just on vacation right and he left you in charge yeah a lot of responsibility for a kid your age i can handle it hope so but listen you get in over your head you give me a call i'm here for you got it got it thanks honey was uncle so nice why is mom not want him to be near his uncle i don't get it yankee said the app's blowing up city definitely needs a spider-man she'll put looters looks like taylor's bodega was robbed i hope i can help come on what happened bro i'm right here what not you my cat named after the real spider-man bunch of jerks broke in here and robbed my place i think they took spider-man too oh it's awful you see where they went overheard them say they're hitting the power substation they stole this cat i'll find them and your cat sure kid guess it can't hurt look it says spiderman on the little little cat thing that's so cute when i get there why would these dudes go to a power station where are you all at oh let me just go ahead and grab this joint just going to go ahead and take that thank you and take it from the underground i don't feel bad at all taking from them let's go um oh oh oh got a little stuck over there got a little stuck it's all good it's all good it's all good where'd y'all put the cat where'd y'all put the cat i'm here for spider-man the cat genki i need help some dudes rob taylor's bodega then headed to the closest power station weird you got my full attention watching through your live stream oh dude imagine i was spider-man i could live stream what the heck there's transformers get the job done what's looking for this macho man you sure it'll knock out the whole block reasonably sure hey if we knock out more than one it'll take the cops longer to catch on never being part of a plan like this that's cause you've been working small time this kind of works got a long term call the boss tell them spider-man it's said save rob taylo's place where's spider-man it's set safe oh no realize i sound crazy where's spider-man where's spider-man at spider-man christmas lights or something can't you guys stick to normal crimes like actually never mind knocked out bro lights out for that guy station's output is down to 64 maybe you can find a backup uh yeah i could find a backup find a way to charge the backup power oh wait maybe i go up to it no okay um there's definitely something with this i mean there's not i have no idea i've seen green flashes but i think that's just the green there oh oh okay there you go good thinking on the back of systems you're good at this hero stuff nah i'm just a spectator i'm just a spectator he says come on buddy find tails cat huh there's a cat wait wait spiderman went down the elevator shaft stop calling him spiderman it's so funny i'm coming for you spiderman hang tight where are you oh george come back here george where are you at georgie i think i know what these dudes want there's a bank on this block no power means no security so if we fix the power we're preventing a bank heist stopping crime before it begins in a world where only two men can see the future only they can stop it all right all right i got gotta eye on you oh i'm getting hurt a little bit not gonna lie oh beat that guy up not gonna lie hitting everybody in the lies today and you're done paul and you smashed and i'm coming over here to you i'm gonna take your gun nope not gonna take your gun i'm just gonna beat you up in the corner by punching your ankles i'm just keep punching your ankles i'ma just keep punching your ankles give me those ankles just gonna keep punching those ankles bro and you're done so you're done so it sounds like someone's paying them any idea what oh oh that's the wrong ability so what is it what does l1 do it just makes you i'm confused what it does i think it powers up your venom stuff and then you can do other stuff man how many people does it take to bust a power station what's up who's your boss anybody i know how do i do that i need to figure out how to do the area of effect one going down kid oh i'm getting beat up how yup sir easy peasy smoosh that too gotta push ahead find the main generator and hope i can fix it the main generator keep talking about their boss any idea who it is dude a lot of people want to rob banks there's the main breaker i gotta clear out these guys then i can figure out how to fix it doo not all of them spiderman sounds like whoever planned the heist no spiderman and not in a good way but the other one i don't have that many enemies knocked out yeah yeah he's knocked out yeah yeah come on what was that noise oh look at the box go check the box stop there's a spider-man here there's a spider-man here that's oddly specific i don't know about that i don't know if you're right about that conclusion i'm gonna drop this i'ma drop this light on your head though if you see the spider call it out if you see the spider call it out how about um let me see i just take out jim bob over here there you go then i'm coming at you guys going in loud let me take you out let me just take this guy's gun throw it back at him then him pulling him towards me i jump swing into a throw into the punch and then [Music] what are you doing i'm just gonna go ahead just go ahead you're on the ground sticky sticky sticky time sticky time sticky time on here time to check the breaker hit you with the sticky top where's the breaker at that's not the breaker where'd the breaker at this breaker this ain't a breaker this is a server oh oh wait hold on oh here's the breaker there you go we're good continue the connection supply power okay easy let's go to the breaker oh let's flip the switch no good board's not powered what what should tether web to what use tether webs to create a connection between two relay nodes i don't see where the relay node that i need to connect is though that's not that oh wait hold up is that and then what does that connect to hold up i'm i'm definitely oh oh well i figured out 200 iq 200 iq 200 iq 200 iq let there be are you kidding me oh he's got spider-man it's okay spider-man huh you can't have him don't you know it's rude to interrupt the bonding process give me your best shot give me your best shot holy shoot tell me who planned the bank robbery give me the cat and i'll let you go deal don't let him leave here seriously guys give up your boss i'll figure it out eventually you don't kill people [Music] okay buddy hold on i need assistance i need assistance from my droid boys hold up back to them dude these little these large dudes you're not walking away from this there we go i sauced that one dude sauce them both whoa now for the breaker for real this time oh give me the little kitty kitty cat let me look at oh man oh he's so cute he's so cute there you go i'm a kitty kitty kitty hey man yeah i'm a cat can y'all just look at this for a second my cat dude this is samara can you come here this is very important okay look real quick come here come here okay who's that oh my gosh why is miku in his backpack this is george really that looks like george it's like a combination of it's like if they had a baby are you blind this looks like george george is george there no he's not can you get george can you acquire george guys like this is my cat that's george i mean it looks a little different can you acquire him somehow this is just so important yeah if you could i mean this looks exactly like him kind of that's crazy dude i need to show you guys i need to show you guys how this looks like my cat oh good kitty almost there almost there bro this cat is so cute look at him look at him oh my gosh bro like okay there we go i got the perfect one okay pause out and everything you guys ready for this okay i can change suits okay okay give me a second give me a sec give me a sec you fired yeah i'm honestly trying to get my cat up here bro wow while we're waiting for my cat can you all hit the like button real quick hit that like okay i think george is following smear is he going crazy okay okay you guys ready we're full face cam don't do that wait wait wait i need to hit one button george hold on he's coming hold on don't wait jordan wait that's my ps4 all right george thank you samara well i'm telling you they look the same bro that's george i'm telling you that's george don't worry give me the cat give me the cat hey tail got a surprise for you oh yeah what's that spiderman did you have an adventure oh you almost gave daddy a heart attack oh yes you did oh yes you did oh good work brother spider-man thanks yeah good work other spider-man of course [Music] oh you're so cute dude i love that any leads on who our cat these were working for i'm chasing down robberies on harlem going down i'll post in the app when i know more cool thanks dude there we go miles we still meeting today never got a text back from you oh yeah sorry i've been wrapped up in my own stuff oh my wait can can y'all