Sweet Corn PILLAGED! Installing a Fence and Planting More, Kubota LX3310 John Deere Planter

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dad i'm disappointed in you why is that well there's a whole host of reasons but today i'm disappointed in you because you didn't get the whole garden planted with sweet corn you know i'm i'm hoping for a second chance on that but i figured there was another reason i see a bunch of corn that's been transported out into the yard and i've realized that uh i need to add another rule to my rule about growing corn yeah which is that they must be planted with love right um they also must be sprayed with love let's take a look at the corn and we'll finally get around to that this is the second planting of corn here now there's a few stalks right here on the end that look like they don't they didn't get enough nitrogen but the rest of it in there i mean seeing sweet corn this tall that's pretty amazing and it's looking really good got some nice silks on it now let's take a few steps to the right oh come on did we have to what happened here dad well out here the coons got to what was probably left of the corn because we were gone all week hey there might still be some in here what went on here was i actually talked about it in a prior video i talked about how i had sprayed it with 24d i asked my friends at ohio state about this and they said yeah you can spray corn with 2 4 d but you cannot spray it directly on the swirl as they call it when it's when it's growing like that so you have to when they spray it they use what they call drops they hang down in between the rows and spray it you can touch the corn with it but not the swirls well i sprayed it right over the top and it did some pretty serious damage to the corn in here look at this they really got that one good well i don't think that was 24d i think that's that he ate every bit of it didn't you yeah at least they're eating the whole thing you know i can't really be that upset yeah so they're eating it why don't we get the fence up today see if we can salvage what's left of this i see some good corn out there we're going to have some corn um this white bit up on the top of this area real quick yeah i wonder that's we always call that smut but i wonder if that's happened because of the 2 4 d as well it put the look at that it tried to put an ear up on the top wow i think it's all confused see after i after i sprayed it yeah the 24d spray over the top was not a good plan but hey now we all know look how much better the other corn looks let's talk about it so we planted this i believe on june the 9th or 10th today is july 31st it's almost ready i mean it's look at how tall it is it's huge tall it's already soaked so it's it's another week or so and it'll be ready i'm wondering if we have a chance of maybe getting another crop i think maybe that's possible but we got a lot of work to do we gotta put the fence up we got a plant more corn and while we're at it we're going to have a competition for who can tell the corniest joke corniest joke yeah why did the farmer get lost in the cornfield why it was really a maze okay i got one all right why do you not want to tell a secret in a cornfield there's ears everywhere that was predictable why did the cornfield get arrested i don't know why stalking i don't want to get the tiller out what do you think well let's just plant some more corn right out here as long as it's planted with love okay now dad back in my day yeah we used to use the haas wheel hoe or whatever yeah to draw a line in the dirt draw a line whatever what do you call that when you make a row make a row i i didn't teach you anything and now it looks like you're going to make me use a tractor planter that's the plan i can never keep up with you kids these days yeah do you need some help i may about too heavy for me gotta use your muscles you used to tell me to john wayne things all the time yeah i'm about to i'm about to the john wayne style on this one this is the single worst part of a quick hitch is putting it on taking it off if you ever need to in this case i had it off so that we could put the third function kit on get in here and get some better access so typically if all your attachments are quick hitch compatible you don't have to take it off very often um may i ask why we're using the orange tractor today well i have three competitors for today the 1025r has the backhoe on it the 2038r has pat's easy change hitch i don't know thingies okay so you don't want bushings for pat's easy change gotcha and the planter has bushings on it so i thought it would be easiest just to use the kubota with the quick hitch all right okay lower the three-point hitch that's the same place on every tractor it's always on the right side and it's the numbered thing okay now when you pick it up don't pick up very far just enough to get it latched you may have to continue to back in there you go [Applause] okay so now you're going to drive up see these feet on the floor you'll want to lift it just enough to get those feet off the floor and the planter unit to start raising okay so the feet are up keep going up keep going up see you'll see that now only the bar is moving eventually that plantar unit will start coming with it there you go when it started coming up that's good now drive out drive as straight out as you can i think the three-point hitch thing is a little harder on this one a little harder to pull or just more sensitive it's hard to um to move it just a small amount okay because you have to use a lot of arm movement to move it that varies sometimes tractor by tractor not even not just model by model um they probably need some 240. 