Every Item is BUMBO - Custom Afterbirth+ Challenge

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before we begin today's challenge I'd like to point you guys over to my second channel this is the channel where I upload all of my stream footage and we are so close to 100,000 subs do you want more Isaac you want more gunjan you want more dead cells Zelda peggle then I highly recommend you check it out also I just hired an editor who's cranking out fantastic compilation videos from my streams I will put the links to some of these compilations in the description so do not forget to check that out I appreciate your support and please enjoy the challenge what is up everybody welcome back to what will inevitably be a mistake let's do this thing I'm assuming you read the stream title looked at the thumbnail you know the hell that is upon us yeah sure let's be Isaac doesn't matter so every single item you guys is going to be bumble and I think that this is going to be a nightmare why well bumbles good you know bumble he's got some killing power let's not [ __ ] on bumbo here this is not fumbles fault leave all the money in the floor do not don't touch it the problem really lies in the fact that I don't think I'll be able to spread the money out to all of the bum bows one bow bow is gonna get it all and the other bumbles are gonna suffer and I'm not gonna get any stat upgrades I'm gonna be relying basically on one bumble that this is my prediction at least Excel floor what does that really mean for us there's less of a chance to go into a shop and buy stuff but like we're not picking up money so unless I get a quarter but then we're trading that in for another bum bow we're scrutiny we're like literally drew that's good though that's you know that's helpful I like the money I like where your head's at game we gotta shoot all the Flyers you got to find the money I'm gonna inevitably pick up some stew I'm like I'm gonna find a dime and I'm gonna like jump on it like a live grenade yes or have a moveable TNT barrel I totally could find a secret rum Seagram's secret we're gonna had a lot of money in it okay okay can i trade my d6 for a bum bow is that fair let's just start off without doing that gumbo my bad bimbo Bumbo bump oh there he's here speaking of he's here little Lenny wants to come snuggle like we haven't even started Lenny what do you what are you doing this is too early we do boring stuff like this before we get into the crux of the video and people are gonna stop watching are you trying to ruin dad's career you are come on I got your brush breath your brush seriously I get the [ __ ] up work that's it that's it what do you think about this challenge buddy you think it's gonna be tough for you think it's gonna be fun gonna be tough and fun [Music] [Music] we need every opportunity to find secret room that we can and we can get I need this don't look at me like that bum buh this is for you this is for you give me money good oh that's good oh hey that's good you know I don't need to bomb that you can fly oh you glorious little chubby face yes please tell make it tough I probably won't get full-grown bum bah how much does it take to get full-grown bum buh maybe like crawlspace every opportunity bum buh I got to go for it you're not flying anymore though you put in a little weight you're now you're now walking walking is good though healthy I wonder how many rooms comparatively we get with an Excel floor over top of if I would have just had uh there's two normal floors cuz if I get more rooms I guess more rooms is probably like more money rip our chances of getting like in arcade though what's the best way to farm money I could blow up the machine in the shop but that I don't know that feels rotten and a bomb this is I can take Seoul Arts all right second Bumbo bomb upgrades why are you guys pitching like a little bit to know what the d6 would change it into I am I mean it doesn't matter if we use this right that's a good item and swish you could have that too all right second bumble we are now competing for dads love and buy dad's love I mean money okay these aren't bad as long as we get some monies here from the fires yes who's faster here it almost seems like the head was flying a little bit faster we need the heads to be the fastest right but what if we're stuck at like a bunch of level to bum bows I don't think this is gonna work out you guys this is a huge mistake the subtle bumble doesn't even do [ __ ] you just need to think about tacking them you aren't of no help to me it's gonna be a while and so he doesn't spits out stuff now I guess start spitting out some dines Punk I was gonna say deals with the devil don't matter but they kind of do because they're more Bumbo but I really want to give up my lifeblood for bum bows that are not gonna be protecting me what what's the trade-off here at least in the beginning did bumbo just spit out a door key for no reason I thought you had to pick up money to do that you're a wizard Harry top secret realm and a free bottle another bumbo oh I kind of follow a little trail they kind of follow each other just interesting what does this mean for me nothing shop could have money please give me something first boss Steven we had two bosses in a row right yeah good try to get the little Steve first that's generally my strategy but it's a little bit difficult to pull off if he doesn't get tired outside here right there that's it that's the spot like literally one fully grown bumble would make a huge difference but I don't think we can get that until like four twenty seven whoa hey buddy knock it off give me some health off great well it doesn't matter I can't take you anyplace good already forgot the rules damn it [ __ ] the start at the end I should be able to start with the head of keeper or as the keeper oh we're spicing up the challenge really good help there bumble I appreciate it thanks for looking after your little bugs and sisters it's nice don't worry about me I got this I love fighting all the bosses and doing everything by myself and while you just sit back and steal my money it's like a real child you know I'm gonna be a great dad if I could get at least block some shots sometime you guys would be helpful you know what don't worry about it Oh another key hey great give item bumbo five in the first floor deal with the devil let's check it out son of a [ __ ] I'm not taking it I refuse to take it like what I would do is I would buy it to get rid of the health and then I would remove it and then I would give myself bumbo instead like I paid for the bumbo not worth it bud sorry holy [ __ ] we would have what like over five over six damage probably in piercing and bomb upgrades gotta go curse for me we gotta give everything a chance here still to be okay and we get the other ones first good that's it not bad actually good health down if I would have taken the scythe that would have been a help up up up and away web I count on my d6 charge I could have like Rio rolled be double deal it was a free battery could have then change it to a one heart deal whatever