Are the Beans Too Tall??

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good morning everybody it is another very humid hot morning but we have to do some uh fungicide spraying today so i need to take this ladder off so that i have clearance it's my lift kit lift kit option here you take that off so it don't strip the beans off and then you go and waste all beans it seems to do all right it it ain't ideal but it's what we got to work with and we don't have to hire the plane and pay them nine bucks an acre so that's what we got going today i believe it's kind of misting raining out a little bit but hopefully come mid morning it'll clear off nothing really accumulated much so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right our lift kit has been installed yeah really really convenient to get in you got to do a number like this here to get in and you slip because the track gets all well maybe maybe this year won't be muddy but when it's muddy out it really gets slick all right i think this sprayer is probably ready to go well we got them ready to go waiting for uh the weather to uh clear off a bit here maybe the fields and beans to dry a little bit we should be ready to load up with some fungicide and insecticide and go spraying but first i got a john deere salesman coming to uh take some pictures of these and give us some trade-in values on them yep that's what's happening so we were going to go mow some crp and ditches and stuff right and then the big old 4640 decided to what did it decide to do nothing yeah the starter is not engaging and we tried the sparky sparky archaearchy and that didn't work so starter shot junk you want to turn the lights on is there more lights must be on low voltage so we were told there's a special wrench for this you got the special wrench no no i do not but how do you get back there hmm okay we got to thank here now thinking got to get some tape i'm going to get that well we managed to get one bolt out twist off this that holds the cables onto it so now it is junk and i guess we need a special tool so we're going to go borrow borrow and get a new starter from my brother-in-law mitch how's your attitude today it's deteriorating as the day goes by it is isn't it supposed to be spraying you know it's hard not to complain about the rain because we need it but this is just a nuisance rain it didn't even amount to nothing just keeping us out of the field but i'm not going to complain about it because we need it all right we went check a couple of fields it's pretty wet out there we got some concerns not with his tracks but with mine when it gets wet it's knowing that cods build up here sorry are we going to take the fenders off then it's so loud that's different yeah his tracks don't have fenders which is nice it's known to get built up here with trash and uh mud and it's not that muddy but it's the tackiness that's the issue you don't really need i don't know but just screw it in there yeah it'd be easy to take off should we take them off so there's no trouble all right that looks a little better put some washers on the bolt to fill them out because the threads are all junk it's normally the top one that plugs up which i don't understand but we're gonna run with her looks a lot different with them not on there let's go wait till the sun comes out and it's 97 degrees to go spraying yum that sounds fun oh no it's all jugs that adds to the workload hot he's glistening more than normal wow getting our first load mixed up here we're gonna be uh i believe he's gonna be spraying right here at the home plates and yeah i think i'll be on the other side of the ditch on the home plates packing out some acres see how it goes if you guys are looking for another place to source chemical go check out eggchem solutions our link is always in our description right all this chemical came from eggcam solutions yeah i'm pretty sure fungicide insecticide you got a lot of uh herbicides through that too next year we're gonna get an air conditioner big big one not nothing small so we have two two inch pumps banjo pumps inside that trailer pumping into a three inch hose and i guess one of the pumps the gas lines broken she's out of commission adds to the load time adds to the sweating it's great well i'm loaded up about 20 minutes outside randy soaked his shirt this is this is the worst day yet of the summer how disgusting absolutely horrible outside [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so i'm out spraying now i just got done taking the footage of eric out uh spraying with the drone these beans are way taller than any of us expected but we're mixed up now and we're gonna go with it this is one of our nicer looking bean fields so hopefully the rest of them are shorter this is not ideal to be honest with you i'm not too happy to see what's happening back here it's a lot of leaves a lot of leaves flying around and uh i don't know it looks worse i know it's like that every year they get pushed down from the tractor you come back two hours later and they're all standing back up and you can't even tell we've been out here it's just uh they're taller than last year let's just say that the other thing that i'm having a little bit of trouble with is steering when i come to the headlands because the beans are still wet underneath along with the beans getting pinched in between the drive wheel and the track and then the wheel spins inside the track when i'm trying to turn sharp so that's less than ideal also decisions decisions crawl the plane continue on regardless we got to get rid of this load i'm sure we'll continue on though just don't look quite to what our standards are so as you can see right there is where my headland pass was and they're all just leaning pretty aggressively i would get out and look to see what kind of damages we're doing but there's insecticide in here and i'm not going out there without a hazmat suit so in the cab here we got charcoal filters in both of our cat and deer here so that we don't smell it and when we're out spraying it filters that out of the air inside the cab and works really well actually well things are going better uh in the next field beans are a lot shorter getting treated a lot nicer so most of our ground up north is soybeans or a lot of it we'll be able to get through them without damaging too many of them some of these fields around home a little lighter soil need to be taken off also a different two different variety soybeans the one variety is growing a lot taller than the other ones and that we we know from last harvest the one variety was a lot taller at harvest so makes sense now that we're out spraying and getting into a few different fields where's my rope there it is it's kind of like a uh a maze out here following your old tracks and eric sprayed a lot of these fields first and so i'm in a couple of them that i've never been in and it's like where'd you go where'd you go last year then you end up making new tracks less than ideal also it's best when the same operator sprays the same field but sometimes it just don't work out that way oh i keep getting engine system codes and i know why i uh have a bully dog chip in this tractor for pulling the planter and this thing when it's full for hills and stuff put it in last spring i believe and ever since then it blows a code and certain days are worse than others and i haven't had time to shut it off and stir it back up but i'm having trouble with i bought it used so i don't know if something's wrong with it or what but i should have just went not the cheap route i should went and tuned it through agro eco because uh those two those actually work very well i haven't had any trouble with any of their tunes do you guys want uh any tunes through ego eco the link is how is it on our website actually by the way this was not an advertisement that was a true fact look at it deep and you can hear it beeping right now now it says my fuel temp is high that's strange that happens when the tank gets empty i'm on two bars of fuel can't wait for my upgrade tractors they're coming soon they're coming soon you over the heat today i'm over it you're over it did you see what happened what all the nice slaps that we were saving yeah yeah they all tipped over because somebody built them up like a skyscraper and wrecked a nice painted steel gate smashed them all apart well that's not good it's like two kids were working here one day two kids huh i suppose i was thinking that could happen but i thought you had them all sold so now we got a mess to clean up terrible mess so this tank's going to run empty actually matter of fact it is empty eric emptied it starting over then huh that's less than ideal really wish i could have seen that happen actually it's getting dirty dirty my rims are turning green black here's what i'm talking about how this wheel gets slipping inside the track this gets in there and gets some traction issues when turning morning time should be fun when the dew is on everything well guys i think that's it for tonight thanks for watching we appreciate it be easy on us in the comments i know they won't be see you guys next [Music] time
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 178,157
Rating: 4.9862967 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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