Should you Learn Shopify Development in 2021?

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hey how you doing ah sound check sound check let me know if you can hear me well check check check ruby ruby ruby ruby let me know say yeah we can hear you steph i would appreciate that been a while since i did it live yeah so i hope everything is well with you guys all right yeah so i'm waiting for that sound check check check check let me know let me know hello hello hellos volume seems to be okay how are we doing all right so we seem to be doing okay very good uh yeah good evening how are you hope everything is well uh yeah so again please let me know can you hear me can you hear me can you hear me double check it okay good good good good all right good i hope i hope everything is good with you guys good all right so um i get so many questions put to me by people i decided to start knocking them off in some videos i figured i'd do it live tonight so let's just jump into it for people who are going to be watching the replay and then after we cover the subjects then we can do a little q a and discussions depending how people feel so spristeville shopify so shopify is a growing platform it's still not nearly as big as wordpress i think shopify is you know it's maybe uh what a tenth the size of wordpress in terms of deployment if if that much i know i know in terms of platforms wordpress is still by far the king but shopify is a growing environment and it's still a it's still a platform that is worthy of consideration there's still worthy of consideration so um i want to first check out some there we go job postings here i thought this would be interesting hold on a second make sure you're just trying to get this in view so i'm selecting here hold on let me get this all configured sorry guys there we go there we go so we have this job here new york city i did a search on uh uh new york city so shopify front end developer 80-100k a year so let's look at the detail so rapidly expanding digital service agency looking for a front-end developer so i saw um they have been in business for six years and can you continue to see 40 growth so they're growing really fast so let's look at the requirements so liquid html javascript so liquid is a templately templating language apparently it's built liquids built off of php i've never used it i don't know much about it but apparent liquid is i've seen several job postings where liquid is involved vis-a-vis shopify development but they're looking for uh this two to three years two to three to four i don't know why they wanted the upper end of javascript to build anyway but pay is pretty good for starting you got 401k dental health paid time off so pretty good sounds like a pretty decent job in terms of benefits uh eight hour shifts so they're not going to overwork you and look at the education there's something kind of um reinforces something i've been saying for a long time now when it comes to development you don't need to have a higher education a lot of the times to get good paying jobs you need experience so if you've been following me you know how to get your experience uh how to get this going so you can get your job so yeah so that's one job here here's another one shopify front end developer 80 to 150k so again they got all kinds of uh extra bonus here they want more experience well five years html css js is no big deal so as you and so let's just go back up to the top of this listing so in new york city new york i found 545 shopify jobs listed today on indeed so that's pretty good and i've checked out other uh i don't know we're going to go florida florida florida you know i'm going to say miami miami yep hold on come on up so this is uh miami miami florida 80 100 000 shopify full stack let's see what they want so as you can see florida only 110 jobs not as big a market but still this is what you have available now which you got to know so that's uh so evidently there are plenty of jobs uh in a shopify specific development i don't know i don't know what this is uh so you and you see the pays are pretty good did generally 180 grand 100 grand you know uh see graphic r60 one thing i always talk about is how if you have development skills development skills will uh in terms of what you can make initially especially will always do better than pure design skills so if you're looking to freelance or get a job i always say try to get into development side of things because developers make much more money initially and developers uh also have a lot more commands a lot more control over their environment by the way if you like the stream please give me a thumbs up it's good for the google algorithms we'll see how this goes there we go all right so let's answer that's basically first thing i want to cover in this subject should you learn shopify development today there's a lot of jobs a lot of jobs and of course to do shopify development like so many other things v web stack is very very very good choice that's why i teach the web stack for development because it offers the widest 100 reasons anyway it offers the widest range of job potential you can get the shopify development wordpress apps from scratch you can get into responsive website development it can pull you into react it can pull you to for nate react all kinds of different areas so it's very very um the web technologies and the web stack are very very lucrative in terms of the potential job opportunities it's it's the ease quickest easiest way in my opinion to get into the game um yeah let's look at some other things i want to look at actually jobs at shopify if i was curious about that so shopify careers you got to give it to them they got a nice logo i like their local anyway senior developer so senior developer remote job i highlighted something here now one of the things i've been teaching for years and years and years is that the fear of learning the wrong language or choosing the right technology [Music] this is this is an illusion this is uh a false narrative put out on the internet on the inter tubes so look at this at shopify and a big part of the system is ruby based anyway so experience let me read this highlighted in blue experience using technology and frameworks like but not limited to some of the most used languages ruby on rails graphql jwe no the php python is an asset but not required don't have any experience in many of them no problem deep experiments any object oriented here we go this is a key line here oh boy this is one of the fastest growing companies out there by the way deep experience with any object-oriented language and willingness to learn our tech stack goes a long way