5 Job Positions You Can Get Hired While Learning to code | Webmaster | Content Editor

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so you apply to 20,000 different places and you still haven't gotten a call well maybe is because you're now applying to the right places okay maybe you might not have enough experience but that doesn't mean that you need to stay home without getting paid I'm gonna show you the different keywords that you should be searching right now online on different job portals so make sure you [Music] keyword number one email developer slash HTML email developer so who's hiring for this well you got Gucci you got a Nintendo USA and a whole bunch of other companies that are actually looking for developers to build their emails requirements HTML CSS ok the basics that's all they asking for understanding how to make things responsive understand media queries understand how things work with different type of email clients Gmail Yahoo AOL some people still use AOL I don't know why but they're still using ok using things like your Android Gmail or application using there was a fire bird or something like that at the Mozilla has its own client done that bad I don't know why everybody wants to have their own car everybody wants to be cool right so um also to gmail for iOS etc right just make sure that those emails look good in all of the different platforms all the major platforms of course you're not gonna go all the way to 1998 to try to take care of those browsers or those email clients but just make sure that whatever is in the top 10 they work what's the salary forty five to ninety thousand dollars okay now some people always ask me Joe this sounds astronomical there's guys making thirty five thousand dollars a year doing HTML emails yes that's true these people hacked me even less than that there's people that work I don't know in Maine or something or on top of a mountain or in the middle of nowhere earning $20,000 well that's therefore you need to actually branch out we are living in an economy that you could literally live on top of a mountain and apply for to a job in San Francisco or apply to a job in South Africa apply to a job and Zimbabwe it doesn't matter where the hell the job is apply to that okay there's a whole bunch of jobs out there that are paying a lot of money but if you limit yourself to what's going on on your block of course yeah you could probably make two dollars if somebody wants to pay $2 for our HTML emails number two webmaster okay this is like the og keyword that everybody has heard of you know back in the days of webmaster was a web developer was somebody who would do everything on a website okay now nowadays in 2019 and Beyond there's a lot of people who still use that keyword webmaster so for example you apply to a university right let's say st. John's who's actually hiring right now right you might apply to your local community college right they're not looking for a web developer they're not looking for a web designer the title really says what master because in reality you have to do a couple of things not only do you need to know the basics of HTML CSS and a little bit of JavaScript but you also need to know how to deploy the website how to deal with customer service that GoDaddy because most of these companies they use share hosting right so you got to be comfortable with that okay being able to troubleshoot what happens on the website hey the web site got hacked on is the web sites a little bit down call the professionals you're not getting paid to be a cyber security guy you're getting paid to be the webmaster you're the go-to guy for the guys that don't know anything about the web okay when did we like hey you've heard of something cool that was named bootstrap in say yeah I heard of that okay let me help you out let me put it up real quick okay and that's as hard is ever gonna be okay that position is nothing crazy you know sometimes they'll be situations where somebody might tell you hey Cleese change of men you could you change a little thing here can you add a class here all can you go in and uh you know add a new user to this CMS like that's what the webmaster has become nowadays in 2019 okay that position any one of you guys can actually do the next one we have here is content editor slash what producer and every time that I say slash that means that those are two keywords that you can actually search for individually and they're pretty much all the same job now who's hiring for this position well you got companies like Nordstrom you have companies like WWE you have companies like Volcom hire for this you have companies like Hyatt the hotel chain okay there's a lot of companies searching for people to be you know a content editor or a web producer okay somebody probably think about du gard they're gonna make me do videos are they gonna make me do this this and that no you know what producer or content editor it's more of somebody that is going to take care of the website meaning the content inside of it you might have a Content writer okay that will send you some copyright and then from there you post it up online for them you might go in there and upload some pictures so to be honest with you it's not even that hard at all now what are the requirements requirements is upload files to FTP right most of these companies they have like a not share hosting but they're still using the model of just drag and drop folders you know drag and drop files into some folder and some server somewhere in the world right they still doing it okay a lot of this companies still doing that so knowing your way around something like files in or what was the other one it was like a duck duck something on on Mac I forgot the name of it me I'm a FileZilla type of guy but this are some type of duck and Mac all right so yeah basic JavaScript understanding your way around a CMS a lot of these companies they use Drupal they might use Joomla they might use WordPress most likely WordPress so if you know your way around WordPress and you know how to upload files then you know how to actually lay out your content there right you're good to go now another thing that I do have to mention is [Music] of course I gotta get a text you actually need to know English right you actually need to be good at English not just no wait and be like I know how to talk in English you know I'm from the block you know what I mean you can't go into the the interview like this right this is just me this is just because I don't have a phone in front of the camera right but you actually have to speak proper grammar you actually have to write proper grammar right because you are basically the go-to guy all right so when they give you this content sometimes even the content writer right a copywriter is actually sending you stuff that looks bad right in grammar right and sometimes as the content editor or the web producer you have to be the ones who actually fixing sometimes misspellings sometime the grammar looks