Endor - Alphabirth Mod Pack (Afterbirth+)

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hey what's up everybody my name is Dustin we are back with the second pack of alpha birth today so we already covered the first pack mom's closet the second pack it's called all that is unholy now alpha burst is a mod pack that is coming out for a traverse but only bit by bit so this next pack adds like 27 new items I think looks like a new character called Endor with the cauldron and spirit I should we start at that or should we do a challenge today there's all these new challenges that they've added and apparently they actually unlock new content within the pack so let's just do one right now where we start as a new character and we just do a normal run since I'm kind of rusty I haven't played a game in quite some time besides a daily oh wow okay so when I shoot through my spirit I it like spits up like a bunch of homing Kirsten this looks amazing I'm on a broom and I've got a cauldron because I am a witch I don't know what the cauldron does is that something I should look up or should I just test it should I just feel it out I have no idea space bars is not doing anything it probably does something with maybe like a consumable drop in the ground it's probably some condition at which you know has to be true in order for it to work 2.45 damage really bad but the sphere die kind of makes up for that doesn't it maybe I mean like I also flight so that's a thing we got to add a new account yeah so they are homing tears in the ghost of the sphere dies by its spectral and piercing though there'd be nothing to stop me oh man that's like a shotgun blast off that thing also just absolute terrible health but I do have eternal arts that you know as long as I'm living we'll survive to the next level so that's pretty good first item room here I want to see some new items this thing has a lot of new items Oh what does it tell me I really hope this pays off I see that that still doesn't mean anything to me we're trying to use this on this item because they're do anything there no okay probably you think it takes hearts or something I don't know man I'm not sure if there's an alpha birth wiki so we might have to figure everything out on our own anyways let's try it our next consumable drop it may be the smartest thing here all right I'm definitely just going to stick with my my eyeball wherever that goes it's holy crap that's good okay can I keep that yes okay I did eat a battery and I don't know what it did I do not know what it did maybe if I get enough consumables maybe it doesn't matter what consumable I get if I just get enough it will spit out something maybe it'll spit out an item would it be cool if the cauldron makes an item after eating up cash honey the key I should just take the key if it makes an item after eating so many things that was kind of one of my ideas for a new character I thought like having a bumble character wear like item rooms are disabled but for every single you know 25 cents that you get not when you hate 25 cents when you get another 25 cents it spits out a random item much like bumbo kinda does you know he'll randomly spit out an item pedestal sometimes okay guys eat a whole chess yeesh not sure if I should have done that but I had to test it for science I'm a very scientific person what can I say you know like I don't know I gotta know things and by me knowing things you now know things so you're welcome you're welcome you guys okay you know what we're gonna get more I think if we just put the judgment down and blow them up yeah see that really work oh my gosh how much blue that penny right into me the nickel probably worth taking and everything else suck it up what does it do what is it really doing I it looks like I could actually see some stuff in the cauldron now I'm wondering if I like you know if it gets old does it spit out you know gobble up everything that I sucked up because like you know if you don't eat your Oreo cookie now you'll get to Oreo cookies later you know the classic kids trap and the kids are like I don't have patience and then they eat the damn Oreo cookie anything like you're such an idiot and they're like but I don't know any better that's how kids work if you didn't know aren't you just glad that I'm here to explain like really complex life things to you like how children work pudding this time next week for how women work who's triggered all right spirit I built me any like some sort of witch chance toil toil trouble in the foil and wrap your potatoes in tin foil that's that's one I'm pretty sure that's one so fairly certain I mean I think go to which camp for nothing you know you're a wizard Harry you're a witch Harry you're top two ferrets didn't also tell you you're actually born a woman a female born a woman sounds good sounds weird right because it's like woman you think of like as like a full-grown you know if you're born as a full-grown woman to be a little odd I'd be painful to for the mom I'm just and showing that out there I'm very rambley today I'm just [ __ ] rambling