100 Minecraft Hacks In 1 Hour

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the next hour I'm going to show you every single Minecraft hack myth tip or trick that has ever been added into the game and I'm going to give you so much knowledge that your brain is going to explode what we got going on with this first one this dude is building a a what it's a okay there is no no absolute way all right so we have our ancient debris and then we're placing down a piston and then an in rod on the Piston okay I'm gonna do exactly what he did with the Redstone and everything ready I feel like I'm getting trolled hold on hold on okay what if I try moving the Piston closer so the End Rod actually goes in it like this what the flick yeah that's a false that's some click bait right there all right so this dude is digging out a bunch of ground I have absolutely no idea what he's about to do he's digging down two layers deep okay placing down a ton of iron I don't really understand what the iron is for but maybe we'll he'll explain it in a sec then he puts obsidian in the hopper and then he covers it with stairs and water [Music] and now he's shooting arrows at it and they're bouncing off huh oh oh he made like a crazy waterfall what the heck we're about to make some really weird waterfall thing I have absolutely no idea what he just built but we're gonna try our best to replicate it all right he puts down a piston and a slime block I'm not putting the iron down I feel like it's a waste of iron yes I know I'm in creative mode and then he covers it in obsidian okay he's so far so good and then places down a comparator and then makes these two Hoppers talk to each other like that and then puts a piece of obsidian in there oh okay so that part works and then he places stairs around the entire thing bro this is uh this is a weird Minecraft pack all right and then he drops in a bunch of water at every corner there we go okay so you can see the slime block is coming down the water replaces it and just keep it's doing its thing and then you just start spamming this so far so good it is working it is working I don't know how now you do have to use arrows of night vision by the way to get that blue effect of the arrows we did it I I don't really know the point of this it kind of looks like a really fancy waterfall but uh yeah it's pretty cool all right well this works this is not click bait let's go on to the next one we got another click bait hack here so this dude is Going Underground wait everyone knows that trick wait I did not know that trick but apparently this dude found a much better way to glitch through the world he puts a potion of night vision in there okay and then a glowing ink sack and then he has a glowing potion what did he just what did he just bro just craft he drinks it and it highlights all diamonds and emeralds okay there is no flipping way nah nah I do not believe that one bit at all all right so we have our brewing stand right okay so he drops in the potions drops in a magma and then a glowing inks uh bro no it doesn't work it doesn't work you can't put a glowing ink sack in a brewing stand alright so this is absolutely clickbait literally it will not let me put the ink sack in the brewing stand probably because the item doesn't belong in there just like you can't put a brewing stand inside of a brewing stand so that is completely false and completely click bait alright this next one is pretty epic so there's a fox in there and he gives him a totem of undying kills him and then the fox what you're telling me a fox can use a totem of undying all right well I guess let's try this and see if it actually works we'll make a double high fence just like he did we'll drop in a fox spawner okay so we got our fox in here I'm gonna go ahead and hit him one time and then I'm gonna drop him this totem let's see if he grabs it he actually grabbed it look it's not in my inventory all right so I'm gonna go ahead and try to kill him oh what what he used it I mean he didn't have two of them but still what the flip all right so that is not clickbait all right this is how to get a Zombie horse in Minecraft first you have to put a zombie and a normal horse together in a cage then you have to make the zombie and the horse stand in each other what the zombie will sit on the horse it's apparently not very easy to do the zombie sits on the horse and what I didn't know this is how zombie horses were made I'm gonna spawn in a horse and a zombie alright so all I gotta do is wait for this zombie to sit on that horse oh wait he's going straight towards the horse wait does the horse need a saddle I don't know do zombies need saddle I don't I don't flip enough just sit on it let's get multiple zombies in here so that way we have a higher chance this might take a second but [Music] why is this so difficult go sit on him don't be nervous don't be shy he's not gonna hurt you sit on the horse all right so I've been at this for uh about seven minutes now and um no progress yet bro someone just sit on him all right I'm just gonna spawn a ton of zombies and eventually one of these dudes has to sit on this horse all right if I'm gonna be completely honest with you guys I've been doing this for 15 minutes and I don't think it works try this in your Minecraft world and see if it works I could not get it to work so I'm gonna consider this one false all right so this dude is building a double end portal okay wait okay first off I can tell you that that is definitely not going to work none of this is going to work what the flip no no that doesn't no no okay wait I kind of want to try the Piston one that looks interesting all right ready what the flip all right so this dude is building uh some grass a lot of grass and then he spawns in a bunch of flowers and then he drops in a bunch of sand okay okay okay okay and then he is going to delete all of the grass which makes the sand float we can try that we're not gonna build it as big as his but we will there we go we got like a little you know four by five six looking Square thingama okay so pretty simple we place it on the flowers and then he places down the same well um yeah that does not work ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna yep that one's a false that one's clickbait Minecraft life hack this dude is building a rail system under one now no flipping way no flipping away okay see who you use the powered Rail and then he had one and oh you can okay okay this might change my mind this might change my mind a little bit here so he used Redstone and then he takes the powered rail underwater and then he used Soul Sand we're gonna do a smaller distance than what he did and then another piece of redstone and then connects the tracks so I'm sorry what okay so somehow yeah what he places down a minecart he rides it what the minecart bounces across and then catches the track on the other side all right Minecarts in let's see if it works ready oh no flipping wait a second it it's just stuck in the middle it worked for a second and this is a lot shorter of a distance oh no it just gets stuck it just gets stuck in the middle I can't move or anything yeah no I'm gonna oh wait oh oh oh wait a second wait a second wait a second hold on hold on hold on go back there buddy go back there buddy yeah yeah okay so if you get out and give it a push it it will do it but then again if you get out and you push a mine cart it's honestly gonna push on any surface so I mean this is kind of cool it kind of works kinda doesn't I'm gonna consider it a false though all right so this dude built a big hole he is I don't really know what he's doing what is this oh is it oh it's an armor stand switcher oh yo wait I've always wanted to know how to build one of these