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hello youtubers Alaska proper here so I want to go ahead and have a discussion with you all and give you my opinion on some things about long term food storage that is purchased from third parties for example oxen Farms mountain house whichever other ones you may purchase from emergency essentials etc now before I even start I want to say that I am NOT saying anything bad about these companies I think that all of these companies do a really good job some better than others in certain things for example I think that Autzen forms does a great job a fantastic job at packaging and producing ingredients based items I rather buy their ingredients based items like you see there like the tomato powder like the bell peppers things that you need in order to use as an ingredient to make a meal rather than purchase their entrees I'm not a great fan of their entrees they're palatable they will do in a pinch however I rather make my own food with ingredients that I put away for long term storage now companies like Mountain House make really good tasty entrees that fill you up that taste good that lasts a very long time and that do not take a lot of energy to prepare so I'm a big fan of mountain house entrees for that reason they also do a good job packaging ground beef and chicken cubes and beef cubes and things like that but what I want to talk to you about today ladies and gentlemen is stop buying from these companies before you do your own research do a little bit of homework the times that we're living in now are difficult enough when it comes to having extra funds to prepare with so why not use those extra funds that were you're gonna use to prepare with as wisely as possible and get the most bang out of your buck that you can and this is what I'm going to show you I'm going to compare some items with you that are extremely easy for you to make yourself or to package yourself instead of purchasing it from a third party and paying that real heavy premium that you pay when a third party packages things for yourself now let me tell you that there are some things that I find our better purchase from a third party for example many of you will recognize this from my last pantry prepper cooking video where I made the spaghetti sauce the meat and spaghetti sauce this is something that I would not try to reproduce myself it is quite expensive when you buy it at regular price I think now regular price for this is like $40 I will only buy this when it is on sale and as many of you know I hope that you took advantage of that last sale that they had in Amazon I was able to buy this for just shy of 21 dollars it was $20 in change as far as I'm concerned this is a great value for your money why for me it is for some of you it may not be for me it is because I don't grow my own Tomatoes yet right I don't have a big full-blown garden yet and even if I did I would find it difficult to match what I'm getting here even if I was getting the tomatoes for free because of the amount of energy and time that it takes to turn all of those tomatoes into powder to equal the volume that is or the weight that is in this can all right I think it would take a lot of energy even if you got the tomatoes for free to turn it into powder to equal three pounds and 10 ounces same thing with the oxen Farms bell peppers dehydrated bell peppers I prefer dehydrated vegetables instead of getting freeze dried vegetables because I think you get a lot more weight so for example if you compare the weight of this number 10 can to a number 10 can of freeze-dried bell peppers the freeze-dried bell peppers would give you a lot less weight either for the same or more money and why do I say that because when a fruit or anything is freeze-dried it maintains its original shape it loses a lot of weight from the water leaving it but it maintains its shape so when they sell this to you in a freeze-dried form the whole can may be full and still weigh less than what you get when you buy the dehydrated type vegetables and number 10 cans for example this is not something that I would want to reproduce I could only imagine how many peppers it takes to come up with one pound and 4 ounces of dehydrated peppers and how much energy it takes for that to happen so there are some things I definitely would go with third parties the reason that I'm doing this video is because I actually came across an item on Amazon from Autzen farms that looked like it was a really good deal and I was just about to push the button so on Amazon right now they have the arts and farms dehydrated onions for $11 and change all right we'll call it $11 okay but it's $11 and change and it's a number ten can that has one pound and seven ounces of dehydrated onions which is not bad one pound seven ounces for $11 so I was gonna order four of them and before I push the button the order button I thought to myself I'm gonna go to Costco today let me go and check and see how much dirty hydrated onions are and we'll see from there so I did that my wife and I went to Costco a couple of days ago and I came across this and it doesn't have to be the Costco brand however you do have to do your own homework when you do this this Kirkland brand dehydrated onions weighs 1.7 sorry eleven point seven ounces all right so we got eleven point seven ounces two of these put together is just a little over twenty three ounces twenty three point four ounces the number ten can of auxin farms dehydrated onions is 23 ounces this one-pound seven ounces so it's 23 ounces so one number ten can of oxen Farms dehydrated onions is equal to about just shy of about half an ounce less than what you see here for $11 well ladies and gentlemen for what you see here I paid about seven dollars it's four dollars less for just a tiny bit more all right so I paid seven dollars for this I'm getting more product than what I would have gotten had I bought the number ten can and I understand some of you're gonna say well we still have to package it for a long term absolutely right well ladies and gentlemen both of these should fit in a