Just some Mario Party

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okay we're all gonna play party mode and be friends and have a fun time [Music] [Music] yeah well he's gonna go to my salad the family will be between two buns with the patty it's a menu item okay so who's who I'm Waluigi I'm Daisy okay I was really hoping Yoshi was gonna say who they were next but that waluigi oh my god imagine having a good stream so i guess javis Yoshi I want to eat you okay I am Waluigi oh come on please trolling don't believe lies okay anything - pressing the a button right now totally but I'm just waiting to add some sauce are you are you good no no well at first I got a surprise for you everyone sorry I'm not Yoshi I was secretly Daisy all along I hate this I hate what you're doing alright now I'm gonna press the a button s speech oh you go you gab I'm gonna be bringing up all donations at the end of the segment by the way I'll get on there see you later know what's happening he sings all the way across the mouth oh that's pretty bad mad at us mad at you via your own link yes your own device is your own ice all good one Oh Gabrielle gaming guys job baby baby mega-mush really gets to look I'm gonna pass the star come for death oh that's great oh yeah oopsy poopsy I just want em I love always says that I am rolling mad fat rolls nah oh no oh my god okay rose from that bat-rope the roles are not only fat but now they're angry and dub season ah yeah no sir oh shut up fire virus that joke was got old a long time ago come on man you got all the lumps you're just pushing okay but you can't tell okay it's not a town what wait what happens when you lose what one would flood I want to lose to now who's in a pop gang with me hashtag hop gang okay oh I hate that I'm horrified just don't line up eres virus to stand opposite corners that's right virus you do if you drop this god go ahead by something Daniel bye okay okay maybe a little I literally will [Music] you know that gives you chickenpox right you know that's what that day has cooties oh no we're supposed to read this whoops this is gonna go it's a rumble three two one ah oh wow what you actually got the best to the heart of the cards wait you can't feel the rumble no I cannot oh but I can load it in my heart it's actually a terrible medical condition please I need a doctor Wow telling you it again laughs I wonder what this does right there Oh Kenny virus are you doing buddy oh when I get the rule oh what a cool event Oh is he gonna buy another lamp oh is it my I will be so mad if he buys another living I think no no you know that's that doesn't really do much well if somebody gets yeah I'll do this this is my insurance that stayin with me thank you gamers panicking into the grinder you go come on one more go-around delay stalling no one more chance oh hey Yoshi energy right virus no virus this is the thing this is the you wanna mess with me oh you don't want to mess with the girl feels oh you wouldn't wanna miss the good old elbow would you oh absolutely you pick ooh if only that mattered at this stage in the game that's a good play fire Aisha's made a thousand on cue move just then you see what I'm gonna do Oh eNOS and Magic them all free abcdefg look at the left of your controller here oh my god fire fire throwing which me fire is actually throwing he doesn't want me to win [Music] H oh my god throwing gala do the buses I don't that fer gather Oh are there bonus star at the end or good bonus story is gonna be my fist entering virus's face I wanted to switch me favors that would have been I got it I got him it that would have been like a galaxy brain play I would have been so galaxy but finding Roy player is just good good enough to win welcome to you that was the line right there oh he's got it he's done it good job buddy I know you worked it I know you worked really hard for this one God will you shut up I know exactly what you're gonna do dude get the face you I'm so proud of you I know you really wanted a star right I know I know really oh I really am Larry oh there is a star oh yeah again I'm happy for you too man alright it's free I was like I'm not gonna buy it just a mess but fail [Music] this one looks good though oh what a fun little option this is okay okay okay I go to start feeling a star I don't know please do anybody just for the kick of it wait I can't lie Gavin's kind of coach to that Coinstar I showed you how to out for me back I do but at the same time dad's a little against got that Coinstar potentially Oh a 100 okay if you if the star moves and you land on the spring spot and you move right in front of the star I'm going to unplug my controller I wish I never also play this oh wait can we shoot in your do you guys this all start hitting my face like guys guys it's a good the goals behind me it's my enchanted forest do you need a hug yes please I could do my hug oh no no you don't you don't even have to do it I mean just rubbing it in at this point I just don't know where it is like oh we got nods right behind me all that's a shame wait a minute wait a minute my friend my guy all my man how's it going he still doing I haven't seen you in like five minutes oh my god come on all the star Goomba my guy now would be really good size take that Goomba up and put him on a mush what a mother this bar is right near him after I really hope that one of us gets enough bonus stars to mug smile stars right I think that's three Oh party mode is this it is this the award ceremony that's what we've been playing the entire time you know the thing we were doing that in star who's that oh I am glad I took that star remember was it me again they're gonna be so mad actually one no yes you would've won cuz you had more coins dad I told you is the bad baby did I win I got I got a true pop to reveal to you guys I was the one with higher gain guys that's me I was Waluigi oh man I'm happy yeah there's nothing in it you got a logo no friends I wish I could parsec my fist through your face vector that feature God parsec get on your game
Channel: Failboat
Views: 906,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mario Party, Failboat, Live, troll, rage, the failing four, funniest moments, mario party, cursed
Id: S8RDi2qmEoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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