Your Biggest Regret As A Developer Will Always Be...

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this live stream i want to talk about your biggest regret and what exactly is going to be your biggest regret as a developer okay yesterday we had an amazing um meeting right an accountability million uh meeting on um it was great we had a lot of people come in and talk share what they were working on we had some very good questions from shelby and a couple of other guys that were in there um it was pretty legit but one thing came up right and it's that the biggest regret that most developers are always going to have is the fact that they're always going to say to themselves i should have started earlier i should have started sooner i should have just started you know what i'm saying and it doesn't matter if it's getting your first job or even starting to learn how to code right or even when you do have a job as a developer one of your biggest regret it's always going to be shoot i should have started making some side income right and i'm going to start first with people that is on defense of like learning how to code and they're thinking is this going to be for me should i be doing this should i be learning this skill okay you may be seeing you know i mean lists like oh the top paying programming jobs right or the top paying jobs overall and you might say well i might be interested in programming and you know what i'm gonna see if i could do it in the summertime i'm gonna see if i could do it on winter vacation i'm gonna see if i could do it next month right and it always comes out to be like never start the day that you wanted to start right something comes up you had a car accident your kid got sick um you got to study more for some course that you're taking uh you had to do overtime of the job that that you started at right so it never falls on the schedule that you really wanted to start with so that's one of the biggest regret you're always going to be like damn man i should have started this six months ago where would i be at if i would have started six months ago where would i be at if i started last week or two weeks ago okay so that's one of the biggest regrets that people always have that's on the fence okay but then after you become somebody who has certain skills you're gonna ask yourself and you're gonna say am i ready am i ready to start applying to jobs am i ready to start going to interviews and you could fall trap to uh this this game of i need to learn more skills i need to learn more i need to master it right that's the biggest trap you say i need to master this before i could go to interviews because i don't want to embarrass myself i don't want to fail right that's where a lot of people you know once they get their skills they take in a couple of courses that mana i need to master it before i even start applying or i need to have the perfect portfolio before i even start sending out emails or start applying into jobs right so again just start it doesn't matter just start put yourself out there start learning to code today okay of course you guys know i have my website you can learn how to code start learning basically everything that you need to get a job with just twenty dollars okay yes membership but again that comes with extra features and extra services that provide to the students but you don't need that if you just want to start getting to learn how to code you can start with 20 bucks now again you could also learn whatever the hell you want to learn it you can go to a boot camp you can go to college if you go go to uh youtube you can go to whatever instructor you find online i don't care where you go to be honest with you what i care about is that you get started if you're on the fence and you're like man i want to get started sure if you think that i don't know what i'm doing and i can't teach you that's fine go find somebody i can teach you go find your own way right that's 100 like yo i want you to just get started get into this game okay because it's a lot of stuff that you're gonna get that you're not gonna get in other careers right imagine this the more that you work the more experience that you have the harder they work at a company the more money that you're gonna make what other industries like that it's not like that in regular jobs it's not like that in jobs that you go to college for there's a lot of people that go in get a degree they start working at a company it doesn't matter how hard they work they're not getting a twenty thousand dollar bonus they're not getting a twenty thousand dollar increase on the next you know uh six months uh check-in or their one year that they're bringing a company they're not getting that extra bump trust me i've done every type of job that you could think of and i could tell you this is the only industry that is great for people like you and me if you're a hard worker and you want to go and get your [ __ ] done this is the best place because it's like in any type of job that you do out there you're always gonna have to work right unless you're selling drugs unless you're selling yourself selling your body right doing something strange for a little piece of change right unless you're doing those type of things you're always going to have to work but this is where you got to ask yourself do i want to work on something that maybe i'm not going to be able to climb the ladder am i going to work on something that is not going to pay me what my time is worth right and those are questions that you got to ask yourself and you got to say do i really want to do this right so those are the type of things that you could get in this industry on programming you know becoming a web developer and just starting in the tech industry now let's talk about the people that already know how to cook the people that got a job right this is the other regret that you're always going to have because believe it or not right now you might be grateful to get your first job you might say i got a job i'm good i started i'm building my experience i'm gucci but remember this thing a job is a job and when you work for other people you're depending on other people so it could be now it could be a year it could be five years from now could be ten years from now and you're gonna ask yourself do i really wanna work at this company do i really wanna work for this type of people do i really wanna be building somebody else's dream do i wanna just get a salary and make millions of dollars for this company right now when you hit that point what's gonna happen that's when the regret is gonna hit when you're gonna say to yourself damn man what if i would have started five years ago i'm trying to make site income right freelancing creating digital products creating apps creating software as a service right um what would happen if i would have started last year what would happen if i started five ten years ago you're always going to ask yourself that because in reality right when you're building a business you're building any type of idea it takes time to take off and what happens is let's say let's call little billy lil billy came in became a developer in 2017 little billy came in now has three four years in 2021 he has what like four years in the game okay so he has four years now he's realizing you know what i'm making millions of dollars to this company right i have the skills to create my own thing but then now he's starting from 2021. and guess what