and I didn't think it would be that easy to build one are you kidding me oh my gosh I hope this one works alright so he places down a piece of redstone with redstone dust on top and then a redstone torch pretty simple and then he places down a sticky piston with a slime block and then another piece of obsidian with redstone dust right there and then another redstone torch are you kidding me that's it that's literally how easy it is all right so now you just gotta cover it all up just like so and then you have a trapdoor with a button right you gotta be carry me that's literally how easy it is you place an armor stand on here it drops it down Place Another armor stand drops it down boom boom boom boom look at this so all I gotta do is press the button and it brings out the gold armor I press it again it brings out the diamond armor are you kidding me that's how easy it is to build an armor stand switcher I thought this were hard to build a build did you know okay so this dude placed down a diamond block and a dirt block and a stone block I'm confused on what he's doing here he wait a second nah nah nah no way no way no way then he drops it I I am definitely getting trolled all right so he drops in the sword and then he grabs a potion and it has to be a splash potion okay so he had two potions here so let's drop in this one first [Music] oh I'm so getting trolled right now yeah there's no flipping way this is gonna work that is false that is false you can't change the color of a sword with a potion I just got trolled okay I just got absolutely trolled all right so this dude just puts nah bruh I don't believe that one bit but we'll try it all right we're going into a Cave System I need to find a lava pit okay he did it right next to a lava pit so I will do the exact same thing okay so he placed down the composter right here and then he's going to stand in it like so and then puts a there we go oh wait what whoa I didn't think it would actually work so I don't see any diamonds actually actually I do see diamonds right there and normally I would not be able to see that I'm looking through the wall I can see coal under the lava I can see this iron I can see the Redstone over there that I couldn't see before no flipping way and guys I'm in 1.17.1 version of Minecraft the newest version of Minecraft and it works are you flipping okay let me see if it works not next to Lava I wonder if it only works next to Lava all right so now I'm just gonna cave some let me drop in here go put that on my head no what it doesn't have to be next to Lava oh my gosh you've got to be kidding me I can see a creeper over there that I normally would not be able to see I can see him straight through the wall oh my gosh I didn't think that would actually work okay all right well that is completely true all right Minecraft 1.17 duplication glitch this dude has a crazy netherite sword and he is what he changes the name to nightmare and then it ha wait so you have to cover your inventory in dirt nah I don't know if I believe this one okay I don't know about that I think you have to name the sword nightmare I think he's just doing that to show you that you have to rename it but let's go ahead and try it all right so we have an anvil right here I'm gonna drop in my netherite sword I'll even call it nightmare as well we got nightmare okay and I need to cover my entire inventory in dirt now we just got Stacks and stacks of dirt and then boom um doesn't work I didn't think that would work this guy's gonna make a crazy staircase check this out he does this with the command block and it is basically shulker blocks on armor stands and he's just flying up into the air look at how big this staircase is and then he stops the command and he's built like this roller coaster staircase all the way up to the world height limit and believe it or not you can actually walk on this bro look at this okay now I'm in Minecraft and the question is does it actually work so this command block this command block has the exact same command in it that he used all I have to do is press always active and oh oh oh oh oh my gosh it actually works but the question is am I able to walk up it okay how do I I don't know what command he used to go down but I'm gonna try to oh flip oh flip uh okay where the staircase is going down slowly but surely we're gonna make it back down oh my gosh look at this look at this look at this see every step you take every ever spawning hundreds of them how is this not lagging my game okay Okay click on the okay oh I need to write some okay I think I turned it off okay we're good oh my gosh now wait can I actually climb up this are you serious what let's go survival mode just to show you guys I'm literally climbing up this staircase we're in completely vanilla Minecraft 1.18 right now I can't believe this actually worked we'll catch my fall oh my gosh that's so beautiful okay voila the more you know I did not know you could do this what happens if you slap one slippity sloppity slippity sloppity oh my gosh wait you can't even bro you can't even hit one it's like a solid block like you can't even oh all right so this guy this guy has a grass block a flower and some snow okay nothing suspicious going on about this yet okay so he breaks it flower breaks okay pretty normal so now he has another grass block and he adds the flower and then the snow and then a button but it deletes the snow and then the flowers floating and the and the foreign no flipping away that works I don't believe it all right now Moment of Truth does this actually work so I have some grass right here I'm gonna place my dandelion my beautiful flower okay and then wait ah it does not let me place this oh wait now that wait what it doesn't okay wait I have to place the snow first and then the flower but then it deletes the snow so I don't hold on hold on let me try the whole button thing so if you place a button on this one which it does not let me place a button here let me what if I try to place it on the other side no no it does not let me place a button right there it does not make let me play Snow oh wait what the heck dude I can't play Snow on this block but I can place it on this block it does not let me place a button I I'm gonna say this one does not work that one's false floating flowers do not exist okay so everything's pretty normal right here we have um everything's pretty normal so far we have glass iron bars and a fins and then he's going to till this dirt uh-huh and then it causes the bar to like separate from it but it doesn't do it with the fences pull this dirt you see the glass separates if I till this it separates and then if I tell this one it wait wait so it does work what the flip so you oh my gosh wait wait but if you delete it and then wait what happens if you if you place it back oh it connects back to the oh this right here is a broken Bedrock wall this dude is going to use this beautiful drip Leaf to somehow Walk Through This Bed Rock I'm sorry what wait what what what this can be an entrance for your Secret Base he literally walks straight through you just have to hold on to it first what are you for real whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on look look when he comes out of the wall look he blinks what the flip yeah there's no way this works he blinks at Minecraft all right now Moment of Truth does this actually work so I'm gonna place the drip Stone Leaf right there and then as you can see this is a solid wall that you cannot walk through now I'm gonna jump on here and then it's gonna drop me down I'm gonna place this and if I keep holding W oh I don't really think that's what it was supposed to do hold on let's try that again is this one supposed to be true or false all right let's