Reminder: Developer Accountability Meeting Tonight 7pm

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you already know see boy joe tonight we are having ability meeting okay and what's tonight's time we're gonna be talking about making money online by freelancing by platforms like etsy upwork fiber right um basically i gave a homework for everybody that shows up tonight which is to basically come in and sign up to all three services as a creator okay so tonight we're gonna be talking about how to promote yourself how to basically attract clients to you okay what type of projects you should do for uh your website to attract clients and make sure that you get uh more clients uh to hire you right overall and we're gonna focus on that we're gonna focus on answering questions and helping people out now of course some of you guys might be wondering what exactly is accountability meetings so at we do every sunday 7 p.m accountability meetings to keep track of everybody's work to see how people are doing what people are up to throughout the week um what problems they faced you know what did they build right and also to answer questions that people might have that are members of coding face yearly plus membership okay um now again it's a great opportunity for all of you guys that are members come in you know it's right there go to you click on the yearly plus tab and right there should be your invite for tonight's event definitely come through all right uh rutherford himself says be there or be unemployed i mean people could still get a job um i think there's accountability meetings you know for people that are wondering should i upgrade to the yearly plus membership should i try this out um what does this mean accountability meaning right i think it's a great way to keep yourself accountable in the sense of you know when you sign up to a service um you don't have somebody there that's with you right nobody's there with you to remind you hey you got to do your work hey you gotta work on this you gotta work on that hey set up your goals this is what you should have by this week this is what you have by next week etc okay um and i think a lot of people they go to places they sign up and then they don't follow through they want to do this they want to become developers they want to learn the skills but with time just like anything else you start losing interest right not because you don't want to do it but because life happens but when you have other members and other people in your community right or you surround yourself with people that really want this um then something like this is going to be really helpful for you okay especially because again you're going to see people that's actually getting this [ __ ] together right i think the most valuable part of this is the fact that you're seeing people that every week are working on things people who are upgrading their skills people who are building their portfolios people who are asking questions that are relevant to where they at right now in their career right and for you you might be a slacker i'm a slacker trust me i'm definitely a snacker i don't want to do anything i'm lazy as hell but surrounding yourself around certain individuals that really want it it motivates you right it shows you oh shane um lil juanito put in 12 hours this week she only put in three hours right now i'm seeing the the the work that he's bringing into the table what he's working on so the next week you come back in you say i'm going to put in my time right it helps you keep motivating it helps you continue focusing on your goals and i think that's where you know something like this super powerful especially for learning how to code because just to keep your mind in focus go for caffeine says good to see the bee didn't get you yeah man i'm good i told you it wasn't it was just like a surprise hit i'm like but i get stung by bees all the time like every time i'm over here in my backyard watering my plants or i'm taking out some fruits i get stung by a bee all the time like i'm nora i'm this is normal for me this has been normalized by now um sir don brewer says is it possible to get a job with pure javascript and shopify development without any javascript framework knowledge yeah you could definitely get a job with just you know pure javascript because that's what you're really going to need right um most companies are they're doing other e-commerce stores um i've seen that a lot of people are gravitating to view js because ujs has the best of angular the best of of react and then at the same time you can also use it uh without having to compile your code right so you don't have to put it through webpack you could just literally use it with a cdn or just the you know the the frameworks files so a lot of people are using it for that um and even i recommend it i recommend surprisingly people were like damn joe but you talked [ __ ] about vue.js for mad years it's true i still don't like view but for this type of situation for something like shopify i think vue.js works perfectly because you're not building single page apps what you're doing is you're creating um components throughout the website so you could do that with another javascript like for example if i'm going to create a mobile menu right let's say once it reaches to 600 uh i don't know 600 pixels right i want to show the the hamburger icon and i want to click on that button to show the mobile menu for that i could just use something as simple as um you know vanilla javascript like you don't need a framework for that that would be stupid for you to be getting a framework just to do that now when it comes to adding extra features maybe you want to create a section or a component that connects to instagram's feed right uh for the store in that situation that's like a little bit of a bigger application right or a bigger component so to have a certain structure the best thing we'll do would be to do something with like uh vue.js so like that whoever comes in next they don't have to think about how was it that this person built this how was it that this person thought of creating this application what is component whatever it might be right because once you do things with another javascript like you could build things however you want it but then the person needs to go through your code and it could be difficult for them to just uh keep track of like your variables or where you place things how you're keeping track of uh the state et cetera but if you're using something like vgs it makes sense because now there's a structure to it so even if somebody wants to write a complete custom code they can't [ __ ] it up because you're following certain conventions so if somebody else from the team decides to work on that same component by them using a framework like ujs it makes sense it could be anything else you know anything that the person decides to use but i think vgs makes sense for that situation it's one of the reasons why a lot of people that use laravel they gravity to to vue.js because if you're