Nemesis - New Afterbirth+ Character Mod

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hey what is up everybody this insulting welcome back to active birth plus today we are looking at a new character called nemesis nemesis is a character much like Lilith in the fact that she does not actually shoot tears herself she's blindfolded she has a blob a mixture they said that follows her around and does all of her dirty work for her three point five starting damage ten firing rate although this seems like it's faster than ten fire rate I got to say so maybe it's a less damage more fire rate something like that off the bat damage in tiers upgrades no longer do anything at all and in fact we actually have to pick up things that change our mixture called what are they called holy holy flasks so we have a an active item up there called the treatise of alchemy I think it's called yes treatise of alchemy that will transmutate items and trinkets into these holy flags I think we also can get holy flask drops and we equip these holy flasks each one has a rarity to it and a level and I I don't know much about it yet because I haven't played it we're going to figure it out as we go the four charged item here our active item so I don't want to just try to waste it on consumables at least not yet because I don't really know what it's going to work on it what it's not going to work on but like I said any damage ups or tears ups are going to be worthless so we should turn them into the flasks and I'm wondering right now if like better items like brimstone does that actually turn if I turn that with the priestess of alchemy into a flask is that going to be like the rarest flask you know does it work like that I think they're randomly generated so maybe not but oh there we go baby drips what we got speed ten 3.0 per second it's not really sure what that means maybe three shots per second probably in damage 3.5 okay so that's the actual thing down there and DPS ten point five it actually gives you the full readout so you can kind of compare the flasks in any way shape or form you would like I'm assuming though we still want to collect health upgrades and the passive abilities like this that's a good passive ability I'm going to take it I'm not going to transmutate that it said it's said to do it to like I said the damage and the tears upgrades but if I do it to a health upgrade it's still going to work probably I would imagine this just works on all item pedestals and maybe could even worked on that last empty item pedestal who knows I'm excited though to see a new mechanic here and I like it so far it seems pretty cool the idea at least that it's like more RPG style random like rarity pickups and level pickups got some potential booyakasha would have got health upgrade like I said I'm going to turn it into a flask and it did do it fast splash of might so now we can change between one and two we can hold two flasks we have baby trip and slash bash Wow fast splash of might level 1 speed 8 DPS 7 but it's got that triple triple Dipple shot alright sweet these are both level 1 items though but I think that the fast splash is actually rarer because it's got the blue the blue name I think honestly right now I prefer the the baby drip over this just because it's a more DPS to one target ok this guy's pretty good he's pretty good he's actually going to help me out so I should probably just take them and not do the flask thing but we got to go with the flask stuff I got to try it you know looks like I can't pick it up right now oh there we go Network penetrative drip of poison level 2 there we go GPS 11.1 okay so now we have piercing and potential poison shots yeah yeah I thought I wonder if this work son deals the devil without buying them if I get a couple of them maybe I'll try to buy one of them and transmutate both just in case the one doesn't work the mine was a good thing to get here because his enemies are trying to hit me but the mind is repelling them just enough that I can get away oh it's perfect alright belly button not going to take it just yet what do we got okay well I'm going to try I'm going to try to do this on this unbuttoned pedestal it did not work alright I'll just take it and then do it on this guy BAM oh it's golden bouncing laser of the go okay yeah level two only sure this was a golden flask so that means it's rare there's also a relic flask which is very rare and it is a even rarer green one and then a super rare red one that's as high levels only so on the treat oh my god that's way too powerful for a level or the three level two yes I'm right a homing bouncing laser of doom okay looks like it's got tiny planet on as well yeah officially not a challenge let's try using this on consumables and see if it does anything does not officially work all right write that down ooh okay a two room turn this into a flask was it's waiting trip of might okay that's Wow DPS three point six actually seems really good it's got the thing the thing that does stuff and things what's it called anti grabs the waiting drip well oh that's okay oh wait I don't know what it is I gotta take it sulfuric acid okay sure I'm not sure that we're gonna find a flask that beats this but you know I'll still try of course meet health yes please okay now what do we do though I could strength cards steal it I mean I feel like I should is anything that we get that's a active item I'll just turn into something else Guppies tail missing page two that blows and my shadow buh-bah persist blood fall of creep level for DPS 26 okay rekt super wrecked mega wrecked ooh what has had growing splash of Polyphemus super lame what's growing about it I don't understand