How I Made My First $100,000 Online (Mistakes To Avoid)

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hello machines welcome to another very very valuable video in this video i want to share with you guys my journey uh from the beginning all the way to a hundred thousand dollars and there was a lot of mistakes along the way a lot of pain a lot of failure and i want to share with you guys how you can not have to go through the same pain failure and mistakes as i did and achieve a goal that most people will never reach online okay most people never make like a thousand dollars online okay because really all it takes you gotta take action but there's so much more to it because if you don't take the right action you can't like have major major success okay so we're going to cover this um and i want to explain to you something i learned from my mentor and um it's a story about the dodo bird you know what the dodo bird is the dodo bird went extinct okay and uh the reason the dodo bird went extinct is because it wasn't able to adapt it wasn't able to change it wasn't able to uh be smart it's even the word in its name reflects what it is as a creature it was a very dumb like just going with the flow type of animal okay it wasn't very smart and the lesson there about the dodo bird is in order to actually acquire massive wealth in order to actually live a great life in order to actually succeed in whatever you want to do in life you must adapt you must be a learning machine you must must must always acquire knowledge like a crazy person trying to get their next fix you need to like acquire information like it's like you have to live okay and when you treat knowledge like that it's literally the the potential is limitless what you can do okay there's no limit to it just like the uh product i'm offering you guys this month which is the best method by far freaks me out that i'm sharing the information about this method okay it's called the no limits method it's gone at the end of the month okay now um to get into this video i want to share with you guys like my failure up until and how i overcame these failures to actually reach hundred thousand dollars so from the beginning i started doing facebook ads and i started doing blogs i started doing social media marketing and the mistake i was making there was a few things it was not promoting the right kind of offers things that people actually want to buy okay and i was doing a lot of affiliate marketing and man was i obsessed with affiliate marketing and the power of it and how amazing it is because it is so powerful and i knew that from the get-go as soon as i learned about it in fact i was so secretive about the word affiliate marketing i wouldn't tell anybody about it okay but i realized opportunity and how limitless everything really is and how everyone you know can get that bag okay that bag that bread and um that's why i'm so open to sharing things okay even though sometimes i don't want to like the no limits method the ultimate method the golden ticket method these are things i never want to share um how to do adult marketing how to actually do youtube correctly like things that are powerful marketing secrets i would never want to share that i paid thousands of dollars over time for hundreds of thousands of dollars in mentors and courses and books and everything okay but i'm here to give to you guys the best knowledge i can and uh so overcoming the mistake of not picking the right offer was a huge thing okay because the thing is like one offer can literally sell at a massive massive rate and create buyer frenzies in comparison to an offer that doesn't okay here's the difference if you pick an offer that's super good you can make this much money and if you pick an offer that's all right you can still sell it okay but you can't make it obscene amounts of money that tower should be even bigger okay to explain my point there um the potential is endless when you have a great offer also when you know how to craft offers that's huge i would just pick an offer that i thought would do good i had no way of really knowing and the only way i did know was i had to go test it and i'd waste time the best way to know is to learn from others mistakes or to ask people who do know if an offer is good or not so ask affiliate managers ask product owners or when you make your product go look at what's working out there in the market and do that that was my that was a huge lesson for me on my journey to making my first 100 000 which is a long long time ago next thing i want to share with you guys is traffic okay a huge mistake i was making when i was doing traffic was i didn't like take a calculated risk beforehand um with the traffic generation so i didn't like write out the numbers and prepare for my hypothesis of what i assumed would happen when i started spending money on the traffic and even like see if it could be profitable just from preparing writing it down um and running the numbers so you really really got to pla plan out like what the numbers would look like so let's say your budget's a thousand dollars and you assume your cost per click will be 50 cents we'll assume and you're running traffic to a funnel with an average order value of 30 and you run that math and your conversion rate let's say is one percent you run that math that's your hypothesis will it be profitable will it be break even and the thing is when you acquire customers that break even this is a huge lesson i learned throughout my journey um when you acquire customers at break even or for free that is the best scenario in any business or in any way to make money because literally in that scenario you have the opportunity now to sell more stuff um and make huge huge profits like all profit huge profit and by the way obviously if you're profitable on the front end of your paid ads or anything you're doing you're going to be so happy because you're profitable but break even you should throw a party that's what i learned from a big mentor called russell brunson um you should throw a party okay if you literally are profitable or break mainly break even if you're breaking just throw a freaking party bro go crazy okay and that can happen very often we know what you're doing okay now the other thing i want to share with you guys is when you're doing uh content creation that's a very very good thing okay content creation lasts forever on most platforms and it can be diversified to multiple platforms now if you're not doing youtube where you're not doing anything that's a video format type content you're going to really really struggle i discovered this this is when i first started i was doing image type um methods so like instagram and pinterest