BIG Changes! 50ft Honey Bee Header Demo (Harvest #2 of 2021)

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any promises oh it's just uh this is a nice header and we'll see a nice red there you go hi i'm tony fast daddy i'm 25 starters i'm tony pasta my family's been blessed to find montana for over a hundred years and it wouldn't be possible without the great team we have and blessings from our savior jesus christ morning just like talking to a windmill that doesn't talk back anymore that's awkward well since uh we're not gonna have to cut that 800 and whatever it is 50 80 acres of dad's bees um i'm gonna drive around and go check out a few things for other fields and see what might be ready or what might not need to be cut this year so so far we've already got 1100 acres taken care of tenth of the way there guys almost hemp update it's thirsty too but doing surprisingly better than i expected in the ditch where it's always better drop you ever wonder what a fox field looks like probably not quite as bright blue on camera for you guys but uh box is kind of cool it sets new flowers every morning well there's definitely a green tint to the field here yet so i don't know not sure when this is going to be ready we got a reunion to go to this weekend so maybe uh maybe dad and colin can move combines over here and try cutting a little bit of it we'll see go look at the next field these peas are sure a lot better looking than the ones we were cutting over uh over west see how small they are they're quite a bit bigger make good seed for next year at least yeah he's gonna make a lot more bushels if i was to guess 15 bushels compared to four and zero these don't look too bad there's a few little green spots over there where they're green on top yet but these will go pretty quick last field of peas here and uh they're still blooming in the low spots on this field so the rest of the field looks pretty right but not this corner sure hope crop insurance tells me i don't have to combine this i mean honestly there's nothing to combine i hope i can get it adjusted here quicker but let the neighbor graze it for what's here because she's not pretty but on a positive note looks like the cluster dam in liberty did a great job on killing weeds [Music] so [Music] well we've been cutting for a few hours here down to about 50 acres left on this field and uh i gotta do a little training because i gotta take off for something that was planned before we realized harvest is gonna be two weeks early so you drive my combine for a couple days yay you're nervous just a little well you should be it's a big piece of equipment he's really doing it i'm really doing it harry one full round under his belt starting the second one and no rocks have been picked up yet that's what rock chops are for got it all figured out i think so it's basically like playing a video game with lots of extra buttons i don't have all these buttons and farms anymore you should probably make those mods so you can practice good times yes good times he's passing you i know i'm a rookie though he's a senior driver i wonder how many years he's driven a combine for that's a good question it's got to be north almost 40 years since he's at least driven a combine not all year but calling yeah we didn't buy a big enough grain cart no we did not 78 000 pounds yeah there's a little hole right there we can put a little more in there but uh i don't think it's all gonna fit where's the semi when you need it we'll go around to the other side and see if there's more room over there [Music] i'm sure glad you're doing this not me a little more right here right there i'm just gonna pin the auger tube out [Music] 80 to 100 well another field done well the green card's a little full the driving down the highway and we're a little ways from the bid so we brought reinforcements well we're loaded it took a little while to get the grain cart uh app all working right but uh heading to the cleaner with these peas right away we're gonna get them clean for seed for next year and take all the grasshoppers out and peep on so they'll store a little better and then we'll be all ready a couple thousand bushels of uh clean peas for the field next break good night windmill well colin just took off the second load to the cleaner we just brought the conveyor hole we're gonna get that put back on the main main uh frame here whatever the main conveyor you can unload the p into a seed bin for next year [Music] [Music] [Music] moving to the next field well we're on the road again uh we are moving from the west side of the farm all the way over to the east side of the farm and if you guys haven't been following along in the past and uh curious about the farm why we're moving so far about 30 miles east and west spread out and north and south we're about 20 to 25 miles north and south that means a lot of road time for us so we pull our headers on suspension trailers not uh the factory transports just because our roads are so rough like we've got washboardy spot right there just went over and uh our headers just took a beating in the past so we bought trailers for that that being said in the future we're gonna get our farms grouped up