The Minecraft Blood.exe World Movie (Full Minecraft Film)

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[Music] Wow so much has happened on the blood exe world and today ladies and gentlemen I say this strapping crab whatever you may need your soda your popcorn because this is a special and hour-long special of all the blood exe videos compelled into one so you can catch up and become up to date with everything that's going on we have experienced so much in this investigation in world and that's why we're closing down and to figuring it all out once and for all but I say this guys this is a special video so let's do a special number of likes list absolutely crush the legs and go for 700 likes on this video can we do it I do believe so so let's go for it and well enjoy the video if you're not a subscriber are you good and they propose certifications by ringing the bell and making it go ding and well let's begin at the blood exe minecraft movie of day in which like it's like it's a rare chance guys so we're going to see us at this time tonight I don't know if they're like the night cycles have anything to differentiate with it I don't know guys so this actually time said let's do some random number okay that made a day so time said negative okay cool we're like at some random time at night first off that chicken over this could occur to me y'all know good a lot of you guys okay oh look at all the mobs spawn and why is there like why is there stuff why is there like good guys I forgot I was in survival this isn't good so guys I'm really creeped out about this world I don't know if we're gonna find anything yo give me give me that egg so I can ask all my subscribers the question are you guys doing you're doing good you know guys this is if you're a subscriber of this channel you you get the extra privileges okay you get the first hands-on the giveaways you get all this stuff guys if you're not a subscriber you're pretty much a pleb I don't know why you're not a subscriber anyways um so yeah guys uh first off we probably need to go out of creative man we need to see this world investigated to furthermore guess if you're new as well let me just say that we do investigations here we're always investigating everything weird that may be on a world or something every relating sort so like we're kind of like the Ghostbusters of Minecraft here and yeah dude is three divides to be dude alright so guys we want to check out the cave systems - there's a lot of guys did you hear that I know if you guys heard that but mostly we're in a swamp we're in a swamp guys that's definitely swamp water okay you that had to be swamp water that had to be swamp water guys that had to be swamp water that had to be swamp water I'm in denial I'm cheating at the time back today I'm in denial that had to be swamp water doodoo oh this this this isn't normal this is not normal guys this the water is red Oh what is that guys did you just see that that just dropped out of nowhere guys something dropped those on the ground - oh my god guys something really is hurting that's what the water is all blood guys the water is legitimately blood right now no no no something is terribly wrong with this world guys something is terribly wrong with this world what dude Oh even the particles are red [Music] but what exe guys this world just got serious is serious fast what code it's not you guys does every bit of water on the world this one's just black though I mean blood can be very bright and dark too guys oh my god guys there's a village - what is going on guys what the dude there's a cross here - there's a cross in the gravel in the middle of the village are you kidding me dude this world isn't this world is saved guys oh there's a witch wood Oh guys I feel like this world has a lot more to offer than I realized and without a doubt this is a world that we need to keep an eye on is the word is just gonna stay red is it going to go away like is it my god the whole ocean it's all red cuz this is this is an overload okay calm down calm down calm down think think think think think of wengie okay whoa whoa whoa whoa bloody XD don't play this world guys don't play it don't play it um Rico like Rico like gather your thoughts gather your thoughts gather your thoughts all right - okay guys um like I said guys this is supposed to be a rare chance like I would like an impossible rare chance people were telling me about like blood Exe like all the water turn of red I cannot believe we just captured it maybe it's not as rare as like bold guys maybe the percentage of finding this is a lot more common that is that is unbelievable hey guys we felt the cross in the middle of the village made out of gravel like is signifying like just a symbol of like showcasing that yeah there's something going on here there's something going on in this world like I I don't even know what the make of that guys this is blowing my mind like it's daytime and I'm still terrified in Minecraft guys even a swamp does see the swamp water is kind of like more dark right like it kind of combines in it's like dark well black red and like they just like straight-up red guys guys if you guys do try this seed let me know if you find the cross in the village let me know if you have the encounter of the red water to post in the comment section below if you do guys I'm gonna be reading your comments and I'm going to be kind of getting down to the bottom of this theory guys should we investigate this world furthermore like should we see if we can find some of the quote-unquote hidden entities that are remain on this world or what if we run into one now what if we run into one of the entities that because I haven't even been paying attention or looking up in the distance what if we miss something already what if we did miss something extra in this video because have you seen anything in this video oh my god guys there's so much stuff happening in this video I totally forgot like I I totally forgot about like the random flower just like falling on the ground rub beside us as if someone just like threw it there one stood this is iiiii I don't even know what to say guys we may have another investigation on our hands and I didn't even anticipate this guy's the plug exe world maybe something beyond our comprehension guys it may hold secrets and scares that we never even anticipated what a random occurrence and find that we have ran into today guys I wonder how much the water is gonna like if it's ever gonna turn back normal it's like the whole work of apocalypse and minecraft guys oh my god I I wonder if it's gonna turn back to normal though like maybe in a few days or something guys there's just lots of swamp on this biome two guys and we we know swamps are pretty much like the creepiest biome in my personal opinion other than that one biome would like the cobblestone crosses everywhere like that's really creepy dude oh my dude I'm really interested to see guys like if we do decide to come back to the scene here's some things that we're gonna do we're gonna like wait a few days you know and I'm like I'm going to see if the water changes back to normal if this has like a special occurrence of changing like what if during them like the blood water like occurrence like what if there's a blood mood - I didn't even think about that guys the Blood Moon the Blood Moon the Blood Moon where's the moon where's the moon this is Sun because what if there's a Blood Moon wouldn't that mean like bit like werewolves or something which I am still not sure what this signifies guys at first I thought maybe I was like maybe the water is like uh maybe the water is just like I don't know maybe it's a glitch right well I logged back out I blog back in it is still here guys so I was like well I definitely got to film a video now and I have to address some of the things that the subscribers have been talking about and uh look at it when he splashes it's just red normally it would be all we just jumped in it guys we took them to water oh I don't know about this I don't know about this hold up no no no I'm trapped because I can't get out why is this sword