just like just say it's a second to breathe in can y'all just witness these graphics with me in a second here as we're going towards the sun just like really just like just describe them in one word for me okay put them free now clear 78th and west end 78 it's by the science center why there you'll see don't be late 78th and west end guess i'll find out what she means better hustle over oh my god i'm on my way beautiful dude that's look at this oh my god dude and bro i love video games so much oh my gosh he has five by the to tell you my way food truck will be at the rally tonight look out for a logo with a giant gyro okay thanks for the tip oh mom i wanted to ask since you know everything that's going on in harlem have you heard of the underground uh yes they've been vandalizing rockstar properly and i think they've been receiving bids around the neighborhood why what is this cyber attack hold up let's try this out real quick why are you all chilling on the roof like that that's kind of weird why take over a billboard is it intimidation and here's the underground billboards isn't that below your pay grade oh yeah isn't that below your pay grade the guy's like oh hell yeah wait so it is below your favorite oh that was kind of sick what i did oh see you later alligator oh man i'm so i'm so nice with it i'm so nice with it bro i'm so nice with it not even gonna lie so nice with it dude [Music] and done maybe the underground should try hitting up oh i didn't even see the bonus objectives i would have done them that would have been easy i would have been easy peasy bro wait what is that there oh i'm not gonna do the challenges again i'll do the challenges off stream guys hey i'm back i was asking have you heard of the underground uh yes they've been vandalizing rocks on property and i think they've been recruiting kids around the neighborhood why they didn't try to get you involved in their mess today no no uncle aaron told me about him uh yeah i ran into him at the subway stop by our house did you know he's working there no you know i don't want you around him what did he do but you and dad never told me why i wasn't allowed to see him anymore he used to come by her place all the time that's for aaron to explain give me one second sorry honey we're still setting up it's all good go save the world mom one vote at a time have i ever told you you're my favorite son hey i've got steve competition bro this guy up here fire escapes shakier than it used to be careful if you were spider-man wouldn't you almost want to just instinctively just web up it'd be so hard to like keep the two separate so this is why you wanted to meet here almost bailed you took so long give me a hand it's stuck oh oh oh time capsule's seen better days you remember the combination yeah it's uh man it's uh you kidding me y'all gotta start remembering this code not always gonna be around to tell you well remember we'll remember remember yeah yeah good now uh what are you gonna put inside this bad boy all right rick capsule only miles and i know boom that's right keep it secret keep it safe hey rick you gonna take that job at roxanne or what why you gonna take it if i don't maybe waiting to see the offer okay competition eh well they're talking a good game want me to uh lead their clean energy group oh clean power save the world i love my nerdy fan club oh speaking of devil roxon back in a sec do i have to remember that passcode you remember the code right um oh bro fibonacci sequence nice our award i mean our energy converter was pretty fire truth you think it's still on display at the science center hope so wow look at this goober central look i heard bracelets suave as ever though yeah something going on with him rick's dead to me you guys fight or something no no fight finn it's fine why do we really lose touch crap now i'm late i gotta go hey so convenient ben we both have stuff we're not sharing next time we hang no secrets okay that's a hang session bro i hung out for like three seconds if you're on time see you soon short stuff you know i'm taller than you now right not in here hey now nearby oh my gosh look at that view graduation is sweet it's cool man it was so good to see finn i should find other time capsules we hid but how many times how many time capsules rally oh there's so many cool little objectives here good times unlimited ride pass travel we'd like to see that let's try it out fast travel's nice i played a little on 60 fps mode already i'm playing on 30fps mode because it's graphically better um subway card i like it you got the house key yeah i got it bro i love the christmas vibes so much in new york too just hits different come on we're gonna be late i wonder how much of this game was done as a work from home project because like of everything that's gone on they definitely didn't go into office so it's gonna be fine oh this is so cool look at this that's awesome this is my favorite part of living in harlem pop-up street fair hey awesome music swillco you'd love to see it you're gonna vote it's still hard to think your mom is a politician she's been a teacher my whole life oh that's cool oh this chick's very talented it's really cool oh oh he knows how to sign language that's nice sorry he's so awkward there's funny she's nice i should take asl with you next semester i basically already mastered espanol asl would be good to learn for sure honey your word gloria yeah hey save some time miles okay that's a good idea hey gloria she just started volunteering at feast good to meet you i'm sure we'll run into each other at the shelter not speaking of no shifts for you till after winter break if we're open by then what do you mean ah don't worry about it enjoy your mom's speech i'll call you after break all right bet sweet kid i'm sorry how old are you lady where's the oh hey we got some beats coming in here hey ah let's go live band baby live band baby let's get it let's go music going live oh okay all right mom speech really into the constant vigilance thing huh not for real [Applause] [Music] do you remember what we lost when roxanne bulldozed this block hey you okay yeah it's just last time we did one of these my bad best hand rolled ice cream in new york city and junipero's daycare it'll be okay man your mom's got people looking out for her dude his face looks so realistic plus now you're a spider even now roxanne is transporting new form it's experimental fuel across the city but they won't tell us there is oh this message is for roxanne the man you answer to simon krieger is a killer this plaza is a monument to everything he's done i won't let it open the underground will stop it oh shoot come on they need you i'll help your mom oh my goodness i got you let's go well my guy with a big rock'em sock'em oh oh my his spinal cord i don't doubt that it's not about me but i gotta i gotta protect people you'll be hurting people i gotta protect people oh that was sick no i messed up my combo oh my gosh bro i'll do it again no we made it home not just driving your mom to the hospital no she hurt her heart this attack doesn't make sense i thought they want a new form but there isn't any here they want to like help people but at any cost you know you want to help people but at any cost which is which could be dangerous let's go it's me a mario you're you're i'm so sorry did that hurt [Music] oh the right hand uh did you see that explosion what that was a massive explosion dude where are you i'm at home but i can come to the hospital no stay where it's safe what's your hurt what if something happens to you while i'm not there this isn't like city hall we're all okay you stay where it's safe happy ending you love a family moment chat you love a family moment down at your mom's route you okay where are you i'm headed to brace wake bridge there was an explosion all right but if roxanne shows up you run got it they'll look for some of the blame for all this and it won't just be okay i'll be careful dude look at that explode that's a massive explosion i gotta hurry i gotta hurry i'm like doing spin move [Music] oh my god or distraction everybody chill let's not shoot each other all right uh that's a main check right oh shoot i was not about the violence i was not about the violence ignore everything else what the heck she's got some [Music] abilities she's like give me this big old tube give me this tube get rid of him then grab as much as you can carry um you all wanted to give me a group hug huh we probably don't want to do this lady wait finn finn he's destabilizing it keep him busy ben keep me busy bro keep that busy you okay i'm fine but did you see the tinkerer i was so happy to see her i wasn't paying attention no i have to pay attention i'm going coming down [Music] i've been shot i just punched my ps4 with my foot by the way sorry my uh my uh ps5 you know going oh my wow oh