New Character, TALOS - Custom Afterbirth+ Mod

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what is up everybody my name is Hudson welcome back to after birth plus today we are playing a character called Talos caught my eye when I was browsing perusing the mods so what's the deal with this guy well instead of shooting tears Talos shoots rock explosions thank God they oh go over the the gaps oh hey look I make little bit of things I make little bridges phenomenal my health is also garbage apparently he cannot have swords something about Talos not being he's like an automation or stuff I don't know in exchange for the power of Earth Telus could not use soul hearts or black hearts as they are all converted into eternal arts and empty heart containers are permanently removed I guess the actual mythological Talos doesn't have a soul since he's an automation otamatone something 10 out of 10 confidence it's true even that half soul heart was a eternal heart so it's kind of like right arts are soul hearts in this scenario here since we lose them permanently I blow off of the rocks I can if I hit him right can I open up secret runs I can because I'm a genius I thought I could kill him I can blow that up yeah so it seems like sometimes you descend it like push the enemies back sometimes we hit the enemies sometimes the tears stops or the quake stops oh there's something about like a super quake yeah that would be the super quake I press control and it's charged up there on the top left by his health a little charge bar it's probably like per damage I do it seems like that's the case here and then I go look Wow which is like you know super neat I can apparently hurt myself if I walk into my own quake so we'd have to get explosion immunity I'm assuming in order to avoid that but good run so far good run so far well it's an excel floor very very easy for us to lose our deal to devil chance since we can't protect ourself so let's sum you know be careful and stuff what do we got I want to see some synergies with this I don't even want to humor you Robo baby I don't even want to humor you oh can we reset it's been a good run up to now though so let's maybe focus on winning I would feel like some things like like brimstone for example would probably just override this I don't know how well they really delve into synergies well it will seep and give that guy my money I like Talos his hair pretty badass plus his eyebrows I also have big beefy eyebrows so you know instant connection with eyebrows everything's working out so far I just feel like something like this we're gonna end up hitting a getting to an enemy that we can't kill oh my goodness that was close got him because like they don't take damage from this or something I don't know we'll see can't charge up my quakes did you just kill somebody robo-baby what do you want me to freakin thank you alright fire it's not bad with this yeah the sound is probably gonna get annoying by the end of this but that's okay are we go to the boss ASAP I'm thinking different flies see very slow Duke applause going well so far we don't necessarily have piercing which is interesting that you think that these quakes would just keep going like a quake wouldn't stop because of a fly above it kind of a thing but you know maybe it'd be too powerful if it just inherently gave you piercing although great is fine by me and I you know how our deal with the devil is gonna work since we don't have soul arts and may lose red hearts permanently I'm just thinking like it's gonna be really risky there's got to be something really good for me to grab otherwise angel rooms would be stellar I think with with Talos specifically I'm kind of thinking I don't want speed upgrades like I said if we move too fast we'll walk into our own quakes and I will definitely hurt myself and here's a nossa ATS upgrade which also gives me speed yes check this devil robot I guess ah you know there's a chance there's a chance that might actually double the quake but I'm thinking probably not it's angel it is I don't want to take too many risks here I just gave it to myself and then take it away and then just you know I guess see if it does anything yeah I know it looks like it does looks like it does make two of them looks like it does work yeah cool I can't keep it now cuz that's cheating we move fast up to herself no not yet I wonder if this is actually affected by shot speed free tinted rocks by the way which is cool that didn't pick that up and tell us at least another soul heart on the grounds or if I'm leaving because it's an eternal art remember shop me but he got box of friends isn't gonna cut it sorry no reason not to find the top secret room totally right here right right right right right right yeah it's Topsy groom yes hello no gonna be a mini-boss room not possible no well where the fack got to be up here excuse me maybe right here ah all right nothing too special in the shop so buddy give me something special huh you and me but rub up against you like this oh yeah I totally worked nice I mean we get them for free anyway so at least now I can