building applications with laravel in the world of libra most of the applications are built to be server side rendered now if you are using a single page application i would say [ __ ] use react it's way better you know it's easier to work with um and view is easy too but it's just better you know in my opinion the way how i think as a developer i think javascript um using react it just makes sense but again if you're using uh like let's say a server-side application and you're only going in and creating certain parts of the application with javascript like let's say for example a table you have a table and you want to be able to filter the data of that table when the person clicks on maximum product or price or when they click on the title you want to be able to sort the data i think in that situation you want you will want to use something like vjs or something like that uh do you think progressive web applications are the future um i don't know man to be honest with you i know that nowadays you can put in progressive web apps inside of the google play store so that's cool um but again it's gonna take some time oh yeah don't be shy like the video man i know the title is not sexy some of you guys are like most people are not gonna click on this video right because they're like wait reminder what accountability me like wait what you're gonna say like most people they don't give a [ __ ] about this this content that we're putting on this video and that's fine right uh people want me to do those portfolio reviews uh top 10 programming languages like i'll do that you know but i'm kind of beyond that like to be honest with you guys like somebody might say joe but i i subscribe to you because of that type of content this isn't that to be honest with you i want to help people out like even if i have right now i have what 35 37 people in here those 35 37 people i can help them out if i had 500 people in here and everybody's just here for entertainment they're not really you know they're not really looking to take action they're not really looking um to join the community as far as like you don't have to be a paid member but join the community the community is free right um like [ __ ] like that or just collaborating within the community or or asking questions about how to grow or or just like random people that's just a ghost to be honest with you i'd rather you come in here and be part of the community than you being a ghost because then i can't help you and what i'm here for is to help people to get to their goals right i can't help you if you don't ask questions i can't help you if i don't know who you is i can't help you if uh you're not following the curriculum that we have at i can't help you if you're not part of the community and you know looking to collaborate with people you're looking to ask questions again um i can't help you i just can't right so i rather focus on the people that do coming here that i can you know help out and and touch like this is not i'm not a youtuber right i'm past even you know anybody that will say joe you're a youtuber i'm not a youtuber i have a service called and i'm here for a reason i'm here to help people out get jobs get into the game and get results asap that's it if you're here for entertainment if you're here for only the the videos that catch your attention the thumbnails that only catch your attention i'm not here for you you gotta go watch somebody else but why somebody that's gonna waste your time okay let me see you have a discord yes i have a discord hi joe if for if i provide service shopify theme installation will the customer provide me with his or username and password on the store or how does it work so some people might say okay yeah they could do that but there's also another way where they could give you access to their store so without you having to go in and have their master accounts password so they could just add you as a i believe is a collaborator a contributor and then that's it you have access to their store but you don't have access to their email and their password uh joe uh is there a way to load different css files for each page in shopify theme a search and couldn't find the answer yes so you have your your templates right so you have two ways of doing it right you could go in and put in your javascript inside of the theme.liquid right and what that's going to do is that's javascript that's supposed to be loaded in every single page now you can also go in and put in the javascript that needs to be loaded on a page inside of a section so this is another way that you know the people from shopify do it too if you look inside of the dawn uh theme you could look at examples of how they do it right and it makes sense because in reality this shopify themes are really think of it like a server-side rendered application so for example let's say you have a a slider right and that slider shows up on the home page there's no point of you having that javascript for that slider show up in the about page show up in the contact page show up in the collections page show up in the product page same thing for a slider that might be for the product page there shouldn't be a reason why that should load on the front page the person hasn't even gone to that section yet so you can control that by putting the script tag inside of the sections okay so each page right so think about this different templates right so there's uh the front page template there's the page template there's the collections template there's the products uh template there's the cart template so within that there's sections and again you could go in and create a section that could be placing any of the templates that's out there all right but you could control it by putting the script tag inside of of that section right wherever you need it so it only gonna load that javascript whenever that thing actually um loads it up and then from there you could also once they they load it right because you're also using a cdn when you use the the script tags and you link them directly to the cdn of shopify it can get cached so if somebody goes to the product page and loads the product page and then from there inside of one of those sections there's a slider and there's a javascript that loads before the slider shows up what happens is it might take like a second or you're gonna take way less than a second because this is gonna be less than a hundred lines of code to create that right um but let's say you have that that section there has the script tag that's loading when it loads it that's going to be cached so yes when you go to the next product page it's not going to have to load that javascript again what it's going to do is it's already have that that javascript so it's going to be cached on on your browser so you're going to be good mr map versus json server sign language which would you recommend learning management system for learning a management system you and me type i will use i mean i don't know it's whatever you want to do it because you can build it with