that bridge is ooh nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope that's not good you got this bro you got this bro that's so bad that is so bad go go go go go go go go oh no [Music] come on [Music] no no no no thank you man i have to save everybody there's five people up there bro i've got an idea he's not going to do this oh that is so cool that's like some movie stuff okay okay okay i need something they could cross i can stop this i believe in you bro come on [Music] [Music] holy shoot [Music] run people run [Music] oh my goodness oh oh this scene is so cool oh my god i did this what you didn't really do that i made it explode i mean by accident that's what they were trying to do bro i mean not really oh blame it on me you don't blame it on me everyone's safe after the explosion the bridge started dead eyes on the other spiderman please advise what's going on i have no idea copy oh no no i'm not your enemy what are you doing she saved us hey leave him alone i'm recording this with that phone away now i said point that phone away now hey get your hands off please leave now this is your last warning i saved it did they push my guys got invisible camo what what happened to roxanne being here for us they were gonna shoot me they didn't even listen are you okay physically yes emotionally all right my dude can turn invisible a little bit crazy a little bit crazy simon krieger discussing the destruction of braithwaite bridge this is big though for the new spiderman but his what did you call it bioelectricity do you want breakfast well that cost us rocks on property and it destroyed a bridge this is messed up that's not what happened finn's the tinkerer she stole the new form no idea why and his mom thought the bridge blew up she really don't like clean energies why not i'm headed to the campaign headquarters you boys need anything while i'm out i could pick up luis de coco i thought you'd quit after last night why would i quit hey i meant it you could have you could have died our family doesn't give up you know that that's true mom phil said the cocoa would be great if you don't mind i don't mind when i got powers and i i thought i'll be able to fix anything do anything that spider-man does whenever you say spider-man you always mean the other one you're spider-man yep you can fix this your way with your invisible hand bro hey okay there's supposed to be music here but like it's supposed to be like a montage but like it's copyright music so i can't play it dude dude they're doing the soup they're making the soup bro they're making the soup they're making the soup they're making the soup they're making the soup they're making the soup they're making the soup they're making the soup they're making the soup they're making the soup they're making the soup it's a montage i want a high wind um danger zone danger zone where okay wait no i need a better song an eye the tiger [Music] look at that oh oh my gosh oh the classic suit baby hey hey man things are big time now huh feels like people wow neighborhood now more than ever we gotta think of a shorter name all the good apps are one word do a little break dance in midair look at me doing a little breakdance a little flip tip oh my gosh finally got through oh uh hey pete what's going on i didn't call the news it was in simcarion so either a bridge exploded or a bagel was fumigated which doesn't make any sense in context either way i'm looking at flights i can be back tomorrow night no don't do that it's okay figured out who's responsible and i'm gonna stop i promise okay i trust you if you need help i'll be on the first plane home otherwise i'll see you when i get back in a few weeks okay yeah okay thanks and good luck learning some caring why are there seven different words for bathroom hey my man knows a lot of different words for bathroom bro a lot of different words for bathroom bro um hold up let me do oh that's the wrong one let me hit this button let me do suits so right now we got oh we got another suit mod so let's see we got we got a couple oh what is this oh we can unlock some suits we can get the track suit we can get the brooklyn visions academy suit oh that one's actually sick the animated suit oh my lord bro the animators broke throwing into the spider verse going into the spider verse baby that's what we're doing we're going into the spider first uh give me what's that enemy sing along and bring it away let's get okay all right okay we got some gadgets okay we don't got any more gadgets okay well i got three skill points uh allows a second finisher to be banked reduce the combo finisher first second finisher 10 special i'm just going to definitely finish it oh sweet okay venom stun enemies knocking the other enemies we'll transfer the venom stun let's do that um let's do this what's this one unlocked in new game plus oh i mean like you like you like what's this camouflage energy feels 21st let's do that oh we still have another point we have so many points oh i guess we don't have any more points okay guys you ready ready into this bro this looks insane look at this we're literally into the spider verse kind of i mean it's not the same one but it's an animated skin look at that dude dude dude it looks like i'm playing a movie it's a different anime suit okay bet still still an animated one which looks awesome [Applause] all right let me go over here where where do we got to go to next do we gotta do the crimes i think we just gotta do crime snacks what is this time capsule okay wait hold on i want to see like what are these oh is it just right over here in the middle of nowhere time capsules under that holiday train thing gotta move it out the way how much was moving out the way oh there we go just decked myself out okay buddy right okay boss what's the plan finn's family has a repair shop in midtown she used to do all her work there if i'm lucky she still does wouldn't it be easier to just call her and talk i don't think so man seeing her on the bridge i don't know that person i need to figure out why she's doing all this all right man do what you feel is right oh what a kick hold up oh bro did i just get so much stronger what's going on um bro okay it hooked him to the building okay i was about to say i think he's dead if he falls that far where's everybody at oh my phone going off and keep fighting [Applause] there you go all right it says 30 meters this way 20 meters oh it's probably down there at that yeah it's probably down here oh it's right here what okay an app user yeah posted that a donation stands being robbed okay we got to go back to the other super now honestly but but this dude is really cool and i spent all my my currency on it so there's that where's the where's the where is he into the spider verse one though the end suit i wonder i wonder when you get it i wonder when you get it because you for sure should be able to get it right wait there's a mugging here let's do the mugging quick radioactive spider-man spider-man [Music] this don't concern you i'm gonna how did i do that i don't know how i do that how do i do the ground slam does anybody remember the instructions i don't remember them yeah i am getting rocked here i literally just got shot l1 square next we'll launch three enemies into the air one here stand up again please two okay don't die don't die three there you go i can see the headlines spider-man easy protector activity complete baby l1 square and x dude the car sounds so realistic me one sec one second [Music] uh one set one set what is that folks here we are again a major disaster in our city explosions a bridge clubs weapons discharged amid rush hour traffic thank heaven no lives were lost but we can't be that lucky every time what if this attack had happened a few days later during the so-called storm of the century the five o'clock news won't stop jabbering about from disaster to bedlam in a snap okay there's plenty of blamed gold sorry i'm good including to these underground guns that being said if is there another crime here targeting spiderman oh now i got these guys to deal with huh i just want to do all the bonus objectives there we go all the bonus objectives are done ski oh yeah okay there we go i got it thank you guys put down your weapon oh that was a nice little movie dude [Music] roxanne zero spider-man i lost count spider-man i lost cam we we love a cocky spider-man bro we love a cocky spider-man hold up oh it's not it's not up it's right down here in here up there hey we love chess there we go yeah i don't think so eat ground eat gram all right let's get to the mission oh what did i just hit before we start this mission remember guys we dropped brand new merch today typical.store go cop yours today hit that like button if you want to see more spiderman okay hit more like button hit more like button make sure to subscribe to the bell weigh