24d or wd-40 same thing right [Laughter] okay let's go give it a little throttle that's good set me down gently so far so good nice so i'm going to use my all-time favorite sv9010sa does it have a any better name than that no that's the worst problem is that its name is not uh it doesn't just roll off the tongue does it no it really doesn't do you think that's enough for uh how much ground we gotta cover for winter corn the last cross saw milky way what was the first crop sv 90 10 sa but it had a disadvantage of being 24d inappropriately i can tell you have memorized this corn genetics name well it's sweet corn sweet tastes good i gotta keep my keep my head all okay about it you could say it five times fast and sb9010sa yeah for thegrower.com it's where we get it just for next year for you guys the number four thegrower.com it's expensive stuff both of these are roundup ready you don't have to use roundup on them can you use anything else one of them you can use liberty this one the 10 sv9010sa you can use liberty herbicide but you may have to have an applicator's license for that all right dad time time for another uh corny joke oh no what you got why did the ear of corn lose the election i i don't know somebody found dirt on him oh great where's your flip-flops this is the closest thing you're doing to farming all summer yeah and you have no flip-flops i'm disappointed you've lost your whole well i got to tell you something that i i would have i would be wearing my flip flops except the bottoms of my flip-flops have rocks in them from the driveway from me walking to the farm in them before so they're kind of they they've honestly kind of lost a lot of comfort okay well why don't we do our first row closer to the other corner well that was the plan except the new came up and made fun of my shoes it's always that small it works relatively easily you when you lower the planter these are the drive wheels okay so it's ground driven that means you can go essentially whatever speed you want and it's going to work now there's a max but if it doesn't get as accurate at higher speeds but you set that wheel down and then it starts spinning it spins that chain okay which in turn spins this sprocket which in turn spins this sprocket which is the hex shaft over there okay to drive the planter and then this is where we adjust the population notice all those different sprockets so you have it set pretty frequently right well i have it set per this chart here so i'm planning typically on 36 inch rows and i have it set here i believe at 25 700 which would be low for field corn but for sweet corn it should give nice big ears that way yeah so whenever i drive with the with these back wheels touching the ground that will make it plant that's exactly right okay and then when you when you pick those wheels up it stops planting now as far as width your tractor wheels are a little more than 36 inch so i would overlap just maybe this much okay think about your rear wheels not you know you know what i mean yeah so you'll have you'll have a rear tire track here overlap that rear tire just a little bit yep all right and the last thing that we have to do is make sure that the seeds know that we appreciate them do you need to talk to them a little bit i do hey guys uh thanks for uh all your effort and being willing to wait around on us in the freezer they were in the freezer right yeah they were in the freezer and i i just have one thing to say to them hey it's july 31st hurry up uh don't listen to dad don't feel any extra pressure just do what you got to do all right good grief is this okay you can go faster than that if you want hey if you have questions about your tractor or attachments or perhaps you are interested in helping someone else answer their questions about their tractors and attachments please head on over to tractoruniverse.com this new community site is a combination of forums for your questions as well as some informative articles and classified ads it's all free so come on over and check us out also we're planning to be at several trade shows and farm shows this fall and late this summer check out our website tractortimewithtim.com to get the full list hope to see you there you're getting closer and closer you're going to run over the row [Applause] well dad now that i've shown that i am the world's best straightest most accurate best distanced corn planter of all time i think it's time that uh you take a turn okay i can do that it looks like it should be really easy to tell where you are but uh i've been trouble struggling a little bit i think it's because somebody refused to take the loader off before we did this that definitely would have helped this is way too fast there's no way that's being planted with love no way if you happen to be an ear of corn watching this channel will you let us know if uh speed of planting has anything to do with how appreciated you feel as you're being planted because i don't know i just feel like i feel like my planting had more love in it you know more tender loving care as they say a little speedy over there you did four i did four i think yours will have more corn because you can get more corn in a crooked row do you think that the the seeds that you just planted felt the tender loving care with you just speeding on by and not even we'll soon see this will be a good comparison let's get on with the fence come on you're wind jamming do we trust dad i don't know i want to stop videoing and hold on dad we still had some room in the garden yeah i thought there was only need to waste so much seed it's july 31st i can't imagine this corn will make it if we have a late enough frost it'll make it i wonder how many growing degree days it needs okay that's like that sounds like a good research project for you so i can tell you how badly you screwed up your corn by planting it too late right right it's