to break okay it wasn't breaking screw that dude alright anyways so you guys have been talking about a lot like potential blood moons you guys have been talking about an entity known as the blood man I'm gonna address a lot of those things I know you guys are waiting on me to address that a lot of people said in the previous video ont you've got a return to the blood exe world this is unusual you have to investigate this you have to get down to the bottom of it and to be truthful I don't think there's any would that like there's no way we could return to this world but I do want to say guys if you want to see this investigation continue it's all on you guys if this video doesn't like even scrape a thousand likes if you guys don't leave a comment below saying Ong you need to continue this investigation that we may not because this is kind of spooky I'm not gonna lie I have never seen this happen to a Minecraft worker you imagine if the Sheep start turning red or like demonic or something dude no don't even go there oh won't you dare to just creep yourself out okay either way let's address the first thing here we're gonna explore this world a little bit more we're gonna look around see what we can find but let's just address what you guys have been talking about first off in the comments section below I'm not the only one that's experienced this multiple comments said that you guys played the blood dot exe world and you guys saw like it was creepy stuff happen to you you also encountered the blood water and I couldn't believe it I was like I'm so glad like I'm not the only one out here like there was multiple comments like I am pull them over right here look at him [Music] there's people saying like the blood you know people ever aren't having very bad experiences with this world as well guys this isn't no joke right this is a very serious thing and I've seen a few comments as well let's see if I can find one real quick there's a lot of comments here guys there's a lot of comments I can't find one directly right now but you guys were telling me about a I a blood man there's apparently an Allred entity people were calling him the blood man now I don't know what the blood man is capable of I don't really know what he can do and I do know one thing oh I thought that might have been across guys you guys all know we a lot of investigation to do on this channel or on this is uh this world okay first off where we do on the channel to supposed to be serious um the blood man who in what is the blood bank guys I I've never heard of this entity in Minecraft I don't know what to expect with the blood and what he's capable of but I feel like it's definitely possible if all the water is red right now in this world which makes no sense then it makes me think that the blood man could very much so existing us I think this is day two in the world now some people were saying all Ong on day three the water clears on day six the water returns and it's not always confirmed that you will get red water upon creating the world you sure about that okay so a lot of people are saying like there's a super rare chance that your world will have like you guys think this is a joke like look at that all over there the whole swamp is red - so you guys were telling me that this is it guys this is a team investigation that's why I always tell you guys share the videos we need more people to investigate this stuff that's all I'm saying alright so basically that's why I was telling you guys like okay so it's basically a rare chance right here's the woodchuck by the way as well it's basically a rare chance for this to happen in the world I'm thinking it's a glitch or something right but then with all their work wise they're just flowers sitting on the ground here no thank you no that's fine I'm going the other way I had a lot to think about and I think I want to go this way thank you very much that was really strange anyways so it's it's a rare chance for this this to happen just like you guys are saying that there is potential blood moons that can happen as well so you mean to tell me that the sky can go red in the moon can turn red Nana Nana Nana Nana Nana I'll pass I'll pass on that 110 percent I don't want nothing to do with it because you guys have been telling me for the longest oh gee you need to investigate the Luna Luna or moon and everything of sorts and I was like guys I don't know there is something really really wrong with this world guys a really there's some weird sounds okay hearing things again I guess I don't trust nothing on this seat guys like nothing I trust absolutely nothing on the seat I mean the water is red this is unbelievable okay it's a dead end guys let's get out of here we don't want nothing to do I got my own breaking one bow I picked this up from a skeleton by the way oh my god all right I'm getting out of this cave guys I don't want nothing to do with it we need food and stuff up as well I might just switching or I can just do this give as self beef sixty-four there we go it's wrong but whatever no eat it and enjoy it there we go okay guys so what are we looking to do guys well one we're looking to potentially find this blood man entity and if you guys want me to search for the blood man let me know in the comment section below we're also looking to try to find some some like resolve to this guy's like it's still here it's still happening the first off the caves have really weird sound there's just a lot of weird stuff about this world guys why is there more flowers on the ground is there someone haunting this world could it be the blood man surely not okay so anyways like I said guys okay so basically what I was explaining to it though the sixth day like if you didn't get lucky enough to get the blood water at the first day on the sixth day the water is supposed to turn to blood okay sure also on the sixth day if you have like all the water turned to red like flush blood it's said to go away sure so like every six days it apparently cycles in Minecraft I don't know what minecraft day I am on and I don't know if I can just do this go back and forth like time set 9 time set day can I does that count as a day like does that count as a minecraft date technically since it hit a night cycle in a day cycle cuz I'm pretty sure if that counts as a day then that's three days time said night time set time said day nope time said day that's four right time set night time said day that's five the water is frickin blood dude so yeah we're having a little bit of complications and I wish I had an arrow so I could try to snipe this pig you know what I'm going to snap a pic alright nothing could stop me umm give self arrows okay arrows and 64 of those alright guys we're gonna suck this pig right here hmm okay a little bit rusty but not gonna lie and I'm a little bit rusty all right well this pick would be still for a second Oh maybe we were hitting it it only took one arrow to kill him oh I do have an itch other both Oh anyways guys this is a terrifying series of events and we are taking it very lightly right now as you can imagine but I'm trying to cope with some of the things that has been going on with this foil first off thank you all honestly the support has been pretty insane on this series and I always say this and I will continue to say this starting now if you guys want to see this investigation continued the blood exe investigation we're gonna have to see those lines ladies and gentlemen like we're gonna have to take YouTube and absolutely destroy it YouTube themselves are gonna be like you're wise guys we need to pull through I need the rest of team o1g if you're a new viewer whatever the case be dude hit that freaking like button do just like hit it real quick and that was my representation of hitting the like button in minecraft and I do apologize if it was rather not as extravagant as it should have been but anyways welcome guys to a new blood exe it seems the night is falling upon us now this is been crazy let me eat up on my beef real quick but guys this has been absolutely insane now you guys have been saying that you have spotted the blood