ah interesting right bonus points you've met you mentor teammates and new ways to deepen their tech craft you know how i talk about all the time how it's always about the fundamentals right always about the fundamentals because as a software developer you're going to be constantly leveraging new tech new tech jumping to different stacks so within this shopify environment they're asking for quite a disparate set of technologies they're looking at java ruby php python and as they said specifically and this is the reality of real development they say specifically right here it is the key line deep experience with any object-oriented language and willingness to learn our attack our text excuse me goes a long way so what they see what what stacks they got here stacks here oh boy oh boy okay so i guess it's what they're using here i've never seen this before automatically okay this is what they're doing so uh quite a disparate set of tech right all different types of devops so they're using kubernetes docker chef all right slacks and this is what they're using at shopify python react nginx mysql redis ruby ah react native graphql rails kafka boom where is the they didn't that's interesting dbt apache beam so so they got a quite a range of technologies that they are using but as they said in the previous page let's go back the key is having just deep experience and object oriented programming yeah there you go so again the message to take away from this is that um the key is the fundamentals the key is is understanding object in this case object-oriented languages because that's the predominant way to write code these says is object-oriented code and um and a willingness to learn new new stuff that's as they say here deep experience with any object-oriented language and willingness to learn our tech stack goes a long way bowden's point here's another point i want to bring up it says um bonus points you've mentored teammates in on new ways to deepen their technical craft see that goes back down to something another thing i talk about soft skills good communication skills good interpersonal skills that's why i put out my course lizard wizard to help people understand their brain and understand how to better manage their emotions and thus communications with others so here you go so that's the what's the other thing i want to get into here so uh we looked at the job so if we look at shopify it's very i've never personally written code for shopify but it doesn't matter i could probably learn in a day or two no i would learn in a day too it's not that difficult they're using standard methodologies so here's the shopify api reference docs if you don't know what that is that's just all it's their library that they put out to help developers help coders understand how to connect with their systems it tells you what they're using a graphql graphql is this thing it's a query language allows you to easily share data across systems so it's a standardized way a standardized way of connecting systems together anyway so they use they have a min api storefront payments api so what they want you to do they want view to turn uh shopify into the heart of people's ecommerce solutions for better for worse i have no comment or opinion about whether it's great or not i'm sure people could chime in on that matthew for example ah a minute for example admin extensions admin extensions allow you to add new ui and functionality to shopify min and are built into apps using extension points apis and ui components provided by shopify okay so you got all so you got all these utilities its components it's all there for you they got the the whole liquid thing it's a templating language apparently liquid is was built with php uh storefront api it's all there for you you just got to go through it step by step getting started getting started see like i've never looked at this before i'm looking at this with you uh at the same time so i've i'm not i haven't cheated i haven't uh gone and read through all these things as i'm doing this live with you now i am um looking at the details here and you can see it's just very standard stuff you know standard communication retrieve products okay so you send it i guess this is a graphql yeah yeah okay yeah pagination okay so yeah it's very standard stuff if you've done javascript json is easy peasy so you get your head wrapped around it retrieve you see in in the developer space um generally speaking in the web it's very um it's pretty settled right the the methodologies and the thinking about how to proceed is very settled these days i saved since 2014 maybe 2012 2014 hasn't changed too much the server models have become more sophisticated and you don't necessarily need to use all those but it hasn't said that much so yeah to answer finally yeah shopify is viable it depends if you like it or not um as you can see you don't need you don't need to have a college degree to get a high paying job you just need a little experience if you want to get a little experience there's an easy way of going about doing it just watch my previous videos i talk all about that so i won't recover it here so there you go so the answer is yeah it's viable yeah it's high paid um so definitely something to look at something to consider so i'm going to go through some of the questions some of the comments do a little q a and we'll take it from there ah all right all right can you okay everybody can hear me that's the official salute i'm gonna make these bigger so i got my old uh so i put up my old lens on that's why it's a wider frame here and uh yeah it looks pretty good i bought this lens maybe six years ago it's tried and true tested lens um anyway better now i'm currently learning shopify theme development they switched from theme kit to cli there you go hello hello i would like to start coding this week where should i start and how much it cost me in your program well you can start off with my complete with the web developer programs 39 bucks um it's interactive it's uh you get instant feedback um i'm sure people chime in check out the reviews on google all five star you'll learn a lot or you could check out my mentoring program all the links are below this is where you get the support the private mentoring group the discussions the coaching sessions it's much more comprehensive if you need that comprehensive support based driven system check out the mentoring program or if you want to solo learn or it's very very inexpensive you can take that my studio web platform is a platform i started developing over 10 years ago it's more like 11 years ago we got my first schools over 10 years ago and we've been evolving and building