I'm a ramblin man I was born a ramblin man all right ah Cuba meets pretty good here young heart it's not so good especially at no read health so let's move forward all right eternal our time we don't flight so it's half off for our curse room you'd be worth like it's like a foot spiders I I can suck up the empty shell of the check see now these things these things are worth knowing okay that's helpful actually though it's pretty helpful the missus period i holy [ __ ] you imagine if we had like Polyphemus or just a faster fire rate in general triple shot through that thing i hope that it doesn't perceive it's not just like per activation it spits out a certain amount of tears you know what I mean the cold was probably grabbed for multi-dimensional babies now that I think about it it's pretty amazing it's like a like a rapid-fire monstros lung that you can't really control where it's going definitely worth having could you imagine if his bomb had gone through the fear died and turned into like 17 homing bumps I mean they already are holding bombs that's the point of a super troll bomb but you know I mean spits into like a cloud of bombs oh geez I'm glad did not work with the enemies that I've seen yet Utley we could probably just keep sucking up stuff then I guess the only thing I really want is to make sure that I got at least a couple keys you know once the job form to the item room if the game allows me okay this could be pretty good here that could be less good I'm not really going to use that right now should you suck all these things up I probably should have seen what the cards are right if it's a Hierophant card I'd rather just use it if it's a puts the judgment I could have blown it up again for increased chances builds a definitely out of harm clan and this floor already just thinking about future floors if it's a justice card you know things like that okay it is actually changing up there I do see it changing so the more we suck up things the more the picture up there on the top is altering I'm going to get an item pedestal I'm gonna get two random item pedestal if it's just something simple like a arrange upgrade after this is all complete then it's gonna be pretty lame Gemma needs our Scrooge okay so Cuba meets Gemini three similar things here more protection I mean pseudo damaged right damage that we got to kind of work for so blowing up these pots actually could give me a bunch of sliders oh good that's what I wanted all perfect thank you whoa holes all around and man man well been in elsewhere nails but in France were no no it's just me nobody knows knows ramblin man come into my [ __ ] though my spirit I [ __ ] sodas ooh there we go okay health upgrade definitely worth taking before the deal to devil that's not good I'm going to eat it's ready I mean it's glowing it leaves maybe if I press it is it going to give me that a better oh ah that's so good because now I can save for Gil's dev that was perfect timing and I got a copy I know I'm excited we'll hold born and excited man oh yeah I'm not sucking those up hell naw girl that's good that is good think about game brakes with this thing you know you get something that's going to or just IV bags in general if I gotta have two active items right now and take the IV bag with me think about that just eating a bunch of red hearts spitting out especially if you were able to by things like swallowed penny or find a guest and then by the my life saving ooh all that be good I like this item a lot and I wish it was in the normal Isaac and guess it's now kind of already is considering you know what what is normal Isaac after I get all the achievements I can start playing modern as much as I want to okay I did say two keys though yeah whatever one key is fun one key is fine although although although although one key might get me into some golden chests you know and that might give me that should that will absolutely give me more things to suck up because we know that the shell is at least suck up a bowl right so open up a great golden shet you're going to get one thing to suck anyways yeah let's just take the keys then yeah and hope for some goals and check mom's key with this oh wow that'd be amazing dad's key with it not not good at all sorry dad loving my spirit ah it's so good full of the spirit good write jingles and I do write jingles I should start selling jingle mucinex get all the sticky icky out of your nose hey I told you I told you I'm really good at this hey melody what even knows the same melody though wasn't you're full of [ __ ] viagra when you can't get your p4 up bigger room be loaded with stuff oh well you know if I had two keys I think about going over there I guess I could go to this one over here but then that might be a waste of keys if I've got flight how can i [ __ ] fly over a key block oh come on magical force field key block magical pony flying through the sky magical pony for you in ah okay no no thanks I'm not just I'd rather suck up the pills you know there's a chance that some of them are going to be good but we have to take all of them