CallMeKevin:Quarantining but it's Project Zomboid [Project Zomboid]

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be alive mmm it's bad is that 200 anywhere life okay good I pressed a button in the bottom right and now I have a skull above my head probably okay let's just saying that didn't happen I think it's P P P oh I think I turned it off anyway so even if you turn it on I don't think people do anything that's good they're just gonna tweet it and I'll leave it at that I don't want to post on YouTube or anything you're doing it three two one no I'll be doing twitch i extremely once in about six months knitters their twitch things hello everyone me and Max are playing some projects on boy thank you for that we've earned it me and maxing on the quarantine the in projects aren't boys which was the last the Red Dead one I suppose yeah yeah you just can't tell because we don't have cowboy voice is hard if only we streamed it earlier I'll level one complete what does that mean steamed up and picture oh it's the hype train thing that I don't understand fantastic before you reach level 2 good job Kevin good job boss we did it we've accomplished it okay we don't know this game too well yeah we used to know it but I've forgotten most of it you can't wait you can hear me this is the problem my chat I don't know if they're being serious or if it's like the louder meme and they're louder memes I love loud I mean yeah it's even worse than I like host people because they obviously don't get the context and there's people spamming louder in there [Music] yeah okay thank you all for coming and I am about to remove or invisibility in god mode and we're about to start our new life yes that's the flood yeah we just went invisible and flew to this nice little house to start our base cuz I needed to start up the stream and we were getting killed I noticed we have a nice little mini van out front for the kids which is nice kids wait a second just cuz my character happens to be female and this doesn't mean kids oh wait I don't have a key how do we check the house it's still moving it's got no fuel in no key no there's gas in the gas tank according to this is there it's as empty online no gas tank 39 percent or is that just the gas tank is still working hmm and I wish if we is about oh oh I think that might be condition of the gas tank you can still use the gas tank yeah but I think it's empty oh yeah it's condition so to find guess yeah we need to find gas and keys oh I hit Q and apparently that shouts I just showed him over here to all the zombies in some bad news our fridge is absolutely empty all right there is a butter knife that I'll fantastic okay yeah right click on the ground and click on the ground yeah yeah right click and say dig with hens okay there we go all right great job wait can you see garden yeah you can you can meet a little firm yeah Oh Oh fantastic with your hands please there's only one bed [Laughter] all right I'm thirsty in two ways you sure you're not cold all right look for some weapons yeah how do I stop my character from being extreme panicked take off your clothes it's surprisingly calving thanks for joining I just see people coming in think I mean that's not enough that would be really impressive just ripped it off like in some maneuver okay great everybody survived this is like the beginning of all good zombie outbreaks in this movie okay I have a fantastic plan max there is a warehouse up north we're gonna run up there and get the best loot in the game and then come back home right okay yep I'm very slow why is it so much faster than you how do you jump here so I can actually see thanks for the subs as well folks I'm gonna try and improve because mostly when I do streams I've just paid like reading the donations and stuff constantly so while I appreciate them I'm gonna try not to keep reading them and just gonna try to play normally because I'm not good at streaming a lot of multitasking and while you're playing a game that already requires multitasking it's just more on top of it yes and especially I think it's easier the fact I'm playing with you because if I was by myself I tend to look at the donations a lot and like I see them coming up and it's it's awesome and everything but I don't want to be reading them all and the whole stream me just reading The Scream okay my character is running really slow yeah sounds like a you problem accident almost as fast as you okay I think I've got some stamina Bank I didn't even get to create my character because I normally like to to give them like the weird traits that make them absolutely useless and that's the vital oh god I thought you knew the way I was following you okay oh no my games frozen oh no it's still running don't worry okay good because I'm oh no no I came close to the circuit does it shut down all right that was a rough day too saved at least everyone on the stream gets to see my n lovely artwork that I made myself by the way hypetrain success you received a level five hype trainer mode oh I'm gonna share that with the chat I have no idea what I'm doing do you know what the hype train is max cuz I think it's like okay as far as I understand on all my years of watching twitch it's when people sub consecutively one behind another you start a train right and then people have to keep it going so it'll give you like a time slot for people to continue the train mmm but where's the train going no it could be anywhere where do you want it to go Kevin that's what you really need to ask yourself a time like these I don't really mind where it goes I just care about the friends we make along the way and isn't that always the most important part it's not the journey but the people yeah as the saying goes all right I'm starting it up again who's the dude max that you were with videos if you've seen you you may remember him from such hits as Red Dead Redemption and that delivery game thing yes totally reliable little delivery service okay where the heck are you we're on your friends list are you there oh you're alone okay you should be able to join oh I just joined let's see wait are you in not yet oh okay I'm trying to distract his armies okay good oh Jesus oh god I wish I had pants wait I would pants mister I mean if you couldn't see that [ __ ] myself okay I'm coming in and clicking to start go north towards oh wait you're there okay great these are my friends they're gonna be faster than me okay I think we're still on the right track but I might let cuz we're runnin is that some sort of runners joke yeah we run track okay where the [ __ ] okay we may be lost there's a slight chance I'm glad you're admitting it cuz I don't know where we're going to begin with at least if you're lost and we're definitely lost is it not like we're gonna head back this way come follow into the dangerous scary here somewhere okay I think it's this way wait wasn't there know we used to use like an interactive one let's head into the trees that's how we used to do it but there's no actual in-game map I think I feel like we're going heading back to the house I mean at this point I take it there's nothing wrong with that every adventure can't be a good one otherwise you know you gotta take the lols I'm thirsty Kevin that's all I've gotten out of this is extreme first alright for adventure I think in yes I like that attitude okay yes I think in my oh wait hold on there's a clearing no forgot even more confused you got that interactive map anyway that would help they building like a shopping mall here and then they stopped or what the hell happened possibly I wish they'd finished it to make things better I feel like I made them worse I feel like we went into one big circle yeah cuz I remember just coming through woods at some point so yeah and it pretty much means we've gone full circle these trees definitely look familiar I recognize that pine tree anywhere ok if we keep going this way we're going to hit that field with the wire fence or we're gonna hit a road and then it's a 50/50 chance we just go one way or the other yeah if I was a game developer I would put zombies in the forest that's why you're not completely safe do not fear what are you guys looking for pretty much anything in this mind I was that's a warehouse but yeah that's that's a bit insensitive to be honest oh wait yeah this is the fence this is the one we needed ok good I'm alright take two this is back where we started we're gonna go this way again follow me [Laughter] you keep telling me you know where you're going but I believe it less and less as time goes on as long as you believe it slightly I'm fine with that what are Max's public accounts do you let people know your Twitter or I think people couldn't find my Twitter quite easy if they know your Twitter doesn't take too much investigation you got a work from me she's playing hard to get yeah people just want to know what I look like and yeah I feel like that's also very easy to do you guys are smart cookies pretty sure you can all figure it out yeah it's a sense of accomplishment right all right can smash like every photo that you find in there on out oh I recognize this this is great okay good hold on there should be something out in the garden here like yeah a swing set or something all right there's not but that doesn't mean we're lost I'm still confident I know yeah okay I'm just gonna keep following you and keep trusting you wait no it wasn't a swing set it was a park bench I all know them confused no there should be a warehouse zombies right here we leave my kids on park benches thinking this is the building yeah but like don't you feel really good after all that exercise I think my characters no faster than you so maybe I'm still really well actually here yes we were and let me show you a water fountain oh yes this is that water fountain this where people used to group around and talk about utter nonsense for hours on end yeah so how about that economy you go up to see those two pairs of capri oh yeah say whatever's in the box and even cycled through the boxes on the right section ah does anyone know if there's lights in here Thunder like it's I can't see a thing or is that a bad idea what are good things to find I hear banging should we be worried probably just the wind the crow bear is a perfect weapon if you have anybody good um hammer I need a hammer quick to the primary got a crowbar I'm getting half-life valves or no vibes not valve probably we're definitely have to come back here yes they found a hammer great the music is too loud I will turn down the music because I am this good at streaming or is it just like pick up bags okay a hammer you want to have I found a hammer but you can grab a second one if you want you know [Music] we have a shotgun nope but we can throw those bullets as fast as we can get back that's a warning shot this is it clinking along the crab the fan loads of seeds I can't wait to begin my garden oh yes I think you should be the family yes should be the character okay because I actually picked the carpentry class oh I found a sauce and that might be good for you yes this all is perfect good man you good good good thank you an ax would be feckin amazing if you can find a better needle does that work I mean it guess so but it would take a long time you could so you know whatever you need it I suppose I'll just sew some walls a bucket buck is probably a good thing right I don't know if you can use that as a bag but if you can that will be really handy I take water in it massage my carrots too thirsty all the time it's her ste again no no no no with I could be oh wait you entirely new hold on I've got a bucket of oh wait no actually I'm stupid the music is literally just gone high it's gone off maybe I can find a radio around here actually I just realized I've been telling your stream to find my Twitter to find my face what about just using my twitch emoji oh very good point here you go boys and girls bit louder I can put it up a bit louder but if the music comes back it might be a bit blaring oh no okay good I thought it crashed again please not again I'm finding a lot of tent pegs and I don't really know why or if they are actually useful at all tent pegs I have no idea oh I found ice cream a sledgehammer but ice cream I ate it off ice cream in years I'm fairly heavy load apparently I just want to say like I kind of noticed but I didn't want to say anything by the way I don't need to alarm you but there's definitely something banging on the door I just thought you were not letting in like the Mormons again or something I didn't remember oh there's a shovel here for your garden oh nice it's classified as a weapon but I wouldn't be using it like that no no no a weapon of creativity and gardening me oh I think this pledge hammer is really weighing me down oh yeah definitely will you can leave it here in a bona just equipped it and it's no longer weighing me down Oh perfect that's got to be a good weapon honestly the loot is kind of bad I I've not gotten anything that great I've got seeds and a bucket of water that was my main conquest is there an upstairs do we miss out on like something else about the snacks but yet there's my smash the snack machine listen what did i do - you didn't give me snacks I can't he just okay - just kids put all my god I found cabbage seeds do you want oh yes okay I might this is fantastic I have exerted myself by swinging my sledgehammer too many times [Laughter] upset they'll break the door down eventually yeah I'm kind of thinking about in the back of my mind I think we're almost done here anyway honestly the loot has been pretty bad I don't like any of this stuff there's a rooftop I think that the rooftop yeah I think there is talk to me all right I think I'm ready to go up you air yeah I'm gonna run slowly bags with my sledgehammer now now someone said sledgehammer is godlike to your item though okay good I'll definitely hold onto it now will we go out this side yeah oh are we getting back home does that yeah I just realized I hope we can share a bed likely not a weird way I'm just saying like if we need to be like you're the last woman is that the part where I said not in another few of the last man on earth can you kind of go well [Laughter] [Music] that is Kevin screaming with I'm streaming with me it's the common question of where's that nice I hate it all that's why I'm running so slow how are you guys holding up treating the quarter I think okay I think we were talking earlier just like so far it's been alright sanity get a bit restless and we're just like it's probably gonna get pretty tough if this goes on for a few months yeah I found toilet paper today today was a good day no I mean to flex on everyone in chat but I just want to turn down the music can you protect me I can sure try that doesn't inspire confidence okay yeah sorry the music just like went off and then it just came back on it was max playing with that's just a small-time youtuber