Palworld Did Pokemon Better Than Pokemon

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there you are sitting on your computer 2 years ago when you get a message from your friend saying check this out LOL they link you to an announcement trailer of some silly game called pow World which looks like a poke clone ran through an Unreal Engine but oh my God there's weapons there's intensive labor you can use your pals as meat Shields and is that a sweat shop you laugh about it with your friend and DMS make a joke about how Nintendo is surely going to cease and assist them silence your phone lay in bed close your eyes and doze off to most likely never hear about this game again I mean surely it was a joke right oh my God it's not a joke pow world is here and it shouldn't be every single thing about pow world doesn't make sense in fact I'm half convinced that the final boss of this game is going to be that message that says hey you're in a coma we've been trying to reach you wake up but the game is here and it's really good and somehow it has made a lot of people very very very upset but before we dive into the Twitter vitria possible lawsuits and sensationalized hatred I got to give you my take on the game power world is a really good game I'm not going to sit here and pretend that this game reinvented the wheel when in reality it made the Pokémon reinvent the wheel for it and the guns and the house cuz the sweat shops you get it a lot of people are calling this game a Pokémon clone but besides the incredibly suspect design of the pals themselves this game doesn't really function as a Pokémon title at all sure the Pokémon I mean pals are the main focus and you have to throw pokeballs I I mean pal spheres in order to catch them and fill your poked damn it but besides the main jokey and way too closely inspired bits of parody you don't get much more Pokémon gameplay it is 100% a survival crafting game that lets you catch little guys to keep yourself occup occupied I mean look at those look at those cute eyes all of the progression is tied Gathering resources leveling up your character learning how to craft new things in repeating the cycle but the way that this game manages to make Pals work in the world is what's so impressive each pal does have a type with a strength and weakness attached to it but in this game it goes so much deeper for example instead of a fire pal only having a strength and weakness in battle it also gives them a completely different use around Camp by types can cook for you or melt ore to create ingots water types can water your crops for you to grow food for the camp grass types can plant and this list goes on getting as deep as having different combinations of Workforce usefulness depending on the pal itself it sounds a little confusing but chances are if the guy is by pedal with hands he can probably help you carry things around or craft at a bench this system is further enhanced by allowing the pals to have multiple Natures as well some really good for combat purposes like damage resistances or bonuses against a certain enemy type While others are more useful for Camp life like dieters that don't eat as much resources or work slaves that just work faster than everyone else this makes catching Pals so much more rewarding cuz you're always looking for the perfect combinations for your battle party and your Camp party it also really appeases the Diehard Pokémon fans that really like to grind and catch thousands of the same thing battling in this game is a really fun albeit somewhat glitchy time with Pals either relying on the game's funky AI to attack each other and exchange blows or just serving as a vessel that you can control and fight for yourself being a survival crafting game I always feel my excitement peing when I see that I can craft a new pal item that will change how I interact with the environment like a saddle for my big bird so that I can fly him around the map a pair of gloves for my fly fish so that I can use him as a glider and a bazooka for my penguin he's not going to use it he's going to be the ammo the monkey can have a gun though there's clearly a lot of thought being put into every single corner of this game and due to the systems created it all fits into a gameplay Loop that I can tell is going to take hundreds of hours out of my precious life you catch Pals so that you can level up and evolve your Camp you evolve your Camp so that you can make better equipment you use the stronger equipment to catch stronger Pals so that you can make a better camp and you repeat the cycle all over again nothing feels like an afterthought and because of it you may find yourself getting lost every corner because you lose your train of thought and do something else that is completely necessary and just as important do you know how stupid I feel when I leave my Camp specifically to go fight a boss monster and instead come back with a 100 shards of Palladium so that I can make more pal spheres like I'm not that dumb it happens every time obviously this game is an early access title and in turn it comes with more more bugs in it than Timone and Pumba but in the age where so many full releases feel like Early Access titles that shouldn't have been shipped it's actually kind of refreshing to finally get an early access title that feels like a full game which is a pretty sad thing to be excited about but here we are my computer is complete dog sh after a Minecraft video that I shot a while back that turned my GPU into a George Foreman grill but I can still play power world with decent settings record the footage and stream it at the same time stream plug there's a level of polish that can't be understated sure the AI breaks way more than it should but for the most part a lot of things function exactly as intended minus a glitch here or there which is expected from full games at twice the price but don't get me wrong the AI is incredibly frustrating at times especially in the camp segments where you constantly have to respawn your pals because they decided to take a left turn into the the back rooms or they just don't do the task you want them to do and choose to do something else it's a lot like having a Cat in real life which I do now by the way everyone comment hi Henry he's the cutest thing in the world look at him so far my issues with the AI definitely crescendoed when I did the first boss fight and I realized that I could just recall my pal anytime it was an immediate danger and it would break the boss's targeting completely the boss also moved around a lot and the stage had pillars everywhere