save time take my oh you know what that was not an eternal art that was just a straight-up red heart I I dub maybe maybe it like a hole so hard as a hole red heart where as a half so heart is an eternal art I don't know I don't know whatever I'm cool with that I guess maybe devil deals would be okay then because if we pretend that were blue baby for a second it's likely blue baby but instead of spending three soul hearts for deals the devil he spend one or two I'm not sure that was really balanced drowsy pill is phenomenal Oh Bo buddies hey cool it so old penny probably not that good we're not gonna really be using a blood donation machines so good yeah you just make a total bridge over the troubled water slash gap something did something that open up if I did wow you guys know I got a little bridge for myself and then go hide this look at the settled pattern I'm naked let's not forget about our mega mega load full brace stuff is oh yeah buddy hey that was close I'm standing it so far this guy seems super overpowered not gonna live but we are gonna need some damage upgrades gonna need something spicy here see now we have an eternal heart in there I don't even know all fate gives you an eternal heart right boss room first well shop first for increased chance for angel room I want to see this with Godhead or homing Canon homing Oh what the hell is wrong with this room I hate it no donation machine so we can't do anything about that angel chance but I could buy this for another red heart which is insane buying a box again real funny real funny stuff damage angel angel angel Boyd's gonna be too much of a problem here getting piercing would be an amazing thing that would work with this one just stopped it keeps going through because they could damage the enemy multiple times for a little chunk I think maybe if I get it like alongside of the hitbox it could maybe yeah like it was working I kind of get it next to the hitbox it will keep going a little bit on the sweet spot alright we're doing it it's on damage nice speed though we're gonna run into this yeah yeah we're hurting ourselves now oh yeah that's the synergy that we wanted yeah that's it that oh thank you so much I appreciate that a lot thank you thank you thank you going down going down Buster Brown oh my god I made this so much harder on myself I guess we'll just take it then you come back his Lazarus and make this whole run when you meaningless a that white and blue I think alright I'm wrong [Music] [Applause] it rocked rocked okay yeah that's risky just risky enough to just give away all my arts smart this is what smart people do hold wisdom see totally worth it yeah I'll get his bomb through rooms didn't even think about that I'm not going to yeah it's at least okay I might do that in this one [ __ ] this room [ __ ] plan the end okay we're like actually totally super amazingly dead give me a shot over here no just a straight-up eternal art I'll come back for you okay it's not bad oh wait stop your real one machine bud multiple choices in the item room the icicles my candle will be sweet probably rag mega we'll see how easy this is good be in trouble here if I start flinging these purple balls around I don't even know what her hit me their parties and bonds to would make a lot of sense oh we got hit there therefore we lost our chance for a double room we had high hopes of this character and now I just [ __ ] hate it oops double algae's that's nice lovers lovers lovers lovers that's a shame we really could have paid that guy I gotta go back to this room right well they're not champions anymore though so I think I played the I played it right did the right thing here what up oh all right I am uh in the middle of recording something I'm gonna tell them you said hi you guys know I'm cutting it out they'll never know all right yeah he's do this algae's thing we had another one of these guys I could totally farm up money at the same time if I wanted to jump over here you know but it's like I'm wasting time with him maybe when he goes down and to do his little thing gonna be like cool I mean he yeah whatever he paid out anyways and I got some extra time over here let's go oh this is a very long algae's damn son we are playing see which is just really nice it's like really I think it's gonna complement to everything that we're going for right now it's uh yeah it's swell it's get that other algae's and get some more money you know what we could have black ruined it I'm gonna think about it maybe we'll get IV bag and then I can swap although bloodbag would also be top-notch - the speed there we go all right look at that I'm talking of it now you give me something good - yeah blah Cruden damage all right things are looking up again oh that's right black kondal ooh ah steam shell caves - not a bad choice fire rate isn't great but I'm wondering if it's capped at like 10 because this doesn't feel like it's bad fire rate for the rock blast you know what's being of rock blast BAM a fly had it coming tears up there we go maybe we'll pull off a I got a pill mimic or something in a shop he'll mimic is