anything that you want but for me i would choose if i'm doing a learning management system i would use whatever i'm very comfortable with right if you're very comfortable with node.js it's a personal project build it with that if i'm building something for a client i'm going to choose something that's going to provide me with everything so use authentication database migration all of those things so then i would choose probably php and larva okay that's what i would choose now some people might be from the i don't like that net i'm not in the world of microsoft i don't like microsoft so i'm gonna go with php let me see david he says oh interesting thanks man some things are hard to find for shopify questions yeah so that's why i tell people like like shopify you could go to the shopify website right now and say okay cool i'm gonna take the shopify tutorials that they have but the truth is that the things that they put on the tutorials are so basic that it can't really help you out with anything and you could go through the documentation you know you could figure it out if you've done this before like let's say if i'm um let's say i'm a wordpress developer and i've been doing woocommerce development and maybe i've done magento i could go to shopify and look at the documentation and find my way through right and create whatever it is that i need to create but when you don't have experience with like e-commerce and doing this before like the shopify documentation is not really the best and even the tutorials that they have is not even the best um and it's like one of the things that i i'm so critical about most courses that people do from shopify is because they're creating courses off the tutorials that's in in the shopify documentation and it's like that kind of can't help somebody because it doesn't provide you with how you're going to think of these things how are you going to tackle building this application or building this these themes or et cetera they just giving you like what's available but how do you come up with things how is it that if i have an idea for an application how is it that i'm going to create this application nobody really teaches it that way um that's why on coding phase again shameless plug that's why i have the coding phrase courses there because i don't think nobody could compete with us straight up like i looked at everybody's courses i've bought everybody service and i'm like yo they teaching the same documentation and it's like bro the average person is not going to be able to figure out how to build in these things or how to tackle certain situations because the documentation just gives you like the syntax and gives you what you can do with it right or what those methods or you know what the the schemas could do but it doesn't really show you how to put things together that's why you actually pay for a course right most people that be like yeah i'll go in and i'll get everything for free but the thing is that for you to figure [ __ ] out on your own this [ __ ] could take you six months eight months now if you go in and you take a course from somebody that actually knows how to break it down for you you take that course and in less than a month you're productive you're way more productive than somebody who came in and tried to tackle it on their own for like you know eight nine months and you did it in one month let me see joe let me see in the shopify theme course you build the html css in javascript first then input liquid why do some people build the html css and javascript while building the theme which is better or the right way this is the thing the people that do it like that is because number one if you're just focusing on shopify that's great right but um the problem is that when i build themes i'm not building themes just for shopify i'm not thinking well if i build this just in shopify i'm gonna be great like i'm good now you have to think of creating themes for multiple platforms because the html css and the javascript right think of it as a template that on itself is a template now once you have that done and you are using some type of uh framework something like next.js which generates the html the css for you once you have that there then from there you can connect the same the same template to any platform like if tomorrow i don't know google comes out with their own um with their own way of selling products online and it generates a page and it generates a cart and generates a product page all i have to do is i have all my static files all i have to do is come in copy and paste what they have you know the way how they do things and then i could put it and create a theme now when you go in and you take a theme and you start building a theme within a platform what happens is you're putting logic into that code you're putting um you know you're you're writing your your theme as if it's only for that that that platform and then when you try to transfer it to another one it's double or triple the work because now you have to remove the the logic from that now you got to go in and remove or find where the files is located and in what format and in what way and how you broke it down and for that specific platform when i build my themes i build it html css javascript that's the front end and then i think of whatever platform that i'm using as the back end right so that's how it should be done but again that's if you wanna if you wanna go and create for multiple platforms which is the smart way of doing things we've seen what guys do on thin forest right there's a reason why they do that there's guys that come in they release uh html css template boom sell it boom that calls them you know that could bring them in extra you know a thousand dollars a month they go in and create a wordpress theme of the same template it's just now you could use it with wordpress come in now they're making three thousand dollars so that's four thousand right there then you come in you take that same template you put it for gatsby people are gonna go and pay to have that that whole um project built for gatsby where it's already connected to gatsby and all you have to do is just download the project and then implement it for your own your own project whatever it is so then now that same code that you have you could go and take it to next js right because you built it on next year so now you can sell it as another template then you could go in and connect it to squarespace then you could go and connect it to wix so you got what i'm saying like now that one template that you built originally with next js you could literally take that code and place it for everything else you know so so that's the way i think i try to maximize my time bro um like i'd rather go and work on something for one whole month and that i know that i'm gonna make money for the next two three years out of that right people work backwards people think of what can i you know how can i make money now right so let's say for example somebody decides to create a theme and they say i'm gonna build a