Web Developer Jobs With Just HTML & CSS

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cheer you already knows your boy joe back at it again codingphase.com your boy is backing out and did it again one more time what's really good hopefully you guys are doing great hopefully you guys are doing amazing again i want to let you guys know that today we're going to be looking at different jobs and opportunities that you guys can get into the tech industry right um by just having html css okay just being able to convert a design into html css and a little bit of javascript okay the goal is to make sure that you guys get higher as soon as possible okay i know a lot of times people they want to get those big jobs you know front-end engineer ui engineer software engineer at the big tech companies but they don't realize that they don't have to wait for the dream jobs right they don't have to wait until they're you know prepared to have you know all the algorithms you know under their book or you know learning all the skills like you could get a job right now with what you already know and you know the beginning stages as a web developer and then from there you could continue to grow and it's actually going to be good for you because you actually have experience okay so it's not just like oh well you know i'm just a regular worker i'm a mechanic or i'm a plumber or i'm a uh secretary i'm a uh you know retail associates or i'm a i don't know i.t worker whatever it is right and now you're switching over to development it's like nah now you've been doing it you've been working with some big brands some big companies and then now when you go and apply for a front-end position uh software engineer right back-end full stack you actually have something on your resume that shows hey you've been doing this for three months four months five months and you've been using the skills that you already know okay one of the reasons that most people cannot find a job even though they might be prepared they might have the skills is because they don't have no history there is no no history in in you know programming there's no uh you know nobody trusted you nobody actually paid you to do this professionally you're just a random dude that took a udemy course or you took some random youtube video you have 30 000 different you know netflix clones amazon clone i don't know freaking instagram clone a million of those right but you have no experience if you have no experience it's gonna be a little bit difficult so the goal is to get into the game and then from there work yourself up okay so that's what i'm here for guys shout out to everybody um that's here live with me okay for anybody that that want to know yes today is labor day okay we do have a major sale at codingface.com okay shameless plug if you want it you could take if you don't want it you don't have to take it okay uh link is in the description basically you know you get 40 off uh just for today right today is the last day for you to either upgrade to a yearly subscription or even take advantage of the monthly subscription at a 40 off okay it's up to you if you guys want it uh like i said let me see if i show you guys right now exactly what does that look like what does forty percent look like right forty percent off coding phase actually look like okay so before we get into the jobs let me just give you give you this information and show you guys uh what it actually looks like to have forty percent off okay so if you guys don't know link is in the description like i said okay this is our live stream this is what we're seeing right now okay okay so all you have to do is click right here uh on this link right here it says labor day sale you click on that link okay and pretty much when you scroll down to the page you can see exactly how much you will be able to pay and how much you actually save it okay so basically you are paying 12 for the monthly uh in the yearly 238 okay and it's only for today for new signups if you are a monthly subscriber and you want to upgrade to the yearly you can upgrade to the yearly if you are somebody who wasn't a monthly subscription and you know a couple of months ago you canceled whatever it might be or you gave up or you said man i don't know if i could do this this is the best time okay come back in stop freaking playing games okay i know sometimes people get lazy it's like you sign up to a gym but then you never go back guys go to the gym codingphase.com is like a gym pretty much okay when you're coming here you basically come in you put in the work you do the courses everything that you have right here as you guys can see html email developer front-end developer back-end developer full stack developer react developer shopify team developer shopify app developer entrepreneur developer okay all of these bundles you get access to them with the yearly subscription um and most of the courses that you see here everything that has to do with programming you get access with it you know even with the minimum of just uh the monthly subscription okay so take advantage everything that has a fire emoji that's part of the yearly subscription everything that doesn't have a fire emoji as you guys can see you have access to it with just the monthly subscription so again a lot of the jobs that we're gonna be talking about here in this um this whole live stream uh basically you could get with just the monthly subscription but again i do recommend upgrading to that yearly because there's gonna be things that you're gonna need as you continue to grow as a developer throughout this whole year yes we could get you into a job yes we could teach you the things that you need to get these jobs that i'm about to show you but i do recommend for people to sign up for the yearly subscription it's a great way to support what we do here and also too allows us to continue to do this for another year okay the monthly subscription to be honest with you it's like my gift to you guys so you guys have no excuse to get in the game um but where you know you can actually say well you know i support what joe is doing what we do here at coding phase basically is through the yearly subscription okay to be honest with you that's the best way that you can support us and allow us to continue to do this one more year okay um so let's just get into it man i don't want to go and waste too much time you already know it's 40 off this is what you're getting okay everything on the website forty percent off when you use the coupon code uh forty labor day uh 21. okay so let's just move on let's get into it okay shout out to everybody in the chat box what's really good okay i want to go in and and start giving my shout outs we got valentino alice casanos ruther ruther ashabi saeed bell rama hishwari anthony cook patrick johnson terence coles joe jose alembe muhammad antoine codes raquish rakish sanaway uh terence kohl's tone o day raider mack wally coats uh who else speed of ike we got a lot of people and by the way if you don't say nothing here on the chat you're watching us and you're not part of the community you're a ghost i don't even know who you is i can't even say hi to you i can't even shout you out so leave a message right here and by the way if you're watching this right now give this a like if we have 52 people right now and we go in and we have those 52 people or 50 people whoever it is in here give a like every single person that's in here we basically get more people in the live stream and the more people that is in the live stream the more lit that is going to be okay more energy that i feel the more you know my mood goes up i'm like hey we got 200 in here we got 300 you got 400 you know what i mean like i'm gonna get excited okay so and i'm gonna make this livestream more late okay so let's just get into it i don't want to waste too much of your time i know today's labor day some of you guys gotta go uh you know do your barbecues and all of that but i wanna show you guys what's out here right now okay shout out to everybody in here thank you for the likes uh let that number go up let that number go up guys keep it keep keep hitting the likes man okay we're seeing it right now okay we got 27 likes we got 48 people half of the people gave it a like give it a like bro like give this [ __ ] a like okay because it's about to get lit right now okay um again let me see if i put this right here everything that we have right here okay this is not me doing inspect element this is not me going in there hitting f12 and be like well let me change what it says here this is stuff that you guys can look for yourself okay so one of the jobs that i always tell people is content editor if you know html css and i'll give you guys an example uh like how many skills you you might need uh from like let's say codingphase.com right so let's say for example you're coming in you're becoming a end developer this is the the route that i always tell people to start with okay you learn text editor html css terminal for developers advance the assessment flexbox css animations okay get like a pro right sas like a pro future proof javascript right there's about one two three four five six seven eight so this is about eight courses okay this is the beginning of web development now with this eight courses you already have enough knowledge to apply to the jobs that i'm telling you guys right now that i'm about to show you okay now why am i showing you guys this is because again i want you guys to start getting results as soon as possible there's no point of you waiting until you finish everything and say well now i know everything and then now i'm gonna get paid nah bro don't do it like that you could get paid on your first month okay you could start doing freelancing you could start going on upwork you can start applying to jobs with just a month in it doesn't take too long to do this course from here all the way to this course right here it takes literally one month okay this is not like a three months four months five months six months seven months you come in and you put in two hours three hours a day on the weekends you put in five hours minimum each day and literally this takes you about you know a month sometimes you could even do it in three weeks okay so again that's how long it's going to take you to to learn the skills and then you could go and start applying for these jobs okay then for there that doesn't mean that you stop learning here you're like well i got a job that say i'm good nah you continue to learn every single day when you come back home from work now you got money in your pocket now you see oh [ __ ] i got results the [ __ ] that joe was telling me was real okay i'm in the game you continue learning more okay from there you could go and switch up if you're a yearly subscription or you'll be a subscriber and you might say well i want to look into shopify there's jobs in my area for shopify then you could go in and switch over one thing that you're going to notice in codingface.com every single course that we have here that we could go and give you in the front end developer or full stack or backend they're all related to each other so once you have those certain skills those prerequisites you could always switch on career path depending on where you live depending on the opportunities in your area right so at the end of the day it's not like you're learning stuff that's not relevant to other things that you could do everything on codingphase.com is built a specific way so you don't waste time and you're actually learning [ __ ] that's related to whatever it is that you're about to get into next okay so always remember that okay so again let's talk about this man content editor right even amazon is hiring for content editor okay i remember people back in 2017 they're like man there's no way you could get hired with just html css guys if you know english if you freaking you pass high school right if i mean if you you'd be like yo joe i never went past sixth grade then that's your problem right the average person has done at least high school or at least a ged okay you know how to write english you know how to read and write okay um basically content editor what exactly is a content editor right uh basically is somebody who gets the content right there's copywriters and content editor this is something that you guys have to understand there's two different things copywriter is the person who writes the copy so let's say when you go to amazon.com and you read a product this description or the details on it that was written by a copywriter the person that actually goes in on amazon right and let's say for example um i don't know let's just choose a random item right so digital product right the person who actually writes this right here it's a copywriter the person who actually inputs this into the cms basically the management system the content management system is the content writer right or the content editor okay and that's what even amazon is hiring for okay experiences on managing projects including coordinating other teams uh bachelor's degree in english all of this [ __ ] is extra right this is extra not everybody has a bachelor's degree in english and they're not working for you know for a content editor position okay this is stuff that like you know wish list that people put up on job descriptions okay the things that you want to care about is can you actually do the job so demonstrate project management experience okay uh understanding how to work on a team okay experience working cms platform right can you upload something to facebook can you do you know how to use twitter right understanding how to uh you know work with a cms is as simple as understanding how to use twitter how to use facebook right um how you post something there's uh a wussy wig you go in that gives you the copy they tell you hey man this product got to be here you go in you copy the text you put it in there make sure you proofread it okay sometimes you might have to go in there and create custom html css sections right that's the job of a content editor and even at amazon they're hiring for this okay sometimes like i said you know you might bump into you know this type of jobs and you might see things where somebody will say well you joe it says you need to be five years in as a technical editor guys that's all [ __ ] right this is things that people put out there just to literally scare you off nobody wants a beginner nobody wants somebody who has never done anything right so my advice is you know apply to this job okay that's my advice okay don't let the years don't let the degrees don't let all of these things scare you and thinking like well man maybe i should have a degree for this maybe i should have five years bro apply my first job was as a product editor okay so this isn't nothing new this [ __ ] has been around for years the thing is that most people think that you have to go and go and work at a company like let's say google or amazon and your first job has to say front-end engineer back-end engineer guys most of the guys that i know that work at most of these fan companies they also worked at digital agencies they also worked as small businesses it's a process for you to go in and go from zero to fang you gotta have a carfax bro you gotta go in and have done an internship you gotta go in passing the interview a whole bunch of algorithms you got to go in and have some type of degree or some type of background at some ivy league school this is the facts this isn't no like yo my first job i just showed up there nah that's not how it works you have to work yourself up so working at a company like this i'm going to give you an example like if you work at amazon and your title says content editor you could go in and you put on your resume hey this is what i did at amazon just by having that badge that opens the door for you in other fields and other on you know other jobs positions that's out there okay again there's another one one compton uh web content editor okay this is miami miami heat limited partnership okay smaller company okay uh we come in here we start looking six flags entertainment web content editor right so this is things that you could do like look look this is read the [ __ ] i don't want to curse but this is this is the facts read the description okay update content for six flags websites okay review posted content to ensure it me set guidelines and formatting create template-based pages for programs and events crop and enhance images as required edit graphic files as required troubleshoot minor html css display issues coordinate calendar and update timelines audit monitor quality of existing website content other websites and marketing related duties okay this is stuff that's there while guys is over here like yo i'm trying to learn every single thing that's under their sun right they're like man i'm trying to learn every single thing that's out there right you know what i mean uh people i don't know who who rip shishula whoever the hell it is man f him that's my mood you came in started spamming f him now you know i mean if he died got you know god bless him but now anyone now you're you're uh you're moderated bro [Laughter] and you're medina right oh oh the oh geez if you ain't here you're a moderator wally code moderator yo handle those handles random dudes man get the [ __ ] out of here you never give it a boo put the mandingo right in the forehead you know what i mean so okay so going back to this thing like i was saying man contact editor man you know this is one of those jobs that uh people don't believe that it's out there but it is it's a real thing right do you think that there's gonna be a senior developer at a company right let's say like six flags entertainment where they might be working on a mobile application they might be working on uh let's say uh the infrastructure of the the website and the servers and etc right do you think that that guy needs to be editing pages do you think