try this again okay I'm running I'm walking I'm walking I'm doing exactly I'm holding down w i dab no I don't really think that works I'm definitely getting troll there's no way you could walk through bedrock bro Villager glitch okay Mr villager so you have a villager that's sleeping and you want to absolutely prank him you place a boat near him while he's sleeping he gets in the boat uh okay you just push him in the boat okay do you have to do it while he's sleeping though and then all you do wait what what and then he goes to sleep in the boat no way no way what wait what I don't know if I believe this I mean maybe I don't know the sun is down and this villager is going to bed little does he know this Village is about to go to sleep on a boat and I'm gonna push him out to the middle of the water and wait for him to wake up that's gonna be such a good prank all right I'm pretty sure this villager just went to sleep tip toe tip toe tip toe I don't want to wake anyone up sorry all right hello sir hello hello hello are you dreaming right now are you dreaming okay yeah he's definitely asleep okay let's go ahead and place down oh my gosh this bro your Minecraft house is too tiny I'm gonna have to there we go there we go now we just wait what if I break his bed yeah wait are you gonna go to sleep are you gonna go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep it's night time it's like a hair do you want me to close I'll close the door don't worry about it okay uh go to sleep buddy are you asleep are you asleep um I don't know where's wait where's your face oh it's over here I don't think it is working my dude yeah he's definitely Wide Awake let's try another villager maybe maybe you're not in a deep enough sleep yo what's up bro I know I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you up all right so I'm gonna don't mind me I'm just gonna spawn this right next to you don't mind me just gonna just gonna push that over there and I'm also gonna put another bed over here and another bed over here okay so um and then I'm gonna break your bed because I'm a Savage and then I need you to go into the boat yep thank you and then I'm gonna push another bed here and now I just need you to go to sleep time set midnight it's midnight bro you should be in bed right now um I don't think it works this man is not wanting to lay down at all like he has absolute no interest in laying down he's just like what are you looking at what is out there you see something I don't see anything okay okay sir well thank you for the opportunity I'm just gonna yeah you have a nice night okay okay oh here we go with another Bedrock wall glitch here we go if this one works I will you know what actually it's not even gonna work okay so you add water and you put a boat in a dispenser what then you press the button and it spawns the boat in the middle of the wall oh here we go and then you jump in the boat and you drive through the what what no absolutely not all right I got I got my dispenser I got my boat inside there I got my Bedrock wall let's just okay so you hop in the boat and you drive oh flip I just went through a Bedrock wall okay when you leave the game right before creeper explodes and then if you log back onto the world you won't take any damage oh I've actually heard of this myth and a lot of people do this when they're in like hardcore survival worlds so let's see if this actually works okay all right so I see a beautiful creeper hello Mr creeper okay so right oh my gosh okay so he was about to explode let's let's give him a second to kind of explode and do his thing okay let's log back in all right loading back into the world oh he's still there oh oh oh wait I paused it the second he exploded do you think I'm gonna take any damage look at my hearts right now oh look at my look at my weight it actually in my hearts I exploded right in front of my face are you serious are you for real did that really just happen let's try to summon another one okay I just bought another creeper because I want to make sure that this will 100 works okay that one actually killed me I might have messed up the timing there all right let's see if I can get the timing perfect again ready all right and oh no flip okay well that's awkward all right let's see if I can nail the timing again I don't even have that many hearts right now so oh okay logging out logging back into the world oh Flippy's still here oh look at that look at that look at that pause I live I live four hearts and when I unpause it he explodes but I take no damage okay so it is really hard to time it but yes you can pause the game and save yourself from dying by just pausing the game that's a fun fact apparently the same thing happens if you also do this while you're falling to your desk so forget the whole water bucket thing you can just log out and log back in and you won't take any fall damage so let's try it okay I'm gonna put myself in survival mode and I only have four Hearts so I would definitely die from this if I pause it right before and then I leave the game and then I go back into my world I'm loading it back up and look at that I took no damage whatsoever yo pausing the game can really save your life oh my gosh that's sick apparently you can also use this same trick when you're stuck in lava what so this dude pauses the game while he's in the middle of being stuck in lava and then he goes wait when he when you rejoin you'll be immune to fire damage for a short time and then he's allowed to get out of the lot what this trick can save your life in a hardcore world I mean it's like low-key glitching and kind of cheating if you're doing this in a hardcore but I mean if it saves your world this you got ta do coral world all right now let's see if this actually works so I'm running I get stuck in a lava pit and I pause it okay as you can see on the screen right now I only have two hearts so we're going to quit this game and now I'm going to join the game again and I'm ready to run a little bit and then I'm gonna pause it again look at that look at that look at that so it's gonna give me a little bit more immunity and then I'm gonna go back to the game again and then check this out check this out boom I got out of the lava pit with no damage oh I'm gonna pause it again look at that I only have one heart right now I have one heart okay gonna go back into the game again and then I have a little bit of more immunity so I can get over to this water and wash myself off yo I just made it through that entire lava pit with only four hearts and I'm still alive what if I'm about to take damage from the zombie I am pause in time okay we'll get to that later okay so this dude this dude is looking at an Enderman through different things to seeing if he will get attacked by them so you're kind of like using these to hide okay this is very interesting looking at him through a fence he doesn't seem to do anything he doesn't really care looking at him through a cobweb all he does not like the cobweb uh I don't know if he's going to attack but you can tell he is angry and then looking at him through a villager what and then using a potion of invisibility and he's still oh no he looks mad he he looks he looks terrified all right test number one the trap door so I am looking straight at this Enderman as you can see and he has no interest in getting angry at me but the second I open this trap door uh yep he he's mad okay okay okay so yes trap doors can actually save you from an Enderman trying to kill you our next test is the cobwebs so I'm looking straight at him through the cobwebs he's not doing anything he doesn't care but I guarantee you the second oh yeah the second I make it through those cobwebs he's gonna get angry now if this one works