theme for shopify okay but what happens when shopify is no longer hot right it could happen what happens when wordpress is no longer hot it could happen and you built everything within just for that platform now when you want to go and switch everything to another platform you're gonna do double the work you gotta remove all that logic that was in there you gotta remember where things is placed right but if you have a html css template just the front end that can be connected to anything let me see uh dark classic game i made a post about holding myself accountable but i've been procrastinating karen suggested worker time walker time and really putting put it in perspective yeah uh let me see mr math is python out of the question no uh python's good whatever you want to use bro stop focusing on languages look if you want to find a job you got to focus on the language right this is the thing that you got to ask yourself if right now i'm a junior developer right i have no degree i have no background in this thing right and i want to get a job as soon as possible my advice would be php right learn html css and javascript that's the front end that's automatically everybody should learn that okay some of you guys try to work backwards yeah focus on the programming languages and you think that you're going to be a back-end developer it's 100 times way more difficult [Music] 100 listen to that 100 times worse to become a back-end developer as your first position you it's almost impossible people are not just hiring people to be a junior back-end developer that's impossible and i'm saying that of course there's going to be an exception because there's going to be one guy that's going to well i got a back in position as my first job you're the exception the majority of people who's learning online they don't get their first java as a back-end developer right so what you want to do is you want to focus on things that's going to get you in the game first that's the first thing your first goal shouldn't be i want to become a front-end engineer or i want to become a back-end engineer or i want to go work at google that's not the first goal that you should have your first goal should be number one make money with the skills that you do have if you make 500 with that that means you have been validated people have paid you to do something that you was doing as a hobby and now you're taking a series now you're becoming a professional number two goal number two you want to get a job you want to get a job to use the skills that you have and then from there you want to go in and start molding your your career path to exactly what you want to become if you want to become uh you know i don't know back-end developer then you want to start studying my sequel you want to start studying a php you want to start studying um no gs right focus on the things that they can get you a job without no degree without no experience and then once you have the experience you could always switch to python you could always switch to um you know go lag you could switch to erlang you could always switch to uh ruby you can always switch to every other language that's out there but first focus on getting your job and the very first thing that you should do is figure out how you can make hundred dollars with the kid the skills that you already have like if you're going out of your way and you're trying to get to a super high level and you're like i want to get to google my first job you already lost that's not your first goal your first goal is to be able to get paid for the skills that you have because company companies they they are impressed by the fact that somebody paid for your service somebody already put money in your pocket somebody already trusted their business to you no one wants to be the first one to give somebody an opportunity no one wants to be the first one to take a risk and that's just how it is right so forget about languages forget about python forget about uh java forget about whatever you're thinking of focus on what can get you a job tomorrow get that job and then from there grow from there on to wherever it is that you want to become because there's people that's here for a year two years i've been here and since 2017 we're then near what we're like four years in the game on youtube and i can guarantee you i've seen people here spend all four years following every [ __ ] clown that's on the internet everybody that gives them advice that has nothing to do with with where they at in life right now right like if i'm 40 something years old i'm not listening to a 19 year old talking about hey this is how you get an internship at google that ship sailed you're not 17 you're 40 something years old if you're 21 and you're about to graduate from college [ __ ] i'll listen to the 19 year old who got an internship at google because he's gonna give me an advice that can help me out where i'm at right now but sometimes you gotta think about what's your situation like where you at in life where you live like i see people that live in third world countries and they're basing the skills that they're trying to learn of what's happening in the united states in san francisco you have no connections to that [ __ ] you didn't go to the best school in your country you didn't go to you don't have no recommendations you don't even got a visa you have no way to get in contact with a company that can actually give you a visa to come work in san francisco so if you're if you don't look at your situation and be realistic you ain't going nowhere you're gonna be a dude with a dream so this is why i tell people just be honest look at your situation and then from there you know go accordingly to that you know that's my advice but you could listen to me or you could listen to whoever you want and you come back to me in two years and tell me how it goes you listen to some whoever you want to listen to come back to me in two years and tell me how it went i'll be shocked i wouldn't be surprised if you're in the same situation as you are in right now i'll be shocked if you actually go and make it of like what you thought that you was going to be able to make in your first year and that's just me being honest it's not me being negative it's not being me being an [ __ ] i'm being honest with you and this is the [ __ ] that most people are not gonna be with you they're gonna tell you something that you're gonna be excited for they're gonna tell you something that's gonna keep your motivation up and just be like well anybody can do it and you could do it like this like nah bro you gotta be realistic like life is not about [ __ ] something good is gonna happen to me you can't live life like that you gotta think about where you at right now and plan your way out of that you're gonna say and plan how you're going to get to the goals that you want to get to like dream jobs and [ __ ] like that doesn't come to you you got to go to it and you got to align yourself with the things that's needed to get there safeq says i'll be honest i didn't co