Never secretly record villagers in Minecraft.. (TERRIFYING)

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oh did you hear that the villager sounded different okay welcome aboard to a brand new minecraft video if you haven't already subscribe and it will post on occasion I'll ring the bell make it go ding I don't know how much of that I just left in there but I totally messed up my introduction so yeah either way guys it happens you know walk over to a brand new minecraft video hope you all are having a brilliant day I guess that uh share a friend's family these videos are always every day there's something new there's something crazy going on and well I have a camera in my hand and a lot of people were probably asking the question windows like a what is this what is he doing today well we have another investigation that we're going to be performing and what we're doing today is actually something kind of creepy in a way I wanted to secretly record villagers in Minecraft now what exactly we're gonna be doing in debunking today well I'm not for sure if we're gonna be debunking anything what I just wanted to do was use security cameras in Minecraft to secretly record villagers to see if anything strange happens now what these cameras do is they pretty much allow me to be somewhere else and teleport my vision somewhere to see another location of the map now this is very useful for if you're trying to maybe spy on someone or do something of relating sort right you just hide a camera boom you can see what's going on and then there's exactly what we're gonna be doing with the villages we're gonna actually be recording a villager secretly sleeping and see if anything weird happens or there's even much more to go into this to see what the villagers do with each other when were at another part of the map as that question ever is that been something any of you have ever wondered well I know I have and that's why I wanted to actually conduct because I started realizing villagers in Minecraft are a lot more how do I explain this odd than we realized and there's definitely some weird stuff and I've even proven this in some of my previous videos if you go back into the backlog we have had encounters with villagers doing things and travelling merchants doing things that don't make any sense at all if anything it a scare factor if anything it creates fear because some things these villagers do are not normal at all and that's something I can't confirm to you so that is that guy so where are we gonna set the camera now this is like the tide the town square now setting up a camera here and just watching the villagers here could be quite eventful but I figured it would be even scarier just to watch them sleep that or it's gonna be the most uneventful thing ever but either way it's still an experiment and that's what we do here so what I assume is we're gonna find the correct house I mean there seems to be a lot of villagers populating this area but we want to hurt a zombie but we want to find a place that we know the villagers are gonna sleep and then just catch them now what I could do is just wait till nighttime and then cool and then I put my little camera didn't walk away and see if villagers do anything different while they're sleeping this is something I've been curious about a long - just what villagers do entirely but also what goes on when you're not around does the villagers just like sleep normally or like how does that work I don't know but first off I heard a zombie so like you know I'm curious there's one around here I hear oh he's like right there oh he as close as a skeleton close oh you guys know when you hear like a noise and it just bugs you you want to find it oh okay we found something I don't know what that was I was like a texture glitch oh yeah that is definitely a texture glitch all right so basically no one said having security cameras in Minecraft wasn't glitchy okay it definitely is a bit glitchy there's some texture coaches but you know it's fine there's creatures that look like security it's weird as the skeletons but yeah so everything's burning in the sunlight so let's do this guys let's go ahead and put the time set night and let's wait till one of these villagers go in their house go ahead we're doing an experiment to you guys that's what the matter we want to see what happens to a villager okay I think that works oh my god there's a baby villager dying oh my god he get transformed alright okay guys I think I did something wrong all right let me try to fix this there it is all right we got it we're gonna go over here oh all right so I take a tail we've been teleported to camp - oh this is so weird actually guys like I okay oh did you hear that the villager sounded different oh this is weird oh this is weird what's that noise okay that was a normal that was a normal village sound oh maybe it's a zombie villager guys okay I got freaked out for us again oh my god this Oh are they trying to get in you think the doors right there but they're not trying to break the door down they're not succeeding you're breaking the door down or anything you just think they're gonna update it so they snore instead of just going hmm and their sleep look at that they sleep with their eyes open - creepy creatures alright so mind you guys work far away like my character I was way over there right so like quarter my calculations like we should be examining this look at this super weird so I just want to see if the villages move I just want to see if anything weird happens this is terrifying his own way we know there's like some zombie villagers outside trying to get into this guy but he's that he's he you know he's a nice lad he's been farming on these lands for years now and he's not about to have a night's rest disturbed by these creatures outside okay I'm just imagining this right what if we see his eyes like move or something the creepiest thing ever that's what we're trying to catch guys so what I want you guys to do if you notice anything weird in this footage this video you're gonna have to help me guess you guys gonna have to post a little time something let me know if you guys spotted anything because I might not see anything right I might just not see anything and it might go past me I see a sheep moving outside though this this is interesting guys this is this is cool we do a lot of things right but like doing something like this is just like it's a different style of investigation okay I'm back so no there's a little stone cutter here as you guys could tell I looked at my camera right the second I moved on the camera it teleported me back so now let's actually go there oh my god it's a little baby villager he was what we heard outside that's what we heard outside a little baby villager that's not creepy at all isn't it guys look at this I don't know why does a camera following me around like that but if that's not creepy guys look at that this is a camera here over a villager this is super weird and I have a camera like so glitchy guys but what a weird video that's all I can tell you guys what a weird video here yeah if you guys haven't hit the like button we do all kinds of crazy stuff here we just recorded a poor villager sleeping I show the videos with friends and family we got new content every day we're always experimenting doing experiments trying new things out well this villagers left his darn door open letting anything in he could have died need be more careful either way guys we do things here that you would never expect on database on the database yes on the database of data collecting that's what we do but yeah that's hey guys thanks so much for watching all that good stuff if you haven't you know like the video we always like to absolutely just break the likes on these videos so yeah other side I'll see you all in the next one little bit of a Cheers [Music] [Music]
Channel: O1G
Views: 485,367
Rating: 4.8107085 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Pocket Edition, MCPE, Minecraft PE, Pocket Edition, Minecraft Villagers, Scary, Creepy, Scary Minecraft Videos, Minecraft Videos, Scary Videos, For Kids, For Toddlers, No Cursing, Scary Videos for Kids, Never secretly record villagers in Minecraft, MCPE Villagers, Secret, Gameplay, MC, O1G
Id: EjaXRow0pL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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