guess what happens there number one now he got to start doing research on what is it that he's gonna start doing is it these uh digital pro products they say uh software as a service is it um you know freelancing is it um you know tutoring is it creating courses is it um i don't know whatever that person decides to do right little billy decides to do something in 2021 he's been here since 2017 and in 2021 he decides maybe i could do this on my own but guess what happens he got to start from 2021 it doesn't matter what you do for you to start hitting you know high numbers where you could quit your job that might take you a year two years three years so he might not be able to quit his job that he might be tired of or maybe he's just tired using the same stack or tire of people now appreciating his work or tire of the co-workers whatever it might be he's gonna have to wait two three years for that to be able to make enough income where it could be 50 50 100 of whatever he's making at his job now of course i'm telling you guys this numbers you know it could be one to three years there's people that hit the ground running they want they come up with an idea they build it on the weekend ship became viral they blew up but the truth is that happens like lottery when that happens it's like a lottery system people came in [ __ ] was the right idea the right time they launched it they blew up became millionaires or became rich right i don't want you to think like that i don't want you to think like well i'm five years in the game don't worry or maybe i just started now when i come up with an idea it's gonna blow up on that day that's not how it works most people what happens is they fail once they fail twice they fail three times and then on the fourth one they might get it it might take you five six times to try something it could be again digital products so far as a service it could be a whole bunch of different things you need to start building things now and not leave it for later and say i'll worry about that later cool if you already got a job and you're already in the game take an extra you know one hour per week do research the next week start writing out a business plan right start building something it might take you three months four months to build something simple because of course you're working full time so you're not going to be able to give it all the time that you're supposed to but at least get started because that one idea can help you get to the idea that's really going to make you money and that's how you're going to get your freedom you could be here you know 10 years 15 years 20 years and if you decide to wait until 20 years from now to say now i'm gonna start thinking about creating my own business or now i'm gonna start thinking about how i can make my own income you're gonna start from that moment not from all the years of experience that you had or all the years that you've been doing this as a developer you're gonna start from that moment there's gonna be failures there's gonna be things that you know [ __ ] ideas that come to your mind and you know what if they fail they fail because you still got your full-time job you get what i'm saying so to me you know i feel like you have to start right you have to start now if you're interested in becoming a developer don't leave it for next week don't leave it for next month don't leave it for next year okay because from next year becomes two years there's people that's been around for a long time and they're still sucking on the thumb and looking around like what should i do joe i then told you what you need to do i'm not the developer whisperer but i could tell you what can help you get in the game fast right now for people that's already working in the industry don't leave it for five years from now because believe it or not if you didn't like that job in in the mall if you don't like that job in that call center if you didn't like that job and i don't know in the restaurant that he was working at at some point you're not gonna like the job of working for somebody as a developer that's just the facts and there's people that have to stay on their job positions because they never did anything outside of work this is the difference between the people that stay working at companies and you see them oh you know billy's working you know he's working at uh i don't know he's working at nike and then from nike he started working at at google but little billy could have been started a company but he's too scared to start with no billy's too scared to have failure little billy's too scared to invest in himself little billy's too scared to go out there and and try a bunch of things that most likely will fail they're looking for the safe route and that's fine but then at the same time you cannot be mad at those people that go and take risks and pass you by because when you're working you're working at the rate of that company that you're working at and you're destiny in somebody else's hands you have to start thinking even from the moment that you even think of like i want to become a developer you got to have this in the back of your mind step one is to get a job right step two is to learn from that job and step three is to build my own company or build my own way my own path you don't want to be like those guys that trust me when you get in the game you're going to bump into a lot of people that you know they look miserable they're miserable because why they hit a limit they hit the highest point that they could hit right or maybe they never were appreciated for all the work that they did or maybe they've been doing the exact same job in the same freaking you know tasks over and over and over again for years and they're like bored with life right because it's a safe thing if you show up to work that's the best part about working for somebody you show up at nine o'clock right show up at 8 55 8 45 right try to be early you know me i show up at 9 15. you know sue me right i show up boy i show up when i show up okay if i show up at 9 15 it doesn't matter because i'll stay till you know 5 15. i'll make up that extra 15 minutes don't tell me nothing right but some people's going to make it 8 45 850 whatever it is right that person gets in there right and when they leave out of that job they might say [ __ ] i just want to get home and relax and that's the best thing about a nine-to-five job when you have a nine-to-five job you're working on salary there's days that you're gonna work hard there's days that you're not gonna do share there's days that you're gonna be on your phone there's days that you're gonna be on facebook right but when you look around you're like [ __ ] i would like to take a trip to to paris [ __ ] i would like to go see monaco uh [ __ ] i would like to go go to asia for a month or two you can't do that you're on somebody else's hands right now your destiny is on somebody else's hand if that person that is on top does bad decisions if that person that's on top decides you know what man i want to buy the extra yacht and i know that we could go in and have only 150 employees [ __ ] fire 50 of them little do you know you're part of that 50. everybody else stayed in there and people just grateful i'm grateful for this job man thank you for keeping me but you was the part of the people that didn't make it you didn't make the cut they wanted you to stay overtime and you know no overtime pay your salary they wanted you to come