that guy needs to be fixing html css problems that's happening throughout the website hell no that guy he's gonna pay too much money to be wasting his time on little things like this but you know what that's a great opportunity for you right you have a month in two months in just learning the skills you set up your portfolio you go to the interview now you're hired now you're working there now you have something a badge on your resume instead of saying well i was a lyft driver well i used to work on queen center mall hey i used to work at walmart this isn't that now you have like that corporate stamp you're gonna say again for some of you guys that are coming you know from different backgrounds i'm talking to the people that's like me right i'm not talking to to you guys some of you guys are you know you guys are doctors you know i mean some of you guys are doctors and and lawyers and business managers you're going to say like some of you guys is coming in and like well joe i'm not an uber driver i'm not a retail guy i'm one of those guys so i'm talking to to the people that's like me okay you know what i mean at one point i needed to have that badge something that said hey i worked in the office hey i worked in you know in in corporate you're gonna say it's a process okay believe it or not you're not gonna get hired at a top company without having that little carfax somebody has already trusted you okay so jobs like this are great okay um again 30 40 hours per week hours uh hourly remote so remote position bro like you can't go wrong okay uh from there you have we're just going through content editor right now we're just going to content editor just to show you guys what's out there okay um let me see see the chat room see what's going on in here uh go again just had my first week as a developer i gotta say the first two weeks says uh says we're like hell but after that it's super nice job guys and girls keep pushing it's worth it hey congrats uh [Laughter] well king why is this uh that's linkedin i don't know uh what you guys talking about but let me look at the chat uh just to make sure you know i'm in the conversation i'll talk to you guys in the you know whatever it is that you guys are talking about uh reading through here hold on let me just catch up with the chat catch up catch up catch up um let me see jeffrey kefargner says i just web design of uh viable field with just html css and a big javascript i like design eight that's definitely the opportunities if you know design and you know how to use design software there's definitely these opportunities out there okay um aguilera says joe be like the guru joe be like the goku goku sorry goku joe be like the goku asking for energy for the genkindama word that's what i'm here you know i'm trying to do a spirit bomb and the only way to get the spirit bomb i need you guys to go in and give a like to this video to this live stream that's how we get enough energy to build the spirit bomb okay so [Laughter] give me a like you know what i mean so the you know youtube could go in and continue um you know putting the live stream to other people who may know us who may not know us okay by the way if you're new to the channel this is what we do here we focus on one single thing which is getting you into a job okay getting you paid as a developer getting you to learn the skills that you need right and get results asap now waiting for a year from now now waiting for you to become a master i want you to get paid as soon as possible i get paid when you get paid understand this this channel is not about views this channel's not about being trending this channel is not about uh you know being like in the top youtubers whatever it is this channel is specific for one thing it's a community based the things that we talk about in this channel is a community based uh topics we want to make sure that we go in and get you into jobs so when you get paid you go in you come to codingface.com and you say well i had some results then you know what you go in and you tell your best friend you tell your cousin you tell your sister you tell your little brother your nephew your niece right you tell them hey how you got this job how you got this opportunity i went to codingface.com that's the best way to get more people to sign up to codingface.com for you know for our work to be you know appreciated right and the only way to do it is not by paying for ads it's not for me becoming viral it's not because uh i'm doing you know youtube instagram whatever it is if i come in and there's a hundred people in here and i can get at least 80 to 90 of you guys into jobs trust me that 80 and 90 of you guys yeah literally count for another 80 to 90 more people because people was gonna ask you how you did it how you got in the game and you're just gonna be like well i met this dude on on youtube he was you know talking some [ __ ] on on youtube i didn't believe it i went to his website signed up codingphase.com learn html css talked about how we could get some jobs i actually applied [ __ ] i got a job now that's it just with that that tells other people oh shoot this [ __ ] is you know it's legit so that's what i care about i care about results so i want you guys to get a job i want you guys to start making money as soon as possible okay so if we got 100 certain people you see how we got to 70 now we got to 100 certain people guys if you come in here and you give this a like we're gonna continue to grow on this channel make sure you subscribe to the channel if you still haven't subscribed so let's continue with this man let's start looking at this jobs man okay um shout out to everybody that's subscribing thank you thank you for the super chat too uh let me see in here let me go in we got uh let me see if we put this on the screen okay now let's talk about html jobs right when you come in and you start searching through html jobs there's a thing called html emails okay this is something that we teach at codingface.com no one talks about this this is the [ __ ] that nobody's gonna tell you about right you might go in and you heard of react developer you might have heard of you know no gs developer you might have heard of front end back end full stack nobody even talks about email developer okay this is a real thing for you to be able to get certain emails right in certain marketing products that in marketing emails that get to your gmail right somebody has to code that that's not done automatically somebody has to build that and you know what guess whose job that could be that could be your job okay learn this skill this is something that you can learn in a month a month and a half build your portfolio two months that's it you're ready to go and start applying okay we got people in here shout out to wally codes he's one of the people that came through codingphase.com learned html email development okay he was doing other stuff came to coding face follow what we was telling him and now he good there's a lot of people that this happens every day this is not like i'm coming in i'm the developer whisperer and i'm just like giving you guys something that it's not out there the thing is that this are job positions that are not popular because imagine this what's more sexy if i come in and i'll tell you hey guys this is the type of jobs you could get at fang or at this tech company it's 150 160 000 with a 45 uh thousand dollar bonus and a 45 000 in stock that's a sexy title right but the truth is that nobody tells you the journey that is gonna take you to get to that point okay that could be a year two years three years sometimes even five years for some people okay now no one talks about the thing that it's not sexy html emails is not sexy okay i'll be honest with you but this is not about having a sexy title or a sexy job right you could work on sexy skills and sexy products and sexy projects that you might do on the side for yourself right or you could go in and continue learning your skills and mastering it until you get to that point but one thing that's very important is that you start getting paid with what you already know that's the [ __ ] that nobody talks about that's something that nobody tells people right no one goes in and tells somebody hey man you know what with that skill that you already have html css right you could go and become a html email developer you just need the training and understanding of what exactly a html email developer does okay so i'm gonna show you guys this right now let me see if i could open this up just to show you guys a couple of um you know just different examples right i want to show you guys a couple of different examples right now just to open up right here okay show you guys exactly what does a uh html email developer do okay so right now let me share this on the screen okay i'm pretty sure you guys have gotten emails like this okay booking.com right you've waited long enough start exploring again with discounts none of this stuff the developer actually writes it all of this is being given to him by a copy a copywriter all of this usually be sent either on a pdf or on an email all the content that needs to get put but your job as a html email developer is to create each one of these sections now for those of you guys that don't know html emails right are not built the same way how you build the website html emails have a certain standard that hasn't changed in years this is the same way how emails were sent in the 90s in the 2000s the 2010s and now in the 2020s this hasn't changed all of this is done with html tables okay and this needs to be responsive now i don't know if this one is my show responsive here but on the phone it will definitely become responsive but let me see if we could give you guys a preview of how this looks okay okay there we go so this is what you're doing this is a responsive email now again it looks great on desktop it looks great on mobile this is what people get paid for okay now again this is another html email now look at this you see this right here this is an image this is not even written all complete on html and css each section is built with html css you see like the links right the the sections for the logo the section for the free shipping okay but most of the time html emails are done with literally images okay you see this is an image this is an image this is an image this is an image okay these are sections that are already completed right now most of these companies what they care about is that you understand how to customize this in case you need to build it from scratch there's going to be a time where you might have to build something from scratch okay now this is why it's important for you guys to know those skills but most companies already have this templates and this layouts already set up okay so most of the time what you're doing is you're testing emails to see how they look in multiple clients right email clients gmail uh aol hotmail um the msn mail on from microsoft uh microsoft outlook right that's what your job really is you're building this html emails and then you're testing it out and then from there you're also managing how those emails are sent meaning let's say for example uh they want to send i don't know this this last chance extra 25 percent off on sell items they want to sell it or send it to people who have sent or sorry spent over a thousand dollars on lauren taylor right so maybe me and a couple of hundred thousand people are also getting this but the rest of the people are getting a complete different email than what we're getting okay they know for us this works okay so you're constantly doing a and b testing okay now this is great skills for when you start working at an e-commerce website or e-commerce company right because now you have those skills you're like okay with the a and b testing i was able to use uh html css i'm working for let's say lord and taylor right this is a big company right um i was doing landing pages right etc like for example if i come in here click right here let's see where that takes us you see this right here this is a landing page you see how we see um the email capture is trying to capture your email right all of this is part of a landing page this is what a html email developer does we build html emails then we also build landing pages right here this right here is something that you will have to build as a html email developer this right here all of this is a html email on landing page this is like a landing page uh for a campaign okay so that's what you get paid for okay um again i'm trying to show you guys all of this here so you guys can see like there's so many jobs and so many opportunities out here that just people just don't know right they don't know that this is out here they don't know that you can actually make money with this okay you think that you have to start at the top no you don't build yourself up getting a job that's paying you 50 to 75 000 starting right for some of you guys like i said some of you guys are business managers some of you guys are our bowlers right to me when i was making about 24 000 for me to make 50 000 all right on my first job that's a win okay that job allowed me to go to my next job as a front-end developer for 65 000 right and then from there i just kept on going up okay that's just how it is it's a process if you come in thinking that you're going to start at a hundred to a hundred thousand you're you're shooting yourself in the foot okay get in the game first and then build yourself up from there you're not paying for college you don't have to go in and do four years of school you're literally learning skills getting a job and now you have experience instead of you spending all that time in college you're actually doing it at the the job you're you're putting those years at the job so that means instead of you paying for college or paying top dollar for some boot camp or whatever it is you're getting paid for the minimum skills that you have okay that's just for me okay um shout out to everybody in here uh coda foundry is in here what up bro uh yeah man so again i want you guys to take a look at this stuff that i'm putting out here and and look at it and be like yo get get your get your bread bro get your bread get in the game okay the goal is to get into the game the goal is not to be uh like oh i'm learning all the skills and i'm just waiting you know until i become a master you don't need to become a master of programming right developing you know websites it's just about getting into the job you learn more at the job there's things that i could tell you right now i have on codingface.com over 80 courses bro you go to codingface.com literally over 80 courses okay now i could guarantee you this neither me or anybody else in this world can teach you more than a job and you know why because a job is gonna go in and they're gonna throw things that an instructor cannot teach you every business has business logic that's completely different so what that does is it basically tests you to go in and improve your skills on your own because now if a company comes in and says hey man uh we want you to build this type of website connects to this api connects to authorize.net or connect to whatever payment gateway etc right this is stuff that nobody teaches nobody sits down and be like well we're going to teach you about authorize.net we're going to teach you about clabio we're going to teach you about mailchimp we're going to teach you about campaign monitor we're going to teach you about uh litmus nobody's doing that they're going to teach you programming right they're gonna teach you the programming things but a job is the one that actually teaches you what's going on in the industry okay so your first goal is to get in the game as soon as possible so you don't be out here just like learning and learning and learning and you're stuck in tutorial heaven or tutorial hell right tutorial heaven is when you're just doing tutorials and you feel good you're like oh i built something right now tutorial hell is when you're stuck to making the tutorials you're like i have no idea how to get out of it right there's two things tutorial heaven is when you come in and you're excited you're like oh i could do this i'm doing this tutorials oh we just built a uh you know netflix clone oh we just built uh you know uh i don't know a landing page cool but then now tutorial hell starts when you realize oh [ __ ] i can't actually build this myself right it's a it's a feeling that you get you get that feeling of like excitement because you could build something but you're building it with the instructor but the moment you can't build it on your own or you're not challenging yourself that's when tutorial hell comes in because now you're like taking tutorials taking courses taking courses until you think like i think i'm ready now you get what i'm saying you don't want to be in that that [ __ ] rat race you want to come in learn skills to get a job learn on the job there's no point of you staying home and learning a million things when in reality you could have learned that and got paid for it i give you a great example you come to codingface.com right right now we got that 40 off labor day it's up to you labor days right now today is the last day okay labor day is today okay so right there you look at the description 40 off this is what you're paying 12 a month for all the programming courses now yearly you get 238 you get access to every single thing that's on the website and everything that we do okay from every career bundle to to make money online courses to how to set up your business to how freaking you know start doing shopify theme how to do shopify apps right we haven't even gotten into shopify we're about to get into that right now okay so it's a great deal now for those of you guys that's wondering like yo should i should i want to go and learn these things like bro we have a great program like this [ __ ] is like yo you sit down you take