This happens if you kill all the villagers in Minecraft..

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no I think what we're gonna need is a sword and a lot of beef because we're gonna go on a complete killing spree this video it's definitely a weird one um we're gonna kill every villager in this entire village and see what happens and occurs because I've been reading that potentially if you happen to murder every villager in a selected village something weird will happen now I thought why not try it I can try I experiment I do a lot of experiments here if you're new you might not know that and I suggest subscribing and enable and posted a vacations about ringing the bell make it a go ding it's gonna notify of notify you of every single future upload and I imagine oh hello yes he probably heard me say I was gonna kill him and I don't think you like that either way yes subscribing and put it pode and putting on post notifications yes it's gonna allow you to get informed of the videos and if you haven't already scrubbed down and hit the like button every like spares a villager ok I'm murdering every villager in this village yes but if you like this video maybe the next villagers the next village that I come across maybe they will not get murdered so every likes fairs one villager keep that in mind likes also help out a ton for the video of course but today starting with this villager where was he and you don't clear clearing out a village is not gonna be easy okay that was only to hit off to about I feel like clearing out a village is not gonna be the easiest task around specially a village that is so like up and down and everywhere this isn't your normal village it it kind of sits in like a wooded area which means the houses are gonna be up on heels everywhere so yeah it's gonna be a lot of stuff that we have to work around here so let's gonna go on okay alright oh it's a bad day for you so do you have any clue what you've done you've committed 285 crimes and you think that you can flee from the last village yes I don't think so be gone be gone absolutely horrifying he was he was a horrible criminal it makes me feel better announcing that the villagers are criminals ok I'm going to write guys Oh rose bush is a not a good thing to do I don't know why I've wanted to poke myself with that hello wait does anybody here alright I don't appear to see yep of course they're gonna be at the Town Square oh I just realized this iron golem is probably gonna give me a bit of an issue I've never went on a full assassination of a complete village and I think and I can't help but think the iron golem isn't gonna have it we'll know in just a second he might oh he is not having it I knew it I knew it I knew it now we have to kill an iron golem Oh guys one hit by an iron golem is the most here oh my god see what I mean okay I thought I was done for that is not a joke it is not a joke oh one he almost killed me in one hit wait why is he green oh no I love it we're not we're just jumping into this we're not providing no hesitation to the murdering of these villages these villagers they're getting completely erased shut up Kat or you will be next I don't have time for lollygaggin I have a mission here now it is set after you kill every villager in the village something strange will occur now I'm not sure this by the way fun fact I just literally oh I feel so bad about doing that I love it one of my previous videos I was experimenting on like I put a villager under water for 24 hours if you haven't seen it go watch it and the ironic thing was like I spawned a kid and I was like I can't experiment on the kit but then I kill I murdered the kid which is it doesn't provide any logic to a talk but everybody pointed that out as well anyway we are here why this is just a random kid in the house that might have been the last villager actually I don't see no more we took up the iron golem we have completely and utterly caused the most of roughed chaos that one could cause upon our innocent village what we think innocent they could be full of criminals pillagers soon to be and if that is the case then they got what was coming to them oh I just took a big swim and now my tuxedo is all wet what do you mean torture so you don't if you're new to the channel you didn't know that then I don't know what to tell you alright I think that's all of them 100% we completely wiped them all out now I love the tunic and some boots yes I I do fancy some armor in Courage sorry I have to fight to anything alright so for the most part that appears to be good it appears to be good now that has to be all of them did anything happen am I missing one is one hiding over here in a corner or something oh I killed all the villagers and now I I see a grave this grave is like unusual usually when grapes spawn there like beside like the church right we went to the church there's two churches in this village by the way but this is well should we look in the grave Oh No look look I was like calls and uh like complete havoc right and now I'm too scared to reap the consequences of why I just found I know the grave that the moon's coming up we don't have time and the last thing I want is like for a werewolf or something that's mine what what [Music] what was that what hmm [Music] what the heck was that literally okay datura stuff moving outside I don't know if it's just a cat I don't know if it is whatever that was and it looked like a villager that is decaying or something like a villager that's just not like Jesus pressure plates man that is that that thing is that that thing moving I'm so scared what was that I heard blocks did you guys hear that something tells me we goofed Jesus I hate these pressure plates at a time like this why are pressure plates tables I got the door blocked okay I'm not letting nothing in these windows are terrifying enough I don't know about you guys but isn't it the creepiest thing ever when it's late at night and some of it somewhat like some of us have bedrooms that are just like there's like the huge window in our bedroom that just is directly leading outside you know it's it's a terrifying thing no one day at night you could open the window and it boom there be some more in there and that's how I'm experiencing that's what I'm experiencing but I'm experiencing it inside minecraft of all places I'm petrified that I'm gonna look outside one of these windows and whatever that thing was we seen in the grave a grave naturally spawning okay mind you this most of the time we find graves what is inside them yes a chest and usually inside that chest is mostly nothing but every now and then we'll find something odd but this time there was no chest that was a body a villager that it looked like it looked like some villager that was having a very bad day a villager you know it is said that yeah people don't truly rest in peace right they move around a lot in the grave a recent study by the way that's super weird but P be it the case okay this is a villager we're talking about here uhm I don't believe and I didn't think the villagers actually were placed in the graves so I'll be roaming around where do we go from here I'm not sure but what I am gonna do is close this down for now I'm closing this case down right now I don't know where to go right now and I'm gonna be honest I'm not going outside so no one can force me to do that if you made it to the end of the video comment below I made it and if you would like to see more videos investigating this odd entity or whatever was this villager that we just found a dead walking villager arriving from the grade itself to terrify us and everything we should have killed the villagers don't don't kill all the villagers in your village they offer trades they can help you don't do what I did don't make a mistake don't be like me okay I'm here another cat meowing often to do the distance not realizing the danger that as it is in anyways I will have to conclude it here today and we'll see you all in the next one new videos every day my name's facts it is really [Music]
Channel: O1G
Views: 502,148
Rating: 4.8737164 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Pocket Edition, MCPE, Minecraft PE, Pocket Edition, Scary, Creepy, This happens if you kill all the villagers in Minecraft, Minecraft Village, Minecraft Villagers, Experiment, Villager Experiments, Scary Minecraft Videos, Scary Mineraft Videos O1G, Minecraft Videos, Videos Minecraft, For Kids, For Toddlers, Gameplay, MC, O1G
Id: 5bnUN1Vlqds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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