it so it's very different from any other platform in the world i know because it's custom we spent a decade refining it myself and the team it's uh it's it's the next best thing to having a live tutor sitting right beside you as you learn instant help instant feedback instant tracking so it's much more comprehensive much more comprehensive interactive learning experience of any video based system only although it is there's it's based on videos with all the other components there you go uh carol b hey i would like to start uh we got that one anissa of a queen hey welcome to the street welcome back java's paid now uh no you can use open source uh jvm as far as i know matthew does work with shopify you hey kevin how are you kevin from florida i might be down in your part of the world uh in a few months with luck i hope everything is well with you hey steph title of the stream is a question i've been wondering today you read my mind ah cool well i hope i answer your question sufficiently you have any questions about uh shopify job shopify general coding or any general questions please feel free to ask that's why i'm here um yeah uh that's not true shopify is the second largest e-commerce platform with 18 woocommerce versus 30 um in terms of wordpress well i heard in terms of sites that use shopify versus sites sites that use wordpress but you could be right yeah i don't doubt you about the e-commerce platform thing ah there's no yeah yeah woocommerce really woocommerce is that big uh woocommerce is that's that's built in it's been i know i think that's built into uh wolf themes built into wordpress now anyway i currently build projects with react on the front end using wordpress as a headless cms for my clients and being able to utilize woocommerce classes in the api routes makes everything really smooth ah so there you go you answered my question thanks for sharing also liquid is written in ruby and not php really sure about that hold on oh no hold on see that's interesting i just read this thing here and i'm not debating because i don't have any so this uh what programming language is shopify built on so he goes through things he says since the front end language is liquid which is pretty much php based the use of my the use of mysql is also justified as php mysql combination best common in fact it's easy for php developers to make transitions to shopify due to similar syntaxes i don't know that's what this dude said here maybe kitty is uh wrong that could be the case but uh it doesn't matter you know php new rule b you can just jump around no comment i haven't used it i built shopify store for a client the store does over a million in sales ah there you go so shopify can definitely handle some decent volume ah hey steph no questions thank you for streaming today you timed it perfectly for me this time ah very cool glad i could help uh argentina hey greetings cheers salutations this if you're new to the stream this is the official stream salute uh the vulcan hand all right pretty good bokeh actually it's not bad do you have a course on shopify development i do not see so for people who say oh you're just doing videos to sell courses i don't have a shopify development course but if you learn the foundations you can just go to the shopify docs as i was reading and you'll be able to follow your way through maybe watch one or two youtube videos i have an idea for a shopify app that will make a million then do it steph why do you hate ruby so much i don't hate ruby it's just a joke i'm just joking around i'm making fun of people who hate languages i'm making fun of people when i say oh ruby's bad i'm not making fun i'm not really making fun of ruby i'm making fun of people who hate languages it's kind of like going i hate that that that hammer i hate hammers from smith and co ah they're so terrible i hate them i hate iphone i hate mac i i don't get into these words about technology because they're just tools do whatever use whatever tools you like also you become a partner you get 20 of the rev share oh that's pretty good good advice what i would do is if you know your basics then i would just look around on youtube for a crash course on shopify then hit the docs if you don't know your web stack then you should do my web stack course and then you'll be able to learn shopify pretty quickly i totally agree about oop as fundamental instead of a language for instance recent pythonx versions and features that hark back to some yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'll op like after i learned a java oop i was able to personally learn new languages in a matter sometimes hours believe it or not it was very easy because java based exposes to so many concepts that are universal as the other languages as well so i was able to jump into i remember i got it was a freelance gig and i got my first going to see the client and they had built a system well somebody had built a system for them with php and this was old php php three so really old not very good php and i said well we should just rewrite the whole thing in java servlets jsps that's what i did and i had a framework that i had built i was like deploying my framework and they refuse no we said we have this investment in php so if you want the job you got to do in php so you think p if you don't like php now you should have saw php 3.0 we're at php8 for those who don't know a huge difference anyway so it's uh like php3 is kind of like iphone one versus php as like iphone 12 you know anyhow so i i said okay i'll do i'll do it in php so i learned i go home and i learned php in a matter of a couple hours i was like comfortable writing it and then i said ah that opened my eyes to a whole bunch of opportunities i started learning php and then i jumped into um c sharp and then i learned you know what other languages well pearl i had learned a little bit before uh so on and so forth i just started learning new languages on the fly depending on circumstances some of them they're so obscure it's uh you know vbscript and vb and uh you know most of the languages i worked with though were c based anyway so you know c based languages c c plus plus of course java c sharp javascript uh i would say php boils some will see stuff so uh and several others yeah uh when applying for internships would it be advisable to just mass apply to a bunch of companies not customize resume to cover that i would not i would have a customized a resume it doesn't take you long you know we live in a digi just make sure that you emphasize the skills that would match the particular company that um that you're targeting um so i would do that i would spend the extra five minutes