28 Ways to Steal EMERALDS from Your Friends!

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do you want to be rich in minecraft well i'm going to teach you how to make it rain emeralds but we'll be stealing those emeralds from your best friends the first way to steal my wife's emeralds in minecraft we are going to be making the emerald thief tree that is right this thing actually exists and in order to craft it you just need an oak sapling surrounded in emeralds and you get the emerald tree sapling and if you read the war on this turns into a tree that will seek out and steal emeralds the next thing we are going to craft is a chisel i can't show you guys what this is going to be used for just yet but stick around because it is epic behind me right now is brianna's house and if you guys peek through the window with me you can see three double chests that have the signs all full of emeralds we've placed down the emerald tree sapling the emerald tree is different than regular like vegetation in minecraft you actually have to water it if you want it to grow oh my gosh oh look at this okay this is my first time seeing this and this is actually insane now we get to use the chisel on the tree and watch the magic preston plus brianna i figured if brianna sees this it'll make her a lot less mad at me for stealing your emeralds plus i mean come on look at it it's so cute and as we all know girls do love cute things ladies and gentlemen here's where the real magic is happening we just gave it more water it's reaching through the glass panes into the chest look at it soaking up the emeralds all above oh my gosh wait it's still going it's still going this thing is literally an emerald vacuum cleaner i have literally never seen something like this in minecraft in my entire life until now and i am so excited how many emeralds is this tree about to grab for us this is insane before brianna logs back on i'm gonna punch the tree come on emeralds let's go ah dude literally raining money on our face okay let's count it up guys there are so many emeralds to grab what the heck wait a second guys over seven stacks of emeralds oh no there's one emerald that is floating on brianna's house we'll leave that one for her can we all get a like down below on this video for how hard this emerald tree just worked for us to steal brianna's emeralds and if you thought that was crazy this next way we're gonna steal her emeralds is even more insane down here is my secret laboratory where only i can enter using this insane crafting table we are going to be crafting an emerald satellite which we are going to send into orbit to steal her emeralds we're going to need two of these these are satellite panels and then we're going gonna need one of these which is the satellite core emerald satellite panel we just made two of them now we gotta move on to the core four chests in the middle surrounded by tons of emerald blocks and last but not least emeralds in all four corners will give you the emerald satellite core now ladies and gentlemen watch the magic happen first we are going to throw the satellite core now we are going to throw one of the panels and then another one oh my gosh dude i cannot believe we just made a real-life emerald satellite my wife brianna is leaving the house right now i'm assuming to probably go mine more emerald since we uh we kind of stole all of hers from the tree look that's what husbands are for okay all right go bree oh there she goes yeah that's right bree you leave your house unattended ladies and gentlemen i repeat the coast is clear before we place down this insane satellite do me a favor guys it's subscribe time take the device you're watching this video on turn it like this make that red subscribe button great enable those notifications and without further ado let's place the satellite down oh oh it's going oh it's going all right go for the emeralds bunny you can do this oh wait it's turning oh my gosh oh my gosh it's a vacuum cleaner it is an aerial vacuum cleaner eating the emeralds from her house wait i think this is even more emeralds than the tree was able to get us it's going around the entire house it's still going no way there is no way this is real life i think it has literally cleaned briana's house entirely of every single emerald she has thank you satellite for dropping off our emeralds this time we managed to get eight stacks of emeralds let's go the third way to steal my wife's emeralds is using a pokemon and a pokeball and can you guys guess which pokemon we're going to use that's right ladies and gentlemen diglett is back in action what you probably didn't know is diglett is actually a highly trained emerald thief diglett i choose you oh look at how cute he is i can't believe this right now so check this out guys i'm gonna put this chest down fill it up with emeralds diglett i choose you to steal these emeralds oh my gosh he's digging look he's digging underground to go to the jazz why did you go all the way that way okay diglett that was pretty close but it wasn't close enough come on diglett if you're watching this video right now leave a like for diglett he can do this we believe in you diglett okay i thought we went over this before we started filming this video you're kind of embarrassing me right now nobody ever became professional from criticism so i was motivating diglett telling him he's got this and look at what he just did he just it just opened the chest grabbed the emeralds came from behind me and just gave them to me i think we need to make diglett a forever character in the rest of my minecraft videos i diglett are you confident that you can do this now that brienne is not in the house all right diglett steal my wives in my roles wait where'd he go i don't even see diglett's name tag anymore wait guys where did diglett go we lost him oh no diglett please don't get lost wait he's in yes yes go go go go quick come on come on brianna could be back at any moment in time she's still mining somewhere behind us oh no diglett didn't put the block back in brianna's house okay oh diglett yes five stacks plus five of emeralds diglett i am so proud of you you could keep a few of these emeralds you have worked hard go buy yourself something nice you guys probably are not going to believe me but i am about to make a cat whistle to steal my wife's diamonds i even have a name tag with my wife's real-life cat on it which we're going to be using later so stick around most people like to train dogs to steal emeralds but i am going to be using cats come here cats we've already got five cats following us come on we need more cats oh no one of them is stuck in the fountain yes there you go come on come to papa look at all these cute cats we have following us this is so epic there's 50 cats currently inside of all of these cats come on guys yes look some of them are climbing the ladder and then some of them are like falling off it's so adorable we've only got four cats who have made it up the ladder so far this is our fifth guys come on come on there you go there you go keep climbing the ladder cats oh no one fell off the roof guys do not fall off the roof i will not be liable for cat damage now i'm going to individually attach leads to every single cat we have collected and then put them in the helicopter oh my gosh guys this is the most cats i have ever had at one moment in time in minecraft have you ever seen this i have never seen this before this might be a bad time to mention that i don't have a helicopter license come on cats oh they're okay none of the cats are falling okay let's be let's be very careful no cats should be hurt in the making of this minecraft video so far so good brianna's house is approaching come on okay cats oh my gosh the cats have made a ladder for me i cannot believe this worked the cats have formed a lap oh my gosh wait this is briana's cat eloise hold on i'm gonna give her a name tag because he's been stealing all of brianna's emeralds i feel kind of bad as her husband i'm going to leave her a present where we have named her kitty cat eloise but that steal isn't going to stop me from taking her emeralds three stacks of emeralds ladies and gentlemen and we are out go go go i can't believe we are climbing a ladder made entirely i'm pretty much fully confident if we were able to make 50 cats attached to a helicopter that this next way to steal briana's emeralds is also going to work flawlessly with no problems these are the materials required to make what we call a port a vault yes that's right ladies and gentlemen we are back to our incredible crafting table two iron doors on the bottom surround them