crazy so you actually are responsible for what goes to the web if something looks bad you are going to get in trouble because you are responsible for all of the content on that website another job is product editor product editor it's a little bit different right product editor isn't exactly what it sounds is there's a product and you are the editor okay so if you know how to use different type of things like Joomla Drupal WordPress right knowing ecommerce platforms like magento shopify then this is the place for you okay now of course the requirements are uploaded files to FTP right HTML CSS okay the basics okay this is the basics nobody is expecting you to be a master at JavaScript on this right this is literally to go in there upload files there's a lot of times that they might give you a CSV file and say upload this tool or the website and this two thousand products are being uploaded that's it that's your job right you might go in there and say hey could you go change the prices on all of the black frames if they sell sunglasses or they might tell you hey could you change the prices on all of the easy sneakers okay that's it that's your job you are the product editor okay now why do you still need to know HTML CSS because there might be situations where you might have to go in there and tweak the HTML CSS or they might tell you hey Joe could you go change the menus hey Joe could you add an extra link here hey yo could you create this little landing page for us hey yo could you work on this thing here that's why you need to know HTML CSS but pretty much anybody can apply to this position okay a product editor is literally just knowing how to use a computer knowing how to actually use the web and understanding how things work you know it's like if I give that position to my mom it's gonna be ability a bit difficult for her cuz she still have trouble with facebook but if you low your way around Facebook you're good to go like this is not difficult at all all right now some of you guys might have so many skills that in reality this type of jobs are you know below what you have been studying for okay like very very low but one thing that I will tell you is is a back right if you're at home right now and you're over here learning a whole bunch of things and you don't have a job and you're not making money if you're not making at least 50 60 70 thousand dollars right now while you still learning to become I don't know whatever you want to be you know ask catch them and catch them all all the JavaScript frameworks right if you want to be that guy you could be that guy but at the same time you should be getting paid okay so definitely look into all of these jobs now the last one that I have here is something that each one of you guys have probably look for junior developer right who the hell is hiring for this okay this is pretty much startups this is pretty much regular companies out here that might say hey man we need an extra head okay now one thing that I want to tell you guys is before you even search for junior developer is look for the keyword HT else and look for any job that's in there that has HTML applied to it trust me you have an opportunity to get a job today ASAP okay now what's the salary for a junior developer and general developer might get maybe you know anything from 30,000 to 70,000 right now remember this you are part of support you're there to support the mid to senior level developer in that company you're not there to save the world you're not there to do something from scratch architect the whole company no no no nobody you're there to be support you're there to help that developer with tasks that he might not want to do that he might have to do other things that's more important than doing a landing page right or changing a menu or going in and fixing a couple of things or hey uploading 50 thousand photos or little things like that right now I do want to be honest with you guys right one of the reasons why a lot of you guys waste a lot of time is because you've been looking for this position junior developer okay that's like a unicorn right that's like a unicorn that comes I don't know that comes once in a blue moon okay so don't really waste your time with that focus on every other keyword that I gave you the focus on HTML okay apply to every job within that and you should be good junior developer positions are like a unicorn okay they happen but you could be here forever looking for it and never get hired as a junior level developer okay so anyways guys it's a boy job back at it again cutting face comm I want you guys to go visit my website if you like this type of content if you want to learn more and you like this practical advice that I give you guys right I'm trying to make sure that you guys get paid I'm trying to make sure that you guys get a job and you actually are making money while you're learning okay I don't want you to be out here trying to catch them all but like I'll try to get to Google or for the next year I'm just gonna you hurt me in front of my computer for the next two three years without a job and your mom is screaming at you like boy get your job right or your girlfriend's looking at you like yo I'm about to cheat on him right or your wife is like yeah I'm about to leave him because he's over here on a computer all day there's no money coming in they won't believe until the money comes in so in reality you gotta make sure you make some bread okay you gotta make that money that moolah that yes that cash you dig okay the back okay so guys if you want to learn how to code and you want to learn all the good things that come with the web and everything that has to do with all of this things that I was talking about well go to coding phase com go visit my website try it out you know shameless plug it is what it is but go check it out man that's what I do I try to teach you guys and make sure that you guys get jobs I'm not here to try to make you the next Mark Zuckerberg that's a journey that you could do on your own I want to make sure that you get a bag and I want to make sure that you get a job okay that's what I'm here for it's your boy job back at it again coding face.com make sure you subscribe make sure you like this video and leave a comment let me know if you like this content peace the moment you get a bag alert
Channel: CodingPhase
Views: 26,851
Rating: 4.9661589 out of 5
Keywords: codingphase, coding phase, codingphase.com, 5 Positions You Can Get Hired While Learning to code, 5 projects to get hired, 5 jobs to get hired, 5 developer positions, Content Editor, Web Producer, webmaster, web development, web developer portfolio, web developer portfolio review, job positions guaranteed to get hired, guarantee to get hired, Development, Web Developers, highest paying jobs, Jobs you can work while learning to code, jobs you can get hired while learning
Id: 3JuFJ-OCWvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2019
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