to make the little changes here and there remember you're selling yourself so you got to lead with when you're setting out your resumes you got to lead with your strong points how are we doing for time all right good uh well that's the article said i don't know uh fees are usually low even at the beginning liquid is me well that's what the article said i don't have a definitive answer i haven't looked at liquid so i'm just saying what that article said but it could be is it it could be that it is written in ruby i don't know but check it out at the end of the day it doesn't really matter what do you think of fremont boot camp i think that it's pales compared to steph's boot camp hey stefan i came a little late can you give a general synopsis shopify's freelancer i think there's plenty of opportunity you should know your web stack uh lots of job opportunities uh i there's no there's if you like that kind of work then why not get into it views on learning spring boot spring boot i would imagine is generally used by very large organizations so i would imagine because they're very large organizations they will have hr departments and because of that they may require some sort of higher degree for no nonsense reason except that they're higher they're just big stodgy companies keep that in mind in terms of the technology itself again i haven't looked at spring boot i remember i worked with very early iterations of spring back in the day rod johnson is the guy who came up with spring again i don't see java as my first choice for working on new projects i think java is generally going to be used on legacy systems which plenty of jobs by the way there's a huge amount of jobs java is still in the top three most used languages in the world steph i'm doing documentation for a client for a system ah that's good documentation is super important they want to hire someone on on guru i've never made anything to production but this looks like an opportunity for experience should i take it on uh yo well listen any time as a general rule anytime you have opportunity to take on a job that pays well and gives you experience in learning something new expands your set of skills it's it's a goal for me you want to keep expanding your skill sets you want to keep um looking at new tech because it's just going to make you overall better developer the idea is you learn this and this and you work on this type of project and that type of project this type of project and what happens over time you become a much more skilled developer and you get to the point where it all becomes you start thinking in terms of how i think now it's all the same it all depends on what you're doing it just makes you more skilled like like in that shop of iad the job posting for senior dev they just they're much more concerned about your experience with oop and your ability to communicate than anything else because they know the shopify people they know that if you know you have deep knowledge in the fundamentals you can just pivot to any tech so i would say good yeah if it's something you're interested in and something you think you can learn then do it even if you have to work extra hard short in the beginning part but it expands your on knowledge yeah the great thing about being a developer the great thing about being a developer is that you get paid to learn that's why i train people to get up to speed as quickly as possible so he can get into the the workforce learning uh he's right it's liquid yeah that's wrong it's written it's written in the movie but the syntax is ah okay okay thanks for clarifying there you go hey steve i love your content i was wondering why would you why would you hard code a website when brewer press makes your life way easier when it comes to the front end see that it all depends hard coding well first of all when you're writing wordpress themes you're writing html and you're hard coding the only time for information heavy sites only sites where there's no other functionality the only time i would hard code a site from scratch meaning no wordpress or no other cms is when i knew i know that the site is not going to change at all it's something very very simple and i didn't want to have to worry about maintenance if you although you have a site that the content you're going to add new content on a fairly regular basis or you know a fairly regular base not necessarily all the time i would always zoom in here um then i would leaning towards the cms so yeah i was wondering why would so hard coding i think is something you do uh less and less very very limited times like i i did like i have a i forget the site one of my sites it's like a brand this is a one-page site so of course i'm not going to use wordpress there it says hey there you go here it is here's uh this is uncle steph is what i'm about blah blah blah and that was it so i don't add anything to that particular domain at this point but if it came to a point where i wanted to add stuff then i would use a wordpress bm very rarely the only advantage of hard coded it's like if you have an html only site you know it's it's not going to get hacked you know it's not much there's no there's a lot less weaknesses shall we say that in which you can hack it what would be good place to look for freelance work i've talked about this many times but you could try the job sites depending on the part of the world you could look at look to talk to local business owners there's all kinds of different places to go yes shopify is ruby on rails uh where's the solo program you offer very interested this book you just go to the studio web store um hold on let me see that if you go to my studio web store where are we here we go all right opportunities shamelessly self-promote that's what you got to do by the way i know us nerd types we don't like the idea of promoting ourselves but you have to do it you have to do it because people don't know i remember i was doing a stream and somebody said hey steph do you have any courses like what i said you don't know and they've been watching me for months so yeah this is my studio web store this is a solo learn here you want if you want to do the website my complete web developer package here is where you want to go and you just check out my reviews 169 reviews so far i shut down my my own system and you see all five star you know so you can see uh yeah so here's here's a review a very net new one i haven't read this one very nice concise python introduction course i was able to finish it within two months to learn the basics of course steph's continue online presence and advice also helps before his course i tried udemy and coursera never completed