to find out what all of them do so suck up nothing and learn something about pills they've sucked off all the pills and maybe get a sweet item you know and come back to one of these rooms like a curse room a challenge room I say the challenge room has pretty good like like a red shed oh stop right couldn't you get a guppy item in a challenge room maybe I'm making that up because I know there's like some what the hell that ding what day I was at a new hitting me quad I oh that's cool you know I wish there was a quad shot that did that wouldn't that be amazing would that be cool there were different quad shots anyways I'm getting so sidetracked I got like a sidetrack that a tangent on from a tangent side track already oh geez are you know that bomb stop stuck out the bomb so I can get some printed rocks now that we're really low in health or anything like that oh come on it seems like every single time I get by an enemy that has RNG like the head look guy that spits out randomly the the red nubs that quote unquote spit [ __ ] randomly I always get tagged right in the dick and it's not good I got distracted from a tangent on it when I was talking about getting distracted on tangents that's how bad it is right now it's just really bad you know I probably shouldn't have come in here until I knew my cauldron was ready I probably should have done all the room try to suck up as many things as possible oh well if a double deal does open up or an angel room holy [ __ ] could you imagine this an angel room oh come on I should have waited late time if there's so hard in the angel room or eternal hearts I'm going to be very very tempted to suck them up instead to try to get a child a cauldron charge a child Rijn card my brain does that so much it mixes up the starting letters of words and kids it's like a dyslexia but like when I'm speaking I remember reading an article that was like people who do that who have speaking dyslexia or actually because they're really really smart hey a double deal and another Cuban meet my knuckles up not okay you know what you're right because there was a third phase and then it got to I should just grab those acts it should've taken them you know what I'm tempted by the whole angel room thing so what I'm going to do here is actually I'm not going to well but two-thirds Gumpy we probably should have just gone for double deals you know but I would have had to take a headless baby and that's not so hot I don't really know what I'm doing pointed point is I have no clue you think it works in shops I bet not oh that's I'm glad it's like a bomb it's a key to add I'm going to the shop now and test it out see what happens it's ready it's so full can ready Iuh them out of the bomb why don't I use them for my top secret room why did I go into here why am I saying that what am i doing should we save this for the angel room now ah because we might get it on the next floor already right it only takes about one floor for me to unlock this thing comforts is pretty good yeah I'm pretty good okay I can actually touch the cauldron right now because it's going to lay an item should we just go ahead and lay an item because there's a lot of there's a lot of [ __ ] in the shop now there'll be more shops to test this out and I'm going to save this for the angel room and I'm going to try to mate in my box room immediately which could be possible with my compass let's beeline it right for the boss room and try to get us an angel room let's just hope for like a random got being a curse room or a random guppy in a red chest so it's still possible to get it even if we're getting into room care I mean and you know what we can it doesn't matter okay so I'm talking about like oh we're going to lose a charge audit if I if I if I leave it at full charge right because I'm going to pass by all the consumables the consumables aren't going anywhere right and now that I think about it head of keeper holy [ __ ] would that be like one of the best things ever just spitting out frickin coins everywhere and I wonder if the coin get multiplied through this stupid spear died we can leave everything on the floor and we come back for it so we could potentially stack up multiple charges for floor just kind of backtrack and sell our cauldrons full I like that seems pretty good to me we're learning wishbone a chance to drop a random item when we take damage I think I think unless it's the one that gives me a health upgrade randomly I said I was going to be lying to the bathroom and then Here I am getting sidetracked because I don't really know where I'm going oh geez what the hell is that what was that fly it was a bomb fly that has legs and arms ha ha ha excuse me do I know you imagine getting duct tape with this thing if I could flash stir it over my face oh my god because it got kind of a glitch with duct tape where I could get a cube meter you get something anything basically and you ages a game and come back in a lot of the familiar is respawn on top of your face and then get positioned and with duct tape they just stick to your face so if you