1,000 IQ Among Us Hide and Seek!

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mangas hide and seek live stream we're gonna be streaming for two hours it's gonna be so much fun um i'm really really excited guys thank you everybody who's watching by the way are the settings correct is this going to be so lit we got a lot of great people in here we got chocolate chocobo woofles justin kayla's camera all these beautiful people it's gonna be so much fun guys sorry i'm a little bit late i apologize all right don't be too upset at me i hope you guys can forgive me caleb are you sure that when i go live how's everybody doing today everybody having a fantastic day i'm ready when everyone else is and i'm streaming dude this is gonna be so much fun guys you have no idea so if you haven't played hide and seek we're doing on the map polis i've got a bunch of hide and seek spots pulled up on my monitor to try this out if you haven't played it before how it works is you get basically um the imposter has to announce who they are and then you basically have 30 seconds to hide and then you can win by doing all of your tasks or if the time limit runs out i think we're gonna do like a 10-minute time limit or something cool like that so that's gonna be sick who's having problems getting in rob you having problem getting in um rob i don't think is playing on this round uh it was just kira oh okay look at this person hey who's over here riding behind the box already see it doesn't work when i do it you can see my little person oh my gosh yeah i gotta get it i i'm taking off my pet sorry pat you got to go i'm going i'm going i might go full nude to be honest this is bro see yeah i can't get in i just have to keep robin there he goes let's go baby you are bright orange yes beautiful people this stream did just start okay i'm gonna change i'm gonna change my skin then apparently i'm gonna stick out by by being this color why do they add camera shake to the ship uh yeah that's new maybe it's just makes me want to throw up can you turn that off oh my god let's start it then start it then no what the hell hey listen it's going to be fine rob you're going to be fine why would they do this don't worry don't worry about it it's it's beautiful okay there's camera shake home dude it's it's beautiful it's beautiful yeah big shout out for the super chat [Music] is everybody ready let's go baby i think so yo nachos taco thank you so much we're starting okay oh okay are we muting or we don't know we started okay that's how it works listen okay whoever the imposter is has to say who the imposter is who's the imposter hello uh not me so don't do your task yet don't do your tasks don't do your tasks we have to know who the imposter is you have to admit who it is because that's how it works in hide and seek no i'm not baiting so how it works is you you say who the imposter is then everybody else has 30 seconds to go hide and it's a 10 minute time limit but you can also win by doing all your tasks while hiding is what i'm going to go live right now that's a real question the imposter is trying to kill us all before we do our tasks so who is the imposter i'm just going to hit me screaming what happened you're the imposter here do me as do me a second that's really good go go up here go all the way up here to the top all right and then here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna set a timer for 10 and a half minutes all right after 30 seconds then you can begin seeking okay okay set timer 10 and a half minutes okay but do i go live yeah yeah yeah i'm just checking this isn't like a practice round or something no yeah your first can you sabotage the comms please i can all right guys go hide go ahead real quick quickly just go hide go away now you can meet up now you can meet up these tasks have been start start seeking in like 30 seconds okay kara all right let's go baby let's go let's go so this is obviously your first time first time yeah yeah yeah yeah okay i'm going to meet up for now oh guys scott bye everyone leave a like god spot more than 30 seconds oh dude i've literally got the god spot right now that's fine let's go baby all right i won't care you tell me when to start the timer then so everybody will have extra time to hide but just let me know right like five seconds before you start seeking okay okay why does this say stream finish oh no so clearly we have some uh some newer streamers here ladies and gentlemen that's okay oh kimmy no no this is my spot oh oh there's rob there's rob there's rob rob robert wait hold on yo yo come back come back i'm literally messaging him i'm gonna show rob exactly where i'm hiding i'm going to see if we can get everybody to stack inside where i am by the way two new members of the stream jt tj thank you so much nachos taco al alejandra thank you for the five bucks brian landon thank you for the five bucks dude this is a god hiding spot if you guys have any hiding spots you want to see me do on the stream tweet them at me i'll have i'm gonna literally get my twitter open so you guys can hit me up but we've got i've got like five to set oh oh friendship found me friend hi guys i think i can start seeking let's go okay okay i'll se i'll drop the timer i'll start the timer go go go okay all right time for something just remember the number one rule is you only kill preston everyone else is safe true true true you know what i'll allow it just this one time [Laughter] i can't believe okay so friendship is choco sure you guys know choco is on the channel sam gilbert thanks for coming a member of the stream you guys rock this is gonna be so much fun so kara is the seeker and uh she's she's newer all right so we're gonna have a little bit of grace on her uh but we've got the timer rock and roll right now it's right here on my phone look at that boom maybe it's it actually might be backwards for you guys but we're at 9 minutes 50 seconds oh dude this is a god spot bro what do you guys think we should do do you think we should stay unmuted for and seek rounds like we'll try that next round so this round will all stay muted next round we will be unmuted or maybe we might put the the the imposter in a different discord channel so like that person can commentate by themselves by the way right now or yeah yeah you can win by either finishing all the tasks or by just hiding and running the time down and i've got the timer on my phone so what do you guys think should i go do tasks or should i just sit here cause clearly this is an overpowered hiding spot like this is way too good dude this is so good and we'll try the next round where all the hiders will be in a different channel from the imposter so we can all commentate together i think that'd be fun look at this person look at eye look at eye so the only way you could ever see me hiding here is if you see the kill like if you're the imposter you know how you have the kill animation on this side if you see that pop up that's the only way you can know where i'm hiding so i'm oh there she is there's she uh isn't supposed to be down why can't i see my past things yeah um go ahead and someone must you don't need to report it oh man wait they could see my name can i they could see okay so wait should i change my name okay i'll change my name next round because clearly that was a bad spot so you're not allowed to fix the comms the comms have to stay sabotaged so you can't see where your tasks are making it more difficult all right here we go here we go here we go let me get my ass back i cannot believe i better have not been the first person found though if i was the first person found i'm gonna be so mad all right let's see if we can win i mean technically in hide and seek being a ghost is a little bit of an advantage right cause like you can do all the tasks for your friendly hiders but next round i'm gonna be more active all right so i'm gonna go and ride out that hiding spot that was loki a trash hiding spot but what about this spot stream this is the other hiding spot right here behind the satellite you have to like line it up perfectly but if you can hide right here you you can't be seen like it's really really hard to be seen i'm gonna do that one next time and see if i can get away with it unless i'm the imposter which there's a good chance next time i'll be the imposter and you know i'm about to slap and hide and see like you guys know i play a lot of hide and seek chief okay let's see okay next one where's it's so hard having calm sabotaged oh how many people are dead oh we can't see because the comms are disabled right let me see oh dude that makes things a lot more difficult that actually makes it way harder way harder a lot of people want to see us unmute for the next round so i think we'll do that again but seriously tweet me if you guys have any god tier hiding spots i want to know tweet them at me because i want to find the best hiding spots i feel like polis has some of the best hiding spots too like the map we're playing on right now it's so funny though because i can't tell how many tasks are done don't forget if you're a ghost hider do your task boys do your tasks all right let's see i can't believe how are so many people running around and hide and seek and haven't been killed i was the only person hiding wait oh my god no no that's a god spot choco that's a god spot choco was hiding back at the ship that is such a good hiding spot actually when you think about it if you let the seeker or the impostor go away and then you came back there that would be so good so everybody's watching right now we're playing hide and seek in among us a little bit of a different game mode um it's like not it's like a custom game mode oh somebody just got killed right here i think i've done stream let me know have i missed any tasks i think i've gotten everything done like i'm looking at everything over here and i don't think i got oh no rob's been killed i don't think there's any other task over here though because i did the ones of the ship wait oh do i have wires i don't think i've got wires this game can you watch cam's oh my gosh you can't even watch cams look look here she's like she's trying to use cams look at her look she dude it's so not fair because i forgot about this if you're the imposter you can just literally use all the vents and go every oh my gosh i'm gonna fall oh no no no no run run run bro run bro bro run how did he manage to get away from that oh where's she gonna go now uh oh okay oh that's a great hiding spot no oh kimmy just gets taken out boys all right how much time is left we've got four minutes 40 seconds by the way left on this round kiera i don't know how many people have been killed because we can't see because it comes so we have no idea like literally no idea right now how many people are left i would say five maybe six people have been eliminated like a decent amount i'm a little bit worried though because he's not been doing his tasks you do all your tasks bro i don't know if he's done all the tasks though oh okay so here is the impostor right now aka the seeker where is she gonna go now she's going down in the specimen a she's looking for anybody in here i don't think any of i think everybody's done their specimen tasks oh but dude she's so close to kayla's is she gonna find kayla's is she going to fight there's [Laughter] i really shouldn't be rooting for the seeker but