the courses i want you to start getting paid as soon as possible this little [ __ ] 238 that you invest this little [ __ ] twelve dollars i want you to be able to make that money back by the end of the month in two months maximum okay so i'm teaching you the skills that's gonna get you a job where you could say oh i'm gonna make this bread back it's 238 what the [ __ ] is 238 you're what i'm saying this [ __ ] ain't money 12 you go to mcdonald's you bought yourself a big mac you bought your son a a happy meal that [ __ ] cost 14 right so this is just this is throwaway money okay but this is not throwaway experiences okay you have to get in the game now you don't want to be one of those people that be like well i'll try this out you know next year i'll see if i find some time you know how many people i'm gonna tell you this guys you know how many people have come to my website and they get exciting there's another thing too i want to put this [ __ ] out there do not sign up to codingface.com just because you're excited like oh [ __ ] jump joe told me this jobs this this if you're not going to put in the work i don't want you on codingface.com if you're not willing to put in two hours a day every single day right minimum i don't want you on my website i'm not in the game of taking your money i don't want your 12 dollars you gotta say i don't want your your 232 dollars i want you to get results so when you get results you could be part of the hall of fame you could come back and tell other people just like there's people here in the chat that hey man i just got a job hey man just this and that because in reality when you have results that's when you make your bread what are you gonna say i want every single person to come in and win and actually have success this is not about me i'm not platinum fitness you're gonna say i'm not uh badly fitness right where it's like my job is to sign you up and be like well if they didn't show up to the gym that's not my problem nah i want you guys to show up this is one of the reasons why this um in the next two weeks we're sending the whole infrastructure for this right in the next two weeks we're gonna be setting up for the yearly subscribers right because the monthly subscribers i can go in i could give you as much as i can all the courses all the programming courses for 12 bucks i think that's a great deal okay some of you guys go to udemy you'll spend like 600 dollars just in the amount of courses that that we have here okay but for 12 bucks you get access to all of that but now for the yearly subscribers i don't know if you guys saw this the um yesterday the day before yesterday we did an announcement we're setting up the infrastructure where we're going to be doing live streams just like this one but within codingface.com for all the yearly subscribers now what we're going to be doing every week we're gonna have a one hour to three hour livestream right where we're gonna look at our subscribers the people that's in codingface.com we're gonna look at your portfolio we're gonna look at your resume we're gonna look at what you're missing we're gonna look at what's your carfax what's your what's your history how can we help you get a job as soon as possible we're going to look for the jobs for you right in the sense of we're going to go in right we can't do it let's say for example i want to point this out if there's 600 people a thousand people on a live stream right because we do have a lot of members at codingface.com we're not going to be able to do it for every single person but you can learn from every person that actually that we do it for right so let's say in an hour we could probably do five six people in three hours we could do probably 15 people okay where we could go in look at their portfolio look at what they're working on tell them hey do this do this right apply to this job this job look at their areas see where they could apply to right because my goal is to get results i don't care about anything else now again this [ __ ] is is something that that you know we're gonna try this out right and we're gonna keep it at 2 30 a or you know what it is right now 397 right for the first six months right because i'm also hiring other people to help me out with this other people that's in the industry so i'm gonna have them go in and look through your portfolio your resumes and give your you know give their point of view on what you can do to get into the game so it's like an extra uh service that we are providing to our subscribers okay um but this is gonna be pretty late right people always ask me joe where can i see the live stream sometimes we delete the live streams here right uh just because we're like okay you know we don't have to have every single live stream live right um but again we're gonna go in and put that up on on this new section of coding face so you do have access to all the live streams from youtube you're also going to have you know this exclusive live stream that's only for members at codingface.com where we look at everybody's portfolio we look at what where they at right now if they're stuck on something we could help them out live it's what we call in office hours right yeah i remember when you used to go in high school you used to go to your your teacher your your guidance counselor they will have like a day on friday and they'll be like well my office hours is you know four o'clock to five o'clock etcetera right we're doing the same thing okay uh but here are coding phase so definitely take advantage all right um but yeah let's get back into this man let me see in the chat box let me see what's going on in there uh reading through here uh reading through here let me see i just want to catch up with the the chat um if fc talk car says guy takes joe's html email developer course hey go take go take it go check it out man you know what i mean uh let me see reading through here um ready to here let me see wally cole shout out while it goes uh wayman brown thank you for the super chat says just signed up for the yearly subscription right the yearly membership plus thank you bro i appreciate it guys if you're here you're live damn oh shoot thank you i don't even notice we got 125 people watching and we got 120 freaking likes thank you guys man i appreciate it okay this is what i'm talking about right thank you now my mood is up you already know yo we about to get lit okay thank you for that okay we got yo we got 124 people in here and we got 130 likes hey we got more likes than people in here okay that's what we're talking about okay uh let me see while it goes i'm pretty much blind thanks to codifier i can now fork to get lasik uh thank you for helping me get to get 2020 joe hey life is looking different with code hey yo shit's looking different now dudes is getting the eye surgery hey that's what's up man i'm happy for you wally you know what i mean by the way guys i don't know wally from a hole in the wall okay like somebody's like yo this guy's a paid it's a i'm going back to some dude right now that's a paid dude you know that's a paid actor he found on fiverr he paid him fifty dollars like yo go ahead go go share go share your sob story oh you was blind now you went to cody face now you can see joe joe's jesus out here you know so i can imagine some dude like really you know looking at the live streams like yo so he jesus now joe said oh yeah y'all wanted one he gave you y'all gave him a water bottle he can take some wine joe jesus out here now y'all say yo you blind now you can see so i could imagine somebody right now you know watching the livestream guys i don't know wally from a hole in the wall i just know that he's from miami shout out to him he got his job he started you know uh working hard he put you know he put in the work and that's it you know i mean there's a lot of people that come in here you know some people they don't even like to be public you know that's just how it is man but it is what it is um reading through here uh let me see nobody says just have a ball reading through here and just trying to catch up with the the chat so i want to read through this uh don't worry guys we're about to get into the jobs right now we're going to start looking at some more jobs uh hit him up with uh the cannon salmons playing music until the lights are up uh dinette is the future uh he is uh he is i like ks a lot i don't know who's that uh oh kevin samus was talking about uh let me see if you ever do make sure to get the new um constora lasik technology with the router okay nice uh raider max says you the man bro uh let me see i'm getting nervous somebody says um joe wow swag will say joe wow uh let's see uh let me see why people get less payments in india um let's see kashu kasho kumar says why people get less payment in india and then they'll hire freshers and always ask for three to five years kashu this is one thing that people have to understand companies do not pay you off your skills if people actually got paid from their skills and their hard work everybody here will be a millionaire right that's just how life is right no one gets paid because of how good you do a job right no one gets paid off you know how good you are at your job nobody gets paid off that companies right when you're a business owner it's your company right it's your company your investment right what you're paying when you pay a developer uh doesn't matter what it is a construction worker graphic designer whatever it is right you're paying the minimum amount to keep that person happy where they live this is something that people don't realize right if you look right now on search on google search google google employees uh you know salary cut right most of these companies are planning on cutting people's you know salaries because they're no longer living in san francisco they're no longer living in new york city they're living in wyoming and they have a map right it's a calculator right that calculates where they at right what location it is by their zip code basically the town that they live in and it calculates by how much should they deduct their pay some people think oh i'm a developer i got to get paid a lot of money companies don't pay you off your skills because in reality you you get paid of where you live the course of living cost of living in india in most third world countries like my own home country i'm from dominican republic i was born in dominican republic if you don't know where the hell is that search dominican republic in the caribbean that's where i'm from okay most people get paid from the cost of living businesses are not in the business of paying employees the same amount as their their their revenue and their income is coming in right if i'm a business owner and i come up with an idea and i hire 10 developers and those 10 developers come in help me build this this application and i make a billion dollars i'm not paying the workers 100 million dollars each or 10 million dollars each that's not part of the game you get what i'm saying this is what people have to realize that's not part of the game i'm paying them according to their living situation right i might say you know what to compete because there might be some good developers i might say i'll give you 300 000. but you're bringing me in a billion dollars right it's the same thing that happens when you're hiring developers or junior developers in india dominican republic uh colombia uh nigeria uh freaking poland all these countries right philippines right you cannot be mad at the fact that you think well why the same work that i'm doing here in america they're paying a hundred thousand dollars for that it's not the same course of living right here in the us just to live in one of these big cities where this big tech companies you know are located it might cost you two thousand three thousand dollars a month two thousand three thousand dollars a month in india you know them well you buying the golden hookah the shirt is coming and dancing to you right like you own the town you got to say i'm from dominican republic in dominican republic we have almost the same uh the dollar amount it's almost the same as the the indian rupee right i understand how it is living in those country right but you have to understand that this is how the world works right companies are not in the business of making you rich companies are in the business of keeping as much profit as possible and paying you enough for you to live comfortable for you to become rich that's a journey you got to go on you got to go in and hustle you got to work for that company and on the weekend set up some type of side business and this is what i preach here all the time on codingface.com just because you got a job and you come in like well i got a 50 000 job i'm good i got a 100 000 job i'm good do not think that's just gonna make you rich you're not gonna become rich you're becoming comfortable with where you live right you're they're keeping you comfortable and happy with what you already have right and when you you know you're living a little bit above the means compared to other people i mean for somebody that's working as a developer he lives way better than somebody that works at mcdonald right so you're living above that but you're not rich you're comfortable now for you to become rich and you want to become a baller and you'll be like i want to make the same money as somebody in the united states this is where you hustle i'm going to give you a game right for all of you guys that are here in our like international students international subscribers i'm gonna give you one part of the game right you're either gonna be the hammer or you're gonna be the nail what does that mean you're either gonna be the the boss or you're to be the worker you could start as a freaking worker but you could always upgrade to become a boss and how do you become a boss you can't become a boss without no employees you can't become a boss without no workers it's the same thing as a hammer and a nail you're not a hammer unless you got nails that's it this is not kumbaya we can't we can't lie to you guys we can't sit around be like well the world is everybody's equal no not everybody's equal in this world right this is how you make money you live in india you live in dominican republic again my home country right because i don't want nobody to feel like well this guy from america said i'm i'm in america but i'm not from america i'm an immigrant you gotta say i'm i'm here and i hustle my way up you're gonna say this is how you do it you are a developer find yourself some type of skill that you can earn money online from india and you could get paid here even if it's you know two thousand dollars three thousand dollars you might say well there's guys making ten thousand dollars in in america you don't live in america take that [ __ ] out of your head stop trying to compare yourself what's happening in america compare yourself to what's happening in india ask yourself how much does a doctor make in india and try to make as much money as a doctor in india or more that's the the first thing that you got to think about stop thinking about what's happening in america you don't live in america take that shot your head okay you're going to go crazy that's like me sitting right here i live in florida and i'm worrying about what's happening in beverly hills you know what i'm saying i'm like damn out my life will be miserable i'm like damn i'm driving a hundred thousand dollar car but then there's a guy that's driving a two million dollar car why he driving a two million dollar car in beverly hills and i can't drive my two million i gotta focus on me here i'm not focusing on what's happening on beverly hills do you get what i'm saying focus on what you got right here so i'm gonna give you or one part of the game that's gonna really help you out okay you come in you find a job remotely find a skill that you can make money okay working for a company but then not only that it has to be a skill something similar to what i just showed you guys html emails content editor um shopify theme development wordpress theme development something shopify app development something that you could do for that company so you could work full-time for that company right and then on the side you can make extra income you do that for a year you come in there's other people just like you in the position that you're in right now that maybe you don't have a job you might not have um you know the opportunities right and this is where you become a hammer right you become a hammer this is when you upgrade you come in that money that you saved up from that side income you go in and get yourself a couple of nails don't snails don't think of it like oh i'm a hammer this nail it's life this is how [ __ ] works go get yourself a couple of nails that work that you was doing online on the side go and hire them to do it for you now you can scale there's guys right now on fiverr.com making 200 300 000 dollars in india why you can't do it you know why they they're able to do it even though they might have like a whole bunch of like small gigs like fifty dollars here a hundred dollars a day two hundred dollars a day because they hire five to ten nails for them they're the hammer to make [ __ ] happen the nails need to go in and do the work for them and now you're paying them and at any moment they already have the skills if they decide to stay there as snails and never upgrade to a hammer that's not your business that's not your business you think the guys at google or amazon that's on the top they're worrying about the developers at the bottom like man why don't these guys create a company like google that's not their business they're not in the game to motivate them to go and become business owners or become bosses nah if they want to stay there and they happy with that pay stay there as long as you want continue building my dreams it sounds [ __ ] up but this is how life is you have to understand how to