Now That's How You Make Hay!!

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if this is your first ever sunny farms video i gotta warn you you're gonna need some sunglasses because we got some white legs you might get blinded more than ellie [Music] it's gonna be scorching hot day today said it's getting up to 102 look at this tire it's melting or maybe it's just flat someone should probably pump that up we're gonna be cutting some hey dad's gonna be bailing jeff's gonna be raking a lot of stuff going on sit oh good girl oh you tried you tried your best quick glance at the knives this one's getting a little dull cutting too much today so i think we'll be able to make it people trying to get this done before that 102 degree weather starts get things dry there was a nice do this morning soak that stuff back up yesterday was a pretty dry day we were cutting some hay two days ago hit a rock started a fire and we burnt about an acre of our grass hay we were pretty worried about that it was a big field of grass and we ended up calling the fire department a neighbor came with his water tank and i was spraying it down with our four-wheeler sprayer good on oil got it covered but just kind of scared us you know usually you don't have to worry about that too much while you're cutting it because you know that grass hasn't dried down yet it hasn't been in a wind road drying down for a couple days some of that old hay from last year and then even some of the hay that's just in the ground growing it's just so dry it's ready to light up we're headed over to the south farm this morning there's two small patches there we'll knock it out in just a couple hours just getting to the south farm this first patch is down here and to the right we might have to knock over a little bit of corn but you know if we don't get rain in like two weeks it might not be worth anything anyway so gotta get our hay gotta feed the cattle and actually we usually do cut kind of a path so i guess we can get started here i'll just probably instead of having the head tilted down i'm gonna have it tilt it up might be more rocks sorry corn the fence is getting close fence line runs like a square just three acres by the time i get done going around the field i'll basically be done with it it's a giant pile of rocks i don't think i want to try cutting through that rocks and garbage now that's some hay right there been waiting for that we're doing this small patch and then like another decently small piece of grass we were gonna do two medium-sized fields but today's wednesday it looks like we might get a shot of rain on friday and so this stuff might end up getting rained on but i really hope it does you know it's been so dry i hope these grass windrows get flushed into a river we get so much rain we we need a giant rain to do some good we have had probably six ten hundreds to fifteen hundreds which is like a tenth almost two tenths of an inch of rain we've gotten that like six times and they don't they don't really do anything they volatilize our fertilizer they don't get into the root zone nuisance rains that if we add them all all up together then they maybe would have done some i i tell you what guys it is so dry how dry is it it is so dry yesterday i saw a cat tail rode itself up and walk into a stock dam and that was dry and then it just said screw it dried up and died it is we need a rain help us pray for us to get a rain we need a rain on the other hand we are truly blessed that we are getting some hay like this this is actually pretty decent those windrows aren't massive but there's something we got neighbors to the north and the west that just super dry and some aren't even getting the hanging equipment out this year and that's terrible and i'm i'm sorry for you i feel bad for you i hope you get a rain so so we're about done i stopped right here because i thought some people would find this interesting so right here we have a milkweed plant i'll show you why it's called milkweed when you tear it off you see you got kind of a milky substance right there interesting fact about this thing during a certain stage through the monarch butterfly's lifespan this is the only food it eats so sometimes if you're in like a nursery or something maybe like a hoop building that's kind of enclosed and they got butterflies flying around you'll probably find some of this milkweed there's many different types all different kinds of flower structures and you can find this all over south dakota i'm sure it's in many other states but you see it a lot in ditches and stuff like that and when people do see it they kind of want to spray it really all it does is feed butterflies i guess so now if you're feeling bad for the milkweed and the butterflies you also know that many people are allergic to milkweed and when they're growing it gives people you know head colds yeah so i stopped the machine climbed all the way down there with my bum knee so i could tell you about milkweed so you better have enjoyed it dang it all right and we're done that's a decent feel to hey just wish there was more than three acres of it chopped a little bit of cairns wish we could hate these trees they got some tall grass in there so a little bit further east we're gonna be hitting this patch right here i think it's 10 acres so it's about three times the size of that last one we'll be right next to the cows we should be able to see some some cow calf pears there's definitely some really short grass throughout here some of that lame bearded stuff that foxtail barley that cattle hate eating you basically gotta cut it and grind it so they eat it but it's a nice square patch gotta love that should be a fun one [Music] yeah it's just so satisfying got tall grass cutting header width oh making hay so as you probably know we a couple days ago we were cutting hay hit a rock and started a fire so now we got a fire extinguisher extinguisher sitting in there banging around so hopefully that doesn't explode but we have some sort of protection now if something starts up hopefully i'll be fast enough to get to the fire and spray it all down otherwise we'll have to call brian the honorary fire boy what is that oh that's a bunny so many bunnies the honorary fire boy so he can come put it out that stuff is short [Music] [Music] [Music] as we're working this way we're getting into more uh it looks like a wheat grass i think seems like it's turning out pretty decent that won't taste good and there it is just look at this this window right here it's just like grass clippings some of those spots are gonna get to the point