like i want those close call moments so we got justin's dead as well oh oh he took my spot yo this person just took my spot i'm a little bit upset right now this person just took my hiding spot guys kind of upsetting spaghetti right now can you make your name does anybody know can you make your name in among us a period like just a period or like a comma something that's really small like what would be the smallest character maybe like a down arrow or something i don't know dude i think i think right now we've got choco left alive but remember if there's one hider left the game ends i think if she kills one more person the game is over stream or will the hiders be prevalent will we win this first round of hide and seek we have almost 15 000 people watching you guys are amazing i see adrian in there saying i love your content thank you so much adrian hope you're enjoying the stream buddy herbal tea love your name thanks for coming remember the stream no way let's go let's go finish all the tasks that was really my bad my bad i had like i had like two tasks left and i was just like afk just chatting all the time i was like this is taking forever i should i should probably do some tasks and then i do like one task it's like victory and i'm like oh that was actually gonna be fun i'm gonna help [Music] dude i know because jake sent me the hiding spots and he was using every single one that i was going to use and i was like there's no way i mean send you the hiding well you guys are googling like hiding spots jake is our creative guy okay i just got your message yo you do all your tasks bro and then i was also i sent you a screenshot of what i was hiding i was wanting to stack with me yeah oh i saw i saw i didn't want to you wanted me to stack with you because like my name i'd die and then you wait so wait can the impostor see the names yes oh frick boys okay i'm oh i'm gonna go let me let me change my name yeah can we like yeah can you how do you get like no name weird uh that you can like copy and paste oh oh wait maybe i can find it maybe wait you have to do it oh no bro are you kidding me it's insane can i you can't do commas oh fudge boys all right let's go yeah probably so then should we remake the lobby no no no you don't need to make the lobby that was good though that was fine that was really good like honestly i got killed in the first 10 seconds and then just i got guilty too okay i got killed pretty fast one what that oh [Laughter] real quick uh since there's a history of this with rob uh just remember not to share the code with everyone on your screen wait well there's a history of this with rob what okay i'm back didn't you didn't you reveal the how to minecraft ips like three times oh that was never me listen we don't we don't talk about watching okay we don't talk about what before i erect you get your records i hope you're having a fantastic day because i'm having no it really works because the numbers and stuff you might as well just name yourself whatever right just hiding what's up gatorade welcome back bro sophia thank you so much [Applause] higher lower right now another five minutes of stream conversation or not let's go i'll take a higher anyone i'll go lower lower lower five minutes okay and hold on don't start it don't start it who are we missing right now we got we got two people missing i'm almost okay i'm in i mean uh we're still missing one person who's who's the handsome person we're missing right now i think we're missing kyra kira is it what are you not in because you're working on your stream what's wrong with it no she's she's she's she started i just helped her fix it is this your first time streaming can you tell me about your streaming journey second time second time streaming second time streaming second time streaming on which platform did you stream in other platforms before this platform or this is this your first platform you guys just jumped into the game and i just was not prepared i wasn't ready i wasn't even at my computer with you guys i wasn't at my computer when it started so i yeah i was just i was oh wait it was game boxer whose game actually don't know if i can get this compliment okay now i'm gonna kick the code at least slow burning knows how to stream let's listen to your hair here i can i can do this i could kill me kick the slow burden kick the slow burden uh so we'll be making a new one you just go to a chat and then you can um oh okay there's like a big boot you give them the boost good job there's another one wait no no no no is that you are you in here you're streaming yeah you're streaming yeah let's go is your mic muted okay check your mic check your mic i think it's weird you stick them open right listen listen listen remake remake this is a remake this is a fat remake baby give us give us the new code give us the code you're live and you're fine he's messing with you relax who is messing you're live and it's fine just it's fine just whatever i can only hear i can only hear everyone else i can only hear infinite i can't hear kyra talking hey don't lick the code guys make sure the thing is [Music] i'm just kidding i was laughing so hard when rob was roasting carrots so i just i was like i was falling back in my camera chair and i think it showed it showed it's my bad boys it's my bed oh are you covering it like green screened over it yeah yeah yeah and i was like what are you doing dangerous everyone in my chat saying you guys are bullying me it's like it's literally the game of bullying is that the sub name of this game yeah yeah yes literally bullies all right let's go baby oh we have a very nice time together all right you've got to give us like 10 seconds how about this why don't you i'm the one with the halo that's appropriate will you join a different channel and then count like 30. i mean sure i'll do that sure i can exit me and i'll just cry over here listen you are the speaker you can't get rid of it really quick someone come here to the left to the reactor it's not a good place to hide right like can someone see the queue see me wait is joko gone oh he's gone he's gone we gotta go he's gone he's gone he's gone he's counting down he's counting down definitely are we good are we good yeah yeah he's he left you left we all just sit here dude i'm not ready i'm not ready for a god to your hiding spot yet wait wait wait wait wait who wants to no no who's got the blue hat you stand in front choco kills you and then he doesn't realize everyone else so you come out come out a little bit come out a little bit they're not you not you [Laughter] [Music] yeah when you're dead i'll do them as a ghost and fun yeah i'm just doing my top now hoping like i get lucky oh god oh no no no no no no choker going that way which way which way which one to you which way is he whispering okay yeah he doesn't know about it yeah but the bad thing is still but what if what if but he can use don't forget he can vent so if he vents we're we're kind of like in a bad spot well i mean there's a lot they're not they're fine yeah we're chilling we ain't even supposed to vent we need to have like a oh i guess technically if you're a ghost you have oh you guys are really easy oh is this him is this him is this who's t who's t who's t okay no what do you mean you can't see each other you can see your name i'm out of here i'm out of here kyra why'd you leave me i am leaving i'm leaving i'm leaving oh boys i don't have a good hiding spot do we know where he is do we know where he is i'm out and about i'm out and about do we know where he is he's an admin he's a nominee oh my god oh you totally can i wouldn't necessarily recommend it but you can i've decided uh two mother's behind me i'm not going to sacrifice myself anymore can you please can you please go out just go and sacrifice i'm going down the left reactor i'm on the right one oh you can't go up here all right guys i'm big braining it right now i'm doing i have the best oh i'm at spaceship wait who left who left me who left me here the reactor what the hell i left a while ago this is such a good all right oh uh left side left side weapons don't go this way cute do you go there seeing spaceship because i'm i'm in spaceship right now guys i i haven't even seen him yet he hasn't passed dude i'm worried there's a lot of time left guys i think he was having a cool down i think he was on kill cooldown i think i might have my tasks all done you have to you have to also have oh no oh he got me yeah if you die as a hider you have to mute i feel like that's fair all right bye guys later hands have a great time have a dead time bro have a terrible time okay does anyone know where this boy is or what no no i no clue where he is right now it's the angel halo dude right yeah yeah it's the angel yeah i think he's yellow i think he's yellow right yeah he's yellow he's yellow he's yellow i think he's white i need to cut my hand away would that be funny no no preston are we playing anymore who's v oh my god that's joko oh my god he's guys he's that spaceship he's that spaceship he's on me he's on me like white on rice he's on me like white and rice oh my god really scary rip rip boy where's he going where'd he go i'm dead dude dead people can't talk but he's definitely going to electrical i'm alive oh oh oh my god oh wait we got to do our task now guys now that we're dead this will be doing a task go go go go go never fill up the bottle go go all right they're making fun of me because i'm dead no i died i haven't done my tasks yet so this is not good e get the heck away from me i'll get as many as done as i can wait what where are you what the hell what do you mean you got a great hiding spot you googled it bro i actually saw it in the youtube videos okay there you go youtube is owned by google so it's pretty much the same oh yeah are you done all your tasks because no not at all not at all well then get okay go do it because i'm done mine yeah okay fine how do you get in here how do you get i know i've got to be dead well i gotta do this one can you tell me if you see him because i'm scared i'm mother oh tell me if you see him i think he's bottom left i think he's bottom left so i'm going to jump dude there's only i think okay we have to get the task done or the game's over we have to get the task done oh my god how did i miss this one i'm in no i think it's just us this makes it so much more fun as a ghost guys like this is so wait electrical okay there's two of us stephanie said electrical i didn't see anybody let me go see let me go see i'm i'm running around right now but i was in the room i don't think i've got any tasks electrical right now right okay yeah dude there you go look at this look at this i think how many tasks do we have i don't know um i think we've got six six each seven i might be done i think i'm done guys i think we're clean okay you know what i'm just gonna go yolo oh so many dead bodies so many dead bodies ghosts have you done all your tasks it goes through your tasks i actually don't know if i've done him i don't know where he's gonna go serious i can't find them oh no no no no no no oh my god i'm the last one though [Music] [Music] it was very satisfying i had plenty of wonderful delicious little tasty morsels um i do have a recommendation though i think the killer should have a not three year cooldown and kill times because i'm pretty sure i like hugged people you know