entirely with these iron blocks then you are going to put chest everywhere in the center to make the porta vault we are a fully functional vault ladies and gentlemen so i've got five emeralds to show you guys how this works if i place the five emeralds into a chest then i'm going to turn back into a regular human again i will retain all five of the emeralds that are put in the chest that's right brie go mine more emeralds oh my gosh wait did she really leave her door open bro i was gonna show you guys the custom spiderman glove i made to get inside of her house but i guess we're not gonna need it if she's just gonna leave her door wide open okay so where do we want to set up as the port of vault in her house we have a limited amount of time before she comes back from mining wait a second briana's already building a vault and there's a perfect space in here for us to turn into the ball let's close this door perfect turn into the vault oh oh my gosh no way brianna is going to be able to tell that we are a vault before brandon gets back if you guys comment in the first hour of a brand new video being uploaded i read and featured your comments right here down below so make sure you guys comment and make it to a brand new video in the first hour if you want your comments featured i spy with my eye a little brianna [Music] bree come on i see those emeralds put them inside of your delicious new portable why would she put her emeralds in a vault she didn't make i mean my wife is smart if you guys didn't know brianna is a registered nurse in real life she has seen some very crazy things but when it comes to minecraft she is still my newbie wife and i actually gotta like it that way because it's really cute and innocent come on bring shoot get out of here bree that's right go ahead and leave boom shakalaka check it out all the emeralds she just collected and deposited inside of us have be uh oh no i've made a terrible mistake she closed the door behind her i promise you i will find a way to get out of here but it will take us a little bit of time two hours later i finally managed to get outside of brianna's house after getting stuck in there you know sometimes it's hard being an emerald thief guys okay for this next way to steal my wife's emeralds we are going to be making emerald dust which will summon the emerald man if you put 10 blocks of emerald into the stone cutter you will then get every single piece of emerald powder you need i'll be honest with you guys the emerald man is kind of weird you need a cauldron then a bucket of water you put it in there dump all 10 of your emerald powders into the cauldron last one okay wait i swear this works the last time i did this something epic happened what is going on oh wait a second something's happening hold on okay okay i'm gonna stand back a little bit but i don't remember something this crazy happening what what just happened wait a second this is the emerald man somebody please tell me this looks just like the kool-aid man from the commercials we saw as a kid mr emerald man are you ready to steal some emeralds oh yeah mr emerald man you must follow me to brianna's house hi this guy is not very good at following this might take some time finally we made it to briana's house you can see brie is there next to all of her chests go emerald man oh my gosh he's going for it he's just gonna bust through the oh my goodness wait a second he's chasing brianna wait what are you doing chasing brianna dude don't hurt my wife i just wanted you to get the emeralds what are you doing up there hey hey oh no she's coming down she's coming down we gotta run run run run run i can't let brianna know that i'm the person doing this what is going on dude oh did he just chase her out of her house wait i hear him opening up chess this is probably one of the least sneakiest ways i have ever stole my wife's diamonds i cannot believe it is it right it's still chasing her keep going emerald man you got this ladies and gentlemen in the meantime we have four stacks of emeralds as our spoils let's go for the seventh and final way to steal my wife's emeralds people said i couldn't do it even elon musk denied me not really but we are going to be sending my wife's house to the moon and to do this we can't even use our secret laboratory because we have to go into the secret secret laboratory to make this thing possible this is the crafting recipe to our rocket to send her entire house to the moon i still can't believe what we are about to do it's time to make the thrusters first you put in the rocket fuel then we have to outline all of the rocket fuel with iron blocks and this is how we can make our first thruster using two of our thrusters we need this to create our rocket surrounding the two thrusters in redstone blocks two pieces of glass and last but not least surround this with iron blocks and you will get the entire rocket ship all right now we have to be very delicate here ladies and gentlemen we're gonna place this down whoa this thing is massive using the extra two thrusters we are placing it on to brianna's house on both sides so we can send this into orbit last one oh my gosh houston in three two one yay i can't believe this is happening brianna's house is actually being sent to the moon as we speak it's like crumbling due to gravity oh it's out of render distance guys brianna's house is gone i can see the two remaining thrusters just barely but that's it now we get to get inside of our rocket initiating launch sequence open rocket silo doors the doors are being opened oh my gosh we are now inside of our rocket ladies and gentlemen start the launch sequence oh my gosh guys if we don't make it back tell my mom i love her i love you guys you're the best viewers in the entire world here we go oh my gosh oh no oh no okay we are very far up inside of minecraft right now the only thing i can see is the sun wait a second we're landing on the moon i can see brianna's house as we speak i can't believe this oh my gosh look at the gravity whenever i jump we have anti-gravity where you take fall damage from how high you jump on the moon there is no brianna to be found currently as we speak but are there emeralds ladies and gentlemen there are which means we have successfully sent my wife's house to the moon honestly brianna should be thanking me look at the view she has from her kitchen this is my little brother joshua's house but before we go over there i gotta show you guys the first way we're gonna steal his emeralds here inside of minecraft we stole this diamonds in minecraft that video did 10 million views so thank you to everybody so what i've got in my hand right now is a powerless transformer so what we're gonna do is we're just making like a little pyramid we're gonna put tnt on the very top of this crafting table now normally with tnt you would ignite it with redstone flint and steel you know something other than your fist but we're actually going to be igniting it with the powerless transformer because watch what happens as soon as the crafting tables are done being consumed by this vortex we now will have the power to basically play prop hunt inside of minecraft so watch this if we right click anywhere on the ground we instantaneously turn into a crafting table time to get into the nonsense ladies and gentlemen here you can see joshua we've gotta manage to sneak by him and we've gotta loot his chest for the emeralds i have no idea which chest has emeralds and which chest does not have emeralds so we need to be very very sneaky and cautious while we're inside of his house come on where are the emeralds joshua where oh he might be coming downstairs now hold on no he's opening up a chest okay coast is clear what about this chest really these jets look so super sneaky too i figured they would be right there oh he's got a basement bro my little brother has built a basement oh my gosh joshua might be coming downstairs oh my yep he is he's on the staircase that was way too close for comfort as you can see the only unfortunate thing is about where we chose to become a crafting table is we are right in the middle of what i think is his kitchen i don't know if this is the sneakiest method audience please leave a like down below so i do not get caught stealing emeralds by my little brother josh he literally just looked at us and then walked down his basement stairs this might be the best way we've ever come up with stealing emeralds i'm not even kidding now the question is how do we get upstairs without being like uh oh way too close for comfort way too close for comfort josh is literally right next to us right now i don't like this