so a lot of my damage was wasted because the boss would accidentally stand behind pillars that my pals were too stupid to notice I've also had enemies glitch into the wall and become untargetable AI that just forgot I existed and one time my house blew up I don't even have the evidence I went to go eat came back [ __ ] was gone but these complaints are minor from the larger picture of what's at play the game itself is pushed forward by your need to explore and fill out the map catch more Pals unlock new technology gather resources to make that technology fight a boss and then do it all over again and this aspect of looking for new guys and being stoked about which kind of funny little fella you're going to find next is what makes traveling around so rewarding that's basically the most Pokemon part you're going to get out of this entire experience I've never really been a Pokemon competitor so this game manages to keep intact my favorite parts of Pokémon while also ing them with a style of gameplay that I outright prefer the Overworld is also spruced up by having caves bosses walking around the map lucky Pals which are insanely rare events raid dungeons settlements and cannibalism yeah you could actually capture the humans that attack you and then you could butcher them for meat pals are important but they always serve as a co-star to the very capable trainer instead of being the main event while the trainer just checks his Twitter or something this makes encounters so much more fun because you actually have to dodge roll aim your attacks and be very careful if you're stupid like me and didn't put a single experience Point into defense or health kind of regret that one still one of my biggest turnoff when it comes to playing any survival crafting game is the repetitive grind that it takes to get your resources and honestly that's still a factor in power world but the little guys make it a lot more automated and therefore more palatable cuz the word pal in it no okay I obviously haven't beaten it yet because at the time of this recording the game's only been out for 3 days and unfortunately sometimes I have to eat and sleep and be a person but I really do enjoy this game and since they plan to add full-blown PVP to further updates alongside making more multiplayer features the future of pow world seems bright if it can just make it out of the next few months now that we got that review out of the way it's time to dive into the world of controversy surrounding this game and buckle up cuz it's going to be a big one the main concern that I've seen rehashed in 50 different fonts all over Twitter is how closely these Pals resemble the Pokémon that they're inspired by which is definitely a little too close for comfort here's the gallerian Meowth from Pokémon while here's a pal that has the exact same eyes pupils in the exact same spot just a little more opaque exact same mouth shape exact same mouth exact same amount of teeth and teeth shape here's the Pokémon Cinder Ace next to another pal that has the exact same KNE cuffs proportion sizes down to the tiny hands and big forearms ears with the big stripe Etc and this list goes on for a lot longer than it should you can definitely argue that this is all merely inspiration and nothing more but the situation does get a lot muddier when you see that the CEO is a very very huge advocate for AI art and also their last game was a game where you generate AI art I've seen a couple hundred tweets now crywolf saying that they're not going to support pow world because of the use of AI which is absolutely insane because that hasn't been proven yet like anywhere and if it has been proven by the day that this video is supposed to come out then I'm going to interject right now are we good thank God there are tens of thousands of likes being thrown on these posts about the alleged AI use which I think is a little too mob mentality for my own blood still there are a lot of pretty bad things about this game and it's overall success I understand that it's impossible to own an art style but you can't argue that some of these Pals aren't at least a little plagarized and after looking through a few threads on Twitter I completely understand the whole absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence thing like just look at some of these come the [ __ ] on this is straight up copied homework and I get that a lot of people are mad at Pokemon for being [ __ ] for such a long time but we shouldn't really applaud plagiarism it's very damning and it very clearly sets a negative precedent for the future of game development the success of Po world is an example of how you can hijack someone else's entire work and get great success from it stealing is as much as you can artistically from the largest gaming franchise on Earth is a very ballsy gamble but it's a gamble that is proven time and time again it can be successful if done correctly Roblox and fortnite custom modes being a shining example that stealing from another IP to get people to click on your work is fruitful you don't believe me well what about blocks fruits or any other Roblox game for that matter not to mention crab game which we all universally cheered for on on release the aspect of parody isn't something that normally gets people this riled up I mean Borderlands 2 had Minecraft in it closer to this pocket Morty is a funny Rick and Morty Pokémon clone released by Adult Swim that people just laughed Off parody has been in video games since their Inception and it's never really been a big issue so why now well Pokémon is a very touchy subject I'm sure you've seen the discourse of how their games are unfinished glitchy messes and how Nintendo stopped caring once they realized they could just sh one out every year and still break records the reality is that Pokemon has let down a massive portion of their Community for a pretty long time now and with every single buggy laggy and low resolution release people have been growing more and more bitter with thousands of players swearing off the franchise after being let down one too many times in a row how World using the concept of Pokémon alongside a lot of of the design and art style has kind of become a shining example that the genre that's been letting everyone down for so long while also profiting so much doesn't really have an excuse to be bad anymore Pokémon as a franchise has become this shunned figure that inspires a lot of negative press whenever a new game rears its low poly head don't believe me go on Twitter right now and tweet I believe that Pokémon scarlet and violet are