met their children what's the uh life story dude it's 22 seconds that's a phenomenal cooldown oh yo are we doing any normal games yeah yeah yeah we can definitely do some more games yeah half the time i was on cooldown so i was just like hanging out like hey man help you i'd just like to get to know you better would you like some dinner with me i know a great place to get human i mean not not human steak a good steak a regular snake i promise how about that if you guys want to give why don't you give the the give the imposter super quick movement really a low kill cooldown and the crew may only have one long task for who he's easy for who crewmates because we just have one task one long task though do you guys want to do one more game of hide and seek or do a couple of games in normal oh normal we should yeah we i like normal but what's up to you guys i'll do i'll do a couple games normal okay there can be unrematched yeah wait so we have nine people do we want two imposters yes yes yes yeah and let's switch over let's switch over to skel two kimmy will you why don't we just watch yeah why don't we let one person join guys the code is ab3754 that's what preston wants you to think that's dude why are you trying [Music] we're going to have a problem i took it around but i'm going back to orange i only had i only had it for that one don't worry guys i'm going back to sheriff preston this is this is how i play the game boys i'm not going to say the word i'm going to say but just get out of here [Laughter] all right starter i'm sorry let's go let's go let's go i better get impostor first round like last time we've not gonna posture once i was so pissed i don't want to be in pasta it's too much anxiety no dude it's so much fun to be the imposter oh my god oh wait it's just hiding single regular normal normal normal dude are you kidding me wait what's happening why do we have no vision what she didn't fix the vision we have we still have the busted vision oh my god all right i'm not i'm not gonna complain i'm not gonna complain guys but we don't have the vision this is this is dude this is awful this is so bad this is so bad i can't see anything i can't press fast preston my boy why did you do that oh god press it press big update i like that i wasn't even on the right-hand side by the way and then you went into and you jumped to the event in navigation i don't want to do this right but i got to do it who else was on the right side i i didn't running from the far east down southwest towards center i didn't see that but i didn't see anything else but anyone else at the beginning about went back back to cafeteria where was the body by the way hold on a second you don't you didn't even see the body you saw quote unquote someone vent and then preston vent and i so i ran back and called the meeting and to tell you guys that preston invented he could be hiding the body without report yeah if i was going to do that i wouldn't say pressed invented because i saw president ben that's why i reported the body i'm sorry wait a second did anyone else see anyone go to the right oh no i don't know i'm sorry who all voted for that who else voted for that red dude okay it's pretty sauce the imposter you couldn't see anything as the imposter normally as the imposter you get to see everything and i couldn't see it i couldn't see anything man all right i'm gonna try to help out rob as best as i can then because this is really bad like this would have been such a good game as imposter if the imposter's vision wasn't scuffed yeah there we go that's what you get gizzy get yeah that's what you get gizzy you piece of garbage [Laughter] oh okay oh oh found the body found the body okay oh my gosh because i was really scared i basically kissed the man and then i have no idea what color it was i was panicking i saw a dead body it was very scary i have nothing to contribute of value to this conversation no one else came to react i was going to reactor right now i was i was heading to reactor as well from admin where did you say the body was it was in the south middle i have the i had no knowledge of like a three-year-old storage i think wait wait oh wait choco are you all hope yes did you vote last round did you vote no i skipped or i skipped oh yeah well world's voted last round it was um yeah so that's follow i mean okay so because division is still scuffed crew members have a big vision right now but we'll hide and seek round and we switch to normal mm-hmm are they really gonna catch rob are they gonna catch rob this early i hope not but i can't i can't you know when which ones i'm gonna see if tico wants to come in you don't even like the wall my admin the wiring the fixing of the wiring because i've been fixing wiring i've fixed wiring an electrical and an admin oh like streaming for you guys that my face hurts after the end of the day sometimes i literally have to like massage my face because i'm smiling from streaming and doing videos well i'm gonna kill the lights for rob should i kill the lights for rob or did he kill the lights well i'm gonna kill the lights for right now okay i killed the lights hopefully that helps out rob rather than hurting him but i don't know where he went to i'm trying to assist my fellow murderer kayla's is over here uh shoot in med bay no i can't dude i can't see anything where did he go this is really hard to help out your fellow imposter when you can't find them as a ghost where okay he's okay he's okay got it gotta got he's faking weapons i like this fake the weapons task is closing this i might try i wonder if i can communicate with him by closing doors and assisting so he's doing vent tasks up here building up a little bit of rep i like the street cred he's building up okay he used vents he's probably gonna go yeah yeah yeah smart smart smart nobody's on cams though nobody's on cams dude you got to be careful about these vents though homie because the crew members right now have overpowered vision so they can see a lot okay right i decided to deplete the oxygen let's see if i can close off some doors to help out oh i can't right now oh this ain't good this ain't good because there's not a lot of people is rob gonna get oh he's gonna kill go for the kick yes go go you gotta run run bro run oh no no no okay let's just solve that i think i just saw yellow event oh my goodness i thought we were dying to o2 for a second dang it we probably would have but he killed on o2 and then vented so it's yellow so gg oh i was i was muted i was actually going for o2 so i don't know i don't know if you like i had the code open doing o2 because we had like three seconds left so maybe you killed someone and self-reporting no dude caroline makes for the 99 cents by the way liam thank you so much i had the eye of the code open i was literally at three seconds left on o2 i'm out here putting in the numbers because we're gonna we're about to lose we're about to lose someone in self-report but you you the body was there when i entered the room and i saw you at the bottom venting wait what color are you infinite who are you i'm red i'm kayla's okay gotcha and it's yellow if you guys want to just quickly win the game go yellow can anyone i mean if it's not yellow then list can anyone vouch for kayla's from this whole game because i'm just like uh man with her flowers but the only thing i'll say okay you guys will vote the only thing i'll say is pray it was for sure preston so if it's me then if it was for sure pressing then the game will end right here because you were the impossible it's better to it's better to skip if you already got one of the imposters out at this point but i feel like we just lost water because of who we ejected so by the way the reason why we had no vision that was the god round rob and i get imposter best duo and you have we have no vision as the imposter people and i can't see anything yeah the vision is yeah yeah let's make sure to change that it was very difficult dude yeah i invented it and gizzy's like i saw you event i was like bro i didn't see nothing right i seen nothing rob was like very hard defending preston too i'm like oh that's kind of weird well dude it was oh it's so sad rob i'm so mad right now bro i know that's tough dude that was the poofles round bro the poofles round i was like how do i defend myself i couldn't wait wait what is it is this noise are we all blind now what's going on here yeah kenny do you know how to do this no it's just i made it i like this thing okay i don't this is definitely not normal settings i'm pretty sure but we'll let it work wait is gizzy about the vent are you just standing on the vent hello what what's he doing what why is he standing over there on the vents why was he standing that was fast that scared me i just bought an admin to kayla's dead by concept thank god he was so mean to me last round [Laughter] i'm so happy he's dead honestly also if we play the beta version i think we can make anonymous tasks like you can't see the taskbar go up yeah we're gonna do that now i'll yeah i'll just give me i'll send you some settings next time but it's really cool you can do it at the meetings so the taskbar only goes up in meetings i'm sorry we're wasting valuable time anonymous votes and anonymous voting we're going to probably whatever i don't think it's pressing anything i didn't see anyone there or like it was just it could be a self report but there's no point in voting right now on eight i don't think [Music] i wish i was the best where did jake wait wait wait somebody said they saw blue veins [Music] bird the choco the chocobo how do you guys okay so people are saying pink pink vented but they didn't they stood on vent big difference right pink stood on the vent but didn't actually ever vent i'm also a little cess of uh kiara could be karen kimmy for oh there's a lot of people in there right now guys that's kind of sketchy why there's so many people in here yo is it jake dude somebody's saying orange vented you got me boys you got me i think there's probably a good chance that it could be the old jay karuski i think you guys might be right that it's jake roosky the problem is i'm in electrical and i'm very susceptible to death so it was gizzy why was he standing on the vent at the beginning why would he just stand there hello there's a body hello [Music] i was i was literally screaming i was like look i'm cool i'm cool i started dancing twerking in front of you i'm like look i could have totally killed you and you're by yourself and then you're just like bro i can't believe it like you're literally i'm like i could have stabbed you that entire time there were a lot of people and then as the lights went down i walked into electrical turned the lights on then i found the body it's a self-report voice i think the ghost should go into a separate room so you guys can talk to each other instead of just putting her inside come on dude i can vote for kira because she basically ran away from me like i had the worst garlic breath on earth the time frame doesn't work because it was never been an election for a while not walking and politics you're lagging is he robbing for anyone else yeah dude rob is on the money with gizzy rob's literally on the money and nobody believes him this is making me so sad oh guys the sadness right now the sadness oh i've never gotten a wires task this is the most satisfying thing bro can somebody