quart jar in a quart mason jar right so let's say that's $1 so now this is eight dollars right seven dollars plus $1 eight dollars if you package those in a quart jar and you put in a six or seven cent 50cc oxygen absorber it will in turn be packaged just as well as it is packaged in the number-10 can in my opinion of course and those of you that have been with me for a while know that i dry can a lot of my spices and food stuff that i put away for long term in that manner by adding an oxygen absorber to the mason jar with the product in it and then sealing it and then allowing it to create a seal once the oxygen has evacuated from inside the jar so you're looking at spending about 8 dollars and 10 cents we're gonna call it eight dollars you're looking at spending about eight dollars to put away the same amount if not a little more than what you would get in a number-10 can and all you have to do is spend about five minutes doing it so five minutes of your time a quart jar oxygen absorber and you just saved yourself three dollars what does that mean that means that instead of buying a number 10 can of dehydrated onions you could have bought three of these for the same price that you were to pay for that number 10 can alright ladies and gentlemen so that's why I say do your homework why would you want to pay somebody to do for you well you could do yourself in five minutes and then use those savings that you save to prep even more I have a great example for you here of some of the things that I've seen on long-term food storage company sites where I can only imagine that they make a boatload of money because people who may be uninformed don't understand that they can do this themselves and save a whole bunch of money now let's put that aside for one second actually for a little more than a second if you have the money and you don't have the time and you want to be prepared and you can afford to go to a learn long-term food storage company and buy all your preps from that long-term food storage companies or multiple companies by all means it's like I've said in the past you all know that I'm affiliated with arts and farms and emergency essentials why because everyone in this world is a different part of their lives if you can afford it but you don't have the time by all means go ahead and prep the best that you can in the best manner that you can however if you're like most people where you maybe have a little bit of time to invest in your preparedness and you don't have that much money you may want to look into preparing your own foods for long-term food storage in the ways that I've shown in several of my videos here's another one where they make a whole bunch of money now I'm gonna use beans I'm not gonna say okay specifically red beans just beans in general any of you that go to any of these sites and see them selling a 25 pound bucket of beans for like 50 something dollars alright 50 60 dollars something like that you all know that you can find beans on sale even now you can still find them on sale now let me tell you what I've got a video coming up or actually it's gonna be a live stream well ladies and gentlemen tomorrow afternoon at 3 p.m. I'll ask the standard time I'm gonna do a live stream about how the price of foods are going up but having said that even though the price of beans have gone up you can still package your beans yourself and save a lot of money another one that is a huge huge moneymaker for these companies is rice I mean I was on their site a couple of days ago and like I said ladies and gentlemen I'm not putting these companies down they provide a service that people pay for in my opinion it's a win-win situation but I know that we are going through some hard times these days and I want those of you that are maybe thinking about preparing or have not started preparing yet and just came across this video to be encouraged to do these things yourself there's nothing wrong with it I mean can you go onto one of these sites and buy a 25 or a 30 pound a bucket of long grain rice for 40 dollars when you can go on buy a 25 pound bag of rice at any of your warehouse stores like Costco like Sam's Club or even in a Walmart or Safeway whoever has them for anywhere between 10 to 15 dollars or even less alright so you can buy a 25 pound bag of rice for let's say $15 and then buy a bucket for $3 and so let's say by bucket and lid that's let's say $20 mylar about $22 you'll be able to put away 25 pound bag 25 pounds of long grain rice if not more ladies and gentlemen because I think I'm going really high on the price I mean a 50-pound bag of rice is about 19 $20 right of long grain rice but I'm making a 15 just to go a little bit over and show you how much money you really would save because if you're gonna save money with me going really over on the price that you would actually pay then you're gonna save even more money in reality so you're looking at about 20 to 23 bucks to put away 25 pounds of rice but you go on you buy it for money one of these companies for 45 47 bucks you could have gotten twice as much rice put away if you would have just put a little bit of time and effort into it and done it yourself so ladies and gentlemen the message is this before you just go and click on sale items do your homework and find out for yourselves whether you're really saving money or not I wanted to show you another item that I've bought in the past and I bought these items way back you can see that the expiration on this is 28 and this is the pancake mix blueberry flavored I don't remember how much I paid for this when I bought it I don't know probably about four or five years ago however I know that now I think they're on sale for like $10 or for like seven or eight dollars well ladies and gentlemen if you go ahead and buy yourself a 10 pound bag of pancake mix and I'm using Costco because they're the ones that are nearest to me that I can do that kind of shopping at but I know that Sam's Club sells it as well if you go and buy yourself a 10-pound bag a pancake mix at Costco right now there are less than $7 so you're paying less for