Herobrine left me something in Minecraft.. (SCARY)

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we wore to a brand new micro video if you haven't already be sure to subscribe the pulse on vacation will ring the bell mechanic OD'ing that's basically notify you've every single feature upload if you're not aware of that then you have not been on YouTube for a while YouTube has changed over the years and its drastically introducing new changes every single day and I think that is something that many creators fear many creators worry about but some of us still remain here strong today's video is brought to you by raid Shadow legends raid Shadow legends is the turn-based RPG done right and well it's the top it's in the top three on the ranked RPGs on the Google Play Store right now so chances are you probably have heard of this game you've downloaded it you're already playing it the game is crazy popular actually with 50 million downloads just in the past six months that's impressive so what exactly is raid for those newcomers to the game it's an epic dark fantasy and it's basically a hero collection turn-based game with over 400 champions that you can collect and personally customize you can gather orgs undead knights elfs and more you can assemble a team from 16 heroic factions you can explore over 1 million champion builds there's many spectacular locations and it's also fully voiced like the story mode and campaign fully voiced and you can also play this with your friends by joining up in a clan that's pretty awesome oh and one important thing to note about raids shadow legends you don't have to pay for this as a free-to-play game and it has so many other additional izing features that kind of create a renewal factor of the game hints new champions every month that's right you're gonna get new champions every month 14 new champions are usually introduced every month with new strategies new balance and new warriors that you could play with it's pretty nice now on top of the new champions there's progression rewards now you're gonna get tons of free champions equipments and other cool stuff just for learning to play the game those missions hope you progress in a fun and easy way that gives you extra rewards for each mission and the best part once you complete the missions you get one of the best legendary champions in the game the arbiter and to keep in mind they actually have many more huge updates planned for this game over the next 6 months so there's gonna be infinite content you're never gonna get bored factions tag team arena features new clan bosses like I'm not even sure if I'm supposed to say this so what are you waiting for it there's a link in the description you can click on that go to the video go down to the video description click on that and you're gonna once you click on that link you're gonna get 50,000 silver and a free epic champion as part of the new player program to start your journey so I don't know if you ask me it's pretty nice consider it to the video welcome aboard to a brand new creepy terrifying Minecraft video I wanted to return to a world today a very creepy world a village unlike any other and well apparently this world has a lot more secrets and a story to unfold and I am more than excited to do that just today I've been kind of catching glimpses of what appears to be here O'Brien on this world from time to time and not too sure about it but I figured hitRECord try it out today see if we find anything we may we may not and that's the beautiful aspect of so if you haven't liked the video we're gonna need a lot of likes on this one if you want to see a sequel to this video or another video you know if you want to see another video tomorrow like this video um we also have merged that's why I said Cheers if you have your coffee mugs you can make some hot chocolate whatever you may need in those mugs are pretty convenient we also got phone cases all that people who have been on the channel a while know if you're a brand new viewer and this your first time ever clicking on the video or a video where you been man welcome aboard no I'm not even kidding before starting this alright so this is this is like a kind of like a hero Brian investigation kind of like just a explore this creepy world investigation we may find nothing as we do sometimes on these world videos we don't really find nothing at all and that is quite honestly the most disappointing thing no I'm not gonna lie to you ok so before I started this right over in the distance I seen an all-black entity and I was terrified I'm telling you I did not know what it was so as I got closer guess what it was it was a villager I don't know why though he looked like he had nothing but he didn't look like this he looked like a what maybe a blacksmith or something but he was all black and I don't know if he was a zombie villager perhaps that's what that's what he was he was a zombie villager I'm not sure but I just picked back up on this world leaving off from where I was previously there is some zombies over there but if there's a zombie villager or a - a lot of bread and you need some apples right there there is a lot of like zombie villagers roaming around trying to you know in fact and take over the other villagers we have a a what you might call here a church yeah that's right so there's just like more zombies look at that that is a zombie villager isn't it I'm not sure that what are you oh it's a down thingy okay what are you oh oh that's what you are that's hero Brian dude that is hero Brian that is hero Brian what that was without a doubt hero Brian and it looked like a player though that's the thing it looked like a player am I wrong for thinking that because the way his head moved it looked like it was a player now there is no one in my world like that doesn't make any sense that looked like a player and he's not that is that him is that him whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa never mind he's still over there he's still over there he's still over there guys did you see him oh my god there's a freaking zombie I thought it was hero Brian cuz