screenshot this i'm literally screenshotting that that is so beautiful literally all the wires are lined up in a row a so perfect all right let's twist this little billy dauber i still can't believe that though i'm very i'm very upset at spaghetti right now all right hey i guess he's got some of these so how many tasks we have left two ah it's gonna be easy uh why do i feel like i should be faster at this one guys than i actually am does anybody else i feel like they do that one kind of slow all right once we finish this yo panda boy thanks for the two bucks bro once we finish this we can go see what's going down in the dms because something's going down in the dms kayla's was just wait was kayla's killed i think you guys are right i think it's jake and gizzy i think it's blue and pink i think it's blue i just can't tell though it's really difficult to take let me see let me see oh kimmy's yo wait were both of the murderers in the same spot uh what gizzy definitely killed kimmy in a reactor i didn't even see the body he's the only one in the room and i saw kimmy run up to that room so i [Music] let me just quickly uh explain my bro it was going off and i went down south and i was holding the bar and waiting for someone else i didn't realize someone must have walked in and killed the body and then walked out before you walked in somebody said what college should i go to i did not even go to college when i was younger it's a very spacious area you'll be fine i'll have time to think it's okay i don't know the voices to the colors it's very confusing for me the voices to the colors all right that was good that was good that was good who do we got left now we got left [Music] so it's gotta be it's gotta be somebody saying it's kyra is it kyra i thought you guys said it was jake then again why would jake throw him under the bus like that kira killed me oh hold on let me see this let me see this oh oh emergency vote i think they caught him hello okay i called this meeting mainly because i'm a really really big scaredy cat and i also finished all my tasks so i'm just going to shadow somebody for the rest of this because these tasks are also done where was everyone that around the world justin did you you were on cameras did you see someone leave navigation navigation navigation right we saw you and choco on navigate or uh on the cameras oh so oh sorry guys i'm checking one of my i was in navigation i didn't leave hot keys right now uh yes you did because i saw someone in shields you vented no okay no no okay i'm because that was super sucks because i know that kiera she had all the opportunity to kill me and now that i think about all right let me explain i was on admin console i saw someone in navigation we see we have justin who was on camera says he didn't see anyone go you can have the cameras look outside navigation for the hallway i saw someone in shields did anyone go into shields that round okay sorry guys i'm trying to do this [Music] hotkey that's where it should be hotkey okay wait this one is okay this one should be mute this one hotkey is right okay yes oh there we go oh sorry all right so i finally have a hotkey to deafen i'm so happy right now i've been literally trying to set one of those up for like ages i've got one to mute but i don't have one to deafen so i finally have a definite we're good but kiara is the second imposter stream the camera is the second imposter we need to get her voted out how i don't know but we need to get her voted out bros my hair is literally insane i'm so sorry i look like a circus oh oh taskbar almost done though despair almost done where did kyra go where did kiara go i hate being dead so early in the in the games let's go baby big clutch moments oh no my oh my oh gg oh okay you killed and walked away and then like someone walks dead and finds me the defaults i believe for crewmate vision isn't it one and an imposter is one and a half uh dude yeah or something like that wait what no imposter vision yeah yeah that's usually yeah i'm sorry and then also what you're going to want to do change the kill down to 30 seconds and then also put anonymous voting on okay i can't believe you killed me instantly also put on taskbar take visual tasks off you want to make sure you click that box that's off and then make sure for meetings yeah yeah task updated meetings so i think and then is two one and three fine for the the test yeah that that looks good gary did you vent from navigation to shields beachy dubs do you want it at one point two you didn't i didn't i was talking i walked down all right let's go baby give us imposter stream okay fine i guess i will never get to be the ambassador again i only get to be the imposter in the round where we have the messed up settings i'm not gonna die this time though guys okay i'm not gonna die i i mean i cannot promise or make a guarantee but i really don't wanna die i'm also gonna go do i wanna go i'm probably going to go to lights cause like oh oh we got a body whoa whoa whoa body and electrical yup saw that one so wait i think super dead gizzy and i both saw the body i think the person killed them and then went into vince and then i don't think it's uh i don't think it's god at all either because they were an admin yeah guys i didn't see you in admin i saw kira run preston where were you that round that round i went to a weapon that went through cafeteria then i went with gizzy and then we found the body and election yeah he walked in with me there's no way he had time to go into like who are the audiences somebody somebody jake somebody where were you just gotten too electrical like i did a big roundabout i passed preston up near weapons and then ran off what about wait what about kayla's where was kayla's yeah i was beginning now but that's really cool because i was on admin conflict why isn't kayla saying anything i'm just letting everyone else speak no hello can you hear me hello yes yeah what's up oh and i just went i went down and then all the way up left towards the cafeteria again and then the lights got called and i went all the way down i'm voting jake because i saw no one on the right side but you're chilling you're chill dude you guys are crazy all right that's that was okay that was a crazy vote off all right we still have no idea who it was we just potentially killed an innocent crew member ladies and gentlemen we are the gamers oh my gosh dude i hope you guys are having a fantastic time on the stream by the way yo julian thank you so much for the ten dollars appreciate you so much somebody says calling it right now so don't spoil it if you guys are watching anybody's streams please don't spoil it but play along with it all right we can bring it together that's the goal here oh all hope hello hello okay got that one done a lot of people inside of here still a little bit suspicious of kayla's though oh my god yeah i'm suspicious of kayla's i swear he just closed me off for the intentional reason hold on and i can't open the doors i feel like it might be kayla's oh my first body yeah okay where where was that robin it was in your cafeteria to be happy about it uh it was it near cafeteria why are you asking me that because i was a little sassocalis and then as follows and then the doors shut when i was following him it was why are you not speaking is is he yeah kayla's okay sorry what wait preston why are you supposed to type in chat because i just just am well hold on a lot of letters yo this this makes no sense i didn't do anything for the record if this is another puffles around i'm gonna be incredibly annoying for the first party but this is throwing well we'll see in a moment yeah we'll see let's find out choco you guys okay you guys are fine you guys are come on i died instantly last round okay vote me in the oven we'll see we'll see i appreciate okay yeah you guys might have been right on that one that was that was that was way too fast yeah okay let's go let's go oh my goodness what is this let's go wait so it was it was [ __ ] bro no evidence you're right i've got more evidence than you even know what to do with it i'm like in your brain i'm in your bed i'm everywhere that's a very good round for me ruining your your poofles around okay yeah i am a little i am a little yeah you're really hear me yeah yeah okay kira can't hear me for some reason wait you guys can hear kayla's you probably locally muted him you locally right click his name and see if it says mute yeah wait why did no one say anything when i was saying it you haven't you saw me there right it's like awkward silence [Music] stream stream why are we continuously not being the imposter it's making me so disappointed and so sad in so many ways by the way if you guys are enjoying the stream do me a favor that subscribe button that like button only if you want to of course hope you guys are having a fantastic day though can't believe we almost had 20 000 viewers actually insane uh justin making me feel uncomfortable fix lights fix lights i always die here please don't do it please don't do it please don't do it oh oh okay clean clean kiera and justin are here oh that was fast that was kind of big dead where's the body tick tock dance i just saw preston and who else was there in elections so who else is not cleared right now i was in navigation walking past and i walked past jake but i didn't see anyone else come from behind me so i don't know who else was on the right side because i walked past jake as i walked past like all over garden weapons north north east was me and rob i can i know it's just the two of us but i can vouch for rob because i literally sat there because i was really scared i was like halos surely we're both innocent i just kind of stood like right on top of the lights yeah no because i'm confused because i just saw jake so i don't know who else was on the right i'm gonna say i did not i saw gizzy go up i was in shields and i saw him go from storage up toward like navigation was on the right do you think it was gizzy i i don't even know where the body was where's the body by the cheek i don't know because you guys aren't letting me talk but okay kimmy do you think it's gizzy or not answer i i wouldn't know because i don't know where the body is i was with you and bottom left like electrical okay well uh hey choco because i need to talk to you really quick i went down from weapons and i saw gizzy running away from lights remember we saw him and then uh-oh oh if you yell everyone listens to you i guess it just wasn't accounted for guys oh my god all right we are uh we are i promise we are not intentionally voting off the brits okay we're not it's not how we roll here all right but the brits lately have been suss kiera kayla and gizzy have been the imposter multiple times the people in the canadia and america have not been the imposter all right well i guess once because jake is in my office and he he's been the imposter so technically that's not fully the truth but you know what i'm saying okay all right somebody better fix that reactor meltdown we don't get a lot of time go go go i also don't like being over here alone but i'm checking the vents should we call an emergency meeting just to troll people no no you know if i call an if i call an emergency meeting stream you already know what's going to happen they're going to be like preston it was preston why is this one done yet grab a cop oh 15 