them whereas with studio app i completed the whole course there you go let's see what this one i can't recommend these courses enough extremely good value for okay so there you go so you can check them out here and i also have a mentoring program if you want to get into the full mentoring program again links are below if i'm going to start your web dev course once i've completed this what else do i need to learn well once you do my web dev course it will open your eyes to the whole world of web development and development in general and uh then you'll be able to you know go to shopify site look at their docs find the tutorial you know there are probably lots of youtube videos shopify how to learn how to do this and shopify in 10 minutes and away you go i feel that building on shopify allows to allows us to butch work for clients and get paid fast compared to building from scratch yeah allows to butch work the batch work i think you probably mean yeah one of the reasons you want to use platforms like a shopify or wordpress or any other platform that is out there is that allows you to get the jobs done much faster frameworks and services like shopify et they just provide a lot of the boilerplate code if you will that we used to always write from scratch as i tell people over and over again don't look to write code look to avoid writing code and i learned this from one of the most experienced developers ever uh worked with a guy worked on microsoft core windows developer he worked at apple so he worked at huge companies and still does and the first he said where i asked him what are the most important thing about coding development and he said to me reuse reuse reuse reuse reuse first thing you do is you see what else who else and what else has been built first before you start building from scratch the last thing you want to do as developers build from scratch so yes that's it using tools like shopify can allow you to build stuff up real quick because they take care of all kinds of boilerplate basic stuff that you don't want to have to do on your own you don't want to have to start trying to design uh you know ecommerce platforms i've done it it is all these things you got to consider and now with shopify you go bing bing bing bing bing put it together it's a little more difficult than that but you get the idea so while we're at it if you're interested so i have my mentoring program aka boot camp you can check it out if you want to book a consult you're curious about the boot camp you got questions how it works et cetera you can just click click on this button book an appointment with me while i'm still available and uh yeah it covers everything you're gonna possibly need to know about development i i teach all these things i keep on expanding the boot camp i keep on expanding um what's in there and it's far less expensive other boot camps the most will cost you is this and as opposed to five ten twenty thousand so yeah check out the boot camp all right well uh i have been failing on take-home projects for a job now you gotta keep working on it man hello from venezuela i have been watching your videos since i started web development journey two years ago ah very cool marco i hope the journey is going well with you i stand your videos are great i appreciate that thanks for letting me know would you prefer javascript or python for deep learning tests i would probably go python simply simply because it's the most dominant by far as far as i know unless java has made some huge inroads there typically speaking as a general rule in the tech world you don't want to find yourself in uh nichi technologies because oftentimes the niche technologies fail and then next thing you know you're like you're stranded out there in the middle of nowhere i have seen some amazing tech die in the tech world where he had technology a which was the most had the most market share and technology b that had much less market share even though i thought technology b was so superior to a didn't matter b just died eventually because there's not just enough not enough support in the community and i it's gotten me into trouble a few times where i would use some niche technology that had a lot of superior benefits but it just got killed and ended up killing me because i find myself of a code base based on some some abandoned technology and then i would have to rip it out and retrofit with new stuff in there as a pain so stick to the mainstream so to answer your question i'd probably just stick to python assuming that python's still by far uh by far um the most important language in the space shopify development for babies rich babies man there's a lot of money in that stuff uh what do you think about the art nft space now should we jump in oh that stuff is crazy if you don't know the nft non-fungible tokens it's an extension and application of the blockchain where people create unique pieces of digital art and people buy them for a lot of money people have made a ton of money on it um yeah i don't know man it's uh it's hard to say you know it's like it's hard to say when and if the thing will crack or that will become the new thing i don't know i don't know it's uh as a general rule when it comes to investments and so forth if you want to diversify your uh what you're doing so you don't want to get caught up too much in anything um yeah a lot of money has been made there i don't know what's going to happen over the next two years but it could still make a lot of money if you would ask me five years ago if bitcoin was going to hit 50 000 u.s i would have said no so it's hard to predict these things that said you know it's funny about 15 20 years ago i went out and i bought a whole bunch of comic books classic comic books at the time and i just bought them out and i bought up like the collection for like uh you know 500 bucks or something conan's and i got i got one through 100 in mint condition in the bags and they're sitting in my closet that's what i read when i was a kid and i just found out that conan number one mint and i have a mint it's worth ten thousand dollars now it's interesting and i have no interest in selling but you never know you never know what's gonna happen so nfts who knows where that's gonna go but yeah listen if it's if you know the space start examining it understanding it um you still want to get caught holding the bag with that meaning you don't want to buy in with a lot of money and then then it find it tanks that happens all the time so just be careful hey stefan i'm currently studying electrical course and i want to learn coding on the side what language is the best to become a money maker i want to