dude my little brother must be a genius at hiding emeralds there is literally nothing inside of any of these chests wait one moment ladies and gentlemen we have found these 64 emeralds hidden behind his pillow in his master bedroom the second way we are going to be stealing my little brother's emeralds is by using the powerful device that is inside of this castle which is very well guarded by this parkour but too bad we are the parkour king here today audience so inside of this castle there should be a lego transforming gun i don't know exactly where it is but i promise you it is very close by i think oh it's definitely gotta be up behind this i mean look at this we gotta we got three keys to lock this yup definitely inside of that chest right here behind this bob wire hold on i have encountered more parkour inside of the tower i've got a suspicion that we've got a secret key that is hidden away from us up here past this parkour in the chest ladies and gentlemen the yellow key has been there oh there's water thank goodness okay please don't miss this preston imagine missing that and dying right that way can we put the key in right now hold on key yes well what do we have here we have a secret basement oh with skeletons thankfully i brought my trusty diamond sword i really should have probably bought some armor so oh my gosh the skeleton deals with water dip yo chill chill fam i've got two and a half hearts yo relax guys chill really really that was so rude stop relo okay i don't know who gave these skeletons power bows but they need to stop it this is it the skeleton must die this guy was way too powerful but at least we have the red key okay listen we are doing great things right now big man things only put that red key into the key slot now we need one more remaining key before we could sell joshua's emeralds ooh this just opened which was not open pri what there is a king and he is on his throne i see you've worked hard to gain two of the three keys to my treasure room i possessed the final key you see so is this the king of legos wha what else would it be i don't know okay my court jester is occupied at the moment and i'm feeling rather bored today and so he wants me to be his form of entertainment do you know how devaluing that is king fail to amuse me and face the consequences okay dude this guy is literally a jerk eponymous wait a second hold on with all the materials we've found so far we might be able to make a firework will that entertain the king i feel like the king has probably seen a firework once or twice before in his life i'm gonna be completely honest with you i mean fireworks are really nothing special they are fun to look at but i don't know if this guy forgot how to make a firework no i didn't i remembered wait do we uh uh i have to go back and get the materials again but i think it's magenta yes why did i forget to do i just don't does anybody here make fireworks on a regular basis because i do not then you put the gun batter with the piece of paper and that's how you get the fade to magenta magenta magenta i don't know how i mispronounced that okay king be entertained wait oh it did fade to magenta how wonderful the faded gutter fills me with the joy listen king just give me the blue key it's also very strange he gave me a blue key for being entertained with magenta colors i mean it wasn't a blue faded rocket but i'm not going to complain because i now finally have the key to the treasure to troll my little brother joshua look at this notice the name of this gun it says mysterious gun transforms blocks into legos acts as a magnet when and you're off hand listen joshua this is nothing personal little brother i have no idea if joshua likes legos but then again who doesn't like legos i think everybody on this earth probably likes legos now the reason we have to change his house into legos is so it does not mess with the magnetic interference in the offhand we have now turned the majority of my little brother's house into a lego house now let's see if this magnetic device actually does its job oh what um you have what you have to right click with whoa i low-key feel bad right now we just somehow stole eight blocks of emeralds which is over an entire stack of emeralds for my little brother josh i did not know this gun would be that powerful i don't know if you saw that if you could play it back in slow-mo it like slooped out the blocks of emeralds in a blink of an eye that was so sick that lego gun worked so well but for the next way to steal joshua's emeralds look up do you guys see that that is the battle bus ladies and gentlemen and inside of this village there is a chest hidden with something very special inside of it that we're going to be using to make a ticket to teleport him up to the battle bus here it is ladies and gentlemen the orange carpet with a villager spawn egg so you guys probably noticed i've got a couple of other items in my inventory combining one block of emerald with a battle bus ticket and then the villager spawn egg we get a merchant spawn egg how cool is this now we're gonna place a chest underneath covering it with the orange carpet and then of course finally placing our little merchant right here hello ticket merchants how are you doing so i want to show you guys how this works you put two blocks of emeralds in you get a ticket to the battle bus when you right click this you get immediately teleported up to the battle bus with a lytra however so the the only difference with everybody else's battle bus ticket which will be joshua is he will not get a lytra so he's basically going to have to jump down and unfortunately die so if you guys want to see more videos like this make sure you guys get to a brand new video in the first 60 minutes because you got a chance at having your comments featured here on screen so get here as quickly as possible if you want to be featured josh was already making his way to the desert temple right now yes a battle bus ticket merchant i mean if you guys didn't know this my little brother still competes and plays fortnite every single day he's so good at it and if you guys haven't watched my channel you know the tbnr frags channel where you post fortnite videos with joshua you need to watch him in action he is so good sometimes it makes me dizzy when we watch him play it's literally the most insane thing ever josh was a big spender guys he just bought four battle bus tickets which if we do the math that should be eight blocks of emeralds once again look at me goes let's get this done wait is he up there josh do not jump no oh goodness he jumped he jumped uh josh that is one of the biggest oops we have seen here today ladies and gentlemen he did not check to see if he had an elytra and uh yeah he just kind of died all right ticket merchants oh wait wait a second how did we get 10 blocks of emeralds if he only bought four tickets i'm not going to complain about the math there because that just makes us all the more wealthy with our emeralds but let's go ladies and gentlemen yes joshua i am ready to play some hide and seek the fourth way we're gonna be stealing his emeralds is by wagering fake emeralds although he doesn't know that they're fake and i might have also hidden a couple of epic things inside of my chest one we have a potion of invisibility two we have a player tracker so we're gonna be playing two rounds he's gonna give me 15 seconds to hide here i'm just gonna drink it it's an eight minute invisibility potion the only way joshua's gonna be able to find me is if somehow he notices the particle effects but knowing my little brother joshua he always plays with his graphics at the lowest settings possible so we can get the most frames per second because he's a sweaty tryhard in fact actually i want to follow josh let's see if we can follow him without making any sound [Music] josh you're going the wrong way wrong way josh i'm just going to tease him in the chat whole time i'm going to mess him up i'm actually north i have lost track of joshua but i don't think it matters at this point he has literally 10 seconds and you know what because there's only 10 seconds remaining don't forget to hit that subscribe button if it is red you got to make it great enable that bell notification so we can keep stealing roads from my little brother joshua okay so now we have round number two this is where joshua gets to hide and i get to be the seeker although joshua has no idea that we currently have a player tracker and i can also kind of just hear where he went so i don't really want to break the news to joshua but i can see his name tag which means he's not sneaking but i'm