seconds i hate this task oh whoa whoa whoa why was kayla's running towards the vent why was kayla's running towards the event hold on hold on hold on kayla's what's up why were you running towards the vent in med bay i'm so sorry i actually went in there just to check the body was uh in there and then i saw you and you're looking forward to wait wait wait wait wait kayla was the only person that did reactor with me yeah that means nothing i mean i just i was there first that was right so i was like no maybe maybe he was looking for a body in the event though i'm running out of that babe i already ran out of med bay it was good long and gone you know and kayla's continues to run near the vent so he wasn't checking down there unless he was guys no one's dead skips okay i guess i want one clarification though what were you doing me where are you what were you doing on the right side because me and rob we both went to do the one thing but what were you doing yeah i went in there i don't know right through the wires where you flip the switch and then i was going to why would somebody go down like that i don't have the switches on the left side of the wire with the switch that's on the left do you think we're right on disney by the way because i don't know anything about it yeah 100 really dude rob is like i don't know but he's convincing just because he hit him twice and i was wrong on both counts so i'm just kind of like yeah okay so it's gotta be true hi choco what's your vote bro what's your vote i'm scared yeah it's it's kayla's or preston okay oh my god i did absolutely nothing i did absolutely nothing relaxed guys now i've got rob sesame what do i say every time you call an emergency meeting there's a good chance you get sussed it's a very good chance you get sussed out which is not good but at least if i die at least if i die they'll know i'm innocent oh wait hold on is he doing med base can or is he faking it i can't tell he's faking the med base can it's honestly hard to tell when people are faking things oh this might be dangerous please don't kill me spoofery ghost oh no no no no i'm gonna i'm in the wrong place at the wrong time somebody's gonna vent right now and slap my doodle do not vent and slap my doodle please please don't do it okay we're good no dingleberries we do need to however get this one done all right they get it done is there oh i got no tasks over there too all right justin is fairly innocent i will say oh my god i'm dead i'm dead justin leave me alone just to leave me alone i thought preston was going to kill me i'm like i thought you were going to expect wait what who didn't come to reactor yeah i saw kimmy doing the uh top side and i went to the bottom side and that's how we cleared it yeah and then he was there i didn't see preston yeah he got there a little bit late i did i didn't hate because i saw him running away from reactor well i can imagine that choco was in reactor with me however when it first yeah no no i was just saying it so preston showed up last to react to yep i will say this preston had the opportunity to kill me because i went to scan myself i thought you were just he also could have killed me where's the body yet again we don't know [Music] i don't think it's pressing because he could have killed me medical because i don't think it's president i think we have the scripture sorry i'm sorry yeah preston came into reactor last which means he could have killed the body oh my god that was the only person that voted for question so i think it's kind of i'm scared of him you haven't even i have not been near you the entire game so why would you be scared of me that is suspicious okay not sure what that's going to accomplish stream but uh you know things happen all right there she is like and she has followed me she can follow me all she wants because she's big big dumb right now she's big dumb my twist is dilly dopper if she ends up killing me after saying she's gonna follow me the whole game she's gonna be much more suspicious to be completely honest i wonder if somebody's gonna try to set me up though oh we got kimmy down here okay oh wait wait wait wait wait did we just see the angle at which kayla's just ran from kind of looked like he used the vent in the bottom left of admin did anybody else see that yo yo it's yo wait how'd he get uh yeah i'm pretty sure i just thought preston kill wait yeah it is no way i saw you wait justin we saw him justin we saw you know shields right i just walked into shields preston just killed and i saw him and he he didn't see me but i just walked in and then i recorded the body in the shields i was literally i actually think that preston's the safe here i think it's actually kayla's because i saw kayla standing right next to the event just being like i told you i saw him go to the event one time and meditate all right thank you thank you get out of here get out of here i have run past kayla's a couple times though and he didn't kill me so he was either on kill cool now that makes you that makes you sound suspicious kimmy because i saw kayla's murder his girlfriend justin and kimmy you guys have to you guys have to vote press in here no dude he's probably killed him here i think either justin do you remember when we were in i reported the body just do you remember when admin doing the task together and we saw kayla's come from the bottom left near the vent he ran out i don't remember saying that but what he came from the bottom left of admin because he dude he's a vent hopper preston says you the imposter i can't vent bro listen go ahead and vote if you want to guys oh my god i'm pretty sure i i don't know i'm betting on kayla's right now gg i'm gonna feel really bad if i'm wrong you're not wrong all right well we might win unless somebody i'm just kidding that was good let's go bro let's freaking go so i killed someone to try to get that double kill in the first round but then i thought it was just one person dead three people saw me in the mirror [Laughter] it was supposed to event when the lights were off but the light the lights got turned on insulin you guys did you did you vincent you did today [Music] because i was with him i know and i killed you in the blame president it would have been good but justin if he had seen me could have begged me no one just no one believed me there dang it i knew it wasn't precious on the other round though anyways so that was good though that was good that was good that was good you did well you did well [Music] um i'll remake and i'll put i'll put the i'll put it in there i'll put it there all right okay well dude we'll do one imposter because we have eight so i'll wait till we have ten and then you guys wanna do scald oh yeah yeah all right um i can get someone else by the way one of my i if that's like yeah we definitely like everything we need two people okay who do we need how can i invite them into this thing though kimmy can help with that um the same link that i had sent you previously on uh telegram you can send them that one okay so by default by the way vision is one and then impossible vision's one and a half oh just so you know so i got i got that all set up though okay tony blown but the oh that's a weird code bro we needed one let's get more in here get more here you like know what he says oh did you put the code in this i put in the messaging app all right dude i really wish that because like that vent when the lights are off is so good when people are an admin because then i don't see your message on msn messenger dude what's going on listen man don't judge my msn but i can put it on discord as well but it looks like people are joining so it's working after this game i got you bro i got you oh i'm so slow what happened after after this one we'll do uh we'll do some games where we all change our names to a color it'll be fun yeah let's do it yeah we missing one oh wait hold on i want to change my name real quick where's the code uh yeah recording i'll put in recording yeah he moved it recording for that accident i i joined it all my matchmaker is full what just keep trying to join there you go not that issue as well your bf let's go baby alright we got everybody there's one imposter welcome to the scales all right let's do it good luck hey good luck you love baby i should have pulled this but that's okay oh let's go baby move my face cam no yeah i know why you want me to move my face cams you can get the tab oh my gosh i feel so slow now please don't kill me and and navigation boys please don't kill me enough let me let me live a nav alone safe reactor unlock manifolds okay we gotta go oh boys boys we gotta run boys we gotta move we gotta we got a lot of movement to do here uh we gonna make it please okay we got it dope i also have a task in here anyway so gg [Music] why am i so slow at that task stream i feel like sometimes i'm so slow at that one and i shouldn't be oh wait bro i was right in the middle of simon says who killed kiera's body electrical who was who was there so i was running with kara from weapons we were both going into reactor but she didn't come with us because we finished it so much she must have dipped and gone into electrical it's okay it's one it gets one imposter you know the only person that i don't think i said anywhere so who went up from reactor did anyone go up no i would at the end before it was called it was still me preston and justin right at the reactor entrance i'm currently on cams right now and i saw kimmy and i think he was preston in kind of i was really hoping that rob is going to say something because i'm kind of breaking on his calls from the last like four games rob you're pretty quiet man what is it probably well it's like it's like i know who it is so it's like i don't want to ruin the game like he knows himself so he's like you know it's definitely no it's not gizzy or choco because you guys were on the right side i saw kimmy and kayla's do admin swipe so it's either preston or justin and if you saw preston and kimmy together then it's probably justin see you later why don't you can't because you're doing rector i was the first one was this like is this like a drop call is i actually don't know who it is but it's not i don't think it's because it goes [Laughter] yo grant it's your birthday happy birthday grant face cam shift please what's wrong with the face cam i like the face game here guys all right let's go baby let's go really got a few more tasks oh i got a med bay task somebody said tech no blade dude i'd love to play amongst a techno blade that'd be so fun all right press the start we're starting baby let's go grab a coffee we uh do i say i really want to go do these tasks and knock them out and electrical but i also don't want to get fudging murdered um [Music] there's a lot of suspicious activities happening over here guys oh my gosh we have wait who just went into med bay electrical and med bay wait i don't know man that's a little that was a little weird that's a little weird i think somebody vented into did somebody vent from cafeteria into the shields can you do that i don't know bro i don't know man i'm not a big fan of this task because you gotta wait oh god oh i don't like this i might just stay on this for a little bit see what's cooking two in the low wait two and lower engine and i think somebody just died somebody just died in lower engine or electrical yeah 100 they did