play the game of life life is like monopoly okay life is like monopoly life is like a video game okay think of like pokemon right every single time you catch a pokemon right you could go in you could beat the whole game with one pokemon but you could go in and catch them all you could continue catching more right but one thing that you got to always remember there's levels to it there's levels there's level one level two level three level four all the way till you get to level 100 there's people that start at level one get to level two and that's it for the rest of their life they're on level two this is what makes you a hammer you're trying to get to level 100 you don't stop at level two you don't stop at level five you don't stop at level you're hitting level 15 you're like there's more to go more [ __ ] to go up there that's just how life is that's my advice that i can give you for anybody that's here from another country stop worrying about what's happening in america worry about what's happening in your own country there's people that's dreaming i got cousins of mines in dominican republic and this this is the difference right cousins of mines in dominican republic thinking about one day when they get their visa and this this is a fact these are my cousins right they're doing everything and they're living the life of one day i'm gonna i'm gonna get my visa to get to the united states now i have other friends who live in dominican republic and are literally millionaires why the hell do you have to worry about i'm trying to get my visa look what's around you and make [ __ ] lemonade out of the lemons that you have make [ __ ] happen for you stop worrying about anybody else worry about you get your own bread build yourself up and boast up that's it that's what we teach at codingphase.com if you go in and you look at well exactly what we say here right your developer journey starts here we're just trying to get you into the game i'm not trying to make you the next mark zuckerberg i'm not trying to make you the next guy that created the next framework that became number one i don't care about that [ __ ] what i care about is getting you into a job getting you paid okay we come down here there's a video that plays what's the thing that it says here we don't teach coding as a hobby i don't do this as a hobby when i came into the game i was broke living with my moms i was 24 years old i didn't have no money i didn't have a car when i came into this game i came with a goal i didn't have a dream dreams never come true and if they do that's like a lottery i could dream of winning the lottery right i could dream of becoming a billionaire or a trillionaire i have goals right we don't do this [ __ ] as a hobby we come in and we do it because we need to get to certain places we need to use this skill to get us to certain places okay um and you know shout out to betty baggins you know betty baggins she could have been a dot she could have been on instagram she could have been on only fans she's at coding face you know getting her bread up you know what i mean shout out to everybody in here man work that's how exactly how it was andre bajor says please save this video okay so let's go into the next thing man let's go into the next next thing in here um sometimes we we might come in here we do these live streams we talk about the jobs we talk about the things that you could get okay talk about the skills that that you need to get into these jobs okay um but at the same time we have these moments where i feel like i got to give you a life lesson right that kid we we need to give him a life lesson he needed that trust me because sometimes we you might think that oh why this [ __ ] bro i'm not worried about what's happening in beverly hills i'm not worried about what's happening in monaco i'm not worried about what's happening in milan i'm worried about what's happening here and how can i get to the bread here right if i was living in the dominican republic i would have been doing the exact same thing okay this is the thing if you're gonna be a hammer you're gonna be a hammer anywhere in the world it doesn't matter where they put you at there's a dude right now in in in [ __ ] in in the congo and he's like yo people's like yo they need water he goes in he says you know what let me save up to buy a bicycle he buys a bicycle he rides that bike to the nearest well gets fresh water brings it back to the village and he goes to everybody's like yo yo i got to bring me some mangoes y'all got to bring me some some some [ __ ] batata y'all got to bring me some some yucca bring me some plantains yeah i want to get this fresh water y'all got to pay me with something right he's hustling next thing you know this guy comes in says i got enough mangoes enough [ __ ] i'm putting a small little fresh fresh market in the corner the same [ __ ] that people were giving him now he's selling it back to them now you don't got to go in to to the [ __ ] to the jungle go get yourself a mango we got it right here come get it next thing you know now he got a little kid from the corner hey go get me that water now he's not picking up water no more right he's not going on a bike next thing you know he got four or five bikes four or five kids from the neighborhood he got him working next thing you know he buys a car now he comes back with the big the big truck with the [ __ ] water then people 10 years later be like damn you remember uh batunte how was batunte like how how he got to this he became illuminati now he wasn't illuminati he [ __ ] hustled he grinded it up and he understood his situation he knew that he needed to put him to work that's it he got there you know what i mean next thing you know platoon is looking like akon him and acorn smoking a cigar how from the neighborhood what happened he was from the village how he over there with acorn but tuna is a hustler and now he owns a [ __ ] water company that's it it doesn't matter where you live you can live in zimbabwe you can live in africa you can live in dominican republic if you're going to hustle you're going to build yourself up if you're a hammer you're going to make it happen that's it yeah people start looking at yeah but vitunte was what happened he saw his show he became illuminati now but [ __ ] worked that's it i don't know i just i just came up with that one i don't know i don't know if there is a platoon thing you know what i mean but i like that name you could call me batunte you know what i mean i don't know i didn't know what i don't know no african names shout out to my people in africa again just i'm just saying like [Laughter] i don't know we're not trying to i don't know whatever if you want to complain you want to cry you i don't know you know i mean you could call me but you could call me whatever you want to call me right i'm calling myself patunte you know what i mean i'm just thinking of a name like in africa i don't know right you could be mohammed you could be your name could be ryan i haven't met orion in in africa you know santos you know what i mean so [Laughter] shout out to my africans you you guys know i love you guys man um what you think i ain't african you you see the black in me you know this [ __ ] this [ __ ] done mixed up let's say we're gonna mix everything up with this kid let's say cody face we're gonna throw everything at him this is yo you gonna get some white you're gonna get some asian you're gonna get some indian you're gonna get some i could be from anywhere in the world people could look at me and be like yo whatever boys from i could be from anywhere you know what i mean the potunte face you know what i mean shout out to my people man um [Laughter] yo i'm stupid look this is why we make this live stream live streams live like you know this [ __ ] this [ __ ] only happens when you guys give me those likes and and get me excited okay so let's get into the next thing man um but india means potato so i'm mr potato you know what i mean joe petunte you know okay um let's go to the next thing right you know what i don't know my brain works like that my brain is my i'm freestyling you gonna say don't don't ask me i freestyle this whole [ __ ] bro i don't i don't have no no slides i don't have no nothing i said let's just go live let's talk to the peoples man like it's like yo did he have this [ __ ] written down so there's this story this story just came up right now because i'm thinking about some kid [ __ ] you know in the village can't get no water he's like yo he's gonna hustle doesn't matter what his name is you know what i mean it could have been pardeep could have been pedro pedro in in mexico you know what i mean like okay so again we're looking at all these uh things that's in here um one of the things that i was saying to the kid before right how dudes come in in in you know start hustling look at this guy right custom basic template 180 right now you might say well this is not much 180 but if you go in and you're dropping you're dropping you know on a weekly basis right you're dropping in like five of these right 180 dollars right bring out the calculator i don't want to be using my brain right now five times 180 right 900 dollars now for some people that might say well that's that's not much money especially here in the united states but for somebody in another country [ __ ] that's a bag you're going to say on a weekly basis okay um and again there's other things that you can make it even more you know comes with a header body footer etc look this is how you know he hustling custom made basic template this right here is a basic template that he's done for everybody everybody that wants to html email he has like four or five different templates already pre-built and he just goes in and changes the content changes the images and he's like hey man we'll send this [ __ ] to you you want it in in two days 180 dollars you want it three days delivery custom standard 280. okay you want the premium custom advanced template more than five sections right best for newsletters product promotion etc right that's 350 for one okay now you go in here and you'll be like okay cool you want this thing one day special that's 280 one day one day 550. and a lot of times people want to get this [ __ ] as quick as possible you know this is why the guy comes in and tells you well if you want a custom advanced template right it's going to take you five days do you really think it takes him five days to get this [ __ ] done it doesn't take him five days but he's putting five days there to basically tell you like hey man you better throw me an extra bag if you want to buy tomorrow okay so now he hustled his way up from 350 dollars to 550 it don't make no difference between this right here 150 this 100 and this one 200. it'll make no difference all of this templates are pre-built he already has it he's just going in and changing changing colors like all that [ __ ] once you do it you do it once it's done you literally copy and paste between projects that you already did before but the does the person know that no he don't know that right somebody comes to fiber and they sign up like well i gotta pay 500 it's gonna be better quality he didn't even know it was the same freaking template that he was gonna get for 280 dollars you get what i'm saying sometimes you got to learn how to hustle um but again this is one way that you could do it html emails it's a lot of things that you can do right shopify right we're gonna get into the shopify this is where the bag is at okay um for those of you guys that don't know right shopify is huge right even though you are studying to become a shopify developer a front-end developer right you come to codingface.com and you look at this let's say shopify team developer what does this teach you right this is again this is part of uh basically the yearly subscription most of the courses that are for the programming side on the monthly subscription also but the things that teach you about shopify that's on the yearly subscription okay um let's say you already know these things right you already know the basics of web development right by knowing how to create a shopify store right you can now provide this service to people okay let me close this close this close this okay you cannot provide a service for people on upwork right let me see if i open this up right here we'll get to upwork in a second right let's just start with fiverr but basically right here okay i will create a high converted shopify drop shipping store this is all [ __ ] nobody knows about high conversion or a high converting store right most of these people what they do is they have a template they upload it right it's the same template that they upload for everybody right uh if they was to build a custom theme that could take you about a month almost a month and a half they're not going to do that type of work for 165 digital agencies charge about three thousand dollars and up for any custom theme or custom or store now people are coming in here and are selling this service to just create a store for somebody right deploy it which means on hey i uploaded this theme right passed it to your account and then once passed it to your account we make it live connect the domain um and just that's it that's pretty much it maybe add a couple of uh shopify apps right and that's it everything is already pre-made and people are charging top dollar for this okay you could go in here again you can see shopify creation bronze package 275 right 375 475 okay compare package right we could go in and say okay two days two days two days so the maximum is 530 dollars i think these people are charging for this now there's people that are charging even more than this okay now what's interesting is this is just with the skill of knowing shopify like i told you guys most of these people are here they're not building anything from scratch they have teams and templates already created and then now they're just basically reselling it to people and changing images around changing colors around right and that's pretty much it and they're charging top dollar for it okay um again that's what we teach you on the shopify theme developer just on this course alone my first shopify store how to create a shopify store understand the shopify platform so with that skill you could start charging for that okay now again shopify theme development is a little bit different shopify theme development is the skill that you're gonna need to work full time as a developer at a company right if you come in here and you search shopify developer okay you can see in here they're paying top dollar for this okay 90 to 120k okay remote senior full stack developer okay they most likely want somebody that knows about shopify app development okay um so again we're coming here all of this we we teach you all of this okay web web weapon shopify lead developer okay this is one job over here this is showing me in my area i wish i could change this to let me see indeed.com better let me matter of fact leave this open and go on this window okay we're gonna search by the title title calling shopify developer okay so in here here we go okay this is a starting one right this is early stages right you want to become a shopify developer right this is basic stuff this is like you know your first job 35 to 50k you ask for 50k don't ask for anything less than that okay but now let's go into the web developer shopify right 85 to 120 000 a year this is what we teach at codingphase.com when it comes to once you learn all of the skills right you learn how shopify the platform works how to deploy a a store right and then you get into the shopify theme development we also give you the shopify online store 2.0 which is the newer way of creating shopify themes uh with the new things that shopify has created okay or tools that they created okay we talk about google analytics we talk about facebook and google ads marketing design software for developers just because you're a developer doesn't mean that you're not supposed to learn some type of you know photoshop or sketch you want to have those skills to stand out amongst everybody else because everybody else is going to show up well show me some algorithms e-commerce is completely different than when you work at a tech company at a tech company they're looking for somebody that has you know uh engineering background or technical background and they're willing to go in and take somebody that doesn't know how to build [ __ ] but can pass the algorithm questions in e-commerce that [ __ ] doesn't fly if you cannot build things you're useless to that company e-commerce is very rapid pace like yo we need you to build this landing page by tuesday today's friday that should need to be done by tuesday so that's how it is hey we need to launch this emails by friday is uh labor day is july 4th it's black friday whatever it is you need to get it done it's quick they don't have time to be training nobody okay so that's the good thing is it's a good and bad thing good thing for people like us that are learning online good things that you know we're learning about building things that is going to be needed for a business bad for the people that's coming in and think that well i could just get into the job with just my algorithms and pass in the interview they don't play that [ __ ] in e-commerce e-commerce companies do not focus on that okay they focus on results okay so again shopify developer okay this is a great way to start okay this is starting at 48 52 000. somebody might say well 48 52 000 why is this so low i should be making 80 a hundred if you get this job i guarantee you your next job you'll probably make a hundred that's where people don't understand you gotta start somewhere okay if you're coming in from a completely different industry you're like yo well last thursday i was packing you know i was packing up uh pieces of meat into a a freaking cart and i was wrapping it around and in walmart you're switching