smart do smart home ev charging or freelance coding two different spaces uh for freelance it's generally going to be the web stuff the web stack is where your best bet is most opportunities as i said i would invite you links below just check out my complete web developer course it's going to open up your whole mind the whole world of development is going to become obvious to you and then you can specialize where you want to go uh yeah yeah they're both i don't know about smart home ev charging though um that's not a space i'm familiar with how would you see node.js future good to learn now yeah i know it's not going anywhere i don't think it's going to dominate anymore i don't think it's going to be supplant anything now i think the main players in the development world in terms of web stack and so forth i think they're very well established now so if you look at uh let me look that up we're gonna say uh top 10 programming languages 20 21 there we go 24 rows so that's weird okay here here's the different indexes okay hold on and boom hold on boom so there's always these many indexes around the world so first of all you know you gotta look at different ones so here c python java c plus c sharp visual basic javascript php assembler sql so this list here all these technologies are at least 25 years old so when somebody says you got to learn the new language all these are at least 25 years old at least 25 years old so i got this other list this is the t-o-b index seen that before this one i've never seen worldwide so this one it's python java javascript c c sharp c plus plus p r objective c typescript swift swift well again but you see the usual cast of characters python java javascript c c plus php they're always in the top let's go on this one uh python javascript c c plus okay so we get that what else more indexes here okay so in in the us python java javascript c sharp c plus plus object to c php swift go and ruby's down here uh in india python java javascript plus php is a little more popular not much kotlin to script python and then in germany python java c sharp javascript php c plus plus rush so you got to look at the regions you got to look at different indexes because different indexes will sample different areas but as we can see typically you got the same cast of characters python java javascript c c plus plus c sharp p h p they're always in the top ten always in the top ten and then you have a few depending on the list you have different other ones will pop in there are rust whatever so you can't go wrong with any of those languages you can't go wrong with any of those languages [Music] matthew recommends devcap i appreciate that my brother's business has shopify i work a magento two front end it's a nightmare yeah i haven't i haven't used it so i don't have any comments on it uh yeah how we doing 128 people it's not bad 55. let's get those sums if you guys if you like to stream yeah i'm gonna have to do a uh another survey because of my business um demands um i'm not doing as many streams these days so i want to find a good good time for everybody maybe do two streams a week at a set time so we can reach as many people as possible i know it's hard to follow my streams as i'm jumping all over the place when i was more consistent i would have two three hundred people on a stream easily easily now you know but i don't blame people can you get sued for copying a ui item alignment of a certain website ui item alignment i wouldn't think so no no no you can't copy their artwork i want a job it pays well i want to either become a fully electrical engineer or learn coding i'm so confused well if you want to become an electrical engineer that means you would have to go to university first question i ask you is do you currently have a full-time job can you realistically go to university and still support your lifestyle number one number two do you have to go in debt to go to university if you do i would think once twice and three times don't go to university and get into debt university debt is the worst debt you can also possibly take or take on why because university debt in north america is it's um it's non-dischargeable debt you become indentured servants because until you pay off that debt so don't go into that to go to university electrical engineers end up becoming coders anyway in the end so you can go straight to coding so i would dabble along dabble along with coding before committing to a big program in the university especially if there's debt involved and then you see how you like it take it from there yes here's another principle a little little life lesson for you guys when you have two choices one is extremely committal extreme cost no turning back versus an other option where there's much less committal and you can deviate off that path very easily i would go for option b if you're not sure which one to go to uh i'll give you an example a life or death situation with me true story so we're going to go back eons 800 years ago i got a pretty serious blood disease and it almost killed me i was like 18 years old or something like that and uh so i was in the hospital twice a week after i first i was brought in on emergency and they had to pump me up for drugs and stuff and the first day they weren't sure i was going to live the night and so then they they're starting to test what i had and they're putting me on a standard regime major chemicals major steroids i blew up to 245 pounds i became extremely agitated very angry guy because of steroids and so then fast forward a month or two into it three months into it i had two choices faced faced with two choices so the traditional western medicine major surgeries which would result in major drug therapies for rest of my life which would have detrimental effects 10 years down the road uh but this was the way that it was this my disease was dealt with it was the most advanced i dealt with i had one of the most advanced hematologist in the world apparently most famous guys uh i was his patient and uh i had another option where i went to see my my friend a chinese guy his father set me up with a chinese uh doctor from beijing is decades ago and he just came over and he combined western medicine and traditional chinese medicine to create you know to heal people so i i saw him and he can barely speak english and he told me to bring my charts and all my information from the hospital and he went over it and he said to me that he could cure me but it was going to take nine months to do it he said and for six months i was gonna i was gonna see no change in my condition so i had to decide whether or not to go with the traditional approach you know