I'd be surprised this is tall grass and I am staring right oh he's getting kind of angry okay my man's not bad my man's not very happy oh flip okay chill bro our last test is a villager so we're gonna spawn in the Enderman spawn in the Villager and can I look at the Enderman through the vill okay I don't think he's getting angry I can't really tell is he getting angry no he's not getting angry villager you're my cover you can use a lot oh oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean it I didn't mean it okay so this next this next glitch is very interesting this is one using one of the new Minecraft blocks that isn't out yet I believe okay so this is whoa what in the world is happening why is even going on this dude is using snowballs to create this like wave effect and the Redstone of this new block is activating all these trapdoors I don't even know what's happening but it's sick I need to figure out how I got how do you make this oh my gosh it's so beautiful so these right here are the skulk sensors and the these are Minecraft but you can't really get them in survival mode I think you have to pull them from creative but basically they detect any type of movement so one of these trap doors move and then all of them just kind of move together so let's try the snowball thing all right so I got all the sensors to calm down and they're not moving at all okay I'm just gonna try to be really careful because literally these small dude I could drop this piece of grass and they're gonna start going crazy alright so let's try the snowball you guys ready here we go I'm gonna throw it right there oh I can see people making some really creative things with this in the future this is awesome let me just throw a ton of snowballs what does that do oh my gosh it kind of just makes it freak out it is going crazy and as you guys can see the zombies are not walking over the rails an easy way to protect your house let's see if it actually works so all I'm saying if this works I'm gonna be so surprised like I did not know this was a thing that zombies just don't want to walk over rails I'm gonna go ahead and put myself in survival mode so all these zombies are gonna want to kill me and no flipping way oh no oh no no no no no no okay I don't know if it works yo wait hold on it worked for a second I think one of the zombies might have pushed the other one over the rails all right let's try it again let's just do two zombies okay so these zombies are angry they hate me I walk over the rails and look yo so it does actually work are you kidding me look they're not they're not touching me one of the zombies push the the other one over the rails and then all the zombies got smart oh wait it works for okay it doesn't work for Fighters does not work for spiders confirmed you can use rails to protect yourself from zombies that is so weird I can't believe that works all right what do we got here this is a launcher that this guy is building so he's got wow that was really easy to build just a button no lifts it away that's it there there's no way that works he literally just put one sticky piston down all right I gotta try this there is no way this works bro no flipping way so he puts that down and then that and then he puts dirt and then a button and then okay okay well let's see if it works what I mean it bounces me up but what makes them bounce up so hot nah false decision not working all right so this dude is building some uh iron bars and then a bunch of other blocks honestly it looks like he's building some type of fireplace oh never mind he now has Pistons stand on top of the iron bars push the lever and then break the blocks crouch in front of you and then you can go into the block no way all right I gotta try this all right well this seems simple enough honestly it looks like he just built a little wall here and then put a piston there and put a lever and then it pushed him okay so now I'm like in this one oh okay it does work but whenever I remove the block from above me it just pushes me out so I mean it does work for a second because look I can walk in here and oh I'm just laying down oh well well that's that I'm thinking maybe this doesn't work because maybe we need to be a Bedrock Edition instead of java Edition because that guy was on Windows 10 Bedrock Edition so that might be the reason this doesn't work but for right now I'm gonna claim this as false all right this dude is about to make a circle in Minecraft yes I said a circle we have never seen that before so let's see how he does it wait why wow all right boys we're trying this right now right well for now let's flip and go okay so he basically put a bunch of Honey blocks Minecraft is so weird sometimes and that's why I make these videos to expose the secrets so all he did is he spawned in a rail and then he spawned in like a ton of Minecarts keep it going keep it going okay and then he just pushed them no flipping way okay wait the mine carts are indeed moving but they're not making a circle did he like punch one of them yeah all he did is just stand on him that's all you do is just stand them okay let me try this one more time I'm not gonna put as many minecartes that time either all right let me nah bro it doesn't work what the flip that's so I mean the mine cards do move they kind of freak out and shake a little bit but they don't turn and make a circle I don't know I'm gonna mark this one as false all right what is this guy doing he's building a cobblestone wall and then some redstone block and then some TNT okay whoa wait what did you see that it deleted wait what what did it do I'm confused never mind I thought it did oh wait oh it expanded the wall oh pull it ladies and gentlemen we have a hacker all right so we basically built this wall out we delete the the blocks and then you know the wall looks like this that's how it's supposed to look right now we're going to expand it oh my gosh look at it what the flip look at the wall guys all right so a wall is supposed one wall block is supposed to look like that but now it looks like that what is that so all right well that was an easy hack all right so this dude is trying to spawn a tree but it's surrounded by glass and then it makes the tree extra tall so that is how to make extra tall trees in Minecraft so let's see if it works all right so we're gonna make a ton of glass around this tree we're gonna make it extra extra tall that right there that's a pretty Tall Tree I mean you gotta agree with me on that one come on then I don't think you have to use glass but I'm just using it so you guys can see the tree grow place the sapling and let's go ahead and just keep going huh nothing yet so I will say if this does work I wouldn't recommend doing it because what the foot yeah it didn't really work that did not do anything hold on let me try this but with bedrock now we got Bedrock so let's see if this tree will grow watch it just go through the bedroom oh oh wait I think it actually worked we made a taller tree wow that's actually pretty cool okay so I guess the the first this one just didn't get lucky but yeah it I guess yeah it works it does you just gotta use Bedrock good luck getting Bedrock all right this is a creeper this guy's getting chased by a creeper so he goes in here and no flipping way what is how you hide from a creeper all right so we got a composter and then we have we have trap door on it and have this creeper chase me all right here we go and I don't have a lot of health so he's probably gonna be pretty angry come on Mr creeper come on Mr creeper there we go he's about to explode watch it and then boom no flipping away he didn't explode it's like you're playing hide [Music] but that is hilarious that is that's how you can play hide and