where it's like hard to see where the rake needs to go sucks you can probably see those cows they got some dry mud on them they've been mudding in there there's a dug out in the back there's no water in it it's muddy sink their feet in that mug cools them off a little bit and yeah they're just they're getting dirty time to head home hopefully that stuff gets a two incher on it i don't even care we need some rain [Music] ellie's thinking oh good someone can let me into the garage hello wanna go to the garage want to go in the garage go check and see how they're coming over where they're bailing and raking this might have been the rock that started the fire oh check this out guys look at the grouping we got going on here and then just a solid line of hay this john deere demo the a520r male accumulator it's sweet look at that just all the bales grouped up down there and of course last video we got the 8235r on this baler it looks sweet that's quite the unit haha yeah it's elana hey so you can see oh man if a fire started this would be horrible i'm sorry you're getting sick of it but we need a rain for goodness sake shout out to daddy's doing a great job so he's got two different lines and they're about a quarter of the way in as he passes these two lines whether he's got one or two bales he dumps him on the move keeps going and then once he hits the other line of bales he dumps whatever he's got so before like last year when i would come in to pick bales up i'd go all the way to the back count 15 because that's how many we can pick up in a load and i'd park in between and i'd go here and i'd go there just grabbing the bales kind of in my general vicinity vicinity vicinity i went for agronomy not english so now it makes it a lot easier we come in here we just park by the bales pick them all up saves a lot of time and it's a lot less traffic on the field that is quite the site let's drive over there and check that out would you believe that that hay right there was cut just yesterday when you're cutting it it's just it's it's half dried already and then we got this a little glitch mark it looks smaller today than it did the other day so we're going through here started in that back corner hit a rock and it just sparked it up and got it going really isn't any drier than it was when we started cutting it's just that under stuff some of it's dead stuff from last year but it's just dry and so fire started jeff popped out when he saw it and he started you know stepping on it trying to put it out and it was just getting away from him and you know i'm just gonna save my explanation if you go back two videos you'll see it and i recommend you check it out i was trying to put the fire out with this thing yeah that was about an acre maybe a little less than an acre so you know with the dry conditions we lost about a bale i don't i don't feel bad about that at all i would have lost sleep and i would have shed some tears if we would have burned this whole 90 acres of grass hurts just thinking about it what's up cows they never reply i know the ac is really nice in that 82 35r thanks you gonna bring me food uh yeah probably about that time yeah i know okay i'll get going so the honorary fire boy is uh he's getting a little hungry so am i so i'm gonna go make some food and you know what when i come back we'll bring the drone we'll get some sweet drone video keep hydrated ladies it's gonna be a hot one that's an uncomfortable chair oh i've lived it all my life so uh i i was in the situation where either i put some of the leftover meat into some tupperware or i just give you extra meat so you were wise yeah so you got the extra meat push down the auto steer is pretty good today even turns for you yeah this is pleasant it's not too bad he's getting stronger good looks like a charm [Music] do [Music] [Music] and i hope everybody stayed for the end of this video because that was some of the coolest drone video i've ever gotten just shows you perfectly how that thing works you drive by your drop zone you drop the bales on the move and then when you come to pick the bales up they're all close by goodness gracious that was picture perfect picture perfect all right to end the day planter and tractor sitting in there is really annoying me i'd like to turn it around and get it ready to be unhooked so we can use that tractor so we're going to back out the semi i should probably get that charging up air pumping and then we're going to turn that planter around see how much wasted space we have we have machines parked outside if you start for me that'd be pretty awesome i didn't do it [Music] pretty soon i'll be able to water the crops with my sweat [Music] had about a foot more looks like dad made it back when i started moving the semi i rolled both the windows down to get a breeze in there you know it's hot and then after i did so i realized that for some reason the passenger side half the time doesn't like to come back up it's always something i could really use some ice cream oh you know if we started milking our black angus critters and made ice cream would you guys buy it sounds like a lot of work but it'd be sweet i'll get this pulled in and then i'm going to ice my knee that's my uh reward for the day [Applause] all right roll up come on maybe it's just oh there we go yeah [Music] pretty it's a hot one i'm glad you spent the day making hay with sunny farms thanks for watching we really appreciate it and we definitely hope to see you next time have a good one [Music] dad one time i was listening to you with a couple farmers talking about rain one guy said every every day you don't get it it's one day closer to getting it and then another guy said well every time you get it's one less time you're going to get it what say you every day we don't get it we're one day closer to our cup being did i think all three statements are true
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 661,511
Rating: 4.9233971 out of 5
Keywords: farm technology, farm, ranch, sonne farms, farming, cattle, calf, america, john deere, case ih, tractors, machinery, skid steer, loader, wheel loader, loader tractor, precision ag, calving, baby, manure, hauling cor, grain, soybeans, corn, combine, harvest, baling, hay, bales, alfalfa, drainage, drain tile, tillage, planting, plant 21, header, grass, ranching, storm, plants, regenerative ag, agriculture, midwest, south dakota, heavy machinery, big tractor, Millennial Farmer, Larson Farms, Welker Farms, cow
Id: Yg1xUs6Zrh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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