NEW 45ft MacDon FD245 FLEXDRAPER Harvesting Wheat

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hi big tractor power fans this video comes to you from a west tennessee winter wheat field where a brand new 45 foot wide macdon fd245 flex draper head is working on harvesting the crop with a horsepower 410 bushel case ih 9250 exoflow combine in this video i would like to share with you the new features that are offered in mcdonn's fd2 series of flex draper heads we'll take a ride inside the cab of this big class 9 combine and visit with the operator about the features that he likes on the header and take a look at that new triple reel setup i'll also visit with a representative from mcdonne to talk about the features that are offered on these flex draper heads from 30 to 50 feet but first let's head out to the field so you can see and hear all this harvesting action i'm up in the cab of the 9250 axle flow combine class 9 machine and it is operating the 45 foot wide mcdon fd 245 head you can see that new triple reel setup as it rolls along through the wheat crop so john david the first thing i notice about this header is i'm used to the the bar for the two reels right right in your view of the the platform and the throat of the combine must give you a lot better visibility out here great it's one of the best things that they've come up with not painting that's just awesome it's totally wide open and it looks like you have a better view too actually of the the cutter bar as well where you can actually see from your seat messing right give them your your perspective you can actually you don't have to lean forward to see what's going on up there that's great just more comfort added to the to the whole cutting system so are there any special features um as far as the controls of this header or are you just using the keysight's joystick here and it's all plugged in it's all plug and play there so joystick real easy operator friendly of course the ditches aren't too friendly but it looked like it it rolled right through it yeah so yeah so mcdonald has increased the actual capacity or gathering capacity in the header do you notice any difference as far as your harvesting speed or capacity during the day of getting a few more acres in we have as far as capacity the intake one thing the belt the larger bail the crops laying over these and of course you're not losing as much to i guess you call it uh better better loss better loss you know you can see it's laying back in there nice and pretty the speed wise with a mile and a half an hour problem uh that's a big difference yes yes it is big difference uh what's in a tank run so the machine is going to do itself now we can see here climbing up the speed as it starts loading itself too much it decreases ground speed there's that old school mechanic over here with me he said i don't like this well it's impressive how where it gets a little bit thicker and pulls it back and when you get lighter it's jumping it right back up there heavy wheat crop like this 45 feet at a time that's a lot of material to bring in and lots of material to bring in lots of header to watch now i notice out there uh that the reel has kind of a different setup on the ends as well it's not just a flat disc i imagine that helps you avoid lodging when it gets a little bit wetter at night or they do start setting in it does it does last night this first night i actually run to about 9 30 with it and it was very little as we said we've got a little bit right there it's very little yes so you're running this uh 45 foot head and you're unloading on the go uh gives you quite a bit of room those to stay away from the cart and everything yes it of does we got the extended auger but it does it does a good job across this i mean overall it's like it's those things it's night and day i mean they're steadily moving in the right direction uh as far as improvements that's good when it just goes out there gets the job done and no frustrations that's right i'm here with alan gervais from mcdon and we're going to talk a little bit about a brand new fd 2 series of headers that has just been announced by the company pretty exciting lots of updates well first of all i had the new two series headers are available in 30 35 40 41 45 and 50 foot models uh that's new for us uh a couple of things that uh that we kind of stressed about these new models that we we talked about right away is that is the 20 30 70 syndrome and that is it's got uh 20 more capacity 30 percent more cutting speed and 70 percent more flex than the previous model had of course it's still in three sections uh one of the other big things too is on the 40 foot 45 and 50 foot uh 45 and 50 have a triple reel which is standard equipment 40 foot models it's uh you have either a double reel or a or a triple reel a triple reel would be an option uh what we've tried to retain certainly uh on our on all our models is that relationship between the reel and the cutter bar cutting very very close at all times in any kind of crop conditions that you want to throw at them and that's that's that's that's one of our that's that's really one of our big features obviously our reel is meant to do that as well uh with a double or triple reel with the uh the longer tines uh and uh and also like the cam angle that we can adjust depending on the field conditions well let's step out here and take a look at this new tripper reel it's it's impressive you can see on this fp-245 got the three different reels so what it what advantage uh does your new reel give us in in terms of of advantages uh obviously we've added some aluminum on the on on all of the units uh just to make them slightly lighter but certainly on the triple reel uh what we've done is because of the 45 and the 50 foot and the extra 70 flex that we've got in them uh we've almost had to go to a triple reel to retain again that