These Minecraft villagers are trying to kill me.. (Terrified)

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why are all these villagers looking at me like this [Music] hmm I am I'm very much so confused and I'm about to go into why something seems odd I found something that doesn't quite add up and I'm gonna try experimenting with this okay so what is the experiment today well looking around in certain villages you can take certain items it doesn't really matter the the item but if you go with certain houses and villages there's going to be of course there's going to be wonderful items that you can kind of take usually the villagers don't mind they they just take it as they're donating it to you but sometimes weird things occur like in the past we've had run-ins where we tried to craft a diamond sword around villages and they murdered us something is definitely wrong with the villagers throughout minecraft in today I wanted to test another theory what we're gonna be doing today is well a lot of people are saying the villagers are actually against you and they're doing weird things and conspiring against you in so many different ways if you take certain items in certain houses at certain villages they've sometimes said - well the villages don't the villagers don't like it and they will conspire against you to almost murder you first and foremost if you haven't scroll down right now hit the like button now you don't have to no I'm just kidding you do have to do like button no look legitimately I'm hitting the like button helps you to register this video and it's database - being like hey this videos not bad we're gonna send it out to a few more people what this does is help support you created that you're watching so they can continue making videos okay keep that in mind now if you've liked the video and you're not a subscriber what let me ask you all right subscribe if I posted Mukesh my Greek the Bell make it go ding it's gonna notify you every single future upload I imagine you want to be notified of those uploads okay we experiment on villages villagers other mysteries throughout Minecraft it is crazy it it it indeed does so today we're gonna be taking items from some of the villagers houses and seeing if they want to kill us I don't know that's what I read so wish me luck easy why is there Sambi trying to murder me anyways the most intimidating villager in all the villages I would have to say villages it's weird but it what I would say is probably the blacksmith know why the blacksmith well I mean he has one eye why how did he lose his on their eye kind of scary huh so I figured we would take something but this villager has been eyeballing me in the most Awkward way so I figured we would take his diamond we take his precious little diamond alright so we took his diamond why are you looking at me like that you're stalking me - you're evil stop it thank you Oh what you need he moved towards my way for his thing and I was like yeah I don't want to talk to you buddy just took your diamond what you gonna do alright he doesn't do nothing he did nothing disgraceful he didn't protect his goods with his life how disgraceful are they disgraceful we have to be careful guys at any moment these villagers could turn their witch or something oh my god is he coming this way he's slightly following me I feel like alright another chest so be our perfect opportunity guys this chest well what we're gonna try to do is take another item from it and hope that we're okay the diamond we took the most valuable thing the diamond right so what more else can we get herself in trouble with was a leather cap so you mean to tell me we can take diamond and get a leather cap not a bad idea what is all the noise what um why are all these villages looking at me like this that's creepy where did they all come from why is there so many villagers all of a sudden okay [Music] dude there was not that many villagers over there when I went in that place dude no there was not that many villagers over there when I would they're trying to sell me or something dude these from what I just took relax villagers did you just see that I went out there and they all just started looking at me it was a lot of those librarian type of villagers maybe they were the ones doing to the creepy rituals in Minecraft because they read up all all these ancient texts and scripts they think they know some something that others don't fools they are in a way I hope I hope they don't actually know something they're not gonna actually kill me right scowl are we safe what was that about guys did you see that like I went out there there was quadruple the villagers that were first out there and on top of it they all started looking at me and I'm not even saying this but while I was doing that it sound like some of the villagers was like hitting each other do you guys hear that like some of the villagers were getting hit like I heard some of them like they were getting attacked or something now I did hear something in the water or something like a drowned or something should we do it love their pants I think it'll happen again dude I'm just like playing around because I'm going to end up getting stabbed by a villager guys I mean there's their stuff is clearly alright we're gonna do it all right we took the pants is anything else gonna happen what Oh guys I'm trying to understand but like what was that about over there I put on my new gear that I got huh now they're all over here in the town square Oh guys I have an interesting topic in myth that I want to look into about the well okay so you know this this whole video it's like the villagers don't like you right like I I took one of the items and now I think they're gonna sacrifice me to the God or whatever the minecraft god so I'm deeply concerned okay I don't know what the title this video then the villagers are attacking me watch out or something but like or villagers mad that I'm still in or something but like dude I mean you guys can already see the title whatever it is what I'm saying is like there's something about the well to which I'm gonna go into in another video but like the well being like a place where villagers conduct rituals of some sort in a way as if they okay so you remember I traded with some villagers in the past and they had Steve heads right well this this is just for another video guys this is just for another video I'm gonna save it for another video if you guys want to see that video hit the like button right now you gotta hit the like button okay because the next video I'm gonna talk about I just gave you guys a full inside hit but the next video I'm gonna talk about that but either way guys basically what I'm saying is the well is actually super creepy okay the Sun setting here there's little baby villagers running around I'm not sure what happened I took one little item in the villagers like a ton of villagers just appeared out of nowhere that's not something that happens usually so that's a little odd but either way if you guys enjoyed the video I guess you can scroll down and hit the like button there's so much to do with villagers now here's my question all of you before we close this one out today if you have any experiment or myth that you've heard about the villagers in Minecraft leave it in the comment section below and I may just try your we may just experiment with your idea like if there's something about do villagers can villagers swim or when not sleeping for 24 hours or something crazy like that alright I love doing stuff like that you guys seem to really enjoy it too the last one that we did that was just phenomenal was not letting your villagers sleep for 24 hours and I'm telling you if you've not seen that when you've gotta go watch that one it was one of the crazy ones um the video is just idle not letting villagers sleep for 24 hours and it is phenomenal anyways the moon is rising here and I want to get you all with this farewell if you haven't hit the like button we're growing fast every day and the reason for that is because you are sharing with your friends and family you are leaving likes on these videos it's not is it that's really what it boils down to you know if it matters a lot basically so without a sign thank you all for all the consecutive love and support we're not going anywhere trust me on that one of so yeah I will see you all in the next one oh you know what since we're here Cheers [Music] [Music]
Channel: O1G
Views: 124,666
Rating: 4.9235301 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Pocket Edition, MCPE, Minecraft PE, Pocket Edition, Scary, Creepy, Minecraft Villagers, Scary Minecraft Villagers, Minecraft Village, Minecraft Videos, Scary Minecraft Videos, For Kids, For Toddlers, Minecraft Videos for Kids, Scary Videos, Scary Videos for Kids, Gameplay, MC, O1G
Id: DvymjhCpdx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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