seek with a creeper all right this dude is typing in a command and he's actually wait what what it switches blocks that are whoa he typed in slash give at s debug stick no flipping way what is this all right let's try to place a block down something that turns uh let's try these two so we have a sticky piston here and then a dispenser oh my gosh it actually works look I can rot oh what the flip what oh voice I have just found the the meaning of life oh I can remove the legs oh wait what what [Music] look at this bad boys no flip it away this is so weird can I do it to a chicken hello chicken oh wait I can change the grass too yo this stick is pretty crazy that is cool I did not know that even existed if you guys want to mess around with this in Minecraft get yourself a debug stick and just go slap a bunch of things and see what happens what happens to the wood oh oh wow what the flow all right this is things you probably didn't know about Minecraft this guy has a sign he makes it say hello and then no flipping way you could do that with die so we write a word we write subscribe what you guys should do and then we no what what flipping way you can just change the colors it works it works bro this this is blowing my mind I don't I don't get it I don't get it all right this dude is building I don't even know what he's building what the heck oh he just spawned he's spawning in a bunch of end crystals I'm so confused and then he lands on them and he gets sent to the Moon all righty oh my gosh wait it is working oh my gosh okay so we're pushing a lot of these end crystals into this one block because I guess you can't spawn all the end crystals on the same block because they'll probably explode that looks insane okay so go all the way up you just drop down and land on it nope it didn't do anything what if I punch it oh okay if I punch you it does explode okay so it does work the end Crystal thing does work but when you land on the end crystals they don't explode and make you fly to the moon but the end Crystal part was pretty cool I will say all right what we got going on here the student's building some type of wall with some pistons in it making it all fancy I have no idea what he's doing so let's just keep watching why does he keep building thing oh oh what the flip all right boys we are about to make sand float I don't even know how that is possible but we are about to do it and then he put this here and then he put obsidian right here what the how does that make any sense okay and then you put two slime blocks right here and then he's gonna drop in as you guys can see this is sand let me just let me just drop this and just to let you guys know that it does not flow okay cool now he put the sand right here then he deleted this okay and then he found that there oh flip oh my gosh I think it's gonna work no oh flipping white no flipping away what yeah I don't even know what to say anymore ladies and gentlemen the only thing I have to say about this magic sand is that you should go get our magic merchandise we just dropped brand new merch boys and it's awesome go get it look at it look at it this is not the only shirt there's tons of other shirts hats and accessories that we dropped so go check it out things you probably don't know all right so this dude is trying to beat up an iron golem and then oh what you can repair them okay to be fair I did know that and yes you can do it all right so here we have our Iron Golem let's go ahead and get another right sword and then we'll just get more iron to repair him so let's go ahead and beat him up a little bit sorry buddy there we go we're beating up really bad okay you can see he's really hurt you give him some more iron and then he's fully repaired yeah so this is this is the only thing on the list that I actually knew that's pretty cool this dude is just walking in Minecraft and he has as a bow and a flame bow ah yes the good old flame Minecraft though he has a wooden pressure plate and what is it going to do with this pressure plate he's going to shoot the flame bow onto it and then it activates it and then he does weather rain and then oh wait what it puts out the one on the land but the one on the pressure plate is still on fire tell me how that makes any sense ladies and gentlemen what okay so this bow is Enchanted with flame okay so if I go ahead and shoot one over here and then one over here and then weather rain okay so it's gonna start raining eventually maybe next year maybe after you guys hit the like button it does it not flip and rain in this biome bro rather Thunder let's try thunder rain and thunder The Best of Both Worlds yo literally what is going on does it not rain in this world am I like in the wrong biome does it just not rain in this biome I'm very I'm very confuzzled can it rain in what the flip it actually doesn't rain in this pile that's a thing I did not know that okay so we're gonna have to fly a little further away and get out of this dry biome I didn't know that it actually doesn't I mean I guess you have you seen rain in the desert before bro that's so weird that's another thing I didn't know about Minecraft honestly okay I found I found a normal biome with weather okay here we go let's try this again and a boom and a bam okay voila weather rain wabam yo it actually works what that's crazy that is something right there wow I don't know why you would need to know this but you know what now all right so this dude's in a desert kind of suss already and he's placing down some fence posts okay it's an average day you know he's just trying to give some water to his cow but he's he set his cow on fire wait the cow doesn't go in the pack what he just I mean cows are bigger than one block I guess so that would make sense but it's so weird now they just hover around it's kind of funny I'm not really sure the white placed the fence around it I'm not gonna place the fence I'm just gonna set this guy on fire okay let's see yeah oh it works he literally just spins around in circles okay but wait hold on if we make it two blocks hey Mr Cow come over here I'm sorry I'm gonna have to do this to you again I'm sorry just come here now it's two blocks wide and if I set you on fire he still doesn't fit let me try it again I better Mr Cow come here Mr Cow okay look at that look at that oh okay he does fit in that one yo what do we why would anyone need to know this in Minecraft okay so this dude this dude has a slime block and a fish and what happens when you combine a slime block with a fish you get a super bouncy fish I'm pretty sure I've actually tried this in Minecraft before it actually works so yo look at this fish bro yo it's going up like a hundred oh it died oh that's real sad now does that actually work in Minecraft okay so here we are here we are I built the glass it goes really high up not as high as the video but let's see if the fish can make it out and back into the water that's your goal Mr fishy you have to survive okay oh it's he's definitely bouncing higher oh oh look at that come on fishy make it into the ocean be with your brothers and sisters am I fishy come on fishy let's go you're almost there you're so close oh now question is does this work with a cow oh wait that's a shopping cart I'm so that's am I in the right Minecraft version this is awkward uh let me fix this ah there we go that's better uh you don't really like to jump do you okay that's fine another beautiful day in Minecraft let me just drop into the Soul Sand a nice water bucket what what is what the heck I'm sorry wait what how did you go from Soul Sand water bucket to this now he's putting dolphins in here and the Dolphins are are swimming and now he's got some special boots and a potion and you see about to turn into a dolphin