get a cube meat attached to your face you're invincible mine I'm gonna go back and get some of those bombs that I can blow up this printed rock because it's all for naught if I can't even pull off a goddamn angel rug how do I save it for an angel that I didn't get right that's right said that I was going to beeline it but holy crap look at a stupid pass to the boss room dumb it kind of looks like a lowercase beef so kind of date beeline it you can't really blame me what's up [ __ ] those stupid arm and leg bomb flies that excuse appears that do nothing special I don't understand I don't get it that's a sticky one it's good job you got me oh man to be one of those red spiders against ah me when I'm flying like you literally can't do anything you don't even have a [ __ ] nametag play down lie down lay down blue down I I don't know man and this is hard reg mega I've got purple balls yeah I got some purple balls too [ __ ] you ain't the only one that's got purple balls why do you keep going invincible why you do any stoppies sewing seriously though what the hell I can't hit him because he goes invincible every three seconds what is this BS invincibility I've met it's never taken me this long to fight uh a reg mega before he pops up and goes down instantly [ __ ] this and then spawns a group of enemies to do its bidding come on what the [ __ ] cheers to those not cool I'm actually gonna lose you look iron man you look you're done you're [ __ ] done and we didn't get anything anyways ah balls okay well there's no curse room either so it's what we're what do we what where do we go I'm going to take this take the bombs and you know we kind of need them for like secret rooms and tinted rocks with this cracked rock shock wave shot what okay what happens if I use it in this room that's a deal with the devil item Oh oh it could be red chest that is sacrificial ziege red checks I don't I don't really know maybe cauldron itself as a deal with the devil because like witches are pretty good that you know devilish go ahead and not take this pill like I said let's not do pills and that trinket you know I'll give it a shot I'll give it a shot yeah we should probably actually just test this we should probably just actually test this that's a better trinket more reliable we should just drop an item on the floor anywhere and see if that's a deal to devil item right we got to learn maybe I maybe I'm waiting for an angel room when it's not necessary item room is my little unicorn horn new oh really it's hot alright let's just drop on the floor ah that is not a deal with the devil okay so it's debunked but you know what second pin is going to give me more drops and more drops is uh more cauldron a good thing woo are you watching the shock wave shots I don't even know what that was I don't even know what just happened but I liked it alright for science we gotta test this just see if it can do naughty things the shop did not think that was going to happen did not think that was going to happen but holy crap that's really good I am pleased sexually alright imagine this item with soy milk head of the keeper on the hush fight right am i her that could be a good challenge you get the cauldron and soy milk and head of the keeper and you just can like spit out items and you try to save your run from being sly mules even though I you know really really like soy milk [ __ ] is that guy this is a little chopper so chomping he was alright this is we're cruising right now now this Oh My Love Bone bomb City oh my cows a bunch of new enemies in this war whoo oh that's cool that reminds me of anti-birth really it does because an enemy looks that looked just like that an anti bird he does not explode okay that's news to me I thought he was black like the other bone thrower that he would explode the hell is that black nugget stone nugget stone fly excuse me he's like hey what's up I'm here one of my wings turns white but only on one of the four animation oh good whoa woo brim host damn that's cool I liked it although it's kind of weird how he spotted a normal host and then turned into a brim most like he peeled off his mask weed like ah the person you thought I was the last point five milliseconds is not true our damage stills it hahaha he got stuck he liked he'll heal me Tom Cruise is stuck in the fire Oh idiot hilarious third level meat boy okay so complaining a lot of damage is not really a thing that we need to do anymore also backtracking is not a thing that we can do sue because it's the mom well yeah it's the mom fight so the ooh you know there is a curse room let's go in there and actually drop our cauldron there and see if we can't get a third copy item that would really turn things around for us all right we're in get them Super Meat Boy and I'm to me boy why isn't he a cute bill you know it's Cuba meat then turns into a circle of meat then turns into super meat boy who is also still a circle that's not a copy item but it's good but it's Oh such a [ __ ] magical pony okay you know what I sucked up a golden chest and now it's on Phase two of the cauldron