kind of an interesting experiment i've always wanted to do some late sweet corn last week would have been better the week before was too wet yeah but last week we were out of town so we couldn't do it now i wonder if it's too dry it might not get a good start but we'll see in any case cloudy thinking it's going to rain yeah a little rain would be great on our newly planted sweet corn tell you what dad you can get out the the what do they call those things a little bucket where you put water in it and then you hand irrigate yeah that sounds like a good job for you i already gave it to you well you're the one who wants to make sure that these corn seeds have plenty of love and you're the one that planted them without as much love so it's up to you to make up for my flaws [Applause] well that kind of sounds like what dads always tell their kids why can you never entirely trust an ear of corn i don't know there's only a kernel of truth now this is a job that's got a lot easier we figured out some ways to make it easier and so we can put up this fence and just a jiffy makes me wonder why i didn't put it up a week ago before i let some of the corn get damaged man it's fun to have a helper okay so what's the overall strategy here four of these green posts t-posts for corner posts and then this guy is a middle post yeah and you just put a bunch of those so i just want to put a fence around the portion that's the corn we'll leave that spot out who knows maybe we may want to try out an attachment or something in that little spot of the garden plunk how deep do you put them three feet deep everything for you is three feet deep put them just deep enough that they don't get pulled over by the fence not pulled over like like arrested right so the kerplunker was uh first brought to us by neighbor bob right we borrowed neighbor bob's kerplunker for years it's what he called it so even when we went and bought our own we had to call it a kerplunker still called the bunker so i have no idea what it's really called it's probably called a post driver it says post driver that they don't know what they're talking about they don't know what they're talking about kerplunker hey dad while we're at this do you wanna do some fencing [Laughter] on that one i'm gonna stop the camera how about if you come along here and put these in the black things okay have you thought of any more corny jokes dad no i've clearly out been out corn what do you think do you want to put them in the very bottom very bottom very bottom we'll make two rounds i would like the record to show that i was bet off camera that i could not put one of these in the ground myself and i was indeed that a frosty on that and uh somebody's got to live up to that now because i i successfully did that i'll pay the frosty for that catrio but i'm going to interrupt you yeah well i would like a wreak or plunk because you put the you put the thing the different way than the rest of them yeah well the lock jaws will allow you to do that just put it on the different sides get out i spent like 25 minutes trying you spent like 2.5 seconds trying same thing the attention span of a 23 year old something like that work i mean i didn't get it to work after like 2.5 seconds i i spent at least two minutes trying i really did well should is that something you're proud of yeah that you spent two minutes trying and didn't come up with that yeah i already got my frosty this wasn't the this wasn't the bet okay okay okay i tell you what it's great it's great to work with somebody else you're getting strung along aren't you dad so we got the fence up and all wired and all the things cut ready for your most important job no that's your most important job i make the rules you used to make the rules hmm well i wonder if it's got any power we've left it in the box for a year and it's solar powered so it doesn't have any i did shine a flashlight at it for five minutes did we see a little flashing light there i think i saw a hint of one for once yeah i see a little flash once in a while yeah okay so it's got a little power time for you to grab it time for you to grab it this is my grabber the all-important voltage test do we have anything i don't see anything i think you better grab it okay here goes you ready ready oh it's got something i heard that one you're turned no i'm okay [Laughter] well dad i think this was a uh a job pretty well done i do too and before we go no one more question i just got one more corny joke okay what well the raccoons say after they see that we've put the electric mints around the horn i don't know oh shucks i think i'm gonna say ouch oh whatever hey hope you guys have enjoyed this we've had a good time we have had a good time may not be the most exciting video in the world but hey this is just uh a family getting along and having fun together and now i get a frosty yeah i'm afraid you do oh well the trick is i get frosty too i do tend to notice that thanks for watching everybody we'll see you next time on tractor time [Music] hey dad yeah what happened when the ear of corn entered a cooking competition no idea it got creamed i thought it was gonna pop oh i was i was saving my popcorn jokes for later oh i kind of jumped the gun huh yeah
Channel: Tractor Time with Tim
Views: 49,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tractor Time with Tim, compact tractor, John Deere, Kubota, gardening, DIY, kubota tractor, racoons, sweet corn, pillage, pillaged, destroyed, john deere planter, corn planter, solar electric fence, kubota lx3310, barbarian, tractor, traktor, heavy hitch, bolt on hooks, install fence, installing a fence, garden fence, sweet corn planting
Id: AuDG5YCF948
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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