The Thickest Hay We’ve Got - KUHN FC 4061 TCD
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: How Farms Work
Views: 257,924
Rating: 4.9415684 out of 5
Keywords: gmo, farm, farming, farmer, agriculture, ag, tractors, tractor, pulling, hay, corn, alfalfa, fieldwork, chores, straw, grain, harvestore, combine, cattle, dairy, beef, crops, crop, rural, silo, soybeans, soy, ryanfun1, How, Farms, Work, How Farms Work, Ryan Kuster, farm bureau, organic, animals, farm work, John Deere, tillage, millennial, harvesting, Wisconsin, Potosi, New Holland, RhinoAG, education, harvest, GMC, food, science, family, how farm works, midwest, JCB
Id: Z5fIOPVevI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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