in your your project manager yo we got a deadline tomorrow and they want you to stay in until seven o'clock or eight o'clock or whatever it might be till the job is done but you're only gonna get paid a certain amount regardless don't ask her for it for extra there's no voters your salary my guy you here until we tell you go home right you can't say nothing at that point so when you're in that situation there's pros and cons the biggest con is always going to be that you own somebody else's you know somebody else's hand you know the worst feeling that that you could have it's like when you show up to work and you're like man you're looking around like i hope people like me i hope i hope that i'm doing a great job uh i'm looking for validation from people because shoot man i want to get that promotion that's the worst feeling right the best feeling when you are working for yourself is that the more work that you put in the more money you make right you can't you can't fake results you work hard on something and you get results back okay what are the cons of you working for yourself that if you don't do the right research you might take a risk and you might lose right the smart ones never lose everything that's the thing you could risk is like imagine you have a hundred dollars this is the smart people what smart people do they don't risk a hundred dollars their risk 60 they risk 60 60 of that hundred dollars that's how much they risk they always keep 40 so they could always bounce back the people that is crazy and usually you'll see them like oh [ __ ] this guy's business fails this guy's opportunities for he tried to do this he never did i don't invest everything into any idea or any business i put 60 and always keep 40 so i could always bounce back right that's the normal and the smart way of doing things and you're always gonna win because the problem is that if you're scared to take risk because you're gonna lose sometimes you're not gonna go nowhere out of every 10 ideas that you might have two of them are gonna be good eight of them is gonna be bad and you're gonna fail but you need to be able to to realize when something is gonna fail from early on so you don't go in and put all your eggs into one basket if you have an idea and you say let's say for example you have an application right i'll give you an example like famous i have a great idea we're famous right now famous when i wanted to launch it pandemica i'm smart enough somebody that stupid will say i'm running through the pandemic there's no no freaking events there's no parties there's no hosting parties from from bartenders and things like that right so if i were to just continue i would have lost man money i looked at the situation i looked at the forecast right this is like like the weather i'm looking at the weather what's the weather looking like today what's the weather looking like is it cold warm you know what i'm saying be smart and what i did was i pulled out i said this idea right now is not good no bueno jump into the next idea next project next thing out of every 10 ideas every project that you get into eight of them are gonna fail and if you you become really really good you'll bring it to 5 out of 10 ideas but to get to 5 out of 10 ideas to actually work you need to go through a lot of failures so you could pick up on things that's already failing from the beginning where you say oh red flag this one's not going to work and jump into the next one you know what i'm saying that's how it is for any business any entrepreneur any anybody that's actually taking risk to build something from scratch okay so that's something i want to tell you guys you know but again biggest regrets right it's always going to be i should have started earlier what's my biggest regrets right now man i should have started with shopify a long time ago and i shouldn't have even started with shopify i should have started with wordpress right the first few companies that i started working with i was doing wordpress and i was looking at wordpress plugins i was looking at wordpress themes and back then i thought that it was so difficult to get sales and it was so difficult to you know let people know about a shopify plug-in sorry about wordpress plugin and now looking back on everything that i know and the things that i've learned over time it's like i should have started because i was interested in it i should have started and just do it and figure out if i failed that's fine because if you fail the next one you could succeed in it you know what i'm saying you learn from your failures you don't learn from not doing nothing you can't learn anything like how can you learn if you never tried it how can you learn something out of it or find the winning combination if you never were part of the game right and i knew about wordpress i know about shopify i know about my gentle i know about all of this i was getting paid in companies and i'm like just like a regular worker working for companies they pay for my time i do freelance i set up people's shopify or not which i provide wordpress websites their woocommerce websites right i was doing all of that i was in that world but yet i was still like kind of scared to like it's going to take so long for me to promote a theme or it's going gonna take so long to promote a plug-in you just gotta get started you know what i'm saying so i wanna leave you guys with that little message for today just because i think it's very important for people to understand that if you're in defense of this if you want to become a developer you're already doing research you're already in this this youtube channel or you already even on the youtube algorithm where you're getting constant videos of programming web development this this and that that tells you you've been searching for this [ __ ] a lot you're going to say because you could be having like little cat videos being recommended to you you could be having little uh funny videos of people doing prank videos and [ __ ] like that right that tells you it's like kind of validating what you already know that you're interested in this thing and you should be doing it but you're not gonna know if you're gonna succeed or not unless you actually go and try it right there's a lot of people that might come even to my website or to anybody's website that that teaches people how to code and they're just super fence and might say i gotta invest twenty dollars i gotta go to a book and spend seventeen thousand i gotta go to college and spend three hundred thousand thirty dollars or forty thousand whatever it might be for that individual and there might be an offensive like what if it fails what if it fails that's the question you might say what if it fails what if i don't learn what if i go in and i sign up for this thing and i don't get anything out of it then this is where the risk comes in this is just like anything in life the people that take risks get to places the people that take take no risk they stay in the same spot right i was looking at uh you know some of the people um like the news and stuff like that like some of the people not to go to to how you call this like political or stuff like that but um you know you got to respect those people that decide i'm going to go to the united states and i'm going to make it happen no matter what and that trip could cost you your life but that trip if you make it you set right i was watching a video from like i think uh people