you guys it doesn't matter we we down at one red heart then at that point in time I don't want more bumbo I don't want any more bumbles I love you guys like I've I had five children I don't want a sick kid I don't want the fit but I love them still so much don't mind me guys I got everything under control I got this dad's got this you guys just sit and relax have a bag of Doritos on me this could be the secret room technically so like you should write a check for it like this watch put up yep Oh [ __ ] missed dumbest thing I've ever seen dumbest thing you guys all suck I honestly just whines the front-runner the health was nice though thank you I want the frontrunner to take all the money I need one fully grown bum buh and then maybe and then maybe we could handle it that's not money money it could be a shop up there but so before we blow them up we might want to prioritize the non mushrooms side but that doesn't matter another successful career um I love it oh nothing at the end of it - not even a key from the bumbo someone's going to get that the golden chests are good I like that high chance of payout yeah I wish bum buh is smart homeboy shook and ruptured ugh shoot lazy worm I don't even care kill me and me oh there we go right on cue Oh since when where what since when has that ever happened ever the hell didn't it come from is the lazy weren't give me a chance to get money am i i hacker did I just totally cheat and I'm trying to play it off like I'm not cheating oh [ __ ] I need a minor drop from these guys oh boy another Bumbo maybe the spikes would be a good answer but that would sacrifice all my soul hearts and black hearts spikes spikes spikes maybe the spikes he's stayin this is gonna get better and better as you fight harder and harder bosses with no damage updates thunder bars oh I got tickled okay there goes my black cards and soul arts anyways that might've been the only time in history I've actually gotten tickled by that guy that's the straightest thing I've ever said gonna do it gonna do it gonna do it you're gonna do it Oh help okay Spike's time bring it baby uh-huh it's working we need to reset need to reset get that dude you better grow up real quick dad needed ya Uncle Sam needs you and the fight against communism oh good glad that we got via about showering shower of money you mean a golden shower no no nope yeah no the other ones took it you [ __ ] yes yep the rest is history assuming Bombo doesn't bomb me which he might know we got this easy easy peasy let's go kale it's I wish there was a way that you could turn off bum Beau's greediness you know so I could like let him let the other kids have some who the hell you're telling me that the third-place kid got the dime really you guys you could have like tried to stay in order to stay alive to stay alive holy [ __ ] I'm still dying Oh God how do I get out of this situation please help me Bob oh yes yes bomb four more um good good good good thinking oh [ __ ] Oh what are you doing bumbo okay Adam get it yeah yeah that guy oh is that a sticky nickel look at them all look at you guys all just got [ __ ] bamboozled you guys you just got rekt oh my goodness Oh bono would like sticky nickel Oh literally in the last room you drop the bomb when there was no enemies around I need you to do that again for me Bumbo oh oh oh let's say uh oh I meant wow that would be a game-changer if I had a [ __ ] bomb Bumbo spineless [ __ ] that's not it I need I need a bum so bad right now could you bomb the donation machine to dude golden bum golden bombs are ticket that's it golden bombs the ticket spike room spike room not very much hell from the floor though it's not looking up last room give it to me baby nice that's like literally the only thing that I would have needed I we we would have one right there we would have definitely won Paulo well what if we could hurt herself in the spikes for something good Oh be getting into the bumbo oh holy jesus you're [ __ ] me in the neck you were [ __ ] right into my eyelids yeah I hate everything is that for more bum bows huh spikes are my only hope Obi one spiky one there goes nothing give me a bomb perfect yeah good one more hit one more hit please please please literally one bomb could have gotten to the golden bomb could have got me the extension cord which could have killed everything could have gotten me the ability to bomb the donation machine it's all we had twenty full-grown bum bows but instead we're sitting here at half red heart two fully grown bum bows could give us a chance if we can hit that number we might be able to uh make it oh that could be helpful you're on the next dime next secret realm maybe that's got some cash in it's something we get a freaking bomb look at my train Oh bumbo Cupid I need a cigarette man we need money in it please have money in it spread out No [Applause] go away God hates me oh my [ __ ] I didn't even thank you we got two fully grown bumbles that's that that's that's that's you know that's that do you know that's just dead Anisha what's that we can do this we can do this I'm gonna show the game that I'm better than it I can't believe the one [ __ ] full grown bumboat took both the dimes just one just one of them both sick bro get the nickels the the other guy you guys suck at this game from really blows this is like the worst remember team there's three fully grown bumbo since one I like that alright that there's been a surprising amount of money here okay so be as negative as we want but uh spent okay you for the money drops that's good yeah that's four that's four fully grown bum bows our odds have never been greater guys for doing it it's all I'm going I'm not doing so much so far they're not doing anything so far maybe I could just lure enemies into that oh yeah I have mom step autumn genius I'll just sit right here oh wow that was close that's working though yes come to me Hey come on mom stomp come on one more what me oh it's working too smart the game game try to outsmart me can do it I will take the polar right here you can you gotta you have to do it necessary all right good work everyone dad's proud I thought I missed a bomb whoops get another bubble that this is working out though okay not too shabby watch Chubb get roasted there a better path for me place thank you imagine if we still had that era and made of the chest I could have eight more bum bows [ __ ] you guys I can't remember the last time I got hit by one of these [ __ ] bombo's help me out here [ __ ] [Music] good good good good good good good good good [Music] that doesn't matter good though that's a troll buds button to bumble drops you know I saw that no I saw it happen I knew it was there totally made a captain we're going down bombo's maybe you could like do something I'm worthless at 3.5 damage I'm just gonna try [Music] [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 413,876
Rating: 4.8993964 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack, bumbo
Id: CKsKVdeodXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 31 2019
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