complete different careers you can't show up and be like well i thought i was going to be the ceo of the company last week we used [ __ ] rapping chicken chicken drumsticks at walmart what made you think that you was going to be ceo it doesn't work like that you have to build yourself up so being able to come in and even get a job like this is a great job for anybody that's starting this is basically a design studio probably some type of digital agency right you see they built uh branding web design for photography e-commerce business right so this shorty right here it's an entrepreneur right it's a hustler okay she comes in she knows shopify she's gotten to a point where now she could say well i could go in and hire other freaking developers right she probably is a designer and was like yo you know what i don't need to learn this on my own i'm making enough money where i could hire somebody to come do this let's build together right fifty thousand dollars we start you off right it's very simple it's the same way how i'm doing it right when i start my agency same thing as this girl is doing coming in she's giving somebody an opportunity and the opportunity could be you there's a lot of small businesses out here that will hire you but you gotta have the skills okay [ __ ] even i could hire you but you gotta have the skills okay i've hired plenty of people even from the community and giving them opportunities you get what i'm saying even if it's a gig even if it's you know getting them into the game giving them the first experience or it could look good on their resume i've done it right there's plenty of people that will also do it for you like this girl right here uh kristen uh folgi right shout out to her right uh brand design web design photography she probably does you know um you know different type of themes for for people um you know belong shopify expert voyage chat funnel let's see what what type of work she has let me see portfolio okay so she's really like a designer right so i guarantee you that she's like okay i'm making enough money with design there's money in shopify let's go in and start getting a shopify developer in here this is a great way for you to start you get what i'm saying so again there's a lot of companies just like this one that you could start with again you don't have to start at the big tech companies all you need is an opportunity to get paid and build experience okay uh e-commerce web uh arctic leaf let me see universal music group okay uh i did some work for this company before there's one of the companies that i i worked at right this is not bad right you know i don't even know that universal music group was now doing uh shopify remember we used to do a lot of a lot of wordpress but now look at this [ __ ] they jumping on shopify which is what i told people the other day somebody asked me should i focus on wordpress should i focus on on magento and i told them i'm like bro to be honest with you all the big companies are switching to shopify when it comes to e-commerce for cms they're still using wordpress but when it comes to creating e-commerce businesses or you know maybe for selling merchandise you see that universal music group is probably uh setting up you know web pages for let's say justin bieber or taylor swift you know those big uh artists and they have websites where they can sell their their their merch right their t-shirts their hats their their [ __ ] headbands whatever you know i mean i mean when was the last time you seen somebody with a headband you know i mean right but let's say they're selling a headband right now right um but yeah you know so shout out to universal music group you know the work that i did over there was pretty cool i really enjoyed it uh and to me it was a big to this day that's a big stamp who doesn't know universal music group right um but look at that right they're looking for somebody experiencing front end react shopify's polaris jquery okay all the stuff pretty much everything that we teach at codingphase.com when people come in and be like what what do they teach at coding face that we teach what's on the jobs that's a we're not focusing on what's popular we're not focusing on what's trending on youtube we focus on the things that gets you jobs that's it that's all we care about i want to get you into a bag and that's it okay so you got shopify web developer uh avocado green brands uh let me see hfb and one thing that you're gonna notice you could do the same research yourself right don't take anything that i tell you as gospel do your own research i'm showing you guys the research right in front of you guys right but you don't have to believe me you could go in and do your own research right right now like i said it's twenty percent or matter of fact forty percent for this labor day sale codingphase.com but you don't have to believe nothing that i say take half an hour to an hour two hours do the research look at the jobs that's in there search the exact same thing that i searched title calling shopify developer title calling html title calling content editor title calling product editor search for these terms i don't have to come in and be like well and convince you you convince yourself when you do your own research you're going to say i just teach the skills that's in high demand and the skills that nobody else is caring about you know i'll let somebody else teach about graphql i'll let somebody teach about uh hey i'll show you guys how to do the merge stack and only the merge stacking how to do view js you know what i mean and i'm not saying those things are bad but sometimes people don't don't even train uh their students for what's out there for jobs because people want to get jobs i i don't know about you guys when i started learning how to code i just signed up for this [ __ ] to be like whoa i know how to program i can't pay a bill with i know how to program i need to have money in my pocket and how do i get money in my pocket i need to have the skills that jobs that are going to actually give me the opportunity they need so that's what we're doing here okay so again shout out to everybody in here um let me see reading through here let me see nice indeed.com joe why html tables are used for making html emails it's just an old system it's been around since the beginning of time since the beginning of the internet it's a it's like a protocol it's a way to to send out emails guys by the way if you're here and you're watching this the first time um guys subscribe to the channel give this a like look at this we got 147 people watching and we got 171 likes that's what i like to see kids okay thank you for that i appreciate it if you guys are learning something subscribe to the channel i see a lot of new names on the community um subscribe okay yes youtube will show you my videos yes youtube will maybe recommend it to you but if you subscribe and hit the notification bell you're not gonna miss this type of live streams okay this live streams we're gonna teach you guys a lot of things when it comes to becoming a developer we're gonna talk about skills that you need to get a job we're gonna talk about you know things that's happening in the industry you're gonna learn about you know things that could help you out you know i'm gonna give you guys life lessons life lessons that i wish somebody would have taught me so i didn't have to make mistakes right i've made a lot of mistakes in my life i'm 33 years old right but i made a lot of mistakes all the things that i teach you guys now is the things i wish somebody would have told me right when i came in the game i was just like you guys i i didn't know anything i didn't know [ __ ] i'm just here like what do i do what do i learn uh how do i get into the game right i was asking in four rooms i'm asking in in communities uh you know doing the same [ __ ] that most of you guys are doing right now right but one thing that i can tell you is that i made mistakes because no one was really guiding me nobody was telling me hey joe learn this hey joe you don't have to learn everything about programming language this is the actual things that you're gonna need right these are the things that you need for a portfolio to get higher these are the things that you need to prepare for in an interview right i didn't have that what i had was just the internet right people that would tell you back in the days well you got to learn ruby on rails and you gotta learn this this and that and you gotta become a master and you gotta learn uh go buy the cracking the the the [ __ ] wizard cracking the interview book right cracking the the [ __ ] interview uh go get this book whatever forgot the name of it uh but they're like yo that's what the advice that people will tell you and if you will say man maybe i'll try wordpress they'll be like wordpress php dot net you're gonna go to that we don't ruby on rails we don't know js we don't this isn't that right mind you those things were the things that i could have gotten a job quickly i would have gone into the game i didn't get a job till one year later almost damn near like 13 14 months in okay and that was because i was learning everything about javascript i was going in and [ __ ] trying to learn as much as i can about ruby on rails right which at the end it wasn't a bad thing because i did catch the job that i wanted to get but the problem was that i could have been working already that's the [ __ ] that nobody tells you you could have been working you're not saying you could have been working that whole year that you spent at home trying to learn all the skills you could have been working that's what i'm trying to offer you guys now this is the [ __ ] that nobody's gonna tell you there's the things that nobody's gonna focus on it's only me now there's a couple of guys that popped up in the last year or or year and a half that you know they're trying they're basically preaching what i've been preaching for almost damn near five years they're just getting in a lot of people trying to do what i do but there's only one coding phase you're gonna say there's people that have blown up with the content that i create here and they got 300 400 000 subscribers half a million subscribers they blown up not by their own formula they found it here right so what you found here on this channel this [ __ ] is like a hidden gem this is the [ __ ] that nobody wants people to know this is the [ __ ] that youtube don't even promote us because we focus on on literally on getting results the people that come in here and watch my channel and take the source a lot of them come in thinking how can i become popular on youtube so they'll learn certain things that do work for me on my channel and they say how can i implement that into my own channel how can i do what i what joe's does and implement it into my own channel but to get views now youtube doesn't recommend me to the thousands and thousands and thousands of people that everybody else gets recommended because i focus on getting jobs and getting [ __ ] results this [ __ ] for somebody to sit down in here and do this whole one hour two hour live stream they really want to do this right this is not entertainment you're not here because you're entertained by me you're not here because you're like oh i want to see joe's pretty face i don't know this is a pretty face you know what i mean like this ain't i ain't got to come over i ain't got the you know what i mean the the the [ __ ] i ain't got the glasses on nah you're not here for me you're here for the information that we're here to bring you you're here for the results you know that this [ __ ] happens and this this is why people come to this channel right but again why am i telling you with all of this we care about results we care about you we care about making sure that we motivate you every day that you do not quit that you go in and and you get your results you know what i mean that's what i care about right yeah we might get 150 people in the live stream we should have a million right if it was about getting results and it wasn't about entertainment or creating the perfect lighting and the perfect i don't care about that i'll tell you like this i learned more stuff about guys that have like 2 000 subscribers than guys that have a million subscribers and you know it's funny because one day we might hit that number when we might get up there but the truth is we've been grinding here on this channel we've been getting results this [ __ ] is not a make-believe this is not they didn't find me under a bridge like you know what i mean like when i came into the game you know for sure that i was already a developer for years i could have easily came to youtube i used to do youtube i used to talk about album reviews i used to like i've been doing youtube for a long time right i've been doing youtube since probably 2008 2009 right but i didn't want to come in and create a youtube channel about development until i really knew what the [ __ ] i'm talking about i'm not one of those guys that just pop up and like hey guys i'm still learning and i'm gonna give you advice on how to do i don't got a job but i'm gonna give you an advice you i never wanted to do that and there's nothing wrong with that because i think it's important to have people share their stories i think that's important but the moment you're giving advice or you're trying to help people to do something you better have done it yourself and that's one thing that i wanted to do i got into the game i became a developer right i got offers 120 140 and up right i [ __ ] could continue my journey as a developer i could easily have gone to fang i could easily have jumped to any other company my [ __ ] resume is long i've worked with a lot of big brands it ain't nothing for me to sit down and study algorithms for a week and literally get into any company that i want to but when i came into youtube i said if i'm gonna do this thing i want to make sure that i could give advice from the mistakes that i made because people are still making it to this day you cannot follow people off what their subscriber count is you cannot follow people in in their advice of what they're telling you from their car facts right i always tell this to people if you're coming in you're following some dude that has a ivy league degree and he's giving you advice on how to get into the tech industry and you don't have an ivy league degree his advice is [ __ ] useless because he's telling you how to do it with his weight if you're not on that path that advice is useless you can't get in like that you're gonna make mistakes you're gonna be there for a year two years you i've seen people come in sign up for boot camp right there's people that's being on this channel right because you might come here you might watch this channel for the first time and you might say who the hell is this guy why does guy talk like this what who this guy cursing this guy got a hat on this guy got the hoodie on this guy you know what i'm saying you could judge me off whatever you want right i might not look like a developer i don't look like a developer i wasn't i'm a glitch in the matrix i'm not even supposed to be here okay but one thing that i can tell you that you come in you listen to everybody else right there's certain people that can give you an advice that can be applied to you but sometimes you gotta understand some people are gonna give you advice that it's just not gonna work for you it's not as simple as everybody has an answer to for everybody there's people that's watching this channel right now and i say joe your advice don't work for me it's not going to work for me my advice is go to somewhere where your the advice that they're giving you is more aligned with you but if you're coming from the ground up you're coming in from a completely different career you're coming in uh you know from no [ __ ] carfax no background in technology tech anything the advice i give here is the best one in youtube hands down you know what i mean i'm not the developer whisperer but when i tell you this [ __ ] works it works okay you want to get into the game listen to me okay because i've seen people just yesterday i was reading through an email of somebody that we all know damn well in this community coming we know them since 2017 right i've been preaching the same thing from 2017 to now this [ __ ] it's nothing new that what i'm talking about here this individual comes in 2018 i was like yo i'm signing up to a boot camp joe i said bro i told you don't sign up to no boot camp you don't need it you don't need to do that investment that's a fact i don't believe in boot camps right i support a couple of dudes that i think they have something different you know coda foundry shout out to them but besides that i don't believe in boot camps i don't believe that you got to spend anything more than two thousand dollars to get into the tech industry and when i say two thousand dollars i'm talking about you bought yourself a macbook pro and you went in and you signed up one year at codingface.com or you went in and bought a couple of courses and it's less than 500 dollars from somebody else that's it you don't got to go to boot camps you don't got to go back to college you don't have to do that if you want to become a developer a web developer okay this dude goes in signs up for boot camp two years later done with the boot camp no no results no jobs no nothing now he telling me joe i'm signing up i'm going back to college and i asked him bro did you try anything that we did here at codingface.com yeah joe you know i like you your channel but at the same time you know i see all these guys and you know i'm trying to get a hundred thousand you know i'm trying to gain in san francisco i want to get a job in denver and i'm like bro you already put in two years into a boot camp basically you ain't get no results there now you're gonna go to college you're gonna go and put in you know four years three years if you already did a year you ain't getting no results there what are you waiting for there's people that come to codingface.com two months three months they're in the game you know me since 2017. why you think that you have to start at a hundred thousand dollars and more why do you keep thinking that you could have been making that type of money if you would have listened to me in 2017 you could have gotten a job for 50 60 70 000 and by now we're in 2021 how many years is that somebody do the math somebody do the math how much how many years is that from 2017 to 2021 how many years is that somebody put it up i'm i don't want to add it up somebody add it up from 2020 was 2017 to 2021 right right somebody do the math right and this dude is like yo it's 37. you're horrible man you know what i mean something's like 37. dude he's like yo dude like hold on from 2017 to 2021 37. 