great games with no problems and you wake up with a severed Pikachu tail in your bed seeing that this style of art and concept for a game can be done with this much polish just adds fuel to a fire that's been growing for decades Pokémon has also been known to be very very protective of their IP sending out cease and desists like their greeting cards a greeting card where it just says wish you were here and it's a red arrow pointing into a jail cell that's a good one in fact a random mod thought it would be fun to mod Pokémon into pow World seeing this news I tweeted the head of Nintendo's legal team just got an erection so fast and hard it sent his [ __ ] work desk into orbit and even though there were a ton of comments saying that Nintendo wouldn't do anything about it because they didn't have the power to do so the developer of the mod said Nintendo has come for me not even 24 hours later do you know how best you have to be to send someone a cease and desist within 24 hours following all of this and seeing mod after mod and fan game after fan game being shut down or sent a cease and assist creates a lot of negative publicity for Pokémon as a whole but then pow World shows up out of nowhere and not only somehow gets away with it but also hits the second highest concurrent player base ever in the history of steam and all of this within its first week of release that is completely insane want to know something else that's insane Pokémon sword and shield bragged about selling 6 million units in its first week pow world has sold 6 million units in its first 4 days and though there's a ton of red flags about the ethics the designs and the plagiarism that is definitely at play here I don't think it's fair to say that people are buying pow world to spite Pokémon pow world is a great game which is unfortunately going to be bogged down for a while because they decided to skip a few steps had they chosen their own art style and hired talented artists to create beasts that looked like they belonged in their own land how World could easily be a Survivor creature catcher game that not only reinvented the genre but would be able to spearhead it for years to come I keep seeing so many many tweets from people complaining that it's so annoying to see grown-ups complain about Pokemon and how they should move on because Pokémon isn't for them anymore and power may have just proved that because this game is definitely not for children like at all as it stands at the point of this recording there are so many red flags around the development of power world that playing this game feels a lot like wearing a shot collar you don't know when it's going to go off and the collar itself doesn't hurt either but the fear is there and it's making it very hard to finish masturbating I really hope that this stuff gets cleared up because as it stands power world is a refreshing take on a genre that really needed some life put into it now here's where I bring up the good news the light at the end of the tunnel in this trying time even though power world doesn't function fully as a Pokémon title it did use Pokémon its likeness and creature catching in general to make a game worth playing and if six million copies in 4 days means anything it means that the world has been begging for a good Pokémon like title the numbers are there it's the largest franchise in history for a reason and looking at the replies to a Nintendo Pokemon tweet people are now realizing that this could have been popular within the genre all along I'm not going to sit here and pretend that this is lighting a fire under Nintendo's ass and that pow world is going to somehow miraculous make Nintendo create the Pokémon game that we've been dreaming about the harsh truth is that Nintendo can release a Pokémon game that is just 8 minutes of Pikachu pain and it would still probably break records what I'm saying is that pow world has hit number two most concurrent players on Steam in history and do you know what hit number one pubg why does that matter because when pubg came out and garnered the amount of success that it did do you remember what happened every game released over the next 2 years was a battle royale we got shooter Battle Royale magic Battle Royale Game Grumps Battle Royale Call of Duty Battle Royale fighting Battle Royale future Battle Royale past Battle Royale P royu Japanese classic funny Battle Royale assassin Battle Royale Hero Battle Royale My Hero Battle Royale animal Battle Royale worms Battle Royale p Man Battle Royale Final Fantasy Battle Royale and what's the point whether or not Nintendo sits down and actually gives the players what they want is not what matters what matters is that a team actually [ __ ] did and if our wallets mean anything it means that it's time for more devs to understand the importance of letting us explore colorful worlds and catch cute little guys and honestly I find that beautiful Pokémon might never let their franchise blossom into what everyone knows it can be but their idea that inspired millions and has defined the childhood of so many people will live on and if they don't want to sit down and create something worthwhile in the genre that defined a generation that's fine but someone else will and the world is ready for it now I'm going to go chop up a flame spirit and feed it to my doll I hope you guys enjoyed this video I normally don't try to cover like relevant topics and stuff like that but po world will something that was very interesting to me so I hope that my topics made sense to you or or at least made you laugh I would like to know your take on the entire thing I know that there's a lot of people who fall on the side of they cannot support the game because they know there was some plagiarism and some people that fall on the side of I don't care I'm going to play it cuz it's fun and Pokemon has been robbing me for years anyway please let me know in the comment section below cuz I'll genuinely be reading that cuz this is just so fascinating to me besides that I actually made a second Channel where I'm going to be uploading content that's not as edited is this one so if you want to subscribe to that it's going to be right here I'm also streaming again so there's my stream link and I'll be streaming on this channel as well so look out for that maybe I'll play some power world who knows subscribe I think that's all I got to say [Music] goodbye
Channel: Skooch
Views: 96,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wmudV7_CvNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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