100 Things Added in Minecraft 1.14 Update

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so the minecraft 1.14 village and pillage update is finally here adding hundreds of features into the game so today I'm going to try and cover every feature that was added so what's going on guys my name is Anthony and today I'm going to be bringing you guys 100 things that were added in the Minecraft 1.14 village and pillage update now if you guys do enjoy today's video then be sure to give this video a like rating now if this video is able to hit over 10,000 likes then I will upload a 50 things you didn't know about 1.14 video but anyways guys without further ado let's go ahead and get into this ginormous video I hope you guys enjoy it the first 1.14 feature that I wanted to put at the number one spot is that foxes have been added into the game and they look like this they look very derpy foxes are nocturnal mobs which means they will sleep during the daytime and will be active at nighttime and they will pounce attack and kill any chicken and rabbit they see and they will also take items and food that are dropped on the ground so yeah be careful when dropping your diamonds on the floor because a sneaky Fox just might come and steal them a snowy white variant of the Fox has also been added and these guys exclusively spawn in snowy taiga biomes a new weapon has been added in the Minecraft 1.14 update and that new weapon is the crossbow now the crossbow looks like this and it is a powerful alternative to the bow except it takes a little bit longer to draw back to use the crossbow simply hold a right-click to draw it back and that will don't mean it's ready to fire and just press right click again to shoot the arrow now the crossbow can deal a maximum damage of five and a half hearts if dealt to a player or a mob whereas the bow can only do five hearts of damage to craft a crossbow just simply use three sticks to string one iron ingot and a tripwire hook and there you go you've got the crossbow pillagers are a new hostile mob that have been introduced in the 1.14 up day and they look like this they have 12 hearts of health and they wield the new rosco weapon the pillages will attempt to attack and kill what players with their crossbows as you can see but they will also raid or take over MPC villages killing any of the villages that are there another hostile mob has been added in Minecraft 1.14 and this is arguably one of the most dangerous mobs that exists in the game and this mob is known as the ravager and it looks like this the ravager has a whopping of 50 hordes of health and they are hostile towards players iron golems and villages within a 16 block radius they attack by ramming enemies with their heads dealing a base damage of six hearts of health on normal difficulty if you block the ravages attack with a shield then no damage will be dealt and there is a 50% chance that the ravager will be stunned by the shield which will cause them to stand still for about two seconds and then they will raw and deal three hearts of damage and high knock back resistance to anybody nearby the villagers have had their skins completely overhauled in the 1.14 update to basically have a skin depending on the biome they spawn in and depending on their profession here is a quick preview of all of the villager skins depending on the biome they spawn in [Music] the trading interface when you trade with villages has been completely redone and overhauled in the 1.14 update making it look a lot more user friendly and easy to use and I very much like this change villages interact in the village a lot more as they will try to find their own bed to sleep in at nighttime and they also have their own jobsite block based on their profession some examples would be a leather worker villager working at a cauldron to dye armor and a librarian villager working at a lectin block to place books nitwit villages or the green villages or villages you cannot trade with and if you right-click on them to trade with they will now shake their head and grunt at the player if they tried to trade the first new block that was added in the 1.14 update is a block known as the blast furnace now the blast furnace looks like this and it is a furnace upgrade that allows for the smelting of ores to be slightly faster than the traditional furnace here is a side-by-side comparison of the blast furnace and the regular furnish you can definitely see the difference the smoker is another new block in 1.14 which is also another furnace upgrade that allows for the cooking of foods to be twice as fast as the traditional furnace here is a side-by-side comparison between the furnace and the smoker showing how quickly the food is cooked in both of them and as you can see the smoker does it significantly faster sweet berry bushes are a new type of block that have been added in 1.14 that come in four different stages and they can spawn in taiga biomes and snowy taiga biomes and they look like this the first stage of the berry boot is just a sapling as you can see and the second stage is the bush but with no berries on it and the third stage is a berry bush with a few berries on it and then the fourth stage is the final stage of the bush which has all of the berries on it and there you go you can obtain some berries from stages three and four you can then use the sweet berries you got from the berry bush to replant them as the sapling form and basically just grow more of them be careful though because those foxes I mentioned earlier will try to steal them which can be a little bit annoying but yeah watch out a really awesome change in the 1.14 update is that sneaking now reduces the player's height to a one-point five blocks tall allowing them to walk through a 1.5 blocked or what gaps as you can see a really nice change the title screen in the 1.14 