in don't want to draw attention here we go oh this is cool so many webs everywhere man this place is dusty no one's been here in a while oh bro the graphics are insane we love some insane graphics that's what we love what is this rick's esu textbooks he took night classes so he could keep running the shop during the day guy was unstoppable crazy smart dude the lights on by accident for ella sterling oh photo is a fin bro oh he's working with someone to break into rocks on interesting huh um bunch of little scammers here chat bunch of little scammers if you ask me what is that purple glowing wall some kind of meds gcsf used for treating bone marrow decay whose was that someone break this up recently yeah all right can i take down this wall i was i don't know if you're supposed to do it like the way i did but this is a secret room this is a massively secret room i mean you can see it through the wall which didn't help the secretness of it running a test upload oh he's not doing so hot half my team is sick but krieger still want to make this new form we need to do this tonight let me oh you're sure the new forum is causing diseases today out of schedule poisoning the city to make a buck they keep cutting corners ignoring safety reports i can let them pervert my work like this finn okay first we flush the core then we wipe all data you're sure they can't just make more of this stuff no no as long as we take out the backup supply and jersey too but without me they'll have no idea how new form works project will be doa i'll report us dead on arrival video uploads straight to the bugle perfect you ready to save new york ready ready there's a second video oh she looks busted damn it no uploads phone must have been damaged you good i won't let tonight be for nothing did he die is he dead i promise rick where's rick she there was a rick and then there's no record you were trying to shut the new form project down something went wrong last known location of her phone if i can track it [Music] come on come on [Music] we freak these guys out can't stealth these guys till they calm down they're too alert okay oh i got both of them up [Music] another oh bites the dust ooh get out of here spiderman this isn't your business this isn't your business surprise good night more friends can y'all try not to snipe me these guys are still on high level i'm the phantom baby the phantom's menace the phantom menace baby what happened to rick and why she became the tinkerer there got a location okay i got it i got a location i did it was that her looking at me what was that looking at me there was something looking at me there's somebody looking at me bro yeah suture modules were for purchase hey did you find anything in finn's shop yeah i know why she's doing all this something happened to her brother something bad that's not good rick was working at roxanne he was their lead scientist on new form whoa looks like new form was making them sick simon krieger has been telling everyone how safe it is he's lying then and her brother tried to shut down the prototype reactor prevent further development what happened i don't know yet finn recorded the whole thing on her phone but then she lost it inside the lab i'm on my way to get it listen i'm right here call if you need me will do i bet okay so there's a crime here let's do this crime real quick let's let's see let's let's save them from the crime actually use gravity well gadget to pull in enemies wait what i don't have gravity well do i wait hold on [Music] gadgets what the heck i got gravity well creates a gravity well that pulls together enemies knocking them down and made them vulnerable to attacks i don't i haven't oh these take activity tokens now and then they take some tech parts sometimes [Music] oh there you go wait how do you get them all together to do that how do you get gadgets back does anybody know how do you get more gadgets i think i think it's just by fighting me i need a bit more gravity well to be honest anymore i need two more gravity will pull people come on eat your gun eat your gun you will have to oh no i eliminated that guy okay i can't get this done i know you can't move in the webs there you go now you're against the wall buddy and the civilians are safe well i almost did all the bonus objectives almost all right let's go ahead and go to skills we've got some more skills what is this attacking about camouflage costs less camouflage energy interesting venom jump i'ma just level this one up because i feel like there's some cool ones over here and we gotta get to those before we get to the other ones you know what i'm saying see if there's any uh cases nearby again i'm gonna try to do most of the cases off stream so heads up i mean we could also do these like uh robbers lost cat let's try this let's try this look sure i can help with that let's see what happens if we do this because we already did one lost cat one right i wonder if you eventually run out or if there's always going to be things to do for you to do even if you complete the game 100 percent oh there's a crime up here hold up why can't you sell something nice like snickers or pizza not fun please let it be gone let's find it we're gonna break your toe kid fudge how much was i i didn't know i was supposed to do a stealth takedown until i got up here oh fudge why can't i do the web take down there we go there we go i don't know i just got this guy i couldn't even see it see you later oh magically gets pulled by a string to him that's one more arm still stopped in progress yeah there's lag it was just one second guys um it should be good now sorry about that i don't know why randomly my obs will disconnect once every couple hours so we good we good all right let's try out this cat thing we that should be the missing cat man oh that's cool you can do a venom jump how cool hey y'all it's the missing cat man yeah vector my cat ran out while i was grabbing the mail here he loves this bag if you find him he'll crawl right in are cats and backpacks like a thing uh do you have anything with vector scent right here his favorite toy thank you for giving me the toy quick scan i got a trail oh my gosh bro we literally have a trail of the cat hop onto those school buses little guy's nibble is that up did he poop oh there's a dead rat yep dead rat good for vector sad for rat big sad for rad he went under the bus oh he went inside the freaking drain oh boy okay so i see where it can come up it doesn't mind oh dead rat and sewer water trail picks up he climbed out here see hey sewer search never would have gotten that smell out of my suit oh he oh he's climbing climbing go little cat oh what's up here hector's calling huh not his collar okay he's close by oh no he didn't climb across that nice game victor's got no fear i respect it i respect this cat a lot more now we're under that hvac stuff time to crawl is that another rat what up bud coming wait where is he i think he killed this rat wait where where'd i cat at we found you i don't see him oh there he is hey buddy i don't know how i didn't see you you got that real new york smell now vector look at this cat guys time to head home the cats in the backpack are so cute here's your cat bro thank you oh wow wow that's a smell oh vector you've earned a full body scrub pal you cat let's get it stink but man cute there's a stinky cat but he mad cute though yo you'll stop charging stop charging we're good we're good okay so did i level up i didn't level up but i got a suit mod increases the drop rate for gadget ammo once again marks enemies through walls and keeps them marked as long as stealth mode remains active perfect sight would probably be really good let's get uh this though especially as i go for those like special achievements um enemies take longer to break out of webs decreases melee damage okay okay we're good we're good we're good we're good spider cat suit spider cat spider cat rhyme in prog bro there's so many crimes in progress always [Music] and transport guys are the worst engaging spider-man how many y'all got rpgs that though him stop stop bro i love that i'm literally just sending them off the roof firing on spiderman there's no way i just send them to that side of the building take a sleep bro take a sleep outnumbered and still came out on top love to see it you do love to see it i got skills to pay the bills guys i got skills to pay the bills okay friends we don't care about james jameson's vlog all right this is a really cool building by the way super cool building there somewhere and i think i just found my way in what the heck they haven't fixed that better get it soon we're too vulnerable right now that ben has high voltage shooting i wonder what power's it got to disable it somehow yup my bad my bad he's right down there yo my guy didn't hear that hey oh i'm sorry it says it's in here oh