man now that's what we're going to start gradually getting into guys we're going to try to find the blood man which is said to be absolutely terrifying some of you guys have seen he looks similar to the boogey man but he has like red blood all over him or something and I was like look first off guys I've never seen the blood man but I'm getting a lot of comments for people in the comment section saying oh gee I came across the blood man I didn't get the blood water till like the tenth day in the Minecraft world so you guys are getting the blood watered in different variable forms as well guys if we're trying our best to investigate this but I'm worried I am very very worried guys because you guys have been saying oMG what if it starts raining though is it going to be like blood as well and I was like guys I mean all the rest of the water it's red right what if it starts raining and it's all blood guys I I don't know about that like I was reading some comments you guys were like OMG I was playing the bloody HD world and it started raining and it was it was blood it was raining blood now - my response to this it has not rained yet since we've been playing this world hopefully we don't have to worry about anything in reference of bats hopefully the rain is normal that's that's that's what I want to hope guys I wanna hope that rain is normal so on top of this guys how are we going to find the blood man as well I want to talk about that guys how are we gonna find the blood man well the blood man is said to spawn by doing some weird ritual right so naturally like I guess he can appear sometimes in the world like you know naturally but you can try to do it like a ritual and it may potentially help no guys I'm not for sure about this but still I'm a little bit skeptical no doubt I'm just killing mobs and getting some XP wow look at this creeper trying to be interesting I am freaking killing mobs left to right man okay anyways guys let's go back we need to kind of best I would say the day so we need to do some sleep and there's some scary interment over there so how I feel about that interment can you just please come down a little bit thank you okay so guys let's actually go inside uh kind of staying in the chapel guys oh hello there anyways I I think I'm staying in the chapel I feel safe in the chapel and I I don't know why I'd never actually like stayed in the chapel before it's super freakin safe dude so anyways we're gonna sleep through the night because I don't want to I don't want to be awake during the night like a rather sleep through and uh cool I guess that's convenient all right that's pretty cool no no it's raining blood guys it it's actually raining blood guys what is this there's no way it's raining blood guys I I don't think the mobs are not dying no more guys it happened it happens because this just naturally happened guys I didn't you guys saw I didn't put toggle weather I didn't I didn't do any of that like it's just naturally it's just sort of raining blood what is going on guys I I don't know about this IIIi don't I've never had this happen before guys I I wasn't expecting this to happen on this world first it was the blood water now it's the it's raining blood this isn't good guys this isn't good this isn't good guys you said a Blood Moon could potentially happen as well if a Blood Moon happens as well oh no oh no no no no guys if a Blood Moon actually ends up occurring as well this is bad words and I have I have chills guys this should not be listen okay we know this is not normal in micro guys this world is freakin cursed dude I can't believe this has been happening to you guys as well like first up I'm reading the comments and stuff guys and I read these comments and you guys are like I've ran into the blood man I'm like surely not surely die should lean on it's raining blood about surely not surely not surely not guys we are actually witnessing it first night guys we have the water which is blood it's raining blood on the bloody HD world this is insane all that could say guys were like [Music] I don't know how we like what we do from here guys like I the only next thing we can do is try to find the blood man and try to assure that maybe he is the one like cursing the world or something like I don't know like how can we fix this world how can we get this world back to normal how can we change the water and make the water bright and vibrant and blue again and make the rain normal I don't even know where to begin other than this is just insane and as always guys if you want to see this investigation continue this is so so so important guys be sure to like the video because if the likes are not hot guys I can't put this as like a yeah like I can't prioritize this in order to get it to you guys um so with that aside it is raining dude I I think we need to go back to the village guys I want to keep in mind this is the first time we've had the blood rain cycle in this world support and I honestly was really surprised a lot of you guys was like oh gee I've been trying to investigate this as well been trying to figure it out and I myself actually encountered the blood rain as well dude when I read comments like that chills just went down my spine guys I was like this is real this is this is actually happening like this is RO it's not just me I'm not crazy like this is actually happening and the whole blood man thing guys I I don't know I ain't and the reason why I haven't been to like straightforward on like the blood man and figuring out the blood man and trying to like get down to the bottom of you guys is because like I have not seen the blood man like you guys are telling me he looks like boogie man yes he's like all red and stuff like guys I have not really seen the blood matter any representation on him but you guys are saying that you're running into this weird entity I have not found it now I am aware and I did stayed in one of my previous videos that it would be more ideal if we do like a ritual to potentially summon the blood man but a lot of people are saying oh Angie if your water is already reading you experience the rain cycle that's when things get even worse and I was like oh no dude no no how worse could this did I mean legitimately guys we have water that is red we have rain that is red like it's blood dude the blood it's weird because it's the blood eh SeaWorld and this is all happening guys this is insane like you're not gonna see nothing like this anywhere else on YouTube guys no one else is capturing this type of stuff on minecraft that's why I say dude no one's doing it like us and that's all I'm sayin end to be truthful I'm glad I was doing it like us further on sanity this is no joke dude anyways guys we're gonna make our way back to the village wherever the village is I think we happen to having to get a little bit lost guys I'm gonna try to get through this cycle of like rain and by just sleeping I'm gonna go back to my bed you know in the chapel where peace and quiet is being bestowed upon the world and everything of relating swords and I'm just going to kind of enjoy myself okay I just want to pass the time uh and hopefully get through this rain cycle guys what if the rains like permanent or something what what if the Ray does not ever go away and it just stays here and it's like embedded eight guys that would be so bad um why is there a witch out here this is not the village why did I encounter a witch hut does it so foggy and dead like I don't know where I am why is there three zombies all of a sudden does could this be a Blood Moon why is the sky sort of red guys is it the Blood Moon no guys this may be a potential Blood Moon there's three zombies just spawned back-to-back together because is this a Blood Moon guys there's zombies everywhere what is going on and the sky sort of looks red too it's like living foggy and guys it is this a potential Blood Moon there's no way dude I don't know guys but there's a lot of mobs I'm just killing them all I'm killing them all guys where's the moon at though she's the it's just for insurance like what does that mean the moon's gonna be like red or something