keeps trying to get everyone to call him Kevin where's Jon reason I gave myself this YouTube's kids actually Greg it's okay back home do we have any food because I'm package we gonna survive a zombie apocalypse if we can't even open the door we have zero food and I ate all the ice wait hold on there's some canned tomato here can opener though we need a can opener oh there's a can opener here in the corner and there's some chips yeah how do I get to foodie I'm gonna try and open the tomato because I feel like you know I should give myself a challenge to open can tomato eat all of it I ate all of the tomato fantastic do you many sheets no okay this is no I had a banana old along ah come on thanks for the bits folks okay are we just gonna chance sleeping and hoping we don't die or do you want to go out and get some sheets like drop some stuff like I don't know if this welding mask is actually useful but there it is you know it's awesome alright let's put all clothing in this wardrobe one thing oh yeah right we're not waiting yeah some spare underwear here some pants there's like sheets and stuff wait can't we rip them up and then I'm ripping them into little bits I don't know how to do you craft a rope you can craft a rope let's be able to craft sheets and of like tattered clothing maybe not sheets but like something you can just think you can but I'm not sure I'm putting my carpentry stuff in this little cupboard here oh I'll put your sore in there try and sleep yeah you know you only live once literally because you might die yeah just put my pants away okay you can't make sheets someone said you cannot sing soup remember I went to did that a two point Hospital lifestream like the thing I went down there stream and stuff oh yeah right yeah I went on that and like during one of the breaks like I my segment was over so I left and they're like producer like called me over and he was like god the audio board and all this controlling everything he's just like Kevin why do they keep saying soup he didn't even know if it was like from me or what he just didn't understand what was going on it's just because I don't like soup and they like the same stuff that I don't like I'm just trying to think of things you don't like did you sleep no should I yes okay how do I do that oh they're sleeping I am too panicked to sleep Kevin you know Jesus Christ so how do we get rid of my panicking no pleasing you how do I stop being pink there's a book in here can you read this book well I can either in this drawer here maybe someone can help us in the chat you might know I will read this book and I hope that that is what will calm me down read when is DJ kevy returning I don't know maybe in this game maybe we could open like a club or something I'm just demonstrating how easy it would be for one of us to fall out of there I think I read the book and it's gone out of my inventory now and I'm still connected with that in case you were wondering who reads a book and then just throws it away what if I want to reheat it there's a same reason in here stress-reduction -15 read that oh okay magazine see the magazine panicked reading the magazine that's not helping I think I'm still panicked I sit down I can sleep on the chair can you sleep on the chair no I'm too panicked oh don't be silly wait did I turn off god mode I did didn't I I'm sorry yeah cuz I turned off that I mean I got like anger and stuff imagine okay yeah how the hell do we cam and down stop it you're stressing me out no going outside is stressful so that's not gonna help I just drink some water you know there's no warm milk so you know what it might have to do I hear some sexy I don't come outside because it's just gonna stress you out oh Jesus okay maybe come outside oh god I can't even [ __ ] see it's very oh my god okay so dark and we gotta just one new to the gardens yeah loop around the house oh my god it is so fake in there hi all right let's run I hope so okay I can't imagine why it would very dark we're gonna lay low in another house yeah Jesus Christ I can't see anything I can just about see you here just about ahead of me so okay there's a little house here they want soup I can't even see what I'm finding okay turn back yeah easy never an easy setting where we can just be given food for like a model zombies and no zombies yes it's windows locked okay this house looks safe it looks completely safe there's no one home there's zero danger in here and you come in the light well I don't think it's on it one of the windows is smashed it's upstairs zombies can't go upstairs right this is just horrible okay do you still have those and ropes or whatever I have this corpse on me that doesn't help what if I throw the corpse out the wind wait is that oh that's not you that's a sob Jesus Christ where they come from that is indeed not me this is me hi there I'm gonna put the corpse in the cupboard that's a good place how are you the corpse there we go in the customs how that would help they look lovely in or out this is just going horribly like I don't think it could have gone worse if we tried I'm pretty sure I've had better starts to this game oh yes destroy the corn oh wait that's to destroy walls don't do that and I have a sledgehammer at all did we find more sheets oh she's okay I got all the sheets we need I'm resting Kevin maybe that will stop me from panicking love quick just a quick sip yeah oh go on then okay can we leave yes we can leave lovely wait doc I need two words all right I'm running south did you get the curtains yes I got the curtains how do I stop my character from being for Penix what did you go by the way Kevin so I just went back to the road now I'm in the forest wait that's not you oh that's not you either just go like down on your screen and you'll get to me how long does this game I'm on the road which way did you go I'm running towards the house okay that's right isn't it ah so upside I think I'm into what's the house in Japan okay there's still a horde here I'm gonna try to leave them away hey what's the dead zombies maybe this isn't the way to the house telling anyone on the way out zombies not like at the house there's one in the house Oh God can you deal with them yeah I think dealt with him this is so stressful tell me about it my characters so panicked - strong panic now what's yours extreme back thanks everyone for joining Tom bees are coming in with me oh sweet Jesus okay yeah I need help oh Jesus I don't know if you can deal with lists' it okay we can do when they get me yeah I can't see [ __ ] this is the worse that I've ever had in this game this is horrible yeah where'd you go damn yeah I went out with the main gaze again hey you I'm just a gnashing to you just to try and follow me oh I'm oh no oh no that didn't sound good max I'm fine okay why do I keep swinging the wrong way you got a like point your cursor towards them like don't point on them just point there we are so fact the game has been awful a few be stead alright let's restart this I feel like this is yeah this is definitely one of the worst starts yeah a hundred of cents and we're about to die anyway so yeah let's speak for yourself I'm just panicked oh I couldn't even create how do you create character I want to character I don't want to just be max the shore generic looking woman you know I want to be the woman to this pandemic I mean a zombie love story you know it's soft reset is that okay keeps buildings and constructions removed item just removes corpses hmm no we don't want that do we we just want to like a fresh start on where we can I guess yeah like create a new one yeah I guess you delete that one okay yeah someone said I have to delete you should have kept going just to see how bad it gets I think if it was daytime I would have but it was nighttime and I couldn't see anything which means you guys couldn't see anything just running around I think we'll count that as a a draw look at what that was a warm-up that was like the warm-up project yeah yeah real to show you what we're capable of I really like them where's my gym mate they sold a youtube point you choose my YouTube figures you know I like them they really can wait I spawned in I spawned in as me I'm still dying eat me god dammit eat me all right I'm just gonna run into a pile of zombies II thought you deleted the world and I didn't but I guess it saved my character Oh am i just joining on this no no that is gonna be like it's ded jim picking new character okay great it's letting me make okay this is Tim Peggy's you reckon this is like a really old character that I had been though the games just remembered that I had see the Chester yes all right okay yeah good good good a fast reading oh I could keep my sledge and buy the house yeah I just ran down the rolling dummy so except it's locked okay fantastic I've got a hammer I spawned in a Random House the trick is I'm gonna have to I can teleport you to me are you starting a new character or um if what should I do is I just kill myself yeah that's what I did I just ran down the road okay hello zombies can I lower the game sound yeah sure eat me have a good old numb they're not doing anything Kevin I'm worried oh there we go they were at me for a while they didn't do any damage okay this is great news I spawned in a normal house I like some curtains on me Wow clothes on a hammer everything is going great this time I'm in agony I'm dead everything is going great can I wear a skirt new character is it just small drop this isn't the skirt yeah do the first one okay give me a bag that's what we need bleach chest hair yes stubble yes now we're talking this is already looking up I got more bullets to throw at people this is just great yes great tell me when you've made your personal tell afore you to bid type full obviously guy's place is gonna go so well honestly this is gonna go so well I could feel him yeah I'm so confident it remind me I'll be a fitness instructor or a burger flipper that's probably more relevant no I'll be the farmer that sounds like a good deal yeah I think that'll be good good mix get back to our house that we had a why is that use all my traits like automatically it'll say there on the bottom right of you points left all right - oh I have to yeah yeah I'm going to be I am graceful the graceful father gta5 kind of V or mod what real that would be insane I just take taxis everywhere just enjoy the sights that would be not Kevin do one bloody comedy night content I really love comedy night but it's so hard to record on cuz a lot of people know who I am on there cuz the player base is super small and the other half are so toxic it's like when those toxic games I've ever played alright shuffle me to you Kevin okay unless you want me to loot the house I'm in first and then shell for me to you yeah no cheat okay max tried cheating now I don't want to laugh copy the exact same like that spider-man me all right let's you'll find you a weapon that's a good idea this seems so peaceful there's like no one around oh the teacher said that yeah I jinx didn't come out the back door let's get out of here wait I just found like a bath towel and disinfectant all cotton balls and soap and tweezers my god you were ready to clean mister taking a frying pan that's my weapon and the garbage bag that's my bag I've got in the wrong seat I'm European they're trying to get into the house but their failure distracted oh I'm taking all the food because I already know what's going to happen I'm gonna get hungry and there's gonna be no food are you in the kitchen yes I get out of here well that's a zombie I'm not going that way okay now are you in the living room yes hi hello how do I walk out of it though god it was so bad all the effort makes the dream work that's what they say okay these windows are smashed so let's move what is curtains Kevin oh those are nice I have no hydrants I think it's never enough carefully going in and out of those windows by the way you can cut yourself if they're broken oh I'm in minor pain oh no this is on me next to you Ronald is all over you I'm waiting all right we need to find like a some medicine for you or band-aids or something I'm gonna keep looking for a care that works oh gosh Ron they're all behind you and there's some Chi trying to get out the heavies how do I heal myself we're gonna find you some band-aids and everything's gonna be fine definitely I mean minor injuries whatever that means everything was gonna be fine I promise [Laughter] all right okay in you come come on boy come on come on how do I heal myself okay a major panic yeah yeah oh okay front door oh yeah we're out here this way we said that this was gonna be a good start you know but no this is still fine this is good look there's and this is fine we need to find ok this house looks pretty abandoned I'll keep watch I feel like I'm going to dead oh jesus oh Jesus okay we're coming Kevin okay let's run around this house is the one this door is even gonna be open and everything I meant the window yeah the windows open come on in there you go and I'll just close here myself we need to find plasters let's look cold baths that help no I don't have a fever so probably not no it's yeah that's probably a good point okay um we need to find there's no bathroom in curtains though ah - just put them all over me to stop the bleeding oh wait why don't we just rip something and make some bandages it's a really good idea rip those curtains huh come here come here wait did you take the bleach or disinfect it I have a bottle of disinfectant here okay rip up something and disinfect the thing and bandage you up I'm bleeding rip my vest up you say yeah I mean you might have to take off that vest bandage and my right forearm as well both for all I could scrape your forearms going through or what I'm just gonna read this magazine I'm stressing out no we gotta go we're not gonna be able to see again I've got critical injuries Jesus Christ dirty band already you just put it on it's dirty and bleeding Allah let me take it off Jesus okay okay good oh not good old armies and picnicked your what I'm picnic okay your picnic they see here Oh Kevin how is your quarantine going a lot better than it's going in this game not quite like this social distance think it's working much better than these guys yeah we needed like a vehicle or something news right out of here into the sunset yes I'm in pain no I'm trying to help you I honestly have no idea what to do is gonna help come on this bandage okay we need to go though my current Ben I need to take your current one off by going remove it remove bandage I'm removing it I don't think how do i disinfectant let's just look back every now and again Yuri followed by so many zombies let's go through this house and maybe we can actually lose them oh I'm gonna go into this corner and I'm gonna just apply this bandage anyway you know let's go through the house and then we can okay I'm bandaged you're okay and then we'll go out the back