now to get into the building oh wait what how do i do this again oh wait i think i have to go up to it right let me in bro i can't believe that actually worked okay what is in here oh hold l2 and r1 to disable spinning objects oh i'm just going to go through the little vein here don't worry about it ain't no problem ain't no problem no problem let's hop down here oh wow full of arm guards i don't know where i'm up or down right now it's different this year should be at home taking naps playing a ton of video games and eating like 100 christmas cookies i am tripping out which way i don't know which way i'ma go with right always go right right is the right way does that make sense shoot okay it was the wrong way wait i just go in a circle the guy who installed that is clearly padding his resume right is right until it's wrong oh this is cool i i didn't even know which way was up bro what i'm tripping out dude tracker said the phone was pretty far below ground level spider-man or tinkerer detained i like this party [Music] what is this stuff oh he's sticky bro [Music] that's what it is right into the cut scene baby oh what the heck hundred percent that's his uncle bro we're a skinny ass kid uncle aaron you're the prowler my dad had a foul on you i know and i bet you got a lot of questions right now but we need to get out of here you picked the wrong place to break into i'm not leaving till i find what i came for listen i did some work for roxanne a while back you don't want to mess with these guys if we get caught in here then help me oh stubborn as your father all right but we do this my way i know a place i can access a security terminal let you know what's coming remote mines use them if you get in a jam remote mine get caught see that vent with the laser shielding did you do that i've worked with systems like this before now focus looks like a good time to try out those remote mines i like fuse boxes more power outages ah that was in harlem so what is it you're looking for oh he's coming from somewhere deep on the ground lowest point in the building is at the bottom of the reactor another win for spider-man another win for spider-man stupid that's what these schematics say yeah hey where's the new form i asked for oh we're trying to make more he's like hey nerd leave behind and we're the new farm stupid heard that one canister of new form survived the uh incident on the bridge now if we had access to that don't you think that if i had it i would give it to you yes mr krieger it doesn't sound very nice now clear that without that canister it will be impossible to hit the deadline i'm doing everything in my consent to find that canister however right now to go back to your lap and do your damn job to protect you you should feel honored i came out of retirement to watch your back i can't believe my uncle's the prowler and i can't believe my nephew's risking his neck for a phone let's get on with it you're close to the reactor prototype need to take these guys out stupids look at these dumbs look at these dumbs chad look at these dogs off keep searching and shoot on site oh another dum dum down another dum dum down you safe no longer are you safe you're going to sleep little guy you see him alfred bring him down okay two little putties left oh you knocked over the monitor bro be careful you're gonna lose your freaking job just split you up a little bit you know oh you know what was that that's crazy you should go check that out bud safe yeah even more safe now and then you right there [Laughter] ah let me just stroll on in little buddies all right here we go wait a second i need to shut these down you guys make me sick focus get the phone and get out of here back is that get moving security will show up reactors below and all those guys too remember what i said don't get caught it's funny you think i'd get caught buddy danger that guy's danger that guy's not danger that guy's danger there's two snipers here two snipers by the multiple of seven seven snipers there's 17 snipers all right this guy is danger he's also danger this guy's being super danger okay i'm gonna go ahead and switch over to my remote mine switch remote mine there activate that that guy is out outski this guy's safe this guy's also danger this guy's danger this guy's looking at that guy that guy's danger this guy's danger they're both danger okay this guy's dangerous they're all dangerous all right they're all looking at each other they're asking ted ted what do we do are we gonna get fired are we gonna get fired ted i don't know oh there's a third guy third guy over here third guy looking for for somebody what's this guy doing safe safe no more boom up here you go yup smash your head on the little rope you're knocked out all right perfect all right now we got two people over here this guy's safe bring him on yeah bring what on bring on bring this on buddy you're up here all right sleep well have good night okay i'm literally a spider where's this guy here look at this guy he thinks he's all that in a bag of potato chips huh you think you're all down in a bag come on come on up the price is right buddy yep there you go right in the throat someone punches you in the throat that's it for you just calling to make sure you're not hurt or you know dead or dead funny hilarious got my uncle here helping me the subway worker guy yeah turns out he's also the prowler safe danger safe danger safe safe safe the theme runs around in purple former thief we're not partnering it's just a one-time thing you're all right all right you saved you're safe you're safe dotted not safe anymore easy easy not a lot i know this guy danger this guy's danger too danger three dangers there's three dangers all dangerous are you safe you're safe you're safe safe safe take him he's up what's up danger what's up danger okay they're danger they're danger this guy's looking around you danger you're safe you're safe safe safe take here take five easy peasy all right you should go check out you should go get to check out the server right can the other spiderman do this be quick about this nephew i'm trying to shut down cameras and alarms to keep more of them coming thanks oh maybe i understand yes now for the wires all right oh this is where the phone fell come on bro that's an awfully suspicious spot please don't explode bro imagine you could charge your phone instantly okay camera video here it is okay core dumps a two-person job you start to override here i confirm it there step one in wiping new form from existence any regret destroying the thing you made you've seen me lately right let's make the world safer oh no we're gonna figure out what happened to him ready ready triggering override in three two man that wasn't me industrial sabotage rick really [Music] no one's gonna care about a few sick people uptown or a dead engineer you're just the cost of doing business jeez wow i can stop this [Music] he's pulling tubes out look at him [Music] [Music] oh he did she hucked the throne bro she rick was trying to save people she hucked the phone krieger killed them i have to finish what they started [Music] uncle aaron can you unlock the reactor shooting from where you are why you got your phone now let's leave that reactor killed my friend he needs to be shut down permanently i need your help punk please hunk anki please mclaren okay stand back hello danger hello danger hello danger hello danger fellow danger oh just like the generator outside only you can't help you gotta get out of there man can you move yeah go down that hallway keep phone no grab something talk to me you all right i feel like i just got dropped out of a plane but at least the reactor's disabled you're almost out ah i really needed that phone now what am i gonna do come on kid i can't get to you before roxanne does ah we're taking you into custody bro calm down give me that give me that give me the don't just don't let them get that shield bro venom jump baby i just dodged that lights out mother trucker oh my goodness gracious rocks on enemies have special venom suppression technology some attacks will apply a suppression effect that will prevent miles from using venom abilities for a short time that's one of those times give me all those guns bro how about you stop you got like three pistols bro just just give it up stan stay on the ground bro stay on the ground yeah i don't have enough sauce to do this there we go all right perfect he's probably oh i can't move my limbs more of them show up oh that was super cool cloaking tick how does it work more shields more snipers you take the left i'll take the right all right what's up uncle don't worry we can take these guys well i ain't worried about that i'm gonna wait about after we get out of here we're both on freaking shortlists now oh boy ow ow i'm stuck immediately oh my gosh bro i just gotta go on one person