37 years he's been here for 37 years he's an old man yo man yo i'm clowning right now but again what i'm saying with that now this dude wants to go to college i'm at a point where i'm like i'm leaving him alone okay you tell me what can i do for an individual like that it's the same [ __ ] that happens when people go in and they go to college and be like well i'm gonna take a liberal liberal arts degree they go in just because they think i got a piece of paper now i got a degree and they think they're going to find a job they don't find a job then they go and be like well i like psychology let me go back for master's in psychology they go back for a master's in psychology but then they can't pass the test in you know for the license of a psychologist's license whatever right and that well i'll go get a phd in a doctorate you know what i mean so like that when when i come back they still they gotta give me a job [ __ ] i got a phd you gonna say like you could get stuck in that world instead you should have just [ __ ] got a job you should have started working you look crazy you're in your fourth [ __ ] career and you look crazy right now people are looking at you like yo what's going on what's going on with little billy what's going on with little cindy what's going on with them they working they're not working why they haven't done the things that co code and faith told them they haven't worked ever what's going on joe they don't want to listen they want to do what they want to do instead of putting in the work they want to go in and listen to the guy that's going to sell them a dream one thing that you're going to learn in this channel we don't sell dreams my dude okay we don't sell dreams in this channel everything that has to do with becoming a developer takes work it's a process yes there's guys that make top dollar but don't think that those guys started yesterday there's guys that you might see oh yeah they work at google they work at facebook and their their first internship is like you know a hundred thousand dollars that journey didn't start yesterday that's just starting high school that's just starting junior high school those dudes is busting their ass showing up to ap classes signing up to [ __ ] uh ballet you know what i mean dude playing tennis extra curriculum joining the road team you're gonna say doing all type of [ __ ] to go into this [ __ ] ivy league schools and then from there once they get to the ivy league school then they could go and apply to an internship if you thought that they got into that [ __ ] for one year you're mistaking the guys are coming in from other companies shout out to my boy tech rally tech riley just became uh amazon developer this year but tech rally has since like 2015 he has like five six years in the game you get what i'm saying he just became an amazon employee right he's working there making cake killing it he just came back from from paris he was in monaco chilling got his whole squad in there coming through that's the that's the amazon money he gained the amazon money you know what i mean shout out to him but that journey did not start six months ago that journey started years ago [Music] you have to work yourself up and you have to get into the game stop listening to people that come in i've seen people that come in and tell you i will teach you how to do how to become a freelancer make a hundred dollars an hour there's dudes here that been here for 10 years don't make 100 an hour it's a process if you're looking for the cheat codes every single time you're not going to go nowhere hey yo for the lifetime membership is it built one time 900 or two times 450 nah one time 900. that's it because the problem with the the payments is that you could easily come in and be like cancel i don't have time to be looking i don't want to be going after people be like yo hey bro you missed a payment i don't want to do that i don't even want to set that up the automatic emails it's like yo i don't offer the lifetime member membership that's like literally if you want it it's there those of you guys that don't even know like i offered the lifetime membership right now it's 40 off i think it's like um 900 and that's just about to go up originally i had it at 1500 every time that we had more courses i bring it up i'm about to bring it up to 2000 right so that's just a fact that's just how it is i don't plan on on selling the lifetime membership it's there for a reason right it's for the people that want it i don't promote it right if you know about it is because somebody told you about it or somebody asked about it um but i don't promote it right i don't make no money from that [ __ ] because long term when you think about it all the courses and all the things that we add to codingface.com and the services that means you pay me once and you never pay me again it could you could be here for five years you could come back 10 years later be like well i'm still a lifetime member you know i mean like we could be hiring you know more instructors and more people for uh the community and you pay one time those people i still gotta pay them every month you're gonna say so in reality i lose money but i offer it to who whoever wants it's there if you find it i always put it there you just gotta find it it's like if you [ __ ] if you find it on coding face if you find the link for it [ __ ] you got it if you didn't find it that's on you i'm not going to give it to you i mean it's very simple i mean if you use your brain you go into coding phase you search lifetime you're gonna find it but okay uh look it says i work as email developer with salesforce right now hey congrats man um let me see yo guys is working html email developers remote realistic option i want to travel and leave my local job um what is that email developer salesforce right now yeah i mean you could do it you could definitely do remote work you just got to find the right company if you want to go in and get something else um let me see hey joe is there money in html css landing pages yes there's money in everything okay there's money it's just it might not be as as much money as something else right or as consistent like you could go in and build landing pages you know make 500 for each landing page right now it's that consistent work maybe you'll make on a monthly basis three thousand four thousand right it's not the same thing as you working as a react developer at a company making 120 000 and you got a consistent income right um but it all depends this you know there's money in everything it's like i always tell people right it depends on where you want to go oh let me see reading through here um [Applause] graduating boot camp that i got in for a full scholarship and i decided to take your advice i have an interview with senior email developer roles now i hope to build myself up over the years yeah man rob zombie says i can see tech riley in paris with a baguette in the french hat smoking a ball smoking a hey ball most definitely we have a few members working remote with html email developer jobs yeah definitely joe what is the best way to learn javascript best way i always recommend people uh to basically build real things so if you check out my practical course this of course i have on codingphase.com it's called practical javascript i go in and teach you guys how to build some practical projects things that you're actually going to be uh using and literally those skills that we built in like four five projects that we have there are the skills that you're going to need for everything in web development one thing that you got to know web development is the most repetitive thing that you could ever do in your life once you learn something once okay you're always gonna be doing the same thing over and over and over again it's just different styles different company different business logic but at its core it's the exact same thing uh let me see richard joe sorry for spammers i wanted to actually you love creating themes i feel like it's not for me bro why are your thoughts if it's not for you don't do it i'm not telling you to do it you got to find what you want to do you know you know at the end of the day for me it's like yo i enjoy making whatever is going to get me paid because the things that i work on the side like i'll give you an example like i'm working i'm working on the side like a a small game that i'm making for my son right i'm making a a game using gold dot right gold dot which is a game engine which the language that it uses is very similar to uh python and i'm having fun with that i do that [ __ ] 30 minutes a day i have fun with that when i have to work it's a different thing when i'm working i'm trying to get money i'm not there for fun it's not for my benefit it's not for me like well i enjoy this i don't care what i enjoy it's a job and if i was gonna work at mcdonald's or i was gonna work at walmart well i was gonna be carrying boxes i was gonna be doing uber whatever the hell i was doing it's a job i wasn't gonna be there doing it because i love it nobody wakes up in the damn like i can't wait to turn on this car and go put some gas ooh we're going to put in this 12 hours on uber nobody wakes up like that they're doing it because it's paying them so with that logic i look at themes and i say i actually enjoy working on the front end i love doing html css if i could do just html css all day i'll just do that now if i'm going to be working on something and i'm gonna put my time i need to get paid i got a lot of responsibility i got three kids i got a wife i got [ __ ] a household i got to take care i'm trying to buy my mother a house i'm trying to do a lot of things i got to bring my father from dominican republic i'm an immigrant i'm literally like i'm the guy that's building the [ __ ] foundation for my family i don't have the luxury to sit down be thinking about what do i like what do i love to do i don't love to do anything i don't even love doing this like i'm being honest like i love hanging out with you guys but i wish we was in a room i wish we was like chilling in an area like you know we could be in a park or something i'm in front of a [ __ ] camera with the lights on i'm hot do i love doing this no i love the interaction i have with my subscribers i love hanging out with you guys [ __ ] i don't love nothing in this world other than playing playstation having sex and [ __ ] playing uh video games with my kids that's it that's the [ __ ] i can tell you i love but i don't worry i i don't worry about the things that i love i worry about the things i got 24 hours and i have 12 hours to give to work on something that's gonna pay me the most and i'm just being honest with you guys okay you're gonna be saying like i'm just being honest right you have to go in and work in life and when you're you're learning certain skills it's not about what you love it's not what you want to do what you're enjoying forget that if you're able to do it do it and then work on the things that you love to do that's just how life is right so it's a life lesson that i can give you there's people right now that love doing whatever job they're doing but they're struggling somebody said well i love cutting the the fur from dogs and i love painting their nails and i love washing them but you know what that person has two jobs right now that person lives in a [ __ ] uh small-ass apartment maybe a condo some [ __ ] that cost forty fifty thousand dollars in that that [ __ ] ass condo somebody in the middle of the night smoking weed in front of her house a guy comes in drunk drinking beers and pisses on the hallway but she loves her job or he loves his job of cutting [ __ ] fur of the dog on the local [ __ ] pet shop he loves that job but you get you know what like their [ __ ] life is hard they gotta deal with all that [ __ ] that comes around it now if they would have thought about instinct i love doing this if i love doing this [ __ ] i'll get myself a dog if i love this job this much i'll give myself a dog and i'll do this [ __ ] on the side let me get something so my life could be better let me start working on something so my life could be better that's it that's all i can tell you i don't love anything joe santa's gotta see it it's true i'm not in love with anything i don't look at this [ __ ] like oh i gotta be in love with it i gotta be in love with my wife that's it i gotta love my kids that's it i love my house because i'm here this [ __ ] is my my house i [ __ ] work hard for this [ __ ] i love my house i love working on it i love upgrading it i love buying things for it this is like my baby i love this [ __ ] but besides that working and stuff skills that i got to learn and things that i got to do to get money i don't love anything i wish money could come to me i wish somebody i had like a a rich uncle and rich uncle said to my nephew joe leaving him half a billion dollars into my sister leave her another half a billion dollars i wish they just i had a rich uncle somewhere some guy in dubai he's like yo we didn't even know we was [ __ ] arabic or some [ __ ] like that and coming like yo the prince of the prince of [ __ ] uh of dubai passed away today and he left his money to his great great nephew in dominican republic he had a side he had a side side chicken in a in a resort he went to dominican republic he had a side chick he had my my uh my my grandfather and and my grandfather had my mom and then they left the whole family half a billion dollars i wish somebody do that that's what i would love you get what i'm saying i don't gotta work no more i just chill play playstation get fat all day you know what i mean [ __ ] you know every few years get a light boat you get what i'm saying just be a slob just be a [ __ ] slob and not do [ __ ] drink all day smoke weed all day right [ __ ] i haven't smoked weed in years because i got to keep my brain on top notch i don't do no drugs i don't do nothing i drink once in a while but besides that i keep my brain top-notch you don't think so [ __ ] i would love to be like yo light that up you don't think i would love to be able to do that i don't do it because i got this my this my [ __ ] muscle i got to keep my brain top notch so i could do my work i would love to just chill i don't love nothing i don't love anything i don't love doing anything i just want to [ __ ] chill and hang out you know what i'm saying but if i'm gonna do work i'm gonna do work on something that's gonna pay me you gonna say you know what i'm saying right yo makes the brain click yeah right yeah [ __ ] come on i'll come back like yo hey guys like you [ __ ] man i don't want to do anything any [ __ ] that that's [ __ ] with my brain to be honest with you bro i need my brain because my hands is for two things women and keyboards i can't do [ __ ] i can't be lifting boxes i can't be working on my back i can't do anything the only thing that i'm good for is my brain so i got to keep that [ __ ] nice and clean every you know every other day i come in and polish up the brain pop some vitamin d pop some b12 i'll polish it up you know what i mean that's the brain get some extra sleep clean that [ __ ] up right this is my muscle this is my money maker say no to drugs you know that's just me i can't i can't do any type of drugs or anything if i was like if i was on chill mode and i got enough money i could i'll be like joe rogan joe rogan be smoking weed all day [ __ ] uh doing dmt all type of [ __ ] he got enough money where he could he could chill he could say well i'll take four or five days i don't gotta work i don't i'll take two weeks off until my brain comes back you know what i mean so something's like yo i did some [ __ ] in in in i don't know in the brazilian amazon [ __ ] brazil's amazon and [ __ ] this ayahuasca i gotta put my brain on on ice for two weeks friday over there right he could do that i can't do that i gotta make money every single day bro so i got this my money maker okay so stop focusing on being able to like yo what you love what you love is maybe coding maybe programming but what you need to make money you're never gonna love because it's repetitive it's something that you have to do constantly sometimes you don't even have to be creative no more okay you're getting paid for a task you're doing a transit transaction between your skills that you have and somebody putting money in your pocket and you know what if you want to keep on getting that money you're gonna have to keep doing that [ __ ] over over over over over over over over again that should get repetitive this is why you gotta take vacations this is why you gotta go to go to colombia go blow some backs out you know what i mean go to [ __ ] go to thailand have fun with it you know what i mean go to [ __ ] and go to ukraine abuse it refresh your mind come back brand new now you'll be like damn i spent all this money look how much fun i had in ukraine come back he's like yo anya loves you you know what i mean have fun with it because you work hard for it but understand that anything that makes money it's not going to be fun you're not doing it for fun you know the