all right guys I feel like something guys I feel like something I feel like some things legit behind me and it's getting closer do you guys hear that you guys hear anything weird guys oh why is there so many spiders of the state there's so many of the same moms spawning in the in clothes like proximity it cleared up where's the moon guys there's no moon oh it's like what type of moon cycle is that why is that lit up over there guys why is it lit up if I didn't hear before guys I'm very very much the one edge I kid you guys on I've lost the village to what we must have s we must say this is this is the first cave we explored I think oh and I think I know why I did not continue exploring look at this guy's it's like a whole ravine should we go down I mean I need a pickaxe and stuff guys hold up oh man all right guys we have a diamond pickaxe now let's go down oh that was dangerous oh no guys I heard something that was not normal my god the water is just dark red down here what was that dude oh my god so bad for some reason oh my gosh dude I don't know why that scared me so bad like I heard the creepers start like kind of sizzling or whatever like they do and dude that I don't know why it what dude I am freaking out man fried like dude there's something wrong with this world man I I think it was a bad idea coming into the cave guys I'm freaking terrified yeah I just kind of build out it's been nice you know I've enjoyed my stay this total I am NOT enjoying it I'm just gonna kind of park for my way up out of here back where I came thank you so much I really appreciate it they're skeletons everywhere guys I can't do it I'm Sol all right let's just get out of here guys hmm Jesus man you just came out of nowhere like you just walked out of nowhere guys like a port or something guys I I have to say like I dad is dangerous dude I could fall in that I need to patch that up dude I need to patch that up guys I thought this may have potentially been a blood moon but the moon is not like red or anything so well like the sky and everything was turning red like earlier when it was raining in like super-close fog guys so I don't really know what to distinguish from that uh we lost the village first off we thought the witch hut which was really weird guys cuz we like walking through this super foggy area it was like the creepiest thing ever and we felt the witch hut which I don't know if I want to mess with the witch or anything dude I'm freaking dying dude everything that there is to be praised and was hope we can find the village again guys like that's what we were trying to do as we were trying to come back from like the journey of pretty much getting lost in like the blood rain Oh up first off guys if you have not seen the previous episodes pause those go watch them alright welcome back big coasters are hopefully this on my channel dedicated to that guys you could go watch every other episode of the blood ie in the bloody HD saga and get caught up guys is it serious anyways guys we felt this with which Hut now I wonder if there's a witch in there no I don't know do you guys see one is that is that should we kill the witch I don't know if we should mess with a witch right now guys I don't know if I want to disturb the which the which is probably brewing up some weird potion I don't even know if we want to mess with that I wonder if the potion would be like a red in the quadrant or whatever right guys I don't know everything else is red I just assumed that everything is like really creepy what is this is a weird like tea shape or something like sometimes the map just generates the oddest of terrain guys like I kid you not like I don't know anyways guys we are continuing the investigation of the bloody HC world as you guys could tell the water is red if you do you're probably like whoa dude the water actually Israel and that don't you just spotted East one like twice anyways guys I need to find the village where is the village that's what I am seeking I'm trying to seek the village guys um we need to see if we can start getting towards any hint on potentially just trying to furthermore some in the blood man I don't even know if that's a good idea it could be a very bad idea if we try to some of the boy man we summon him and then he actually ends up killing us good dude not good if he's that dangerous what else is going to happen guys like what what else could happen to this world and could there be any more curses that just awaits guys cuz I'm considering there's like a cursed world guys play this world at your own risk because this world is definitely Kirsten there's definitely a lot of weird things going on with it that we're trying to get down to the bottom of figure out and I still cannot find this village man where is it guys would it be the creepiest thing ever if the village was just gone like it just disappeared off the map and it's like uh like weird like we could have roamed off too far like we ended up totally getting lost I mean we know where the witch hut is now though okay there's like a darkest uh kind of like a gray sheep that isn't a black sheep right and you know how scary I am with the black sheep so the whole boogeyman thang eyes oh I don't even want to think about that so III have to say though I am really really intrigued to see what the blood man looks like III know I'm probably gonna regret it when I see him I'm gonna be like guys I should have listened to you I should have left the world alone I should not have done this anymore well the thing is guys you know I'm an investigator I have to figure this out no matter what it takes it don't have matter how dangerous is and also guys the support has been really good on this series so like I just want to say like if you want to see this investigation good thing you want to see this series go do what the last past episodes have drove me County in saying I'm not gonna lie guys I have not even been able to kind of cope with what's been going on it's been absolutely unreal guys I need to find this village like it's to the point I need to find it what's going to creative real quick just to fly around and see if we can find a village real quick guys because apparently I have lost where the village is oh there it is never mind alright well we're good alright I'm starting to get concerned guys because I just could not find the village for the past two episodes I was trying to find the village and I could not it other creepy things were kind of happening guys anyways we know where that a beginning origination cave is that uh we still haven't fully investigated guys that cave definitely is really weird we want to definitely look into that but wow it feels good to be back in the village guys I just want to go hug my bed to be honest like I just would've been like I'm so happy to see you again we have the villagers here the water is still red in the village guys and I don't really know how to if there's any way to purify the water like is that possible like could we purify like little sections of the water you think like maybe like with a potion of regeneration or I really don't know like how would we go about purifying the water because guys our main objective is try to get this rub back to normal but completely erase all the blood negative to it and like I don't know how we're gonna do that to the world like definitely like do you know just called blood exe but guys my goal is could we store everything back to normal and if that means killing the blood man we're gonna take him out wait now guys if there is ever a Blood Moon that's gonna be creepy as well so that's something that we're gonna have to keep an eye out for it to you guys but I I'm thinking what we need to do is just kind of set up base a little bit though maybe put a chest up why why does this sign say the end is soon right above our bed where did this come from [Music] no this is not good this is oh no oh no guys this there's another side outside I can't read what it says what it said dude this isn't good man this isn't good there's something going on with my world what's that sign say guys oh dude come on I I need a way