to stick to them like loot be honest i didn't mean 100 to do that but [Music] oh bro i might be the best spider-man of all time i'm just gonna throw it out there sorry face secret let's beat him up um anki anki go smash smash [Music] there we go oh there's more you need to lay low don't trust anybody and don't take off that mask wait till roxanne finds a better target i can't lay low i still need to find finn your friends to tinker no wonder you care so much about this it's not just that i'm protecting new york is my job finn tell her you want to join the underground you just told me don't take off the mask don't tell her you spiderman go to her as a friend no she's too smart for that you'd be surprised people get stupid when they care about someone hey like you're being stupid now hey i like his uncle i told your dad thought he had my back hoped he would be my brother instead he cut me out if i kept my mouth shut maybe i'd still have a family you know what you have to do [Music] i like his uncle dude i like his i like his uncle oh that's a different vibe right there look at those graphics oh my god marvelous bro marvelous okay a marvelous marvel game no no i've got time to check on the city miles you know how many followers you've gained since the app went live it's crazy i've been running some numbers and i know you've seen no ads before but maybe we could reconsider no right no of course not we're gonna run some ads baby i got one skill point uh increasing the range of venom punch splash damage which allows more enemies to be stunned on impact increases and then smashes area of effect that was the length of these are all good what is this hold yank and throw guns imbued with bio electric power they will explode on impact venom stunning and knocking opponents down that's actually really good i use that a lot let's do that challenge skills oh you get some challenge skills that's cool then we got some gadgets here we could increase or oh wait wait oh do we have every gadget now cannot really afford it oh i think suit mods we have a second suit mud so we have the visor mod right now but if we wanted to and we have enough points we can unlock one more i bet um these are actually all pretty good i'm just saying so did you find finn's phone yeah but uh it melted after i absorbed energy from a new form reactor what how are you not dead felt like i was for a minute there but then i released all the energy in kind of a mini explosion luckily i didn't bring down the whole lab what does this blue thing do taking notes and all your new powers so what's the plan now uncle aaron thinks i should tell finn i want to join the underground then i can take the new form so she doesn't use it for whatever whoa like lie to her face yeah but i don't have any other leads you know what we need don't say a pros and cons list a pros and cons list exactly i got to make a move man i guess pros and cons list oh there's a crime i must take care of the crime before i save this man's cat [Applause] yeah you at the bridge yeah i mean it was me technically uh in a most technical sense god at least either someone's what are you kidding me right now spider-man come on having someone during the holidays how do i web though come on kid let's play wait how do i wear throw shoot how do i web throw guys hold up uh web throw web throw through strike web throw yang can throw a webbed electrified or venom stunned enemy oh bad okay oh my gosh bro stop hitting me just give me a second i need a second oh there's a nice little fat squirrel over there y'all seen y'all seen the fat squirrel okay i need to do it to one more person hey chill with the gun chill with the gun relax i just need to do this and i'll be done [Music] get your butt over here we done here get all those activity tokens bro yeah yeah that sounded good get all them activity tokens bro let's go what's good what's poppin got a brand new whip just hopped in spiderman hey i'm caleb good to meet you saw your mural of taiyos oh that's the other guy that's the other guy here to help every business on this block has had inventory stolen over the last few weeks paper products kits sanitizers we're all local we can't swallow a loss like that did you regret it sure but no one's taking us seriously camille she runs the restaurant next door decided to look into it herself sure this is the shipping center that supplies all of us i'm out there see if i can help thanks spider-man good to have you looking out for us guys i want to know if you want to see more spider-man on the channel make sure to go ahead and hit that like button if we do we're almost at 40 000 likes also we just dropped a brand new merch typical dot store go cop yours a bunch of new stuff ton new stuff go check it out typical.store day did you try the array bus i can't eat before i do intense superheroing it's kind of like pool rules right totally so what's the plan track down the stolen inventory find out who did it see if it's connected to the guys who robbed teos bodega sounds good i'm on call for tech map and thinking through problem support i'm going full speed bro ain't no thing bro ain't no thing we just hit 40k likes let's go okay again i'll do most of the stuff off stream but i want to show you guys a few uh a few of these things if you guys are interested where is this oh it's up there somewhere oh it's it's right here on top of the church who would have thunk who would have thunk it that's the shipping center that supplies halo's block cops what's going on witness said a woman was stuffed in a trunk after arguing with some contact we got an id what i'm an oscorp cam camilla vasquez owns panafuerte in harlem oh my god they kidnapped me she got abducted i have to try and find her but cops won't like me interfering maybe if i get a look at the clues oh flip it parking garage receipt chinatown okay but where in chinatown okay hold up i don't have enough sauce oh there we go okay you've been working a lot of overtime dude's in the way yes now i can get a look at that clue yeah yeah you need to give me that jacket it's complete auto repair someone dropped it when they peeled out it hey you know where i could find davis complete auto repair there's 12 of them in manhattan any in chinatown yep sending you the address fat i'm outtie you can't stop me now hello danger hello danger radio from chinatown a woman matching our fixed description seen in an alley let's move hey spider-man any leads on our inventory yeah you guys were stolen imagine just calling spider-man casually the kidnapped her what you're sure positive i'm on my way to help her good thing you came by when you did spider-man thank you i'm just break dancing while i'm talking to this dude on the phone saving a chick who just got abducted like guys like i'm spiderman bro i am filming and booming you already know boom boom and i'm like whoa whoa whoa whoa going so fast like you already know get the hell away from me oh everybody go i just landed on the car basically [Music] oh come on buddy just let camila go am i seeing this right camila's in that car yes that's speeding through manhattan dangerously close to crashing yes bro this guy is juking me right now actually i'm like staying on him pretty well but i'm coming you okay [Applause] [Music] can you get out of the car please sir thank you and the driver give me the driver hey out the car buddy oh and the car door too oh no i messed it up i stopped the car though come on camila are you okay ma'am spiderman i i didn't expect you to but those men it's okay now you're safe did you find your inventory those men were paid to steal our inventory drive us out of business they're holding it at the docks on fdr near the bridge i'll get your stuff back do you need help getting home no no no i can call a cab and get asked yes gracias i like sir no problem hey hey look for real ain't no problem all right that's what i'm here for i'm here to help let's head to the docs camila's safe she caught those guys stealing inventory said someone paid them to do it about that i did some digging someone anonymously filed a request with the city to use eminent domain powers and condemn camilla and caleb's block has to be the guy paying our criminals right so he could move in totally i put it in for an investigation into whoever's trying to buy the land dude you're a genius we're hitting them with cool combos the coolest of combos i'm just trying to get the most speed you know ooh we're at the docks baby more crates where'd they hide the supplies bet those guys know if i listen in i can figure out which crate to open can't let them see me oh okay here the boss wants to shut down feast the main one or the one in harlem all them betty buys the land there too what oh you do not mess with feast these guys aren't helpful need to eavesdrop somewhere else need an eavesdrop somewhere else can't