it seems like golden jets are weighted differently world card not interested please I'd rather suck you you know what do we need to shrink it either are we really sucking up pennies no this is last four with the shop on it yeah no I'd really get another deal to devil item from the curse room or red chest done whatever it is that we you know whatever it doesn't really matter to me they're both pretty similar but not you know I mean good talk right I can suck that up without having to fight that room I thought there's no reason not to open up chest so if we come across them besides not having a key of course just because the shells still count you know there's my keys okay that's pretty good and we're ready to go I'm gonna go back into the curse room we don't have to care about soul hearts or black hearts right now since well you know no we already took right our damage so it already already lost it we got get matte reflect I like it pretty okay was that a black cart that hurt me is that a fake black heart nice game you did a good job today nice spider black heart well done well done that's ooh perfect man okay here's here's the decision so I go into the item room or do I go into the shop where I could suck everything up for free and get a deal - devil if I went into the curse room again and went out to half a red heart yeah you know I think I - room it's probably the safest bet here metronome well by Wow okay that's I mean a game II cricket Scotty for one room which is cool but really not good enough not good enough game we're in trouble we're in trouble we're going into the mom fight and we are not ready at all you know what maybe we should actually pop this down in the boss room and hope for a health upgrade it might be one of the best things for us honestly we might still get an angel room though so who's to say who's to say what will happen let's just go fight mom face the music ah [ __ ] man it's tough to suck up in that other boss room too though and I can't do that because I can't go in and back out come on fight why does it walk out to the mom fight a lot it has to be a thing why so like can't you just not lock the door - the mom fight I thought that was like a bug that happened at one point they just they just kept in my god that's fine alright mom we're copy right we can [ __ ] do it we just turn into guppy there's no excuse for us to leave none whatsoever please and we got a [ __ ] angel that's what I'm talking about I'm taking my polaroid here I'm going into the angel room I'm taking my circle of protection hell yeah and I'm also going to get some scapula that's good and I'm excited about that oh boy you know what I might as well just go for that that's a pretty soul heart that I'm going to get oh my gosh you got another one I shouldn't pick it up I should have got dolls scapular why I should have hurt myself again which would have given me a soul heart and then I could have picked up the other so hard to get to so hard so I got excited I got excited you guys that's the [ __ ] bane of my existence is getting excited we'll be okay we'll be okay we'll live we got a free angel room item and that's really all I wanted and we don't need keys anymore really but for opening up golden chests I suppose all right I definitely think that we've had this thing charged up before we go into any more of the room would be smart I think in case we get another angel room Godhead I can feel it I can feel it that can feel it coming in the air tonight isn't it nice to have the right lyrics oh my gosh I totally forgot about the fact that tons of enemies are dropping half right hearts now because again pee can't be a great Skippy is oh my goodness there's an argument to be made for all [ __ ] hacks how is that bug nuts been fixed come on there's an argument to be said that we should actually wait or sorry there's an argument that we should be taking the app radar to ourselves because we're going to die I've got the I should die well then there is this most [ __ ] and I'm talking about getting hit by our and Jesus in rnjesus was going to hit Noah this is the deployment pointed one point attack we know where he's going to be orangey and face self I did say orangey in his face in the last second and then randomly his head decided to come down on top of my head we can see that we didn't get an angel room now so like there's that you know we can rest easy knowing that that wasn't the case good mod I like the mod a lot I love the new character we saw new enemies new items new characters lots of stuff let me know what you guys thought about alpha person if I should do another episode I think I will also should I dip into those challenges thank you guys for watching I really appreciate it and I hope that next time we do a little bit better and as always I will see you and one see you guys [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 542,502
Rating: 4.8978157 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 1sec (1681 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2017
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