of the shirt where's he at where's he at where's he at we just spotted him he can't just disappear that quickly these cats are causing me to just be on the edge of my seat more than I should be oh okay okay okay let's go this way he was right why is there a chest a book that says xxxx by hero Brian no no no no no no that is not good news herobrine somehow appears in my world leaves a book without up there that's a chimney okay relax it's just a chimney here Brian arrives in my world puts a book okay every time I see a blue shirt that look you know kind of like Steve shirt on a zombie or something I get terrified I'm like oh my god - you're probably gonna die everybody just there's a book here that says X X oh now I don't know what that means it looks like I kind of like a weird oh it looks like a dead face you know like when someone is like dead or something it's like eggs over their eyes or something it kind of looks like that does it I've employed here about to kill me what did I ever do you we were Brian come on I didn't do anything to you here all right all right I'm taking a book nobody touched me I have a book written by herobrine supposedly all right so obviously the next big step is to read this book didn't muster up the courage to read the book and that's exactly what we're gonna do in the next episode I'm kidding guys we're gonna read the book now um I just have no clue what this book is gonna really do for us though if it's gonna do anything at all or something telling me it's not really gonna do nothing behind you will okay what behind you will find behind you will find beware did here Brent go to school behind you will find behind you will find beware [Music] okay I'm looking behind me oh wait maybe not okay maybe I'm reading that wrong behind you will find not behind you will find maybe he is kind of implying like behind you will find so behind something we will find apparently of course we did find the chest in the book behind this right so the the saying is like behind you will find we did find the book behind this house so is he in he said beware behind you will find beware okay what am I looking for what behind what what am I like I found the book behind you will find yes I found the book but what do you tell me beware he is here Brent gonna come out and kill me is he kind of giving me like a warning is there somewhere else that I need to be looking that he is telling me like behind something else I'm going to find something quite possibly I'm not sure okay he's got a helmet on he thought he was slick so should we like look around the village more it looked behind any little thing that we can find to see if there's something there that might quite possibly be the answer okay there's nothing behind here almost like a secret passage in the water I don't see that what's he looking at whew that was a weir oh he's trying to get some compost nice crops you out there sir I have I I don't know yeah just the book is weird you were bright up here left a book saying that we should look behind something or somewhere here's my question all of you we should we look behind what is he implying is he implying that we should keep searching and perhaps look behind something and if so what are we gonna be able to find from that is it like anything of concern to us let me know in the comment section below if you have a answer to this because I definitely don't and that's something that we're gonna probably think about it for this episode in the next like we're gonna think on it see what happens and then we will return and kind of figure it all out once and for all yeah I really guess that's the only way to go about it so with that aside I think we've kind of concluded for daily expanding on this I'm trying to clean up the village a little bit but oh my god why are they everywhere they're just chasing the villagers trying to kill them this village isn't not doing good all right so this is what we're gonna do in the next episode we're gonna explore the rest of the village completely inside now like we're just gonna explore all that we can to the village one second that is some good stuff right there so I think what we're gonna do in the next episode is explored the rest of the village right we're gonna look around the village explore every little corner every behind every house and we're going to see if we find anything now we may or may not find anything but as we got this weird book that's written by herobrine setting behind you will find beware now this could be a lead this could be something or this could gives down to more of getting closer to herobrine to actually kind of like seen if we can fight herobrine or something because that would be kind of cool I don't know but it's a mystery and that's why you are all recruited in aiding this detective 'ti that we're doing we're trying to detect be detectives here and figure out what exactly we're doing here so any bit of help in the comment section below is greatly appreciated now do keep in mind there is merge so if you want to feel like a true detective you can buy you a nice open G shirt we have a like a nice little patch on the left of the shirt there just how's the ong logo looks simple looks nice looks fresh you can wear it anytime any day anywhere quite honestly I think it's very very much so a reward so yeah anyways that's what we're gonna do we're gonna plan that in the next episode and I will see you all in the next one okay we're gonna fade out to some nice music you you probably can hear it creepin in hopefully probably not I don't know they're editing these days III I just don't know about [Music]
Channel: O1G
Views: 79,582
Rating: 4.8932476 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Pocket Edition, MCPE, Minecraft PE, Pocket Edition, Scary, Creepy, Herobrine, Minecraft Herobrine, Herobrine Minecraft, Herobrine left me something in Minecraft, MCPE Herobrine, Minecraft PE Herobrine, Herobrine MCPE, Herobrine Minecraft PE, Scary Minecraft Videos, Gameplay, MC, O1G
Id: ugAP3CS-g4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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