why it's growing does it do more damage if I if I if I start killing people let's give up brimstone for this yeah I did oh yeah oh yeah flask of improvement level one increase the damage of the they're flashed by 10% oh sure I got to know what this song growing is though I got to growing is 10.7 DPS had said wasn't it nine points um to begin with is it changing every room no no if that's the 10% upgrade okay nevermind oh my geez I still got to think of my laser now those are the 10% upgrade yeah yeah okay uh-huh I got another green one what is it level seven by 70% level one to level seven are you kidding me yeah 23.7 DPS now okay another one what is it quick splash of massacre flame smelter thickish myth the fish smelled that quick now we have a free room recharge what a time to be alive what a time to be alive I'm going to take that for the deal too devil actually and oh boy am I glad I did that you know what I'm gonna take delirium let's do it little delirium well is it splattering drip of transcendence ooh okay that's really cool check that oh okay I'm having fun with my super overpowered lasers of doom but I think we got to change it up for my sanity sake so let's start with this splattering doom thing and see how that goes clearly we have antigrav and my reflection here working together and they splatter with crickets head as well I like how each flask is like a combination of a bunch of different items that's like super cool and I wonder if they're like randomly generated so that they combine random things definitely not as powerful it's pretty fun they don't have homing they actually have continuum they cross over the map so difference I guess but if I shoot it over the map they they want to still attract to me so they like high-speed chase me down when they cross the map because of my reflection this guy would actually probably work you'd probably actually be a good thing but you know you know orbiting laser of slowness all right all right all right glowing bloodstream of Massacre it's a tiny laser interesting okay what the hell it came out of the the lock box thing long drops of speed actually really high DPS oh man oh can i transmutate the flask into a better flask no I thought I could I think we're gonna have to do better than this it was okay but just okay what have I got phantom multi laser of might oh my god dual multi laser of the planet Oh growing mortar of transcendence these names are getting ridiculous got a growing mortar transcendence for you in my pan persist bobble of slowness that looks like looks like possibly slow tears split shot and proptosis probably ooh splatting drops of Polyphemus check that out okay let's try it it's got homing clearly it's bright pink purple whatever yeah yep yeah that's the one it almost looks like it has crickets head and split shot to it that's way too many splits yeah Wow growing laser ex venom whoo-hoo DPS question mark I'm a serious I mean it looks hella good better the last thing we had I oh it's tech x-man I don't know okay box of friends test for science I have to does it double it no no it does not PFF does that work no it does not I've got a growing laser for you um super secret engine rock oh yeah take that you naughty girl phantom pyro bomb of waiting what on a fun this we got to go with the splattering splatting drops of Polyphemus not even splattering the splatting I'm so sorry yeah that's good whoo got wings custom phaser okay 63 damage DPS I'll get it piercing okay yeah that's pretty cool I guess maybe you see I don't know still just a fan I'm still just a fan of this is this padding splatting continuum microwave speed microwave attack go suck on this scolex coming to my doom cloud I dare you I bet this works yeah yeah oh no when they get pet again it passed through them they just didn't go whoop I've got to fire them through them oh my god yeah growing wave of Bounce let's try it I kind of messed it up with anti graph and the multi-dimensional baby they don't lay they don't play together that well it seems pretty good though you know Dallas is growing so with this one if I just sit there this at the start of the room and just start firing shots in everybody dies whoa okay growing pyro bomb of splatter pyro bomb sounds like it's going to be fire mind but Yolo yeah it's definitely fire mine yeah yeah definitely fire mine but it's got texture oh in it Oh glorious yup don't care burn in hell Isaac whoo growing bloodstream of Bounce I think the bloodstream means that it's a half fire doesn't it balancing multi laser of split I just shoot back at the wall it's like a half laser if I shoot it back at the wall it does a full bounce still sucks though mad dogs colors well the relic flats I got to go with it it's super special that's pretty good yeah it's pretty good I guess yeah we did it I think this mod was great you guys I thought that was fantastic idea I really enjoyed the RPG style randomly-generated like weapons so to say and this this brings us one step closer to the idea that I had of a full RPG Isaac where you have a crippled item to change up things about you and you grind away to get better leveled items now I'm not saying that this has to be an ultimate goal here I just think it's really really interesting to play in Isaac mod that changes up the mechanic in some way so I hope you guys enjoyed that leave your thoughts down below and as always I will see you in the next episode see you guys [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 573,553
Rating: 4.9300089 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: 2gnXvaZ6Yrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2017
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