from haiti that are coming to the united states and that's a long trip they're not coming through the boat and popping up in florida people are coming in getting asylum into chile right going from chile and chile's like at the bottom of south america somehow making it to colombia from colombia going to panama from panama make it to honduras making it to mexico then from there crossing the border this could be a two months three months journey for some of them and they're somehow making it and then i go you know what it's worth the risk and sometimes you might get to the board and you might say um i'm pulling asylum like yo put me in coach let me in and then i just say come in through this door there's two doors one door they tell you hey come in through this door and when you go through that door you go straight to a plane they send you right back to they press the reset button and send you right back to haiti then you have another door where they come in and say okay cool you made it sign this paper go over here go to this church this isn't that now your asylum seeker whatever you want to call it okay now i'm bringing that example as a real life example of [ __ ] that happens in life that you take a risk what if you fail what's the failure you might get abused in the way you might get robbed you might not even make it you might drown on the river you might die in this freaking desert like those are the risk some of you guys y'all want to get to places but are not willing to put in the the work and risk right take a risk again shameless plug 20 you get everything that you need to become a developer for twenty bucks what's that risk twenty dollars that's not even much and some of you guys are still on the fence like well maybe i should do it's 20 bucks you're not risking [ __ ] it's twenty dollars you could have went in you could have dropped that twenty dollars on the floor and lost it you could have went to mcdonald's and literally came in ate some food [ __ ] that [ __ ] out that's it you ain't getting nothing back but is it worth the risk it is because you go in you learn how to code you can start applying to jobs you can start getting your life in order there's nothing better than you being financially stable you don't have to worry about [ __ ] like i'm not rich i still have my own personal struggles but i'm financially stable i'm gucci these days i even like today i'm looked around i'm like [ __ ] i gotta spend like 20 grand that i got to do a uh you know a tax payment i gotta do just bought a car shit's like forty five forty five grand uh [ __ ] spence jail my crib and just in the the year so far like 35 grand and i think to myself i'm like [ __ ] for me to make 35 000 that would take me a year and a half in the type of jobs that i had before i became a developer so yes i have a lot of problems yes i have a lot of you know spend things i got to spend money on and a lot of [ __ ] that you know it's on top of me but this is good promise to have right because imagine if i had the problems of man i got to somehow figure out how to pay the rent or man my car is i got a flat tire i'm gonna see if i could go to pep boys and i could buy the little 15 special plug it in i don't even my tire gets flat i'm throwing that [ __ ] away i'll go in give me a new tire i don't want to even risk it i'm not putting the little 15 dollar plug until the day that it decides to pop again now throw that [ __ ] away but this is what happens when you take risks now what's the risk that i could have had it i could have failed i could easily went in and taken a course and maybe if i would have been lazy and and not continue uh going forward i would have went to an interview i went to twitter tumblr failed both interviews and now i could have just easily said i'm not smart enough for this thing this thing is not for me and i would just quit right there and i would have done anything so the 700 hours that i spent to learn how to do affiliate marketing would have gone to waste the 35 dollars that i used to pay on would have went to waste the twenty dollars that i used to pay on team treehouse for the first you know first two three months would have gone to waste the macbook pro that i bought that cost me 800 and i bought it off craigslist would have gone to waste all the other [ __ ] that i [ __ ] spent money on the name the name cheap domain the hosting on on um bluehost all of the money that i invested to put my portfolio up would have gone to waste if i were to just went in showed up to a couple of job interviews and i would say i failed the interview tada i'm done this is not for me i quit where would i be at right now you get what i'm saying so with that i tell you like yo if you're still in the fence i don't care i always tell people like this my platform is my platform i know what i can provide i know what i bring to the table right i know what i do for people that's like me that's learning how to code at home and they need a certain structure and they need a certain way of learning i'm not teaching you to you like the way how somebody might teach it with a computer science background now i'm teaching it the way how somebody should be teaching it to people that don't know how to code that don't know how to build anything that's interested in this career but see this thing overwhelming and be like oh this is so overwhelming it's like i'll break it down and i'll make it real dumb real stupid this [ __ ] becomes real stupid this is how easy it becomes but it takes time it takes time you got to put in the time you know another thing that we talked about yesterday's uh live meeting was you know there was a lot of people that are putting you know a good amount of hours but there was a lot of people that didn't even put in no hours that they were like oh i didn't i didn't put in no hours or oh i put in four hours in a whole week that's unacceptable not for me because you're not doing this [ __ ] for me right you're going to say like i don't care and i said it even on the live meeting i don't care if you don't go in and put in the work it's not my life i'm already in my own path i'm trying to help you out i'm trying to provide the service to keep you motivated give you the courses that you need teach you the things that you need to get the jobs that's my only goal and to get you to succeed but i'm not responsible for me carrying you and grabbing you by the hand but yo sit down in front of the computer you gotta do your for you know your two hours a day that's not my job i can tell you what happens when you put in two hours a day i could tell that if you put in more than two hours a day you're gonna do this even faster right but if you don't wanna do it i'm not grabbing your hand i'm not coming in and pulling on your ear like a little kid you gotta sit down in front of your computer no you do if you want to do it if you don't think that this is worth your time if you don't think that you know whatever you've been doing and this is what i tell people and something that had to it took me a long time to realize this [ __ ] when i was like 24 i realized this and it hit me like a rock you know how some people say oh when you're 18 you're an adult you're not an adult like 18. you're still a little kid when you hit like 20 21 you could drink your mind opens up a little bit you're like oh shack or drink wow oh sure this is cool but you're not really an adult you're like 24 and 25 okay until you're like 24 and 25 you haven't