the bag a pancake mix than what you paid for this package all right now of course you're gonna have to go ahead and throw in there a dollar a dollar 50 for some mylar bags and some oxygen absorbers so you're paying about 850 let's see nine dollars for 10 pounds of pancake mix that you've stored away for long term whereas in this case for you to put away the same amount in this case then you did by purchasing in yourself you would have had to have bought three of these you would have had to have bought three of these number ten cans which would have come at a cost when they're on sale so about twenty to twenty three dollars so you're getting more than twice as much food by doing it yourself then purchasing it from a company that does it for you if you have the money to purchase it and you have excess funds by all means I rather you put money into your pantry than to put money in the bank the last thing I'm going to cover ground beef now I've had this for a long time I bought this in 2016 I believe this is another thing you're getting 28 ounces of freeze-dried ground beef in here okay sure when it hydrates it's gonna add weight to it but today one of these cans I think is going for like more than sixty dollars more than sixty dollars so if you don't know how to pressure can make the investment on a pressure canner some jars and lids so that you can pressure can your own meats not just ground beef but chicken turkey pork sausage I've done bacon even though some people don't recommend that you do bacon but pressure can your own meats imagine how much meat you can pressure can even at today's prices for sixty dollars you know imagine how much you can pressure camp for sixty dollars even at today's prices so and it doesn't have to be beef it can be whatever you want it to be but that's the message for today ladies and gentleman I want you guys to really be attentive and keep your head on a swivel as we like to say in the Army when you're looking at these prices and don't be fooled into buying something just because someone says it's on sale now whenever I see that something is ready on a good sale I go ahead and put it out there so that you guys can take a look at it and I almost did that with the onions but I honestly feel that you should do it yourself and get - and get one and a half times as much product than what you would get by buying it online if you just take a few minutes of your time to put it away for long-term storage alright ladies and gentlemen well that's gonna be it for today I hope you guys get something out of this and I do encourage you to go ahead and put up your own long-term storage foods as much as you can look I almost forgot a great example this is one of the things that really bugs me when I see these things on one of these companies sites trying to sell people this is probably about three or four pounds of salt as you can see I'm going through it this is one of the ones that I'm using alright this is probably about three or four pounds of salt ladies and gentlemen you can get a twenty five pound bag of salt for seven bucks at Sam's Club or at Costco and for those of you that don't know the Costco salt that they sell and 25 pound bags are not I advised so whether that's good or bad for you I want you to know that because a lot of people think that it is I understand that you need iodine in your body but I know that a lot of people don't like iodized sauce so just to let you know that you can get a 25 pound bag of non-iodized table salt at Costco for around $7 or so maybe it's up to 8 bucks by now however if you take a look at the number 10 cans that they're stunning with salt in them they're like more than 10 bucks I mean you're getting like 5 6 pounds of salt in one of those number 10 cans where you can be getting almost 5 times more for less than what you're paying for it just because it comes in a can now look at how I store my salt this is how I store my soul this is how easy it is it in cost me anything to store your salt to store this salt and you don't even have to put an oxygen absorber in here so ladies and gentlemen I just don't want you to get ripped off okay and like I said before if you do have the money and you don't have the time there's absolutely nothing wrong with you going to these third parties into these of companies you know I do promote arts and farms emergency essentials because I think they make really good products the products that I like to get from them but I try not to fall for their marketing especially when they put things on sale that I know that I can package myself ladies and gentlemen if you want to support my channel I wouldn't really appreciate it just use my links below the description of my videos all of those links don't cost you a penny more than what you were gonna use to purchase that item anyways and it really helps me out so I'd appreciate it if you guys took a look under the description of my video and use my links whenever you guys decide to go shopping and any of these long-term food storage companies for the items that are not being overpriced and if you're gonna do some Amazon shopping by all means I appreciate if you use my link it really does help so thank you very much for joining in today and I really hope that you got something out of this video ladies and gentlemen please share with someone that you love that maybe isn't into preparing it and maybe it'll encourage them to start maybe watching a few more videos and to start preparing because this ain't over ladies and gentlemen this ain't over for a while yet having said that remember be good to each other when good people do good things good things happening remember to reach one teach one and repeat if we all did this the world would be a better place and you know that it will be a better place many blessings to loving your families there's the last prepper 9 out
Channel: Alaska Prepper
Views: 121,049
Rating: 4.9422584 out of 5
Keywords: don'tbuythesefoods, emergencyfood, storefood, prepper
Id: MMhtcGg7GbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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