to build up there guys let's just get some grass and going our way up there guys aye aye aye aye aye I cannot believe this is happening guess we know how entities are and how they like to communicate with signs that kind of like warn you and scare you this is what happens when we leave the village for like two days guys we leave the village for two days we come back to this and it's not what no it's not what I want to come back to guys this is absolutely terrifying dude I don't even want to read this you continue to Dow what am i doubting dude what do you mean I could see you to doubt are you talking about I continue to doubt the existence of the blood men this is not adding up this is weird guys I'm starting to get really chill chill vibes like like what do you mean I continue to doubt I mean I know I've kind of been doubting the idea of the blood men actually existing but like I'm getting bloody AC what what do you what do you mean why is this here guys why is there a sign saying blood dot exe what do you mean what does this mean oh my god guys just pour even more sign scattered throughout the village we need a check we need to check what are these signs mean the end is like what the first time was like the end is soon and like you continue to Dow I didn't even know I was doubting that much Man III I'm sorry huh why is this built like this guys it's just part of like a generation goats or something I guess it's just part of the village because the village is like really messed up yeah that's that's odd this village is all sorts of messed up guys I I don't know guys I'm just checking the village for any more signs III don't know what that means you continue to doubt there there definitely has to be something going on in this world oh oh oh no oh no guys there is something underneath the village no no no no I don't like that guys I really don't like the idea of that hey Kurt how are we supposed to getting that house look at that guys there is literally a cave system underneath the village we got to we have to explore it guys and I don't think this is going to be good considering we just found those signs and now there's a cave so could that be a warning from the blood men could the blood man hasn't even appeared yet does the blood men even exist he just says if you you you continue to doubt I like dude I don't know man I am thinking deeply about this okay we're back and it crushed the good guys already it keeps on crashing guys I told you something is wrong with the world guys let me try it again let me try it again I don't know going on guys I've been trying to fix this the world keeps on crashing there is something very very wrong with the world guys and I've been hearing things and I thought I saw something up from the distance that did not seem normal I don't know if the blood matters something is after me but this world is definitely haunted let's move let's move and I crashed again No why do I keep on crashing in this world guys III don't understand what's going on at this point the world keeps on crashing I don't even know if we're gonna be able to play on this road anymore this could be the death of the blood exe world guys I have no clue what's going on how to fix this at it we're gonna try it one more time let's go let's go let's go let's go to right the world and we're here we're here we're here no not again III don't know what's going on guys I'm trying to figure out a way to fix this like guys how do you fix a world from crashing like that like I guess the storm everything like it's just overloading the world or something I don't know guys but I'm telling you there's something lurking on the world and if we can get in there it's going to change everything guys I feel locked out of this world but if I could just play come on come on come on no guys I don't know what to do first over if you're new to the video and the channel strap being grabbed whatever you may need soda popcorn and as you guys can tell we having some really really bad difficulties right now never had this before it's a problem if you're not a subscriber of the channel aren't you good dude subscribe for more black screen content like this dude as the world flippin crashes man I don't know how to fix this dude I I'm telling you guys the bloody HD world has been full of bad surprises not good ones bad ones and if we could just get this to flip and work IIIi know there's something on this world guys okay okay we're here we're here we're here in it's not if Christ again flip dude what do we do I don't I don't know what we do guys at this point the world is crashing multiple times back to back I don't think there's anything we could do like we're locked out of the world it's like we're officially locked out of this world it could be complete like is the blood man crashing my game or hacking my game because do you think maybe they consider this right okay I'm not for sure guys but if like someone is in my game like okay guys see we have my nice skin here we're looking at we're at the skin page alright so consider this guys if someone is like in my game files right trying to act as me perhaps it's it's kicking me off of the world because there's almost like I'm already on the world right so it's like instantly kicking me off of the world because it's like there's some other player disguising himself as me in the world I don't I don't know it's like the world is being hacked right now I I don't know what to do I've never experienced anything like this guys I don't know how to go about fixing it I don't know how what to do but you guys seen it was storming super bad and things were getting worse on the world there's like there's something going on on the world and we can't get in there to see what it is guys this blood dot exe world is no joke and it seems like it's corrupting my Minecraft game files and if it messes up my other worlds this could be really really bad and I don't know what's the best rate about fixing this guy's ah okay back to the black screen III I don't know we're just gonna try to go start at the world again guys it's all we could do one more another time I know we've tried it multiple times but what can we do right okay okay please please fingers cross fingers cross guys we'll let this work and let this work oh no it's not even generating the world I guess it wouldn't even generate the world anymore that time no guys I think the world is completely corrupted and gone I I don't know if we're gonna get into it guys okay okay okay thank a onesie how could you get into the world how could you get in the world and try to get try to get ready how could you get in the world of wengie did you back up the world ah there it is again froze okay guys luckily I did back up the world I backed up the world guys all right I did back up the world just in case something like this ever happened now I don't know about the one file but we have another file of the blood exe world that I backed up and it's just called copy of blood exe because guys you know if you copy your world it's just a copy all right so now on this world we're in a different location and what we're not far off I don't think I don't think we're too far out but guys this world works okay so the copy works look at this the copy word guys what the other one just will not load it what is going on it what is it what is wrong with the original copy of the bloody eggsy world guess I had so much that I wanted to look into because I'm telling you look it's not storming on this one either okay first off it's not storming on this one it's just raining blood and second of all okay let's see let's see if there's anything off in the distance guys cuz I'm the other one I could swore I saw something over in the village in the distance over here we're gonna go over here and see if there is anything weird because guys I thought I saw something weird there's nothing here dude are you kidding me guess I could have swear I saw some red in Tootsie or something on my other world too and the world kept on crashing guys I don't know if you've ever had your Minecraft world crash redhead it like back to back Oh in the