hit that point in your life yet where you got to open up your mind completely and say [ __ ] i gotta get my [ __ ] together now when i hit that point i realized that if i want to to get somewhere i need to stop chilling i just recently got a playstation 5 right i got it when it came out right and i barely play it but recently i've been playing a little bit more and i'm amazed by this right because it kinda has affected even my own work which i'm about to cut out the playstation 5. i'm about to cut out those extra nightstands be chilling with wifi watching netflix and [ __ ] like that i'm about to cut that [ __ ] out right those extra three to five four hours i was spending watching a netflix show back to the back you know binge binge watching i'm cutting that [ __ ] out because when i was 24 i completely cut every single [ __ ] that was out there and i said to myself i've been chilling long enough i went to high school and when i used to go to high school i used to show up in third period and on third period get attendance and come out of school i'm like yo what's the next hooky party all right at 12 o'clock it's like a club for us in new york somebody's crib somebody's smashing somebody shorty somebody pulling some shorty dudes popping up with the the 24 ounce the you know old man or was it old man english some [ __ ] like that a colt 45 that's what i was doing right 17 to 21 i was in the clubs partying selling in the clubs uh promoting uh freaking lounges promoting uh you know part four for you know for like you know different artists i was doing music i was in the scene i hit 24 and i realized i chilled long enough some of you guys 31 28 34 49 60 61 53 32 38 37 and you still haven't realized y'all chill long enough yeah i tell you how a yeah good run i'm here where i'm at right now because at 24 i realized i had a good run i chilled from 14 to 24 i chill we we we smashed out everything that was that walked if it walked we smashed it if the club had any type of music we broke it we smashed it you know what i'm saying we chill long enough when you're coming from zero you don't have the luxury there's people that have the luxury and this is where people be like oh what's what's privilege what's opportunities what's this is that the word privilege has been thrown around like like [ __ ] but when you say privilege is like yo you have to privilege to go to college there's people that don't have that privilege right you have the privilege to go to a four-year school i didn't have that privilege i got a to uh syracuse i have the privilege to go into a dorm room and stay over there when my mom would send me money i didn't i wasn't part of that privilege so i had to go to a community college right some people have the privilege to go in and switch careers three to four times it doesn't affect their lives because they got a trust fund they got mommy and bobby who sent the money that could be 30 something years old and moms are still handles you know 85 hours he's five thousand dollars extra so you could take care of yourself dudes have one one baby moms another baby mom on the way right and mom dude's coming here's 2 000 so you could take care of that some of us we don't have that privilege and the people like you and me that's watching us right now if you don't have that privilege you have to realize at some point you need to stop chilling you need to together you need to just go in and be like i chill long enough you don't say i had a good run even myself this year this year i haven't been as productive as i should be one because i'm always having family members over i got to take care of them i gotta take them out i gotta do this and that um you know every single month i gotta you know impress somebody or just help them out with something i can't do that no more right i even myself have to realize like yo [ __ ] i gotta get my [ __ ] together i mean my [ __ ] is together i just i'm trying to go to a higher level but at the same time for me to do that i gotta cut out the things that i've been cut out the [ __ ] that i i realized netflix gone games gone my game should be i got a code every day my game should be i gotta do research every day my game should be i gotta network every day so i'm guilty of the same [ __ ] the only difference is that i already got my [ __ ] together so this was more like a little vacate that i have for like six seven months after them near 10 years of not taking a break some of you guys is way older than me some of you guys are younger than me but y'all still like yo y'all still living out here like y'all could just chill all day [ __ ] chilling let's get our [ __ ] together let's let's work hard let's put in the work that we need to put in that's what makes the difference between which what you do and you have success and some people that just they live in life you know the walking dead they do the same [ __ ] every [ __ ] week and they're waiting for the weekend they don't have the luxury to go in and take a trip to to europe they don't have the luxury to go in and say you know what i'll take three weeks off even right now i feel like i'm privileged enough that i've taken it easy the last six months and i'm still doing amazing but that's because of all the work that i put in for so long you saying now because i know i can do and what i can produce now even i myself i'm telling myself like yo those times you you play a little extra hour before you go to sleep cut that [ __ ] out put in that extra work on research oh but i'm tired i want to i don't even want to look for anything i don't want to do anything i just want to relax [ __ ] that do some work you trying to get to this amps you got to put in the work but i'm good you know i got my house i got my kids i got everything i'm uncomfortable here [ __ ] that work there's more more to make more [ __ ] that you can accomplish you'll relax when you're dead you [ __ ] have all the time to chill when you're dead that's the truth when you're dead you have a lifetime you have a eternity to to chill and relax right now it's not the time right now you're young right now you're at a point where your health is at its peak you could literally go in and and be like you know your health could get [ __ ] up right now you could catch corona your your lungs is not the same your your body's not the same you can't do the same things that you was doing last year so take advantage now i'm a strong believer in in in grinding and and working towards goals there's people that might say it's good to take a little rest it's good to listen you take a rest i'm not resting i'm resting when i'm done when i accomplish all this [ __ ] like i feel like this year i accomplished a lot of stuff on 2020. so this year i kind of took it easy but that's like my award that i'm giving myself i accomplished everything that i i wanted to get to that moment till 2020 right now i need to go higher right i need to go higher than what i've been done i've been doing so i can't chill you could chill you do whatever you want to do but this is different levels this is where you're at and where i'm at you know what i'm saying you could chill people like yo you'll be like man my goal was to make twenty thousand this year i'll look at you i was like that's cute i see people they'll be like on twitter and be like yo i'm trying to get to 100k i'm at a point that i'm like that's cute we do that [ __ ] in a month and a half two months that's cute how about we get to half a