so uh under one ownership rather than three separate ones like we are right now dad has some ground i have some ground there's a corporation farm that grandpa put operated under and now dad and i run that one so eventually it's all going to be in one down the road and then we could have one section of the foreign peas another section would be canola another section would be durham other sex should be spring league or winter wheat or whatever and then we wouldn't have to move everywhere but until that happens we got road time like this mom is helping move she's getting the fire truck moving that 550 ford over to the next field and amy's got pulling a header because dad's company doesn't have a hitch on the back of it just mine uh mom and amy gonna run back and grab the service truck after they get that stuff moved over and then uh we'll cut for a while and then we'll grab trucks so here we go like 30 mile driving in front of us this hill is a lot bigger than it looks on camera so i'm pulling my header i'm gonna have to stop up here in this little plateau on that hill i'm going to third gear because uh we're losing momentum coming to a complete stop shift it into third gear here we go hopefully we don't spin out this is when we could use tracks or rear wheel assist otherwise not a concern oh quit balancing complaint that's how you lose traction all right here we go [Music] here we go back in road gear it's quite different over here i actually rained here a few times a lot more probably close to five inches and where we just moved from maybe an inch since crop was planted so heat is definitely tip stuff back but there's more potential over here for sure thank goodness the farm spread out and look we do have a few trees in montana those are wild trees those aren't planted ones most of trees around here are planted that's for sure can you sneak through there can you sneak through there [Music] going down the big hill can't see tony quite yet um now you can man these are a little bit different than what we were cutting yesterday i think these are going to run close to 20 bushels 15 20 somewhere in there we do have a few little green sloughs and stuff yet so we're gonna cut some of this today probably fill up a couple trucks with the grain cards and not push it too hard cut what's ripe right now and then let that dry a little bit i even get to dump on the go this time because that's how much better it is versus just sitting there with the tractor off waiting until they need to be dumped so it's a little bit more fun than the other day well we got honeybee here hey what do you think of my macdon header nice header works well see that that's the mike mitchell special over there that's right that's a 50-foot honeybee so we're gonna go get things figured out on that set it up see how it works and cut in piece any promises oh it's just uh this is a nice header and we'll see a nice red go quinn is our territory sales manager sales rep kind of covers a big area yeah down here in the states these are built in canada which most of our farm equipment in montana is but uh some of the things i noticed right away is drive lines on both sides we didn't have that's right and no big oil reservoir no big oil reservoir so you have a lot lighter table it's a lighter table in general even though 50 foot it's lighter than 45. probably comparable yeah very comparable so you have the biggest differences that people notice right off is when they look right there you have a certain knife we have a wider mouth here too so it's 80 inches so you're going to feed a lot more props you have a 50-foot table it's wider on 45 and on a 40 as well but uh so you have center knife drive that goes right here and it just has two pitman arms that are running our belt crank up front and so i got two two knives going okay um and i can show you that and then on the back here we have the air that people get confused with is uh it's not an air reel it's not an evil controls a sickle rigidity right is that right is that the correct yeah that's right but yeah didn't make that one up did i no you're smart the cutter bar is actually floating and the air is reacting to the sensors in the back that's what makes it right so if you want to cut weed we can make it rigid from the cap right and then we can even change the sensor so we can change the sensors to go from the cutter bar to the hands okay so so it's reacting in that manner and then i'll run the header height automatically right okay actually that's what the subframe on the airflex versus the airflex xtx okay sd action soybeans so that is actually helping the header as well because the air is helping until control okay so it's making it float better so you have your belt drive so you can work on it that's a big thing this is typically if you have anything it's going to be over here blow a belt or something yeah so this actually runs its own air compressor so it's nothing on the combine right so the air compressor is right over here it's tucked behind here so you can actually lock on here like you're going to transport we like to blow it up these airbags if you think about it the more air you put into it the stiffer it makes if this is on