hear them through the container what are you planning to do with that stuff barbara shears napkin holders dump it you can get started if you want green crate with the white star got it now i can take these guys down green k green crate with a white star bro green crate with a white star baby right in the nuts hello danger hello danger oh he thought i was going to let him off no sir no sir he hit me with the kite is there i wonder if there's an achievement for getting a hundred combo i want to try to do it things like with a hundred combo i gotta try not finishing them off that was kind of sick and i got not get shot [Music] no my combo ended dude it's so hard to do it [Music] i just hit him with the variety harlem one alpha guy is working for a mystery boss zero with the variety green container white star am i crazy where's green container white starboard i have no idea where green container white star is they all look the same oh it's this one over here what is it white star fight star i don't see it you went past it at the front over by the last three guys green container white star green container white star that's pretty obvious i just got to open it blocked by other crates you could use that crane just go ahead for real more of you get over here buddy come on boss gave you rocket launchers this guy's serious bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang we need those yeah we do need those hey what you want what you want stupid oh you want to try to hit me try it again try it again i'll be here all day bro you want me to hit 100 combo chat i just need this dummy to keep doing what he's doing oh yeah you got i mean me graham meat ground baby meat ground ground meat meat ground this is it oh stolen supplies hey caleb found your inventory bring a few trucks down to the docks and i hope you move it back i just saved the community thank you a thousand times thank you you ever need a haircut drop by it's on the house uh how would that work with the mask i've seen a stranger oh yeah you need food too you're a growing boy made a combination anytime we'll wrap up something nice for you okay any leads on our mystery guy yeah i'm working on a shortlist so far i've got vulture scorpion tombstone don't think electro could pull off something like this that's a lot of big names but we'll deal i want him out of our neighborhood oh it's the first time you've called it hours too late oh i'm at feast hey you got to do it coffin get her to let me end underground hey miles you okay oh yeah why would you say that oh uh i saw the news about your mom's rally we're fine why would you say that coffee maybe i can make time howdy all right guys but people don't take pictures of their lattes so it's worth it okay meet you there okay halfway into infiltrating a dangerous group of criminals oh my god oh my god what the flip what the flip is happening what the heck they just pulled the tank i just pulled the tank i was just taking there he's just chilling chad hey friends apparently mr jamison and i'm quoting his producers here in a spider-man stand a spider-man stand don't allow any vehicles to be stolen bam wait no i need one more power attack now [Music] maybe take some classes when you're back in the wrath no i lost it at the rate you're streaming this won't be a part three i'm sure there will be let's give this uh capsule real quick again i'm gonna do most of this stuff that you're seeing now off stream so oh a sign of what i'll let you figure that one out me that's a sign assigned to what you had unlocked the new suit no i didn't did i oh what when i lock a new suit wait what suit did it unlock it doesn't even show anywhere oh a new suit to buy uh oh my goodness that looks cool look at these suits brooklyn visions animated suit which i love when do you get the into the spider verse i mean is that that's this one isn't it kind of what happened to the other spider-man at the start of the stream you'll see what happened [Music] all right um hold up auto activates camouflage immediately before detection during stealth encounters that's pretty good um connects the line from all enemies to other armies that can currently see them dude some of these are really good i don't know let's at least do that right uh decreases damage from melee attacks i don't really need that if i'm doing good so let's see uh every six oh i can't really upgrade any yeah spider fur suit is the main one gotcha that's cool though that's cool though i thought there would be like a comic bookie version though 42k likes yeah we're um i'm just gonna do a couple more things here probably okay right that though where where are you at though there you go this will make something useful it's on the third row how did you see it a third row i don't see it oh oh into the spider-verse suit bro i can't see you're right you're right you're right i'm wrong you're right you're you're right i'm wrong i'm sorry like actually that's kind of lit though what are the orange ones again oh is that like a combat thing let's just try that real quick and that'll probably be the last thing we do uh under 220 seconds gets uh a skill so let's do that stealth under 120 seconds don't let the bright red costume fool you still [Music] let's go you so i have to do it in under 120 seconds i think i saw a few more dudes on that upper area game's over if they see me i need to stay hidden actually hit the wrong button bro try perching above a guy then webbing him up nothing better than a bad guy burrito keep there we go if they're doing under two minutes under two minutes under two minutes it's like super high stakes hide and seek so fun in that time into a holographic butterfly in three weeks you gotta be quicker than that i have to do it in a minute it's only half the guys left i've done it in a minute so far so that'll mark come on much time initiating investigations no i almost did it come on i mean like once you understand it like i can get it done for sure this next time wait why can't i hit him maybe that counts challenge failed let me try one more time should be easy should be easy if i if i do it this time remember to check that lower region guys could be anywhere only way out of this challenge is by staying stealthy easier than i thought so tough guys i think i can get give me one more shot perch can be really effective i knew i could do it wait target identified what what i was just pulling random people i wasn't even aiming at close i'll get it next time coming wish it was always this easy paint it though ain't it though attempting to locate target here take five there's a weird glitch that like automatically grabs one which is kind of nice i think there's only half the guys left i didn't mean to do that it works out but it said he was safe and i did it and it still caught me what okay last try last try and then i'm gonna start reading donors and stuff your lucky day [Music] sorry i like that glitched one these guys i feel like these guys definitely don't have the vision that's uh these other guys have the heck i pulled the wrong guy but it pulled the right guy that's weird yes [Music] you can use your camo ability oh true okay last try last try for sure last try for sure bet you didn't see that coming i didn't mean to do that i swear to you it says i'm safe sometimes when i'm not look oh my gosh it doesn't it doesn't say they're safe unless you do the little thing i didn't know that i knew i could do it i think there's only half the guys left easier than i thought quicker than that come on come on come on [Music] oh come on 201 my spider had to do what spectacular work the tools of the ninja what was one second off happy stealthing i was one second off what that's it one time at a fist plot in queens i still was so hard so well that i couldn't find them when i was finished crazy how much let that be a lesson to you young man it is possible to be too good at stealth sometimes i feel like pete just makes these stories up on the spot i think there's only half the guys left another one bites the dust don't think he saw me oh my god nope still good how is still danger how's it still dangerous how is it still danger i'm not gonna have enough time are you kidding okay last last one no matter what last last one i need to do those like bottom guys like my life is already cool i don't need to imagine any cooler which leads me to one question why is my brain so crazy miles why pete says crazy i think there's only half the guys left get this last one for sure that's it that's it this is the last one no it took me a minute to realize okay this is for sure the last time without a doubt without a doubt no it took me a minute to realize what nothing is it randomly going that guy i mean he's not even in my area that's such a weird thing when i'm stealthy i'll imagine i'm like a secret agent on a covert mission to like retrieve stolen nuclear