gizzy ran out okay nobody died in electrical that's weird i don't understand it i'm a bot i'm a bot i'm a bot thank you [Music] hmm strange this is strange y'all some pieces ain't addings ups in this this spaceship's today's but i haven't really seen anything that's like game breaking or like you know what i mean hello okay why dude i hate when i do that with wires so much i try to do them too fast and then i goof it up yo chubby thank you so much for the 20 bucks bro much love oh gizzy uh uh hello am i trying to get am i trying to be somebody trying to murder me right now guys guys it's it's your bff i was just with justin and i see your bff yeah it's your bff you just killed and self-reported i'm pretty sure i can say it's you we're we're both in storage um and i was going up to admin i see justin go out of admin admin went uh justin went down into storage and then he goes to the right i think it's preston in your bff okay well first of all there's only one imposter so i'm voting caleb listen i don't care people who are smart in this game do we skip here because we have six and there's only one right there's one how about this guys if it's not your bff kill me all right no uh hold on hold on i i think i've actually cracked the case i think i've actually cracked the case when the reactor was going off we were all together you guys remember that we were like a little party together we were all hanging out who wasn't with us do you guys remember kayla's wasn't with us who wasn't with us who wasn't with us do you guys wait the reactor was going off when reactor was going off who wasn't with us i think it was actually preston choco i think you're chill uh who was where were you kids where were you before i was in electrical um i i went up from cams to a cafeteria then went down went up camps to cafeteria everything i went actually down from cams to storage and then went to admin then i saw justin then i went back down to storage and i saw your business when the body was found i was doing electrical tap a time i didn't see cafeteria okay well it's your bff if you if you want to kill me and if the game doesn't end then i think it is k-list but okay guys watch watch the game's not going to end and if it doesn't end then kill your bff and we'll win gg okay all right gg man i don't know why you guys voted me out there i skipped i don't i didn't i didn't buy it i didn't vote it's not me though yo real change kid he loved the name thank you so much for the super chat bro can you tell everyone to wear a birthday at next round it's my birthday okay i will do that happy birthday man appreciate the super chat bro you guys are legends yo we almost have 20 000 people 20 000 people are watching right now this is literally insane actually you guys are the best viewers in the entire world so we've got one task left and it's back in med bay you guys remember it's like the little computer one there's a little computer one over here i just gotta get over to it without dying big risks big risks oh he's a risky boy he's a risky boy oh oh okay i'm done with all my tasks now what do we do to be oh my gosh no that door just shut no do i go on the cams do i go cams oh okay we got people coming up to me right now kimmy she's going for it oh my god rob and gizzy are coming up to me right now kimmy wait kimmy and god just ran past okay they went to cafeteria kimmy goes down to med bay i'm a little bit suspicious of god but he is oh is he faking a task well right now i can't tell man he just did two of these back to back maybe caleb was telling the truth maybe it is maybe it is white it might be choco i mean i'm on the cameras right now so i'm kind of low-key watching i'm gonna get all the cams oh my god the lights the lights the lights the lights does he know i'm on lights and is he gonna kill me because i was on the lights or i don't know man your bff is starting to be a little bit more sus i finished my task so long ago yo we just broke 20 000 viewers thank you guys so much you guys are the best so we've got somebody insecurity is somebody in cafe some oh my fudging gosh no why did that get shut stop stop stop oh i'm dead i'm dead don't do it you're bff don't do it the cams are right here bro you don't want to kill me stop stop why are you chasing me like this oh man i don't like this i think it might be your bff i don't know i don't know oh my gosh did he just kill somebody he did not just kill somebody i had to make sure this is strange man it could also be kimmy for all we know a lot of suspicious activity oh calls the emergency meeting oh my god the door closed behind me there is a pink pink i saved your life i think wait what oh my god what's going on were you the one on the other side of the door i thought the door closed you were not with me and preston and a couple of other people i think yeah but why did you close the door and preston well why did you close it i'm starting to get a little suspicious of you choke i'm sorry you also moved yeah like two was done so i purposely was staying with choco just to see if he would even kill me and then everyone's like oh the only person who was with choker was gizzy or if he isn't the imposter i can say that he's safe because i was yo pax thanks for the 25 nation donation i think you're running around trying to find much love he says if you win next round i will donate 200. chunky can't what do you mean okay so we're thinking it's choco here because i'm kind of thinking it's choco but we don't have the vote because we got it here's the thing here's the thing here's the thing this is this is a perfect skip opportunity but i want to choose between choco and preston i think we should vote one of them off for the for fun so wait okay i don't know someone just left that's fine it's fine uh i didn't i did end up saying kayla's and kayla's wasn't the killer so i kind of feel fast okay press enter you guys can't heads or tails pressed in heavy details tails tails i feel like it's i feel like it's chocolate voice it's either choco or rob or kimmy it's not me was it really [Music] thanks again for the ten dollars appreciate you bro oh it's so funny man i did not think he was gonna do me like i can't believe that that was a good round because he killed and i said it's him and then he voted me out and the game still was going how did you not suspect him what oh well it was him okay that's why i stayed with him i thought it was him so i've seen if he would kill me we all knew it's like one imposter is so hard yeah there's no way we were ever losing that yeah i feel like we're really slow like i feel like this is way too slow yeah the movement what's the movement player speed you gotta make it from higher yeah i could do it one point two five good i got you i don't know if you guys wanna if you guys want to join it's uh abc three four four oh really hey this one against the abc one two three four uh yeah just do this just spam just spam people see if anybody wants to come in that's what i'm doing i'm just spamming i'm just spamming all right streamer we go yo the fact that i have yet to be the imposter but one game but one game is baffling i never get the imposter and i cry salty tears of rainbows gizzy is he doing the task is he doing the task is he doing the task i don't know i don't know hmm smelling something here boys smelling something something's cooking up in the kitchen you can't smell without rocks cooking oh no i never i never failed that task oh somebody just coughed and died oh sorry oh gizzy did you stop right there i don't know guys who we thinking so far we don't have a lot of evidence so it's gonna be hard for us to just kind of pick a wild guess pink fake task you think i i don't know if pink faked the task you really think so well if pink faked the task i'm definitely gonna be dead inside of here because doing wires takes a little bit oh no no and i i'm dead yeah i'm dead why'd i scuff it why did i stop why was i slow why was i slow oh i'm not dead no we have lost rob this person has i can't remember whose body was but i found a body in medical in the scanner and then the only person that i saw was kimmy running down from cafeteria but i i don't know sorry i forgot to tell people to wear the uh she ran from cafeteria down as i left from i think it's called admin right the place where you swipe the card i went there timmy where did you come from here's the thing um i was in reactor and i did the like simon says kind of thing and then i went back out and i went to like go into security and i saw kira come up from the bottom of security not like from the hallway so i thought she vented into security and so i was super obsessed with her so i was following her like at a distance and that's why i followed kayla's because i thought she was going to go kill him gizzy's the person i'm the most awesome sorry bro but like me why because you paused you've seen me you stutter stepped you stutter step too many times oh get him out of here that oh my god wow and you did your task weapons really fast or uh shields yeah because i only had like three or four things like super click click click easy way to go let's go like i don't think it's kayla's no i was i was with you kyra i wouldn't we were just by us he acts a certain way when he's innocent i don't know maybe let's just skip this one i'm gonna skip this one but i'll go oh gizzy beats how close are you to killstreak i wish i wish listen it is not me i'm innocent i am innocent preston okay bye stream you are watching me and i'm innocent yes yes so i thought i'm innocent i'm not doing any of the bad things i could be doing some really naughty things right now okay but i'm not i'm not not doing any of those naughty things just trying to get my tasks done like a good boy but i do think it's it's is i almost i want to call him glizzy but i think it's pink pink is gizzy and i'm pretty sure it's all gizzy beans so i'm going to keep a little bit of a close eye on the old glizzy boy where the glizzy boy go though oh mate where'd he go oh i made there he is there he is is he trying to do something dirty all right look at this glue look at them [Music] wait was it kimmy why would kimmy go over there i don't know bro gizzy why you following me homie why are you following me why are you following me [Music] that's it bro i'm so obsessed with the giz hello was it me this time preston wouldn't be the time i found i found white body in the top of electrical and the only person i saw kind of coming from that direction was pink i saw you at the left of storage oh my god i was repressing and keeping on the right side majority of that out off the corner of like the thing i saw pink legs running i never like into the darkness i didn't see anyone else i'm not accusing you i'm just saying that's the only person i saw i i walked into electrical the very as the round began and i did i turned the the dial thingy on so i went over to navigations which would to turn through the wires which is why i saw kimmy and preston and i walked over and i walked past electrical didn't even go in electrical to do the lower engine task and then that's it i never like that was it i never saw that was something it was that i didn't even compute any of that okay then then i was not there there you go i mean i saw it but if you were with people that's fine i guess i didn't see them i didn't see kayla's yeah yeah it was the beginning of the round but