last episode we got these you continue to doubt blood exe wasn't there another sign in here - where was it my bed the end is soon woke out the end of the world was like I had to load up a copy cuz do you think the blood man was hacking my world or something because this world is totally fine I don't know I've never had a Minecraft where I'll crash back-to-back-to-back like that there was something wrong with the world like that's all there is to it for this sort of work perfectly fine I'm trying to find a good explanation buying this guy's like I always say with this series guys that admit this videos been so crazy I haven't even had time to like do a proper introduction or anything guys if you haven't liked the video man do it so I know to continue this gonna use this a big investigation guys and I always say share the videos with friends and family I scream if they're good to help with the investigation we need more people they'll figure this out man I don't know what to do what this is what's going on a lot of sheeps though way more than normally guys I have no explanation of why the world crashed back to back on the original copy I'm gonna try to revive the original copy of the world so we could see what that was but I don't know if we're going to be able to in mind you guys something has been following me in this world something has been slowly getting closer and closer wolf dude that horse scared me I thought it was like an all-black entity whoa kind of similar to boogey man I was like dude III got so scared I'm not even gonna lie guys that terrified me okay well for the most part guys I have no clue what those crashes was it took away from the video if you guys know let me know in the comment section below never sing that happened before and birth hello pigs goodbye pig anyways guys we're gonna get some bacon I mean creative I just noticed was I in creative last video because I always anticipate like what look at this stuff I don't think I was a creative buzz video why am I in creative right now like a freaking fly I didn't even know I'm used to being in survival dude why am I in creative guys I guess in the last episode went into creative to fly around or something dude this world is so weird weird things are happening guys I think I'm proving myself out though I think we went into creative last episode to actually fly back to the village cuz we got lost maybe yeah I don't freaking know dude this is flippin crazy anyways guys let me know what you guys thought in the comment section below and help me figure this out guys I hope none of these villagers get struck by lightning cuz this is a dangerous storm no doubt guys very very dangerous storm hello big I should have my bow and arrow guys so you may be asking yourself oMG when you log back into the world was anything different not that I realized so now I don't have my bow and arrow guys where's my bow an hour okay guys so does it let's fire every weird is that normal when it storms like this I mean I've never really paid attention like is it normal for it to storm this intensely like geez guys think this is crazy uh is that my bow what the heck dude why is my bow on the ground guys I was wondering where it was maybe I accidentally dropped it sure that's that's what we're going with but I don't want to go with anything else so everything seemed normal when I sign back into the world guys I mean you saw how fast it was crashing like the world was just freezing something is going on something is wrong and I don't know what but I am terrified I am super terrified right now on what's hiding in this world the blood meant now dude I know I saw something over there wait there's something over there guys oh it's a cow oh my god do something just know something else is over there and the reappearing disappeared guys I honestly don't like if you've not seen the videos on dude there is something on this world dude I'm seeing that oh it's a spider it was a spider okay no when she is okay there was a spider there man there was a spider it's okay guys when I say this it's absolutely crazy guys I don't even okay we need to eat up before we go oh my god oh my god oh my god this is insane I've never experienced anything like this in mind grow up guys I have my bow which is going to be my safety net I guess but like this is terrifying dude like I've never like experienced city that we got a sheet we have a wolf over there like guys I've never experienced anything like this ever um guys is it just me or is that wolf a little bit larger than normally that is I very um guys this wolf is not normal it's a very big wolf is this what happens when a wolf gets tripped by lightning guys whoa so wait when a wolf gets tripped by lightning it gets super-sized look at this this thing is scary and what if it's like going near tip because I've never seen a wolf get struck by lightning is that what happens it turns into a giant wolf what dude oh no don't come up here don't come up here don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me oh my god guys this storm is insane I'm really on edge from the last episode I don't know what we're gonna encounter he doesn't seem to be angry I don't want to make him angry guys let's try to tame him it still perked up guess we tamed him it only took one bone wait we're just gonna do all does we have a giant whoa this is so weird what is going on wait what look at it guys is he gonna follow us guys oh the storms clear and it finally stopped raining and we have a giant wolf what is this dude um guys maybe this storm striked him and it turned him into a giant wolf whoa guys look at ink appears a new character he's big as me cuz I've never seen this before I guess that's a new update or something like if lightning strikes a wolf like he turns into a giant wolf I don't know why his tails perked up like that though but like what dude wait is the water still blood guys it's of water so blood didn't did everything clear no that water is still red guys I can tell it just looks a little bit dark because of that oh yeah guys the blood water is still there dude what the heck is this because this world is so whoa he's super fast guys this world is so messed up dude I I have never experienced anything in Minecraft that I've experienced on this world like dude what the flip is going on we got a giant wolf dude oh my God look at ever dude this is crazy what should we name him guys he's gonna help us defeat the blood man and he's gonna help us with our branches guys what should we name this wolf oh my god dude I mean we should name him like something cuz his tail who stays perked up I guess how's his tail comes down his elbows I don't know - what should we name you man did you guys hear that guys there's a witch the priests got turned into a witch attack wolf what are you doing prove yourself prove yourself kill it get it kid whoa giant wolf for the window guys the priests got to to do a witch but how okay guys we know when it's like a area's storm a lot right like the witch world like Trent's four or already done enough of which what when it storms a lot in lightning strikes the villagers it will transform them into witches we know that right I didn't even know that till a few like like an episode of investigation you guys told me apparently this happens the wolf's to like what oh my god there's another witch there's three does this three witches giant wolf attack oh my god oh no no this is bad this is bad no I am i wolf no no you're okay you're okay you're okay you're okay do you like beef now you want to repopulate okay that's weird don't look at me anyways whoa there's a lot of sugar here guys how did the oh jeez okay you're good you know he he's not good don't die on me don't die on me I'm worried about my guys this is dangerous episode let's go let's go let's go honey oh all right I just shut my wolf out oh I go yes I'll just go to sleep I'm just go to sleep we still get the scary sets go to sleep go to sleep oh man all right well great I'm trapped I can't I can't leave I'll die from fall damage if I fall great oversized dwarf that got struck by lightning it turned him into a