I'm so confused Dolphins Grace whoa look at how fast he's running is this the fastest way to travel in Minecraft because I thought the fastest way was like Soul Sand ice and then head jumping this might be a faster way okay so this dude spawned in some dolphins and then like the Dolphins hit him or something uh they gave him like the dolphin Grace whatever that means what is that I've never heard of that uh let me put on the boots let me see if they'll um do they you guys like the boots okay well I'm definitely walking pretty fast like look how fast I'm walking in the water I don't even have the potion on yet okay I'm gonna go ahead and throw on the potion okay so yeah I'm definitely this is definitely the fastest I've ever walked in water but it's nothing like the video and also I don't know how to get the dolphin Grace what is that let me look this up oh you have to swim near a dolphin so let me see if I can start swimming do I have to be swimming I can't just like be in the water I guess I have to like actually swim oh my gosh look at how fast I swim oh my gosh look at that you see that do you see that look at how fast I'm swimming right now look at that okay because in the video he was walking but I have never seen a Minecraft players from that fast and now I'm suffocating and I'm gonna die okay I'm good okay I got the dolphin Grace but it expired and um yeah okay there we go I got the dolphin Grace but yo the dolphin Grace literally lasts for two seconds it goes away so fast I'm like I'm like really confused because I don't know if this is working or not I'm gonna say it semi works okay this is apparently a legal op bug yo teach me how to do that bro if you teach me how to do that I'll teach you how to get this fresh new unspeakable hoodie look at this look at this that logo is 3D bro no lie this is the comfiest hoodie I ever owned I wear it literally all day but how is he doing this I don't understand the the Pistons are just it's just making it smell like insanely fast that is so weird okay so I'm setting up I'm setting up the Redstone back here and then boom then now we got the clock so now I'm gonna do that and now as you can see it's doing the ah flip I broke it okay well let's just put something in the furnace okay so if we put something in the furnace you can see that it smelts very slow okay now let's take it out of the furnace okay now we got our clock on and now we got this flip what did I do I messed up I messed up I messed up okay there we go okay now we're good okay so now that's doing its thing and then if we put that in there it it doesn't do anything I just got trolls I literally just got of course this doesn't work that would be false okay so this dude built this track and literally how are you even supposed to write I don't really understand but um he's gonna put a villager in it that's a good idea yeah test it with the Villager don't test it with yourself how is this supposed to oh oh push him push him push him oh scariest Minecraft roller coaster ever to exist I think yes oh we have this in Minecraft bro are you for real huh what oh you're basically just going straight down through the tracks okay I'm just trying to understand how the flip this dude built this like it doesn't make any sense like how does he just make floating tracks I could give myself like barrier blocks for example but that's not gonna make the tracks like wait a second no how does that because if I remove that barrier block then it just deletes it okay so if I have a barrier block and I put it right here and then you see it looks like the tracks are are floating you know but how do I put a another another track right where this Berry block is because I can't place the track anywhere I can only place it below and then if I delete this block it delete I'm gonna say this one is false I really wanted to make this roller coaster though it looks so sick this guy has to be using some sort of mod or something it has to be like a roller coasters mod I found this roller coaster mod I don't think this is it nah yo this one looks crazy look at this should we download this leave a like if I should do this in another video bro okay so unfortunately I couldn't find the Minecraft mod but check out this data pack this dude this dude bro what yo I want to download this so bad yo he's doing a loop what's this dude doing okay uh he's got a flint steel okay catches it on fire pretty normal uh-huh and then he does that okay so he what did this dude just make a snow generator oh now he's standing in the snow and he's freezing but yet there's fire next to him he's on fire and he's freezing someone tell me how this makes any sense how can you be on fire and in snow at the same time what all right I got my Netherrack I got my fire I'm ready to set myself on fire and in snow so this dude this dude spotted in with a command but I'm gonna try just placing it okay I think he used powdered snow all right so let's hop in we're in survival mode now so let me just hop in here okay you can see that I'm freezing my screen is getting cold however I'm not really catching on fire you can see my hand right there what if I try to go in both oh oh no it just melted the snow it melted the snow that's what to happen right I'm assuming that's what's supposed to happen let me try it again because my toasty wozies are getting really cold let me get some fire in there oh yeah let me get caught on fire oh yeah okay yeah it just melts the snow wait so is that false I guess what the flip just happened I'm pretty sure that's what's supposed to happen so I'm gonna say that looks false okay so this dude has a snowball and he's gonna throw it at a blaze and everyone knows that snowballs hurt blazes because they're on fire just like the snow Theory we tested snow kills fire which means snowballs are actually a really good way to kill blazes for those of you guys that didn't know look how easy you killed that Blaze okay so I don't really know what this dude's doing but he's placing down some nice repeaters oh yes a couple ticks on those very nice very nice we love a good Minecraft tick okay so um he is placing them I feel like this dude's a low-key about to blow my mind but also make me depressed because it's probably not gonna actually work and yo what yo chill yo chill stop right there stop right there stop right there stop right time to see if this actually works okay so I got the repeaters and I'm pretty sure I did the same ticks as him it was just kind of random so okay now we got the repeater going okay it looks like it's going about the same speed you know and then he puts the water down and then he puts it right there I don't know if that makes any sense but um what does make sense is you getting this most comfortable hoodie that we sell right now what Wait I messed up I didn't put the water in the right spot I'm so sorry okay okay hold on let me let me cover this up he actually put the water right here okay okay okay I'm sorry guys I'm sorry one doesn't flip and Mark this dude is in a desert and he's about to blow your mind he's about to show you something that Minecraft experts never showed you so he's gonna place down this glowing item frame and then yeah yo chill chill shot I like where you're going with this chill yo we just put a painting inside of them uh what the flip what the biscuits and cheese what is he doing stop it bro you're breaking minecraft stop it stop it she's putting paintings I'm gonna do this in the rain just because it's depressing okay so we have a glowing item frame and then I'm gonna put a block into it and then I'm gonna do a painting and then wait so it actually doesn't work hold on hold on look at this look at this look at this yo that's weird but if I delete this it's just gonna