a okay rigid you can actually fill this up from here okay if you don't these gauge wheels are newer for this kind of a 22 model so this is okay these are airbags on the gauge wheel so we'll pump up the frame is on the top versus a neck on the bottom you know okay so when the cutter bar is reacting the air is for lack of a better term air is lighter than hydraulic pressure over spring so better reacts a little bit faster this is kind of the fun part of the header so the entire cutter bar is flexing and it can flex up and down nine inches but since there's no air in it you can see how it's going to react in the field so just basically get on the ground to slide and if it needs to go up it goes up exactly and when you add air pressure to those back bags it's going to just stiffen it up and that's the position of being in weeds is all the way up right if you can do that from the cab and you can adjust based off your crop conditions if it gets really wet kind of try to say the more air you put in the lighter the table it becomes sure if you can go across my conditions and then you have these guards i know it's kind of silly but yeah they're kind of shaped like a boat hole yep so you the intention is for this to run flat so it can float and you're getting you know you can see that it's about half an inch cut height yeah so the tendency is to want to tilt so it should cut half the tight basically we are with the map gun i'm not going to say that but okay and then here we have the eagle beak out in front what's different from older models is these used to overlap okay so now they don't so they come together to i think it's 5 16 of an inch but they don't touch and so these two sections are the only two sections that are different otherwise all the parts are the same yeah and you can change these without removing all this okay and so it's kind of nice that you don't worry about that you also have six bats on the reel and it's a camryl and then every other we have two and a half inch spacing and five inch spacing found that helps to feed and you can always kind of tell from a road or something if it's a honey bee because it's the other offset yeah so that helps feed it better too so you don't get as much this rock trap thing is pretty cool yeah yeah um so we have a beard on here for certain crops you can take that off or not and then the rock trap just opens up and you can dump rocks so i kind of like to see it as a third level of defense since you're running flat right here you should have sensitivity to pop off and if they're running light if they find a rock it's going to hopefully go up as long as the land roller half puts you in the ground right right look at this look at this poor guy oh no he deserves that that's the only one out here right yeah just walk a little off three steps you'll find about a million more i think that's pretty much it let's go okay let's go [Music] cut just like that this is the part where they steal my combine and never see it again to think that's only half as wide as that new air drill [Music] hole [Music] well she'd be able to get in the grain cart with 50 foot oh yeah just got to get a little closer can't tip the spout all the way but that's pretty close uh oh he could get a little bit closer well we're doing it going five mile an hour it feeds pretty good considering it's five feet wider got a little control that goes with it for adjusting the air pressure from the cab different different things there and there i think that's less sensor that's right sensor for adjusting the header right that's correct and voltage over there and then controlling it from uh rigid to flex there so adjusting your air pressure so i've passed the test so far yeah i think so yeah i guess we're going five miles an hour dude here we're getting something like your dad said it's only it's only two and a half feet on each side so it's not yeah but it seems like 10 feet on each side it does look at the grasshoppers you're taking all those home with you like a fortunate fan [Music] [Laughter] all right let's see if we got any rocks in here it's like up yep or down oh yeah i don't see any rocks they don't hear anything it's a little ladybitty ones that brings that brings up test weighted peas though [Music] that's what we're going for put that on the commercial yeah no insecticide needed we will shred your hoppers thanks for watching don't forget like and subscribe if you haven't already farm hard pray harder see you next video [Music] you
Channel: Fast Ag Montana
Views: 61,192
Rating: 4.9814882 out of 5
Keywords: farming, case ih, farm, montana, Semi, truck, Kenworth, Wilson trailer, farm focused, farmtube, quad track, agriculture, agcam, farm equipment camera, bushels, grain, farmer, trucking, convey-all, spraying, dash, drone, plant, seed, ams, air seeder, dji, Mavic Air 2, Patriot 4440, hemp, dji drone, canola, Dash, Phiber, Spray trailer, hay, alfalfa, case 434xl, may wes, five finger, paddle tine, harvest, cutting, drought, combine, harvester, 9240, case 9240, macdon, Honey Bee, honeybee, 50 foot header, 50' header
Id: NVzPaI76Xt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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