This is what Minecraft villagers do on Halloween.. (Scary Minecraft Video)

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what what do villagers do on Halloween well we do know Halloween is a very haunting event every year where things get kind of scary and I wanted to know what exactly these villagers do on Halloween night now you may be asking yourself for the part of time of me uploading this it doesn't appear to be Halloween or maybe it is Halloween I don't know my uploads go to can be weird but what I will say I set the time on my computer the date to my computer - Halloween day so what I want to do now is let the Minecraft night begin and I want to see what type of fun activities occur during Halloween in Minecraft now this could be very scary or it could be very uneventful it could be one of those things that is like long did not so much happen but then again we do not know when we cannot be too sure it so that's what the experiments all about isn't that right chicken and as per use usual one like spares the life of one chicken okay save the animals like the video okay thank you now what are you doing there fine sir we're gonna be watching you very carefully this video so I hope you are ready okay yes go about your activities in a way be sure to subscribe enable pull suffocation by ringing the bell making to go ding it's gonna notify to every single future upload I imagine you want to be notified I assume that you definitely want to see every time a video gets uploaded here you don't want to miss out there's always something we like today what a villagers gonna do on Halloween probably nothing they probably are not programmed to do anything odd at all but this is a very this village we've done so many experiments on the villagers in this village and time and time again weird things do happen and I just cannot wait to see we're just gonna take on overall weight glance through the village we're gonna see if anything weird happens nor anything weirds going on since this is Halloween Day and we are going to see is there any pumpkins there's no pumpkins there's nothing you would think the village would be a little bit in season yeah maybe they would put pumpkins out I don't see much of anything abnormal all the villagers seem to be healthy doing their normal routine all the houses seem intact nothing to odds going on there so there's hay here with no horses where the horse is that hmm that's odd no horses in the village I don't recall this house being here now wait just a second guys this is a world that I always play on okay I always play on this world from time to time you many of you know this world we always use these villagers to experiment but on this village I have never seen this house ah that's already weird that's very weird actually I don't recall seeing that house super weird maybe I'm just losing my mind a little bit you guys can let me know if you've been watching my videos for a while you know I play on this village it was the house always there probably either way um so I look at it but yeah so we're just gonna kind of observe the activity I think most of them are just gonna be sleeping I I definitely think that's what's gonna happen there's only gonna be villagers sleep in itself up here's a horse up Egon he's like nope alright so what we're gonna do is maybe set the time tonight so let me do a little flick there we go it is now nighttime and most of the villagers it does appear they're going to sleep okay nothing too abnormal they're sleepy heads as they are okay what are we having here ooh I diamond now I do like me some diamonds and I think many people do okay so first and foremost I hear the iron golem wondering why is he not in his house why was he not in his house yeah what's going on there why is where's that wait a second no way what's going on why are the villagers in the well oh this isn't good this isn't good what happened why is there lava what the houses are burning those lava here boy first off why are the villagers in the well there's like four villagers in the well here what is go higher you guys in the well do you think they were fleeing from the fire oh maybe okay so these are like houses and stuff right so maybe the villagers were trying to sleep in their house and they got caught on fire so they just went to the nearest water so they dug they jumped in the well that's the only logical thing that I can assume there we got four villagers in the well we have houses on fire from lava that Brandon Lee appeared meet we we walked through here earlier right we walked through here earlier there was nothing going on but or the villagers doing on Halloween is this some conspiracy on its own because why are the villagers in the well it doesn't make sense maybe they would have just jumped in this water here this literally water right beside the well why would they go in a place where they're gonna get trapped and I think there used to be a thing right villagers would accidentally fall in the well but now I think they're a they're not programmed to do that like they don't jump in the well no more because it used to be a common thing I always had to rescue villagers from the world but they fix that so this should not be happening now four of them spider you're not involved I'm sorry you're not one of the crew what's going on let's see where they go if they get out let's see if they go somewhere what what are they doing they're not they're not even trying to go in a house they're not trying to do nothing what why why are they acting so normal it's nighttime most villagers try to find shelter that doesn't make any sense we got to put the rest of this fire out Jesus somehow the fire did not spread over to this house I don't know how easy all right that's all the fire almost okay I think we're good we the fire in lava is gone I don't know where that came from unless I was going to assume unless it was like a lightning strike but it wasn't storming uh a lightning strike usually just starts a fire not like a lava right and these villagers are acting strange that we're in the well now I don't know if any of this has to do with me playing on Halloween day but like does this have anything to do with all the wieners this is just a weird conspiracy on its own I don't know but I will suggest this if any of you happen to be playing Minecraft on Halloween day all right you see in this video and then Halloween rolls around and you happen to be playing Minecraft on Halloween day and something weird happens you come back to this video leave in the comment section below you're weird Halloween minecraft story or it may be last year maybe last year something weird happened to you while you were playing Minecraft on Halloween just as I'm something weirds happening to me let me know and we'll try to see if we can put the conspiracies together get some evidence or get some type of more proof I mean we got plenty of evidence today there else's were on fire that was weird villagers in the well for no reason he can't even make that up it's one of those weird ones that I think I'm gonna have to close this video off being confused and not understanding where do we go from here it is it is beyond weird out of my control shall I say and I will say this though if you haven't hit the like button we have new videos every single day 1 p.m. est we have videos for years and years ok we it's crazy anyways I'll see you all in the next one enjoy the nice background music creating more of a light Pleasant tone instead of a scary one because I have enough scare today this is a bit weird and another thing that don't make any sense why do cats always get stuck in the fence and fence post of the well so you know that happens every time [Music] [Music]
Channel: O1G
Views: 155,783
Rating: 4.9323416 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Pocket Edition, MCPE, Minecraft PE, Pocket Edition, Scary, Creepy, This is what Minecraft villagers do on Halloween, Minecraft Halloween, Minecraft Village, Minecraft Villagers, Scary Minecraft Videos, Scary Minecraft Videos O1G, Halloween, Scary Videos, For Kids, Family Friendly, Haunted, MCPE Videos, Minecraft Videos, Videos Minecraft, Gameplay, MC, O1G
Id: uCdF5eYrcD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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