the western approach of medicine which meant major surgeries major drug therapies all kinds of stuff or go with the traditional chinese method their herbs and lifestyle changes etc and then just keep up with the certain types of steroids to keep me alive to give the chinese traditional herbal methodology time to work out so i decided to go with the chinese method because surgery was irreversible they were going to take out my spleen once it's gone it's gone you can't put it back in but i said the chinese therapy will find out in six months you know uh if it doesn't work i can just go back to the more um you know the more profound western approach with the splenectomy and all this kind of stuff and i took a lot of heat by the way on that one i took a lot of heat uh from everybody i said you know this is less drastic the chinese approach there's there's a i can reverse course on that whereas the other route there's no reverse course once they start the surgeries on you you're done anyway long story short uh i got cured dr you cured me and uh but it was right down to the wire so anyway whenever you're choosing making a big decision about life sometimes when you're not sure you don't have all the variables you don't have all the answers and you have one which very drastic very costly versus some another the other option which is not new is costly try that lesser option first try the simpler thing first before engaging in the big thing this is also a good principle for software engineering as well as well right when you have a let's say some sort of bug pops up in your system always start with what is the more likely and the more easily fixed thing as opposed to the big overhaul solution uh yeah so that's why it's always better to patch and rewrite from not always better but it most of times better to patch up an application that's that's not performing well than to try and rewrite from scratch it's because when you rewrite from scratch of course you introduce new errors what do you mean about flutter thank you for advices i looked at flutter when it first was coming out per first public release you can find on videos and i thought it was a good tech apparently it's a good tech um i i see there's more and more flutter jobs out there so i think it's probably a good thing to get well let's check it out a little flutter how many flutter jobs in miami okay nine jobs not so much but if there's only eight flutter developers then you're in luck man they're not high paying i say that's not very good 10 22 22 now that's that's that forget that somebody offers you 20 10 an hour and your experience that's what they get that's what you tell them so not too many flutter jobs but maybe it's just florida let's see um new york new york new york fine jobs 100 jobs there we go full stack flutter 100 150 000 a year there you go urgently hiring full-time description must have three year experience in flutter that's stupid flutter's so used so so new uh but pay is pretty good pays pretty good anyway so there you go there are flutter jobs a hundred of them in new york that's why you gotta check out different areas right flutter aws see i i said i thought flutter would have legs and looks like it has legs high pain too there you go there's your answer yeah so flutter is good it's a lot of times it's the jobs that dictate you know it's the jobs how are we doing all right 53 minutes all right we'll answer a few more marcus got my attention because he used the official salute uh when you save as some companies look for higher degrees are you generally referring to cs degrees or just higher degrees in general what is the value of an engineering degree i see engineering and cs as you know you know they have the same value there may be specializations depending on the type of job the particular job or they may prefer a cs or engineer but generally speaking it's interchangeable um in terms of higher degrees in general certain places will just say if you can just show you have a university degree even in philosophy and you can show experience as a developer then they'll be able to hire you the university degree thing and this is disappearing i think more quickly than you think you know roll back 10 years or more you just have to have you just had to have it it was like an absolute no degree a lot of jobs forget it uh but this is disappearing because people now know that you know apple did a big study google talked about it openly they said that you don't need a degree to be a good developer apple did a huge study he was ibm as well they found that their people who had no degrees were just as capable capable as people who had degrees so yeah it's a general principle i talk about like i have studio web we have a certifications and many schools use our certifications but i always tell people and these are proper certifications certificates of completion where there's no testing are worth just about zero this is what they're worth zero apparently they're worth not much maybe one on the 100. i say certifications are worth 10 10 times more proper certifications not certificates certifications where you're tested and it's randomized this is what we do servita so that's a proper certification has an exam that being said certifications are worth this much and real job experience is worth off the charts so i always emphasize with my mentoring program people uh you have to get out there and do the real work so we're really into we even though we have people get certified with us it's about the portfolio website that matters more so that's why i emphasize that yes javascript and php i teach three programming languages i teach python php javascript i'm about to release updates to them i've been delayed with that the pro versions i call them um and once you've done those three courses you cover basically all the major concepts and techniques and software development how to deploy a react app to production that's a broad question it seems like coding skills come to nothing without sales skills sales is the hardest for me well that's why you should do my lizard wizard course check it out before below there's lizard wizard and there's my lizard wizard training which is free lizard wizard comodo there it is the link is below and here it is this is free sign up here lizardwizardcomodo and uh i think the link is below and if you sign up there let me just zoom out there you can find the link right up here and lizard wizard comodo will teach you it's basically daily training i'll teach you the basics of lizard technique it's based on this training here check that out if you want to learn about sales interpersonal skills speaking this is the course for