and stuff like that and i was like really failing because you know that doesn't build a connection with the buyers that doesn't create intrigue or interest or desire at all and so i discovered that after failing a lot of different stuff trying those things i was intimidated by youtube okay eventually i got into youtube and uh that was when things really started to take traction i mean i started to make my first like more than at least a dollar online because my first money ever made online was from amazon associates i only made like 12 cents okay and that affiliate program is freaking awesome because they'll click through your link anything they buy through your link on amazon you'll get commission for uh but you won't make thousands of dollars or hundreds of dollars sometimes you could if they spend like oh just crazy money on amazon uh but you're usually gonna make like a few dollars okay per person and i have tricks of how to promote amazon associates which which i discovered many years later and it's very powerful method i've never shared it before which i could share it in the future maybe uh it has some nuances to it though okay but anyway that's not the secret to make money online secret is know how to get traffic sales and know how to pick the right offers or create the right offers to sell and that's how you really really when you're making money online but you know so many mistakes along the way in fact i got so suicidal depressed multiple times the one thing that kept me going was that desire to make money online like just today so far i'm over ten thousand dollars without doing like anything okay and that's what doing youtube that's what doing paid ad campaigns that's from just passive income streams that come in uh that adds up okay that adds up yesterday was like around thirty thousand dollars okay and man am i so grateful i'm so grateful that i i'm even here right now talking to you guys sharing with you like how to do this stuff like it's ridiculous i never thought it'd be possible to reach that type of money um i could teach you guys how to do that all day long this video alone it's like all you need in order to like make big money online i'm telling you it's crazy um what you can do when you have like don't be a dodo bird like literally become what's the craziest animal in the animal kingdom is it a lion maybe is an eagle depends maybe it's your soul animal what's your soul animal um and because you can't just have a fish go to school to learn to climb a tree you need a fish to focus on its lane and be a fish and become the fastest swimmer it can possibly be and that's what people need to be that's what people need to focus on their strengths and uh double down on that okay that's how you become super successful is you know yourself you're adaptable to change you're fearless these are superpowers in this world um okay so just remember that okay now i'm gonna go back to getting traffic the best ways to get traffic that i discovered on my journey was not doing um pointless marketing pointless aimless content creation you need to have deliberate content creation and know your strategy and plan it out ahead of time okay months ahead of time usually it's a big lesson i learned uh because i would just aimlessly create content hoping but at the same time i was testing stuff testing testing testing on my way and uh man is that so important to like actually calculate and plan and scheme you know scheme the word is not the best word but it means just preparing okay what you're gonna do okay putting together the plan and um the other thing to mention um thing is you know in marketing when and i'm gonna tell you this right now the best scenario in marketing is when you're doing content creation plus paid marketing for a long term in the past it was so easy to do paid marketing and just crush it no problem and have horrible ad campaigns horrible banner ads horrible ad creatives horrible targeting and still make a lot of money because they're so cheap and there's like no competition and there was no other difference like there's no extra effort and extra effort raises people's stakes it raises people's effort levels in the marketplace you're in and so going above and beyond always wins and uh so when doing content creation here's why it's powerful you can test your marketing material for free on these platforms like youtube instagram facebook all this stuff usually video format will always be the best also long video formats always the best it depends on what you're doing though like i have a massive cash cow entertainment channel and on that channel shorter content can be good content around 10 minutes is usually a sweep spot for that channel though uh for a personal brand channel like this longer content is usually better okay um for and there's there's only like two different things in the people go to online for to be either entertained or be educated or both okay and so knowing that is huge so there's only two scenarios there when you're educating long-form content is best when you're entertaining shorter form content will usually be super good and by the way viral content's usually around three to four minutes okay so don't forget that uh you could look at tick tock and the most comments below a minute because that's the format for the all videos it's less than a minute okay but anyway getting traffic comes down to a lot of consistency doubling down on the niche you're in and the market you're in and just making a lot of content for it you're testing in the market for free the best content you have then you boost that content it becomes a really profitable ad and when coupled when content is coupled with an offer you make racks okay especially when that content piece works like it actually is proven to work without any paid promotion or anything like it's proven to actually get views and get attention and stuff then you can boost it even more and just make a lot of money but it has to have a pitch of an offer inside and i discovered this a long time after you know failing a lot okay so you need content that not only educates or entertains but also pitches an offer nowaday you'll even look at tick tock and you'll see some drop shipping people are literally making tick tock accounts for specific offer specific products okay and they make tick tocks around these products and these tick tocks if it gets millions of views they can make like over fifty thousand dollars over a hundred thousand dollars plus okay free marketing and that's powerful okay i'm talking all profit not even including like the margins for the cost of goods i'm talking all profit bro that's huge and so when you know this stuff you can crush it and by the way