door right there's some zucchini curtains so far yeah we got to go fast because okay this way oh [ __ ] not this way not this way don't go in there this way no there's no way out the back door run home already oh no we get off the fence key oh yeah we can't we're small braveness I'm bleeding already I had nothing to lose I'm in agony anything I don't know if we've gotten unlucky or more stupid hey all this house is not good no we've definitely gotten bashed it happens with age yeah if they you know wisdom beyond my years and okay mm-hmm you've got your wisdom teeth removed didn't you yeah I did oh my god the doctors here to see me wait this guy's an attorney oh you're right the homeowner that you scraped your I'm trying to make a window here for you to get out but yeah yeah yeah I mean there's a lot I still my bed is just opposed to 30 they need changing wait I'll we're talking with a baby non-food I'm in the bakery Kevin I can't hear you I've locked myself in the toilet I need bandages off okay I'm running like top right of your screen okay oh this isn't good I still have glasses I don't think bandages are helping you've just covering the glass stuck in you and you're just wrapping it up ah let's put some bandages on that oh sweet Jesus okay I ran up the roads to like the right upper right I think I just died friend in Miss apocalypse he telling me which way did you go off you ladies I've just followed the road off the pancake house I love thinking I'm gonna eat my body weight in pancakes if you eat enough maybe you'll just swell up and the glass will just pop right out oh yeah I'm kind of a doctor so it sounds like good medical advice this kid daddy already okay I'm in another warehouse section I think I might just let myself plead it out and taking both of my bandages off Jesus Christ the zombies everywhere I'm dying the pancake house this is what I would have wanted you ordered the u2's a week ago yeah I'm really looking forward to getting mine - because I only have the gym one I've seen the Kevin one but I don't actually have one but I get mine the same time as everyone else in me getting an r/t one as well no heresy I bet he's getting a Kevin one he's the kind of guy who probably might actually maybe he's not getting his own when he's getting a gym pickins one and he's getting to call me Kevin woods anyway you can put the to call me Kevin's on his mantelpiece and your gym pickins in the middle yeah with the candles lit the candles I think I might get eaten here I mean I'm trying to bleed out but it's taking an awfully long time am I designed to die you can but when I'm in a way we're dying here they'll pick a fight with the zombie give me a nice okay things are looking up this is great smash this car window let me in I did great well max the farmer live for forever a new record very good box nails a sledgehammer this is great all right I'm gonna tell it for you to me just it for the you know the sake of the stream is all yeah otherwise we'd have to spend an hour looking for each other oh wait are you not alive yet and yeah I'm gonna be a park ranger oh just what I need alright I'll be the security I'll be the pole mall you know yes yeah I'm loving the stream in the recent fades thank you very much ah okay yeah thanks for the sobs - you guys I'm seeing them coming I just don't want to keep breeding them and the donations and the bits as well okay I mean Kevin you ready okay otherwise it would spoil the immersion okay all right you don't look exactly like me no this is great we're in a warehouse there's a sledgehammer here good my old weapon back at it again there's a zombie in here but he hasn't seen us you ready we're leaving already I only just got here yep come on I got all the good stuff except the sledgehammer apparently well I couldn't carry it I'm not as strong as you beefy are we're gonna stealthily sneak out and no one's gonna see us okay okay just walk let's just walk yeah yep say zombie stuff cliche at this point why are you always panic Harry just love to get panicked it's a really nice house over there I think we're close to where we need to be is there a way to like build like fences and like yes there is so I want to be a carpenter so I can build walls and stuff safe ah wait this is the warehouse yeah yeah the park bench the wait did they refresh the loot or yeah the world's deleted so around the front zip those up and zooty the zoo dig a door blam blam ignore okay there we go know what happens the stream will be surprised because they don't speak Simlish yeah exactly did you get in the back door yep uh orange soda Oh Kevin love's armed sword her parents are chips the vending machine actually works this time you see everything is looking up Oh flashlight there's loads of stuff as a hammer oh this is fantastic I feel great way better than our last little honestly nothing could possibly go wrong you saying that isn't helping that's usually where I'd hear a window smashes so they are lightning there's a care outside you know what I think yeah that that care is actually gonna work we're gonna hop in we're gonna drive off the safety okay does anyone know how to actually get car keys like do you need one seven it'll work in any care do you need the specific ones yeah so far we haven't seen any case there's a lot of things at the the left window there so just get what you can and we'll run out the bottom door if they break down with potatoes so we can make pate Oakland thanks for the bits Demento Rath appreciate it alright a hearse it was meant to be a hurts excellent you can get in the hearse why is it not going how do you drive the hearse does anyone know how to chime in the backseat let's go wait okay okay oh and SUV a police care come on one of these is bound to work planets tend to start the video guard I'm getting bit oh no sound good that did not sound good at all makes its end to start instead and pressing n it's not doing it yeah we don't have any cheese ah alright let's let's go about the police car you wanna check the police fine this car actually works yet started oh geez let me get keys check the cars inventory someone said oh good point any idea how you give to you right-click the car I guess it comes out I've accidentally gotten rid of the leave all that top it doesn't seem to have anything all right let's get out of here does anyone know how I get the this bear back I've accidentally gotten oh I see it I'm gonna stream yeah you got rid of it yeah I kind of panicked and just xed off because it was being attacked you click on stuff does it come back we click the window does next stream or make videos I stream very odd time like you've not streamed this year have you not something I well I make videos for my work maybe the real editor not a real one no I think you meaning to get back into I guess now I have plenty of time at home to get back into twitch streams vet there you go we're gonna be here every day folks 5 hours a day I mean like this is the perfect excuse for everyone to get into like streaming yeah there's really like no excuse not to at this point it's normally my excuses I get home so late I basically eat and go to sleep or eat chill out stop doing things that are involved with work and then go to sleep now it's like I'm already home yeah might as well left left corner in the middle oh yes okay thank you for that you've saved me I don't know what I've done back at our house you do click inventory and how do I minimize it again why am I so stupid I don't understand is it genetics or have you had your wisdom teeth room no it's not if I do know BOM Peter walls and [ __ ] god I thought that like earlier this week I was like ah god I hope I'm getting like wisdom teeth problem with all this [ __ ] going on I would never be able to get Oh that yeah I was thinking about something like that he's wrong it was oh yeah because I almost poked myself in the eye her psychic this is not the time you want to do stuff no it shouldn't be on if I'm not back on this hammer is extreme how do I hate things on the ground okay they're dead don't think my want you know wait this is you they've a banana I ate it kidding max is Larry from the GTA or P videos right he says they week that server kind of like just died out you didn't die out or did we just not really go back to play a lot of fun yeah yeah those people were amazing I'd love to play with them again thanks for the sub Z week is this a perfect time to go get a beverage it is actually as soon as you tell me how to minimize my menu I can't figure it out what do you mean I did it okay yeah I think I sticky did open okay I defend wait can you sleep can you check your you sleep I'm not panicked anymore so there's a good chance I might be I can let me in any lottery happens no no no I've been coming in through the window we should I just did some lock the door but I'll lock it again okay I'm in sleep wait hold on I got curtains that are gonna look back in lovely here look at this did I have curtains oh I didn't pick up any we should get some more but do you have enough for everything we've enough for this this is going great this is what we wanted all along with good weapons we've got good curtains and more importantly good company Cheers that one plastic glass of one non one but yeah it's depressing there's a quarantine cheers if I've ever heard we've got to broccoli and tomatoes in the fridge dude ha oh yourself a drink because we actually have to cheers to the wait sleep first make yourself a drink okay let me go talk to the chat while you're gone don't talk to them Kevin please I'm not good at small talk I apologize why do you two glasses on you Kevin I'm really bad with that I'll like go to the kitchen and then I'll and forget to bring down my glass and I'll just get it fresh wife but sometimes as well like today I I had one like flavored drink and then I had just a glass of water I don't know if donations are coming on our donations coming up as well or not because I just don't want them to not be coming to me just test this is a test thanks John for the donation he says this is a test or this yeah no it's just to make sure it worked I just didn't want it to not show and what do we got here can you connect the GTA people to play something yeah I'll try I'd like to be really fun let's see Tim timber fins donated five bucks and said just a quick question oh Jesus oh god I'm so bad at what I do there's a very different flowing how do you stay motivated to make content every day I always get burned out when I try making content regularly I find I just have this routine and I just do it I love having a schedule as much as some days I get up and I'm like I have no ideas I don't want to you know just try and come up with something and I'm not gonna make a good one yeah but then when I get started like today for example I didn't know what I was gonna do and I went looking around found a game and I had a lot of fun playing it so it's just a matter of committing to it really the gamer Bonnie thank you for the bits as well it's a big fan of my videos keep it up I will hello Jonas trashed only had 10 bucks hey max I've not been talking to them up just mumbling to myself you know thank you very much thinking yourself for your video yeah I just I write their motivational notes for myself Kevin you were really great and handsome nope no pad file with all these just to clarify it no one said that just walk into your bathroom and it's just like covered in post-its all right I'm gonna sleep there as well wait what does my good oh my god I'm gonna have to sleep on the good thing yes sleep on the chair okay yeah time's going forward yes I'm getting thirsty okay do we need to start like hold on no it's nighttime okay back to sleep do we just like leave it go this way and do we know it's daytime Kevin you were the best at video games video games with you especially someone called the Arctic you okay I think it's day yeah I'm starving max this is going pretty bleak you're not dying or anything I have no pants accidentally ripped them up to make you bandages I'm gonna eat half my packet of chips to stop me from being peckish eat the fresh food first you're a chef you understand I don't need I yep hey I found Mayo outside the fridge while it was already opened I was it was atrocious Jesus I'd say you were spitting in your grave or yeah oh yeah carpentry for beginners dude this savers amazing Cheers Oh cheers to that launcher launch your airs not even close oh my god yeah I found some brick toys hid the Wardrobe equip no right-click them I can't play with them you know my next merch should be like a custom Lego set where you build what you build my office bare-bones thing there's like no furniture a base like a computer and agrees Wow the Lego set looks amazing then you open it in this three pieces at least you know like if you were to do like advertising you could do the whole Lego mean built the green-screen a man has fallen into enormous debt by this much assemble the green-screen right I'm putting all my carpentry stuff in here again yeah I didn't I don't know what I have I have a flashlight but I feel like that's something you probably want on me possibly I'll leave you the box of nails that sounds like something that you would need yes do do we have a farming box well put I can't remember what I am anymore I don't think I'm a father I'll put it any way because we'll probably need food yeah sure I'll put the orange soda in the fridge so it's nice and cold yeah you actually still consider I might need to do a quick run to the bathroom why what are you doing in here it's the same one I prefer still water okay I'm gonna talk to the chat what are you drinking I'm drinking vodka and coke and a bit too much vodka and the next merch should be a code what kind of team that'd be fantastic delete your channel XO great thank you and as you say oh no immediately afterwards bad timing hey Liam how are you um what was I gonna say I was gonna respond to someone up here thanks for the submits man I appreciate all the subs and bits and donations folks I know I can't read out everything I'm trying my best to attend the stream I'm trying to get better at streaming an Irish drunk gamer this is going don't worry I can handle my drink this is gonna be fine what was I about to say earlier I can't remember you do it amazing sweetie thank you very much bro here looking a little tan don't trust me that was people I think there must be something wrong somehow after a quarantine I come out with a tan oh yeah someone in the chat asked me can I do another singing video I'm working on one don't worry everyone else in the chat is like yeah it's just that one person is happy usage three more it's actually amazing I hope you're enjoying it I'd like to stream a bit more it's a bit intimidating we haven't streamed in a while I think to jump back but I'm really enjoying this where it's a mix of chatting to you guys and playing and why not I think and I I think I was