spawn a small one but if I try to wait a second what the yo okay so that one's false I actually thought that one would work I thought you thought you placed paintings over item frames well I have been fooled okay so this dude is in the in the rain again and um you know he's pushing this redstone block what wait did he just activate that with lightning what yo wait that kind of messed me up is that actually legit let's put a block of redstone here and then okay and then we have a lightning rod let's also change the weather to thunder because we will need the lightning I did not know lightning can activate Redstone that all right now we just gotta sit and wait and see if it actually works [Music] oh wait show it to me again show it to me again do it again [Music] oh we did it again oh you're that's so sick I did not bro blow in my mind I swear every day I learned something new about Minecraft you would think after playing this game for eight years I would know this I what this dude has a chest and he's putting hoppers on top of the chest everyone has done this before at some point in their Minecraft career now he's putting the come Poopers on top what are you gonna do with the compoopers he's putting hoppers in the hoopers okay this dude is getting very Advanced and then he's putting chest on top of the Hoppers that are on top of that Crump Poopers that are on top of the Hoppers that are on top of the chest and then he's putting wheat and potatoes and carrots inside of these Hoppers and then what happens to them it gives them boom boom what all right so let's try to see if it actually works we're gonna put the carrots in here and then we're gonna put the wheat in here and as you can see it is going in the computer and it is filling up and then and the item Hopper we will oh it does give you bone meal but wait where do our Wheats go and our carrots do they just disintegrate I'm confused okay so this dude has one little bit pixel of water and a bunch of chests I'm very confused right now is that is that going to catch him oh my gosh no way what but he wasn't even on the Block yo what whoa the cobweb caught him too okay what about what about the honey block okay the honey block hit them still though that is insanely impressive like he doesn't even land on the Block it's like it's time to put these through the test okay so you can see I have literally one pixel of water and I can actually hit it that is crazy so let's go all the way up I'm gonna need you guys to go all the way to the Subscribe button go all the way all right here goes nothing literally nothing oh so one pixel of water can indeed shape you but what about the cobweb will the cobweb be able to save my life from the desk here goes nothing oh it works yo what what exactly is this villager doing over here well we'll get to that later so this next guy is apparently going to show us an illegal op item okay I'm waiting for it what exactly is this guy making oh wait this is the bill of the future worry about it what is this so he does it okay so Jeff I've seen the jebs okay so he whoa wait a sec seconds absolutely illegal okay so what exactly are you doing in here yeah you can leave yeah have a nice day I just see the sheep and not you so we got our name tag we do jab everyone knows the good old Jeb and we get thy sheep which keeps shearing Mr Jeb and Mr Jeb grows the rainbow wool so we should get the rainbow whoo we just gotta wait for Mr Jeb to grow his skin back I'm sorry brother but you're taking way too long you're not growing your stuff back look at this chest it's empty all right so I'm gonna replace you with Jeb number two so as you can see Jeff rainbow sheep everyone knows this I drop him into the flip he's escaped I oh no all right Jeb sheep number two drop into the flipping biscuits and cheese all right Jeb sheep number three stay right there sir Jeb sheep number four stay right there sir you hey come here come here come here get in here get in here yeah yeah come here come here yeah I'm gonna put you right in there come a little closer oh no do not eat me yes stand in there stand in there get in fall in yes okay wait oh it just gave me white wool what the heck so it doesn't give me rainbow oh no yeah that one's definitely false in the video he got rainbow changing wool like the sheep and yeah that just doesn't work all right I'm I'm scared for this one I don't know why he's just building something very tall and usually when things are very tall in Minecraft they seem to be true that doesn't really make any sense but yeah okay so now he's placing a ton of trap of doors is he gonna try to climb up them I feel like this is gonna work because I'm pretty sure I've actually done this before maybe oh and he's also removing blocks yo okay first off who would ever make a staircase like this absolutely no one let's oh and he goes right up even through the iron trap door and everything very impressive I think it's because the Minecraft player body is so long and your head like you know flicks the ladder and grabs it before your feet does so it's just kind of like you know stretching all right I'm gonna build I'm gonna build my diamond blocks because I am fancy and if this works you know what I'm confident I think this is gonna work all right so there's a ladder every other block simple enough just Raptor different types hey have you gotten the merch yet well I just I just want to let you know that like the merch is fire it's hot everyone's confident right now and oh we're just gonna repeat these and repeat these and repeat how the flip do I make you close uh I mean that works technically I'm not touching the block so I feel like that would work right okay now now we have to delete the blocks that are on the trap doors and they are now floating okay so there we go with the random redstone block there all right I'm in survival mode Let's Get it here we go as you can see but look at this look at this so if I'm going up the ladder here check this out so if I'm going up right here see my feet are touching the bottom one and then my eyeballs grab that top one you know so this makes sense like honestly could you just delete the trap doors and go up up this I want to see if this works this is like the ultimate test are you ready oh oh okay I guess your eyeballs don't actually grab it I just trapped doors are magical okay so this is gonna light it with the flint and steel nothing is suss about this video okay absolutely nothing this is all vanilla Minecraft all right you know so he's gonna throw up the ender pearl and then he's gonna go outside the portal and then wait for it ladies and gentlemen what the flip just happened wait what did he what did he do oh oh I get it wait what happened threw the ender pearl up in the air which made his nether portal spawn in the air I don't feel like this is not true how does that make any sense I oh wait there's the end of pro coming down and then teleports over there so when he gets back in the war I am so confused let's just try this all right here we go throwing it in the air pop it in go hurry before it lands oh flip oh my gosh [Applause] be fair I'm not slow it's just okay go go go go go go no it's gonna land it's gonna land it's gonna land go go what the flip oh I landed on the portal uh hello Jeb sheep all right ready I'm gonna throw it while I'm in the portal all right boom I think it went in the portal with me oh oh wait hold on hold on hold on hold on did my portal just spawn in the air like I think it did hold up hold up hold up hold up ah oh no I thought it spawned in the air because I saw this but uh yeah I mean okay a legal spawner bug okay let's see what's going on here first off how did you even get the spawner there okay so he puts a cobweb under Mr spawner he