milli a month how we get to a million a month how we go in and automate this whole [ __ ] so we don't have to do work that's the next game but for us to get there we need to build the infrastructure we need to build a foundation and that foundation is not going to get built on taking a little rest i can't do it not now you could do it you don't say you take your you take all the rest that you want i'm not taking no more rest that's it starting this week what's today i don't even know what's today's date monday tuesday no more rest this is my last date of rest of me taking an extra those extra two three hours that i take at night to to watch netflix and that's the end of it i'm done you know what i'm saying i'm done so i'm telling you you should think like this because you're trying to get to where i'm at ten percent of it what's the first ten percent getting a job and making money your first gig your first you know five hundred dollars your first a thousand dollars as a developer i'm way past that and if i'm right here and i'm telling you i'm not taking no breaks why should you be taking breaks you're not even 10 percent of where i'm at right now you know what i'm saying and that's i'm telling you as a friend right if i'm working this hard and this is why i look at guys like rick ross i look at guys that like you know you know um guys like uh gary carnegie uh guy said ben a lot i look at uh guys that i find online on twitter and i'm like those guys they're not stopping they're not taking a break and you're like yo how they they're able to do all this content how they're able to do all these businesses how they showing up to all these meetings how they're doing all this stuff those people could be chilling those people they don't have to work a day in their lives no more but they're working because they got goals still you could you could chill there you could wrestle you want i think it is good to rest once you feel overwhelmed or once you feel tired for real but there's people that be like that's like a dude that goes into a game right shows up to a football game is a [ __ ] a great prospect and somebody scratch him on the hand aiming oh hands up he's like yo i'm out i'm out the game someone's scratching right some of you guys is on that level y'all get y'all do a little bit working with that what i need a three day rest those do two hours on coding like yo they go to cody phase do two hours long name i did my two hours what a little scratch yeah i won't see me no more for four days you know what i'm saying like just put in two hours but yeah i need four days off my brain needs to break you're not saying so take all the rest that you want but don't expect results from that you know what i'm saying somebody will say won't you get burnt out forget about burnt out this idea of burnt out i i've realized that burnt out has to do more about your mental health than what you're really doing and what do i mean by that most of the time that i see people that say i'm burnt out how the [ __ ] i'm i haven't been burnt out i do bro i wake up early in the morning drop off my kids [ __ ] do coding on my own freaking themes come and do research from there do youtube from there record videos for youtube from there do a two hour live stream here from there go in and do a live meeting on a sunday right how is it that i'm not burnt out and other people do a quarter of the [ __ ] that i do and they're already like no moss they throwing the [ __ ] towel like they don't know my i can't do it no more you know what i'm saying how come that's the thing it's mental health if you got other [ __ ] that's already in your your system you you suffer from depression you you you have a health problems those are [ __ ] that affects you right and can affect you for what you're doing you're trying to do mad work you got to go in and and and help those underlying problems that you have right in 2010 i started getting anxiety right i started getting anxiety like i don't know i never had anxiety i don't know what that even means right i started having anxiety my neck will cramped up and i'll be like this about oh i can't i can't move my neck and it felt like it was like a electric shock from my neck down to my feet like it felt like if i moved certain way when i was stressed my neck would pop like i'm about to catch a stroke you know what i did i focused that whole 2010 and this was before i talked about this like here and there on this channel but in 2010 i went in i focus on that find out what the hell is wrong with me i found out i have blood pressure problems high blood pressure i got pills for that i found out that uh for anxiety right and for neck nerves and whatever you gotta take goblet pencil right i'm just telling you the [ __ ] that i take right but i spent from 2010 to almost 2011 going to different doctors trying to figure out how can i go in get my own freaking you know my own body to being older because i couldn't do [ __ ] i couldn't learn anything i couldn't focus i'm going to work i didn't have my [ __ ] together so i think when people be like oh i'm burnt out they gotta first find out what's burning them out it's not the work if the work is burning you out that means this is not what you want to do when i used to do music i used to [ __ ] do beats from early on like early in the morning and i'll be making beats till three o'clock in the morning three four and o'clock in the morning i never got tired when you are enjoying something and this is what you want to do you do it there's people is like i see nothing who was i seeing a video uh who was it michael i'm just bring her as an example um not talking [ __ ] about but i'm bringing her as an example she had a video talking about uh i'm not up for grind culture this this and that it's like grind culture you might not be for grand culture but it's really because you're not doing something that's worth grinding for you're saying you might not say i don't want to grind on this i don't want to get more skills as a developer this might not be your passion this might not be the thing that you're passionate about and that's something that's completely different you have to find out what's going on with you internally and find out if that's something that you want to be doing right because when i go in and be like yo i'm grinding out all the stuff that i'm doing i'm having fun i went in i did yesterday uh a live meeting an accountability meeting on on coding phase and i was having fun we actually did three hours it's supposed to be two hours and i could have went another two hours i could have done five hours answering questions helping people out looking at portfolios i'm having fun i'm enjoying it and i was that tired yesterday i went in did a whole bunch of stuff i spent the whole day you know how stressful it is to go to a dealership buy a car go to multiple dealerships and and spend all that time doing the paperwork doing all that stuff i spent the whole day from 11 o'clock in the morning doing all that [ __ ] and still showed up at seven o'clock for the meeting we got here at 6 30 i ate a little bit of food hop on the live meeting and did three hours like nothing and i was that tired and doing the meeting actually gave me more energy from there i stood to like one o'clock two o'clock in the morning working on projects because this is what i wanted to do this is the [ __ ] that i like that idea of burnout that's i'm realizing no now as as i continue to grow it and