just too much reading messages before hey max hello how are you I good you all so good this holy some for effect are watching this he was like primary primary language is Spanish or German in the channel in English me bored to need entertain my person actually is bored though so I hope we had the light I think this whole time and some books of paper only I could read carpentry for beginners which might be a good show I'm hungry again time to eat my other crisps I should have been reading this wild I already know that this book is obsolete this book is obsolete I already know that I already know that obsolete there's probably a zombie outside who's being alerted because my this book is obsolete hating what are these cause I've got keys I don't know what they're - or is it just a key ring that I have Yuva keyring and then you can find all the keys so you need the exact key for the care or whatever right that's gonna be hard I should leave the crowbar here what are your skills if you go to your hold on I can figure this out is it the hair and then skills in the middle oh my carpentry is really good I am bulls I did pick happen to I am also good at carpentry how are you did you pick a carpenter - no oh I've got three carpentry so we can both build stuff hooray that's great I think we all like baseball bats they're really good yeah that's true like logs I think we may need some bags you only go out and try and find some bags in a house yes I honestly have a new sense of confidence here like I think everything's gonna be okay from once yes how do I are you still bleeding you know no no no I'm fine I'm gonna put potatoes here then a good idea bucket is definitely definitely this will be table and look at the little Irish boy he's got potatoes growing in his front yard look at pearly is like a super baby bear like the pandemic and then someone's still bullying it's a garbage bag [ __ ] and how do I make this garbage bag useful you can use it as a bag equip as secondary and I think okay someone else's gyms with a button right not yet it takes like a while for it to actually give you the alert that you're eligible I think they need to check to see the accounts legit it's not BOTS but I'm reading for me to get in there I can't believe we did that it was so funny are you still posting stuff on that channel I mean this gym still posting tonight yeah Jim not me different person there's a lot of zombies it's just a partner we like sort of do like a playthrough of just Jim Pickens playing thanks yeah how does it work do you still do like commentary and stuff on that channel I'm just like post raw footage or slightly edited his hit the videos I put on his channel actually took me a long time to make because it's just filming with Sims and nothing works the way you wanted to and like even the gameplay one I wanted to leave him recording and then like my dog came on to the second screen and oh god oh god yeah yeah my dog came in the way and then someone else died and the camera moved away from the recording and all this safe to restarted and just everything goes wrong when you're trying to record that stuff yeah fair enough this is a pile of rubbish nothing someone's telling assume your kneecaps [Music] how am I supposed to run without them are you using I mean I could not and then just sort of walk a bit sort of like okay and we're not doors open that is worrying yeah okay there's a fenced-in neighborhood here so you know they're gonna be welcome bags if I know anything about rich people they don't know but they love bags world so they keep all their money it's like all you want to take that with you let me get you a bag they're always saying yeah yeah and they go to shops and they don't care that they have to buy like one of those reusable bags every time they just do it yeah imagine having reusable bag money the ultimate flex how many zombies in this area what the [ __ ] all that pickup looks awesome okay this house looks pretty deserted let's try this one I just attracted three zombies well stop being so damn handsome okay let's just let me out hold on let's kill him let's kill him no I left close the door okay we're gonna do a quick sweep and just get out of here you okay there a plastic bag okay secondary sledgehammers oh we gotta get out of here okay run run run yep running oh oh Jesus oh okay I got a little bag at least that's good I've got all my clothes are dirty that's what you're worried about right now I'm drinking the last of that vanilla vodka that that was here at my house it's alright with coke actually it's it's like alright did we lose them I think we did from searching this house you could I meant outside so I'll just I'll keep him busy okay well you take a look around I got all the cute for the looking magazine hey boys do you like what you see look at how meaty I am chase me meanwhile lets you with your legs oh yeah look at how tender they are no max you do are we talking so sweetly foregone the idea of your sexy legs my mind went wandering alright let's go down this road we got bangs Kevin I have one you okay I'm getting thirsty so I got a what was it I accidentally picked out cherry Pepsi I don't know what it was but well mix it with vodka yesterday and it was it was nice a cherry like a like a dr. pepper kind of thing I guess I don't have that artificial cherry taste yeah which doesn't sound good but with vodka no going there wait the twins someone's talking in there I think it's a radio but I think we can rob this place with these we can't keep running from our problems I also can't hit things on the floor as far as I know let's get in the back where it's not I'm exhausted I can barely move Kevin where's my chips Kevin can you release a life-size wax Jim Pickens and Kevin fee I don't think I have the budget for that but thank you for the suggestion that would be a terrifying yeah imagine just like walking into your house and then there's you but you're a wax figure would be scary I am water oh I an entire hand by myself next we did I want some you just ate it all yep I need a rest ah what is that banging is that it says I'm resting but the bar isn't going up oh he fell down he's a clumsy one this axe is honestly making my life so much easier I house my characters to just rest on the chair this bar isn't going up best what bear I'm trying to rest but the bar is is not moving at the top you know normally you get like a loading bar the top when you do something oh maybe it's just your general I found a dead rat ah mo would be so the resting bar is moving it's just moving very slowly where's the door for this room am i what is wrong with me why can enough what's here okay okay oh no it's okay it's a zombie I thought it was a girl dude I've been resting on the sofa for a long time and the bar is only gone up by about a quarter do you need to yeah my character can barely walk it says take a break oh okay so I don't think I can run which is probably quite bad all this sledgehammer you know it's hard work maybe I should unequip it Kevin stream have Paul me sitting and drinking incline does it mean that what most Irish people do at the moment anyway yes if that's true we did the lockdown last night so you're not allowed leave unless necessary like for food medical appointments caring for a family member and yeah how it's supposed to exercise like outside of two kilometer radius of your house and stuff like that yeah so it's it's gonna get slow I kind of like some of the stuff we're doing or like our Postal Service send out these things like I got two of them which is to post carrots on it which you can send anywhere in Ireland for free just so oh wow especially just like for all people just to like you know send apples care or something there's a key in here Kevin on this guy where this person on the floor has the key does anyone know what this could be for like could it use this in anything or is it a specific lock cuz I don't know how we're supposed to find oh just walk out here the zombies run into the shed I don't know how we're supposed to find like specific characters but I really want us to get a care yeah it seems quite hard oh I mean so far yeah I'm coming back into the house okay I've got empty gas can that might come in handy I'm gonna give you a hammer as well and we're gonna disassemble some beds Oh disassemble some furniture in general this house is actually quite cool abandoned for specific characters you need to get lucky that's all there is oh really ah that's no fun I'm putting this up this window we need to oh I just walked through that's probably a terrible oh no have you heard of so not bleeding hopefully I'm fine on this bookshelf there's a hammer on this bookshelf yeah and we're gonna disassemble some stuff what do we need to disassemble I'm not sure so I know you can do beds this is simple it's assemble you can see that like planks and stuff like that off it and think you can get carpentry okay um hold right click and flick space to attack without using your weapon use this on down enemies to preserve your weapon on I guess your problem as well yeah being able to that was kind of annoying I'm disassembling something okay that's a chance of success Freight zero so I'm not gonna do that buy this one all this is gonna take a while okay I understand go what are you disassembling desk oh very good I don't know why that just interested I got unusable wood planks and nails fantastic I'm guessing this just gives you stuff that you can use yeah like I got a plank there and stuff yes or for the chair you can disassemble like the plumbing and everything if you've got a welder's mask and a torus really cool it's over cucumber I might get rid of the sledgehammer pretty much too much we can't disassemble because there's stuff in it remove the stuff okay oh yeah that's a good point as a pillow in here is there any stuff that's like worth disassembling over others Samia you just know we need like a saw to do some other stuff but it's not I think we had a saw in our last one that we died no we don't speak of that everything is going great yes there's gotta be some people who joined the stream after that happens like wow these guys are really good yeah amazing weirdly this game I am upstairs okay I'm ready to go anywhere simple this chair it doesn't matter this Cup well you downstairs oh I see let's go this was an alright house good good Luton yeah and we're gonna go next door this is going fantastic Oh much better Oh so much less stress okay you have a look in the poop yeah let's get into this what are you doing I think I look in the poop I think it's empty you can break in this is a really quiet neighborhood I'm liking this there's so much better than the other one yeah ah you can use the planks to barricade the windows yeah and it's much stronger than having a sheet up that just blocks the light and stuff another plastic bag here if you need it Waverly [ __ ] oh is that the car I hope so did you grab it yeah I grabbed it I ate it okay remember to take care of your person as well like I just remembered I have not really been easy here I always do much like real life I just kind of forgot someone save disassemble every bed you come across it gives way more XP than anything else the beds huh yeah they see this this is a bed this is a bed I'm to see it go to waste we've both this is simply the same bed I think so it's a race to the finish means see who's better at carpentry oh wow you get a lot of [ __ ] yeah I can't really fit much so I gotta move some stuff to me oh Jesus my inventory is a [ __ ] mess okay I'm carefully for beginners because we can't use it other stuff away pretty sure I'm over in cucumbers oh I think it's just cuz my when I start taking apart the EM the bed it takes out the hammer instead of the ax as my primary ah make sure as well in your inventory you drag stuff onto your bag so that you're not carrying them you're putting them in your bag is it reduce weight where's all the bags at the bottom I see yeah so dragon into that Kevin how has the quarantine affected your daily schedule honestly I'm quite lucky it doesn't affect mine much it just means I can't like meet up with like family friends and do like weekly your activity and stuff like that like my actual work unaffected which is lucky keeps you sane thanks a crank Jiang for the sub how about you max are you still working away as normal or is it different not as normal I wouldn't say so the companies that we only do work with they've stopped all their media yeah we're doing a lot of internal editing we're doing like our show reels and things like that yeah for the time being but yeah like actual client work is calm completely out the window great but yeah yeah let's see if this works surviving the zombie apocalypse I think at the key you press n to the courage so you know it has no fuel nephew oh it's locked open the door oh my god there's so many zombies max there's no time please open the door wait what why is that not opening max you gotta run now [Music] [Laughter] maybe hop the fence it might be safer yeah this is amazing hey the drops and stuff cool dude there's so many zombies that way no no kiddin okay can someone tell me how to unlock oh wait I did it I did it okay I need you please come back for me I'm coming back but I don't know how to actually find you like I'm just reversing off that I see oh yeah oh no I made the car no I don't think I'm in the car no I don't know which is close I'm just staying still okay Oh from the room I have a minor injury but hopefully I'll be okay yes all right everything is perfect now nothing could go wrong I have a feeling in our future one of us is going to become a mechanic I don't know why they're not gonna know where to go to find us you know all this noise I'm not gonna leave them straight back here all right did you did you actually check the car to see what it looks like it looks cool if that's what you mean yes oh [ __ ] there's a lot of numbers here but like there's a lot of red on the screen let's take a look not terrible I guess what's what are we got left window 20% you buff that out yeah that's fine right headlight gun we can buff that out do speed holds a bit of buffing out and this would be good as new I'll be known for saw in here okay I'm gonna take a soul [ __ ] drink we saw that earlier right max yeah I'm so confident my sedative I have minor injuries I don't know what to do about them doesn't give me anything to do to them I got a skill point I'll put that in mechanics we're gonna meet bet probably all right I'm putting the food in the fridge and there's magazines in the book rack there or whatever yep everyone the chat is going mad cuz the joke is so funny I don't think they are you know I have these loads you just didn't get it cuz like it was saw like the tool but I used it in a sentence it was pretty wild oh there you go that was way more than like an exhale out of your nose that landed really over and what I'm hanging around it's