still going to use the player tracker because look at this bad boy this is epic you can literally see the silhouette of his minecraft character did we just troll josh like do we do we wait until one second is remaining like hold on let's see if i can sneak he is no i look at him he's not sneaking who plays hide and seek and doesn't sneak maybe he forgot name tags were enabled i have no idea three two one sorry josh got you at the last second man one second remaining tough luck how did you find me so fast what do you mean i found you so fast there was one second left you won fair and square you can take the emeralds in my chest okay i'm gonna take your 64 emeralds but i'm also gonna take my fake emeralds back before you notice anything is different about them the next way we're gonna seal my little brothers emeralds is we are going to get very crafty as you guys could see joshua has been getting a little bit sick of me stealing his emeralds and now it looks like he has fully built his house out of bedrock i guess this is what happens when you steal your little brother's emeralds enough and he just decides to completely change the entire thing in order to get through this there is only one item that exists inside of minecraft that we can get that is going to let us go through bedrock because we do not have game mode privileges unfortunately on my little brother joshua server but we have brains and i've got coffee all right whoa whoa okay what is this black cats as you guys know always signify bad luck uh not a big fan of that so far who turned out the lights somebody turned out the lights inside of this house and it's driving me kind of nutty spaghetti oh look at this creepy fish tank full of swamp water gross finally i i found all the levers to turn the lights back on i didn't want you guys to be watching a dark video okay it was kind of spooky oh and a room just opened up inside of you yes this is it ladies and gentlemen spawn eggs into the tripwire we need the chickens to activate the tripwire come on chickens okay i looked away for a second but one of the chickens managed to activate the tripwire and check it out we now have the chest with the phantom membrane which is one of the items we need to craft this ghost material we need nether wards and then i think we need some cobblestone as well no wait nobody need bones wait do we need cobblestone i think we might still need cobblestone listen i'm a derp turkey okay sometimes i forget things but the one thing i never forget is how to prank my little brother joshua okay that is for sure oh it's not cobblestone we need duh it's bedrock and you have a spectral remains item that literally allows us to phase into walls okay please now i've actually never gotten to test this before so hopefully this works oh oh my yo why does this not exist in real minecraft check this out now that we're inside of the house there's definitely going to be some emeralds come on joshie where you hiding those emeralds little brother i know these emeralds are inside of here they're so delicious i'm gonna scoop them up with my mouth okay maybe i'm not gonna do that that would probably be very unsanitary considering emeralds come from mines and i don't think mines are very sanitary oh ladies and gentlemen we hit the absolute jackpot every single one of these chests has emeralds inside of it i don't know why joshua thought this would be a good idea to hide emeralds like this i mean spacing them out into single chests does not make your emeralds any more safe ladies and gentlemen make sure you keep that in mind maybe if you covered it with bedrock that would make it a little bit more secure but dude we are gonna be okay i can't even make you guys watch me collect all these emeralds there's literally so many inside of his house so we're gonna move on to the sixth way to steal my little brother's emeralds check this out guys not only do we have special dream powder in our inventory we also have a dreamcatcher i'm sneaking up on joshua right now is he asleep this is probably the earliest i've ever seen joshua sleep and look at this he's sleeping backwards and sideways on his bed sprinkling the dream powder he falls into an even deeper sleep ladies and gentlemen now using the dream catcher we must get to a very secure location i'm gonna stay inside of this bedroom we now have entered into joshua's dreams how insane is this dude and now you're probably wondering preston why did you invade your little brother's dream world because the reason being is i want to rewire his dreams to forcing him to give us his emeralds what are you doing in my dreams you're not that dreamy okay says you chief i think i am kind of dreamy sometimes maybe not right now i'm having a little bit of a bad hair day but most the time i'm decently dreamy oh hold on do we have a challenge from josh for example i made it puzzled down in my emerald vault but for some reason i can't really complete it it must be linked to my subconscious oh very interesting josh wait is this even a puzzle here i i don't know how joshua wasn't able to solve the puzzle but basically if you jump to each emerald block you're fine basically all we have to do okay can we make this jump come on yes finally we made it to the end puzzle has been solved ladies and gentlemen check it out guys it worked we re-engineered joshua's dream to break the iron doors in his emerald vault giving us complete access meanwhile he's literally just gonna go back upstairs to bed this is the first time i've ever messed with somebody's dreams inside of minecraft and i can tell you right now it definitely will not be the last time the seventh and final way we're going to be stealing joshua's emeralds you will not believe it but it um it may or may not have something to do with this guy check this out the only thing that we have to do is we have to complete a very difficult dropper if we want to make it to the bottom i think we can do this in one shot okay don't quote me on that but i'm pretty good at droppers come on come on come on oh yes yes yes yes let's go baby made it all right now where is the thing i'm looking for i promise you guys you better watch this video until the end because you are going to freak out with what we are about to find look at them guys tiny little digletts everywhere inside of minecraft but behold ladies and gentlemen the king diglett welcome to my cave earth walker what can i do for you i need you to eat my little brother's house made of bedrock i don't know if he's going to accept this request but he has accepted crazier things so i'm assuming his answer is going to be yes i will help you but first you must help us digletts i don't know how to help digletts i've never helped a diglett before he usually just sits on my microphone see that box there to your right it is our food storage and it is empty three explorers came down before you and left behind their land dweller food so basically the um the king diglett has asked us to gather food in the cave and put it back in the chest which is pretty much the easiest challenge ever don't stop me now baby don't stop and nail park oh that's a big jump big jump for preston he makes the jump get seven stake but there is definitely more hidden i see other parkour we could get to as well yo dude what is this server on easy mode this parkour is the easiest thing i've ever had to do in my entire life let me tell you something baby i have done a lot of parkour in my days okay i think i've done more parkour than i've done regular minecraft videos literally no joke seven cooked cod i think he said there was more one more chest in this cave with food some lava parkour huh okay getting jiggy with it i like it i like it although this ain't gonna stop me baby ain't gonna stop me from the pain train i'm about to deliver to my little brother joshua in his impossible house behold king diglett we have now given you the three food items you have required excellent work walker this will feed us for many nights there he is baby king diglett is here stand back and follow me says aye aye captain i don't know how king diglett is able to literally eat through an entire bedrock house but i'm not gonna ask any questions okay diglett are you related to king diglett anyway no i can't you know it can't be come on diglett's never done anything this cool like this is actually insane i'm so full i think i'm going to explode well you did just eaten into all oh my gosh dude literally just spits up every single emerald block inside of joshua's house let's go baby the first way we're going to be stealing unspeakables emeralds is by turning his favorite creatures against