then i didn't but i think he's innocent but he does have a time it's a skipper there's no need to vote i think it's i don't know let's be honest i really don't i wouldn't vote if you don't know for sure yeah especially at this point yeah i haven't really seen it but i'm still watching you gizzy glizzy [Music] i don't trust him stream i don't trust him hmm okay we're going still raj going to the still ranch oh this might be where we die boys this might be where we die we have to refill the engines uh it's a very scary thing to repeal the engines oh there's glizzy there's the glizzy boy is he gonna kill me is he gonna tell me while i'm fueling up or is he trying to build up is he trying to build up innocence with me i can't tell he low-key be following me though is he dude i can't tell if he's trying to murder me he's battery's trolling me he might be trolling me for unicorns um okay kierra's pretty innocent we have glizzy gizzy still following me boys not a big fan of this i'm trying i'm literally trying to juke him i'm trying to juke him can i juke him if i go this way i think i can okay cool two people in security one person oh no no no no no no no there's there he is gizzy was over there casey was over there give me this all right we're looking good once again no deaths have happened recently i think it's pink voice who else is thinking it's it's gizzy a pretty dad i'm sure it's him man look at him watching people right there ooh i don't like this i don't like these there he is the glizzy man there he is mr gizzy glizzy dude i'm watching this guy boys i still fudging think it's him we haven't seen a body in ages we literally haven't seen a body in a long time i'm also trying to stay away from him though oh no no what's he doing i'm a little bit worried all right they got their tasks done all right we gonna are we gonna die oh two we're not gonna die to o2 see no murders have happened have has anybody else noticed that no murders has happened since i've called out gizzy oh of course did you still think it's me still a good chance bro preston i honestly thought it was caleb it's kara i think why it's not prep because i was requesting pretty much the entire time just chasing them did can we go i think it's kayla's because kayla's be big dead yeah i know i i did think it was kayla's for a while no i i thought it was curious the whole time because i walked past kayla's on an admin and uh he like he did the right side with uh kimmy uh in the admin so it's either chemical i honestly i don't know the only time i've seen here is standing in security i haven't seen you just i don't [Music] listen it's probably it's probably kara but we don't have to vote yet all right that's gonna be a big throw um if one person if only one person dies which means we should all stick together okay but if we do that's what i'm saying it's not fun for the viewers no no no no no we don't just think together but i'll just keep an eye on the old carabao who hasn't finished their task because i've been done for quite some time where like you know when you pull the thing yeah yeah where at the top it's experience oh and then you run down to the bottom i was literally with someone when i did yo leg me thank you so much for the twenty dollars my dad loves you tell your daughter i said thank you so much real chunkity donkey says please say yeet well i i think i saw her event and then vote where did that come from i skipped oh she voted for why you know all right mr lizzy man we might have to make a decision here i had a space bar it was it i guess okay before you read it you're unmuted oh all right we all know it's you kara we all know it's you i think we might have to call the meeting oh oh oh stay next to each other stay next to each other oh dude this person is trying to go big plays why are you trying to move for me gizzy what happened i'm calling the meeting kiara's the only one left no yo please please [Laughter] don't let this happen this game's over they're gonna find the body find the body before they she kills you please fight the body please find it i'm like i'm just vibing what do you want from me really really quick so well done like i was the whole time i'm sitting here and i'm like there's no way that can win i wasn't even doing my tasks so it was like i was like there's no chance and then you just kept on like the the self-report in electrical was fire like the killing me was really good so did you it was really good it was really start did you vent into security i'm going to remake just pick a name as a color and i'm going to change the map but just choose like a name as a color hybrid okay hello i'm going to run to the back don't we have to kind of communicate what colors we're picking because what if we have the same one uh we can just say that color yeah i'm orange gonna confused all right new codes in there new codes in there let's go big d yo by the way we just had a massive super chat chonkity thank you so much bro i gotta wear the party hat just for you i'm gonna wear the party at um where's it at because it's your birthday goodness gracious stop it there you go all right it is somebody's birthday on my stream so if you want to wear a party hat feel free too what's up yeah i'm [Music] close down oh i messed up all right what do i call myself um something something that's not taken yo chunky bro thank you so much for getting for the hundred gamer thank you so much for the five bucks preston you're the best impressing i bet i could beat you and among us you're probably not wrong i'm kind of small brained into manga sometimes to be completely honest this is like so much fun though guys thank you so much everybody's been watching so far having so much fun is your your color of character yeah everybody change colors also kira change your color yeah because you need to change your color dude everybody needs to change their color wait am i supposed to be not the color that i am yeah yeah it's not supposed to be okay we're chilling we're chilling we can do two imposters as well yeah i've got two one don't worry let's go i would have won that last game second and faster oh dude i would have gone away with it for your meddling kids every time every time i've been imposter that my friend gets voted out instantly i know rob's afk but we're doing this anyways guys for the stream is this just a normal game right with colors and stuff okay is that two two impulses oh yeah okay let's go baby let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go this never happens that's never happens i'm so excited right now where do i want to go do i want to do anything naughty should i kill right at the beginning or no should i fake some tasks by the way i'll be unmuted but the game started all right you're unmuted preston yeah i said that so so rob okay i'm controlled right now controlled getting big trolled hello all right do i want to find somebody in the old space in the old space you'll aspect oh okay so somebody's already doing something naughty because that wasn't me that wasn't me dog can i get this open please door i think if we do anything right now it's going to be two sus right like if we go for anything right now very very sessimus maximus don't really want to do anything yet so i'm going to see if i can all do a task oh there's a double kill up to me though should i fake this these are pretty fast for me i don't spend a lot of time on them hmm all right i'm gonna go over here go on vitals whoa i was just about to report a body oh what was it it was his friends yeah that was red i was a vital and saw wait wait wait wait wait wait was this why is it red or is it purple that's confusing but wait wait why are you saying that are we referring to the cover or the name i was right by kira uh i was about to hit the button so wait what was the box i guess you don't know which who i am but whatever okay yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on can we know where the box what's what's happening your body was in weapons i was just about to report it but then the emergency meeting got called this is so confusing so the body was in weapons wait guys is blue yet dead or is [Laughter] i think i saw brown who was named white walk away from that area this is so confusing bro where is that from wait so i don't know wait wait wait wait wait wait he probably reported the body to spawn the body too no no it wasn't right you may be emotional all i'm saying is there are now two imposters so we don't want to vote incorrectly yeah and honestly whoever called emergency meeting is a hundred percent that would be that would be what brown i don't know bro why did you call the button i'm cute i wear white i was scared oh you found vitals we should probably find the bot okay but why did you find the bodies first so yeah okay that builds this up a pretty good alibi ladies and gentlemen i'm liking this actually i'm gonna i'm gonna go over here see if i might do anything i don't think so look at all these people man there's so many people around here tony baloney do i want to go for like a lights kill dawn to build up a little bit more of an alibi the thing is kara right now is sus to everybody else which is a good sign because if i can somehow kill somebody next to kyra put the blame on her i think we're gonna be in a good spot oh i almost killed kiara right there but i could go and kill cara hmm i don't know man i'm really anxious to take a kill i want to do it but i don't want to do it i might need to kill the lights first to be honest oh brown's over there though i mean we could kill the lights right now easy-peasy if you want all right let's see if we can go go to the lights oh i missed the button i missed the button oh i'm a bot boys i can't believe i missed the kill button so purple's just chilling over here did we just kill him then go for the vent i could pull up more of an alibi first that way i got purple on my side you know what i'm saying oh whoa hold on finally i was trying to find the thing where was it where was it bottom left bottom left it was in uh what water it's been dead for so long has anyone been in that area this game i was at the beginning of the game but now i'm in specimen i was doing all my tasks in writing because he's got a lot of a lot of a lot of quiet people guys a lot of people look at our tasks it just flew up so we're almost done that's we should not vote on seven two if we don't know anything so i would like to point out three people are muted okay no rob now you're unmuted i think there's three people in two dead bodies though okay yeah but i don't know so those are the ones dead okay just a quick question just because we got some time like how's everyone doing today pretty good a little hungry though i'm doing quite splendid i i don't know i ordered like a bao this place is like so good with vietnamese food yeah you know like it's like it's like marshmallow dough it's like yeah it's like it's we've had it yeah you're making me even hungrier all right what did i see at lava outside at the end of the round because they are they came out of a vent that's all i'm saying okay bye have a great time all right yeah we got to get a little bit more aggressive here stream we're not being aggressive enough this game is going to end soon this game low key going in real fast i i might have to cut the tasks short um i'm just going to go and cut lights uh cut lights here we'll go