codes or some total blackouts code name type stuff remember and i'm more than likely saving the city from certain destruction at the hands of some nefarious supervillain by doing what i'm doing like my life is already cool i don't need to imagine it any cooler leave me all right that's it that's it for this one i'll do this later guys i will do this later but uh this has been an awesome stream so far if you guys did enjoy you want to see me play more spider-man i will do it asap make sure to hit that like button make sure to subscribe at the bell so you don't miss out and be streaming this game and lots of other amazing new games coming out got a really fun new game that i'm playing tomorrow and i stream a lot of fortnite too uh i'm gonna read all super chats and all donuts but before i do that i want to let you guys know i have another channel called tg plays link will be in the description below and on the channel i upload every single day original videos 99 of the time not from the stream so go check it out tg plays link in the description below and the biggest thing for today is that we got brand new merch over on typical dot store this is one of the t-shirts available with that on the back let me show you i got i got a bunch i got hold on hold on hold on stay right there take a look look look like that so this is why you got to go to typical. right now all right okay so we got this hoodie let me show you this hoodie right here this is typical wait wait this is typical on the front and then on the back you have this awesome logo so that's one of the things okay we got this dragon shirt which is pretty sweet i like it because it's colorful looks sweet okay now that's perfect because we got this other dragon shirt which if you're a big fan of like goku dragon ball z i feel like this one really hits the spot especially these sleeve hits on the side with the typical logo looks incredible so that's on the site uh we got this one right over here which is a typical world and then you got uh this on the back which looks really cool you got this one which i uh wanted to model over one of my favorite sweaters so let me pull this one out this is basically like the t-shirt but it's a hoodie love this hoodie style it's got typical in the front and it's got the world on the back right over here so that's pretty sweet uh got another t-shirt you got another green thing hold on i got more i got more okay got more okay we got this this shirt which i haven't actually uh taken out but there we go look at this we got a typical shirt nice and plain and then it's nice and plain here guys on the back look at that that is awesome so that's one of the shirts too and then the uh there's a couple more stuff i'm not mentioning there's water bottles there's uh hats uh there's these joggers these are actually joggers with uh kind of the logos on the side really really comfy got pockets it's nice go get your merch typical.store guys we dropped the brand new drop today uh the most new stuff we've ever put out at once so go get your merch typical dot store i'm gonna go ahead and read out uh these donuts now mathurin uh the real chalk kitty donkey fusion gamer adam plansick parth uh unity sparks team awake dwayne regina alfaro james or jp lee anne emma and rory's kitten adventures and harrison grimes thank you all for becoming members welcome to enjoy those emails if you enjoyed as well link in the description below derek thank you for the one this is my first time donating i'm glad uh you were the first while you were diving backwards hold square and play cell three in different directions for cool dive so yeah thank you derek i figured that one out it's a great tip uh jalen i got one from playstation directly thank you man uh you definitely can combo air tricks uh my fears hold square and then tilt the stick back to do a backflip and still stick forward to do the turtle spin that is the best trend great tips thank you hello vive vitz thank you for that trend frizzle for all these tips dude dude really appreciate that um thank you so much and i'm going to use all your tips really appreciate that trend trend you're always so helpful dude felipe what's up tg have you opened up your xbox yet will you be doing a live stream when you play on it yes i will definitely be doing that i haven't opened it up yet but i will be probably doing assassin's creed valhalla on it soon so stay tuned for that i'm gonna read out these super chats now as well we got a bunch of super chats i appreciate everybody and your support uh shout out to morgan nanowick shout out to you man uh franklin plays shining light dreamer boy rafael duran jamel barket happy birthday dude hope you have the best birthday ever man big shout out to you uh craig brennan rodriguez is awesome and he really wants to play with you uh shout out to you for the five and the 100 dude craig i really appreciate your support i don't play with anyone specifically but thank you for the insane donors let's get some hearts in chat big shout out to you and brendan rodriguez mike mazuri was that the rapper logic yesterday no one believed me it was him yes mike it was the rapper logic i played with yesterday i'll actually have a video up on tg place today with me playing with logic for night so uh you should go watch it tg plays link in the description below jamil hall thank you for the 10 faves venom shout out to you as well it's good to see spiderman again it really is big shout out to you venom uh cody young watch the first spider-man walk through i'm glad you're playing a new one i know it's going to be just as good as last oh 100 if not better the graphics are insane absolutely love this game so far thank you cody the real chunky donkey he dropped 200 and said hi is that legit dude can we what big shout out to the real chocolaty donkey what the flip oh my gosh thank you man you're insane what the heck i don't know if that's legit timothy williams dropped 400 but no message so timothy let me know if that's legit i don't know if you guys are legit uh edwin sindajas thank you for that uh g69 with the 50 no message like if you don't put a message i don't believe it's real uh if it is thank you you guys are insane jimmy la said thank you amazing gamer shout out to you as well happy birthday hope you have a great one jamelle barkey yes this game looks incredible i can't wait to keep playing it rosalinda panada shout out to you panita uh reverse shmack we have sean rowe with all those babies venom true ellerbee sylvie thank you for the five hi what's up uh shout out to jamal barking his friend andre holman uh we have that kid bray shout out to you as well codex gaming reaper with the five hive tg what's up gabriel reaper poor mozzie shout out to you louise bowen thank you alexander dimitrov dimitrov uh megan monette we have zakari middleton thank you for the kind words jim reiger shanti as well i'm doing great how are you uh daniel watson they need to hurry up and put the superhero in for tonight right oh my gosh thank you for the 15 i would love spider-man and fortnite it would be incredible unity sparks thank you for that we have rise jacob shout out to you for the 10 sydney wires what's up tv just cop some of your epic merch on typical.store excited for it to show up everyone go support your boy sydney you're gonna love all the new merch over at typical.store and i i advise you all to go check it out go right now typical.store link in the description below this video is about to end go check out the merch um zombie gang thank you for that we have a ricky white zach kid rise jacob uh grayson wade ripped bloodbath ripped bloodbath indeed marshall morales shout out to you my day's great so far how is yours sylvia thank you for that timothy shout out to you felicia lee with the ten speaks thank you for that real chocolatey donkey chef to you landon place glad you enjoy the videos we have marwan here shout out to you as well he's co-typical gamer in the item shop there we go um jackson grantham thank you for that that kid bray shout out to you as well definitely need to finish that game marvel avengers then we have lucas tbh and zelo exum thank you for all those donors as well all right guys that's gonna be this one i'll see you guys in the next stream probably today i might be streaming again today so be on the lookout but uh typical.store go cop your fire merch tg place go subscribe uh with the bell new video already out elizabeth thorne thank you for the membership welcome to enjoy those emails if you're enjoyed as well the description below all right guys i'm gonna get going thanks for watching hope you got awesome day and peace out you
Channel: Typical Gamer
Views: 12,627,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 53sec (14273 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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