big wolf it I don't even know what's going on as you guys could tell he's a huge one he's bigger than the Sheep guys now if you guys know Wolf's are not supposed to get this big um I guess this is what happens when Wolf's get struck by lightning or whatever we're gonna try to push him in our house by the way that's what we're doing um so yeah guys I guess he gets struck by lightning or whatever but guys if you don't know what's going on and you haven't seen the blood exe videos well Paul's this one go back there's a whole playlist on the channel say it save yourself okay go go watch I don't know if we and through here guys honestly villager you just mess me off dude I had him up the staircase and the villager pushed him off like a rude rude individual he is okay I'm gonna need you go in there also guys we're gonna have a name for our wolf to go guys he's too big he's do flippin big dude we're gonna have to take a whole wall out for you dude you're a big catastrophe man oh my god why why why why I cannot believe so his hitbox is definitely larger than that oh my god dude don't get stuck on the door oh my god guys here is the bloody exit guys guys we are trying to continue this investigation figure things out and everything of sort you know I probably could have got him to just teleport to me in there but whatever I want to put them in here safety guys because I don't want him to be in any danger although I mean like we're doing pretty good actually believe it or not guys like jeez alright so boom boom you stay there now Oh actually how could I forget guys we actually got a name for him we're actually gonna be coming up with a name for him that you guys love suggestions for we're actually picked a name we have one we're gonna name him hunter the reason why we're naming him hunter guys is because well he's on the hunt with us to find the blood man or whatever the heck we're trying to find that is constantly haunting us and everything of sore guys because when I say something weird is going on I mean it guys like there is definitely something weird going on in this world I don't know how I feel about it either but the water is blood and the villagers are just women in the blood what are you doing villagers oh my god this is not good this is not normal oh man guys so where do we go from here and what have we been doing and like what what what the flip is going on okay guys first off it was storming really bad my game was crashing multiple times back to back to back and if you guys noticed like like my original copy of the world like I luckily I had a backup copy right and this is the original copy by the way we finally got back to the original copy like I like I previously like I could not sign in to this world for nothing guys you guys spotted it I was signing a boom the game would crash I didn't know what was going on I was sort of figure it out boom the game would crash like instantly and it made me so angry guys I couldn't figure out what was going on I could get the world of work but I thought to myself luckily I had a backup file I had a backup world so we loaded that up we played a little bit try to figure everything out finally I ended up getting back to this world and I was able to get back to everything that is this world right in a whole and in entirety well that's fine and all but it seems like we were missing a lot then it started storming completely and then all of a sudden a wolf gets struck by lightning and it's oversized and that's how we got hunter so now hunter is hopefully going to help us actually find and complete this crazy mystery once and for all guys because geez now wait a second guys I am low on hunger I need to eat something yeah guys I I need food um I got two raw beef is that going to suffice - raw beef guys no we're gonna need food and I needed that beef for hunters so this is not good guys I needed that beef for Hunter now I don't know what we're going to do guys I honestly needed that beef for a hunter wha I guess we could go hunt or wait a second I probably could just give myself more beef or something right guys I mean I didn't think about that I could probably yeah I guess I could just do that I guess that's what we'll do so in actuality guys I thought we was gonna do more research I'm a little bit concerned about the Sun setting because if it does set like we're flip and screwed man and I don't know how I feel about that all right so hunter [Music] um guys why is Wyatt why is my dog turned red into like blood what was that did you guys hear that surely I'm not the only one that heard that what is happening not a good dude are you kidding me what happened to you on earth are you okay guys there's a spider somewhere there's something here there's something underneath the guys there is something underneath I think there's something underneath the church there's no way guys there may be something underneath the church if there really is something hiding under here what happened a hunter though like he's like he's blood now cuz have you guys ever had a wolf turn blood like that is it just me or like is that not normal guys I thought I heard something underneath the church guys we're gonna have to investigate more underneath the church do you do we need it should we investigate more underneath this church guys like totally renovated because I'm hearing stuff dude I swear to you I hear something what happened his tell what's fine he looks like he's still healthy what dude did I miss something how did this happen guys oh no no no it's raining blood again guys no it's guys do you guys hear that there's like a spider spider Creek League just like guys I keep on hearing like a spider I don't know if I'm pure premium paranoid or what guys but I keep on here like a spider or something maybe this one at the top oh my god blah dot exe guys Isis chills down my spine see in this sign again I just hear I'm hearing something weird guys I think it may be the rain just sounded differently maybe through my headphones or something um I don't like this guy's this creepers gonna freakin die do flip and die creeper you're lucky I just realized guys we need to repair our we need to repair we definitely need to repair guys our stuff so let's go down here and let's make like it we need to get like it anvil guys so I I think this is the plan guys this is the plan one we need to count a pimp but we're kind of the churches are home I don't know about you guys but I'd rather live in a church then anywhere else but it doesn't even look like hunter we're safe in here I thought the church had like some protective barriers like a spiritual barrier right that would protect anything away evil away from the church but somehow hunter actually turned blood-red and this isn't good guys and I don't know how to cure him for this if there even is a cure guys I know I'm not the only one here at us creepy spot I know it I told you guys that was one around here the question is where did he come from where did he come from look at it he wants the bone but where did he freaking come from I kept on hearing him and hearing him I was like where in the world did he come from guys that is that do I freaking hear another spider dude is there a spider spawning around here I don't know guys but okay as I was saying guys we're making the church our home hopefully III don't know what happened like did we miss something like I feel so bad for honor but he seems fine he's just blood red now as everything is turning red and apocalyptic and horrible on this world guys we have it's raining blood it is blood water our wolf turn to blood do we have something crazy to talk about in today's episode unbelievable I would have never expected that's like I uh I almost cannot even talk guys first off if you've not seen this series you don't know what's good when I pause this we got a whole playlist on my channel go check it out subscribe enable full certification about ringing the bell make any go ding if you don't a subscriber or you get dude so guys what we felt in the last episode was unbelievable what happened was unheard of in my trap first off this whole world is unheard