Never try trading this item to Minecraft villagers.. (Terrified)

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okay welcome back I'm going outside right now there's a skeleton jockey right there oh my god I did not believe oh look how fast he is that is terrifying actually oh my god I've not seen a skeleton jockey and forever okay we gotta eat some carrots I'm almost dead cuz I just got done with a raid I'm level 50 now Wow anyways guys welcome to a brand new Minecraft video if you haven't already subscribing to go full certification we're drinking the bomb we can't go ding let's go over your upload and I imagine if this is your first time on the channel you want to be notified or what wait a second this this this so we just I don't think so getcha pot out of there I've been doing quite the good job of keeping this village safe even though it has been at the demise of my own self almost because the villagers here are against me or so it seems and that's what we kind of been focusing on and kind of going around in the past previous videos the villagers are just not acting normal and they're giving me quite the scare and herobrine hasn't been showing up from time to time and quite honestly you guys have been showing amazing support on the series by leaving a like every episode so that's what I'm gonna ask today leave a like if you want to see this series continue this is turned into a full-blown series pretty much at this point I don't know how long we're even continue this up but I do know this as long as the likes are good we're gonna continue this investigation continue this mystery and get down to the bottom of it once and for all the whole herobrine villager mystery in the last episode it was one of the most revolutionising episodes of this investigation yet there's definitely some weird scary ritualistic weird something I don't know what you want to call it going on here is daytime we're gonna do what we plan to do in this video which I'm super excited about kind of scared about though why is there so much for me going on look at the slide anyways we have a steep head we felt this deep head in the middle of a wrestle so underneath this specific house does anybody know what house it was this house you are correct it was very weird I don't know what to make from it so yeah anyways guys let's hit for it let's go for an insane like there's a poison potato look at that there's a poisonous potato in the patch did the villager throw out there what I've never just seen a poisonous potato in the batch do not eat out of this area of the farm you don't even let that's some I'm telling myself because like now I have to posionous potatoes oh all this is from the r8 yeah so I kind of have a lot of stuff now I have armor let's go ahead and put on some pants we have thorns one leggings we have chest plates the only thing that we don't seem to have is uh can I put this on or something like I don't put this can I carry this I don't know so we have we also have an iron sword now in case we need a backup we have a totem of undying if we ever so want to save ourselves look at this look how amazing that looks I have not had a total of undying forever so we definitely got some rather remarkable loot in the midst of all of our journeys so what we're going to try to do is see if a Steve head will spike any notion or interest or something odd within the villagers of trying to trade it to them well something happened with the villagers have normal trades well they have trades that we've doesn't seem suspicious at all or if something be kind of off you remember the whole combos theory I went over in the last episode it was weird ok I will a minute but who knows in a way we're here today live don't forget to buy your merge guys if you buy your merge link in the description be sure to make a video of you with the merch or unboxing the merch I always love to see that and it's a it's a very awesome thing so also I have yet to go in there and this is where I believe herobrine run off on ran off into whenever he attacked the villager I believe he went down in there now I'm not sure when I'm going to go in there but what I can tell you is I'm a little bit on edge about that and there's still stuff that I want to do with the grave and now we have the grave connected to this weird like ritual room I don't know what's going on here dude um so it's it's answers that we're seeking and we don't really have much right now we still have this book behind you will find beware and clearly this was a book left by herobrine I believe and behind we did find a grave which led us to this where weird ritual thing which maybe this is implying that the villagers are actually doing weird rituals or something odd in that way like the villagers actually have a hidden evil agenda that we all do not know about because think about it if you recall in some of my previous videos I would happen to find villagers sometimes this was like on other worlds or other adventures we villagers that literally would try to trade me Steve heads now at the time I didn't think much about I was like well that's really weird we have evidence of this too by the way uh but I didn't make much of it I was like that's creepy move on now look what's happening could this all be kind of coming together from the previous videos I've made all the way to dis here today specifically I'm not sure but one thing's