How to get out of Housework

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get her get her come on get it's very very smoky out here it's actually not really humidity in the air it is smoke and it smells smoky and it's coming from the wildfires way out to the northwest you can tell to the northwest because i pointed like that no no rides today sorry i think i'm going to leave the batwing for a little later today when it gets a little bit hotter out and i'm actually going to hook up the brush cutter to the front of the skid steer and go destroy some stuff [Music] [Music] this thing's a little scary a little bit nasty i'm gonna go get some safety glasses that way if something comes through the front of the skid steer because we don't have the door on it and hits me in the chest at least my eyes will be fine you know this is minnesota maybe i should be putting on full hockey gear but i don't think onyx's stuff is gonna fit me very well i better bring some hydration with what are you doing i'd love to take you with me isla but i don't think we should ride double in here when i'm chopping down little trees okay i'll just take you back up the house are you having a good birthday isla is six years old today she had a big birthday party with all her friends [Music] yesterday there seems to be an awful lot more left down here than what i remember so some of these are a little thicker than i remember them too well that little swath took about 15 minutes to get through this is going to be a much much longer job than i anticipated but these are just kind of junk garbage trees they're all just cottonwoods that have grown up in the crp land i mowed a lot of them off last year but this area was too big i didn't want to take that mower through them and wreck that mower then i let them get a year bigger so well we got an oil problem watch this yeah yep that's a problem well one of the things i was hoping to get done today was to ruin a hose or a fitting on one of the pieces of equipment we use once every three years so that was nice it's about lunchtime anyway it's like really gloomy and depressing out here and it's supposed to be sunny but i guess at least we're not on fire so there's that [Music] i don't even know that it's broke i think the thing just came loose honestly i'm gonna pull it off here anyway because a lot of times they'll loosen up if the o-ring blows out so maybe maybe it's just an o-ring never good to blow out your o-ring you know so there is no o-ring inside of here and this is tight and i'm guessing there's an o-ring down in here against the valve body but since this was all this was the loose piece and there isn't an o-ring here then then she's going back together if anybody's wondering how we like our gearwrench tools that we loaded up on this spring they're awesome this box is full of them got tons of gearwrench tools tons of uh sockets that's a thing of beauty right there isn't it they make everything now they got screwdrivers all the different sockets lots of different cool stuff well worth it so if anybody's wondering what the quality is like on gearwrench tools nowadays highly recommend you just gotta make sure you clean them up good every time before you put them away because that's just that's important where does this go right there this is one of my favorites right here 120 teeth in this little bad boy it's a 3 8 drive but it's the shorty so it's got the little handle they got it in the uh in the half inch as well 120 teeth listen to this is that weird got a little weird there what chicken butt well that's fixed but it's getting warm enough out now and smoky enough i don't know i just feel like sitting in the air conditioning in that rig so we're gonna go mow some ditches some field approaches do a little more cleaning up i guess onyx has got a food plot going out there kind of on the edge of the crp ground did you get anything on camera doesn't want to talk about it the other times i did doesn't matter no don't don't tell don't no nothing out there nothing to see here [Music] oh that looks nice other than this corn right through here that has no ears on it that ditch looks nice yep my hair doesn't no you need to shave that no here's some sporty looking corn it's nice that is nice so twice this last week this is a rough brokerage you're taking down the road to your corner well one row with that it's not there's nothing there anyway twice this last week we had rain thunderstorms with rain in them roll through didn't hardly get anything we got one tenth of an inch in the first one and two tenths of an inch in the second one there's a lot of spots around us that ended up with half inch to an inch they got a lot more than we did so we're not looking a whole lot better here this smoke the clouds they help a little bit but we're struggling we definitely need some moisture [Music] all right apparently he got bored so when we got back to the driveway he wanted to go the truth is he just thought of another place to put a trail cam so he's gonna go hop on the four-wheeler and put a trail cam down in a different field it's july and he's got buck fever hmm look at that contouring well i just got a call that i'm required to go do one of the coolest things that i possibly could do ila is just about home from her cheerleading and uh she's excited to open her birthday presents and i know there's cake up there because well cause is there from yesterday and i had it for breakfast and lunch so we're gonna eat some cake too so i gotta go do that right now what did you get isla isla got exactly what she wanted for her birthday some sort of a doll that saves koalas and lives in a tent and now onyx is requesting demanding that i go put in a fence post so that he can hang a camera on a fence post to take pictures of deer yeah and i don't have a choice in the matter anymore he has nagged me enough that's it i'm gonna throw some bison brats on the grill maybe eat some potato chips see if we have any asparagus i really like grilled asparagus but i don't think we have any and uh maybe a couple cold ones all right onyx you got anything to say to him look at the swirl on this rock wow that's got like hieroglyphics on it very indian ish like no like cavemanish oh yeah same thing [Music]
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 492,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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