him in order to do that we need to turn the frogs into preston frogs because right now obviously they are unspeakable frogs and they are loyal only to him once we make this transformer they will then become loyal to their one true king aka me on the inside of the recipe you put orange stained glass because my favorite color is orange i know i'm wearing blue right now that's because i'm wearing the ice cream fire merch t-shirt which i love and then you put in the magma blocks like so make sure you get everything all nice and neat and organized because nobody likes a messy crafting table nobody does and then the rest of the spots we're gonna fill in using iron blocks this is quite an expensive recipe but i promise ladies and gentlemen it is all worth it when you guys see what this tiny device is capable of doing oh and there he is the man that missed the legend himself unspeakable we need him to leave his house so we could place this inside all of these handsome frogs are about to become preston frogs do me a favor guys if you want to see more of these videos make sure you leave a like down below there he is yes nathan go mind your emeralds guard the house frogs oh nathan i'm so sorry but these frogs aren't going to be doing a lot of gardening at least not for you dude i'm so excited for this i wanted to point something out to you guys notice that his house is so secure i'm actually not able to break anything anything i try to break or touch adam speakables house will for some reason it replenishes also i can't open his door i don't know if you guys notice but his water is now poisonous not to him or his frogs but only to me because i'm preston can we get a drum roll please all right here we go the transformer has been placed down wow it's actually much bigger than i realized we've got the transformer down but now we've got to bait the frogs in by using a dead fly which of course are frog's favorite meals look at how slow these frogs are coming close to us oh even the ones all the way in the back are approaching us yes my friends go into the transformer one by one look at how they turn into preston frogs i gotta admit i think the fire frogs look way better than original unspeakable frogs i mean look obviously they're still super cute but they are not preston frogs look at this they're even wearing preston styles fire hoodies and i feel like they're faster is it just me or do they seem like they're super powered right now oh no we've got a frog stuck under this is the saddest thing i've ever seen we've got a frog who wants to turn into a preston frog but he's stuck and i i can't help him because look if i try to break the staircase it won't break so i can't even free the frog oh this is such a tragedy dude check this out we have so many preston frogs this is epic attention all preston frogs notice how all the preston frogs are now stopping to look at me i need you to fire upon unspeakables house just watch guys you are not ready for what's about to happen go my friends god oh my gosh wait what they are exploding okay i did not know the frogs were going to just start exploding in speakable's house i have actually never tested this before oh my goodness oh my gosh what have we done this is terrible but are there emeralds inside of these chests unspeakable i know you've got these emeralds where are these emeralds i'm gonna find them and there they are we found the emeralds ladies and gentlemen we have seven stacks of emeralds but i feel like there's gotta be more somewhere inside of this house wait a second i knew it he had additional emeralds hidden wait a second hold on do we have any preston frogs left we do guys i had no idea the frogs were literally going to turn into heat seeking missiles and explode on unspeakable's house that was uncalled for however we got what we came for ladies and gentlemen now it's time to move on to the second way to steal his emeralds you all probably know this about unspeakable myself but we are grown adults however we act pretty much like children because that is the way to have fun in life so for this next way to steal his emeralds can you guess what this crafting recipe is for i'll give you a hint it is very similar to a claw you just and it's actually really easy to make because all you need is yellow concrete which is so inexpensive literally anybody could get these materials check it out the grabber arm this thing might not look like it's got a lot of reach but check this out as i scroll on my mouse wheel it extends further and further and further look at the reach we have oh my goodness i just want to demonstrate how overpowered this is look at the chest down here which has the emeralds we need to keep extending our arm a little bit more a little bit more so it's a little hard to see but do you guys see the red part of the claw we need the claw to be inside of the chest for this to work bingo look look we now have the chest on our claw and now what we can do is if we reverse scroll wheel with our mouse you will see we are slowly reeling it back in come on yeah that's right keep it coming yeah let's go let's go and bingo ladies and gentlemen five emeralds would you look at that ladies and gentlemen unspeakable has added some new defenses to his house and i uh unfortunately it looks like the frogs are now terrified of us i don't blame them considering i kind of turned them into missiles and i feel really bad about that look frogs i really do i promise but you know what this fence is not going to keep us from getting into unspeakables chests i see them all though oh my gosh dude these chests are so far away look at the logo go go go go go oh my gosh it's hard to tell like are we close enough we're in hold on and we got it i put it into the grass i did not mean to put it into the dirt [Music] here we go baby six more stacks of emeralds from unspeakable before i show you guys the third way to steal unspeakables emeralds do me a favor if you guys are watching this on a device turn it like this make that red subscribe button gray and enable those bell notifications and if you are watching this on an xbox or a ps4 or tv i don't even know if you can subscribe if you can i want to know down below in the comments because i've actually never watched a youtube video on a playstation xbox or a tv before which is a little bit strange considering i'm a youtuber but we're not going to question that right now audience i have a question for you guys do you know what a ufo is it stands for a unidentified flying object we are about to make an unidentified flying lily pad no i am not kidding you guys this is going to be a mechanical lily pad that is going to sneak past unspeakable and take his emeralds for us fill the middle in with the panes surround it with green concrete on every single side and voila we now have the core to the ufl but now we need to make the next part of the recipe it's actually very easy it's kind of like making a heart out of lily pads let me see if i can do this by memory i'm not very good with my memory but i think i can do this okay so far so good and there we go the giant lily pad so this is gonna be the base to our unidentified flying lily pad which we will be using to steal mr unspeakables emeralds now we just gotta combine the two of these so i've gotta put the ufo core with the giant lily pad and then you get the full finished unidentified flying lily pad houston we are about to have liftoff so here's the goal we need to abduct as many of unspeakables frogs as we can because we are going to release them using the frog tornado inside of our inventory and this is where we use the frog tornado go my frogs i don't know if you guys can see what's going on the entire house is being absolutely deleted by the frogs that we were able to abduct and somewhere inside of there is unspeakable look he's typing a chat what on earth he says we're going to be so bad he's like hey what is going on right now why is my house being tornadoified he just died from hitting the ground too hard oh no i think the tornado might have lifted him up and put him back down oh my gosh guys do you see the frogs look at the frogs going around the house this is so cool okay we are getting out of our unidentified flying lily pad to see where the emeralds are inside of unspeakable's house yes wait we found him let's go dude oh dude this is a ton of emeralds we just got eight stacks of emeralds let's go if you thought the flying lily pad was epic i don't even know if you guys are ready for this one because we need a giant dead fly because what we're about to do is create the world's largest minecraft frog in order to steal unspeakable