making me really heavy sheets so heavy if you hover over something it'll say the weight oh I think blanks are super heavy if you've got any planks which you probably know you probably do off so many plain every I mean laughing with you let's come on someone said not laugh didn't funny how do i bend wow I'm really good at streaming they go away hi this is taking forever to upload this bikes oh it doesn't matter we have a care we have made it I knew things were gonna go well is that like Project Zomboid clout is you have a car oh yeah beeping the horn everyone who's coming by see how cool it's like when you're 18 and none of your other can drive and drive like hey guys I just drive us today it's cool for the first while until you realize you're gonna be the taxi driver for everyone and everyone it's so nice getting driven places I don't care what anyone says I love getting driven places I like driving but I do like truck we've a pistol where did you get the pistol maybe we have a pistol so hey dude look in the barrel see if it's loaded where's the gun I don't see it it's in there's two wardrobes so if you only go to loot the Wardrobe and go on second we have a toy car when you tell game ever our wardrobes kind of full is there such a thing as a full wardrobe can't we just make another one [Music] furniture yeah we could probably work and story composter oh my god imagine how good that would be for the environment good you can build so many things have you actually seen what you can build yeah I want to build some walls how how can you look lead through to plank Tori for altar yeah so if you right click where you want to build them and tell you how what you can all play I'm in the crafting menu it's not that way and then like really no you need four logs I think it's the wooden wall frame it's like a base yeah I've seen two planks two nails two carpentry we can just use log walls if we cut down some of the trees outside get started on there you can wait I don't have an axe it's nighttime sorry hey let me check on the potatoes how do I check on the potatoes we can cut down some nuts or the toy care if the toy car it's really what's gonna keep this relationship to get will be moody in a corner and Kevin will just pull out the toy car and everything thanks for the bids and what [ __ ] someone just said I like being the little spoon okay that's it that's enough there's only one bed I sleep on the chair because we're so insecure in our masculinity all right we got to be careful we don't want to oversleep you have to just wake up right now okay it's still night you have to that how it works yeah cuz I think I turned off the need for sleep and but you're able to sleep because I was worried that it would like we'd be waking up in the middle of the night and stuff and then the scream would have to just watch us sounds like the crappy spin-off of Need for Speed gotta see this water day in a time frame nothing I'd watch that family it's all about firmness he's going looking for a mattress watch this [ __ ] oh is it oh is it oh that's a zombie hello what does I'll be just drinking right now this far north it's wrong all right so you got a weapon on this hammer is a weapon you know do you have anything else no we got to get you a better weapon with my hammer I had the sledgehammer I had to drop it cuz it's too heavy there's a lot of them get the car let's break the car up a bit more wait are you in the driver's seat no not this time it started I thought we could just pop it out maybe but it wasn't moving oh there you go why are they not instantly not only having minor flashbacks I mean even if they don't die keeping them down like that it's gonna really help me just you know suspension on this car is just going I don't accidentally run you over I think I know how stupid we are my wisdom teeth after all also max hmm did you just drink and drive I would never that is so responsible when you just talking with Manila vodka earlier I know okay alright you gotta get some logs and make a fence okay I'll watch you let's see those large swing yeah dripping off his biceps if you want to take the logs and just take them or even you can probably build them yeah relax this is gonna take a while what's called me kevin's real name according to my business email it is call me Kevin hood so many businesses reach out and they're like hello call me Kevin hood it's like you're obviously a machine hello insert if you client name yeah I've had some funny ones that are like that and then use three different types of fonts and [ __ ] and just the most generic things I need planks how do we turn the wood into planks you know I right-click them and you can make them out of logs make a log wall log oh yeah you're right and week I need four ripped sheets if we got loads in the thing look at all this clothes I can just take you for these guys I mean you can rip it off my clothes if you have to I mean there's no other way thanks you better to say good to say then you got distracted by ripping up clothes yeah any excuse okay so we need one gap for a doorframe uncap good what was the button to rotate them again or I think yeah I'm building Oh turn off the kara someone said good point yeah oh that's such a good idea definitely left work seek fuel yeah but we're doing better now yeah great more logs I think if we get up this like primary wall then we could have another like tunnel here that would be like a safe zone you know so it'd be like a DMZ if anything I like to every doubt again I just look to the chat assist you're doing great sweetie condescending I'm glad people are nice and condescending yeah I need this type of reinforcement how else am I gonna learn you can just put the log in your inventory you don't need to stack I think not sure I'm just using a loot all system so because I don't know how it works okay we need one more maybe put it to the right section we'll put the door in the middle okay that's enough to build another one is it oh no it's not I really don't want my axe to break because this this is amazing I need to do maintenance to the for the X I'm not sure people have made a good point of how will our car get ha ha stop being intelligent stop raining on our parade okay Ridgewood we get to it here make a secondary exit all right listen we're gonna have a ramp do a flip Oh perfect sake to stop making that wall yeah too late ah feck are we assorted disassembled all that I can disassemble this I mean do we fit in a 2x2 I think that's very tight it might be one also pointed out that they're here for the stupid and stuff helping us help we can get thanks for the Saab they're the Bible of the fittest that's us oh Jesus for the fittest oh wait my exhaustion says can barely walk you did do some resting yeah I think I can't chopped out any more trees I'm thirsty Kevin and peckish I don't think this is yet the cares of its stalling okay okay guide me back ah no stop halt oh he's pecking Johnny is this our new park this is our new driveway then we just leave the car here how the [ __ ] did you do that in one I don't know I couldn't even see the wall because the boys don't hear it I usually dress thank you so much the first time I've ever impressed someone the chats go are not from my point of view it was like do you know how a glove just sometimes fits your hand so this is what it feels like I've said the bounds so [ __ ] no I don't think so they got attracted when I cared anything I want to say yes I bet they got attracted by the fact of that noise of all the chat phone nots and saying how cool I was and everything that's probably what it was maybe they don't okay we're good okay to build a wall yes I had minor damage again first aid required what do I do - I understand jeez it says I need first aid but I don't really know how will we get you some bandages or yeah it just has minor injuries but when I right-click it doesn't tell me what I can do to make this better so I'll just leave it don't worry about that later if anyone knows how to help him we could use some like armchair doctors I mean no I'm not bitten then I'm not I'm just minor injuries not sure what I need for minor injuries are we gonna clear the starties out of hay god no ah yes Equipe soup is so helpful what do you do so what don't help him smiley face okay isn't being helpful we've instructed to let you suffer too late take them out children like wash your hands all right let's get back to building this wall so we'll be safe it's from pit I still need planks I think I dropped them double wouldn't know him oh I Dumbledore large enough to let vehicles pass Wow but I don't think we can make a door frame no we can't make a door for big enough where's where is that doors yeah the second one we need twelve planks twelve nails two dogs but I think you need a doorframe cuz a wooden door needs a doorframe I mean that's just what's going this time if we fill out the needs there then you mean just a doorframe yeah let's just do a normal door frame and a normal where do we get doorknobs from didn't I have one actually I broke a door that I was thinking ahead Oh will you broke a door nice how many plates do we need for a doorframe let me just check or frame for planks effect I only have two you reckon there's some way we can make them I think you can make them out of logs you don't need door frame for a large door oh okay will we just make a large door then yeah I don't see why not I mean there's a lot of things that we'll need for that big door yeah anything else if that car is already so thick oh no way we don't have the carpentry to build it we can't we need a lot to get to that boat yeah we can't do that a lot of grinding hours there boys and girls yeah is there sawlogs or something's you pick them off and you can make yeah oh wait yeah yeah you picked them up this is making logs one log goes into three planks so we're gonna have loads I may have to make a presentation of Ireland what is the most important thing to put there whiskey shamrocks leprechauns you know potatoes you know a economy crash it wasn't economy crash you know in 2008 the recession in everyone but awesome Greece were pretty bad so I mean that's pretty important to my culture so make your presentation about that that'd be good and put the spire in it yeah that's a good point ah if you at least an interest fire just get a sewing needle and some glue and just put it upwards and honestly you're gonna get an e it's foolproof just take the take when you take the picture anger your camera downwards so the needle looks super big yes yeah a lot of people are suggesting eating me I don't know where I'm quite clearly not just yet welcome to the channel max I'm so sorry that game doesn't have more content yes so much fun that would have been a good one to stream as well obviously a lot of this stuff me and Max play would be good to stream we were only talking earlier that like our shenanigans on Red Dead are just hilarious sometimes like we got this mission that we were going down this river in this boat and there were supposed to be waves of boats coming at you but for some reason the game glitch and there was no one on the boat so there's ghosts boats going past us like these rowing boats with no one in there it's just so fast and then the vaults were like watch out there's more on the east yeah it's just empty boats all right we got enough planks here let me unpack this box and nails and I'm gonna grab the doorknob and then I think they can make it do you want to make the log wall or is there not enough logs damn am I just like putting another log wall yeah off to the where you had it that day and we just blew this log and hopefully that's enough break my back even just moving a few feet with these but you know the way men are we got to take it all in one go we can't see anything am I missing I need one more log Kevin you have another log on you hold on this is gonna break my back if I don't build this itself no eat max what eat me wait I have a doorknob do we have door hinges though oh where did we get two hinges I think we might need to kick some more doors in yeah I'll chop down a tree yeah but we doing these but cross the street it's like branches wait all my ax just broke no what the [ __ ] can we knock it down with anything else but you mean knock it down my tree yeah could we get something else you know the soul no but like can just a normal weapon do it like could we knock it down with a hammer don't know just attacking it on what are you doing I'm so sad yeah you just attacked it I'm attacking it I don't think it's doing anything you might need to find another axe kick something eats the care but can we craft another axe is that a thing I don't think so how do you think as a carpenter repair axe oh wait hold on wait can you I've duct tape I don't know how this is fixing an axe yeah I would not [ __ ] duct tape the head back on to an axe Jesus Christ you can make a stone axe I've got the axe repaired I used duct tape there's more logs on the ground for you nice this is great I love this game this is going great I'm gonna remove some grants to celebrate Ariel alright I'm gonna go across the street and get a doorknob hello Kate just put in check I just came back to the stream to here use Max's accident doesn't mean I could be used as an alright so glad I fixed my eggs this is like a good perimeter defense we need a door still and for that how do we install the door I need can you check in my carpentry like bedside cabinet yeah what do you need I need I need door hinges and I think does a door handle in there for sure you've got a door knob for sure yeah no hinges no hinges I might find to be right back coming cuz I've broken the seal and then I might need to go up we go into the bedroom and stay safe yeah I might also get another drink moving around I got the things we're good jump I'm so happy this is going great uh-huh what is Max's channel name and he doesn't really stream or anything but you can find him on Twitter it's either Max is piyo or max was piyo but if I'm sure if you go on my Twitter you'll you'll find it it's not an easy Twitter name to find it's not like a call me max or anything well then again he's not a branding genius I spent so long trying to come up with a name and I couldn't so I just went with that but I didn't want any like screen name I wanted Kevin in it so I want people to just call me by my name nothing wrong with screen names I just like people hence the name there you go there's some more - glad you came by the stream let's see there's so many corpses here Max is gonna be so happy when he sees this door that I'm gonna make him stop saying to use Max's the axe I'm gonna need an emotive Max's face on an ex that's literally how he came up with my twitter username I was like I'm just gonna steal Kevin's idea well you're welcome to it call me daddy yeah that was my second choice oh no not a door frame door wooden door Oh gang look at this this is fabulous by God we've done