puts some dirt on Mr spawner some drip Stone on Mr spawner look it's very simple it looks very simple although I don't know how the flip you got the spawner there and then he whoa ah it's really buggy you'll see in a moment so he's deleting that block oh oh and it's pushing the spawner into the cob web wait what whoa and that's how you drop a spawner let's see if this actually works if this actually works that means I can go in cave systems grab the spawners and then make them above ground like that that is so P all right now does this actually work in Minecraft I found a natural spawner as you can see I'm gonna dig under it a bit because this is what this guy did okay so underneath it underneath it he places down a slab and then a cobweb just like so and then he places down two blocks and then a drip stone block and then pointed drip Stone okay dude I feel like I'm getting trolled right now and then a piston right there and then a piston right there redstone torch torch and it does push it down but and then all he does is he breaks this block and it falls and it does fall however the spawner is not budging at all no what I was kind of hoping that one would work that's exactly what you did I'm watching the video right now I just don't think it works maybe this works in a old version of Minecraft but it does not work in the new Minecraft cave update oh no here we go is this dude building another portal I don't want to see another portal okay also all those slimes are so cute now this portal is way bigger however his ender pearl is gonna be way bigger too oh oh that's kind of cool you can see the Slime straight to the portal ah and they don't like discolor or anything that is weird now is this is this true or is this false we have a slime right there and as you can see that's clearly false maybe the guy had some sort of texture pack on but yeah it doesn't work just another day in the desert beautiful day we got some Redstone lamps and we're just gonna have a beautiful day nothing could possibly go wrong it's a wooden button versus a stone button okay so it lights it instantly the stone button oh oh oh no it doesn't even it doesn't even do it the arrows cannot push the stone button what I did not know that no way no way are you serious is it the same thing with pressure plates too all right so we got Stone button and wooden Button as you can see both of them do work our bow boom and not boom what are you for real oh wait I accidentally pressed it I accidentally pressed it sorry false alarm that isn't okay let me try pressure plates all right so here we have these two pressure plates this one works this one works and then if we shoot this one with an arrow it ignites and then this one doesn't what I low-key did not if I'm being honest all right so this dude is flying with some fireworks just a beautiful sunny day no weather in the clouds or anything like that and then he decides to Adventure down this uh mysterious hole and then what is uh oh oh he's just flying around just having a nice day isn't it just having a nice good all day I mean yeah you can indeed do this I've actually done this before however it's kind of difficult to get out of there so this is something I actually want you guys to try okay go in creative mode get in a super flat world and fly underneath the world it's so cool go try it and let me know in the comment section below if it actually worked for you this next test is very very interesting so we have boats Minecarts tons of stuff so the boats do not destroy the end Crystal the mine cards don't destroy it nope doesn't destroy it normal sand doesn't destroy it what about dragon eggs dragon eggs don't destroy it gravel doesn't destroy it it's crazy because when you hit these things they instantly blow up but you know it is what it is that doesn't destroy it what about the anvils the anvils still indeed destroying like what none of all the boys only the anvils all right so let's let's go ahead and try this so here we have the boats we're good the mine cart is good what about the sand good ah I'm good okay the grapple good and then the drip Stone oh I think it looks so cool it's like a giant falling knife and then the anvils oh yep so that's true none of these blocks will destroy an end Crystal except for an anvil okay so this dude falls in a nice bucket of water and then there's a pressure plate under there and he also survives but if he falls on The Cauldron he dies ah let's try this we have normal water everyone knows normal water you're good you can fall from a thousand blocks you're good but but what about the cauldron okay yeah this one's a tricky one all right so I'm perfectly in The Cauldron right now as you can see slime I need you to back up it's a very important experiment I'm gonna go really really high up Moment of Truth does this work game mode survival all right I'm not touching the keyboard I'm not moving I died and no I did not hit The Cauldron because I was perfectly in it I think Minecraft just recognized the cold children as a solid block because the Minecraft is Just inside this solid block all right so this dude this dude is spawning in a ton of TNT Minecart a ton like a thousand like bro why do you need that many okay and then what is he gonna do what is he gonna do he's gonna play some sand block okay and he's gonna push it into the same oh no oh no oh it's game Crash too very nice okay first off that doesn't work if you push those they're gonna explode but we'll try it all right so you have to block like right here I want to say and then he just spawned in a ton of them I'm not gonna spawn in a thousand like he did that's just insane I'll do like 100 or 200. honestly but honestly if I spawned in a thousand my computer yeah yeah it's it's looking at me funny it yeah okay yeah yeah I'm not gonna I promise I'm not gonna do a thousand all right I think that's about good this cow's been looking at me forever all right moment of truth we're gonna push it into the ground yeah see that doesn't really work that video is definitely a troll he wants you to do it in survival mode and lose everything you've ever owned all right now what do we got going on here that's a lot of Observer blocks my guy oh and he's building them up and over and what the heck is going on now he's spawning boats on them what is this dude making like a roller coaster ride I'm very confused and then he places a slime block and then it is oh they like dancing it's a nice little wave oh wait now they're floating oh that is kind of weird I've built I've built this magical Contraption it was very easy to build just a lot of Observer blocks I'm gonna take the slime block and drop it right here and it doesn't do anything I think maybe I put it on the wrong side I'm supposed to put it right there yep there we go all right so it it throws up the boats like a wave and then I can remove that and then they float for a second and then they just slowly fall down that is really weird
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 5,821,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakable, unspeakableplays, mini game, game, custom, crazy, challenge, modded, games, maps, secret, redstone, funny moments, mcpe, minecraft pe, pocket edition, unspeakablegaming, trolling, gameplay, playthrough, traps, glitch, funny, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, how to, parody, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakableplays minecraft, Minecraft hacks, minecraft myths, minecraft mythbusters, minecraft secrets, minecraft pro, minecraft hidden, minecraft update
Id: e1zwX7sCyCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 47sec (3947 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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