generals and if i've said diamonds at any point in this video i apologize they're just so similar okay i keep forgetting so to make the giant frog egg i think it's 28 regular frog spawn eggs i'm not too sure look at how big this spawn egg is dude look at how big this dead fly is if i ever saw a fly that big in real life i think i might be petrified i would be terrified to approach it okay please do not kill us giant frog we love you i'm gonna feed you okay here i'm gonna place it right here there you go yes i know you want the giant fly oh my goodness he just ate that what what what okay whoa chill chill okay dude you create an earthquake when you jump you almost just killed me you need to be careful i don't think he realizes how big he is when the giant frog rivets his little mouth gets a little bit bigger look look it's so cute the only thing that we're missing is if we could have a saddle if we had a saddle big enough to ride the giant frog we would be the most overpowered being in all of minecraft nobody could stop us hey unspeakable once again i'm very sorry if you don't have good homeowners insurance but that must be done we are going to feed our giant frog another giant fly so he will earthquake unspeakable's house go my pretty yes oh my gosh dude he is exploding things even more powerful than tnt look at him go oh nathan's not happy about this the frog might jump on top of unspeakable and squish him to death nathan if are you i would move don't stand there oh wait he just got crushed thankfully this is minecraft so he does have another life but i feel kind of bad about that okay we need to quickly find where unspeakable hit his new emeralds because otherwise the giant frog is going to destroy the entire house before we even have time to loot these emeralds this next way to steal unspeakables emeralds is absolutely ridiculous and if you guys think this is hilarious please let me know down below in the comments this chest may seem normal but it is anything from it it lives and it breathes and it exists not to steal diamonds but to steal the one and only emeralds now to demonstrate this i'm gonna put this chest down over here fill it up with a few of these emeralds and now we will right-click the activator and watch as the chest comes directly back to me filled with every single emerald that we put inside of it okay i'm glad we are using the living chest because have you guys noticed unspeakable has not only added obsidian to his house there is now a lava moat protecting him and he upgraded even parts of his fence so this is how this is gonna work i need to drink a potion of invisibility i'm gonna throw that in the lava because i don't want anything to see me holding it place down the living chest now we're gonna activate this and this is going to sneak through nathan's front door it should go right about there where all of those emeralds are just sitting there waiting to be deposited into a beautiful chest see the unfortunate thing is since i'm not able to break or build anything next to unspeakable's house but wait hold on hold on hold on is he doing it oh he's doing it look he's he has no idea he's staring right at me but he clearly doesn't see my particle effects oh please tell me he just put all the emeralds inside of that chest please tell me that's what he just did unspeakable you go back upstairs okay hopefully this works we're gonna right click the activator come to us yes yeah wait you're missing emeralds wait a second chest you forgot some emeralds inside of there oh no is he getting lost okay this is really embarrassing this happened sometimes not all the times did you get the emeralds oh my gosh okay he did manage to get some emeralds chest look at the extra emeralds you left behind right there still he did a good job i mean technically without him we would not have been able to get any emeralds do you guys see what i'm looking at this is an earthquake hammer recipe and also an earthquake core recipe you need both of them if we're going to be pulling off this way to steal his emeralds you guys have probably already heard me say this before but if you get to one of my videos in the first 60 minutes of it being posted you have a chance to have your comments read and featured right here down below so if you want to have a chance make sure you get here to a brand new video within the first hour so to craft the hammer it's actually really easy you just place a bunch of iron blocks like this and this is how you get the machine hammer but to make the core it's a little bit more tricky to make the core i think i might have the brain of a dead goldfish i know it's kind of embarrassing for me to say but i feel like i forget recipes are way too fast once i see them put down the core boom put down the hammer check it out we've got the earthquake machine you know i'm a little bit surprised nathan does not seem like he's added any new defenses to his house but we're still unable to cross the lava path because we can't build we can't break any blocks but we can cause an earthquake and i just noticed something i don't see unspeakable's name tag anywhere inside of his house so that means this is the perfect moment to make an earthquake happen all right we're gonna put this bad boy down let's see what this thing is made of if i remember correctly it should split nathan's house into two but i haven't used this thing in a very long time it looks like it's doing actually a pretty good job what is happening right now oh oh okay this thing is way more powerful than i remember i do not remember being able to do this much i'm sorry i just spit all over you audience i'm so sorry i spit all over my computer screen i think i even got some on the camera dude check this out holy guacamole okay guys never build this machine it is clearly way too dangerous for any one man to hold but it has worked successfully and we should be able to scoop up wait a second what is that unspeakable has a hidden emerald vault in his house no dude i've gotta come back for that hold on where are the emeralds inside of the chest though oh dude this is our biggest haul of emeralds yet we've never gotten this many from unspeakable's house but check this out down below guys this is the next thing we have gotta steal there are way too many emeralds down there dude take a look at the video right now do you guys see anything that's out of place anywhere on the screen no maybe you did if you did see what i'm seeing guys there's an underwater house that unspeakable has built and it blinked in so perfectly i didn't even notice it until right this moment i know we wanted to get those emerald blocks in the vault at the bottom of his house but i think we're gonna have to save that for next video because i want to get the emeralds in this underwater house first oh and as you guys know we are still unable we still can't go into the water because we take way too much damage we would die almost instantly if we try to swim down there and that's exactly why we're gonna make a real live minecraft submarine this is gonna be our most difficult item to create yet we have three separate crafting recipes in order to make this bad boy i think we should start with the body first because this is like a very important piece of the submarine obviously and this one's complicated that this one's gonna hurt my brain i think this is it yes this is the submarine body okay so the next thing we're going to be making is the propeller why do all these crafting recipes have to require such a large break they're actually very difficult to make does anybody else find it difficult or is it just me and finally we got it the submarine propellers so the final one is the torpedo baby i don't think you guys want to mess around with torpedoes these things are way too powerful each of these torpedoes guys have six tnt inside of them we're gonna be making two of them which is a little bit overkill but you never know how defensive this underwater house is body goes down then we throw in the propeller now we throw in the torpedo one at a time ladies and gentlemen you cannot rush perfection submarine i beg you please work you've got this oh i cannot see dude i cannot in first person i cannot see anything look at this dude this is so legit dude there it is guys unspeakables underwater house is right in front of us we only have two torpedoes we've got to be very careful take our aim nice and slow where do we want to go into i don't even know where the front door is give me wait hold on can we blow this up boom oh go go torpedos oh bro dude we just go oh my goodness okay here we go we are inside oh out water water out taking too