it it looks horrible but it does work at least let's try it out Oh oh look at that wowie this is great let's see em I'm just gonna take a look see how things are going on my oops you might hear me twice no okay good God's helix thanks for the donation as well five bucks and the nice message is one I can't wait to get those u2's I hope they come out pretty good I think they look really really nice I've got medium one over there looking at me guys thanks for all the subs and the donations and stuff I really appreciate it see back to the game what when Jim pagans will get silver play button it'll probably be a while probably a few weeks if not months with what's going on in the world at the moment but there's the least of our worries I suppose right now with everything going on put this in containers and put the planks in there too I'll keep the RIP sheets in case we need them this is great if that condition is not good did we get a doorframe yet yeah it's good to go I'd like you to inspect it if you could back the door have a look oh very good was there a crowbar somewhere is that my imagination or was that yours what was that it was there a crowbar around or you know about chroma we had one in our in our you know when we die or anything we had one oh well maybe these plants have parched we don't have any way to get water to them I don't think I've heard if you say Corona on YouTube your video will get you monetize is that true I think it was at the start but I think it's fixed now really yeah I think we're doing that yeah it was very weird all right get it savages don't mean to alarm you but I'm feeling peckish I am too actually we don't really have much food we should probably go yeah I think I know where there's a restaurant that we passed earlier the pancake house no we're not getting any more pancakes you've had enough oh this is the weirdest sitcom I've ever watched this is two and a Half Men when you wanna man what's the half these zombies are pretty much in okay we're going to the corner shop and your friends like are we walking like now we're taking the car okay my axe is not in good condition so I can't really fight weird if I'm by the car alchemy wrong way come on hold on I'm thirsty I need to go drink - I'm coming back before we leave the house there anything anyone needs to do I need to drink some toilet I need to trick it I drink out of that okay I can drink out of here mmm delicious sanitary the only food is canned and I can't open it then we have a can opener sorry I don't know why I shot that on your face that was no crisis so rude use max as a well there's a crowbar right here Kevin oh great this must be from my dead body earlier let me a crowbar so I don't know yeah where am I yeah no we killed you didn't we no we killed you I don't think we killed me no okay where we headed follow me I've done this before I was a bag or two late this game before what are you eating nothing I heard you I need to eat no I'm gonna starve Oh God lots of zombies they go this way there's at least one knows - I think people are coming up with amazing uses to me finally I think it's this way thing is I have like a you know with like better twitch TV you can set it so it highlights words so mine highlights max so my chat is just read of people just using me as things Max's food like just like we still got some time but not a lot of time they're coming I made it worse by pointing it out yeah never acknowledge it stop let's find the most creative one I'll use me as flex tape very good very good that'll fix my ex that's exactly what I think these those alone they are we need to get in here we bust a window Oh No we might just have to fight these just let's just try to tape this is a lot of them Kevin and there's more coming from behind good idea okay yeah there's a lot okay we're gonna have to try and confuse them alright let's try and go into this house and then come out another door or something what you mean this house yeah okay the doors open and I remember we did this before yeah we didn't have a great experience a lot out front as well okay lose this door this will be our escape as well if the front doors open they're coming okay let's get out of here this didn't work at all no it did not okay let's try to get around the front of that restaurant again yeah we can definitely do this use max to build a wholesome quality friendship that will stand the test are you my friend Oh My Jesus Christ - I'm not really a disagree let's look through the trash look there's a trashcan ously that might be your best idea at this point it's empty never mind like that's literally a food store but we cannot get in this house might have to do is it busy in here it's not to manage there's a lot out front they've seen us I did not remove them I don't know he's done it again no get out of there fast there's a back door here good good good I'm only slightly bleeding oh we've been through here yeah we tell us it's orange wait no we're good with the doors built no no we need more okay we need the door hinges the planks are too heavy yeah don't worry about planes we can do those trees oh my god there's a lot of people here oh Jesus I'm not sure where you are but I'm heading north from that house thing you're giving how to use generators I feel like that'll be important let me read it this is a perfect time to read this book okay I know about generators near this so much canned food I'm just gonna grab it Oh watch out you're be surrounded you're being totally cool I got some canned food the problem is we don't have a can opener hello oh the doors open sweet I'm banging going on but I'm sure everything's fine that's probably just all the food trying to get out yep definitely how do I get out of this house again this way sure I can't open her quickly grab it and run I don't know building planks I'm heading south by the way I'm getting outta here is that down there yeah yeah yeah I'm just using light south as in down it's in as down okay I got a catch so I'm heading kind of southeast of you hungry again [ __ ] all these doors have been kicked in though this is kind of kid cuz there's loads of doorknobs and stuff I don't know where you are I'm gonna try and find my way back to the house yeah if you get back to the road you'll you should be good I'm back at the house now yeah I think I'm running up there now very good if house is quite cool like it we could definitely do with another axe chop down some trees clear the entrance make another kind of safety zone that we could be in and a double safety door inch as well would be great yeah I'm gonna require a lot of visits did we get that can opener I can make it great there's new planes I'll put the canned food in the fridge cuz that makes sense right yeah I'm gonna put opener in the fridge as well because that also makes sense in here if you used to read about generators I'll leave it on the floor thank you you're welcome oh my left hand is dirty bandage get off just bleeding a bit I just need yes bandaging you you should be okay why am i man isn't anybody percent of water can max be considered a type of food [Laughter] these intellectuals are ahead of our time like they're really thinking outside the box hmm I hadn't even thought about how much water is contained inside of me let's be honest it's pretty nuts isn't it do you think about it I'm drinking water right wow that's amazing puts me way ahead of anyone not drinking water right now yes though now is the time to stay hydrated boys and girls it's true that's true it's true eat eat half of this stops me from being hungry there we go my still bleeding horribly I'm a bit peckish so anything to eat bro here here take my open food no I don't want eat it wait does it have the Irish flag on it oh it's spaghetti I think it's well they did it wrong how is the Irish flag yeah the sound is very dramatic I think I have all my musical probably ships turning off I put it down remember just being obnoxious filled out in this game Kevin how do you win this game it's just you get you do get guns in this game though right like Bator on I remember this like a neighboring city but there's like a neighboring city right where there's like massive hoards of zombies yeah just Park it in unless you're loaded cuz I remember we did that once we were like yeah we're ready to go to the big city and we got there we just died instantly yeah that must be like several years ago to be fair is it co-op I mean yeah like this it's multi inner I think you can go up to like 60 players or something so you could like have rival factions and stuff like that but yeah you can you can turn on player versus player but we always just play it as co-op it's yeah I mean the zombies already pose enough of the threat without other players posing a threat yeah and it's been a long time since we played this game and we weren't good at it when we played it before so all mechs I found another it can open it yeah it's on here all along I've used like five bandages within like ten minutes thinking that's help bandaging is really bad I put it on it says it's dirty always because I'm using dirty rags never mind okay that would explain if I need clean rags where do I get clean round I think we've got the clothes in this wardrobe I've got this pillow no like why is it always dirty we need to solve only 30 versus 30 stream honestly maybe we could do something like that where we have maybe next time we can leave some subs into the server or something like that that would be kind of cool I mean I'm just a load of people because I think I can set up factions so like we could set up this zone and not allow people in so they could set up their own one oh it's the hype train I don't understand it oh the high train is back pagas in chat boys and things legion for the sub as well this point champs I'll change this game free it's not unfortunate shapes thunder Weaver just it's like not too expensive to write this game in them Kevin Egan in the zombie apocalypse you know this game is not that expensive it's good value if you like this sort of thing the surviving and especially you someone to play it with yeah I think I can be someone to play with it's very helpful yeah because yeah you can survive on your own but it's gonna be so much harder and there's no one to sort of like if you company in the Zomboid propolis and even just carrying stuff like we can share the load carrying everything who's max is the hype train [Laughter] get chewin and what's the plan we need another axe we need gas and what else do we need we got some food I don't really have like cuz I know at some point I remember in this game the power goes out right yeah after two weeks that's when it starts getting really freaking hard yeah and the water shuts off as well so you need like rain collectors and stuff like there yeah so how do we do that there a way to like make them rain collection barrel takes four planks are you there is that connection barrel any carpentry for to make it it's the third thing down in furniture oh I see it yeah yeah we definitely need that then we're gonna need a lot of carpentry that mean we need to find the carpentry books to do that I think it just goes up naturally anyway the books help you get a boost but we don't need the beginner thing we need to disassemble stuff is that what we need to do does that give you XP yes how to go oh that's a lot of bits thank you oh you even have them okay symbol amazing and we reached our little cent on the highly trained level to think that K symbol is halfway filled up yeah I really like those little K symbols I love all the emotes that made for me yeah I'm gonna make some of them into stickers just put them on the March door just really cheap just as a way of using them more yeah they are really cool I like the grognak pogchamp yes my favorite that order Kevin Pei Pei is actually quite scary terrifying food I don't know what kind of time it is in the day I don't know should we head out or not is there a way you can tell I don't think so open carrots carrots you need to find a baguette e1 body touch oh my it's looking kind of Derek isn't it I'd say with I don't know with somewhere close ish - let's just not go to fair to go again Jesus thank you very much what are we trying to find we need houses to find like an axe we could use gas gas would be great if we can find that that's zombie at the front door store down with my hands or you just climb in the window a carpentry book would be fantastic were you find that the zombies have seen me by the way in there at the back door box of sparklers oh very good it'll be great how do you loot all at the top yeah that doors nothing old belong okay we need to lose fasten a sheet oh Jesus I didn't know was occupied hypetrain level 3 yay let's get more high of mix can we continue we can just assemble the bed oh yeah someone said the beds was a good idea yeah look at that hype we're on level 4 already and we've got the grognak hyper molten ever wow such hype that's just gonna thank you very much you're giving too much now it's very generous well I'll take these nails I think nails are always useful for the Carpenters yeah we got a lot of boxes nails though so don't worry too much I need a salt is something in the house in the house Oh yep you're right I'm pushing them back did you disassemble the bed is this what all this is yeah or schoolbag do you need one I've got a duffle bag already yeah that'll be good yeah equip that as your secondary it's in that cabinet rip secondary oh wait there's an option to just to put on your back oh yeah from your back then I don't know I don't know you're honest I think max is just past careful maybe that's why I hate him so much oh Jesus I've not been storing stuff in my [ __ ] hiking bag I forget to do that as well that's Kevin what does past Kevin know that present Kevin does not a little bit too deep oh that's a little thinker for you there folks look who you need that I mean you passed Kevin knows most of my passwords I do not antidepressants yes I found a video game that's love guys yes and the hype trains a 96% that's definitely an extra 4% finding a video game that's must be I'm just taking all these nails is that a good thing I can't take the planks cuz they're way too heavy don't worry too much about the nails cuz we've got boxes and nails and they have a hundred in each oh really oh yeah seven boxes yeah and they're not like they're not the hardest thing to find so if we can pick up the boxes there's not much else in here hmm a lot of planks but I'll take these curtains [Music] all aboard oh it's nighttime I think we can go home have some soup you know are you left-handed there's your webcam mirrored it's mirrored I was going to put it up the top right but I blocked the status thing so I moved at the left but look weird me looking the wrong way so it's flipped the magic of editing how to cook to cheer another thousand bits thank you very much all right stop piling gasoline