Never pick up these EMERALDS in Minecraft!

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[Music] wait what was that [Music] it would be this world that we encounter something odd a mystery unlike any other is what we're going to be investigating today will we debunk this myth once and for all I think most definitely welcome aboard to a brand new video if you haven't already scroll down hit the like button subscribe and it will pull certification by ringing the bell making it go ding its gonna notify you of everything is what is go why are there fish I was doing my introduction and then I hear from luckily here floppy like and something flopping around that fish just died for you guys ok that fish just died for all of you viewers one likey equals one fish saved ok if you want to save the rest of the fish in minecraft either like for god sake uh so yeah we have a point of these nice lads over here my name is all business taking it getting his feet wet look at he's just getting his feet wet there anyways if you're new to this channel you probably have no clue why I'm going off on a tangent look I do that I'm a little bit weird I'm not gonna lie but uh we upload daily content here and regards to investigating creepy mysterious or anything weird in Minecraft at the moment and all these videos that you don't do pretty darn good because you guys leave the support and I always say that's the central like if you want to see more content like this one or any of the videos relating to sort leaving a like go into the next video leaving a like for some reason if you like little like button and destroy it on YouTube YouTube recognizes like say for example this video if you guys just destroy your like in this video to no tomorrow YouTube's like not bad we're gonna have to promote this content so it helps out a lot basically what I'm saying dude I'm over complicating it but just like the video simple um so what in the world is this oh my god there's another one why is this madness is my world haunted hey III I'm lost for words why is this happening before you throw some water nettie fault right back out of the water this is so creepy this is this is beyond creepy actually there's like a bell in the what what's going on in this village okay guys so I just started up on this world and I went to this village and all this is happening this fish flop out of water you can't make that up to fish even have spawn eggs I don't think so so this literally you couldn't make this up I don't know what's going on with this world guys it's kind of creepy already which is getting to our main point and purpose of this video it is going to be a creepy one no doubt we're gonna need some mountain area so I'm thinking look at the bunny blending right in he's like how can I help well why you want you coming my way I don't got food for you so what we're gonna do is go over into this mountain like terrain dig down try to find a cave system and then find emeralds because that is what we're looking into today emeralds now what do you mean emeralds to explain to us well emeralds is basically a myth that's going around that on certain worlds and it's usually always the creepy world's I found out on certain worlds you can find emeralds that have like that are not normal just to say but they have like a a speck of red on it that people are referring to be as blood now I've not seen this personally and I think this is very interesting because can you imagine you pick up some emeralds you look at them they have like a like blood on them dude creepy okay even though it's Minecraft still creepy I don't know how I feel about that so ever since I heard about this like I was like how am I ever gonna be able to mine emeralds in peace again how am I gonna be able to trade with villagers in peace again well that gets me to our main topic of discussion here I got a video coming up that I'm going to be addressing some weird things about trading with villagers I know a little scare but that's that's for another video today we want to talk about emeralds the currency that villagers used to trade who would have thought a basis a basic currency would be our own creepy demise so we're gonna go on over here and we are going to look if we can find some emeralds and hope for the best actually I mean a part of me wants to find it's like bloody weird Haunted emerald but at the same time a part of me is like you know I'm Chi against that no I don't want to really experience anything of nate's that nature but me being an investigator that I am I am always curious and sometimes curiosity mob gets the cat killed as you know but I don't think I'm a cat so I think I'm okay let's see if we can find a cave system this should provide us since it's more of a he'll like to rain I'm thinking it's gonna be able to supply us with you guess it those shiny shiny green emeralds okay so there's some stone here why am i knock down a cave system jail we're at Redstone little no cave oh my god diamond I just broke a few diamonds well we felt diamond but that's not really what we're looking for here what a pleasant surprise that just randomly be mining and then finding diamond and of course redstone the brief red light wow there's a lot of redstone down here this is the longest I've went without finding a cave system usually keep some pretty massive and four and ranged behind gravel is usually a secret that's what I've always been told but it never appears okay I don't think there's anything down here guys why I just need some be emeralds man alright let's go back up and what I'm thinking we're gonna do is find like a ravine usually if you find a ravine then you can go down to some caves pretty quickly okay so this is where we ended up all right not bad not bad we have a lot of potential here a lot of potential this is a ravine kind uh all right so I'm thinking let's go like oh wait this is gonna be good roof forests not bad okay there's another village here alright let's stick down here oh my god guys I cannot find a cave system for the life of me oh never mind we fought one all right you guys hear the spiders crawling where'd it go I think it's up it's somewhere found it okay emeralds emeralds come on you know when you want to find emeralds it's like you could never find him surely I'm not the only one that experiences that hello spider would you happen to be able to point me into some emeralds perhaps I'm in desperate need I hear a skeleton to know he's near so our main objective as we're just looking for this guy's it is to find some emeralds and see if we can find the glitched emerald now this is allegedly a creepy glitched emerald that will as you guessed it kind of proved to give you a little bit of a scare because this emerald is unlike any other emerald it has what people have said to be blood on it like a red splatter on the Emerald now seems a little bit unobtainable but we might be able to sister on a set world be able to find dis glitch and it's gonna be quite exciting actually now of course as you know emeralds can only be found and usually he'll biomes biomes that have a lot of hills in it which is kind of worrisome because I don't know if it's sensitive to a certain specific Jesus oh that's what it is like I heard so many spiders cave spiders which didn't get now I think of it you can't find emeralds in chests as well so that might be our ticket that might be our ticket guys I don't know but I just absolutely love investigating the oddities of like you know like a glitch to emerald or something that could prove to lead to a scarier find because guys what if we find this emerald and then you guessed it like it's actually there's like blood splatter on it and dude I don't know how I'm gonna react like I'm legitimately going to be like I'm gonna think I'm messed up to be honest I'm gonna be like I shouldn't have done this I've really messed up because I feel like I'm gonna be haunted okay no emeralds guys so what I'm gonna do is probably let's see if we find it nothing so what I'm gonna do guys is probably cut to I'll find some emeralds and I'm gonna be back soon ah 85 years later I had to go to a whole nother section of the map this is just too much effort for an emerald anyways diamond pick please let's get the diamond pick I want to do this more of my pick there let's see let's go to game mode yes all right we have the Emerald in our hand okay now let's see if anything's weird about the sim road could be maybe not I don't know but we're about to find out hey it looks like a normal emerald are you kidding me Oh so disappointed guys wait what was that wait I could I could have swore that I seen the Emeril do something like it it like changed it might be am I the only one that seen that okay maybe I am I don't know guys I've been playing forever trying to find this thing but other than that like we didn't really see anything like I I like that right now I just thought like the Emerald changed a little bit but maybe that's just me tripping but we didn't really find much and I think this is one of those investigations that just kind of comes to an ending that is not what we expected first of all it took forever to find the Emerald so that was a big disappointment I think I was in a totally wrong biome earlier either way we found the Emerald and nothing too weird other than that brief change which I think might have been just my monitor or something so I don't know super weird let me know what you guys think of the comment section below emeralds in Minecraft this is something that we might need to look into more though in the future without a doubt we might need to do that all right I'll see you guys
Channel: O1G
Views: 464,917
Rating: 4.914988 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Pocket Edition, MCPE, Minecraft PE, Pocket Edition, Emeralds, Emeralds Minecraft, Minecraft Emeralds, Scary, Creepy, Scary Minecraft Videos, Minecraft Videos, For Kids, For Toddlers, Minecraft Videos for Kids, No Cursing, Never pick up these emeralds in Minecraft, Trending, Gameplay, MC, O1G
Id: _tgYOK6zsaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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