much this week i was focusing more on job hunting research learning seo keyword analytics i only put four hours this week according to walker time look that look don't think that coding is just it's just coding when i say you got to put in at least 14 hours a week it doesn't mean that you have to be coding the whole time if you're doing research if you're applying for jobs if you're going to interviews all of that counts you gotta understand all of that counts what i'm talking about is when people come in and and they don't do [ __ ] throughout the whole week they watch a movie on netflix they spend a saturday watching nine episodes on netflix and didn't build [ __ ] didn't apply to anything didn't work on their portfolio they didn't do research on what type of jobs are in the area what new jobs just po got posted on on their neighborhood basically under their hometown right if you're not even doing that then yeah you're not doing [ __ ] you're not saying you're not building anything you're not [ __ ] coding you're not doing research you're not looking for a job you haven't done [ __ ] throughout the week but it seems like for you you was doing stuff bro that counts right i always tell people try to code as much as you can but it also has to do with what you're doing when i you know being productive as a developer doesn't mean just coding all day uh mirima hakimi says i learned html css javascript react but but before i graduate agriculture but now i cannot go to university because i have to work now can i find some front-end developer uh position please advise me yeah you can find it you gotta look in your area i don't know what country you're from uh miramar hakimi what i would do is try first of all always start with your home country and then from there after your country start looking countries nearby start applying for job positions right remotely right um then from there look for job start in a few time zones away because they're always going to give you a better chance for you to get those jobs now you could also freelance depending on you know what's your cost of living some people's course of living if they have two thousand dollars a month you could [ __ ] live like a king in some countries like in dominican republic with two thousand dollars a month three thousand dollars a month you're good you don't have to do much after that they bring you the golden hookah you got every shorty that you could think of you have a nice car you live in a nice area you live like a king right now if you live here in the united states with three thousand dollars a month you might have to live with roommates you might have to take the train and once in a blue moon you might have to you know have some extra money for uber car like that's not much here in the us you need at least five thousand dollars enough to live comfortably live okay not even like live comfortably but live okay survive to live comfortably you need like 10 000 and up but you know since you are in another country look for opportunities look for jobs and things that's out there freelance gigs remote work and you know budget yourself see what exactly this is something that we did in the accountability meeting the first one and i'll give you guys uh this tip write down how much do you need to live comfortable to take care of the things that you need right not to have extra not to be bowling not to be like damn i'm rich nah to survive and do what you have to do right write that down then divide that by 52 right that's 52 weeks then from there divide that by 40 that's going to give you how much money you need to be making per hour that's going to tell you how much money you need to be making per week okay so you do that right and if you want to go in and and even find out how much money you need to make per day to make that into a reality you know divide that by five or seven sorry seven divided by seven and you should be good you know and then once you you start looking around try to find ways to make that type of income because sometimes we want to have a job like full time but the truth is that you might not live in an area where there's a lot of full-time jobs you might not have the opportunity to have a like a company that you work for so what do you do do you sit down and cry and be like oh life's not fair i wish i lived in the united states life's not fair i live 12 hours away from where all the jobs is at life's not fair i listened to some guy on youtube and he didn't give me the right advice there's nothing do we do that no you're a grown-ass man what are you gonna say you figure out how to make money you figure out what a skill you think like you always gotta go back to the essentials it doesn't matter where you live in the world go outside literally go outside and look around the main street what's the main street that you know where people all the vendors is at all the people that have stores go to that street and stand there for 10 minutes and look around every single person that's there every single person that's there could be a guy that's doing that has a motorcycle that's like a taxi it could be a guy uh who is a taxi driver in a car there could be a guy who's at the store with a bike there could be a girl who's working at a store and then somehow she also works at the store across the street there's a guy who who [ __ ] selling hot dogs in a corner everybody's making it happen with whatever they know what you know is more valuable than what most people know because it's a skill that you can use it worldwide it's a skill that can bring money to people when you create an application where you create a theme when you create uh you know some type of website it can bring money to that person there's thousands and hundreds of thousands of people who will pay for you to be able to help them out so just like somebody who is a construction worker that construction worker can work for a company but the day he gets laid off you know what happens to that construction worker he don't got a job he got to figure it out how can he make money with the skills that he has he goes on fiverr you know not five results he goes on facebook groups he goes from craigslist he goes on on different websites he goes reaches out to you know family members uh [ __ ] go to church community leaders reaches out to them says hey man if you need you know a new bathroom remodel hit me up here's my card as developers right we can do the exact same thing but we make way more money than them you get what i'm saying this is the [ __ ] that most people don't realize people are expecting to get a job but what happens when you can't get a job what happens you live in an area where there is no jobs do you just sit down be like well i cried out no you do the same [ __ ] that a guy that does construction and finds himself in the middle of a pandemic and there's no materials being bought the company that he was working for is not hiring him no more how does he survive his strategies is the strategies that you can use as a developer but again some people