cutter bar to real relationship uh when you're getting real real low on in the reel and you're doing some flexing you want you want all of the tines really spread over the uh the entire cutter bar nice and even and so that's that's one of the one of the big pictures of of our reel whether it be a double really or a or a triple reel the the the going moving back from the reel of course the other thing that we've done differently is it's a completely new cutting system uh that we had previously and i can show you that let's take a look at that well that swings out of the way nicely there's our there's our new uh there's our new frame and that's that's that's the way it's uh that's the way it looks and that's why we've designed it and of course if you see down here the legs down below and stuff are quite a bit heavier than they were in the past the the what's nice about the new cutting system obviously is that it's it's it's a direct drive hydraulic motor driven uh and we also have a flywheel to add some momentum to the to the cutter bar itself uh and on this particular model of 45 and the 50 foot uh a a dual drive is uh his standard equipment so that's that this is this is new and this is part of our uh part of our new capacity feature obviously is is this type of a new uh knife drive as well as that on the cutter bar itself point it on the on the cutter bar itself we really have uh two types of guard options we have the standard which is the uh the pointed guard and we actually have the option uh to all the way across the cutter bar which is is uh this this type of a guard here uh that we that we have um which is called a plug free guard and that's that's available throughout the whole cutter bar if that's really what you want where you'd really want to plug free garden where it really works well obviously is in very down wet crop and also in rice it's it really works well in in the rice condition the other thing we've done too uh is our we've got new uh sickle sections sickle sections have about 25 more uh surface area than our previous models had as well so that's uh that just again adds to the capacity of the machines and i guess we can see the the new kind of thinner aluminum set up on the framing of the header as well yeah yeah now the other thing too in order to to to again increase that capacity uh you really got to move the the material back and into the combine as well as that our deck is now a 50 inch deck as compared to what we had before which was a 44 inch okay again in in tall bushy crops especially like canola that's where this really does work well it just gives you more area for the grain or in the material to move back and then on into the into the combine the aluminum itself there's no stress points on the aluminum uh really anything that was a stress point on we're still with steel uh the other thing i didn't mention is on the tying bars on the reel itself take a look at those yeah yeah on the uh and the 45 and all the triple reels i i neglected to mention is that the time bars themselves are all aluminum as well again just taking some weight out of that uh our our center uh as far as the uh um the flex and float is concerned uh again 70 percent more float than we had uh previously and uh but the the center the auger itself is very very similar to our to our previous model other than we've also gone back to the uh to the solid fingers on the on the drum itself [Applause] my hydraulic system as well and obviously it's been in the field here but it's this is all brand new uh it's one nice neat package three separate pumps one pump that drives the knife itself we got a pump also that drives the side uh drapers and of course we got a separate pump that drives the the center draper itself one other feature that we do have on this model that we didn't have on the previous models was a nice easy way for actually for the operator to speed up or slow down the knife again if he's uh you know speed this is can cause some some wear obviously uh but what's nice about it is if he's going real real uh a real high speed uh and he's trying to cut a large crop obviously you want to turn your speed up on your on your knife to get that kind of capacity you don't need the capacity you can turn the knife down you turn the side drapers down again it just it just helps keep everything the longevity longer on on both types of of the cutter bar system and as well as that draper belt well thank you very much for the tour of this new header it'll be exciting to see the new two series out in the field i'm sure they'll populate across north america pretty quickly and uh it's exciting to see one of the early ones out here in the field today well thank you thanks for coming i hope that you've enjoyed spending some time out in the field with and learning about the new fd2 series of flex draper heads from mcdonne for those viewers that are curious about the price tag of the fd 245 model featured in this video it has a list price of 149 000 i'd like to hear in the comments section below the video about the flex draper or other type of headers that you run in your farming operation to harvest crops if you've enjoyed the video consider subscribing to big tractor power youtube where there are over 2 000 videos of farm machines in action if you would like to see additional footage of mcdon draper heads harvesting crops continue to watch this video for a few more seconds to the end screen which will directly link you to additional big tractor power videos as always thank you for watching [Music] you
Channel: bigtractorpower
Views: 31,469
Rating: 4.9694657 out of 5
Keywords: bigtractorpower, case ih 9250 combine, wheat harvest, Macdon fd2 flexdraper, Macdon fd245, harvest, combine harvester, fs19, fs22, farming simulator
Id: K6iPs4koI18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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