people they lie to you be like well you got to have fun with you you're not going to have fun you're not going to have fun if you go you want to make money the idea of fun that [ __ ] is not real you know people tell you well if you find something that if you do find something this like what that saying says like yo uh never work a day in your life if you find something that you love if you find something you love and you're able to do and you get paid a lot of money to to do that [ __ ] [ __ ] you're having fun that's the best thing you know guys that play basketball right the guys that play [ __ ] football [ __ ] like that they love that [ __ ] they have the best jobs those guys that do sports and they're having fun with their friends and they're you know what i mean those are the best jobs but for us the regular people the normies us normies we gotta do [ __ ] that it's not fun it might be fun in the beginning but at some point it's gonna become repetitive and that's just how life is there's nothing wrong with it okay guys anyways man like i said guys if you want to learn how to code you got to check out codingface.com stop slacking okay come to codingface.com click on the description below okay this is the link right there got that 40 off come in get that 40 off okay you know become like betty baggins stack up your bag okay learn the skills that you need to get it back okay one thing that i can guarantee you is that if you come in and you do the work you're gonna find success you're gonna be able to make your money back whatever it is that you invested into codingphase.com you're gonna get that [ __ ] back if you put in the work if you come in and you show up and be like well you know i don't want to go in i do the [ __ ] with uh you know like richard doing saying i want to have fun you want to have fun and you're like oh you want to have fun cool you could have fun okay but if you put in the work like this little [ __ ] 20 you know 12 dollars 20 dollars you make that [ __ ] back that 238 397 originally 238 and that's only till today 12 o'clock that [ __ ] goes extinct that [ __ ] becomes a dinosaur that coupon code becomes a dinosaur that [ __ ] we just only going to see the video this live stream and this [ __ ] is like a fossil by tomorrow this [ __ ] is a fossil you were like damn i remember joe had that that cell yesterday this [ __ ] you found a [ __ ] fossil on the ground that's what you you're gonna find because the coupon code is not no longer there okay so take advantage today okay it's up to you guys if you want if you don't want it it's up to you i don't care um i just provide the service that's it um but again there's a lot of cool things that's coming to codingface.com my advice is learn the skills that's going to get you into a job focus on the things that we have here if you look right here that's the reason why we have html email developer front end developer start with this right what's interesting is that if you start as a html email developer all of the skills is the same thing that you're going to need to become a front-end developer so as you are learning these things and you become a html email developer you could come back in and say okay cool where did i left off right i got a job as a friend as a html email developer now i could go in and jump into the next thing how to deploy your website web developer personal brand debugging like a pro object oriented programming with javascript jquery yes next read react redux uh react to affinity react native now by jumping into this you're a front-end developer but you didn't have to start from the beginning you was building yourself to get into the first job html email developer then from there jumping into the next thing which was html um front end developer then from there you could go in and say hey i want to jump into shopify development it's the same courses that's in there right the same prerequisites that are for a html email developer a front-end developer are inside of a shopify theme developer okay so you're not wasting time once you get to to learn all of this foundation of programming building websites then from there you have all of these different career paths that's open for you to jump into okay so that's what it is yeah man uh let me see code is that a joe white thing for yourself one side license team how they got know if you use it on multiple sites well the way how they do it is most the truth is that most people can use it on multiple sites that's the truth unless it's a uh a shopify theme or like a wordpress team okay and even that if you're a developer you could go in and remove that line of code but most people are buying themes they don't know how to do that themselves so like let's say when you download like a theme like wookie if you put it on a website it's already looking for that website and looking for that license if that license doesn't match it shows a a pop-up that says hey you need to put in a new license key or a new whatever you want to say um but when it comes to html and css templates those templates you could download them and reuse them a million times yes the license says oh you can only use it once but the truth is there is no system unless the person goes in whoever the developer is is going like mad hard and be like well i'm gonna check if they're using it in other places like it's [ __ ] you technically you're supposed to be using it for one website but people can reuse it for as many websites as they want once they have that file they have it there what covers them is if they have at least that license now if you could prove that they have it on this website and also this website and this website and they have only one license then yeah you could sue them but then then again it's like what you're suing them for for fifty dollars a hundred dollars you're gonna say like it's gonna cost you more than that it's a waste of time right so don't even think about that like that's like a formality that's that's like a thing to make people scared it's like oh whoa you only got one license like people if they want to get through licenses it's not like a software where it's like it is forcing you to put a new license if they want to just copy and paste it again they'll copy and paste it again that's just how it is i got to turn up on the code and too comfortable getting on let me see corey kane says too comfortable in my digital marketing job i'm not getting paid enough that's when you guys step it up bro anyways guys listen we've been here long enough i don't even know how long we've been here uh but i think we've been here long enough hopefully you guys enjoy this live stream hopefully you guys love it you guys had fun let me know if you enjoyed it we did what two hours two hours exactly two hours bro says two hours and five minutes taha hamel says i just arrived here well taha subscribe and hit the notification bell so you can see um the next live stream okay hopefully people learn a couple of things here hopefully people subscribe to the channel um you know we got new members and whatever right as long as you guys are supporting and giving likes to the video and and showing love to the community i'm happy man you know that's what i really care about hopefully you guys came in and really enjoyed this live stream and that's it if you learned something you learned something if you didn't then re-watch the live stream you should have learned something you was busy doing something else uh man i have to step it up didn't code for two weeks doing it today let life get in the way yeah you can't let that [ __ ] happen bro two weeks that's a long time bro like go in and and like put in the work bro put in the work put one hour minimum it's supposed to be two hours minimum but there's days that you michael only put one hour one hour it's just one hour that's it think about your future think about what you know your kids your future kids [ __ ] your grandkids it's a big difference between you where you at right now and where you could be and it's one of those situations it's like the the marvel universe [ __ ] happens like this you take that left you're a crackhead you take that right you're you know your ceo at a company you're gonna say like there's there's little things like that in life that if if you don't take the the opportunities that's in front of you and you don't take actions you end up in a whole completely different place i couldn't be i could have been somewhere completely different than where i'm at right now trust me i've been in a lot of crazy situations that if i was to tell you guys you'd be like yo this [ __ ] is crazy joe like i can't tell there's probably a cop or somebody on the internet or somebody reporting this [ __ ] like yo hold on did he say that in the livestream you don't say so i'm not gonna share too much but i've been in situations that if [ __ ] could have won left or if i would have taken that road i wouldn't be here right and even when i think about learning how to code and the work that it took right nobody really is going to understand the work that it takes only you gonna understand it right this is why i always tell you guys give yourself a uh you know an applause give yourself a pat on the back all the time because no one is really gonna do that for you okay they're only gonna see the results they're gonna say oh look at look a little richard look at a little corey right look at anon oh they got a nice house now nobody saw all the work that you had to put in right nobody saw all those freaking nights that you had to put in extra hours those moments you were stuck you wanted to quit you wanted to break your computer nobody sees that okay nobody sees even when you start working how much work you you you got to put in some people think just because you work on a computer it's like if you're just there sitting down jerking off in front of the computer now this [ __ ] is mental programming coding all the work that we do yeah we're not lifting boxes you're not we're not you know dragging [ __ ] around moving things around we're not in the sun getting you know getting high and all that stuff but you know what this [ __ ] takes a mental toll right you put it in work nobody sees that even after you get a job nobody sees that everybody thinks that you're doing a a a easy job there's people that's going to come to you family members friends yo let me let me borrow fifty dollars we bought a hundred dollars you win that [ __ ] easy right there's people that could come in even here even right now right somebody might could look at me and say look at this guy goes to youtube right shows up for an hour has a website got some courses who knows if they're good right who knows if themselves is good comes in cracks a couple of jokes right he's earning his money cheap and like easy this is the easy way look look at this guy he got courses he got courses wow great way so easy to earn this [ __ ] but what people don't understand that all these courses were built from me doing this [ __ ] at a job all the skills that i have i didn't learn this [ __ ] me sucking on my thumb i had to put in work right i had to go in and learn all of this [ __ ] i had to go in and do it for my own business and also to other businesses that i work for right then on top of that the [ __ ] recording of videos the the [ __ ] recording eight nine hours straight where your throat hurts already your [ __ ] is already clogging up you like yo hold on i gotta take a break gotta go outside nobody sees that everybody sees the results it's like it's like right now somebody might say what a year from now two years from now with all the [ __ ] that's happening even with coding faces with 87 lux you might see me in a lambo or [ __ ] rolls-royce you might see me in some big [ __ ] and oh you're gonna say look at this guy courses of course of course he got this you know his courses you selling courses but nobody sees the [ __ ] work it takes to do all of this [ __ ] no one sees that to even be able to create this type of courses you gotta know something this is what i'm telling you guys work hard put your [ __ ] skills to work work for somebody else but put themselves to work for you this is all i do i teach you guys by example everything that i do i'm teaching you guys by example and i'm telling you guys nobody's really gonna appreciate the work that you put in only you everybody's gonna find an excuse for you for your success everybody's going to tell you this [ __ ] was easy lend me a thousand dollars brie power anon can you send me 500 dollars i'm i'm over here in new delhi you know what i mean i got a couple of problems here my my motorcycle doesn't work the the chain don't work could you send me 500 you're going to have family members set you up randomly but nobody knows that you have to put in this work it takes dedication to finish this [ __ ] right coming in and to do even four or five courses back to back and do all this work it takes dedication it takes work why do you think most people don't do this [ __ ] why do you think people quit so quickly what yo i'll tell you right now we've had over 70 000 people that have signed up to codingface.com right out of those 70 000 people i could tell you there's about 14 000 active 75 000 plus in four years and out of those 75 000 plus 14 000 are active everybody else is like they see it's like they see a live stream here they see a little video from some guy telling him some [ __ ] on the internet so hey man how you could make a hundred dollars an hour right and they're like oh [ __ ] they bump into coding i could get this [ __ ] for 20 bucks this guy would shower me 2 000. i'll come to coding face but they don't realize that you have to put in the work i could give it to you for a dollar you still got to put in the work i could give you a coupon code that says 99.999 percent off you still got to put into work there's no way around it so this is what i tell people [Music] you have to come in grind it out have a plan also have an exit plan always have an exit plan because doesn't matter what you get into [ __ ] could be ugly at the end and you don't want to be that guy that is stuck doing something just because you had no ac no exit plan and now you got to wait it out you gotta wait until you are able to have the exit plan have an exit plan from day one invest into other things invest into yourself learn as much things that you can go to a job go to a company learn from everything that's happening keep your eyes open see what's happening in the marketing team see what's happening with the boss how to what's the dynamic between the boss in in the marketing team what's the dynamic between the boss and and and the you know the developers keep your eyes open ask questions it's just like how they used to say in school there's no stupid questions only stupid people that don't ask the questions you don't want to be that guy sucking on your thumb while this [ __ ] this millions of dollars moving around you and you don't even know how this [ __ ] works because all you do is code you don't want to be that guy just like that kid that asked in the beginning of this live stream and said why do they pay you know how much over there forget about what's happening over there figure out how to make it for yourself here and wherever you at that's it get your mind right get your [ __ ] mind right what does it take you've been chilling some of you guys are damn near 30 40 years old some of you guys about to touch 50. you chilled a long time you telling me you can't do an hour two hours a day get your [ __ ] together you want to be broke your whole [ __ ] life you want to be a bomb-ass dude your whole life you telling me you can't dedicate one hour out of your whole day this is the [ __ ] that you have i'm talking i'm your mirror right now i'm you i'm not telling you this [ __ ] joe santos clocked out a long time ago okay this is your mirror right now this is you talking to yourself you're telling me you haven't chilled long enough and you can't put in one hour a day you tell them you can't go in and say i i want to get this [ __ ] together i want my life better i'm seeing wealth being transferred from the [ __ ] bottom to the top and the people that's in the middle are the ones getting the most bread because that [ __ ] is being transferred out that way up you guys don't want to say what i'm talking about think about it all the [ __ ] jobs they're about to be done all the jobs that you could go in and say well i work at ford at a factory themselves out of here there is no more jobs for that what's happening is the people that were good the papi and mommy kids that's what this whole industry is full of papi and mommy kids dudes where their parents got [ __ ] good jobs and then now they send their kids to college and they have even knowledge of what programming is this whole industry is full of papi and mommy kids people like you and me we're the [ __ ] glitch in the matrix we're not even supposed to be here people look at you like yo how do you know about coding fedex is hiring what you're doing here go to one of his buildings they're looking at you like yo excuse me sir um could you get me a mop sorry uh i'm a developer here i'm not the janitor because people like you and me they're used to seeing us in those [ __ ] jobs but you know what this shit's changing wealth is going from the bottom moving on up but the people that's in the middle are picking up the crumbs and those crumbs are really good shit's getting transferred wealth is getting transferred right now as we speak and you know what picking up the crumbs is not that bad because when you're a developer that's what you really are doing you're working for tech companies working for companies making millions of dollars and you're getting a little [ __ ] 100 000 salary which is the crumbs of what's happening in society right now so this is me talking to you right or you talking to yourself right now can you invest an hour of your time from the day can you tell