i have more experience that burnout is [ __ ] burnout is when you don't want to do something that you you like yo i don't want to do this [ __ ] and i'm forced to do it or when you have your own [ __ ] mental problems that you haven't addressed yet and you're like yo this [ __ ] is not making me happy if something's not making you happy you gotta find what makes you happy so you can continue to do it that's where burnout comes up you know what i'm saying i have no burnout and the people that i see that [ __ ] grind when they work on things that they care about they have no burnout if i go in you know where i used to have burnout when i used to go and work at a company and i'm working on [ __ ] that i don't want to work on they might have me working on on linux servers and i'm like i [ __ ] hate doing this [ __ ] this is not what i want to do this is not what i like to do that burns me out but when i'm working on things that i want to do it's just like i'm [ __ ] having fun you know what i'm saying so that's just how it is i said how do you get into the accountability meetings so that accountability meetings are really for yearly plus members right again i feel like i'm providing a great service at 20 bucks you get access to all the programming courses that you need to get a job um to get the extra features because we have to pay for this [ __ ] this is not free when we do videos on here on youtube and we just shoot the [ __ ] and hang out this [ __ ] is free right uh there's a service that's free when we have to pay for uh you know business service uh for zoom right to be having over you know a thousand people in a group or that should cost money when you have to pay for uh special features for teachable all that should cost money when you got to go in and pay for uh community uh all that [ __ ] cost money you're gonna say so that's why we provide it to the yearly plus members who at least come in and say hey i'm going to be here for a whole year right and i want to support what you guys are doing and i want to get this extra features you know so if you want to become a yearly plus member you could go to you get access to it you get an email to or get invited into it if you haven't received the invitation uh for whatever reason if it's going to spam or something like that you email me codingface send me your email to your account on coding face and then i will send you a invite because sometimes some of you guys have like spam blockers and things like that that's out of my hands if you wouldn't get the invitation and you're a plus member lifetime member you're gonna get the invitation everybody got it i sent two of them i'm probably gonna send another one this week just to make sure people that um haven't checked it out just to remind people hey every sunday 7pm we have the accountability meetings where we go in and talk about what you know what everybody's doing what projects they're working on any questions that they might have anything that they might be stuck on we look at their portfolios we look at you know uh jobs that they can start working at right with the skills that they have right so definitely definitely um check out all right so again joe jar says okay thank you signed up for the monthly to start yeah start with that start with the programming courses right learn how to code right start building your portfolio okay and if you feel is you're going to get value out of the yearly plus membership and the extra features then you sign up there's no pressure like i don't want people signing up you know because to be honest with you it caused me more money the more people that signed up to it the more more money that cost me to to host all of these meetings and all this extra features um so i rather you know when you ready you you you come in [Music] definitely guys again like i said you're always gonna have is you realizing that you should have started years ago you should got it months ago and you don't want to be having that regret if you're here it's because you're interested in this try it out get started put in the time don't be lazy because you're not going to get any results even if you pay for it this is not like a training that you get at wendy's when you sign up to work at a uh like a [ __ ] you know mcdonald's or or wendy's or any of this fast food chains you go to the back you sign up boom sign up you go get an interview the interview in the back of of the office they say hey you're gonna be hired they put a video like oh this is the exit signs this is the safety this is how to deal with the the oil and then that's it come tomorrow or seven o'clock in the morning and you're good to go and now you're working at mcdonald's are you working at wendy's whatever it might be right when it comes to development you have to actually be able to do what you need to do to be able to get the job so that means that you have to do the course and then practice it and build the things that are being taught to you you're not gonna get it just by watching right there's some courses that are about information that you can watch it or listen to it like a podcast but when it comes to programming you're going to have to be doing that you can't learn by just looking okay it's the same thing that you know uh people used to have like a problem with books because in books you're reading the books but a lot of people will read the books thinking that they're gonna you know contain the information but it's like nah if you're not building the stuff that's in the book you're not gonna learn [ __ ] you get what i'm saying tells express or the zoom meetings um recorded yes zoom meetings are recorded and we put the date exactly that's in there um so you can you know go in and start watching so yeah it's actually on the website so if you go to you should see it there if you're a uni plus member lifetime member you should see accountability accountability meetings and you should see it in there and you can go in and catch up on all the meetings okay so yeah man um i'm about to head out here guys thank you for hanging out with your boy i really appreciate it thank you um and that's it just do what you have to do guys please stop chilling that's all i can say i said this last night on the meeting i said guys please that was another thing too i told them i was like hey if you show up to the meeting and you have questions or you have a project that you're working on or you have a portfolio you're working on you want us to go in and critique it and help you out and give you tips on how to make it better your resume how to make it better whatever it is bring it up right raise your hand and say hey man i'm here i want you guys to check out this this thing um because one thing that i noticed yesterday was a lot of the same people were talking right and that's great um i'm all for helping out the same people but at the same time if we have a room full of like you know 100 people i want all 100 people to have a chance to talk and to say something but the truth is that those 80 90 other people that's in there they're not raising their hands they're not talking they're not asking questions right it's like when you went to high school i don't know if you guys remember when you went to high school the cool kids sit on the back right the kids said there's cracking jokes and you know cool kids that's always always in in the back and just chilling right uh the cute girl who's doing her makeup the guidance rolling up a