up to lights with everybody why is purple going away i mean lights are cut technically so i mean we could kill right now if we want to we're gonna do kill stack now i can't do the kill stack it's two it's too late where'd my where'd my third poster go for the double kill frick i ain't good all right guys this game's about to end and i'm gonna get zero kills i know the tasks are going up guys uh that's bad what happened it's it's definitely oh my i i think i saw i think i saw uh the yellow that is dead run in to um there with purple not red purple red oh first i'm so good balloon purple balloon pop i think i saw red purple no no no wait it was orange it was oh no i'm so confused [Music] i think orange party hat white is yes where because you called that very early emergency meeting i was very bottom left and i saw them go slightly right to me wait wait and then i i saw them going to a room together i was doing a task if you were very bottom left how do you know who ran into uh specifically okay wait no no no you just said you just you were bottom left but you said i saw these people run into ned bay no i couldn't save someone run into madrid i saw them together like probably like okay i don't know what would happen before the body was found i reported the body white orange or orange white however you want to say the white person with the party hat on you unfortunately i'm sorry it's you i was in were you about to vote on five no we're yeah i don't get the imposter enough like i've had imposter four games in my entire life so i don't get it enough to play the imposter well which is so sad it's so sad like i just get so disappointed because i want to play the impasta but then when i get the impasta i i probably do like two to three hour long streams and i'll get imposter one time the entire time so when i play as the imposter i literally i i suck i'll be completely honest i suck i'm so bad well i think it was just purple red red purple the person with the actual among us character on their head that's who it is yeah yeah wait no no no no no no no i just saw you i was the one that voted off orange the party hat that was the reason why i am i'm ready for the bathroom i'm literally about the brown greens i can't do this yeah i believe red purple because i'm purple red and we're like the partners yeah okay just cause the name is the same no no [Music] red i just saw you kill them i just saw you kill them no no no no no no okay listen you have to trust me on this one just taylor who just trust me on this one i was the one that voted off orange white with the party i also voted them no no no it was me that reported it i saw it happen i mean that's big facts but are you big braining me i'm not big braining yet are you medium brain braining me medium i i don't know small size small size braining a pee brain but it's a pee brain you it is it is brown green a hundred percent it's definitely red purple so if you vote them then we win otherwise we lose so you can hear it it's one of two options [Music] say that was a fantastic thing of saying look at his voice i have never heard anyone be like the suspicion is based on the look of your voice [Music] no that was a heart just for future reference choco i love your voice and everything but like let's not talk until the victory screen shows up because that like excitement of the lava drop and stuff like that just like wait a little longer because then you hear that voice you're like oh we got it and it's like like let that cream up better that way all right next game play explain explain all right wait for everybody's join play this one more are you staying the same i have to go now they can't play one more gives me one i can do one one more let's go four i'll do one more but it's getting and i have to take my dog out before i get started yeah we'll click blaze approaching let's go yo by the way miss the new uh andy thanks for the new membership flying frog boy appreciate you boss thanks for the super chat again okay there's been a lot of super chats homie holy guacamole i can't even keep up with all these i can't believe i scuffed that round so bad the one time i get imposter and i play like hot trash literally hot trash i need to just play this game in my off time to practice it's so hard to be good as the imposter when you don't get to play is it enough you just you don't know how to make a diligent blaze you don't you you don't know how to play intelligent plays and then you cry you cry real tough for real long okay okay and look at this i can't even do the wires now i'm all distracted i'm confused um oh yo it was incredibly fast yellow blue was doing wires wait where was the body was it down there in uh by the way pick one color the color of the person okay blue no it's yellow blue yellow blue don't be don't be like that's for the contest did they die last time yellow blue was killed and i don't know who who ran yellow blue yeah this is way too confusing [Music] i saw someone vent but it's going to be really difficult to say their name but it is the purple person with the crown on purple purple purple pink purple i have no idea what she's talking about i know nothing [Music] wait has the person who reported the body spoken yet yes it was even known i am white orange white orange because the last time you had the flurry system being real stupid so give them a second chance here listen listen it was the same nonsense okay blue yellow yellow blue it's all the same ish you know the one that's dead okay hold on preston where is the freaking body i told you it was doing wires down from km's i saw one i can't hear you where's the body where i told you it was down i saw pretzel which is white orange go up towards lights and then he went back down what did you say not you brianna it's not you brianna i saw you it's not thank you i know i know i gotta go go team are there two imposters yes yeah oh maybe it's brianna remember so so you don't have to ask cause you can't change it mid-game right so you'd have to we have to remake okay all right well that was a very aggressive round ladies and gentlemen there's a lot of aggression some hostility um but at the end of the day it became something beautiful and now i am going to go oh hello is it is it is it my wife there's a good chance it might be my wife guys do not know the chance necessarily but there's a pretty high chance it could be the old wifey i don't know though like would it would it be brie would it be brie i don't know it's a possibility man i have like no voice by the way guys so if i'm if i'm like sound tired i'm so sorry i've been phil i've it's been a brutal week of filming tons of fun but like uh my voice my voice oh whoa whoa whoa oh i knew it wasn't brianna oh and who is that what's up it was kimmy you know when you're going into like the hallway to like med bay and this uh not specimen but med bay and you can go up into i don't know what it's called but there's like a little hole in the ground not the vent but like the hole in the but that's what it looked like and that's why i saw it and then i went back to look at it and i realized it wasn't an event i don't play this map but like it's not me so i'm sorry i mean that doesn't make sense that you don't play this map because people are dying so slow so i'm assuming i don't think you understood what i just said but okay i did not need to vote for kimmy i just voted for somebody unintentionally purple i'm not gonna it's really not me though [Music] i also have no idea i want to say i believe it's not you be had to go so yeah i agree but do we think it actually is this maybe it maybe it is blue gold oh uh i'm sorry i feel bad for you preston that you aren't the impostor the game just doesn't realize you're epic thank you herbal tea i love you bro yo chunky thanks for the thank you thanks for the super chat again i'm so tired i don't even know what i'm saying at this point oh wait wait wait who is that who is that who is that that just ran past it was teal okay wait a second i i just walked into preston on the body but he did report it i didn't see him kill though so i'm not sure but president what did you see all right walked in so you know how you can go walked into the lab right next yeah top right next to med bay top right next to the so top right next to med bay didn't see the color but i did see you know when they walk into the room to the right decontamination that's why i didn't report it right away and that's why you saw mikayla's not reported immediately because i was trying to see who it was but then my chat said it was teal you saw them but i could be wrong whoa whoa whoa i just asked him what color ran past me i was like i think it was too but i'm not sure i don't use my chat too extra help only imposters can use the chat no guys i'm talking about my stream chat yeah no yes yeah we understand that because the thing is okay so wait um a teal with a little balloon on your head super cute by the way um where were you this round like where were you when the lights were out man like talk to me wait killing another day are you okay no no so wait preston i saw you you thought it was me dude where were you color i was i'm not even kidding okay it's preston he literally where are you he doesn't even say where he is but it says vote press bottom left and then i went all the way up to uh lights and the lights were fixed so i went to the right and then preston was standing on a dead body it's present i'm sorry i was so confused with the colors it's preston i actually agree we got him we actually got him i actually agreed oh my god i got so confused with the colors i even i mean i made it [Music] i actually didn't kill them though yeah yeah i killed them you saw me in decontamination i saw infinite at lights like really late and there was like there's no way he got all the way to specimen or all my lab killed someone and so it made way more sense that he saw preston kill someone so like that's that was a like yeah that was fun for that whole time i thought it was your chat trolled you preston you listen to chat you know [Music] listen it doesn't matter because they were they were right i'm pretty sure they weren't right they weren't right right but they were in their own way because you were imposter so that's still that was i was so that's it yeah i got so confused don't worry about it don't worry about it dude literally throws those hail mary dude that was fun boys that was fun that was really fun that was really fun ggs guys all right ggs ice cream we do have to wrap this up thank you guys so much for watching super big fun stream definitely going to be doing more in the future big shout out to everybody who's super chatted just watch the stream subscribe to all that fun stuff like that you guys are the best uh let me know on twitter and instagram if you want to see more streams at preston on twitter prestonplays on instagram thank you guys and gals so much love you guys long time take care and i will see you guys next time peace out everybody
Channel: TBNRFrags
Views: 3,023,039
Rating: 4.9017324 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, challenge, funny, comedy, family, family friendly, among us, impostor, IQ, sus, hide and seek
Id: zibFFqnI1oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 52sec (7432 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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