much damage and would you look at that ladies and gentlemen unspeakable is nowhere to be found but is emeralds are now i've got a favor to ask of you guys please do not tell unspeakable who it was who stole all his emeralds okay we are best friends but also we are rivals at the same time look at the hall of emeralds we managed to get from this underwater house now i'm going i'm going back in the submarine submarine let me back in we're getting out of this joint we got what we came for baby the first way we're gonna be stealing emeralds from our friend noob1234 is using a dirt monster that is right ladies and gentlemen i've gone through all of the trouble to design this just for you guys who are watching this video right now it's very similar to making an iron golem but instead of making an iron golem we are making dirty he is basically a dirt themed golem sorry sorry he just looks absolutely ridiculous so to demonstrate how mr dirty works i am going to be using him to steal emeralds from the new because as you all know noobs love dirt in minecraft so i'm assuming that noob is going to want to make friends with this um i don't want to say handsome fellow but i also don't want to say ugly fellow because i feel like that's really mean and i don't want to be that kind of guy in this youtube channel sir can you please get me those emeralds this is the training portion it's like training a new dog he just did you just throw dirt at me hold on i yeah dirty just through dirt dude please grab me the emeralds do not throw dirt at your mat okay do not throw dirt at me i am your master can you just stop throwing dirt and go get me the emeralds i'm trying to demonstrate thank you thank you so very much i'm just trying to demonstrate to you guys what dirty is capable of and of course he knows he's on camera right now so he's trying to show off as much as possible what are you doing stan are you kidding yo the emeralds are still in the chest okay this is your last attempt give me the emeralds i promise guys this works it's only because he's on camera right now that he's trying to be kind of rebellious like a cool teenage kid come on dude thank you finally he goes and gets us the emeralds now we can use this on the noob's house yes this is the noob's house what did you guys expect come on he loves dirt so it's gonna be made of dirt mr dirty your job is to infiltrate befriend the noob and go steal his emeralds and bring him back to papa do you understand all right we're gonna sip on our invisibility potion we've got the noob coming outside this is perfect yes yes mr new befriend the dirt block in front of you dude it looks like a long-lost reunion between like a father and son i'm almost in a way a little bit disturbed by this reunion currently look at the noob he loves him he's like yes i've never seen a giant dirt block before all i've seen is those little tiny dirt blocks i collect on a regular basis oh my gosh it's dirt he says yes it is dirt i mean look at him he's literally he is literally one of the creepiest dirt blocks i think i've ever seen in minecraft i don't know guys if you think this might be one of the creepiest things you've seen in one of my videos go and leave a like down below right now i gotta admit it's kind of scaring me a little bit but he gets the job done and that's what matters look he's trying to make friends with a dirt block yes they have become friends well ladies and gentlemen i do not think this could have worked out any better he is currently inside of the noob's house right now welcome to my humble abode says the noob look at this guys i've got the perfect oh dirty oh my gosh dirty is turning on the noob he is attacking the new yeah get him dirty get him hit him with a one-two punch baby oh oh oh oh that doesn't look so good that doesn't look so good keep it going audience i did not plan for dirty to attack the noob i only hired him to steal his emeralds but it seems like dirty had his own agenda dude i got a mid guys i had no idea that dirty was this much of a savage but at the same time i gotta admit the results have been a one yeah give me those emeralds come on dirty pop those emeralds on the ground you little bad boy oh and regatta goes that much dirty's coming in clutch ladies and gentlemen 34 emeralds from the noob and this was only the first way to steal his emeralds we still got six more to go ah didn't see you there ladies and gentlemen i'm just kidding of course you've been here the entire time we are currently mining magicite or now if you've not seen this stuff before i use it all the times in my videos it is the most powerful ore that has ever existed inside of minecraft and now that we've got 20 of them we're going back to our house because this is the second way to steal emeralds from new one two three four in fact the chest that has the items that we're gonna need to craft is actually up here inside of my bedroom we are going to be making trick dirt ladies and gentlemen and yes it sounds very strange but i promise you whenever we make this it is going to make complete sense and just to make the trick dirt ladies and gentlemen we have to go to our very special crafting table right over here 6x6 crafting table surrounded with magicide orbs put just regular good old-fashioned dirt in the middle sections of the crafting table and what do you get trick dirt do you guys see the very tiny texture differences it's so small that no noob in minecraft is gonna notice the difference unless you are a very detail-oriented person which i do happen to be and now we're just gonna drink our invisibility potion drop off the trick dirt in front of his door yes perfect timing too come on noob yeah you know you want that dirt you know you want that dirt dude he has no idea what's about to happen right now you think after all the times i pranked this guy who'd know better than to receive mysterious packages at his front door but no the guy literally never learns anything better and oh i'm gonna go behind the house where he can't see me because i want to whip out this remote to show you guys check this out we've got the trick dirt activator in our hands as soon as he places down the block we can activate it yes how does he not see the difference listen to me this is like night and day difference between the two dirt blocks but i guess to noobs they just see the same thing like i don't even know if my wife would be able to tell the difference don't tell her i said that oh would you look at that ladies and gentlemen the uh the trick dirt is already doing its job the noob thinks it's cold but what the dirt is actually doing is it's infesting into his house kind of like what termites would do to your own home and now that the dirt is fully expanded onto our house we're going to use our activator and check it out not only does the dirt now come to life but it will attack the noob and most likely kill him i think that this may be noobs last day on planet minecraft oh that is so disappointing and now oh my goodness gracious i can barely go through guys i am literally struggling to get inside of the noobs house because there is so much trick dirt over here which one of these chests has the emeralds come on baby 16 emeralds for preston that is two for preston zero for the noob right now ladies and gentlemen i don't know how the noob is going to get rid of all this trick dirt in fact for some reason the trick dirt is chasing me so i am going to be going back to base sometimes in minecraft you've got to fight fire with fire and in this case we're fighting emeralds with emeralds we are going to be crafting specialized emerald arrows that actually steal other emeralds i promise it works even though it sounds crazy check this out by the way this is the noob's new house he rebuilt on top of a hill i feel so bad but also if you guys enjoy seeing me prank the noob like this make sure you guys hit that subscribe button and enable the bell notifications so you guys never miss out on a brand new video from yours truly mr preston the moment of truth do the emerald arrows actually work oh entering into the window ladies and gentlemen kidding an emerald out of the chest hey wait arrow do not hit me arrow yo arrow no no arrow stop what arrow okay chill chill fam chill bro oh no this is bad this is bad i'm invisible with my invisibility potion but i've got an arrow sticking inside of me this is not good i need a bucket of milk wait no if i drink a bucket of milk i'm gonna lose my invisibility but what about the arrows sticking inside of me dude look at all these look at all the emeralds that are coming outside i was spamming the arrows so the problem