they think like they they have so much pride and oh i'm a developer i can i shouldn't have to reach out to people i shouldn't have to freelance i should have to losing that i shouldn't have to hustle for my money a company should pay me top dollars i should be getting found i live in the mountain of pakistan right next to afghanistan and i live under a [ __ ] tree and people should somehow find me with a satellite and find my talent here no you don't need somebody to find you what you need to do is you got to find them you got to reach out to them you got to put yourself in front of them so they could realize [ __ ] this guy's talented let's hire him let's give him a position sometimes i've seen i've given jobs to people here right which i'm no longer ever doing because i realize most people are not [ __ ] hard workers most people don't think like me most people are [ __ ] lazy most people you're giving an opportunity and they [ __ ] it up right after giving opportunities to people and i told them hey man i'm gonna hire you six hundred dollars to test them out not because i'm only gonna pay them six hundred dollars is to test them out i could pay somebody three thousand four thousand five thousand six thousand seven thousand dollars but i'm not gonna pay that to somebody unless i know what type of work they're coming to bring to the table now i come in test some of these dudes and say i give them simple tasks a little [ __ ] and then realize people giving it late people come in they're losing motivation or etc right and i realize they're not they're not [ __ ] you know worth me giving them a three thousand four thousand dollar increase it's not worth it you're not bringing value you know what i'm saying sometimes you know i i've seen this too where where people was like oh i don't want to do an internship if you have no job right now if you have no way to vouch for your skills go do an internship go provide value to somebody even if it's for two weeks even for a month show what you can do and then now then they realize like oh [ __ ] we're not able to have this type of service let me go in and reach out to this kid again hey man we want to give you a full-time work but people are not willing to do it right people are they're too prideful they they think like because you're they think this [ __ ] is a talent people think they're born with this learning how to code it's not a talent people need to get that [ __ ] out their head learning how to code is a [ __ ] skill that you just it's a repetitive thing i could get a monkey right now and show him how what are the letters and then show him what happens if he clicks on this and he clicks it on that and he'll show him with an if statement and else statement and i'll show him what a variable is and a function is a monkey could do this [ __ ] this [ __ ] is not a talent the idea that people think oh i gotta be talented no this [ __ ] a monkey could do this [ __ ] you put a monkey in front of a computer for 10 hours a day and show him exactly what's happening even if it's not with the same icons as us right like you go in and you put a monkey where you say okay a variable is a it's a banana and then the equal sign is equal to whatever it is and then we put in a word the monkey's gonna figure out hey if the banana is equal to this word then now that's a variable you could do that [ __ ] to any monkey it's that simple right i [ __ ] taught my [ __ ] kids that's two years old i understand what an if and else statement and some dudes just walking around like that [ __ ] i got a talent you know you don't have a [ __ ] talent you have a skill that you developed anybody can do this you know what i'm saying anybody can do this thing but you just have to go in and [ __ ] and just apply yourself to do it uh let me see circuit says that makes sense thank you joe this there might be a chance i won't make it into this meeting yeah it's fine you make it if you can you can't and that's on you you know you watch the replay and i'm saying um kimmy says i think i cannot find a job without a university document i am north of europe okay so you're in the europe area right so what i will say is learn things that's going to make you valuable without a degree if you don't have a degree like i don't have a degree right like why do you think you don't see me talking about data science right the guys is doing data science all of them have degrees if they come in and tell you oh they don't have a degree it's [ __ ] they have a degree there's not one person that i've seen doing data science machine learning without a degree and they're working for major companies those companies are not hiring people without a degree if you haven't taken statistics you haven't taken calculus one two and three um linear equations if you haven't taken none of that [ __ ] you're not getting hired you're not showing up with a hey i showed up with a udemy course you're not showing up there you could whatever you could show up but the door's not going to be open they're going to leave you at the door they'll say what you took well i took my i took a udemy course on data science and they're going to be right outside and i'm saying oh do you have a degree no but i i i finished the udemy course in three weeks by the time you say i finished the udemy course in three boom the clothes they close the door that's it they're not wasting time so for me i focus on things that i can get jobs without a degree i don't have a degree in computer science i don't have a degree in in a math and science or engineering electrical engineering i don't have a degree in that [ __ ] so i'm not going to focus on things where for me to get in i have to to need a degree so again you got to focus on things that you can go and get and get yourself a job joe do i need a mac to complete all the training courses or is magnetic for freelance no you don't need a mac you could do it with a windows computer it has to be at least windows 10 if you have windows 10 you're going to be fine ken flores says thanks to um so again that's just my advice people listen to me or you i'm just a random dude with a hat on you wanna say i'm just some crazy guy on the internet um but again i just try to help you guys out and give you guys the real the [ __ ] that's actually going to get you results you know things that you can do without a degree right now that i can guarantee i i'll put my left arm my [ __ ] left kidney and i put my left nut on the top of the table chopped off and say i bet you this thing that if you follow these things you can get a job right i'm gonna tell you right now wordpress content management systems okay content editor shopify what else laravel it doesn't matter where you work or where you live in the world it's a job for you as a librarian developer believe it or not it's one of those things that not everybody talks about but it's a lot of jobs if you look into the community of laraba the majority of people who that are like learning lateral and using laraba they're not even from the united states it's people in