before power goes out after power goes out you won't be of these gas pumps oh when do we need to find like this we need to find a do we need to find a gas station or can we yeah there are different carers or I suppose we need to find a gas station whose max is the sacrifice to have to go for all those bits I mean oh that's where the crowbar is I left it by the table I remember yeah and I realized it was under the table a while ago wait there's more beyond level oh okay I think when I level five of the hype train now because now at the top this is you've got like three minutes before so for people to keep subbing so the train goes on and we keep going like a surfer dude we're just gonna ride these rails dude you wanna join in we were just gonna do something complete you know California lifestyle would be like dude you'd be so cool if you're from California I can't imagine they could think like Californians have it so good that's like perfect weather all year round yeah oh no I love California but I'm like playing in LA I've been there twice now and yeah I could not live there with all that traffic Jesus Christ dude the traffic in LA was actually quite intense st the way thank you for the sub Oh what oh what Oh what would the Train sound when it reaches max power you would know you are max I mean this is final level it's this 123 percent I didn't realize it only god I'd have to call medical 156 no it would at least sound like a wow this money to be more extreme what does the train sound like when it's like you ever seen Back to the Future Kevin no never mind don't get mad at me is it really you - Chad do not get mad at me it's up to at least a we are I'm trying to think like you will train I'm pig mansions the tank with a really angry feet that's easy he always looks pretty pissed off like I can't believe I got reincarnated in the - a train and go and sock to be fair like you don't have freedom you got to stick to those rails James Hidalgo thanks for the song can can Thomas the Tank Engine go off the rails you can siphon gasoline but there won't be much gas in carries better options find a gas station using gas pumper right clicking it okay where do we find a gas station no I haven't seen a gas station yet oh I'm thirsty and hungry hold on I've got a gas canister anyway so I'm good my hits floor I just need a bit of I've been eating really healthy in this game I'm proud of myself broccoli more real the carrots that makes up for all the crap I eat in real life right are we taking the car we could take the caridy I mean if we're getting gas we got much gas itself though that's the only problem oh so you think better leave it here and bring gas to it healthy okay it's good all right it's very little but let's go yeah thank you everyone how do I get in feed and maybe pull it maybe pull out a bit I don't yeah yeah this is the hair dude it's so trash this is the most gnarly car you've ever seen it wobbles when it dries let's what do we know we're a gas station actually no okay good we should really you really touch it you need a map that we pick are like so much easier yeah hello if we just drive along the highway there must be a gas station somewhere oh my God look at all these what oh Jesus Jesus Christ dude I'm worried our cars gonna break if he finds 90 million - I'm gonna try to avoid them gasps Kevin think I'm thinking as if there's a garage oh gee reckon we should just try and find other cars and try and slice them I think we can find a gas station there must be cars around here there's a car there is that it yes I thought I thought it's done okay fuel is not looking good just this is just FYI okay let me zoom out what's this on the left that's a gas station let it guessing that's a gas station Kim I'm pretty sure it's a motel this is a motel wait why would you mean the one before yeah it was like a taxi park there so I think that might have been a pencil car in the quick turn me into fossil fuel not this one this this one here here here the dinosaur oh you are correct sir all right yeah yeah this is it gasps all right take fuel how do you cover me just cover me okay I'll be to myself there's a lot of zombies coming from your nose so just hop back in the car we'll go I filled it I'll just annoy this zombie yeah I'm getting in oh that is the best I've ever driven him did you get gas yes okay good how much do you know it's completely full the canister oh the canister okay I was gonna say the car okay but there's a couple of big big supermarkets along here people are impressed at my driving for once I this must be the best you've ever driven ever and yeah I mean it's the state do you mean a real life were in became yes was a couch wait what's that Oh like a storage yeah like like a storage this burgers in there no we don't like burgers oh my jesus oh Jesus Jesus wait at what point could get like oh and what point do we get like a tank or like a big fat Jeep oh my god there's more oh my god Oh My Jesus Christ I know about driving this car right back to the house I mean showing me without running yeah like pretty fair I was gonna say do you know how to get home yeah I'm gonna have to learn mechanics I can already tell yeah I really like her Karen oh it's cool having it yeah that's the [ __ ] but it's our piece of [ __ ] wait I don't just ignore it you know like when the banging gets louder you just turn the music up higher in your car how it works all right I'm adding gasoline I don't know if this is gonna add to this data add the whole thing okay deck the car now can you check it siphon gas for taking some back no no no do that then we check the car and see how hungry again [ __ ] mechanic to do with hungry oh that is awesome yeah we all know is it a lot it's like nearly half all right but we need to like store something according to whatever that man personal internet was telling us or actually I know this sounds weird but we should store it in the care because we can just siphon it back oh Jesus where did you come from now get ready we got a few coming our way do some pushing Jesus push push push social distancing only two people per party we do we're so yeah honestly I dare them to bite me now I bet it wouldn't even hurt me my body would fight it off all right perfect all right I'm gonna store the rest of this in the cache and then if we find another thing we can fill it up but I think that will do us for now I feel like we definitely need to siphon more dough yeah I'll keep it on me for sure but it's not a virgin see any more I need like a second car that would be ideal I think you're getting ready mister you want the American Dream you know yeah carriage listen you provided for this isn't even a Tesla I really feeling my potatoes aren't gonna make it they haven't been watered in a few days and they need water am I supposed to put it is there another way to do it I don't really think there is I saw a bucket in that warehouse we could go up we should have grabbed it it might have been useful yeah I was just worried about other stuff at the time like your well-being I'm very caring Wow hard to come by [Music] here's a bucket what the [ __ ] Chet I can't be used as everything I need to pick my uses wisely Jesus Christ and I'm gonna store this crowbar away it's pretty weak I don't know if it can be used as like an item yeah this plastic bag is dumb I don't need to say I don't quite get all I've got I need to actually unload stuff I've got like nails and [ __ ] my my bag antidepressants very good oh excuse me careful Kevin I'm sorry why is this not transferring I think the right-hand shelf is very full use the left hand one yeah I just know it is I own favorited I just throw away the dirty bag oh I don't know and check my Armani or know my body status is okay finally okay like can I just flush all these ranks stop it man please put them outside somewhere let's make a storage what do we need like a shitty storage or like a good storage we we need three plates and we can make a box it's the only place around banks we're going to I don't you I thought you were able to make planks I can't cuz when actors a week I can't really cut down the trees that's good stuff to fix it I'm gonna blow you entertained the chat okay oh you mean for the zombies I hope all right now at Kevin's rotten chat and there's a severe delay as I'm also watching chat what do you guys talk about when you're not like talking about Kevin and besides using me as like all these random things Oh God every time you guys say the word mags it makes my chat right so this is like kind of like traumatizing who's max there's no you can't use me as things hello chat by you beautiful people how's everyone doing god no it's going too fast you guys need to slow down you're talking about soup again darphus oh there we go use me them my friend that's what I want in life okay no no no you're using the hotkey max and you're not allowed to use that word which time you use that word it just makes my chat read no you're doing it but just faster that's not helping me can't use me as gas which is that that's not how it works yes if you're all doing really good at putting my name in chat it's working making my chat very red I've got even the Matta me Liam no okay no one's helping you guys aren't helping the cause at all this is making it way way WAY WAY worse I like soup yes I like soup soup is good keeps you warm on the inside as well as the outside use me as peanut butter soup that's a good idea it's really good Kevin they just keep putting max into chat and it's making that it's triggering the key word things it's just making it worse someone said to use me as peanut butter soup yeah I hope you're on well with them I haven't checked to the viewercount so there could be potentially a dozen people there that you've never seen literally dozens of them let's not get out of hand yeah doesn't everyone wants to use me as soup I'm not too sure all this empty tin can on our shelf it's so good yes she's gonna put it back after me I'm not the cleanest of roommates feel like we need to get something to get water to the to the actual taters yeah yeah let's go back to that warehouse it's not snitching I'm just pointing out the complete obvious labor up or down I'm confused I go up and over that wire fence okay hello values there's no super molds I'll get you a super mole okay next the next month we have free slots on your remotes I don't know if I have any free slots maybe I don't know how easy that is to check maybe we should ask someone that works for twitch hmm only we knew someone yes to be fair Liam asked me a question today he asked growl today like how to do a certain thing on twitch and I was like wait a second you work for the same company makes us all the connections I'm just a snitch I'm just knitting our twitch twitch people I think we took a wrong turn this is where we went originally isn't it or is it yeah no no it's this way and then a bit right and then a bit left wait I thought it was a bit right no it's through this this clearing and then a bit left I don't believe you what do you mean wait you are correct see look here's the park benches and it's straight ahead a we're going to the grass get the place use Max is a really long winded spiritual journey in which you find your true eye inner peace holy crap it's very right oh my god there's a lot of people is that door open to be open it this one I'd pretty sure it's okay oh oh oh [ __ ] Oh some bees in here I think this isn't gonna be safe Kevin nope nope and we're not gonna last long in here we got to get that bucket and get out of here where do you remember where it was I think it was in the center okay I'm just gonna check every box until there's someone politely knocking should we leave them in you know this is the time where you know social distancing real saying where we don't let people in and we're just like please come back another day yeah you were correct sir and if you find any wood glue or duct tape I need it okay don't burn this guy's dreams therein okay oh yeah we need to leave at the back this is this way I'm going out come on come on come was a zombie there but I'm going yet are you oh are you okay yes sure you're gonna be a happy boy you know I got you a watering can oh my god me so be good you're running south okay it could make a good base that warehouse all for sure but we don't really have the the manpower seems like we'd need to like plank it all up yeah right now we've got a good base yeah at least to start from yeah it would be cool to like expand to somewhere like that because that has like so much storage oh yeah for sure I don't think we've ever made it that far in this kind of game though we kind of like make one house and then we get to a point we were like oh yeah we could definitely do this and then we just die yeah which I think yeah like it's hard to level up your character in this game it is so then like yeah like for example if we focus on oh I just love love my sprinting go into your skills and see if you can do it it's way faster what yeah if you spend a lot of time getting your carpentry up and then you die it's pretty depressing you got to spend a lot of time to get it back on right oh yeah how do I level it up to come and I just click the plus button last button does it it it says 6775 does it have to like fill oh yeah it has to fill the entire block with Jesus we've made it across the field that's always good news did we actually get anything out of that run cuz I feel like I didn't I mean we got the watering can I got some nails so it's not it's not too bad thought you said we had enough needles I got a box of nails though oh right yeah I've got moderate desertion so I'm kind of tired close the door when you call me in lad all right oh wait we fell loads of planks in here I can make a box out of this a box like a starbase our box where's the watering can Kevin it's on my person let me just drop it you droop it and it's open the window there it's a nice one it's green Wow Wow come here watering can I'm gonna use you to garden with fill up the washerman cans in my hand water full furniture bookcase they're still healthy I don't know when they're gonna grow but we have potatoes that are healthy I could make a wooden cross but that affect us what does that do anything I wouldn't create that's what we need will I put it inside yes yeah Wow look at that handiwork you're gonna be impressed by this look at that it's almost square Wow it's just another storage box yes we're just running out of storage like really fast oh wow I think we might need to oh it's raining oh yeah we can second make the barrel collection you all right um I might make this into the new Kara pantry box because our other one only has ten and this is 50 storage well that's pretty good though I'm just dropping things like nothing that I have on me actually any good I'll move everything what's the difference between a sheet rope that because it's more craftable a sheet rope is used for