update has of course changed to highlight the theme of the village and pillage update and I have to say it looks really really cool the pillager outpost is a new type of structure that has been added in 1.14 and it looks like this and they can be found in any biome that a village can generate in so yeah they could be found pretty much everywhere in your Minecraft world now these pillager outposts are of course home to hostile pillager mobs so be careful when approaching these because you might get attacked by some villagers with crossbows if you do manage to raid the pillage outpost then you'll be in luck because there are some chests that can generate in them which can contain some pretty good loot such as crossbows a bunch of new stairs slabs and walls have been added in the 1.14 update giving you a much wider variety of blocks to build with here is a cinematic preview of all of the new stairs slabs and wolves now all the village structures have been changed and overhauled to adapt to the biome they generate in so each biome you find a village in they look completely different and really awesome here are some quick cinematic shots to show what the village structures look like in 1.14 an additional a village structure has been added in 1.14 that was not in Minecraft before and that village is the snowy Tundra village so if you find a snowy biome you can now find villages spawning in them which is really cool in Minecraft 1.14 ocelots and cats have been split into two different mobs which means you can no longer tame an ocelot to turn it into a cat ocelots can still be found in jungle biomes as normal but stray cats can now be found in MPC villages to be tamed by the player by using raw fish another cool change we've cuts in 1.14 is that there are no longer three cat skins as there are now 11 cat skins as you can see that's right they've added a lot more cat skin to the 1.14 update and they all look like this oh and cats can now sit on the end of your bed while you are sleeping in 1.14 which is a really welcomed addition a nice little changes that in 1.14 the witch Hut's will now generate with a black cat inside of here which is really cool leaves in 1.14 drop zero to two sticks the Panda is a brand new passive sometimes a neutral mob at being added in the brand new 1.14 village and pillage update now it has already been introduced in the snapshot phase for 1.14 on October 24 2018 in 18w 43 a pandas will spawn in groups of 1 to 2 in the new bamboo a forest biome which is basically a sub by earned for the jungle biome there is pretty much a bamboo forest most pandas that spawn will spawn with 20 health points which is equivalent to 10 hearts of health but there is also a weak panda type which only has 10 health points which is equivalent to 5 hearts the pandas that spawn in your Minecraft world will spawn at with one out of the seven possible personality traits that they can spawn win now the panda types that exist are either normal aggressive weak lazy worried playful or brown and they have a unique texture to show their personality the camp fire is a new block that was added in the 1.14 update that can be used for many different things the camp fire looks like this in appearance and it can be used for things such as cooking food it can be used as a light source as you can see and it can be also used as a smoke signal in the distance the beautiful campfire is simply crafted by using a one Cole in the center and then surrounding it with three sticks and then placing three wooden logs along the bottom and there you go you've got a campfire oh yeah don't stand on the campfire because you'll just burn yourself and you might die thanks Captain Obvious anyways moving on diamond iron and gold horse armor have been in Minecraft since the 1.6 update be in the 1.14 update they have recently added leather horse armor as well diamond iron and gold horse armor cannot be crafted and can only be found in naturally generated structures such as dungeons however let the horse armor can in fact be crafted to craft led the horse armor to simply place seven leather in the crafting grid like so and there you go you have crafted leather horse armor to equip on your taint horse you can change the color and the appearance of the leather horse armor by using dye and the leather horse armor can be dyed a total of twelve million three hundred and twenty six thousand three hundred and ninety-one different unique colors Wow if you want to remove the dye from your leather horse armor just simply right-click on a filled cauldron with the dyed leather armor and there you go it's gone the groin stone is a new book that was added in 1.14 that is used to repair items and tools and remove enchantments and the grindstone block looks like this with the addition of the grindstone block you can no longer repair items by combining them together in the crafting grid you instead have to place them in the grindstone like this and there you go I've prepared my stone pickaxe you can also remove enchantments by simply placing the item in here and there you go I can remove the sharpness five and get some XP back as well crafting the grindstone block is very simple just simply place two sticks in the crafting grid like so with planks underneath those sticks and then you just place a stone slab in the middle and there you go you have crafted the grindstone block the lantern is a new light source block that was added into Minecraft 1.14 and it is very similar to the torch apart from the fact that it emits a light level of 15 whereas the torch only emits a light or fourteen so it is slightly brighter than the torch and it looks like this to craft a beautiful looking Lantern block just simply go in the crafting table and put one torch in the middle as you can see and then surround it by eight iron nuggets and there you go you have