nigeria people in [ __ ] pakistan india mexico argentina right why because they are limited by the type of jobs that they can get in their area but what they don't do is just stay at home and be like oh i can't find a job this sucks they look for opportunities to see which companies are actually hiring people from other parts of the world which companies are actually hiring people without a degree so you got to start looking into those communities start looking into what those guys are doing and and learn those skills they're not sexy stop thinking about you want to learn something sexy some [ __ ] that it looks like oh everybody talking about oh uh the merm stack and you gotta use apollo and graphql for all your applications and react on the front end and now you got next gs to help you out for the back end and connect this to next js and make sure you do that with typescript and make sure that on the front end we're going to be using tailwind css stop focusing on that [ __ ] focusing on the things that is going to get you a job easily that's your first goal that's the first task after you already have a job you could get whatever job you want right now if i decide i want to learn java and i want to focus on java i could find a job as a java developer tomorrow if i would decide i'm interested in scholar i've never really done it myself i've worked in companies that they used it but [ __ ] if i go and take the courses i have 10 years in the game working with web development um you know languages like all of that [ __ ] is [ __ ] it's like a resume it's like i can literally go in and jump into whatever language i want to i could jump into whatever stack that i want to but i built my foundation when people come in and ask me what have you built there's plenty of websites that i've built plenty of projects that i've built i teach people how to learn this thing my foundation is good i'm an authority in the field already you know what i'm saying like there is no questioning can this guy helped us out no i just get the job whatever the hell i want to get because i build that foundation you can build the same foundation but you have to take it step by step go one step get your first job might not be the most glamorous job but you get your first job jump into another one a little better one then from there get a bigger jump jump into another company work on the stacks that you want to work on on the side and then now you have three years of experience doing web development in multiple companies and now you could jump to whatever it is that you want to do think about it like this is like going to college your first three four years is like going to college the only difference is you're getting paid your first three to four years as a developer is like going to college but the difference is that you're getting paid you're going to pay to work at these companies learn the skills learn how web development works you gonna say from there you could go and work at whatever company i mean look at i'll take the example of of um your boy tech rally right it's a great example tech rally five years in the game as a developer right um you know after five years he's on amazon now somebody might say well [ __ ] um you know some guy did in two years well that was the journey that they took but the average person is going to take them three to four or five years right and techrodi could have probably went to a company like amazon even earlier but he was already happy at the company he was in and he was comfortable there sometimes when you're comfortable you're comfortable you can't deny that either okay because sometimes people uh you know it's like somebody that looks at me and might say well joe you never worked that fang you never worked at google why how come little billy is working at uh [ __ ] google right now and he just left google and now he's working at facebook and he just loves facebook and not working at apple maybe i'm was comfortable where i was at i didn't want to do that [ __ ] now because i couldn't it's just i didn't want to but if that's what you want you could do that [ __ ] in two three years the same strategy that i'm giving to you you could do it it's just it's a guarantee that you're gonna be getting paid as soon as possible that's what i'm trying to tell you guys so you don't be at home two years [ __ ] sucking on your thumb with no bread in your money and no branding no money in your [ __ ] pocket and you like looking around like now i'm gonna go and study computer science and get a degree or now i'm going to go to a boot camp because i can't find a job i've been trying to get a google job since the beginning it's been two years you would have been working by now you could apply to google pass the interview and you would have gotten the job all right shout out to let me see who else is in here web dev junkie says george spenders amazon web services alone has like 300 200 services each but their own uh they probably have hundreds of front end developers yeah why would a company like amazon facebook hire multi-front-end developers i'm thinking that they only have one main site nah bro like amazon is huge bro think about it like this there's amazon alexa there's amazon [ __ ] the the shipping there's amazon alexa the view of the administration the view of the customer service the view of the people that do the fulfillment in the fulfillment centers the people that that [ __ ] that sell products in amazon all of that they have so many views it's crazy so many roles in in in different things that you have to do uh within the platform or even the [ __ ] the whole company it's huge i'm sure this front-end developers right now building a front-end dashboard right for the lawyers for the guys there are doing marketing somebody got to build a front-end ui for that somebody gotta build the tools for the [ __ ] you know for the ceo to see what's happening within his his company somebody had to build it there's a lot of developers on [ __ ] amazon there's gotta be crazy there's gotta be i don't know that's a company i wouldn't be surprised if they have you know if they have at least ten thousand twenty thousand or thirty thousand uh developers and then we're not even talking about guys that's doing mobile applications the guys that's working on the amazon prime [ __ ] bro the amazon app for the people that do the deliveries like bro amazon is huge bro like this thousands of developers in that company hey joe i see a lot of themes and team four's very good themes don't make enough money and sales what's the problem it's promotion it's how you promote it because this is the thing you could have a great theme but if nobody knows that it's a great theme nobody's gonna buy it nobody how can they find it you gonna say you have to promote it one thing that i i realized is a long time ago developers are very lazy they get excited when they're coding but when it comes to everything else they're very lazy to do it learning a little bit about design very lazy to invest that time learning about