not something I've ever taken seriously so like I might have even already seen it and I just didn't register it I'm not sure I've ever actually even used pill mimic appropriately hmm yes absolutely it's the same thing as my control blast the how did the tinted rock not blow up there but up bro I'm loving it yep oh yeah like mega sane right now you can just totally risk an atlas and make him mega satan and maybe make like little pounding fists and boom new mod hello goodbye okay not smart to charge him losing my angel chance like that good mmm smart stuff hurt myself they're also just like talk quality this is why you guys watch me because I'm a professional gamer really professional stuff here yeah that's gotta be [ __ ] disgusting I've got a no let's gonna totally ruin the video this is not something I usually do [ __ ] no it's not gonna happen Pillman ik without any pills I gotta get rid of Tammy's head I don't know I didn't sign up for this I didn't sign up for this I see another tears pill I'll go back it's not likely vested pill no not good enough [Applause] [Music] oh but he sits here that golden bomb fine fine chat comments section whoever the [ __ ] you are maybe could get our pill this way I guess member I said I didn't want speed upgrades and Here I am sitting at two max speed yeah welcome the Hutt's gaming no yeah-oh per my angel Roomba three more angels you got in here good stuff no pill for me what if I grabbed moving box and and grabbed these two items right and then drop them later when I find a pill yeah I don't think this is odd pretty sure this is the first time I'm using moving box like effectively bill me pill you got a pillow pun pill yeah having Eucharist is nice though not having to worry about damaging myself like an idiot's Pharma angel room can't go away go hard and luck out pills yeah yeah sure oh great how many of you does yawned by show of pubs not the right tail bud the tried doll you can give me pills pretty much the same thing gun what you got let's luck let's lock this round we're cruising now not a problem scolex is gonna be really interesting though um oh my god did that that was pretty good I'm deflecting him no I'm like almost invincible here if I just keep knocking him away he says he doesn't knock him away get up get up nice we're doing it four more yeah I don't think I don't want to mess with bone hearts here and and yeah we love you it just blocks it just blocks it [Music] bombing crumbs bobbing crumbs pardon pardon me these may be Amy Bobo meet named hard battle maybe hit her in the front excited the same thing we did with your Gertie where we do multiple heads of damage maybe yeah sort of kind of working I guess Oh last angel room feed bum buh and yeah oh no a spot to eat girl here we go like I feel like we had a chance to see some cool stuff and it was squashed at every turn we have good items like this is doable but holy crap the most exciting rooms were just gosh steaming garbage today maybe we'll have to make another video then try out some synergies nope give me [ __ ] you guys [ __ ] off yeah I'll pay him Oh skip this room for sure hello got it Isaac get him bumbo but bumble do most of the work here that's why I raised you I raised you from a small testicle for this beaming lumpy sac of a person Bumbo is a ball sack right like can we all agree that we had a race ball sack in ok case we can pick a spot just my last hope for something spicy let's go since we're not going anywhere past this I could drop these down as well that could be good it's probably not good that's a better active item I have no idea spicy am I also shooting pop tears on top of what I'm already doing and the rocks just sit there they hurt me though Oh orfox we're done that's it that is Supriya I have no idea how to handle this situation not walking into my my own rocks sorry Bombo nice little keys though like this modest is dripping with potential for seeing none of it God yeah I suppose gonna make it harder to dodge my own [ __ ] though okay oh yeah help I need help we're almost there we're almost there ice need to get there doing it I got a no I got a no it's garbage it's garbage run oh dude we're almost dead we're almost dead no not like this not like this not like this man hit him hit him hard oh oh that's that dude that's [ __ ] it I don't even know oh yeah we're still shooting rocks we're still shooting rocks squeezed by oh no no no bumble it's all you bumble bumble I'm not shooting anymore I can't I can't be trusted it's all you bumble get him do what you were born to do no bumble he was okay look at the health of the boss though we went we are yes we won yeah he died at the end I saw it I totally saw it lost no I that was a win that's what winning looks like thank you guys for watching me win hope you enjoyed that win as always I will see you in the next win see you guys [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 361,292
Rating: 4.9374685 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: TGDnFLcinO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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