of it's raining blood it is blood water the water is all tainted and turn to blood there is no escaping this horrible nightmare that we are in I just want to go to sleep and wake up and just all of it be gone if we're trying to purge this world for all of its impurity but it seems to be getting worse and worse and worse we encountered these signs and it seems like the chapel is just not protecting us as it all actually guys I'm sorry I just froze but what was that get guys um I could have swore I heard like someone coming up the ladder maybe it was just me maybe yeah maybe it's just me and me and I thought I saw something move down there but maybe that was the cow huh maybe I'm just kind of getting why is the sky kind of red no no no no no no no no no no no no no guys this guy is kind of red did you guys see that I'm go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep new day and it's bright yes whoo all right oh my god the chapel guys we need to see what's underneath the chapel - guys we need food we need so much stuff we're gonna take hunter hunting as ironic as it is guys why did hunter move all right hunter let's go let's go find food because we are hungry and we need to eat all right now obviously guys you can tell hunter is red blood red as well I don't really know what we should do about that how we can fix that a lot of people isn't posting their theories in the comments section below but we got to talk about guys I keep on getting distracted here as I eat this beef and I know 100 probably it's eyeballing it - no it's my you'll get the next set okay anyways we're on the hunt guys exploring the world seeing what's going on with hunter and hunter is obviously tainted and now blood red alongside with the water and everything else filling this world it is definitely a problem and I don't really know how to fix it I don't know what's going on I don't know why this is the case so much guys we're just trying to get through it we're trying to configure it and it's a big catastrophe but I do have some explanation I do have some information on why hunter is blood red and what caused it and we called some evidence of the blood man finally finally call evidence of the blood man guys after soul flippin long and you may be like wait a second what do you mean you probably call evidence O&G yeah we finally call evidence and we got it on video and I didn't realize it till you guys pointed it out it is actual factual and it is a big and very very big deal now in the last episode guys you recall I was going around and we were just kind of going over a few things that have been a while since the last episode I was kind of analyzing things going more in depth than everything right guys well hunter happened eggs turned blood-red all of a sudden and he was fine right when we started that video and at the end he was blood red like we have him now now what does this mean this means something had to change him while we were filming during that short period of that episode so I go to ask a lot of questions I upload the video only to find out we have actual footage of the blood men on the blood dot exe world I kid you guys not we actually got footage of him yeah who would have thought in a million years we were to call actual real validated footage of the blood bank but we did we call footage of him and guess what he was doing we happen to catch him as he was running out of the chapel I guess and after he just got done doing this the hunter so this is our closest tie to the blood man guys our dog hunter here actually had first in close encounters with the blood man himself as we captured the blood men leaving I'll roll the footage if I don't forget one all right I'm assuming that I rolled the footage now if I didn't you can go back and watch the last episode of look carefully and you will see what I'm talking about is whenever sent validated in real so what does this mean and where do we go from here well we're actually already in towards some of the location in which he was running Jesus Manhunter why you barking so loud what yeah and raw chicken is poisoning me I also might need to learn how to cook buffalo food which it brings me to the next thing that we need to be working on wow there's a lot of chickens around here chicken is one hit so they're very quick to pick up and kill we're just gonna go kill these chickens real quick then we're gonna make our way back we're actually looking around this area as well just to see if there's any like caverns anything that the blood mem maybe you know populating to a weird extent a hunter I said attack just cry so I have to do this much myself dude are you doing down there anyways guys yeah so this is a thing hunter you feel thank you man jeez either way guys we're just kind of also looking around analyzing because that is what we must do to see if we come across anything or resemblance or Caverns or a house or anything that the blood man may be staying in to some weird extent but yeah that's that guys we caught evidence of them we're gonna head back now cuz we gotta I kinda actually plan up some stuff I just need some cooked flippin food dog oh my god is it too much to ask for seriously though because I keep on eating this raw food which is totally incomplete and I'm I'm wasting my time like the more raw food you eat the more like it's just not beneficial dude but I've been keeping most of my gourmet stuff which is the steak obviously we're gonna try to cook all that and I know hunter is going to low-key be trying to steal all that from me freakin pesky wolf he is oh we have a birch forest thought I saw something red over there which wouldn't surprise me on the blood dot exe world that's all I can say Jesus man every turn this just gets more and more creepy because I've never been so hungry in Minecraft in my flippin life we're gonna lose all the fat cells on our body in an instant jokes on them I'm in skeleton ok so um we're not even getting that much food dude what the flip man oh my god I'm sick of a dude alright whatever give at self cooked chicken tin alright give me ten cooked chicken so I can deal with this alright so one guys I'd like to cheat sometimes it's alright alright so let me go ahead and eat up on this and no this is chicken so you don't even like 800 deal with it hat we're gonna go cook the steak for you that was awkward we're gonna go cook the steak for Hunter he gets this day I guess a little lucky one anyways we're gonna go do that we also need an anvil so we can repair our stuff and ensure that we are safe and everything is aligned correctly guys we want to investigate the blood men to the largest extent and as we can but yeah guys we found the blood man I had to make this video today as quick as possible because I had to address what we found in the last episode guys like it was unheard of it was absolutely insane and like I just had to address that like as quick as possible because like to me that is a very big deal and that is a very big lead in the investigation and it's crazy to think that our wolf actually has been the one closest to the blood man so yeah guys very very crazy anyways we're gonna set up a little station here we have an anvil here which we're gonna be able to repair our bows which we actually only have one bow now we're gonna be killing skeletons and stuff here very very soon which is going to be a huge you know helpful feature alright so frickin said dude now with that aside guys let me know we should think about the despot eing the signing of the blood boy what the flip
Channel: O1G
Views: 191,748
Rating: 4.9242697 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Pocket Edition, Pocket Edition, MCPE, Minecraft PE, Console, Bedrock, Edition, Minecraft Blood.exe, Blood.exe, Minecraft Blood.exe Seed, Minecraft Blood.exe World, Movie, Minecraft Movie, Minecraft Full Movie, Full Movie, Full Minecraft Movie, Blood.exe O1G, Creepy, Creepypasta, Scary, Scary Minecraft Videos, Gameplay, MC, O1G
Id: CXhW2Kv2KYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 47sec (4667 seconds)
Published: Sat May 12 2018
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