marketing very lazy to do that creating a blog very lazy social media very lazy right so the people that actually win other people that are putting themselves out there the people that reach out to people network talk to bloggers right because right now you can go in and create a theme and you could go and contact somebody and say hey man i will give you an affiliate link and give you 45 of everything that i earned right from whatever sell you get now somebody myself 45 but think about it like this that's 45 that you wasn't going gonna get on your own so if somebody has a blog a newsletter or anything like that and they say they create a video like on on youtube or something like that let's say uh influencer comes in and creates a a video top 10 themes for for shopify um to sell i don't know eyelashes let's say eyelashes and they put your theme in there i guarantee you if there gets 10 000 views even if you're not number one number two number three you could be number eight you could be number 10 on the list going to get at least 50 cells now imagine this if you go out and you reach out to other um you know platforms and social um you know social influences etc you're gonna get way more sales why the people that are like on the top the guys that have millions of sales um or hundreds of cells and or thousands of sales on deforest why they succeed very simple as they're getting money they're investing it back into their companies so let's say you go come on you come in and you selling i don't know you sell 100 themes now those 100 themes and you're selling it for um i don't know a hundred themes at a hundred dollars somebody do the math for me i don't even know how much it does what it's like ten thousand i think so out of those 10 000 you got to pay taxes let's say you got to pay 2500 in taxes you keep that for the taxes and then now you have another 7 500 that you have left what most developers would do is they'll take that money but oh this is my profit you take that money and you reinvest it again you take that money and you take let's say for five thousand dollars you could go in and get the number one um e-commerce influencer let's see for example number one influencer and that person comes in and creates a video with your theme and says hey guys i found the greatest theme that helps me get conversions get helps me this this and that it has all these building sections you do that you invest five thousand dollars i guarantee you you make a hundred thousand dollars from that one theme on that one video but the thing is most people are not gonna invest it most people they don't they believe that because they have a great product people are gonna [ __ ] buy it no one knows that you have a great product you have to put in front of people's faces so that's what happens a lot of time with people right like in i tell people hey i could teach you guys how to build themes i could teach you guys how to um you know how to build applications now you could go and find success create themes and [ __ ] blow up [ __ ] you gonna make a hundred two hundred thousand dollars in a few months just from one thing now let's say you are not a hard worker let's say you're [ __ ] lazy let's say you're the type of person that's like yeah i built it and people should find it you're not gonna get no sales you know what at least i'm honest with you and i could tell you you might not get sales but you have a skill that you could get top dollar as a developer working for a company right so that's the good thing about shopify that it's not just like okay yeah you could go and build your own thing right build your own service or you could build your own themes but the truth is that most people are too [ __ ] lazy if you're dragging your feet to learn how to code you're gonna be even dragging your feet to [ __ ] sell your product even if you work on it super hard so in that situation the good thing is that it's not a waste learning shopify development is not a waste because you can still find a job and you can still do your nine to five and with them even if i failed i could still find myself in a ninety thousand a hundred thousand dollar job so think about that like you're learning a skill but your failure is a hundred thousand that's not bad that's not a bad skill to learn i mean that's what i think you know and it's the facts even if you fail you'll be like well i try to build themes so i couldn't sell any themes i i couldn't know how to market it i i just wasn't into uh promoting or whatever it might be you didn't waste your time you have a skill that you can get a job you know what i'm saying like that's what i do for me like i go and learn things that at the end of the day i can build things for myself and make money with myself or by myself but if i fail or whatever happens the skills that i have get paid top dollar like i didn't learn [ __ ] just to learn it so it's like my failure is me getting a job all the [ __ ] that i do is is for me to you know [ __ ] do my own thing right but at my failure my failure is a hundred thousand dollars plus job that's my failure when you see me like damn joe joe only got one job that's my failure you know what i'm saying well somebody might say oh this is their high moment for me that's my failure and that could also be your failure right but that's a good failure to have most people they'd be like damn what skills they have that can go and get them that type of income right most people they'll have skills that [ __ ] their failure if they try everything let's say somebody comes in and be like well i'm gonna open up a pizzeria their business failed you know where they at they're back at walmart or some [ __ ] [ __ ] place [ __ ] maybe cutting lawn or something like that you want to say because then they have no other skills that can get them in you know top dollars let me see here says joe's right learning how to market yourself is the key to success when you work on your own yep yeah man anyways i'm about to head out of here guys because i still gotta do that other uh accountability meeting at seven o'clock i just came in here to to let you guys know if you're a member of or you have an upgraded upgrade get your you know your yearly plus come join us every sunday we do this okay and let's see what people have done this week i want um that's why i'm excited i'm excited to see what people have done this week see where they at what they're building uh that they follow the the directions the homeworks that i gave them last week which was create an account on etsy on twitter now etsy um etsy fiverr and also upwork and let's see who actually did it right let's see let's see i'll let you guys know all right guys i'll see you guys later support joe back at it again peace
Channel: CodingPhase
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Keywords: codingphase, coding phase,
Id: 6XFYB1Oyvuc
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Length: 66min 7sec (3967 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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