you uh yeah i appreciate it all right greeting hope all as well by the way notice i got like the best bokeh game in the game best poker game in town look how blurry that hand is all right uh [Music] hey how are you alex joe sergeant how are you man any recommendations about being a stuck and d yet debugging laugh out loud whoa yeah the the bad bug see if you're hitting a bug snag like that see if you can bring in another developer uh another thing you can do is subdivide so you start eliminating variables so i if you have i'm not sure what the details are so let's say you have uh i'll use a very simple example to illustrate the point let's say you have a bug on a particular you've identified the class and you're not sure why then you start stepping through the code throwing in random variables here and there to see if what comes through or not break it up into smaller simple pieces that might be what it is there's different types of bugs there's process bugs where you know part of your app is not making a proper connection or something it could be just simple typo bugs there could be just logic flaws in logic that's one of the insidious things about javascript because it's such a weird language you could uh you you could be writing code that resolves but it resolves incorrectly and you wouldn't have that problem with a strongly typed language like a java versus javascript so yeah break it up to components you can get other developers that's my two cents i heard a funny saying from a new programmer is excited to write code and an experienced programming site to delete code yeah well that's pretty much it uh simplicity is the key to being a great developer or engineer or fighter or business business business owner i always describe coding as more like sculpting less like painting with painting you're adding layers with sculpting sculpting you're pulling away the excess to reveal your statue you want to strip away strip away strip away writing is like that too i'm a i'm a published author and i've written a lot for in magazines i have my book and when i write i write out my first draft and just like i write software i write out my first draft real quick and if i can't find the perfect word or phrase or something i just put in some dummy template if you will text and then i go back the second iteration and my second iteration i'm just cleaning up i'm removing excess excess sentences excess words i'm simplifying refactoring classes and methods i'm stripping it down and then the third is the further refinement and with each pass every refinement i'm simplifying my code i'm stripping it down the best and most advanced code is the simplest code yes live long and prosper all right guys woohoo it's already an hour i'll answer a couple more questions quickly in the maya here danny hey uncle steph been been watching all your videos this week just got serious about learning to cove been in and out for a few years now due to life but all in now hey congratulations danny my if i had one tip to help you learn to cold very quickly discipline yourself to do 20 minutes a day four days to five days a week and be sure to take a break midweek 20 minutes a day that's all so come in on tuesday you're like i'm tired i want to go play apex i want to go play call of duty but just do 20 minutes sit down do 20 minutes you've moved the ball forward you've made progress the key is you got to give yourself those wins and the win is to make progress learn a little bit step by step shameless self-promotion that's why my courses are designed that way you watch a video five six minutes boom you do some quizzing write some code all in the system it gives you grades tells you how well you did and then that's it you close the app you go play apex go watch film next day you come back you log in takes you right where you were so you do the same thing and you see step by step slowly slowly you'll learn so just do that make that your discipline 20 minutes a day and you'll learn all right okay good question what is the most effective way to learn to code learning through building projects or learning concepts first in but learn your concepts and your basics first and then build projects it's kind of a mixture you do my web stack my python course and you have the perfect blend of the two and you learn super quick don't take it from me um just um read the reviews you have a lot of self-control i swear all day long in my normal speech i sense you can do it but keep capped for the camera oh yeah there's publix i'll leave you with this there's public staff uncle steph who deals with a lot of schools a lot of christian schools and then there's private stuff i remember one day years ago my girlfriend at the time she had seen one of my videos this is before i and she came in she looked at me said i saw one of your videos today and i said all right you did okay she goes i go what she goes you know it's not really uh you know how we talk normally i said well anyway i'll stop there i don't know i'm not going to say what i said afterwards but yeah no when you when you're unfortunately these days um you have to curb certain words that you say and so on my opinions are consistent though my opinions are consistent all right last question from jamming coder hey uncle steph your videos and streams have really helped me boost my confidence i'm glad i could help good good on that and point me in the right direction i finally took a leap into freelance coding and i'm getting my first clients hey congratulations good job fantastic all right guys i know there's a lot more questions but um all right so you really he's stepping up four hours a day if you can do four hours good the max you should do i suggest is four hours a day is because the brain works at peak performance three to four hours a day and then it's your cognitive capabilities crash so there you go uh last one hey steph the great 169 year old developer i appreciate that uh i am taking your full stack web dev almost done with css working on understanding the concept is there a closer real world project to rehearse as we move on yeah if you if you're in the css course you're going to build a fully responsive website so that's as real world as it gets yeah don't worry you got plenty there all right guys that's pretty much it thanks for joining your stream it's been over an hour i hope you enjoyed it and uh yeah we'll see you soon you
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 5,353
Rating: 4.9016395 out of 5
Id: S0PjLhY1Sdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 20sec (3980 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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