for sure I'm gonna try trading this with a villager and see what happens so it's creepy um sir I got this what do you have oh look at this since I helped he's he cut down on the beetroot so it only takes 12 beetroot to get an emerald or four oh that's really cool he's a nice guy he doesn't seem to be one of the creepy ones then oh oh I gotta mention this guy's so I think during raid its kind of normal for the bell to ring but I've been hearing the bell ring randomly by itself so this is something I wanted to ask all of you have you been playing on your Minecraft world and then all of a sudden hear the bell ring for no reason randomly if you have let me know because that is up can I help you sir seem like you've got some issues come on kill this thing got him alright but anyways if any of you have heard the bell in your village ring and randomly let me know that is it's the most terrifying thing to just hear like a villager or not a villager but the villager the village bell ring anyways guys I gotta bid you all a Cheers here it's a good it's a great vibrant day here and you know the support has been phenomenal in the channel and I think if anytime there's a time to have a cheers in a video it isn't now okay it doesn't even matter for like six minutes into this video I'm having a good time that's the stuff mmm nice great flavor kind of like a dark berry flavor good stuff if you guys wonder what I'm drinking its FPS they sent me a batch a while back really nice stuff by the way not sponsored at all actually but anyways enough of that stuff uh let's actually continue to the right okay what were we doing oh yeah this villager oh look at this villager always goes into his fireplace and stands there like what why does he do that I have no clue but he does this every time look at this oh he's putting stuff in there blast furnace maybe he's using the blast furnace I want to find the one villager oh by the way guys the villager kid I have no clue what happened to him a lot of people's like well I'm doing it dude I have no clue if this is the villager that escaped out of the grave right yes sir what why do you see what one emerald for whatever that is I have never seen that item in Minecraft what is that sir why do you have a weird mystery item that I'd never seen in Minecraft that is that's what that's the villager that we put in the grave you remember and then and then like he escaped with the help of herobrine or something I don't understand herobrine's to agenda here he helps the villagers he attacks the villagers what is he doing he's trying to tell us something about the villagers I'm not sure if he's working with the villagers this is like one big huge mind game and it's boggling my mind if I didn't have you guys assisting me on this I honestly don't know where I would go quite honestly I mean we have quite the team here of investigators all of you out there watching right now adding to the investigation with your friends and family watching this it's weird journey what was that I've never seen that item in Minecraft I don't know if you guys know what that is you can let me know this villagers oh my god I'm going to assume that's from the villagers that just you know that they all think I hope that's not the Minecraft villager that we originally seen because if so why is he going in there why is he going in there dude thus that's very creepy for the baby villager to go in this house do you realize how creepy that is considering the recent events what have we learned in today's video never trade a Steve head to a villager that's been buried alive pretty much um wait was he going what's going on he's running fast okay I want to do some more stuff for the grave I think we need to kind of patch the grave back up believe it how we found it okay that's what we're gonna do we're gonna leave the grave we're gonna patch it back up in the next episode figure this out I also need some reports and feedback okay I need if you guys have seen that item that this villager has over here let me know because I've never seen an item like that in Minecraft I don't know what it is but it looks terrifying you can let me know in the comment section below we might have to look further into that that was the villager that we buried alive so maybe he has something weird I'm not exactly sure it's something to kind of take note of and kind of look into potentially so yeah with that aside though don't come my way I will mess you up don't you dare oh my god the wait there's two baby villagers so you mean to tell me one of these baby villagers could have been the villager previously that we encountered that just went in there [Music] I don't like this alright I don't like it one bit I'll see you guys in the next video be sure to hit the like button share this is probably not the house I should be in yeah [Music]
Channel: O1G
Views: 131,442
Rating: 4.9205542 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Pocket Edition, MCPE, Minecraft PE, Pocket Edition, Scary, Creepy, Never try trading this item to Minecraft villagers, Minecraft Villagers, Minecraft Trading, Scary Minecraft Villagers, Scary Minecraft Videos, Minecraft Videos Scary, Scary Minecraft Videos O1G, Scary Videos, Videos Scary, Minecraft Videos, Videos Minecraft, Gameplay, MC, O1G
Id: rgnl-9Jx8lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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