crafted yourself a lantern and yeah they look really awesome the barrel is a new block that was added in the 1.14 update that is used for storing items as you can see now the only difference the barrel has to the chest is that the barrel can be stored anywhere and you can still access it so if I put it under the tree right here I can still open it and put in my diamonds whereas if I put a chest under this tree I cannot open it at all so the barrel is sort of better than the chest in a way because you can sort of place it anywhere and still access it which is really cool to craft a barrel just simply place six at wooden planks in the crafting grid like so and then two up wooden slabs in the crafting grid like so and there you go you have crafted a barrel and you can now store your diamonds scaffolding is a new block that was added into 1.14 and it looks like this and it's basically a block used when building structures to help the player reach higher places like this as you can see when they are building their house for example and they can also use it to get down safely without taking any fall damage so yeah it's a very useful block for people that want to build in survival if you would like to craft the very helpful scaffolding then just simply go into the crafting table and place down six bamboos in the crafting grid like so and then put one string along the top and there you go you've got yourself six scaffolding very simple to do once again you just got to get yourself some bamboo the lectern is a new block that was added in 1.14 that can be found in MPC villages and it is used for holding books for multiple players to read in multiplayer so let's open up this book and give it a read if you want to craft the awesome-looking electon that looks like this then just simply go in the crafting table put a bookshelf in the middle of the often grid and then get four wooden slabs and put them in the crafting table like so and there you go you have crafted a lectern very simple indeed the fletching table is a new block that has been added in Minecraft 1.14 but it currently has no functionality and is only used as a decorative block but just by looking at it as you can see it's probably going to be a type of crafting table used to make different types of arrows but yeah it currently has no function even though the fletching table is only a decorative block right now and has no functionality you can still craft it so if we go over to the crafting table and placed on four planks in the crafting grid like so and then place two Flint above it you can then craft the fletching table so yeah this is the crafting recipe for it it doesn't do anything at the moment but yeah you can still craft it if you want to put it in your house the smithing table is another book that was added in Minecraft 1.14 there also doesn't have a functionality right now and is only served as a decorative blog but once again just by looking at it you can sort of tell that this block is probably going to be used for armor and tool upgrades but yeah it doesn't have a function at the moment so I could be wrong once again despite the smithing table only being a decorative block right now you can still craft this so if we go over to the crafting table and place down four planks in the crafting grid like so and then place two iron ingots above it I could then craft the smithing table so once again if you want to have another decorative block to put in your house it does look pretty cool to be fair so you could definitely use it as a decorative block so yeah this is the smithing table the stonecutter is a nother book that was introduced in the 1.14 update and it's basically a block that is used to obtain stone related items a lot easier than crafting them so if I put a 64 stack of stone in the stone cutter you'll see that I can easily obtain some stone slabs or some stone stairs without having to just manually craft them so yeah it's definitely you know a lot more simple and a lot more easy to obtain the stone blocks crafting the stone cutter has never been easier because if you go into the crafting and simply place a three-stone along the bottom and then put an iron ingot above it there you go I've got the stonecutter very easy indeed it's a very simple recipe so there you have it guys that was roughly around 100 things that were added in the new Minecraft 1.14 village and pillage update I really hope you enjoyed the video and there were definitely some things that I missed in this video but I tried to cover nearly everything added in the change logs so I hope you all enjoyed it and or found it informative once again if you did enjoyed this video then be sure to give this video a like rating and if you are new to the channel and want to see more videos like this then be sure to subscribe as well as there will be more videos coming soon but yeah I'm gonna go now everybody I really hope you all enjoyed the new 1.14 updates sorry if this video is about a week away I was taking a very long time to make this video but yeah hope you enjoyed it nonetheless thanks for watching have an awesome day and I'll see you all in my next one good bye [Music]
Channel: iDeactivateMC
Views: 2,277,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 1.14, update, village and pillage, 100, things, added, minecraft 1.14, minecraft 1.14 update, minecraft 1.14 village and pillage update, minecraft 1.14 new features, minecraft 1.14 new mobs, minecraft 1.14 crossbow, minecraft 1.14 foxes, minecraft 1.14 pandas, minecraft 1.14 village, 100 Things Added in Minecraft 1.14 Update, features, changes, mobs, items, blocks, crossbow, weapon, panda, fox, pillager, villager, minecraft 1.14 things added, things you didn't know about minecraft 1.14
Id: Nrc8zZTCjjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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