like getting out of windows and stuff like that oh I'm so glad I came for the stream well I'm glad you're enjoying it this has been fun transfer all oh no I haven't down my drinkers Liam is here to give me another Liam such a good roommate and a nice man best remain and he definitely hooked me up on Twitch to get good twitch stop I want some of those twitch socks you've only got like I tried to get him to get the twitch shoelaces just which I never knew that can you buy these or is it just for like employees I don't know I saw him I don't know if you remember who like fuzzy are the balls is he's like og twitch oh yeah changed my channel name from called me Kevin - I'm moving target and I never get it changed back I know he was like og twitch and he got some from summer fan and I saw them on he posted them on Twitter and I sent them to Liam sure anyway I was like where is your twitch shoots they are they look really cool though like the amount of branded stuff we have a twitch branded shopping bag damn dude and a twitch branded metal straw think of all the things to have brand that's the kind of thing via matches to get out of work and does anyone know how I use this key ring I found another keyring is that someone else's keyring yeah Harold Moore's key and he's got two keys on it one of them as a character so I know what she is just a quick makeshift axe by foraging for sticks and sharp stones hmm we have sticks outside I know where we get the shot don't worry in storms we just sort of wail away it's done use Max's twitch for drinks oh thank you very much yeah just good days I have made good date in years oh no let me switch my alcohol though doesn't it when you start mixing stuff it starts getting really bad yes I shall be fine oh wait I think yeah nevermind this is me I'm Harold Moore I forgot my name they're all lips has been so long what your name is Harold I've been calling you Kevin for so long call me Harold more time for the rebrand it's just an excuse to make new merch with the same assignments call me Harold more things Massey for the sub yeah I named my other person Jim Pickens but I guess when we restarted the world I forgot to put him there I think I had that thing where you Trey you move one tray around and it changes your name for some reason okay let asam be it was surely then reach the wall the Trump wall is secure it's impenetrable thirsty we should have probably gone to sleep while this rain was happening I mean it's night time so let's go sleep yeah I'll use that moment to go to the toilet because you know burst steel et cetera yes you sleep usual I'm the forward in showing you guys the new Sims video I think it might be done tomorrow maybe the day after that rain is relaxing really I find it terrifying sounds like my incoming death we cannot hear you what yes you can you are lying it's date time again maybe you couldn't hear me over to the Thunder oh yes it's too loud I think I think it was just that under I think it's fine now again let me minimize for a second I want to take a look at what's going on the founder is - oh yeah it was pretty loud for me as well of it hey guys thanks for all the subs I'm just single everyone who's subscribed now I appreciate it hello me Bob you very much for that handi mocchi flight 800 people some 12 months of Jesus thanks for that threefold maker magic Alex and nerd mom Lily VJ den ideas JPK Millie - gifted a sub - 12345 that's a lot of numbers thank you and also I had to go thank you for all those bits earlier that was a lot James he dodged a fish itself as well this one that was really loud okay I apologize having you such a good fancy yeah I feel like we've got a good little community it's really nice Kevin when do you make a new minecraft video I've been debating doing another one like a cursed one of some sort that's minecraft how does that work just like a really cursed texture pack there pretty miss - hope yeah okay what's the plan now we got you or your watering can I take we need a bigger firm right we've got a grades here we've got a trowel I can dick with my hands can you could hurt your hands though careful any eventually yeah you can actually hurt your head okay house quick there's trees and a trowel on this bookshelf on this bookshelf okay you grab the trial strawberries potatoes small why to use earbuds in your videos when you've headphones I just think headphones are distracting I've always wondered that too why do you have earphones I just like them I think they're more subtle rather than like I prefer playing with headphones but that dug point of hatch out oh thanks for the bits that's pinky good family mix this is just fantastic this is thank you I've been trying really hard I can tell it's really nice I'm so strawberries averages I'm gonna go look for rocks oh we have a guest you let someone in there's no solicitors or house where's my hammer gone that's a real question pleased I have to cause hate you footage here again to you this crazy yes how many cheers badges are there probably not as much as you need but cheers to you cheers to that excellent move corpses away from your frame they can bring diseases to your crops someone said that's actually really solid advice it does make sense near the door I don't know if they followed me or they went towards you that's all was that screaming you or them how far away to have to be to not contaminate kids I found an ambulance I don't know I just assume like get them away from like five yeah I'm just like putting on the other side of the driveway you know it'll be our graveyard I hope so I can't wait to be paramedics in the pen dick and that would be so cool imagine being able to drive an ambulance we'd be like Ghostbusters except you useless that'd be so fun and stuff I want in life I really want to get at that ambulance but I can't now you can't even get in it smash the back door can you smash the back door if you right-click it you probably can why don't I do my watering can yeah this way I need to get that map oh yeah they're testing me like the interactive one and a little boogie boo and yes yeah the interactive one was quite good and useful yeah it would definitely help us out oh Jesus I know where my potatoes are gonna grow be very useful you okay you doing not working no the lovely little helm are you sure I can break into this you should be able to I remember like seeing me be able to pick the winner what do you just south of us Allah yeah there's not that many zombies I think they can deal with it I'm running towards you just in case yeah there's only four left killed one and I was really strong when I did it and really brave and hence just sound like most of you yeah just keep following the road know where I am by trailer park wait did you sound like as soon as you came up the yes did you follow the road south yeah you didn't go left like to the right-hand side of the screen no wait hold on Emily Kate thanks with a bit you needed to go like ooh Jesus um yeah okay then say when you came and her boyfriend from watching your stream so not say feck I heard it smash that was so [ __ ] loud a rolling pin maybe there's just nothing in it affect this then hot working out I don't know we're whereabouts a unit I'm in a house I'm just eating pork mutton delicious how to find rocks sharp stone I got sleeping tablets worries up over we're always going to sleep now any problem sleeping as is but sure why not max use Max's rocks I wish I could guys but I can I hurt a big smash when I was hitting it but didn't work I'm serious deja vu all the sudden find out of that really yeah someone's think there should be rocks in a pet store it gave me mad deja vu I'm slow as [ __ ] I've picked up too much food ex back I'm heading back to the house all right that one's fast oh my god yeah I'm not sure how to go thank you it came for the bits Jesus gotta go to sleep now I'll be streaming we're off in the future I hope to as well have a good soup have a good soup alright I'm back in the house I don't know how to find rocks and I'm frustrated and angry oh do you grow some rocks on your phone yes thank you sounds like just the kind of thing I could do I'm removing the weeds the place is unsightly it's a week it's there's just like random patches of grass and stuff how did they get there I don't know but I don't like it have you understand dorky rags are rampant no I must meet someone else on the server some other disgusting person gross you can leave my what am i leaving my plank so they going in here with ya like what else is useful to you nails I got some marinara sauce though yeah fantastic are you hungry do you want an entire ham I sure think I'm good thank you I'll put it in the fridge and the marinara sauce yes I got more potato seeds seeds well I got a worm what does this do hunger - five just eat the worm I just made my character either I got sleeping tablets but I mean oh I'm queasy you might be a good time to try and finish up the stream anything really good spot yeah we could do more of this I think yeah this has been good fun yeah there's a lot of stuff to do thank you magnificent magic for the donation no no this has been pretty fun if max is down to play more we will stream some more I mean I'm at home a lot of the time now is just like heaven please eat max please is hunger all right I'm gonna mute on the teamspeak max and I'm just gonna finish up the stream all right you afterwards all right a few minutes bye guys have a lovely evening everyone thanks max for being super versatile and every item we needed here yes I am everything yeah all right bye bye max talk to you a bit bye sound muted all right we are done and I don't know how to save this game I hope it just saves automatically can someone like confirm this saves like if I just leave before we close down look at all those buyers - max thank you having to cover the extra cheer one last appreciate it you've to forage divine stones okay that's good to know we'll do it next time yes it saves if you leave by normal means okay great back out of this quit fantastic okay Kevin what was the Taunton raise from make-a-wish and oh Christ I think it was worth 18,000 euros if I'm not mistaken what was a 16 I don't know I'll tweet about it soon because we were organizing something where they wanted me to actually come and give them a check and they wanted to like take a picture and he'll check and all this kind of thing but obviously this whole scenario started so I was like okay I'm just gonna post you the check and now I'll lock to help so I'm just gonna have to like transfer the money it's been kind of a mess but I'm yeah I like tweet out the exact amount and like that transaction and stuff just to be like legit but I'm yeah at least they have like a Twitter and stuff so I'm not just scamming people but yeah that was that was a good experience and like even just talking about afterwards they were blown away like they called me as soon as the stream and think I was dealing with and rang me you know it was like 1:00 a.m. or something or chatted Tim Luganda thanks for the cheer appreciate it and we talked we talked for a bit and he was like super overwhelmed then I talked to they're like higher off I suppose the next day and she was super overwhelmed well it was just great and Cahill thank you for the sub as well it guys thanks for joining the stream and thank you for all the the subs the donations the baits and everything throughout I apologize if I didn't acknowledge any ones throughout the stream and I tried to as much as I could but I just I found it was intimidating like when I was streaming before when I was reading everything and I felt like I was doing a bad stream because I wasn't I wasn't interacting with the chat enough and I wasn't playing the game enough and I was just reading these donations so it just wasn't a good stream so I'm trying to get better at it talk to you for the chair but I hope to get a bit better at it and hopefully I can stream a bit more even just stuff like this where I just play with like a friend or something I'd love to stream or stuff like that because it's it's really fun I squid Soph thank you for the sub and hopefully I can stream more often but I just find it very hard dedicate like a schedule to it because I obviously have to focus on videos and I do them daily and there's a lot of work goes into those videos and then if I don't have like a solid schedule I've really struggled to stream and stuff and the longer it goes on where you didn't stream and it gets more intimidating to come back to it but I definitely gotta do more I do enjoy it and especially the times were in there's nothing better to be doing and the top of that it's like just chatting with people but yeah we're going to finish up there I know times a weird moment by the way so I'll try and end I'll try and yes these peoples are boy Mac said I'm gonna try and keep doing videos and streams and stuff but yeah I just look after yourself depending on where you are at different situations but Jesus it is weird times like I was saying it to Beck's earlier I was like imagine if you went back like five years and said the next five years the major points you'd be [ __ ] blown away by even this it's just insane that we're literally told to not leave our houses is just nuts but just stay safe and looking after yourself I'm finding even just going outside the door of my house I live off on my own so I can just go outside you just get some fresh air and do a bit of exercise helping me a lot it so look after yourself chat chat to people if you can online we're lucky to have that and stay at home perfect if you can and if you can't if you're forced to work you're in the central warfare play because Jesus is strange times but and yeah as Mac said wash your paws it's really important oh yeah I think we're gonna end it there thanks for joining we'll do another stream soon I think if Max is all for it which I think he is yeah use Max as washing hands use Max's soap Artie said I'd be streaming and his channel I think I'm streaming tomorrow I might stream here as well I think I might and for a change I'll actually stream as well I think it would be quite small compared to Ortiz but I think I'll be straight as well because sometimes people look for my point of view but for now we're gonna end it there have a good night morning everyone goodbye a bye bye thanks for watching thanks for the subs thanks for the donation bro thanks for the bits and everything thanks for time back at home games thanks for the cheer right
Channel: CalmMeKevin
Views: 5,336
Rating: 4.9642859 out of 5
Keywords: callmekevin, callmekevin stream, stream, archive, callmekevin stream archive, CallMeKevin stream, CallMeKevin stream archive, CallMeKevin twitch streams, callmekevin twitch, callmekevin streams
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 13sec (11173 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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