your friends chill man i'll smoke a little something with you guys later hey you got your wifey wifey take care of those kids i gotta study right now i gotta do something that's good for me and you tell your parents mom dad you know when your parents i don't got a computer invest in me let me borrow 500 i could buy a computer [ __ ] i don't got a credit card invest in me let me get 12 joe got a [ __ ] [ __ ] you know subscription for 12 bucks let me invest in me 12 i don't even got a credit card invest in me this is the moment right this is the moment where you want to do this [ __ ] i'm not the developer whisperer i'm just a regular dude just like you when i give you guys this advice when i talk to you guys is because i've been in the same situation in the same position as you guys and i could tell you for a fact this was the best thing that i did this thing completely changed my life yo i'll give you an example like imagine if i didn't know how to code i wouldn't even have coding phase imagine if i didn't know how to code i wouldn't have been able to [ __ ] save up money to be able to do this business this [ __ ] took years to do who the hell do you know has enough savings and enough money to spend two and a half years making no money and investing into a business without no income coming in who the only way i was able to do this [ __ ] is because i was a developer i was getting paid top dollar and i didn't have no kids i didn't have no nothing i was just stacking up saving money when i quit my job i had 300k cash who the [ __ ] do you know got 300 000 cash there's people that got to sell their house to have that type of money i had that [ __ ] cash from savings that's not even counting the stocks that i had there's people that worked for 10 years i didn't even work 10 years as a developer and i had 300 000 saved that's the [ __ ] that you have to realize and i did it by making mistakes when i come here i'm giving you guys all these tips all this [ __ ] you can do this [ __ ] in two to three years be at the same level that i am right now and that other people are in right now i don't know what what else to tell you you know what i'm saying i'm not the developer whisperer but what i say [ __ ] works just get in the game put in the [ __ ] work it doesn't cost you anything invest in yourself how many times you bought jordans how many times you went out to drinks how many times you did this and that invest in yourself twelve dollars two hundred something dollars for a yearly subscription where you getting everything that you need we're not talking about you signed up for a contract and hey guys we're gonna split up this twenty thousand dollar boot camp into four payments you're not doing that [ __ ] you're so lucky that you live in the age of technology and information technology is here right and information is cheap now it's affordable the people are not getting anything done is because they don't want to the [ __ ] is there for you you don't think that [ __ ] i wish i had somebody like myself in in [ __ ] 2011 i would have done all the things that took me seven eight years to do i would have done in two to three years i had to be a pilgrim with a flag coming into this random [ __ ] world putting my flag down and i had to go through the mistakes now i'm just like a survivor of this thing and i'm coming back and i'm like guys listen don't go to the right take a left ear and then go straight and then make a right you'll be fine you're not going to [ __ ] bump into the [ __ ] the monster that way right it's something similar to that right that's what i'm doing now i'm giving you guys the shortcut i'm helping you guys out from my experience which is somebody that's in the same position that you are in now and that was there before okay so again i'm not rich i'm not [ __ ] famous i'm not who the hell i am i'm just a regular dude that i want to put this information out there i want to help people out because you know what if you don't help your own community who's going to help them right if you don't make this [ __ ] accessible to everybody i could have easily came in and sold all my courses 500 i could easily say hey guys i got a thousand dollar course learn web development that's a thousand dollar course nobody that is like me is gonna be able to afford that and the people is gonna be able to afford that and one shot is gonna have to put that [ __ ] in a [ __ ] crazy credit card right and then now they're in debt i come in i provide all this stuff for the least amount that i can but again i can't do it for free because how do i look like working for free that's a question that you gotta you gotta ask yourself will you do some [ __ ] for free you're working for free this [ __ ] is work okay but i wanna help people out i want you guys to come in and and take advantage just just do it i'm telling you guys right now you're gonna thank me later you're gonna be like holy [ __ ] joe you was [ __ ] right i did this thing i put in the work i got my results a year later you're gonna be bowling i mean you're not rich but [ __ ] eighty thousand a hundred thousand dollars coming from a regular job that's boiling right there was a line from pusha t that said yo a hundred thousand is like a billion where a hundred thousand is like a billion where i'm from you know what i'm saying a hundred thousand is like a billion where i'm from and there's a fact there's people that i know that they never even seen that type of money they don't even know what that [ __ ] feels like they don't know they don't they don't know what that feels like they don't know what it is you know this [ __ ] that i come in and i'll be like yo i enjoy myself and i'm like yo i'm so grateful that i did this thing i busted my ass worked in this career because there's so much i could list a million things that it's just on my daily like on my daily things that i do and i'm like yo how the [ __ ] did i get to this point these days i'll be like yo i just bought a [ __ ] five thousand dollar [ __ ] fridge like in my head like this was some of you guys are bowlers some of you guys are like millionaires right so everything that i say here is like we could do better to me every single thing that i do it's like a [ __ ] accomplishment bro i just [ __ ] i bought a [ __ ] hooptie and that's my fridge you know what i'm saying like you gotta say there's days cause i still i'm still in the hood right and i'm thinking about hey yo i remember when i used to be like yo when when i get 2500 i'm gonna go to craigslist and buy my first car i'm gonna whoopty woo like you know what i mean i'm gonna come back put some rims on it i just bought a houthi and put that [ __ ] as a fridge you get what i'm saying i just came in done there like [ __ ] fifteen thousand dollars on floors doing [ __ ] renovations on this [ __ ] after what works doing mess [ __ ] just broke my mom from [ __ ] new york like and this [ __ ] that i'll be like yo how am i doing this thing just check my mama and you know what we're going to go tonight to again tucker the other night on saturday we went to the casino we spent some money my mom's like yo you don't stress yourself don't say we lost money right my mom was like don't stress yourself out joe you know sometimes you win sometimes you lose and i'm looking at my mom like i ain't worried about that [ __ ] like i'll make that [ __ ] on a date you know like we it i'm not trying to [ __ ] show off or anything but it's just like the little things that it just makes life better right like i don't need to be rich i don't need to be a millionaire i don't need to be anything i don't need to be a billionaire i don't need to do anything i'm in a position in life where i'm comfortable and i continue to work harder but with that i tell you guys that this career is the [ __ ] best for some people the papi and mommy kids there's a lot of probably mommy kids and i'll tell you for a fact to them this [ __ ] is nothing cause they've been here right you got your dad makes 100k your mom making another 80k she's a [ __ ] teacher your dad is uh some other [ __ ] also you know construction company some [ __ ] like that you've been having all this [ __ ] your whole life i'm an immigrant i'm building all this [ __ ] from the ground up every time that i do all this [ __ ] that i do it's a win i don't got nobody to call up you know look at guys like me kevin me kevin's a you know god bless him was a smart dude so puppy mommy kid i'll use this example because it's a fact how he he gets all the [ __ ] that he's at right now dude easily could call somebody and say hey call a family member lend me a hundred thousand dollars to start my [ __ ] business who do i know that i could ask for a hundred thousand dollars right for me to start codingphase.com i had to save enough money to hold me over for two years two years and a half you know what i had to do for that i had to work for damn near six seven years as a developer to save money somebody let me kevin probably mommy kid they do that [ __ ] on the regular uncle got some bread got another business you know how much you need kiddo 100 000 to value your first home and you buy your first real estate property and you can start from banks here's a hundred thousand people like you and me we don't have that so we take this job this opportunity and we take this [ __ ] like it's a [ __ ] golden ticket because we know that what we can do with this opportunity we know what we can do with this type of bread we smart we're intelligent the only thing that's we're missing is opportunities we're missing capital how many people you know in the hood that's that's smart and they could do a lot of [ __ ] they have great dreams and great ideas but they can't do anything because they got nothing in their pocket i look at this [ __ ] as a job i look at this as a skill as a career that we could use it and fund us fund our dreams and fund our potential and that's it man i'm out of here man like i said if you guys want to go check out codingphase.com it's right there link is in the description okay ain't no way around it all right codyface.com just for today 12 yearly 238 excuse me take advantage if not then that's on you you know i'm not in the game of convincing i'm in the game of creating a service and providing it the people that need it you take it the people that don't need it you don't take it right i provide a service here i'll teach you guys how to learn how to code and how to become developers and get into the game that's it i can show you guys from my example of the things that has happened to me and that's it that's all i can do all right uh anyways man thank you for everything guys thanks for hanging out with me i really appreciate it shout out to everybody damn we got 253 likes damn i think we broke a record today on the live stream thank you for everybody here leave a like leave a like leave a like okay before you leave out of here i'm gonna let you guys chill for a little bit make sure you leave a like um and please if you're here right now we got 134 people leave something on the chat i want to see 134 people right here on the chat 134 of you guys different okay don't go in don't spam me the same guy billy rodriguez posted 30 30 different things come in here and literally just put it yo put it what up i'm here what's good joe i want to see 134 of you guys right here because i want to give you guys a shout out myself okay so we're going to start from here jess uh jestor corey gainey get mad fool bruh tripping billy rodriguez henshaw ida mmo divine love tao uh billy rodriguez ray anthony type porter boss man bowler uh who else is in here man uh brandon blue murat yaskar the greatest rich and dominique amin malik coding papi bernardi bay bree power ashen eddie eddie electric mind doji for new um andre andre versus himself conan raider uh antoine codes who else is in here tabani masashi wayne wallace taran codes who else is in here uh coder loader who else is in here come on guys dl jones who else is in here i want to see everybody that's in here i want to give you a shout out okay this is your moment shine bam okay i noticed a couple of girls on the live stream i know y'all be that be a little shy it's okay you're in a safe space you know what i mean you say space come in here man leave it leave a like uh bam andre borjord day county uh yeah man sometimes some girls will be hanging me up like yo on the emails joe just letting you know i'm i'm an avid subscriber i watch on your live stream you know sometimes i don't say nothing you know i don't want the thirst buckets to holla at me you home ma okay you're here okay let you let the people know you was here lr deca okay uh abhinav [Laughter] who else was in here man put it up put it up put it up put it up put it up put it up bro tripping angel medina we said that ibra who else is in here man who else is in here man ruther ruler let me see who else is in here leave something i don't care what you got to say even if it's some hate i mean you drop some hate that looks bad on you not on me i don't care what you say i just want to see that you are in here man uh darby j uh sharik shashad uh who has bitter edie big adi ivan hill shout out to the people in switzerland man i need to go out there man i need to go to the swiss ops man i need to go skiing escape [ __ ] snowboarding down down the street get myself a nice little swiss watch [ __ ] you know what i mean throw me a swiss model you're gonna when you when i get to switzerland first thing you gotta be like yo how are you doing joe here's a swiss model in a watch and seeing some swiss you know swiss chocolate you know what i mean go have fun with that okay rayman kandor bela or bolivar shariq uh who else is in here patrick johnson um let me see vincent velez who else is in here shout out to my people from the bronx bx in the house you already know you know how we do it new york city in the house edwardo raj shout out to my people from india you already know gotta bring you the golden hookah you know what i mean get your bread get your money up okay do what you have to do it's 11 1 15 a.m dude was like yo i'm here bro 1 15 past my bedtime event hill who else is in here tafiq well so we got a couple of people in here uh wish you good health man i wish nothing but the best for you man matt drizzy from the ukraine shout out to the people in ukraine man shout out to the guys visiting the ukraine doing damage out there i got a couple of friends right now in in the ukraine that they were for vacation they're like yo ukraine girls are crazy [Laughter] lucas janique says thirst buckets patrick johnson yo finally recognition bro you know i always show you love man shout out to the people in nigeria to figure be dabbing i'll be bobby i'll be batute from from the congo you know what i mean yo i'm stupid man i want to get i want to get the was it 23 and me the [ __ ] that where they they do the you know the test find out exactly where you're from my [ __ ] gonna sing somewhere in spain straight congo you know what i mean like yo where if my [ __ ] says congo i got congo in my blood call me joe bitute you know what i mean i'm representing for africa for real i have swept i have a sweat bucket from sitting in front of you seeing this heat worried that's that's how i feel right now bro i'm going straight to the pool okay i'm doing barbecue i gotta do some burgers i'm i'm i'm chilling that's it sophie says ajiba day that's how you say it uh ajit by day amazon rainforest even hill says i got you word as soon as i i touched down on switzerland you got to give me about a bottle of more way i touched down switzerland this when i touched down in europe some was this whole pandemic i want somebody to meet me in europe and say yo joe i got a bottle more i got some swiss swiss chocolate for you and here's a swiss model for you have fun with that you know what i mean and here's the vip ticket to ukraine you know here's the key to the country you know [Laughter] you know how sometimes you get like a celebrity to give him the the key of the city give me the key to continue touched down and touched down to the ukraine you crave me like yo big ass key be like yo here's the key to the country you know what i mean go to go to paris or some [ __ ] like that they were like yo joe uh you know according to the you united united nations and the the [ __ ] what was it uh the eu we want to award you with the keys for the continent give me a key to the continent just like yo take care kiddo have fun with that there's a couple of chicks from the ukraine there's a couple of chicks from from poland a couple of chicks from ibiza a couple of chicks from monaco have fun with that they just they leave you in the hotel room and the hotel room looks like the yeah remember that scene from um rush hour yeah when the this guy chris sucker goes into the thing he's like yo i want you i want you on you and you and you yo go in there you got that [ __ ] look like the united nations like yo man i'm cracking jokes guys um but yeah man i'm gonna see you guys there man [Laughter] call it a russian buffet you know you know how you got the chinese buffet you got the chinese buffet you got every type of [ __ ] you got pizza you got pizza and ice cream right next to each other all the most unhealthy [ __ ] is in a chinese buffet you know you go to a russian buffet you got every chick from every [ __ ] country in the world it's like yo he's a chinese buffet for you oh my god man i love you guys man just cracking jokes since the end of the livestream hopefully you guys enjoy yourself i'm gonna see you guys later that's your boy joe back at it again codingphase.com take care guys go check out coding face like i said 40 off today take advantage it it's that time of the year okay take
Channel: CodingPhase
Views: 4,536
Rating: 4.9308643 out of 5
Id: z8Wm5rWMUb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 30sec (9570 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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