being able to catch trends early that might have been the biggest discovery for sure for me okay and i'm sure it is for you because literally when you're able to look ahead to the future and make a assumption of what will happen and it pays off and it does happen and you took early action on it you don't have to be the early early adopter to the big wave you can be right here okay when you listen to your friends or family or you look online and you're watching content you notice patterns at the next big trend happening you got to know how to capitalize on it and think of all the angles because there's scenarios where there's a trend we can capitalize with drop shipping and e-commerce there's trends where you can capitalize with the health okay niche or the wealth niche or the love niche or natural disasters or like maybe there's a fear trend like it's creating a bunch of fear in people and then there's a solution to that that's a really powerful trend okay uh really really powerful you could sell a lot of stuff doing that and get a lot of attention doing that anything to do with money that's powerful anything to do with solutions to health that's a big trend you just got to know how to calculate on that it could be digital products or physical products or just making content creation and capitalizing on that attention gathered okay um those are some several ways to really really make money from trend um it's crazy so that was a huge thing knowing how to trend stack that that's huge because you could notice one trend but that's so powerful you know so trying to capitalize on it but when you like combine ideas it's called idea stacking there's a lot of money in that there's a lot of money in that bro um it's ridiculous okay and so you know the first success i had i'm going to finally get to it now the first success i had um making money online was doing a youtube channel where i was just making entertainment content and i started getting a lot of traction a lot of views okay and i started promoting affiliate offers cpa offers cpa offers are like cost production offers you can go google and stuff and i was using max bounty and other different networks and i ended up just doubling down with max bounty max bounty max bounty and i was building big email list when i first started and i was doing everything correctly and making mistakes still along the way but the one thing that the literary customer for me was going all in on something that was making me money okay and now it's scaled up at this point to hundreds of thousands of dollars a month okay just from cpa marketing and affiliate marketing and getting tons of leads and all this stuff okay now if it reaches a million a month i doubt you know because it's possible but i think it's reached its threshold and i'm so grateful and um adsense revenue alone that's like thirty thousand fifty thousand dollars a month just from adsense revenue and it's like just by planting a seed early it can really really grow planting that seed bro that can really grow and keep growing up um that's powerful to understand okay um passive income is very very real and in order to make it happen takes work up front and this work is fun okay and especially you should pick something that will be fun and enjoyable for you that's how you win okay because you wake up every day and you're excited to go to work i'm so excited all the time to do the different ideas um for videos and content that i have planned and making content around big big trends okay because we make content where all the attention is that's what happens guys you know it just goes with the wave and then the next trend happens because there will always be a trend and you're going to notice this because history repeats itself it's always happening and you're not doing trends that last only a day or a week you're doing trends that last few months or more so look for those ones i'm sure you're aware of which ones they are currently whenever you're watching this okay and so doing content creation with trends or uh anything in general plus selling something whatever it may be but it must be a good offer or a lot of offers that's where a lot of money is guys okay and that's how i made my first success and then i have been maintaining it ever since okay that channel and i actually had a channel um before that that i grew and i ended up selling to one of the learning machines this was a long time ago that was another channel and i mean didn't have time for it and he's growing growing it up to make tons of money okay i don't know how much he's making nowadays but he's definitely made his money back then some and he still does okay and it's like crazy he bought an asset and that's another powerful thing it's like buy assets and you're gonna make way more money and more money and more money because money is useless if not used it's like this could sit sit and eventually just fade away and inflation and everything and all that stuff gets involved and so when you take this money and you send it out like an army of troops to go get the other army of troops that are captured or something or imprisoned by the enemy and you bring back more troops you send this out and then you come back with two that's doubling your money and man is that powerful okay and so know how to invest your money when you're making money know how to maintain what's making you money and be able to maintain it and do more stuff and more stuff and more stuff know how to compound uh everything you're doing and uh that type of skill isn't necessary to make a hundred thousand dollars make a hundred thousand dollars do the math you know put in your calculator hundred thousand dollars divided by if you want to do it in a year divided by three's 365 days or divided by 12 months in a year and then you're going to see like what it takes to make that money divide it by a certain price point of a product you're selling let's say you're selling a thirty dollar product divide a hundred thousand dollars by thirty dollars that's many customers you need okay to buy the thirty dollar thing or yeah and so just do the math and you're gonna see that money is so easy to come by guys and you don't need to have a job you don't need to do any work that you don't like to do you can literally make a living doing whatever you want to do and i'm going to leave you with that guys thank you so much for watching this video i hope you freaking loved it check out links in description and peace out learning machines let's go
Channel: Benjamin Fairbourne - Learning Machines
Views: 13,454
Rating: 4.3000002 out of 5
Id: ONQWXjclr_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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