with this method is once again fighting fire with fire is very dangerous because the arrows are coming back they're giving me emeralds but they're also attacking me at the same time and now we've got noob coming outside wait he's holding emeralds in his hands the emerald arrows are attacking the noob because he's got the emeralds inside of his hands wait he might die the noob might die from these arrows i didn't noob i'm so sorry i did not mean for this to happen i apologize i'm sorry you know what i didn't realize we were making a weapon of mass destruction i thought we were just gonna prank the new but take his emeralds you know what i'm gonna do i uh for his birthday i will leave him a giant emerald cake but for now we're gonna move on to the fourth way to steal the noobs emeralds we might be rolling into another very savage way to steal emeralds from the uh the noob um we are going to be crafting the potion of paralyzing now once again we are back at the old noobs house and what we got to do is sneak around the noob pop our potion of invisibility we're gonna put the dispenser a little bit high above his house just so we can't see it button on the outside splash potion in there now we gotta be very careful not to click the button i also forgot to mention the reason we have a bow and arrow is because we've got to shoot the button on the dispenser once he comes out it's all about the timing though okay we can't we have one potion so we can't mess this up come on he's saying hello don't say hello just yo yo yo he can almost see me through the grass and action yes oh baby oh you know what the saddest thing is right now guys he can't even see me because we have the invisibility potion on so i'm just gonna go and sneak right past you then mr noob and which of these chests just so happen to have your emeralds oh the first chest we end up opening inside of your house is that it is that literally 17 emeralds okay i expected so many more emeralds from you noob i am low-key disappointed in you son if i wasn't trying to be so sneaky i would totally mess with him because he's paralyzed but i won't do it okay i wonder we got her so we can't be too greedy we do not want to be found or caught stealing his emeralds we got the 17 now we can move on to the fifth way to steal the noobs emeralds y'all probably already know but here on the channel we from texas one of the greatest states in all of america and we are back inside of the mining system again to get a little bit more magicide ore this recipe for magicide is really simple we actually only need one i know the last one i think we needed 20 anyways so check this out all you need is dirt and the crafting recipe for the site one we gotta go back over here to our six by six crafting table plop in our dirt just like this and the magicide orb goes in the middle for the magicide dirt staff a magical dirt one that has the ability to manipulate dirt blocks and uh as you guys probably already guessed it the noobs house is made entirely of only dirt blocks i think there's like a couple of fence posts but like that's it yo check it out look at this boom look at this you can literally pick up dirt blocks and fling them like look at this can i get some heats down below in the comments because that's what we're about to do to the noobs house oh don't go to check in here look at it look yeah oh i just took a huge chunk out of the noobs house ladies and gentlemen oh look at this we we actually just made an entrance into his house oh no no no the noob just noticed something is going down inside of his house wait a second wait a second the noob is holding a dirt block what if we use the dirt magicite wand on him can we potentially pick him up and throw him as well oh yo we can literally pick up the new okay three two one buffalicia i don't even know where he hit the ground at oh my gosh that has got to be like one of the worst ways in minecraft to go out that is not a very pleasant way for the noob i feel a little bit bad ladies and gentlemen but let's be honest the noob causes me so much havoc on a daily basis do we really feel that bad no you know what no i don't feel bad hear me out this next way to steal the noobs emeralds is gonna get a little bit crazy we are going to be making magnetic emerald cheap yeah i said that right we're literally gonna make magnetic sheep this has never been done before in minecraft so take it easy on me if it doesn't work out as perfect as i want it to do the first thing we gotta make is the sheep whistle which attracts all nearby sheep now we can craft the magnetic emerald recipe use blocks of iron with of course emeralds you got to spend money ladies and gentlemen sometimes if you want to make that money hey check it out dude the magnetic emerald and it looks so cool compared to regular emeralds it's got like that little glowing magnetic effect on it right behind me is the new house that noob has built and i know for a fact that he has a sheep that is named mr cow he has him in literally every single episode and i've never used him to troll the new we've got mr cow outside because i just blew the whistle now i've got to use the magnetic emerald on him come here mr cow yes mr cow okay you can stop right there buddy mr cow take this look at this the magnetic effect has been applied onto mr cow okay mr cow i salute you and your service thank you so very much for doing this look you can already see the emeralds from the noobs house attract around mr cow who happens to be a sheep i don't know why he is called mr cow when he clearly is a sheep look at this yo mr cow you are an absolute savage and we love you right now my guy my god we've we've i've shown you guys a lot of great ways to steal emeralds from newborn 234 but this has got to be probably one of my personal favorites so far make sure you guys stick around though because the seventh way is going to be the best of the best yes thank you mr cow for your servitude you have done us a very large favor here today on the press to blaze minecraft channel and speaking of which thanks to you guys we are now more than halfway to 10 million subscribers thanks to everybody who's been watching my videos you guys mean the absolute world to me and mr cow i will i'll take those emeralds now oh wait you just if we right click mr cow he just starts spitting the emeralds out how many emeralds did you manage to collect mr okay not too shabby 24 emeralds that was better than last time we are finally making some progress i've been waiting literally all episode to show you guys this way to steal the noobs emeralds we are going to be making four giant hoppers inside of minecraft and uh i don't think you guys can guess what we're about to do with them because it's literally insane dude look at the size of these giant hoppers they barely fit in our inventory and they're even more massive when you place them down on the ground look at this my view is literally obstructed i can barely see the new new pass that he built oh this is this is almost too perfect basement under construction this is too perfect guys movie theater room here oh this is what he was planning to do with his basement a helicopter paddle cage you do not want to put a helicopter pad under your house that is a terrible idea he's got a room for diamonds and a jacuzzi unfortunately noob after i'm done placing these giant hoppers down i don't think you're gonna have room for anything oh look at these massive ideas literally big chungus in the form of a hopper look at this this is okay now all we have to do is right click the giant hopper activator and then chaos is about to be on a whole new level three two one active oh my oh my oh oh my gosh look at the newbies like what is going on it is dark inside of here i do not like it being dark oh my goodness 11 emeralds from this hopper eight emeralds wait the noob is inside of there as well sorry noob i am not going to free you at least not for now another 10 emeralds in this one nine emeralds in that one ladies and gentlemen this was the most simplest we have collected thus far thank you guys so much for watching this video this was an absolute blast if you want to see more make sure you stay subscribed have a great day and click either one of these youtube videos if you want to keep watching videos from myself and i will see you all in my next video
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 14,809,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: ptiyDtxWoF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 53sec (4013 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2021
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