blunt for a lunch break right then this is a ratchet at school right the dude that's in the back trying to talk to shorty putting that bug in her ear like yo what have you you trying to cut class what's up ma so this is just like high school right those kids they ain't doing [ __ ] they gotta go to summer school they gotta [ __ ] repeat the same year because they ain't doing no homework right they're not asking questions they're not passing the test they're not doing nothing they're just sitting in the back but the people that's in the front you see them all the time same chinese kid raising his hand boom you're like yo but but why lee chen always raising his hand lichen's trying to learn little billy's in the back trying to make it to some girl and he ain't doing [ __ ] right why little uh little shawn always sitting in the front why shawn with the glasses always in the front sean is trying to get his [ __ ] together he's trying to get that s.a.t score up he's trying to learn that calculus class this is just like that if you're not part of the conversation you literally could get left behind and you just some random do in the back doing whatever you do you gonna sing so my advice is you know come in be part of the conversation share your projects share the things that you're having problems with don't be scared there's no stupid questions the only stupid questions are the questions that never were asked you know what i'm saying so definitely come through um let me see the little bitty dripping dudes in the front is like yo those in the back is like you know throwing paper to young little lee chan and and little sean that's sitting in the front with the glasses and those dudes is trying to do their homework you know what i'm saying they're just trying to do the work but then 10 years later you said you you see a little little ray ray and and [ __ ] you know who was the the high school football star he's working and [ __ ] at the local warehouse with with the ill beer belly you know what i'm saying and he's like damn right what happened to you man it was like a high school you had the most yards it's like man i [ __ ] up my knee in your senior year and and lee chan's looking at him from a tesla's like damn right right there's some [ __ ] up [ __ ] that's life bro and just whoop keeps it moving he was doing his work he was asking questions he was there [ __ ] doing [ __ ] homework you know what i'm saying those dudes that that it's just active when you're in a in a setting of education you're the only one that's gonna lose when you you don't actually ask questions right i used to be one of those kids that i used to go to class and i never raised my hand i never asked no question i'm like i'll figure it out you're gonna say i'll figure it out and then you you go in and you're like oh [ __ ] i got a 74. i thought i had it no you did it you didn't ask those questions you thought that you was going to be able to show up to class and figure it out it's a multiple choice question you're like you got to give me the answer this yo this one yeah i'm stupid bro when i was in high school before we leave out of here this [ __ ] is funny because when you're a young kid and you're like you think you know everything but you don't know shame i used to go to class i was like yo it's a multiple choice test right multiple choice tests all the questions one of them is going to show me the answer i'm going to read the answer and whatever sounds right i'm going to choose the right one and then i'll leave out of there with a 74 and i'm like what's going on this one's the right answer it's like no it's not it sounded right but you didn't know you never read the book you got to say like i forgot what story was it i think it was like harry potter there was one time i had to do like a test for like a a class read a harry potter book or something like that and and they're like oh you gotta you gotta read this book i watch the movie [Laughter] like in the book there's certain [ __ ] that doesn't happen like how it is or on the movies or the tv shows right and you're like oh i watch the movie there's no need for me to read the book plus if they give me the answer it's multiple choice i could figure it out i'll do an educated guess yeah and that's how it is man okay guys so anyways man for real lil chan you know lee chang got the [ __ ] tesla pops up ray ray got a [ __ ] up leg with an oldie beer belly and he's like yo how you doing how are you doing right right that raymond that's you ray comes in he still got the swag because you know ray ray never lose lose the swag you can't lose the swag once you have swag you never lose it you could be broke as hell but you never lose swag swag comes with you that's some [ __ ] you born with right the sauce is always there comes in lichen says yo ain't you ray ray ray johnson 700 yards running yards rabies shows up it's like you know it smoking a cigarette smoking a boat he's like you know that's me he's like how you been it's like [ __ ] [ __ ] been hard man you know me i'm i'm out here and uh walmart walmart just opened up a center you know just doing what i have to do and [ __ ] it's like dude doesn't even know the dude and dude goes like yo but where i know you from man it's me lee chan are you sitting in front of calculus class you remember me young lee chang y'all used to call me lolily that was me though lily now driving the tesla got multiple properties one [ __ ] four-year school i had [ __ ] together now he he got himself a little batty from instagram he's a sugar daddy you know what i'm saying now ray ray is there looking like damn man here's pass me by i should have paid attention in class i should have [ __ ] did those extra classes so i could go to the sats and you you're gonna say [ __ ] happens like that and that's why i'm telling you like it's funny because like you could go in and take a lot of situations that you don't have to be a genius to understand what's the consequences of [ __ ] if you could understand how things work logically that's it you know what i mean so [Laughter] man yo it could have been no young lee chan it could have been young sean it could have been anybody [ __ ] it could have been young levar young levar with the glasses that he he's the he's the rocker kid he's the only black kid in school listening to [ __ ] nine inch snails and [ __ ] and some random [ __ ] he's like yo who's man everybody when he comes in young lavar comes in everybody looking around like yo whose mans is that right he got some [ __ ] he got he got some [ __ ] some [ __ ] um a choker on he got some some [ __ ] some crazy [ __ ] on his neck everybody's like yo yo lavoie is like yo whose mans is that who look who levar in you know what i'm saying lavoy's not part of the the cool kids he's sitting in the front he's [ __ ] raising his hands asking questions a young tyler you know what i mean tyler's in this like with his hands up asking about you know [ __ ] what's the equation to life you know the teacher's telling tyler tyler just just learn how to [ __ ] add numbers tyler's like 10 years old like yo i'm trying to get the equation to life professor anyways guys i'm out of here take care guys
Channel: CodingPhase
Views: 2,053
Rating: 4.9096045 out of 5
Keywords: codingphase, coding phase,
Id: 2hjjKxmiDzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 37sec (4117 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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